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Biasing of discrete BJT and MOSFET
1. What is an amplifier?
An amplifier is a device which produces a large electrical output of similar characteristics
to that of the input parameters.
2. What are transistors?
Transistor is three terminal devices that can function as electronic switches or as signal
amplifiers. They are current operated devices with high input impedance and low output
impedance. Since it transfers current from a high to a low resistance region, it was named
3. What is Biasing? And need for biasing.[NOV/DEC-08,11],[MAY/JUN-09,13]
In order to operate transistor in the desired region we have to apply external dc voltages
of correct polarity and magnitude at the two junctions of the transistor.

4. What are the requirements for biasing circuits?

a) The q point must be taken at the Centre of the active region of the output characteristics.
b) Stabilize the collector current against the temperature variations.
c) Make the q point independent of the transistor parameters.
d) When the transistor is replaced, it must be of same type.

e) Emitter diode should be forward bias and collector diode should be reverse biased.

f) There should be a zero signal collector current.

5. Explain about the characteristics of a transistor?
Input characteristics: it is drawn between input voltage & input current while keeping
output voltage as constant.
Output characteristics: It is drawn between the output voltage &output current while
keeping input current as constant.
6. What is operating point?
For the proper operation of the transistor a fixed level of current and voltages are
required. This values of currents and voltages defined at a point at which the transistor operate is
called operating point.
7. What is d.c load line? [NOV/DEC-06][MAY/JUN-12]
The d.c load line is defined as a line on the output characteristics of the transistor
which gives the value of Ic & Vce corresponding to zero signal condition
8. Why do we choose q point at the center of the loadline?
The operating point of a transistor is kept fixed usually at the center of the active region
in order that the input signal is well amplified. If the point is fixed in the saturation region or the
cut off region the positive and negative half cycle gets clipped off respectively.
9. Name the two techniques used in the stability of the q point .explain.
Stabilization technique: This refers to the use of resistive biasing circuit which allows
IB to vary so as to keep IC relatively constant with variations in Ico,,&VBE.
Compensation techniques: This refers to the use of temperature sensitive devices such
as thermostats diodes. They provide compensating voltages &currents to maintain operating
point constant.
10. Define stability factor?[MAY/JUNE-09,10][ NOV/DEC-09,12]

Stability factor is defined as the rate of change of collector current with respect to the rate
of change of reverse saturation current.
11. What are the basic relationships of BJT transistor?

12. What are the basic rules of an operating amplifier?

The operating point should be fixed on the load line. The upper end of the load line lies
on the saturation region &lower end lies on the cutoff region.
13. What are the methods for biasing? [MAY/JUNE-09,10][ NOV/DEC-09,12]
The transistor needs two bias voltages VBB and VCC. The VBB supply is used for biasing
of the emitter junction and VCC supply for biasing the collector base junction. Also it is possible
to bias both the junctions using a single supply.
Common Methods:
a) Fixed Bias or Base bias
b) Collector feedback bias
c) Voltage divider bias or Emitter bias or self bias
14. What are the disadvantages of collector to base bias?
a) The collector current is high.
b) If AC signals voltage gain feedback into the resistor R e, it will reduce the gain of the
15. Why is the operating point selected at the Centre of the active region? [NOV/DEC 07]
The operating point is selected at the Centre of the active region to get to perfect amplification.
Moreover there is no distortion.
16. Give the expression for stability factor.[MAY-07,08]

S= (1+)/ [(1-) ( IB/ IC)]

17. Define the stability factors S and S. [MAY-07,08]
The stability factor S is defined as the rate of change of IC with VBE, keeping & IC0




The stability factor S is defined as the rate of change of IC w


Ic Ic

ith , keeping VBE & IC0 constant.

18. What are the advantages of fixed bias circuit?
a) This is simple circuit which uses a few components. The operating point can be fixed
anywhere on the Centre of the active region.
b) The value is high, stability factor is very large. so the operating point does not
maintain by properly.
19. What are the advantages of self bias circuit?
The stability factor value is very small compare than other biasing circuit .This biasing
should maintain an operating point
20. Give the stability factor S for the fixed bias circuit.
The stability factor for the fixed bias circuits is

S 1
= current gain of the transistor
21. What do you meant by thermal runway?[NOV/DEC-06]
Due to the self heating at the collector junction, the collector current rises. This causes
damage to the device. This phenomenon is called thermal runway.

