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lo6 Question: Using this format, the entire letter is left justified and single space except

for a double space between paragraphs. =block format Question: This part of letter
states and includes the personal title of the recipient. =salutation Question: It promotes
a formal way of statements between two or more parties that is informational,
persuasive, motivational, or promotional. =business letter Question: This letter is a way
for you to sell your specific skills that relate to a specific job and also sell why you want
to work for that particular employer. =cover letter Question: This type of Letter lets the
employer know about the plan of the employee leaving the job. The reasons why the
employee is leaving are also stated. =letter of resignation Question: This type of letter
asks a question or elicits information from the recipient. =inquiry letter Question: In
writing a business letter, formal use of language does not really matter. =false Question:
Prospective employers often ask this type of letter before they hire job applicants. This
type of letter describes the senders relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.
=letter of recommendation Question: This part of a business letter is usually included in
the letterhead or at the top of the letter one line above the date. =senders address
Question: This letter talks about the problems you encountered in a certain period of
time and asking for a specific action to be implied. =complaint letter Question: It begins
at the same vertical point as your date and one line after the last body paragraph. It
serves as your last part of the letter the indicated gratitude. =closing Question: This is
what you have indicated if you had included other documents with your letter.
=enclosures Question: This letter is usually sent after some type of initial
communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a
businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the
status of his application. =follow up letter Question: It is another way of utilize format
that the date and closing, tab to the center point to begin to type. =modified block format
Question: This type of letter is normally sent n response to a claim or complaint.
=adjustment letter Question: What should be kept in mind when writing a complaint
letter? =be direct yet tacful Question: It is a way of introducing yourself to the company
for employment purposes. =application letter Question: This type of letter is sent by
consumers or businesses to manufacturer, retailer, or wholesaler to demand goods or
services. =order letter Question: It is an element of a good letter that allows you to state
you goal in a clear and concise manner. =ability to present objective Question: This
serves as your written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials and
accomplishments when applying for a job. =resume lo7 Question: Which of the following
is NOT an advantage of email? =information overload Question: It is an unsolicited form
of commercial advertising which is economically viable because e-mail is a very costeffective medium for the sender. =spam email Question: Nowadays, the users need to
be online simultaneously to accept, forward, deliver and store messages. =false
Question: Is it ethical for the employers to monitor email sent by employees on a
company system? =yes because they want to ensure.... Question: It is the creation of
documents using page layout skills on a personal computer. =desktop publishing
Question: E-mails are private. =false Question: It is possible for a computer system to
save all email even if the receiver and sender delete in. =true Question: Because of

contemporary communication, language has been shortened and altered which made
the decline of performance in all sorts of challenges. =true Question: People can
communicate over long distances without regard to time zone differences. =true
Question: Communication is the most popular use of the internet. =true Question: Spam
e-mails cannot infect your computer to run slowly and send a phishing page where they
can take your information in the form of theft. =false Question: It is very useful for
organizing and browsing through large databases that consist of disparate types of
information. =hypertext Question: It is a modern method which transmits letters, memos,
and other documents from one computer to another through a series of computer
networks. =email Question: It is a helpful tool to produce a variety of materials such as
menus, magazines, and books. =desktop publishing Question: He coined hypertext in
1965. =holm nelson Question: E-mail can encourage people to hurl insults and gossip
across cyberspace, sabotaging relationships and encouraging people short on impulse
control to act first and think later. =true Question: Snail mail is more environmentally
friendly and more economical than e-mail. =false Question: Hypertext is a body of
written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not
conveniently be presented or represented on paper. =true Question: Why is e-mail a
possible source of misunderstanding? =lack of explanation Question: It is a global
system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol
suite to link several billion devices. =internet Identify the kind of sentence according to
structure: Pauline and Bruno have a big argument every summer over where they
should spend their summer vacation. Complex Sentence Which of the following
observes CORRECT spelling: Consensus Complete the following statement: This is
_____ I have no room for it in my house. Too expensive; moreover, Identify the type of
clause of the capitalized phrase: Mark eats pizza WHENEVER SHE GETS POOR
GRADE IN MATH. Dependent Clause Which of the following observes CORRECT
spelling: Accommodate Identify the type of sentence according to structure: Although
they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the internet. Complex
Sentence Identify the type of sentence according to structure: She loves to go to the
beach and spend her days sunbathing. Simple Sentence Identify the type of clause of
the capitalized phrase: While walking at the park, JOSEPH SAW A DOG EATING
CORN BITS. Independent Clause Identify the type of clause of the capitalized phrase:
ALTHOUGH IT WAS RAINING, Christine went for a walk at People's Park. Dependent
Clause Identify the type of clause of the capitalized phrase: WHEN YOU FINISH YOUR
HOMEWORK, please take the dog for a walk. Dependent Clause Complete the
following statement: He has a _____ son. two-year old Identify the type of sentence
according to structure: This year, after a lengthy, noisy debate, they decided to take
separate vacations. Simple Sentence Identify the type of clause of the capitalized
phrase: AFTER THE FLOOD, the family moved into a temporary shelter. Not Clause
Complete the following statement: You'll have to talk to _____ about setting up an
appointment. Angela--She's Ms. O'Connor's secretary-- Identify the type of sentence
according to structure: Althea, on the other hand, likes the view that he gets from the log
cabin up in the mountains, and he enjoys hiking in the forest. Compound-Complex

