Third Year Ideas

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Angle of Death

Any bad person I can probably switch the main character out for anyone with a haunting past
Okay, this one is a short nor style animation we see a man getting beaten up and attacked from
behind we cant see the attackers we only get snippets of the mans face. We see him get
punched and kicked as he drops to the ground it becomes apparent no ones going to stop this
onslaught and that hes done for as he lies on the floor bloody and near death, he sees the faces
of the people now surrounding him and that they are him. He bolts up in fear with to morning
he gets dressed and acts as nothing happened goes about his life shots of day to day life which
start with like an average day then transcends into the life of alcohol the man comes home and
continues to drink. While in a drunk snooze we see the man dreaming about some of the bad
things hes done there fast paced and hard sporadic the man dreams halt. As he wakes up in a
dark room with the sound of dogs barking with a bag over his head with blood all over him
from the beating as the hood gets lifted up, he sees that his tormentor is himself
The man that looks like him release the dogs (we cant see the dogs there just shadows)
He reaches out of his chair onto the floor of his apartment covering with pills from the pill pot
that was on his lap and fling the bottle and its content across the room. The man gets up looking
broken and afraid he ever has a flashback to the one monumental thing he did which if hes a
bad cop or gangster will be killing a intent family.If Nazi guard it will be him opening a box with
some Nazi stuff in and flashbacks of being a guard at a concentration camp.
With this reveal, he goes about his normal life again a repeat of the day before he is more fearful
as if he can feel something coming for him, so he goes to church during the sermon the preacher
mentions that judgment finds all men.
The man goes to his local bar and drinks and goes home and repeats the night before though
this time passing out in his bed.
Fade to black the man awakes to a dark room covered in water and gasping for breath the man
is being drowned in water the man gets dunked three times and then jerks up from his bed
gasping clutching the bottle of whisky in his hand to his chest.
The man gets up and repeats his day the same feeling of dread fast cut to the end of his day this
evening the man is in a stupor okay to offshoots Number 1 he has a hooker with him this time
but cause he too drunk he gets violent and she runs off he passes out.
Into deep sleep awakens on the bed to the smell of gasoline as he lays there trying to catch a
look at his attacker again noticing its the guy who's.Been showing up in his day to day life whos
here for revenge ever due to war crimes him assassinating his family or cause said guy
murdered said guys mother who was a whore herself. The man is smoking a cigaret the man in
the bed says I'm sorry and I'm ready in a gasping breath the man in the dark flicks the cigarette
on the bed the man goes up in flames cut to black.

The Battle of the Somme

In a dirty field battered and scarred from the signs of battle down in a dirty trench full of
ladders and equipment wet and cold with wooden supports that are worn and covered in mud.
Down the trench in a dug out no bigger than a small room glowing in the light of a gas lantern
and dust seeing the collective collection of personal items and military equipment.
There are five men waiting for the call to the gates of hell as they exchange letters to one and
another knowing what is about to come huddling close. To the warmth of a stove as the men
finished passing on their final thoughts of home finishing their smokes and drink. All the time
with the thundering of war all around them ever so often tremoring the earth around them
filling the room around them.
Then suddenly the shriek of a whistle calling the men into another frame of mind a mind of
country and glory and the intense feeling of dread and fear as they pack out of the sanctuary of
the dugout and into position to prepare for havoc which is to come. The men line up in front of
the ladders that will lead to this place and wait to shift and anticipating what is to come next.

As the men stand to prepared for what is to come to a finely dressed man their officer
gives them words of courage drowned out by the sounds of explosions as the men stand
awaiting what is to come.
The command steps aside the scene build in sound and mud and explosions then
nothing silence as if someone has hit the mute. This tempory moment of serenity is
rudely broken by three burst of a shrill whistle the men burst into action climbing the
ladders and going over the top into the fray.
The men walk across no man's land then into a run charging to the enemy with the yells
of encouragement and fear after this brief moment of glory all hell breaks out the scene
becomes littered with carnage and death as the enemy starts to open fire on the men.
Two endings
The men continue on across the field battling away as the scene gets a field with smoke
and mud and blood till all the men are dead as the last man falls. We close up to his
letter wich has fallen out of his pocket revealing a haunting letter abut him missing
home and a signal flower that has found wich is a red poppy.
Second ending
The men take the enemy trench, and we finish on three of the resting after the battle
All filmed in a style like the Indian attack seen from preventing being of saving Private Ryan and
game of thrones battle of the bastards

A short animation showing the comprised of set pieces to show the beauty of the world we live
in using the word wanderlust and a poem inspired by the word wanderlust to propel the film I
want to keep it flowing so trying to cut match from shot to shot.
The charge of the light brigade

A animation set to the poem the charge of the light brigade the animation takes a revenant style
to the animation and follow the cavalrymen on their famous charge. As the men reach the
cannons, the shot will fill from smoke from the cannons and guns, and as we get to the last verse
we have a shot of the survivors retreating through the smoke.

Own Worst Enemy

A young animator sitting in his studio apartment trying to complete his work then a wad of
paper hits him in the back of the head he spins around to confront his attack to only find it was
him well a copy of him he jumps up to his feet in astonishment at what has just happened. Wake
as another balled up piece of paper hits him square in the middle of the head frown by the other
him the man jumps across his room and tackles the second him they roll around on the floor. As
they rolling, someone throws a pillow at them both they both stop and look up as there is
another copy of the man standing in the room laughing at the two of them the second copy of
himself grabs the other man by the legs and pulls him on top of them both. They continue to
battle the man is trying to get up to his feet when he gets half way up and then tripped onto his
bed landing right on top of another copy of himself. The one on the bed reacts to the sudden
intrusion the man sits up as the first two copies are still wrestling on the floor he hears the toilet
flush and sink go as another and walks out of the toilet as he looks over. He scans the room he
see one plundering his kitchen for food to watching tv another on looking through his books and
one playing a game on his iPad. Flabbergasted the man starts grabbing the copies of himself and
pushing them into his bathroom so he can think as he pushes the last one in he slams the door
shut as he turns and starts to walk away the door burst open. The copies of himself bumm rush
him and tie him to his chair and start to cause havoc in his room as they are doing this one of
them knocks the chair over as the man falls to the floor thud he awakes to the surface of his desk
and bump on his forehead. As he jolts up and checks the room, he notice it is empty and as it
was as he turns back round he sees the word render complete flash across his screen or may
crashed not short. What tone ending to go with or he realize it's time for bed as both
procrastination and beating yourself up and burnouts are all bad things.

Day in the life of a Beserker

A comedic look at the day in the life of a Viking berserker styled in a cartoony sort of fashion we
meet a berserker called Sven and Sven shows us around his house and his town. Then what he
gets up to before a big battle show different shots of him picking up his clothes from the tailors
and talking to his axes and just funny stuff. Then the interview starts to talk to different Vikings
about Sven at work just after he been telling us about the drink that he takes wich helps him at
work and is a tradition admonished the berserkers. Sven take a sip and wee cut to his other
Viking work mate who are all scared and horrified by the things that Sven does bounce to a shot
of magic and fairies and bright colors. Which Sven sees to a quick shot of what he's actually
doing wich is violent, and this goes so on through all the Vikings saying something about it and
it cutting to Sven in his own mind skipping through a field. But in reality going hulk on a bunch
of knights the last shot is him skipping off into the distance.

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