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Walter Scott’s

Q Whatever happened to
The Lennon Sisters, who
were on The Lawrence Welk
Show in the 1950s and 60s? I

Q Can you tell me any-

thing about Jewel’s
new album? Why is it called
Q I always hear about golf stars like Phil
Mickelson and Stewart Cink going to
master coach Butch Harmon for lessons.
seem to remember they had
a problem with Welk.—Faye
Bush, Wilmington, N.C.
Sweet and Wild?—Donna M.
DeLuca, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Who is Harmon, and how much does he
charge for a lesson?—Glen Passin, Egg Har- A Two of the four original
Lennon Sisters, Diane

A “I have two halves to my

personality,” the Alaskan
singer-songwriter says. “Part
bor Township, N.J.

A The son of golf great and 1948 Mas-

ters champion Claude Harmon,
and Peggy, have retired. How-
ever, the other two, Kathy
and Janet, now perform with
of me is known for writing Butch, 66, played on the PGA Tour briefly, “but I Lennon sisters: All youngest sister Mimi as a trio,
was well with Welk
sensitive songs and poetry; was very temperamental,” he says. “If every shot I primarily at the Welk Resort
Jewel: A biker babe I also ride a motorcycle.” hit wasn’t perfect, I didn’t like it. I got in my own Theater in Branson, Mo. “We have the same Len-
with a heart of gold
Which side was drawn to way. I’ve always liked to teach—always had an eye non family blend and sound,” Kathy, 66, tells us.
bull-riding husband Ty Murray? “Part of him is this for it.” If you want to take advantage of that eye, Were there problems with Mr. Welk? Not really.
macho guy who does a very dangerous thing,” Jewel, you’ll find him at the Butch Harmon School of “He was like a grandfather to us—we were afraid
36, says, “but he’s also very sweet and soft-spoken.” Golf in Las Vegas. But a private lesson will cost of him and we loved him,” Kathy says. “He was a
you. “My fee is $1000 an hour,” Harmon says. taskmaster, a mentor. It was an incredible schooling

Q Morgan Freeman seems

to be everywhere. How
Walter Scott asks...
for the entertainment world.”

many movies has he been in?

—Kathy Hayes, Richfield, Ohio Charles Barkley
NBA star and commentator
Q Can you tell me
about Band of

A At 73, the legend has made Horses, who were

62 films. His latest gig is WS Sir Charles, is there any NBA player today just on tour with
hosting Through the Wormhole who reminds you of you? u? Pearl Jam?
With Morgan Freeman, a Sci- CB To be honest, no. I mean,n they don’t make I don’t
ence Channel series premiering g many 6'5" power forwards
ds anymore. k n o w Horses: Running wild
June 9, which explores mysteries Freeman: Blinded WS How do you transition ion from an incredible much about th
the group, but I love


such as time travel, black holes, with science career into life after basketball?
etball? Is it a challenge
g them!—Freedman,
them!—Freedma Philadelphia, Pa.
and the beginning of the universe. Has the series
cleared any of this up for Freeman? “Oh, heavens—
the clearer it gets, the muddier it gets,” he says. “The
to find that intensity?
CB No. I understand that hat I can
never recapture being Charles
A Lead singer and guitarist
Ben Bridwell
formed the
rural-ind band six years ago
idea that the time-space fabric of the universe is Barkley. I might do this,
his, I in Se
Seattle. His favorite gig
malleable—it’s mind-bending.” might do that, but it ain’t so far? “I guess probably
nothing like being a great
eat our
o first show with

Q Who picks the couples

who appear on The New-
lywed Game—host Carnie Wil-
player in your prime.
WS Why don’t you wearr
a necktie in the broadcast
Pearl Jam in Kan-
sas City,” Bridwell
says. “It was kind
son or someone else?—Eugene booth? of terrifying to play
Mossner, Saginaw, Mich. CB I don’t know how to o Barkley: an
a arena for the first
One of a

A “It’s a casting director,”

says Wilson, 42. “Which
Wilson: She even sounds like they’re casting actors,
tie one. I’ve worn a tie prob-
ably two or three times.
WS You just turned 47—do

—do you
time. But we eended up doing okay,
surprisinglyy. It was just such a relief
to get tha
h t und
under the belt.”
shocks herself but they are legitimately married think about turning 50?
people who are fun and vivacious, and I try to get
them to tell me the truth. This season, we had very
few barriers. I have a potty mouth, but I can’t believe
CB Yeah, I’m thinking g I got
three years to live—because
ain’t nothin’ happenin’ after
fter 50.
Q I heard tthat Nicolas Cage and
Richard Gere are brothers.
? D., Mobile, Ala.
I even asked some of those questions.” See photos of
Hollywood’s latest newlyweds at
That’s the way I look at it.
A th pretended to be in
No, but they
the 1984 film The Cotton Club.