22. What t is heat sink?

A heat sink is an environment or object that absorbs and dissipates heat from another
object using thermal contact (either direct or radiant). Heat sinks are used in a wide range of
applications wherever efficient heat dissipation is required; major examples include refrigeration,
heat engines and cooling electronic devices.
23. What is biasing of FET?
Like BJT, the parameters of FET are also temperature dependent. In FET, as temperature
increases drain resistance also increases, reducing the drain current. Thus reducing the
possibility of thermal runway.
24. How FET is known as voltage variable resistor?[DEC-06]
In the region before pinch off, where VDS is small the drain to source resistance rd can be
controlled by the bias voltage VGS. Therefore FET is useful as a voltage variable (VVR) or
voltage dependent resistor (VDR).

25. Why the input impedance of FET is more than that of a BJT?
The input impedance of FET as more than that of BJT because the input circuit of FET is
reversed biased where as the input circuit BJT is forward biased.
26. What are the methods of bias compensation technique?
1. Diode compensation due to Ico, , &VBE
2. Thermistor compensation
3. Sensistor compensation
27. What is meant by compensation techniques? [NOV/DEC-11]
Compensation techniques use temperature sensitive devices such as diodes,
transitors, thermistors, etc. to maintain operating point constant.
28. Define ripple factor.[May 10].
Ripple factor is defined as the ratio of the effective value or rms value of the ac component of
voltage or current to the average value of voltage or current.
29. Define transformer utilization factor[Nov 07,May 09]
TUF = Dc power delivered to the load
Ac rating of transformer secondary

BJT Amplifiers
1) What are the advantages of Darlington circuit



Very high current gain


Very high input impedance


Convenient and easy circuit configuration to use


Darlington pairs are widely available in a single package or they can be made from
two separate transistors

2) Define millers theorem

[APR/MAY-10][ APR/MAY-11]
Millers theorem states that the effect of resistance Z on input circuit is
a ratio of input voltage to the current I which flows from input to output.
Z1=Vi /I
Millers theorem states that the effect of resistance Z on
Output circuit is a ratio of output voltage
to the current I which
flows from output to input.
3) What is the coupling schemes used in multistage amplifiers
When amplifiers are cascaded it is necessary to use a coupling network
between the output of one amplifier and the input of the following amplifier.
This type of coupling is called as inter stage coupling. They serve the
following purposes,

It transfers the a.c output of one stage to the input of next stage

It isolates the d.c conditions of one stage to next.

The commonly used coupling schemes are,

Resistance capacitance (RC) coupling

Transformer coupling
Direct coupling

4) Define CMRR [NOV/DEC-09][ NOV/DEC-11]

The ability of differential amplifier to reject a common mode
signal is expressed by a ratio called as common mode rejection ratio
[CMRR]. It is defined as the ratio of differential voltage gain
common mode voltage gain


5) Define transconductance [NOV/DEC-08]

Transconductance, also known as mutual conductance is the
ratio of the current change at the output port to the voltage change at
the input port. It is written as gm. For direct current, transconductance is
defined as follows:

For small signal alternating current, the definition is simpler:

6) Why hybrid parameters are called so? Define them. [OR] Define
the various hparameters? [May-2007, May-2006, Dec-2008]
The dimensions of the hybrid parameters are not alike, that is they are
hybrid in nature, so they are called hybrid parameters.
h11= Input impedance with output port short circuited= [Vi/i1] V2=0
h12= Reverse voltage transfer ratio with input port open circuited= [V1/V2] i1=0
h21= Forward current gain with output port short circuited.= [i2/i1] V2=0
h22= Output admittance with input port open circuited. = [i2/V2] i1=0
7) Draw a CE amplifier and its hybrid equivalent circuit. [May-2008]

8) Define Miller effect input capacitance.[Dec-2006, Dec2007, May2008]

For any inverting amplifier, the input capacitance will be increased by a
effect capacitance, sensitive to the gain of the amplifier and the inter
capacitance connected between the input and output terminals of the active
CMi = (1- AV) Cf

CM0 = Cf

Cf = Inter electrode capacitance between input and output.

