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Order formation “Tolophone: 0480 2746888 #2746959. Fax 0480 2747949 mal: “ol Free 1800 425 8545 International Orders ‘Telephone: +91 9646008783 Fac: +91 480 2747949 Emal: = . 4 Te tomaton s —_ Telephone: +91 9846008283 Ena omer cam Send al Ores OUR MISSION Jd Orthodontics Pvt. Ltd. (ur mission is to producing quality orthodontic products at Warp Near Dea ot Wate Prk affordable prices, ot forgetting the goal By using the most Chalk Kaa, In 680 724 advanced technology available in the market. ry 3 oy 4 = e JJ Orthodontics WORLD WIDE DISTRIBUTOR Bo Ne ISO 13485, CE Certified FDA Certificate | cese~ | ra From the desk of Managing Director Welcome to “J J Orthodontics” JJ orthodontics is a manufacturing company of the most ‘modern technologies to design and produce orthodontic products. We are proud to develop products of high precision with the most advanced technology. Our manufacturing area with special MIM facility enable usto offer the quality products at affordable prices, no matter what specification orthodontic conceptsare involved. We are CE and FDA registered manufacturer and exporting our orthodontic products worldwide. Based on extensive research and countless efforts for development, JJ orthodontics offer MIM one piece brackets to the orthodontie wor. ‘ur commitment to doctors and thelr satisfaction as always been apriorty for JJ orthodontics. So Iwould appreciate the opportunity ‘tomeet you to discuss about our company and products. We look forward to hearing from you. Dr. JOHN. sn Lnoav 3 =) S a = contents Brackets 6 Cosmetic Brackets 12 Models 19 Buccal Tubes 20 Bands 25 Wires 30 Elastomeric 36 Accessories & Auxiliaries 39 Extra Oral 49 Instruments 53 Cutter & Pliers 60 Begg System 63 Adhesives 66 METAL - INJECTION MOULDING JJ Orthodontics equips with sophisticated production methods to manufacture orthodontic products. Our unique experience in metal injection moulding process (MIM) to develop orthox series of brackets kept us at the forefront of innovation, providing state of the art orthodontic product. MIM process combines the design flexibility of metal injection moulding offer cost effecting solution for highly complex parts to exacting dimension and tolerances. JJ using latest CAD/CAM computer aided design to develop their latest orthox series of one piece bracket. Mould engineers design and create highly detailed moulds using CAD/CAM computer aided design. Our state of the art manufacturing process moulding the feedstock toa precision brackets. The moulded parts are sintered ina vacuum furnace which will remove the binders and produce the exact final parts. The completed parts are polished, inspected, marked and sent to the final packing, The MIM process provide precise torque, angelation and offsets. Assuring the final product fulfills treatment specifications, The moulds with exact tolerances ensuring repeatable accuracy in the production process. The strength accuracy and appearance of MIM brackets will be excellent, J1140ud ORTHOX : = ONE PIECE BRACKET Ss { Moutsed (win) |_{ €®5ign. Provide | / For precision | & Permanent Marking System stot collapse = os) Poo oy ras A 5 ie} AAdso i ‘ ee - —~% a wean u fea a TORQUE IN BASE CLASS MOLAR RELATIONSHIP PRECISE ROOT ANGULATION LEVEL SLOTLINEUP 2 {tothe base ot each brace. thetectntoschctecesslinala’ ——arguation, slowing allot © contoued. So tet al sts gy Ss ‘eaten Mvp ‘nharmony throu ut te arch g 5 2 & IN/OUT ALIGNMENT Mest Lock MICRO -ETCHED BASE MUSHROOM SHAPE HOOK Low afi reduced el Mash ockbase proves one of Al ortox brackets are micro The sap ofthe hook ferbext he me infeut prover the arongest bond strmgth Etched an the base, lnvuonoeking. "ef thane. and cantor topationte iubleeronepccebnctet, mace cs meg palace ree pt ETeele lap ITU) ORTHOEL Se ROTH Description Brackets Direct Bond .018 & 022 nT 351 351351 42425151 Tt ‘Tore T 2 + He H2 482 70 7 NE at o * * 5 sos o ° ‘| WIHHOOKoTK028 10.01.17 1001.17 10.01.15H 1001.14H 1001.16H 10.01.1641 | WMOUTHOOK. 018X028 100117 10.117 10.0145 1001.12 100110 1001.11 10.0143 109114 TOO116 1001.16 A) | WTHHOOK oeeKmea 0.01274 toor27H 1001254 saor2e4 100120 ta01.264 i “WITHOUTHOOK.022K028 10.0127 100127 10.01.25 10.01.22 100120 100121 10.0123 10.01.24 100126 10.0126 i~d [TOOK atousPms IcusPDs CUSAIDS LATERAL CENTRAL CENTRAL LATERAL CUSPOS BICUSPDS sICUSPDS 1s} 4 [4 ao asi as) 200202028) as ast at aay ae oo or ¢ ¢ 6 © rf ee @ too1ash 100148 ‘ooiatH soorse 1001.0 100135 100134 100130 0190 toor30 too130 oI Toorse 100139 o014sh 1001.44 jooath sore 1001404 190145 100144 100140 DOr40 100140 TOo140 ToOLA T0142 100148 SCUSPIDS CUSPIOS LATERAL CENTRAL CENTRAL LATERAL CUSPDS BCUSPOS BICUSPOS Brackets (5-5) Qty - 200s (1 case) O18 KOZ 022x028 022x028 Hooks 3 Hooks 34.5, Hooks 8 _1001.100 _10.1.200H 100.200 ty ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Teta eS) AC) ORTHOP, McLaughlin, Bennett & Trevis’ Description Brackets Direct Bond .018 & 022 Was ast ast ast 22a tat ‘Torus 7 7 art r WME o e e * . e 6 e o ‘(WwTHHOOKOTBXO26 —— t0.0217H 1002171 10.02.15H ro02 14H 1002.16 10.02:16H ‘WTHOUTHOOK. 018x028 10.02.17 100217 10.0215 100212 10.0210 100211 100219 10.0218 10.0246 10.02.16 ‘wmHOoK nzzKozs nazz” 10022 1002258 00224H 1002204 1002204 “WITHOUT HOOK 022x028 10.02.27 10.0227 10.02.25 10.02.22 100220 10.0221 10.0223 10.02.24 10.0226 10.0226 “TOOTH GVSPIDS_IGUSPIDS CUSPIDS LATERAL CENTRAL CENTRAL LATERAL CUSAIDS SIOUSPIDS BICUSPIDS OB O@bBHaABAA GF (Wo ast ast ast 238 asa aos ast att STORE roe a ERR EC Ee ET cane z s coe of o F 2 z “WWTHHOOKOTeKn26 —— to.0298H 100295H t0.0290H 1002.31H 1002324 1002334 “WITHOUTHODK 018x028 10.0236 100235 10.0234 10.0230 190230 100230 100290 100231 100232 100233 “WTHHODK.022K028 —10.02.46H 10.0245H 10.02.44H too2.41H 1002424 t00249H “WTHOUTHOOK. 022x028 10.02.46 100245 100244 10.0240 10.0240 10.0240 10.0240 100241 10.0242 10.0249 [TOOTH oUSPns BIcusPDS CUSPDS LATERAL CENTRAL CENTRAL LATERAL CUSPUS aIcUSPHS cUSPOS Brackets (5-5) Qty = 20nes (1 case) ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Tele lme Ih) Direct Bond .018 & 022 Direct Bond .018 & 022 Brackets (5-5) Brackets (5-5) " Qty -20n0s (1 case) Qty = 20nes (7 case) i (018x028 022x028 iw Hooks 245 | re} -10.04.200 | 4 i oO Torque [te [io | or | eo | oe | ee fom [ar | im [1 Tio oo ae ee ee | ee on a