Have a question for Walter Scott? Visit or write Walter Scott at P.O. Box 5001, Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y. 10163-5001.

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Matthew McConaughey
with Jessica Markowitz
and David Sanchez
PARADE’s by Stephanie Paterik
Jordyn Schara, 15
Project: P2D2 (Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal)
Reedsburg Area High School, Reedsburg, Wis.
After hearing harrowing stories of “pharm par-
ties,” where teens bring pills from home, mix
them in a bowl like candy, and blindly take a
couple, freshman Jordyn Schara decided to cre-
ate P2D2 (Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal) to educate her
town about prescription-drug abuse and safe pill disposal. She
secured a community drop-box for unwanted pills, used Face-
book, YouTube, and T-shirts to get the word out, and persuaded
For the first time, PARADE has partnered with the national youth-service organization The pharmacists and police officers to help. “There are always people
LEAGUE to honor—with special recognition by the U.S. Department of Education—high who’ll think you’re dorky, but the majority think it’s great,” she
school students who are changing their communities through service. We invited PARADE says. “My generation can have a huge impact on the world.”
readers to nominate students in five categories: economics, the environment, education, com-
munity, and health. Later this month, the 15 winners will be honored at a special ceremony in ENVIRONMENT
Washington, D.C., sponsored by the ING Foundation. “Their entrepreneurial spirit is inspiring,” Katherine Stone, 16 Project: SOCKS (Save Our
says Education Secretary Arne Duncan. “These young people are our future leaders.” Cats and Kittens Shelter), Fort Walton Beach High
School, Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
FIRST TEAM When Katherine Stone was just 10, she vis-
ited SOCKS, a local no-kill cat shelter. While
there, she noticed a spill and, grabbing a broom,
David Sanchez, 18 Project: Job-Link Racine cleaned it up. The staff were so impressed that
The Prairie School, Racine, Wis. they invited her to become a volunteer. Over the past six years, she
At 14, David Sanchez was on the way to his after-school restaurant job when has helped improve living conditions for thousands of animals. “I
he saw a homeless man holding a “Will Work for Food” sign. Later, David just do what has to be done,” says Katherine, now a sophomore,
decided he wanted to give him his tips, but he never saw the man again. who has hosted car washes, auctions, and a golf tournament that
“That experience bothered me,” he says, motivating him to launch Job-Link paid for construction of an extra room. She even learned to install
Racine to help homeless and at-risk teens find work. Since 2008, David, now floors, drywall, a sink, and a toilet. “The unselfishness of this young
a senior, has taught readiness training to more than 300 teens, secured interviews for 60, and lady is beyond belief,” says shelter president Cecil DeMonbrun.
helped 30 land jobs in a tough economy. He also donates bus tokens and work clothes. “They
are no different than I am,” he says. David will attend Vanderbilt University this fall.
Kaylee Shirrell, 18 Project: Hats of Hope
EDUCATION Brownsburg High School, Brownsburg, Ind.
Jessica Markowitz, 15 Project: Richard’s Rwanda-IMPUHWE When Kaylee Shirrell learned that her grand-
Garfield High School, Seattle, Wash. mother had cancer two years ago, she knitted a
Four years ago, Jessica Markowitz was moved by accounts of the 1994 wool hat to keep her head warm during chemo-
genocide in Rwanda from a visiting speaker, Richard Kananga, who stayed therapy. “She cherished that gift,” Kaylee says.
at her family’s Seattle home. His report of orphaned girls in the village of “Then I started thinking about all the other can-
Nyamata who couldn’t afford schooling especially broke her heart. So Jessica cer patients who could benefit from a hat.” That thought turned
started Richard’s Rwanda-IMPUHWE, a nonprofit organization to raise into Hats of Hope, a project in which volunteers knit hats and
money to educate the girls. “It takes about $40 for a girl to go to school for a year,” she says. place them in cancer centers. Kaylee eventually hopes to start a
Jessica, a freshman, has hosted bake sales, spoken at conferences in Washington, D.C., and program in every state. In the fall, the senior plans to study forensic
will visit Rwanda for the fourth time this summer. chemistry at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

© PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.