9) What is meant by bootstrapping?[Dec-2003] [ APR/MAY-11]
In Darlington transistor pair circuits, the input impedance is reduced
because of the biasing resistors in the circuit. To overcome this, decrease
in the input resistance due to the biasing network, a small capacitor and
resistance R3 are added in the circuit. This improves the input impedance
of the Darlington pair circuit. C is added at the input side and R 3 is
connected between output and input circuits.
Reff - Effective input resistance.


1 A

Reff Large

AV 1
10) What is the need of differential amplifier?[Nov/Dec-2009]
[ APR/MAY-11]
The need for differential amplifier arises in many physical measurements, in
medical electronics and in direct coupled amplifier applications. In this
amplifier, there will be no output voltage resulting from thermal drifts or any
other changes provided, change in both halves of the circuits are equal.
11) Why RE is replaced by a constant current bias in a differential
The emitter supply VEE used for biasing purpose must become larger as R E
is increased in order to maintain the quiescent current at its proper value.
If the operating currents of the transistors are allowed to decrease, this will

lead to higher hie values and will tend to decrease CMRR. To overcome this
practical limitation RE is replaced by a constant current bias.
12)State the various methods of improving CMRR. [Dec-2007]

Constant current bias method.

Use of current mirror circuit.

Use of active load.

13) Why emitter bypass capacitor CE is used in CE amplifier circuit.

[APR/MAY 2004]
An emitter bypass capacitor CE is connected in parallel with the emitter
resistance RE to provide a low reactance path to the amplified ac signal. If it
is not inserted, the amplified ac signal passing through R E will cause a
voltage drop across it. This will reduce the output voltage, reducing the gain
of the amplifier
14) Draw the low frequency equivalent circuit of FET.[NOV/DEC09,08]

15) What is an amplifier?

An amplifier is a circuit that increases the amplitude of the given
input signal by means of energy drawn from an external source.
16) Based on the transistor configurations how amplifiers are
Based on the transistor configurations, the amplifiers are classified

Common emitter amplifier.

Common base amplifier.

Common collector amplifier

17) What are the salient features of hybrid parameters?
The salient features of hybrid parameters are,

h Parameters are real numbers.

They are easy to measure.

They are convenient to use in circuit analysis and design.

Easily convertible from one configuration to other.

Readily supplied by manufacturers.

18) Write the relationship between the three transistor current

, ?

19) Write the current amplification factors of the three

transistor amplifier configurations.
In a transistor amplifier with AC input signal, the ratio of change
in output current to the change in input current is known as the current
amplification factor.

In the CB configuration, the current amplification


In the CE configuration, the current amplification


In the CC configuration, the current amplification





20) What are the advantages of differential amplifier?

Very stable.

Low noise, low drift.


Variations in supply voltage, temperature etc will not change the gain of the amplitude.


Does not require any coupling capacitor.


Frequency response is better.

21) What are the applications of a differential amplifier?

To measure many physical quantities.

Can be used as a direct coupled amplifier.

Used in operational amplifier.

22) What are the limitations of h parameter?

The accurate calculation of h parameter is difficult.
A transistor behaves as a two port network for small signals only,
hence h parameter can be used to analyse, only the small signal amplifier.
23. What is a differential amplifier?
An amplifier that has two inputs and produces an output signal
that is a function of the difference between the two given inputs is
called a differential amplifier.
24. Write the need for constant source for difference amplifier.
The necessary for constant source for differential amplifier is to
increase the common mode rejection ratio without changing the
quiescent current and without lowering the forward current gain.
25. What is an emitter follower?
In the common collector circuit emitter terminal
follows the signal voltage applied to the base. Hence the
common collector circuit is also known as an emitter follower.
26. What is the function of Input capacitor C1 in CE amplifier circuit?
This capacitor couples the signal to the base of the
transistor. It blocks any dc component present in the signal and
passes only ac signal for amplification.
27. What is the need for output coupling capacitor C2?
The coupling capacitor C2 couples the output of the amplifier to

the load or to the next stage of the amplifier. It blocks dc and passes
only ac part of the amplified signal.
28. What is differential mode signal?
The difference between the two input signals is generally called as
signal or difference
Differential voltage Vd

Vi 2



Ad V0




The differential gain is expressed in decibel (dB) value as

Ad = 20 log10


in Db

29. What is common mode signal?

The average of two input signals or voltages is called a common-mode
Common mode voltage=Vc+= (Vi2-Vi1/2)
The gain with which it amplifies the common mode signal to produce the
output is called common mode gain of the differential amplifier denoted
as Ac.
Common mode gainAc=V0 / VC
The total output voltage of a differential amplifier is thus given by
V0 = AdVd + AcVc
30. Explain the types of Differential amplifiers?
There are four differential amplifier configurations,