Tie e[e |e) e* > pole }e les" |e] «© SiotSize | Assortment Packs | Quanity ee ss 4 Kit 20 pcs. 70.05.01 o j|e | oo] 18 Tits Tbes 28 pes 10.05.02 or | or | or | o7 = | Sc Lingual NiTI arch wires tom) CJ ST nga atch es aval ness Beet) = Te Size Upper | Lower es le sma | 0.016 | 10.05.03 | 10.05.06 o | | o | @ | [tedium [0.016 | 10.05.08 | 10.05.07 or [or | on | or tage [0.016 | 10.05.05 | 10.05.08 10 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Monalisa - Roth & MBT Brackets wo a1 ast St ast 42 2ST 881 ‘TORQUE r r 2 4 He aR 482 7 7 ANGLE ° ° * 8 fF 8 8 @ oF ° TooTH BICUSEIDS BICUSPIS CUSPIDS LATERAL CENTRAL CENTRAL LATERAL CUSPIDS ICUSHDS sIcUseHS wo ast ast ast 283283 2B 2m) Hat TORQUE er ww 6 oc 6 6 af ar we ANGLE o ° Toe e © re rl ° ‘Toot BIQUSPIDS BICUSPIDS GUSPIOS LATERAL CENTRAL CENTRAL LATERAL CUSPIDS BICUSPIDS sICUSPIDS Monalisa brackets are available in Roth and MBT prescription with .018 and 022 slots. ROTH MBT ORDER NOW | International +91 9846008283, nn 3 3 SHED) t:| SpS8Szp00sl:8ed |/0L ah TTC) Ceramic Bracket System Sparkle Metal lined ceramic bracket system SED M)isI:) smooth, stro Contoured Ultra Smooth, wong Hooks Archwire Stet Design ‘Removable Color Coded 10 Dot ‘Ample TieWing Area Mighest Quality Material oe 2 a im conti P| ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Clear - Patient Aesthetics Fully transparent and tooth color goes through the bracket and make it super aesthetics. The revolutionary material is glare free, invisible and disguisable on tooth, Nearly invisible against any tooth shade and stays crystal clear without staining, = Clear - Patient Comfort ‘One of the lowest profile for pationt comfort in the industry Brackel-top is fuly machined and polished for the best patient al comfort in aesthetic brackets. Lowest bracket height for less. i. fresireon te lip forte patient 15 degree downdraton te my | tings torsafe ligation, = iS y 2 cee = co ao ‘Sh os tion for faster fath mover and sort reaiment tine Clear - Bondstrength Proven mechanical bonding base provides excellent bonding y Strength and decreases ‘accidental removal Patented Mushroom_mechanical lock base for the safest and best bonding 30% increased hook strength will ensure less, strength with up to 50% improved fracture strength, Intense utiization of breakages and less doctor visits ‘computer strength simulation to identify and strengthen weak areas High strength by maintaining exibilty for Improved shock resistance Clear - Predictable Debonding Grasp the brackets, ‘on the Mesial-cistal side close to the tooth Remove all igatures and wires Remove flash from around the brackets and with a high speed Twist the bracket 90° ‘debonding bur. This mesial-distal twist procedure has been proven o minimize the riskof breaking clockwise to safely brackets or harming the tooth’s surface. (Note: When bonding new brackets, do not treat the remove the bracket bracket surface with any kind of bond enhancer.) 