All-America Service Team
ECONOMICS In five years, Texan Justin Churchman, 17, has built ECONOMICS Montana junior Mariah Naegeli, 17, took over the
15 houses for families who live in cardboard homes along the Thompson Falls Public Schools food drive, which her older
El Paso–Juarez border. As a volunteer for Casas por Cristo, the brother started, and created a competitive point system among
Coronado High School junior has recruited more than 75 schools. This year’s contest netted more than 1,000 pounds of
volunteers and raised $43,000. food for the hungry in Thompson Falls.
ENVIRONMENT Sophomore Kristen Powers, 16, founded the Chapel ENVIRONMENT Since Elkridge, Md.’s Jacob Esposito, 17, became
Hill (N.C.) High School Green Tiger Campaign. Her eco-friendly club president of Long Reach High School’s Environmental Club, the
is cultivating a community garden, hosts “recyclathons,” sells senior has spearheaded the installation of a cooling tower to
reusable water bottles, and has asked administrators to reduce minimize chemical waste and advocated for light sensors to
the school’s carbon footprint. reduce energy use. What’s next? Recycling in cafeterias.
EDUCATION Blake O’Connor, 18, held a children’s-book drive and EDUCATION Junior Brianna Jacobs, 17, is one of 50 student mentors
recruited his Freedom High School classmates to read to second- at Normal (Ill.) Community West High School. The position calls on
graders at low-income schools in Tampa, Fla. The senior also upperclassmen to be role models for freshmen and at-risk students.
hosted a Dr. Seuss–themed festival that he hopes will become a Brianna has mentored nine students in the last two years, meeting
model for promoting literacy in other towns. with them daily to help them with school work and social stresses.
COMMUNITY Minnesota’s historic Rock Island Swing Bridge was COMMUNITY In 2005, Zachary Swiatko, 18, and his sister created
days from demolition when junior John Atkins, 17, and 60 students Operation Underwear to collect new undergarments and socks for
from Simley High School in Inver Grove Heights got the governor to homeless people in Kenosha, Wis. Zachary, now a senior, continues
halt its destruction. Then, with Facebook support, they helped raise to drum up donations from residents, clothing manufacturers, and his
$3 million to convert the bridge into a recreational pier. classmates at Mary D. Bradford High School.
HEALTH More than 400 students have learned to defend HEALTH After watching a documentary on autism, Akshay
themselves against date rape and domestic violence thanks to Damany, 17, theorized that tennis—an individualized sport with
17-year-old Wellesley (Mass.) High School senior Thanh Pham’s clear rules—could improve coordination in autistic kids and help
Empower Our Youth program. She started the nonprofit two years them move into team sports. The Emmaus High School junior is
ago to fund classes at inner-city Boston schools. now teaching tennis to autistic kids in Allentown, Pa.

Matthew McConaughey says: J. K. Livin encourages students to write about

‘I Want to Do Some Good’ their problems in a journal. “It relieves some stress,”
McConaughey says. “They don’t have to show what
HREE YEARS AGO, ACTOR the team,’ so to speak,” they write to anyone

T Matthew McConaughey wanted to, as he

puts it, “do some good with the goods that
I had been given.” So he started the J. K.
Livin Foundation (it stands for “just keep livin’ ”),
an after-school program that encourages inner-city
he says. “You’ve got a
Goth kid from art class
doing something with
the kid who plays foot-
ball who’s working on a
else. I want them to
celebrate their victo-
ries—that’s most im-
portant—and to think
of the times when they
Watch This!
See exclusive video of
Matthew McConaughey’s
photo shoot and watch
him speak about the
high school students to improve their physical and project with the over- were getting along the importance of service at
mental health through exercises and teamwork. weight girl who wants to be a dancer. It’s an eclectic best and try to figure
The program now reaches more than 6000 stu- group that gives kids a safe place to go.” out why.
dents in California and Texas. McConaughey found that after-school is a critical “I’m really inspired by this new generation that
“I get excited because I love kids,” McConaughey time to help students. “The most dangerous period for is attacking service with fervor—to be so unself-
says. “I wanted to work with 15- to 18-year-olds so kids is from the end of school until dark,” he says, “so ish and say, ‘Hey, I want to spend my summer or
they could learn better life choices early.” we provide an environment that is healthy and proac- weekends helping people. I want to give my after-
The program provides adult guidance for the tive yet still cool and fun. Parents tell us that when our school time.’ I sure wasn’t doing that when I was
kids. “We aimed for the students who ‘didn’t make kids come home, they’re not wound so tight.” their age.” —Jeanne Wolf