Dual-input, balanced output differential amplifier

Dual-input, unbalanced output differential amplifier

Single-input, balanced output differential amplifier

Single-input, unbalanced output differential amplifier

If two inputs are used, it is dual input otherwise it is single input. If the
output voltage is measured between two collector terminals, it is balanced
output because both collectors are at the same dc potential with respect to
ground. If the output is measured at one of the collector terminal with
respect to ground, it is unbalanced output.

JFET and MOSFET Amplifiers
1. List the 3 basic circuit configuration. [May 03,05,09,11, Dec 04, 05, and 09].
1. Common source
2. Common drain
3. Common gate
2. Give the expression for voltage gain for CS amplifier (bypassed Rs).
3. Give the expression for voltage gain for CS amplifier (Unbypassed Rs).
Av=-gmRL/ (1+ gmRs)
4. Give the expression for R0 and Av Common Drain amplifier.
Av=gmRL/(1+ gmRL)
5. What is Transconduction? Give its expression.
It is ratio of o/p current to i/p voltage and it represents the gain of the MOSFET
Gm=Id/Vgs= 2Kn (VGSQ-VT)

6. State major disadvantage of MOSFET over BJT.

The transconductance of BJT is given by gm= ICQ/VT. This value is in comparison with
transconductance value of MOSFET. Hence the gain is smaller compared to those of BJTs.
7. State the advantages of BiCMOS technology.
a) BJT-large transconductance than MOS transistor biased at same current level and they
have higher switching speed. They have larger voltage gain.
b) MOS-infinite input impedance at low frequencies and very high packaging density. It has
zero input bias current.
8. What do you mean by BiCMOS technology?
The advantages of bipolar and MOS transistors technologies can be utilized on same
substrate, that is in same IC.
9. Explain the loading effect due to internal signal resistance.

Av= -g


Since Rsi is not 0, the amplifier input voltage Vgs is less than the signal voltage. This is known as
loading effect. It reduces the voltage gain of the amplifier.

10. List the steps in AC analysis of MOSFET amplifier.

Perform DC analysis of the circuit and check whether the MOSFET is biased in the

saturation region in order to give a linear amplification.

Replace the MOSFET by its small signal equivalent circuit.
Analyze the resulted circuit, making the DC source components equal to 0

11. State advantages of bipolar cascade configuration.

Infinite input resistance

Frequency response of BiCMOS cascade circuit is superior because the equivalent

resistance looking into the emitter of bipolar transistor is much less than the resistance
looking into the source of MOSFET.
Output resistance is very high
Minimizes the miller multiplication effect.

12. What is crossover distortion?

[APR/MAY-10, 11]

In class B mode, both transistors are biased at cut- off region because the DC bias
voltage is zero. So input signal should exceed the barrier voltage to make the transistor conduct.
Otherwise the transistor doesnt conduct. So there is a time interval between positive and
negative alternations of the input signal when neither transistor is conducting. The resulting
distortion in the output signal is crossover distortion.
13. Mention the applications of class C amplifiers [APR/MAY-11
1. It is commonly used in RF circuits where a resonant circuit must be placed at the output in
order to keep the sine wave going during the non-conducting portion of the input cycle.
2. It is also used in collector amplitude modulation, radio frequency receivers.
3. They are also used as , Troposcatter Amplifiers( transmitting and receiving microwave radio
signals over considerable distances) , FM Amplifiers , Booster Amplifiers
4. They are also used in Radar Systems.