14 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 The Alternative for Aesthetic Treatment a Bs) B= a ps fal a 7) Rounded Corners QD rmecomtt00 Arce it Design “dh ghost ualtytaterat Dove Tail Grooves ‘Compound Comoer tase Generous TieWing Area Contoured Tie Wine >i em ‘> hn em ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 wn i ly 4 S) 3 co bracket system compare to . CLARITY by 3M Unitek ROTH Bee ° BT Cy adorn of 2M uo SE [ea ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 bracket system owned Comers 4 rere coor coded 10001 Meta ined Archuire Sot “Transtecent TE ceneroas Thewing Area Nickel Foe for Sanstive Patients , ghost Quay Material Comoured Te Wing ‘ect Ue wera ] E> =] em em | = 4 Sc a m an BUCCAL TUBES Monalisa NON-CONVERTIBLE - UPPER TUBES - MONALISA. Maxillary MONALISA upper molar non-convertible tubes Direct bond/weldable .018 & .022 Single Tube BUCCAL TUBES Nee Lee Re MUL eno UO N ‘Mandibular MONALISA Lower Molar Non-convertible Tubes Direct Bond/weldable .018 & .022 Single Tube “ooh Torque Ose WWOu Lengh 018x025 022x028 ay Tooth Torque Ofset ivOut Length 018x025 022x028 Oly [714 +8107 35200110 200210 1 ley 14 +8 107 95 200710 008101 e448 107 [95 aooray zones 4 48 107/35 zoors1 goons | Double Tube Double Tube Toot Torque Ose Inu Lengh 018x025 022x028 aly Tooth Torque Ose InOut Length 016x025 022x028 aly [6449 107 35 200310 200810 4 lb 44 +9 107 85 200910 zosom0 1 4 48 tor) 35 zoos zoos | 61 (4 (49 107/85 goons zosoat || [64 +14 107 35 200312 200412 1 Ib 44 +14 107 95 200012 aosore 1 44 107/35 2009313 aoo4sa 1 G1 4 16 107 [25200013 zososs Triple Tube Tooth Torque Ofset iva Legh 018x025 022x028 ay le 4 49 107 35 200510 200610 1 Sl) 1¢ 491.07 (35200511 ano6s 9 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 el eee) Sai eee Ll oy Maxillary ORTHOX upper molar non-convertible tubes Weldable .018 & .022 Single Tube BUCCAL TUBES le ee N/a eae el el ‘Mandibular ORTHOX Lower Molar Non-convertible Tubes Weldable .018 & .022 Single Tube Double Tube Double Tube ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 QD e 3 2 > z= 4 Sc a mm an PCa BUCCAL TUBES 18004258545 Toll free: fee hen a Maxillary ORTHOX Upper molar convertible tubes Weldable .018 & .022 BUCCAL TUBES pee SUN haem ee) ae) Mandibular ORTHOX Lower Molar convertible Tubes Weldable .018 & .022 Single Tube Single Tube Tou Tor fea! wOd Leah a6x025 022x028 ay ] | [/Tonb Teaw few Wo Lah O7ex025 Ozex028 | ay Wy -4 +8 107 35 mois zoe 1 | |p 44 48 107 5 ozrt0 moze 1 Ee “Sy ay Double Tube Tout Tow Osa 018x025 022x028. aw pouble Tube 4 +8 mz mart Toot Tec Oe Ot La O8x025 022x028 iy 54 8 wan man 1 14 +8 t07 35 202910 203030 1 C14 eon 38 ozant zoaost Triple Tube Toot Trew Ofte WOut| Leng 018x025 020x028) ay le 14 49 107 35 S449, 107 35 2025.10 2n25.41 2028.10 2026.11 1 1 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 BANDS ° JJ anatomical bands are made of stainless steel, and are preformed to reproduce molar morphology for the better adaptation, These bands are available for upper and lower molars and for right and lft side, These bands available in three ifferent packages, Trial Kit, Introductory Kit & Master Kit and also availabe individually, Lower Right Sey CodeT@] Cove[BF Code 7 6] Code 7 7 2 1 sooi4a 300210 s0g3.10 — sa0410 ast sooiit —spoz11,—gag331—so04t1 2 1 sooi12 snoz12 sogas2soout2 ms 1 spoi4a 300233 gaga33 nat a 1 spoii4 300214 gogas4 an 04t4 ast spo1is 300215 g0g9.35 —an0415, Lower Left 2 1 goo1is —s00216 © g00316 © s004.16 7 es 1 so117 300217 300831700417 1 1 BANDS soo148 300218 9003.18 s008.18 8 335 sooi49 sog2.19s0a3.18—sa04.19 4 1 so0i20 30220 30a320 sa0420 ust sooi2t snoz21_sags2i—so.0421 % 1 sooiz2 snoz22 sagaze 00422 Upper Right B50 ot spoi2a 300223 magnz3 an04za ‘a 6 1 spoi2e 300224 = sagn24 an 0424 st 390125 s0m225- gaga25 a0. 