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® Contributors: Dana Wilkie and Drew Jubera

The Rise of
Bell Bend
Nine Mile Point

Nuclear Power Fermi Calvert


he newest nuclear power seeing in-

plant in the U.S. opened terest in
nearly 15 years ago, but new nuclear
many more may be com- plants that we North
ing soon. Right now, nuclear reac- haven’t seen in Anna
tors generate 19% of electricity in 30 years,” says
the U.S., compared with 80% in Scott Burnell of River Bend Grand Gulf
France, 44% in Sweden, 29% in the Nuclear Regulato- Harris
Japan, and 15% in Canada. In the ry Commission (NRC).
U.S., 104 reactors are operating in 31 A new reactor in Tennessee is William Lee
states. Illinois has the most, with 11, scheduled to come online by 2013, V.C. Summer
followed by Pennsylvania with nine two more are under construction in the previ- South
Texas Turkey
and South Carolina with seven. Georgia, and the NRC is reviewing ously rural Point
A 2005 law offering incentives for applications for another 21 reactors areas hosting Vogtle
nuclear-energy companies created a at 17 sites, shown on this map. nuclear plants are now
Comanche Peak Levy County
surge of proposals, and President Some experts, including Ed more densely populated.
Obama has committed billions Lyman with the Union of Con- Says Lyman: “The public A proposed new reactor at or near an existing nuclear plant
in federal loan guarantees to aid cerned Scientists, note that new needs to ensure that emergency A proposed reactor at a site that has not previously produced
nuclear power
construction of new plants. “We’re reactors create new risk, and that planning is adequate.” Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Tax Breaks for Films Get Mixed Reviews Told Us at
Even if you never go to the movies, you’re contributing In 2002, just five states offered such discounts to pro- PARADE recently reported on
to Hollywood production budgets. That’s because while duction companies. Today, 44 do. “Filmmakers bid states the debate over whether to
states are cutting services to plug massive budget short- against one another and reap the benefit,” says economist try accused 9/11 mastermind
falls, many are still giving away tens of Mark Robyn of the Tax Foundation, a Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a
millions of dollars in tax incentives to nonpartisan research group. “States are civilian court. We asked readers:
production companies that shoot mov- engaged in this escalating bidding war
ies and TV shows inside their borders. to win over a marginal amount of busi- Where should
Now, some states are starting to re-
think those subsidies.
ness. It’s a race to the bottom.”
Some states agree. Kansas and Iowa
terror suspects
“While we’re cutting funding for have suspended their programs. Arizo- be tried?
schools, we’re sending millions to Holly- na’s will expire this year, and Pennsylva-
wood,” says Michigan state representa- nia reduced the amount of its credit. In civilian
tive Tom McMillin (R.). Two years ago, when Michigan upped Supporters of the tax credits say they help create jobs courts: 60%


its rebate to 42%, productions such as Clint Eastwood’s and boost local economies. After Georgia upped its tax
Gran Torino rushed in. But tax breaks cost Michigan $100 credit to 30% two years ago, film and TV production more By military
million in fiscal year 2010 and are projected to cost $120
million next year. Overall, states gave away $1.8 billion in
than doubled, to $716 million in 2009. “Given the economic
times we’ve been in, this is one of the few positives,” says
commissions: 40%
incentives to Hollywood between 2006 and 2008, according Bill Thompson, head of Georgia’s film commission. “It’s an
to a recent analysis by the Associated Press. industry that’s actually grown.” The polls are still open.
Vote at
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Pro basketball is in need of a game change