14. What is the theoretical maximum conversion efficiency of class A power amplifier
The efficiency of an amplifier represents the amount of a.c power delivered to load from d.c
source. It is given as,
15. Why class A amplifier must not be operated under no signal conditions.
The amount of power that must be dissipated by the transistor is the difference between
the d.c power input Pdc and the a.c power delivered to the load Pac.
The maximum power dissipation occurs when there is zero a.c input signal. When a.c input is
zero, the a.c power output is also zero. But transistor operates at quiescent condition, drawing d.c
input power from the supply to VCC ICQ. This entire power gets dissipated in the form of heat.
Thus d.c power input without a.c input signal is the maximum power dissipation.
Pd) Max = VCC ICQ
16. Define thermal resistance. [MAY-2006] [DEC-2004]

The resistance offered by the bipolar junction transistor to the flow of heat is called
thermal resistance.
C / W
17. How crossover distortion is eliminated?[MAY -2003, MAY-2006, MAY-2007]
To avoid crossover distortion, a slight forward bias (0.3 V for germanium, 0.6V for
silicon) voltage is applied to the base emitter junction of both the transistors. It causes
transistor to conduct immediately when the input signal is applied. So Q point is fixed
above cut-off.
18. What is class D amplifier? [APR/MAY-13]
In order to increase the conversion efficiency, it would be desirable to make the device to
operate as a switch. So that its voltage drop remains almost at minimum value over the half
cycle of output current flow. Such a system is called class D amplifier.
19. What are advantages and disadvantages of class B amplifier? [DEC-2004]
Advantages of class B power amplifier

Efficiency is increased from 25% to 78.5%.

Due to push-pull configuration all even harmonics are reduced.

Due to the centre tapped transformer at input and output the core saturation
loss is reduced.

Disadvantages of class B power amplifier

Transistor is biased above the cut-off point.

Due to the centre-tapped transformer at both input and output, the circuit becomes
20. How do you bias the class A operation? [DEC-2005]
In class A mode, the output current flows throughout the entire period of input cycle and
the Q point is chosen at the midpoint of AC load line and biased. The output signal varies for a
full 360 of the cycle.
21. What is meant by Power amplifier? [DEC-2005]
The stage which develops and feeds sufficient power to the load handling the large
signals is called large signal amplifier or Power amplifier. It is also called audio amplifier or
audio frequency (A.F power amplifiers).
22. List the features of Power amplifier.

The outputs of the power amplifier are the large current and voltage.
The output of the power amplifier is carried out by DC equivalent and graphical method.
The output of the power amplifier is feed to the load.
The load must have the low output resistance. The output resistance is important.
The analysis of signal distortion in the power amplifier is important.

1. Define the frequency response of an amplifier.[Dec-2006]
The frequency response of an amplifier can be defined as the variation of output of
quantity with respect to input signal frequency. In other words it can be defined as a graph drawn
between the input frequency and the gain of an amplifier.
2. Define lower and upper cut-off frequencies of an amplifier.[Dec-2005] Lower cut off
frequency:The frequency (on lower side) at which the voltage gain of the amplifier is exactly 70.7%
of the maximum gain is known as lower cut off frequency.
Upper cut off frequency:The frequency (on higher side) at which the voltage gain of the amplifier is exactly
70.7% of the maximum gain is known as upper cut off frequency.

3. What are the high frequency effects? [May-2004]

At high frequencies the internal capacitances, commonly known as junction capacitances
reducing the circuit gain.
4. Write the overall lower cut-off frequency of multistage amplifier. [May-2008]

f n



2 1


= Lower 3 dB frequency of identical cascaded stages.

n = Number of stages.
5. Write the overall higher cut-off frequency of multistage amplifier.[May-2008]

f nf 21/n1


= Higher 3 dB frequency of identical cascaded stages.

n = Number of stages.


= Higher 3db frequency of single stage.

6. Write the relation between the sag time and lower cut off frequency.



P y of tilt.
f Input signal frequency.
7. Give the relationship between Bandwidth and rise time. [Dec-2006] [APR/MAY-11]

BWf .........f f





8. Draw a hybrid model for a BJT. [DEC 2002] [DEC-2004]

9. What is significance of gain bandwidth product? [May-2008]

It is very helpful in the preliminary design of a multistage wide band
amplifier. This can be used to setup a tentative circuit which is often used for this purpose.

10. Why an NPN transistor has a better high frequency response than the PNP transistor?
An NPN transistor has a better frequency response than the PNP transistor because the
mobility of electron is more and capacitive effect is less.

11. Write the relation between the sag time and lower cut off frequency.



P y of tilt.
f Input signal frequency
12. What are the advantages of representation of gain in decibels?
In multistage amplifier, it permits to add individual gains of the stages to calculate

It allows us to denote, both very small as well as very large quantities of linear scale by

considerably small figures

13. What is the coupling methods used for coupling in multistage amplifiers?
The coupling methods used are

RC coupling.

