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Philippine Culture is the one that separates us from the rest of the world, our colorful and lively

culture that make us distinctly Filipino. This includes traditions, languages, arts, etc., which are found in
museums, churches and galleries, found within the heart of key cities.
Most provinces have their own identifying folk dances too wherein they showcase the elegance
and beauty of the way they do things, the way they dress, the way they see things as shown in different
paintings, as we have been influenced by various events as that happened in our history.

Learning Content:
In Prehistoric times, dance was usually a communal affair and remained essential with the
emergence of high civilizations, social/caste made it felt and developed into a form of art. Specially, the
aristocracy created the professional dancer and the spectacle, or theater, dance limiting its own dancing
to a simple exercise that eventually led to ballroom dancing. The common people excluded from
enjoyment of those past times, continued their communal dancing.
Primitive Years
Among early people, dancing was a popular and common activity with almost all occasions
celebrated by dancing. They danced to the accompanying of gong and drums to appear the evil spirit
whom they believed caused them sickness. Dance was a part of their religious offerings to their God in
War Dance- intended to incite the fighting of the warriors, commonly performed to the quick tempo of a
Festival Dance- great and exciting occasions for the primitive people
Courtship/Wedding Dance- performed with intricate hand and body movements
The development of the folk dance in the Philippines is a very big step to enriching its culture not only
because Filipinos can be proud of it and also because it is their culture. Here are
the developments:
1. Folk dances are performed at different countries.
2. Folk dances are danced by other people all over the world.
3. It tells us that Filipino culture is rich.
The History of the Filipino Folk Dance
Philippine Folk Dance
-has a long and diverse history
-originality from pre-colonize era to the Spanish occupation (1500s-1800s)
-tell stories about historical happenings, ways of living, cultural influences and
religion customs.
Pre-Hispanic Times
-long before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, the indigenous people who
mostly live in the mountainous regions used folk dances in cultural celebration, worships and rituals.
-they used music and dance to: connect with the Gods-appease their ancestors.
-pray for bountiful harvest and favourable weather.
-ask for healing.
-seek guidance during wars, ward off bad luck and natural calamities, to socialize,
and to express feelings
Northern Luzon (Ilocos Region-North, Tagalog Region-South)
-most of the folk dance here are mixtures of indigenous and Spanish elements and
are usually performed during special occasion such as, weddings, and fiestas.
Southern Tagalog

-the major Government centers have been located here so most of the dances in the
Spanish and European influences.

region reflect

Visayan Dances
-Visayas- central part of the Philippine archipelago.
-mostly tell stories of peoples lives and frequently grow inspiration from animal
Muslim and Moro Dances
-Mindanao Region-Southern part of the Philippine is a Muslim region never
conquered by Spaniards.
-Islam was introduced during the 12 th century and Muslims are also known as
-dancers typically mean allowing and colourful costumes decorated with jewels,
and shields.
Ballet is a formalized kind of performance dance, which originated in the Italian
Renaissance courts of the 15th century, and which was further developed in France and Russia as
a concert dance form. Ballet serves as a backbone for many other styles of dance. Ballet uses music and
dance to tell stories. The word ballet comes from the French word ballare which means to dance.

Modern Dance
Modern dance was born in the early 20 th century is a dance style that rejects many of the strict
rules of classical ballet, focusing instead on the expression of inner feelings. It centers on a dancers own
interpretations instead of structured steps. Modern dance was created as a rebellion against classical
ballet, emphasizing creativity in choreography and performance.

Pop/Popular Dance
Dancing performed in public or in private solely for the enjoyment of the participants is known as
popular dance. It was practiced as early as 3000 years ago at both community and family levels. Popular
dance also defined as the best interactive audience dance entertainment participatory activity in the

Ballroom Dance
dance refers
of partner
both socially and competitively around the world. Because of its performance and entertainment aspects,
ballroom dance is also widely enjoyed on stage, film, and television. In times past, ballroom dancing was
social dancing for the privilege. In competition, ballroom dancers are judged by diverse criteria such as
poise, the hold or frame, posture, musicality and expression, timing, body alignment and shape, floor
craft, foot and leg action, and presentation.

Folk Dance
Folk Dance refers to a variety of dances developed by groups or communities, as opposed being
made up by a choreographer. It is also a dance made by the people, dance by the people and handed
down from generation to generation. It is also a form of dance developed by a group of people that
reflects the traditional life of the people of a certain country or region. They are dances performed at

social functions by people with little or no professional training, often to traditional music or music based
on traditional music.

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