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6.1 Know Green Technology in construction.

6.1.1 Define Green Technology and green building in construction
Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) refers to both a
structure and the using of processes that are environmentally responsible and resourceefficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from siting to design, construction, operation,
maintenance, renovation, and demolition. In other words, green building design involves
finding the balance between homebuilding and the sustainable environment. This requires
close cooperation of the design team, the architects, the engineers, and the client at all project
stages. The Green Building practice expands and complements the classical building design
concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort.
6.1.2 List characteristic of green building
i) Robust composting/recycling/materials reclamation programs. A lot of green building
and sustainable living is based around the formation of good habits, particularly in a
consumer-based economy where a lot of waste is produced. As such, programs in place that
support composting, recycling, and re-use of materials become a must-have in any city that
claims to be green.
ii) Greenspace/Parks/Public Gardens/Allotments. This was an overwhelmingly popular
one with our Twitter-pals, and for good reason. This aspect of green building and
sustainability spans a number of areas, including natural C02 absorption, locally grown and
harvested food, and ecopsychological benefits.
iii) Green building in new construction. This aspect of green cities is at its beginning
stages, with many points of view on how practical it is in constant discussion between public
policy, and private profit-making, with front-loaded costs being a sticking point for some. An
example of green building for new construction, Susan Welker (@LadyAia) of HarrisWelker Architects helpfully cited the recent water catchment systems that are required for
construction in Hawaii.
iv) Green Roofs and Walls. The absorption of C02 and other pollutants in urban areas has
been another hot topic in recent years. A key strategy in this regard, and as implemented in
cities like Toronto and Chicago, is green roofs. Not to be confused with roof gardens which
are for beautification (and another essential for a green city!), green roofs are designed
specifically for water catchment, and for aforementioned pollution absorption. Similarly,
green walls serve a similar purpose, making green cities a pretty literal thing and
pleasantly so.

6.1.3 Criteria of Green Building

i) Low embodied energy. The total amount of energy required to manufacture a product
should be as little as possible. This includes considering resource excavation and extraction
from the Earth, use of manmade materials in production, and complexity of manufacture. The
simpler the process, the less harm done to the environment.
ii) Recyclable. Products are manufactured all or in part with recycled materials, and can also
be recycled themselves after use. Using recycled products, or products with recycled content
helps the environment and the economy in several ways. A significant effect is that of
lessening the need for manufacture with virgin, non-renewable resources, which saves
precious resources and also saves manufacturers money.
iii) Low Environmental Impact. Products do not harm the environment, pollute air or water,
or cause damage to the earth, its inhabitants and its ecosystems in their manufacture, use or
disposal. They are non-toxic and contribute to good indoor air quality.

6.1.4 The important of green building in construction

Nowadays, we should make a way to maximize our natural resources and also help our
mother earth to get some relief since pollution is everywhere plus the global warming that we
are all experiencing. Non-renewable energy is expensive and unsafe but did you know that
through green building we can save a lot of energy.
Before that, let's define first the meaning of green building (know also as green construction
is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible
and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from siting to design, construction,
operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction.
The importance of this is it lessen the consume of energy and the pollution as well because
the more we use nonrenewable energy the higher the risk of pollution.

6.2 Understand the use of environmental-friendly materials and sustainable

construction methods
6.2.1 Concept of reuse, recycle, reduce and recovery
REUSE: Spanning from Collectables, antiques and memerabelia to general used goods retail
and wholesale. Dealing in secondhand items typicaly involves the salvage of used items and
may dismantling into components. Beyond salvage and to enhance reuse the industry
includes repair and refurbish, remanufacturing.