By Stephen Fried

RO BASEBALL MIGHT NBA attendance was soft again this year—18 years, you’ll see an NBA with divisions in Europe.”
be America’s pastime and of 30 teams saw a drop—and the only reason the He places much of the blame for the league’s prob-
pro football our most popu- numbers weren’t worse was the desperate ploys some lems on contractual issues, including guaranteed
lar and profitable game, but teams used to fill seats. At 76ers games, traditional salaries that have locked teams into paying players
professional basketball, our halftime entertainment has been almost entirely re- exorbitant sums of money. The NBA’s economic
other major homegrown placed by local school dance troupes, whose mem- structure “does not work,” he says, “and we need a
sport, has the most recog- bers and families are sustainable business model.”
nizable and exciting American charged admission The balance of power within the
athletes in the world. Yet at the same and urged to sell tick- NBA has been skewed for a while.
time, the National Basketball Association (NBA) ets themselves. In the past few years, perhaps only
is facing one of its most challenging moments ever. When I ask about five teams have seriously contended
The league is finishing what commissioner Da- the empt y seats, for championships, and in the past
vid Stern concedes to PARADE is its most eco- commissioner Stern 26 years, only seven cities have en-
nomically disastrous season ever—$400 million in answers: “What the joyed victory parades. Compare that
the red, nearly twice what it has lost in tough years attendance shows is to the NFL, where nine different
before. Fewer fans are going to games, the result of
a bad economy but also of what a veteran NBA ob-
that markets are very
different. Some are
D i
Despite teams have won Super Bowls in a
dozen years. And the amazing free-
server calls “too many meaningless games, too many more sensitive to the stars like Kobe agent class up for grabs next month—
watered-down rosters.” The competitive balance of the
league could be further upset on July 1, when LeBron
quality of the product
on the floor,” seem-
Bryant and LeBron which also includes Dwyane Wade,
Chris Bosh, and Dirk Nowitzki—
James and the most gifted group of hoops free agents ingly acknowledging James, the NBA could lead to a greater disparity in tal-
ever will be able to switch teams. And next year’s ex-
piration of the collective bargaining agreement raises
that some fans are
stay ing home be-
will lose $400 ent, since the same handful of teams
are likely to stockpile the All-Stars.
the possibility of a new relationship among the NBA, cause of weak games. million this year. Even more important to the NBA’s
its players, and its fans, along with the threat of a However, he points to future is the 2011 expiration of the col-
strike or lockout. As a season-ticket holder for the tweaks the NBA made this year that created faster lective bargaining agreement, which establishes the
Philadelphia 76ers and a die-hard fan, I’m concerned and higher-scoring games. Stern is also encour- rules for the division of revenues, player contracts,
about what the future holds for the league, but I’m aged by the league’s explosive growth both online trades, and the salary cap. While stalled talks could
also intrigued by the prospects for change. and abroad and promises, “Over the next several continued

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How to Fix the NBA | continued

lead to a strike or lockout—the last possessions,” Falk says. “Or create a

one wrecked the 1998–99 season four-point play. People thought the
with the cancellation of 30-plus tthree-point shot would destroy the
games—few believee that will hap- game, but it added to it instead.”
pen. But as negotiations
tions heat up, th
NBA is head- ““You should have
ing into a fas- to be out of
cinating period d high sschool
when there are re for three years
more chances ces to pplay
lay in th
to change, im- NBA,”
NB A,” Falk
prove, or mess sss says. Pla
up the game
than everer before.
Attendance is college h
would allow

“ We need to down for 18 of the athletes to de-

grow this game,”
says superagent
league’s 30 teams. velop a fan base
that they could
Davidid Falk, who carry with them
represented Mi- into the pros.
chael Jordan and reps other top play
ers today. The changes are “going
i g to be
“There’s a reason why Charles Bark-
very, very extreme, because I think thelley, who
ho is reti
retired, is still getting
times are extreme.” endorsements,” t says Sports Illus-
Stern says changes are up to the trated writer Jon Wertheim, who
league’s rules committee but admits has covered the NBA for 13 years,
to one “quirk as a fan.” He thinks the “and, say, Tim Duncan and Carmelo
offensive interference rules should be Anthony aren’t. Today, the play-
abolished, letting “anyone do anything ers with personality often have the
with the ball above the rim.” Here, ac- color bleached out of them.” Blog-
cording to a few NBA watchers, are ger Bethlehem Shoals of FanHouse
six more ways to revive the sport we .com advises, “They should Twitter
love—some practical, some improb- all the time. It could be a lifeline to
able, all worth considering. these guys’ personalities.”
1. CHANGE How would you improve “Eliminate or
THE FOUL- pro basketball? See more significantly
OUT RULES. ideas and suggest your reduce rules
“Instead of own at that require
ejecting a salaries of
player after six traded players
fouls,” says agent Steve Mountain, to match up,” Mountain says.
who represents Orlando’s Jameer 6. SHORTEN THE SEASON.
Nelson, “assess a technical for fouls The NBA’s season comprises 82
six and seven, and eject after eight. games. Reducing the number of

This would keep the best players in contests could make each one mat-
the game longer.” ter much more to players and fans
2. INCREASE SCORING. alike. As Falk explains, “In pro
“Shorten the 24-second shot clock football, there are only 16 games,
to 20 seconds to make for more so every game is critical.”