0425, a 1 990126 300225 a0m3.26 —sn0426 ws 1 soi27 —so0227-sagg27 30.0427 8 1 800128 300228 s0a3.28 300428 5 ot soo129 sn0229s00328 300429 Upper Left 8 1 soig0 30230300330 500430 oe ss tl sooist sors 30g33i—s0.0431 0 1 soois2 spozs2 sagase—soouae mst sooia3 soozs3_ sagas sodas a 1 spoia4 —soo2a¢—maga3d an 04as 7 “51 so1as —s00235gaga3s — sn04a5, 2 1 spo1gs 300235. g0g3.36—an0436 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 PRE-WELDED BANDS + aces) offers pre-welded bands with tubes in a comfortable and economical range. The pre-welded bands available in upper double and lower single tubes, These bands available n three different packages, Trial Kit, Introductory Kit & Master Kit and also available individually Lower Right : ‘See aly Code TS] —Code[EF Code? | Code |B 7 ow 8 a 1 30.05.10 30.06.10 9007.10 30.0810 ze =i [a eo eee 2 0 1 90.05.12 30.06.12 9007.42 30.0812. n am ene aE ais ii ere no INN co com [or eee teeta = =o ieee of =i eo: TE 7 = Ee occ RETO e's am Tene RET ase i: 7 = Doo nz : eee xn TE ane pert ae eae cc ann . om ee a mn am oo [ee eS a ree cE ane = ie See TI sue =i co ee am ee Upper ut Si Se 5: TEE - = ee oo ns a eee nT ane i eee cd ann i Ee a cm ee oe n= =i 7 ee 27 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 BICUSPID BAND: ° Bicuspid Bands Ca cade Bands primer Tea] Permeter Teeth Teeth mm 15-14 / 24-25, om 44134 45135, | a7 [4 [2am ma | 1 | sosoar 30.480 2 [| + | acm 27_| 1 | soiom | sos ef aa [+ | seme [| | aoso0 | ao 2 [me [+ | samen [ms [+ | sosooe | aoss.on —) 3 [us [+ | snmos [ms [+ | soso | soto = we [af + | snmoe [ma [ 1 | soso | so..06 = 7 25.5 1 30.09.07 147 1 30.10.07, 30.11.07 [et | samme 7+ 3 3arKoe [ef | same [ss [1 | soso | @e mw [ma [ 1 300] asf | sonora | _sannt0 cat Pre-Welded band with Button & Cleat Wild Smiles - Fashion Series 30.12.01 30.12.02, Coe ia sox203 | Bros oa) Conversion Chart ST raw « a) (er m = saw ee = = ea 1 t i = sn uawns ve = 1 —o cal ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 MOLAR BAND & PRE-WELDED KITS EST) Molar Band Trial Kit 30.10.01 - Pre-Welded Trial Kit 30.10.02 See 295 40 905 31 515 92 925 49 55 M4 G45 95 955 96 965 G7 57S 98 985 99 305 40 405 41 415 42 TOT i 2) 2) 2) Fay fe sas 8 “a 818) 514)5)5|9 8 oF 2244553 % “a 2244553 5 io) S 2 S a Molar Introductory Kit 30.10.03 - Pre-Welded Introductory Kit 30.10.04 See 295 90 905 31 515 $2 325 58 585 M4 MS 95 955 96 965 G7 STS 98 985 99 995 40 405 41 415 4 TOT is By fez) Bsn a sn en a en ea 50 ud 1233455833 3221 50 oF ialsls|e|slofalels|sleajala 50 “a i/Alalale|slelalelsal|alejela 50 20 Molar Master Kit 30.10.05 - Pre-Welded Master Kit 30.10.06 Sua 295 50 305 31 315 $2 325 49 SOS MMS 35 S55 36 365 G7 97S 38 3A5 99 395 40 405 41 415 42 TOT we 22224444 46 5 5 8 8 1 8 4 4 2 2222 ug 22224444465 55 8 8 000 4 4 4 