Sentence Analogy: elated is to despondent as enlightened is to? ignorant What word or

words indicated a CAUSE/EFFECT relationship? When the fire alarm sounded
everyone walked out of the classroom in a quiet line. when It is a technique which is
usually the oral translation of technical writing to another language. Interpretation Select
the best EFFECT for the following CAUSE: the cat ran away. Kare cried all day What
clue word or words identify a CAUSE and an EFFECT relationship and/or connection?
Mom made lemonade so that the kids could have something to drink. so that Which
does not describe Causation? includes sequence, instruction and procedure What is the
CAUSE in the sentence? The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high
wind. High wind Analogy: Marathon is to race as hibernation is to? sleep Analogy: Pride
is to lion as shoal is to? fish Select the best CAUSE for the following EFFECT: The
house was dark. Electricity went out It is a technique which is the systematic process of
dividing materials into kinds. Classification Analogy: yard is to inch as quart is to ?
Ounce Analogy: Flow: River = Stagnant:? Pool Analogy: Race: Fatigue = Fast : ?
hunger It is a method of definition which defines by stipulation, operation, explication,
cause and effect, classification, example, and other rhetorical functions. extended
definition It is a technique which is an expression of relationship between two different
things, but between two things which have more than one likeness. Analogy If
Description of a Mechanism is an explanation of a system or parts of an apparatus,
what is Description of a Process? The arrangement of a sequence in chronological
order It is a method of definition which defines by giving genus and the differentia of a
term. simple definition It is a technique which gives concise but exact meanings of
unfamiliar words and special meanings of familiar words. definition What is the EFFECT
in the sentence? The mother bird gathers dried grass to build her nest. build her nest It
is submitted at regular intervals for the purpose of recording information of interest to
the organization which authorizes it. periodic report The Recommendation Report is
written to answer questions which are somehow critical to decision-making. It presents
options or choices so that a good decision can be arrived at. true The informal report is
complex and may even be produced in bound book volumes. false The formal report
collects and interprets data and reports information true Which of the following is the
best example of annual report? all of the given choices The informal report functions to
inform, analyze, and recommend while formal reports are written according to
organization style and rules, but usually does not include the preliminary and
supplemental material. true A report that includes scientific information that is gathered
during a study is a _____________. research/laboratory reports They are documents
designed to present a plan of action, outline the reasons why the action is necessary,
and convince the reader to agree with and approve the implementation of the actions
recommended in the body of the document. project proposal AMA University would like
to trace the effective activities they had for the school year 2015-2016. How would the
University track down all the activities? write a comprehensive annual report A study
that looks at the viability of an idea with an emphasis on identifying potential problems
and attempts to answer one main question. feasibility study Which of the following is
one of the roles of a progress report? all of the given choices Which of the following is