RECYCLE: The traditional recycling industry has been primarily a scrap commodity
trading (buying and selling) operation with the major efforts focused around the costs and
efficiency of freight and material handling. Todays recycling industry has evolved largely
into a service industry involved in the collection, sorting, processing and transportation of
waste streams and by-products. Recycling efforts collection and sorting of recycleable
REDUCE: The success of a strategy to reduce waste is largely dependant upon the adoption
of a philosophy to embrace Resource Conservation efforts. Accepting responsibility for
environmental sustainability in all personal and business aspects of life. Expanding on the
Resource Conservation philosophy we must pursue a Design for recycle strategy, to not only
reduce excess or waste in the manufacturing process and packaging but to provide viable
product end of life options. After taking steps to minimize the total waste streams we generate
we can address the balance of the materials with a divide and conquer strategy. This will
allow us to reduce the challenge into bite size pieces.
RECOVERY: The conversion of waste materials for the recovery of the energy values
contained within the waste material such as protein. Complex or mixed materials that cannot
easily be recycled back into the raw commodity may be recovered for their energy values.
Recovery may be achieved through waste stream management by identifying and diverting
materials from disposal into the recover stream.

6.2.2 Green building materials from local sources

Renewable sources: Forests
Reuse from waste: old plumbing , doors etc..

SOLAR TILES - Exist to simply protect a building

They spend a large portion of the day absorbing energy from the sun.
PAPER INSULATION - Made from recycled newspapers and cardboard
Then filled with chemical foamInsect resistant &fire retardant
TRIPLE-GLAZE WINDOWS - Super-efficient windows
Stops heat to enter the building & from direct sunlight
ECO FRIENDLY - Using Bamboo Replacing The Steel Bars.

6.3 Application of green building practices in construction management

i) Life cycle assessment

A life cycle assessment can help avoid a narrow outlook on environmental, social and
economic concerns by assessing a full range of impacts associated with all cradle-to-grave
stages of a process which is from extraction of raw materials through materials processing,
manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling. Impacts
taken into account include embodied energy, global warming potential, resource use, air
pollution, water pollution, and waste.
ii) Siting and structure design efficiency
The foundation of any construction project is rooted in the concept and design stages. The
concept stage, in fact, is one of the major steps in a project life cycle, as it has the largest
impact on cost and performance. In designing environmentally optimal buildings, the
objective is to minimize the total environmental impact associated with all life-cycle stages of
the building project.
iii) Energy efficiency
Green buildings often include measures to reduce energy consumption which is both the
embodied energy required to extract, process, transport and install building materials and
operating energy to provide services such as heating and power for equipment.
iv) Water efficiency
Reducing water consumption and protecting water quality are key objectives in sustainable
building. One critical issue of water consumption is that in many areas, the demands on the
supplying aquifer exceed its ability to replenish itself. To the maximum extent feasible,
facilities should increase their dependence on water that is collected, used, purified, and
reused on-site. The protection and conservation of water throughout the life of a building may
be accomplished by designing for dual plumbing that recycles water in toilet flushing or by
using water for washing of the cars. Waste-water may be minimized by utilizing water
conserving fixtures such as ultra-low flush toilets and low-flow shower heads. Bidets help
eliminate the use of toilet paper, reducing sewer traffic and increasing possibilities of re-using
water on-site. Point of use water treatment and heating improves both water quality and
energy efficiency while reducing the amount of water in circulation. The use of non-sewage
and greywater for on-site use such as site-irrigation will minimize demands on the local
v) Materials efficiency
Building materials typically considered to be 'green' include lumber from forests that have
been certified to a third-party forest standard, rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo
and straw, dimension stone, recycled stone, recycled metal, and other products that are nontoxic, reusable, renewable, and/or recyclable.

6.3.1 The relationship between concept of sustainable development intergral to green

The sustainable development defines in which the site, design, construction, occupancy,
maintenance and deconstruction of the building are accounted for in ways that promote longterm benefits to owners, occupants and society as a whole.
The term 'green building' or 'sustainable development' in construction or renovation generally
refers to minimizing environmental impact and improving efficiency and long-term economic
performance of new construction and renovation projects.

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