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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Media Contact: Taylor Bickford
Western Alaska Leaders Meet to Discuss Future of Region and State
ANCHORAGE, AK Representatives from key organizations in Western Alaska met in
Seattle last week with the goal of fostering stronger working relationships to overcome
shared challenges facing the State of Alaska and the Y-K Delta region in particular. The
meeting, which took place on Thursday, September 22nd, was organized by Calista
Corporation (Calista) and hosted by Coastal Villages Region Fund (CVRF).
The meeting served as a follow-up to an initial gathering that took place in Bethel in
March 2016. All regional organizations were invited, and the following were able to

Andrew Guy Calista Corporation

Margaret Pohjola Calista Corporation

Johnnie Evan Calista Corporation

Paul George Guy Calista Corporation

Morgen Crow Coastal Villages Region Fund

Richard Jung Coastal Villages Region Fund

Stephen Maxie, Jr. Coastal Villages Region Fund

James Paul Association of Village Council Presidents

Edgar Hoelscher Association of Village Council Presidents, Lower Yukon School


Wayne Morgan Association of Village Council Presidents Rural Housing Authority

Ragnar Alstrom Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association

Simon Andrews Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association

Jennifer Williams Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association

Tiffany Zulkosky Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation

I would like to thank Calista, and Calistas CEO Andrew Guy in particular, for bravely
reaching out to the organizations that need to be working together to help our region
grow out of learned helplessness, said CVRF Executive Director, Morgen Crow. We
have to begin by fixing our own problems, and that healing and fixing began in March
and was furthered at this meeting. I look forward to working closely with those who
care about the people of Western Alaska.
The meeting agenda focused on building respect and understanding among
organizations and also included topics related to the state fiscal crisis, public safety,
proposed legislation to form a new borough in Western Alaska, improvements to the
CDQ program, alcohol and drug deaths, burial assistance, the ANCSA 14(c) municipal
land provision, regional legislative priorities, and more.
"We are thankful to and impressed with CVRF for hosting this important Y-K Delta
organizational meeting, said Margaret Pohjola, Calistas Board Chair. The people we
serve deserve our best efforts and commitment. The organizations learned much about
each other's work and operations which helps foster a more effective relationship all for
the benefit of our constituencies.
While the meeting intentionally did not result in any formal decisions or positions on
issues, it facilitated continuing steps toward better collaboration between the groups
that were represented, said CVRF Board President, Richard Jung. Given the challenges
facing our region and state, it is critically important that the Y-K Delta is unified and
committed to speaking with one powerful voice on issues that impact our people and
our communities.
The group plans to meet again in Juneau during the 2017 state legislative session and
will be working to continue strengthening regional communication in the meantime.

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