PAGE 10 • J U N E 6, 2010 • PARADE

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Katz, a communication profes-
sor at Rutgers University. The
temptation is especially hard for
teens to resist. “They want to be
22kt G !
in frequent contact,” Katz says,
adding that they might even
find the riskiness of texting Jailhouse old
exciting rather than scary. Of Card k
course, driver-safety advocates
say, no message is worth dying
for. “I know you think it’s so
important to take that call from
your daughter’s school or text a
reminder to your husband,” says
Jennifer Smith, co-founder of
FocusDriven, a safety-advocacy
group formed by people who’ve
lost loved ones to distracted driv-
ers. “But it’s not worth a life.”
So what can be done?

Get the message out

Last fall, the Department of
Transportation launched a cam-
paign to raise awareness of the
Cards shown
dangers of driving while distract- approximately actual size.
ed and to increase the penalties.
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PARADE • J U N E 6, 2010 • PAGE 15 Allow 2 to 4 weeks for initial shipment.

© PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.

Stop Texting | continued

go further: Wisconsin adds four

points to the offender’s driving
record (12 points in a year lead
to license suspension). In Utah,
drivers caught texting face three
months in jail and a fine of up
to $750—and if they hurt or kill
someone, they could be looking
at 15 years and a $10,000 fine.

New apps
disable texts
when the car
is in motion.
At the national level, bills
pending in the House and the
Senate would reduce federal
highway funds to states that fail
to ban texting behind the wheel.

Fight back with technology

“Technology got us into this
mess, and it’s going to get us out,”
says Smith of FocusDriven. New
smartphone applications like
iZUP, tXtBlocker, CellSafety,
and ZoomSafer use a handset’s
GPS to sense when the car is in
motion, then block its ability to
send and receive texts (some have
opt-out mechanisms if you’re just
a passenger). Other programs,
such as Cellcontrol, work on
regular cellphones but require an
additional transmitter. These cost
between $25 and $100 for set-up
and a year of service.
Of course, there’s always the
old-fashioned fix—and it’s free.
“When you get in a car, buckle
up and put your cellphone in
the glove compartment,” says
Secretary LaHood. “Whatever
message is coming across that
device will surely wait until you
get to your destination, and you
will get there more safely.”

PAGE 16 • J U N E 6, 2010 • PARADE

© PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.

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Sharon Male
drink, there are over 25 ways to add your flavor. TM

PARADE • J UNE 6, 2010 • PAGE 17

© PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.

Will Microsoft’s latest invention change the way

you play games, watch movies, even shop? strangest remote control in history. It’s
huge—158 pounds and nearly six feet