Transformer coupling.

Direct coupling.

14. State the reason for fall in gain at low frequencies.

The coupling capacitance has very high reactance at low frequency. Therefore it will
allow only a small part of signal from one stage to next stage, and in addition to that the bypass
capacitor cannot bypass or shunt the emitter resistor effectively. As a result of these factors, the
voltage gain rolls off at low frequency.
15. State the reason for fall in gain at high frequencies.
At high frequency the reactance of coupling capacitor is very low. Therefore it behaves
like a short circuit. As a result of this, the loading effect of the next stage increases which reduces
the voltage gain. Hence the voltage gain rolls off at high frequencies.
16. Why is it not possible to use the h-parameters at high frequency? [may 12]

The values of h-parameters are not constant at high frequencies. Therefore it is not

necessary to analyze transistor at each and every frequency, which is impractical.

At high frequency, h-parameters become complex in nature.

17. Discuss the effect of bypass capacitor on frequency response of amplifier

At lower frequencies, the bypass capacitor CE is not a short. So, the emitter is not at AC
ground. Xc in parallel with RE creates an impedance. The signal voltage drops across this
impedance reducing the circuit gain.

1. Define current steering.
In IC designs, biasing circuits use constant current sources. The constant DC current called
reference current is generated at one location and is then replicated at various other locations for
biasing the various stages of amplifier present in the circuit. This process is known as current
2. State the advantages of current steering.

The external components such as precision resistors required to generate a predictable

and stable reference current, need not be repeated for every amplifier stage.
The bias currents of various stages track each other when there is any change due to
power supply voltage or temperature

3. Define override voltage

Effect of V0 on I0 , T2 is operated in saturation

Vov is override voltage
4. Give the expression for o/p resistance of cascade current mirror circuit
R0=r04+ (1+gm r04) r02
5. State advantages of Wilson current mirror circuit
The advantages of Wilson current mirror circuit is the increase in o/p resistance and
hence to increase the stability of o/p current.
6. List the various types of active loads
a) n-Channel enhancement mode device
b) n-Channel depletion mode device
c) p-Channel enhancement mode device
7. State limitations of the NMOS amplifier with enhancement load
(W 1 / L1) / (W 2 / L 2)

Kn1 / Kn2

This above equation the voltage gain is related to size of the transistor. Since, the voltage gain is
related to size of the transistor with a square root function, it is limited. To obtain larger voltage
gain we can use depletion mode MOSFET.
8. Give the expression for Small- Signal voltage gain of NMOS amplifier with depletion
r 01 r 02

Av=Vo/Vi=-gm1 (

9. State the advantages of CMOS common source amplifier

1. Like NMOS amplifier with depletion load, CMOS common source amplifier also provides
large small signal voltage gain.
2. CMOS amplifier does not suffer from body effect.
10. Give the expression for Ad, Acm and CMRR for CMOS differential amplifier.

r 02 r 04

Ad=Vo/Vd=gm (

)= gm/(1/r02)+(1/r04)

Ad= gm/g02+g04
CMRR= (gmr0)(Rss gm)

1. Explain the voltage divider bias method & derive an expression for stability factors.
[Page.No:1.13 &1.35][Dec 13]
2. Why biasing is necessary in BJT amplifier? Explain the concept of DC & AC load line with
neat diagram. How will you select the operating point, explain it using CE amplifier
characteristics? [Page.No:1.1][June 14]
3. Explain the collector feedback bias amplifier & derive an expression for stability factors.
[Page.No:1.9 & 1.36][May 11]
4. Explain the fixed bias method & derive an expression for stability factors. [Page.No:1.7 &
1.28] [May, Dec, 08, 09, 10, 11]
5. Derive an expression for all stability factors & CE configuration S equation. [Page.No:1.28]
[Dec 10, 13]
6. Explain about common source self- bias & voltage divider bias for FET. [Page.No:2.7 &2.10]
[June 14]
7. Explain in details about biasing MOSFET. [Page.No:2.12] [Dec 13]