the best example of a non-prose (visual aid) form of report? all of the given choice Field
reports assignments include the following except for: a field report about the writing
class of english majors Field reports usually do not have a specific format-you may
choose to have separate sections for the description and analysis parts of your report or
to have paragraphs that combine these two types of writing true As the communication
mechanism of the policy analysis process, the briefing note should provide a coherent
synopsis of a policy problem. true The following are the roles of bulletins EXCEPT for:
are set as assignments... The information you gather and present in your feasibility
study will help you: develop marketing strategies.... In using visual aids, one of the
disadvantages is _____________. attentiveness of the audience What is the main role
of a periodic report? it records results... An informal technical report which is used within
organizations to report results, instruct employees, announce policies, disseminate
information, and delegate responsibilities. memorandum report In finding background
information, which is not considered as basic information source in research?
unpublished thesis Which is not a good practice in choosing a topic? broad topic Aziel
researches for her Report. She needs to have in-depth information about her topic
Nonverbal Communication. Her assignment is to get a broad overview of Nonverbal
Communication. Which is the most appropriate source for her? encyclopedia Ron, a
conservatory student major in Computer Engineering, has chosen Electrical
Engineering as his topic. Which source is more effective in searching for background
sources information which is focused in History of Computing hardware? Subjectspecific encyclopedia Is it typical for a research topic to constantly change?
pinakamahaba Discriminate the guidelines in choosing a topic. What are the
considerations in choosing a topic? I.Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize
rather than to discuss or analyze. II.Select a topic to persuade readers. III.Choose a
topic that interests you. IV.Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper.
1,3,4 It is a basic information source which provides information about almost every
topic in an easily readable and understandable format. encyclopedias Arjay wants to get
updated information about the trends in programming languages. Which source would
be best for him to explore? periodicals Who does not follow the guidelines of choosing a
topic? cuddy sticks to the initial... What will you do if your chosen topic isnt working
out? change the topic


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rawdownloadcloneembedreportprinttext 18.33 KB 1. Choose the proper conjunction to
complete this statement: I dropped my iPhone6 Plus and it broke. ___________, I need
to either buy a new one or borrow yours. Therefore 2. Complete the following statement:

Technical Writing is ideally characterized by the maintenance of ____________ ,

impartiality and objectivity, by extreme care to convey information accurately and
concisely, and by the absence of any attempt to arouse emotion. attitude 3. Which
among the statements is NOT correct? Technical Writing conveys general information
about technical subject to a few audiences for a variety of purposes. 4. Technical Writing
is writing in which there is relatively high concentration of certain complex and important
writing techniques. Which among the following utilizes technical writing? Mr. Einnar
constructs training manuals for new Financial Management employees. 5. It is a method
of definition which defines by stipulation, operation, explication, cause and effect,
classification, example, and other rhetorical functions. Extended definition 6. Complete
the following statement: You'll have to talk to _____ about setting up an appointment.
Angela--she's Ms. O'Connor's secretary -- 7. 8. MIDTERM EXAM 9. In using visual aids,
one of the disadvantages is _____________. It is not effective in showing complicated
tables and images 10. An informal technical report which is used within organizations to
report results, instruct employees, announce policies, disseminate information, and
delegate responsibilities. Memorandum Report 11. Organize the process in writing the
outline. Which follows the correct format in writing the outline? Introduction, Body
Paragraph 1, Topic sentence 1, Supporting sentence 1, Body Paragraph 2, Topic
sentence 2, Supporting sentence 2, Conclusion 12. A report that includes scientific
information that is gathered during a study is a _____________. Research/laboratory
reports 13. Arjay wants to get updated information about the trends in programming
languages. Which source would be best for him to explore? Periodicals 14. Ron, a
conservatory student major in Computer Engineering, has chosen Electrical
Engineering as his topic. Which source is more effective in searching for background
sources information which is focused in History of Computing hardware Subjectspecific encyclopedia 15. Zei plans to have a commercial of the company product which
she thinks might help her company to gain more customers. How would Zei establish
the goal of her proposal to the management? The proposal should inform the
management about the possible results. 16. The Recommendation Report is written to
answer questions which are somehow critical to decision-making. It presents options or
choices so that a good decision can be arrived at. True 17. A study that looks at the
viability of an idea with an emphasis on identifying potential problems and attempts to
answer one main question. Feasibility Study 18. What is the main role of a periodic
report? It records results, expressed in terms of money, materials, labor, and
accomplishments. It serves to show comparison and tendencies. 19. Field reports
usually do not have a specific format-you may choose to have separate sections for the
description and analysis parts of your report or to have paragraphs that combine these
two types of writing, True 20. The following are the roles of bulletins EXCEPT for: Are
set as assignments in a variety of disciplines and usually require the student to combine
theory and analysis with observation and practice. 21. Conciseness includes Giving
information to help them understand clearly what you are describing and why you are
describing it. 22. What will you do if your chosen topic isnt working out? Change the
topic 23. What is the fundamental task of a recommendation report that helps answering
question to decision making? To present point-by-point the options and the various
features of each option 24. AMA University would like to trace the effective activities
they had for the school year 2015-2016. How would the University track down all the