How I Became long—which makes it hard to lose in the

couch. It has no buttons and needs no
batteries, which is nice. Plus, it’s quite

an by A. J.
Okay, the remote is me.
That’s the audacious idea behind Mi-
crosoft’s soon-to-be-released video-game system: No joy-
Jacobs stick, no handheld device at all. Your body is the controller.
The device—code-named Project Natal—features a high-
Legal Notice Legal Notice tech sensor that sits next to your TV and tracks your every
If You Submitted A Claim For Medical Payments Coverage
movement. When you kick, your video-game character
Under An Automobile Insurance Policy Issued By A Company Affiliated With kicks. When you jump, your guy jumps. When you wiggle
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., Between January 1, 1990 and your rear end…you
April 6, 2010, Or You Are A Healthcare Provider Who Provided Medical Services get the idea. You
To Such A Person, You May Be Part Of A Class Action Settlement. are immersed in
As part of the settlement, you may be eligible to file What Are My Legal Rights? the game.
a claim to receive a cash payment. This notice is !" If you wish to remain a member of the settlement Microsoft, which
only a summary. For more complete information, class, you do not have to do anything. To receive a plans to release the
please read the full notice by visiting the website cash payment, you must file a claim. If the Court or by writing to approves the proposed settlement, you will be bound system as an addi-
the address at the bottom of the notice. by all of the Court’s orders. This means you will not tion to its Xbox 360
be able to sue over any of the matters covered by the
What is the Class Action Lawsuit About? settlement.
console this holiday
Plaintiffs Winnie Madison and Geraldine Huff allege !" If you wish to submit a claim, it must be submitted season, says that it
that The Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest or postmarked by October 18, 2010. You can will revolutionize
(“Hartford Midwest”) and its affiliates improperly download a copy of the appropriate claim form
paid healthcare providers less than the full amount online at video games. That’s
charged by those providers for certain services and !" If you do not wish to be a member of the some big talk. But The author and his sons sons, Lucas and Zane
equipment in connection with claims arising under settlement class, you must submit a letter to the according to the geek 3, and Jasper, 6, really got into the game.
the medical payments coverage of automobile settlement administrator at the address below so that
insurance policies issued by Hartford Midwest or it is received by August 6, 2010. If you request to crowd, the company might not be blowing digital smoke. “Na-
its affiliates. The lawsuit alleges that the defendants be excluded from the settlement class you cannot tal is pretty astounding,” says Brian Lam, editorial director of
improperly made reductions based on computerized submit a claim.
bill review, and that the defendants asserted that the !" You can tell the Court if you do not like this the popular tech blog Gizmodo. “It goes beyond what made
reductions were based on a determination that the proposed settlement or some part of it if you do Wii so cool and easy for moms, dads, and regular people. I
amount of the healthcare provider’s charge exceeded not exclude yourself. To object or comment, you think it could be the most important development in video
a reasonable price for the healthcare service or must file the appropriate papers with (1) the Clerk
equipment in question. Defendants have denied that of Court, Third Judicial Circuit Court for Madison games since the joystick itself.” Microsoft refuses to say how
their conduct was improper in any way and have County, Illinois, Madison County Courthouse, 155 much the device will cost, but industry experts are making
denied all liability. North Main Street, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025, and
(2) send a copy of those papers to settlement class
guesses that range from less than $100 to nearly $200—on top
What Are the Terms of the Settlement? counsel, Robert W. Schmieder II, LakinChapman of the price of an Xbox 360, if you don’t already have one.
Hartford agrees to pay valid and timely claims LLC, P.O. Box 229, 300 Evans Avenue, Wood River, Microsoft representatives are quick to point out that Proj-
submitted by Insured Persons or Healthcare Providers Illinois 62095, and (3) send a copy of those papers
ect Natal isn’t just about games. Through its partnership


up to an aggregate total of $7.5 million ($7,500,000). to counsel for defendants, Eugene Schoon, Sidley
Insured Persons or Healthcare Providers who complete Austin LLP, One South Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois with Netflix, users will be able to flip through their queue
and submit a valid and timely claim form may receive 60603. The papers must be filed with the Court and with a wave of the hand, then simply say “Play movie” to
a settlement payment in an amount up to 60% of the received by counsel no later than August 6, 2010.
amount of the Disputed Reduction, subject to certain start the show. In the future, they hope the system will be
limits and documentation requirements as explained Will the Court Approve the Proposed Settlement? used for shopping (try on clothes by superimposing virtual
in the Settlement Agreement and the full Notice of The Court will hold a fairness hearing on September
Class Action Settlement. In addition, the Settlement 2, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. to consider whether the proposed garments on your virtual self ) and even companionship (get
Agreement permits the defendants and other parties settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate and to a virtual friend who can sense when you’re upset or happy—
released in the Settlement to make certain future consider the motion for plaintiffs’ attorneys’ fees and or just weirded out that you have a virtual friend).
disclosures which, if made, would limit the ability expenses and incentive awards to the plaintiffs who
of class members to sue based on some of the same represent the settlement class. As a journalist, I had to check this out. And as kids, my
practices alleged in this Litigation. For a copy of the full Notice of Proposed Class 6-year-old and my 3-year-old twins had to come with me.
Who Represents Me?
Action Settlement and a Claim Form, write to: The first game we tried was a mixture of dodge-
The Court has appointed attorneys to represent the Hartford Settlement, c/o Rust Consulting ball and handball. I swatted my hand and my little red
settlement class. The defendants will pay those P.O. Box 2321
attorneys’ fees if the settlement is approved. You Faribault, MN 55021-9021
may hire your own attorney, if you wish, at your own or visit:
expense. or call: 1-866-665-8445 PAGE 18 • J U N E 6, 2010 • PARADE

© PARADE Publications 2010. All rights reserved.

avatar smacked the ball down the court, where it popped balloons it’s the most advanced of the new trend of movement-based video
and then bounced back. My son Jasper, 6, and I began waving and To play, you games—Sony has its own system coming out this fall, Move, which
kicking wildly. uses a handheld controller similar to the Wii’s.
Three things became immediately clear. First, you have to be okay have to be Do my sons like Natal better than Wii? Not
with looking like a drunken maniac about to be arrested on Cops. Sec- yet, they say. They’ll need more time
ond, this is not a game okay with with it at home—a not-so-subtle See A. J. in action!
system for the sluggish. hint. Will we get one for Hanukkah? Visit to
(My shirt was sweaty looking like Depends on the price, which games watch an exclusive
video of the author
within 15 minutes.) Microsoft rolls out, and how loudly
Third, it’s a lot of fun. a maniac. my sons whine.
getting his game on.
I liked doing
virtual high-
fives with my
son and mak-
ingg myy avatar’s