8. Discuss the various types of bias compensation. [Page.No:1.40] [June 14]

9. The fixed bias circuit as shown in figure is subjected to an increase in junction temperature
from 25oC to 75oC. If is 125 at 75o C. Determine the percentage change in Q point values
(Vce, Ic) over temperature change. Neglect any change in VBE. [Page.No:1.7]
10. A self bias circuit has RE=1 k, R1=130 k, R2=10 k. If Vcc and Rc are adjusted to give
Ic=1mA at 10oC. Calculate the variation in Ic over temperature change of 10oC to 100oC.The
transistor used has the parameters given below, [Page.No:1.7]
Paramet 10oC
Ico (A) 0.01

11. Design a collector to base bias circuit to have operating point (10v, 4mA). The circuit is
supplied with 20v and uses a silicon transistor of hfe is 250. [Page.No:1.19]
12. Design a voltage divider bias circuit for the specified conditions. VCC=12v, VCE=6v,
IC=1mA, S=20, =100 and VE=1v. [Page.No:1.13]
13. Explain the method of stabilizing the Q-point. [Dec 09, 12] [Page. No: 1.7]
14. What are the different biasing circuits for JFET? [May, Dec 03,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12]
[Page. no: 2.22]
15. Draw and explain the circuit of full wave rectifier with resistive load. [Dec 13, 10, 08, 03
May 07, 08].
17. Derive the expressions for the rectifications efficiency, ripple factor, transformer utilization
factor, form factor and peak factor of half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier.
16. Explain the working of bridge rectifier. Derive the expressions for R.M.S current, PIV, ripple
factor and efficiency. [Dec 06].

1. Draw a CE amplifier & its small signal equivalent. Derive its Avs, Ai, Rin, Ro. [Page.No:3.6]
[Dec 14]
2. Explain with circuit diagram of Darlington connection and derive the expression for Ai, Av, Ri
&Ro. [Page.No:4.37] [Dec 14]
3. Explain Bootstrap emitter follower circuit. Compare CE, CB, CC amplifiers. [Page.No:4.42]
[June 13]
4. Explain the emitter coupled differential amplifier with neat diagram & Derive expression for
CMRR. [Page.No:4.66] [Dec 13, 07, 09, 11]
5. Discuss transfer characteristics of differential amplifier. Explain the methods used to improve
CMRR. [Page.No:4.84] [June 14]
6. Write short notes on multistage amplifiers & Draw a two stage RC coupled amplifier and
explain. Compare cascade and cascode amplifier? [Page.No:4.5 & 4.32] [Dec 02, 03, 09, 10, 12,
May 03, 05, 09, 10]
7. Derive the expressions for the voltage gain, current gain, input and output impedance of
emitter follower amplifier. [Page.No:3.23]
8. Derive the expressions for the common mode and differential mode gains of a differential
amplifier in terms of h-parameters. [Page.No:4.78] [may 03,06,07,10, dec07,09]

9. Consider a single stage CE amplifier with Rs=1k, R1=50K, R2=2K, RC=2K,

RL=2K, hfe=50, hie=1.1 K, hoe=25mho, hre=2.510-4. Find Ai,Ri,Av,Ais,Avs and R0.
10. The Darlington amplifier has the following parameters, Rs=3k, RE=3k, hie=1.1 K,
hfe=50, hre=2.510-4, hoe=25mho. Then calculate Ai, Ri, Av and R0. [Page.No:4.77]
11. The dual input balanced output differential amplifier having Rs=100, RC=4.7K,
RE=6.8K, hfe=100, Vcc=+15v and VEE=-15v. Calculate operating point values, differential &
common mode gain, CMRR, and output if VS1= 70mV(p-p) at 1 KHz & VS2= 40mV(p-p) at 1
KHz [Page.No:4.89].
12. Compare the class A, B, C types of amplifiers. [Nov11, May 11, 12]
13. Explain class A power amplifier and derive its efficiency.[ May 06,Nov10]
14. Explain class B power amplifier and derive its efficiency. .[ May 06]
15. Explain the operation of class C power amplifier and derive its efficiency. [Nov 08].
16. Explain the cross over distortion in class B power amplifier and the methods to minimize the
same.[]May 11].