activities? Write a comprehensive annual report 25. Who does not follow the guidelines
of choosing a topic? Cuddy sticks to the initial topic she thought of for her research
topic. 26. Discriminate the guidelines in choosing a topic. What are the considerations in
choosing a topic? I.Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss
or analyze. II.Select a topic to persuade readers. III.Choose a topic that interests you.
IV.Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your p I, III, and IV 27. Nowadays,
presentations are enhanced by means of using technological gadgets and equipment.
These technologies gadgets and equipments have become a must in practically every
work place imaginable. True 28. These are important parts to a technical report because
they break up long stretches of straight text. Headings 29. In finding background
information, which is not considered as basic information source in research?
Unpublished thesis 30. The Presentation of reports is enhanced by means of using
research study. It summarizes the data in the report. False 31. The Department of
Education requires every school to deliver rules and regulation in well-mannered system
without implementing anxiety to the students. What property of writing should every
school consider? Tone 32. Yesterday at 8:11am 33. Justin Castro 34. As Mrs. Santos
read the final draft of her dissertation, she found terminologies that she thought would fit
the paper yet people could not comprehend. What would Mrs. Santos suggest to her
readers to understand the paper more effectively? Usage of dictionary 35. The informal
report functions to inform, analyze, and recommend while formal reports are written
according to organization style and rules, but usually does not include the preliminary
and supplemental material. True 36. The formal report collects and interprets data and
reports information True 37. Which observes the proper outlining format? I. Advising A.
Find the right program(s) and/or career field B. Implement a plan for fulfilling program
requirements C. Sign up for the correct classes 1. Verify prerequisites 2. Find times that
work II. Help with Content III.Technology 38. Identify the correct parenthetical citation for
this source (APA format): On Feb. 20, 2006, you interviewed Shaun White, who won an
Olympic gold medal in snowboarding at Turin onFeb. 20, 2006. Which citation is
correct? Shaun White says that he is sick of being called The Flying Tomato (personal
communication, February 20, 2006). 39. Except for internet browsing, Linda is trying to
look for another good source of information with generalized or specific varieties that
usually hold the summary of information. What would you recommend to Linda?
Encyclopedias 40. From the material given, identify the one idea that could be used as
main heading. put loyalty to group ahead of loyalty to school ; advantages of high
school social clubs; give members practice in cooperating with others; promote feeling
of loyalty to group; provide recreational activities; often undertake charitable work;
encourage strong friendships. advantages of high school social clubs 41. Mia Lei is
having a hard time to choose her topic for research paper. What should be her basis in
choosing a topic in order to have an effective outcome? Choose a topic which interests
the writer 42. As the communication mechanism of the policy analysis process, the
briefing note should provide a coherent synopsis of a policy problem. True 43. THESIS:
Though many things make me want to score goals,I love scoring most of all because it
momentarily gives me a sense of power. I. Common reasons for wanting to score goals
A. Help team B. Gain glory C. Hear cheers of crowd II. My reasons for wanting to score
goals A. Feel relaxed 1. Know I'm going to score a goal 2. Move smoothly, not
awkwardly 3. Get relief from pressure to do well B. See world in freeze-frame 1. See