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BackPage by Conn
Connie Schultz

Etiquette doyenne Emily Post had list of people

she expected d
nothing on my mother us to treat with

the same respect we’d ’d give
i our
pastor and our parents: clerks,
cashiers, waitresses, grocery bag-
ggers, cafeteria workers, house-

kkeepers—the list grew with time.
No child of hers was going to bul-
ly someone just because she could.
I remember 11-year-old me return-

Real World
ing to a drugstore counter, my face
oon fire after my mother ordered me

the to apologize for rolling my eyes and

sighing when the clerk accidentally
dropped my change on the floor.

LONG, LONG TIME AGO, I and way more “You get to go home and sit on
was a college kid about to leave for an Muhammad the porch swing,” Mom said, “but
internship in Washington, D.C.— Ali to survive she’s going to be working on her feet
and terrified I wouldn’t fit in. the sidestep all day long.”
It was December 1978. If you saw shuffle of male le staffers As it turned out, I would one day
photos of me from that time, you masquerading as public servants. The closest I came meet Peggy Post. I was assigned to interview her
might think I was insecure because to a finger bowl was the night I wrapped my hand when she came to Cleveland. As a newly single
my Gloria Steinem glasses, padded shoulders, and around a crystal ashtray and threatened to hurl it at mother, I was dreading our encounter after my re-
platform shoes made me look like Herman Munster a deputy press secretary’s head. search dug up this 1973 gem of a quote in The New
in drag. Alas, no. Fashion-wise, I thought I was one Ah, the warm, fuzzy memories triggered by the York Times: “A divorce is a record of failure, and you
sizzling-hot chick. My fear was that I was woefully recent passing of Elizabeth Post, who died in April don’t usually announce
unprepared for a world of finger bowls, petits fours, at the age of 89. I lost track of her 13th edition some a failure. Personally, I READ MORE
and the inevitable avalanche of engraved invitations time ago, but I do have a copy of the 17th, penned don’t think it’s anything


For other stories
tucked between layers of tissue paper. by Emily’s great-granddaughter-in-law, Peggy Post. to crow about.” by Pulitzer Prize–
Oh, go ahead and laugh. Look, I’d spent my entire I gave it to my daughter, who left it behind with her Greaaaat. winning journalist
childhood in Ashtabula, Ohio, listening to my mother Beanie Babies when she went off to college. I agreed to meet Post Connie Schultz
yack about Jackie Kennedy as if she were a frequent What I didn’t understand in 1978 was that my at the Ritz-Carlton— of the Cleveland
houseguest. I thought every mother had already taught me where else?—and hoped Plain Dealer, visit
woman in Washington was still I thought Post’s everything I needed to know that my marital status
wearing pillbox hats and gloves in about manners. More than three would never come up.
summer. What did I know?
book would help me decades later, my life is still driven She was warm and gracious, and we got through the
So for Christmas, I asked my navigate the halls by her mantra of my youth: Don’t interview without any reference to my personal life.
parents for The New Emily Post’s
Etiquette—the 13th edition of
of Congress. marry him until you see how he
treats the waitress.
When I closed my notebook, she asked what the rest
of my day held. I told her I was the softball coach for
the classic, written by Emily’s What did I know? To Mom, good manners were my daughter’s team and we had practice coming up.
granddaughter-in-law, Elizabeth all about kindness, which tilled Then I inexplicably blurted out that I was recently
Post. I figured this chunky book of man-- fertile soil for social justice. She knew
fer divorced and knew that was nothing to be proud of.
nerly minutiae would lubricate my we’d cross paths every day with people
w She reached for my hand, and blubbering fool
navigation through the halls of Con- who were used to being mistreated. that I was, I started to tear up.
gress like grease on a bike chain. She was a nurse’s aide married to a “Ugh,” I said, wiping my eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
It didn’t take long on Capitol Hill factory worker, so any bad behavior She smiled.
—20 minutes, as I recall—before I vvisited on an hourly wage-earner felt “Totally understandable,” she said, softly. “And
Emily Post
realized I needed a lot less Emily Postt personal. She regularly rattled off the
pe not the least bit inappropriate.”

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