1. Describe the operation and analyze the basic JFET amplifier circuits. [Page.No:5.2] [May
03,05,11, Dec 04,05,09]
2. Derive the small signal analysis of common source amplifier. [Page.No:5.3] [Dec 09]
3. Develop a small signal model of JFET device and analyze basic JFET amplifiers.
[Page.No:5.3] [May 03,05,11]
4. Explain graphically the amplification process in a simple MOSFET amplifier circuit.
5. Describe the small signal equivalent circuit of the MOSFET and determine the values of small
signal parameters? [Page.No:5.29]
6. Sketch the small signal high frequency circuit of a common source amplifier & derive the
expression for a voltage gain, input & output admittance and input capacitance. [Page.No:5.52]

7. Sketch a simple source-follower amplifier circuit and discuss the general ac circuit
characteristics. [Page.No:5.21]
8. Characterize the voltage gain and output resistance of a common-gate amplifier.
9. Apply the MOSFET small signal equivalent circuit in the analysis of multistage amplifier
circuits. [Page.No:5.30]
10. Explain common source amplifier with source resistor and source bypass capacitor.
[Page.No:5.3 &5.4]
11. Write short notes Voltage swing limitations, general conditions under which a source follower
amplifier would be used. [Page.No:5.21]
12. Describe the characteristics of and analyze BiCMOS circuits. [Page.No:5.27]
13. Derive expression for voltage gain of CS & CD amplifier under small signal low frequency
condition. [Page.No:5.3 &5.13]

1. With neat sketch explain hybrid CE transistor model. Derive the expression for various
components in terms of h parameters. [Page.No:6.9]

[Dec 02,03,04,10,11 , may

03,04,05,06,07,08,10,13, June 12]

2. Discuss the frequency response of multistage amplifiers. Calculate the overall upper & lower
cutoff frequencies. [May 08,13, Dec 09,11,12, jun12]
3. Discuss the low frequency response & the high frequency response of an amplifier. Derive its
cutoff frequencies. [Page.No:6.1,6.3 &6.6 ] [Dec 02,04,05,06,10,11,12, may 04,08,09]
4. Discuss the terms rise time and sag. [May 03,02,dec 06,09]
5. Write short notes on high frequency amplifier. [Page.No:6.6]
6. Derive the gain bandwidth for high frequency FET amplifiers. [Page.No:7.15]

7. What is the effect of Cbe on the input circuit of a BJT amplifier at High frequencies? Derive
the equation for gm which gives the relation between gm, Ic and temperature. [Page.No:6.9]
8. Explain the high frequency analysis of JFET with necessary circuit diagram & gain bandwidth
product. [Page.No:6.6] [May 04, June 12]
11. Discuss the frequency response of MOSFET CS amplifier. [Page.No:7.15]
12. Determine the bandwidth of CE amplifier with the following specifications. R1=100k,
R2=10k, RC=9k, RE=2k, C1= C2=25F, CE=50F, rbb=100, rbe=1.1K, hfe=225,
Cbe=3pF and Cbc=100pF. [Page.No:6.25]
13. At Ic=1mA & VCE=10v, a certain transistor data shows Cc=Cbc=3pF, hfe=200, & T=500M rad/sec. Calculate gm, rbe, Ce=Cbe & . [Page.No:6.30]

1. Describe the operation of an NMOS amplifier with either an enhancement load, a depletion
load, or a PMOS load. [Page.No:8.9] [Dec 14]
2. Explain the basic MOSFET two transistor current circuits and discuss its operation.
3. Draw the MOSFET cascode current source circuit, explain and discuss the advantage of this
design. [Page.No:8.7]
4. Sketch and describe the advantages of a MOSFET cascode current source used with a
MOSFET differential amplifier. [Page.No:8.7&8.13]
5. Design a CMOS differential amplifier with an output gain stage to meet a set of specifications.
The magnitude of voltage gain of each stage is to be at least 600. Bias currents are to be
IQ=IREF=100A, and biasing of the circuit is to be V+=2.5 v and V-=2.5 v. [Page.No:8.17]

6. Explain CMOS differential amplifier and derive CMRR. [Page.No:8.13]

7. Draw a Widlar current source and explain the operation. [Page.No:8.9]
8. Describe the operation of a PMOS amplifier with an enhancement load, a depletion load.
9. Explain the CMOS common source and source follower with neat diagram. [Page.No:8.12]
10. Explain the large signal behavior of MOSFETs and compare the operating regions of Bipolar
and MOS transistors.
11. Discuss the operation of active load and discuss the advantages of MOSFET cascode current
circuit. [Page.No:8.9]
12. Explain in detail about CMOS common source and source follower with neat diagram
[Page.No:8.12] [Dec 14]

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