puck going into goal 2. See other players and crowd III. Conclusion What is the outline
format used? Introduction, Body 1, Topic sentence 1, Supporting sentence 1,
Supporting sentence 2, Supporting sentence 3, Topic sentence 2,Supporting sentence
1, Supporting sentence 2, Conclusion 44. Yesterday at 8:11am 45. Justin Castro 46. It is
a basic information source which provides information about almost every topic in an
easily readable and understandable format. Encyclopedias 47. Identify the correct
parenthetical citation for this source (APA format): Tannen, D. (1998). The argument
culture. Toronto: Random House. Every issue we see discussed on television appears
to be set up as an argument: In the argument culture, criticism, attack, or opposition
are the predominant if not the only ways of responding to people or ideas
(Tannen,1998, p. 7). 48. Is it typical for a research topic to constantly change? Yes,
because research topics are often fluid and dictated more by the students ongoing
research then by the original chosen topic. 49. Ms. Cruz conducts a research regarding
the stability of informal settlers. The research will be passed to the local government for
immediate action. How will Ms. Cruz conduct the research to know the needs of
informal settlers? Study their environment 50. From the material given, identify the one
idea that could be used as main heading. meetings are noisy and disorderly; insist on
observance of parliamentary rules; what is wrong with our hobby club; have
membership drive; hold frequent hobby shows; what can be done to improve the club;
programs are badly prepared; drop members who never attend meetings; get new
program committee. what is wrong with our hobby club 51. After choosing a topic, Marie
started to work on her research paper; however, she had a hard time doing it because
of some material limitation. What should Marie do if she has to pass the paper on time?
Change the topic if it is not working out 52. Identify the correct parenthetical citation for
this source (APA format): Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G. & Tiffin, H. (1989). The empire writes
back: theory and practice in post-colonial literatures. London: Routledge. Therefore,
readers need to remember that [t]he first post-colonial society to develop a national
literature was the USA (Ashcroft, Griffiths, & Tiffin, 1989, p. 15). 53. Aziel researches
for her Report. She needs to have in-depth information about her topic Nonverbal
Communication. Her assignment is to get a broad overview of Nonverbal
Communication. Which is the most appropriate source for her? Encyclopedia 54.
Complete the following statement: Concentrating on a single concept in each paragraph
is editing for _____. Unity 55. Identify the correct parenthetical citation for this source
(APA format): Keaveney, S. (2004). When MTV Goes CEO. In D. Brundage & M.
Lahey (Eds.), Acting on words (pp. 99-103). Toronto: Pearson. According to Keaveney
(2004), Before mid-millennium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future (p. 103). 56.
Which of the following is the best example of a non-prose (visual aid) form of report? All
of the given choices 57. In order to make Mr. De Leons paper legal, he has to
document his references properly. However, Mr. De Leon got almost all of his
information sources on the internet. How would Mr. De Leon cite the internet
references? Last, F. M. (Date Published). Article title. Website Title. Retrieved Month
Date, Year, from URL. 58. Yesterday at 8:11am 59. Justin Castro 60. Which of the
following is one of the roles of a progress report? All of the given choices 61. Which is
not a good practice in choosing a topic? Choose a broad topic to give abundant
information to readers. 62. The informal report is complex and may even be produced in
bound book volumes False 63. Identify the correct parenthetical citation for this source

