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Identifikasi diagram apa yang diceritakan dari diagram tersebut

2. Tuliskan 2 kalimat yang memberikan informasi secara keseluruhan tentang
diagram tersebut paragraf pertama. Maks paragraf 250 kata.
3. Penjelasan seperti tren dan informasi umum, selain itu dapat dibuat
kalimat yang menerangkan nilai dan komparasi.
4. Kesimpulan
This graph explain about employment rates for some countries like Australia,
Switzerland, Iceland, UK, New Zealand, and USA from 1995 and 2005 for male
and female. There are some distant between graph which can be seen which one
that have bigger amount of male or female employee. From the graph, we can
conclude that there is an increasing between 1995 to 2005, either male or
female employee. There are some reasons which can influence this condition like
the birth rate is increasing, the amount of company is increasing, and the
amount of employee for a company is increasing.
Amount of iceland employee is the biggest than the other country with 70
employees on 1995 and about 82 employees on 2005 for male and 40
employees on 1995 and about 52 employees on 2005 for female.
The smallest amount of employee on this garph is new zealand female employee
on 1995, but 10 years after that, when on 2005, the smallest amount of
employee is Australia female employee.
The growth of birth rate or amount of employee or company can be influence by
the weather of the country and social condition of the people.
27 minutes, page 119 excercise 1

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