(APA format): You are using material from a newspaper article. There is no author given,
but the title of the article is Was Emerson lying to his constituents?, published in the
Edmonton Journal on Feb. 14, 2006, on p. A2. Which is the proper parenthetical citation
for this paraphrase? Earlier, Emerson had claimed that he would do everything he could
to fight the Liberals in government (Was Emerson lying, 2006). 64. What outcome
would you be able to provide in applying guidelines in making feasibility study? To list in
detail all the things you need to make the plan to work 65. Yesterday at 8:11am 66.
Justin Castro 67. Which principle defines the exact objective of your report of every part
in technical writing? 68. Specific purpose 69. Which of the following observes
CORRECT spelling: 70. Accommodate(double c double m) 71. Is it ethical for the
employers to monitor email sent by employees on a company system? 72. Yes,
because they want to ensure 73. It promotes a formal way of statements between two
or more parties that is informational, persuasive, motivational, or promotional. 74.
Business letter 75. Identify the voice of the verb in the sentence.That skyscraper was
built in 1991. 76. Passive 77. It is the creation of documents using page layout skills on
a personal computer. 78. Desktop publishing 79. Nowadays, the users need to be online
simultaneously to accept, forward, deliver and store messages. 80. False 81.
Discriminate the guidelines in choosing a topic. What are the considerations in choosing
a topic? I.Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or
analyze. II.Select a topic to persuade readers. III.Choose a topic that interests you.
IV.Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper 82. I, III, and IV 83. It is
a modern method which transmits letters, memos, and other documents from one
computer to another through a series of computer networks. 84. E-MAIL 85. Mia Lei is
having a hard time to choose her topic for research paper. What should be her basis in
choosing a topic in order to have an effective outcome? 86. Choose a topic which
interest 87. People can communicate over long distances without regard to time zone
differences. 88. True 89. This type of letter is sent by consumers or businesses to
manufacturer, retailer, or wholesaler to demand goods or services. 90. Order letter 91.
Identify the kind of sentence according to structure: Pauline and Bruno have a big
argument every summer over where they should spend their summer vacation. 92.
Complex sentence 93. He coined hypertext in 1965. Theodor Holm Nelson It is
submitted at regular intervals for the purpose of recording information of interest to the
organization which authorizes it. Periodic Report 94. The following are the roles of
bulletins EXCEPT for: 95. Are set as assignments in a 96. Aziel researches for her
Report. She needs to have in-depth information about her topic Nonverbal
Communication. Her assignment is to get a broad overview of Nonverbal
Communication. Which is the most appropriate source for her? 97. Encyclopedia 98.
Identify the type of clause of the capitalized phrase: AFTER THE FLOOD, the family
moved into a temporary shelter. 99. Not a clause 100. The Recommendation Report is
written to answer questions which are somehow critical to decision-making. It presents
options or choices so that a good decision can be arrived at. 101. True 102. Using this
format, the entire letter is left justified and single space except for a double space
between paragraphs. 103. Block format 104. Identify the type of sentence according to
structure: Although they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the
internet. 105. Complex sentence 106. Why is e-mail a possible source of
misunderstanding? 107. Because of lack of explanation 108. Field reports assignments

include the following except for: 109. A field report about the 110. Which of the following
is one of the roles of a progress report? 111. All of the give choices 112. E-mail can
encourage people to hurl insults and gossip across cyberspace, sabotaging
relationships and encouraging people short on impulse control to act first and think later.
113. True 114. Ron, a conservatory student major in Computer Engineering, has chosen
Electrical Engineering as his topic. Which source is more effective in searching for
background sources information which is focused in History of Computing hardware?
115. Subject-specific encyclopedia 116. Technical Writing is writing in which there is
relatively high concentration of certain complex and important writing techniques. Which
among the following utilizes technical writing? 117. Mr. einnar constructs 118. After
choosing a topic, Marie started to work on her research paper; however, she had a hard
time doing it because of some material limitation. What should Marie do if she has to
pass the paper on time? 119. Change the topic 120. Analogy: Pride is to lion as shoal is
to? Fish 121. Identify the voice of the verb in this sentence: People must not smoke in
public places. 122. Active 123. This part of letter states and includes the personal title of
the recipient. 124. Salutation 125. It is an element of a good letter that allows you to
state you goal in a clear and concise manner. 126. Ability to present objective 127. It is
another way of utilize format that the date and closing, tab to the center point to begin to
type. 128. Modified block format 129. It begins at the same vertical point as your date
and one line after the last body paragraph. It serves as your last part of the letter the
indicated gratitude. 130. Closing 131. The Department of Education requires every
school to deliver rules and regulation in wellmannered system without implementing
anxiety to the students. What property of writing should every school consider? 132.
Tone 133. It is a technique which is usually the oral translation of technical writing to
another language. 134. Interpretation 135. It is a helpful tool to produce a variety of
materials such as menus, magazines, and books. 136. Desktop pub 137. What should
be kept in mind when writing a complaint letter? 138. Be direct yet tactful 139. These
are important parts to a technical report because they break up long stretches of
straight text. 140. Headings 141. Which is not a good practice in choosing a topic?
Choose a broad topic to give abundant Analogy: yard is to inch as quart is to ? Ounce It
is a way of introducing yourself to the company for employment purposes. Application
letter Which of the following observes CORRECT spelling: CONSENSUS This refers to
a writing quality which conveys exact meaning to the reader. Clarity It is a method of
definition which defines by giving genus and the differentia of a term. Simple definition
In finding background information, which is not considered as basic information source
in research? Unpublished thesis Conciseness includes Giving information to help them
under Analogy: Flow: River = Stagnant:? Pool Communication is the most popular use
of the internet. True This is what you have indicated if you had included other
documents with your letter. enclosusres RAW Paste Data create new paste /
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