22222 oe 2222444445 55 8 80008 4 422222 15 “902222444445 55 8 8 003 4 4 22222 15 500 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 PREFORMED - NITINOL (NiTi) ARCH WIRES Arch Forms NATURAL ovat = i 5 im an Preformed Super Elastic NiTi Arch Wires NATURAL ovat se oy perense Lawrence arena ct Oo * oat oons1 como actos a Oo ren rare ae ete y Oo fone) wang ome: | ages coun Oa * asia) wane moe | acne Os * wows) wanes omos | anoeas OF ome) me womon | aout A Co tw ‘omar | mar “omar | ona? on oe nae a ooonme amas) anon mon aoaae z MEE Oem “ons omst womans Fe tase a Preformed Super Elastic Reverse NiTi Arch Wires s NATURAL ovAL FS so cy pends Lomrcots——Uwrente Laman a Qo 0 | emo “cane omar | eosoat cy ba On ee a O. ow | ane 00808 wom | aoa y Pwtw |e tne | em cane | ae iP oo 5 = = 08 sure [owe ware coo amie | ara8 A Cor me woror woe amet | wr0ar SOP Cy area woe oie a0%8s | 008 seca ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Ti rao Preformed Niti Thermal-activated Arch Wires NATURAL oval se 2) ines Lorene Uaprde Lome Ose ews eoneer | esr | aston Om | worse | morece | sce | ence O ae | west | eons | isos | ethos Om Fi S| a Ome ww | wn | aio | arse | soto iad Dore | ons “ai08 “03508 01808 = son) erm aS) sear | | ame | om | wim | wi JOE To awe oe | yy | vara | cannon | aonsmo | aoeon wo E] ee | y | eae | wae | we | wake PREFORMED STAINLESS STEEL(NiCr) ARCH WIRES 3 NATURAL 3 = a ea ee Ss Oe a s D0 ~» | aon | ame = be ow | Wise | was o 9° NATURAL UPPER Ey rund ow so) 07004 aH = Ox o | was | amas S seem yea me Ey 8 oi iar am ana a are. ee wre 4 ere oe ar NATURAL LOWER rectangulr 32 ORDER NOW wow. | International: «91 9846006263 Like Sze Spas remkime ty Sze Spice | remkme ay oe oat wats 8 om amo oma = 016 40.21.02 40.21.05, co 016 40.22.02 40.22.05 25" zm 018 40.21.03 40.21.06 25" 018 40.22.03 40.22.06 a n Preformed Ligature Ki See ay Code Swire da 025mm | 100 won. Tooth lured wire dia 0.25mm © 40.25.02 See a Code a SSwied0.35mm | 100 023.0 z Testh Cloured Fe i 0.35mm ied ont s Short Kobayashi 2 i ay Code SSwireda0.3smm | 100 10.23.05 Tooth lured wire ‘dia 0.35mm oe id ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Sage == en Oreo tem to | 4024.04 ae 10 40.2405 @ = Ee eur ac Z a ae ‘Te special taniummelysenum alloy of THA a GeSE= aes ieee bngs eaal cnosoger re hosheg ottosant: = [CO » 025.01 ‘resiments O mw a 0.25.02 O ow 0 10.25.03 Coe peo |e aans04 (cee ” 025.05 CO vreer ° 0.25.08 3 d oes ” 0.35.07 3 roun Cer . 4025.08 a CO exo ° as09 S a rectangular = Arch Forms - Soe toxt6 10 | 4026.01 | 40.26.07 1602 10 | 40.26.02 | 40.26.08 1705 10 | 40.26.03 | 40.26.09 ‘eas 10 | 40.26.04 | 40.26.10 1905 to | 40.26.05 | 40.26.11 2x05 10 | 40.26.06 | 40.26.12 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Blue Elgilloy -CoCr Cob chromium wires whic offers force magnitudes Braided wires are # strands of Stainless steel wire with & bright. finish are braided panne eMart aa a a Gore ae | aarot ~— ore ear Y ee ‘Twist - Flux Wires NiCr for Lingual Retainer Ge - SEE = @ ow so 402001 Se J @ aw =e 40.28.02 Boe we at Braided Archwires SEER] | tosether to rovde 2 super reslentarchwre 0135 | or | 40.29.01 Coaxial wires are 5 wires wrapped |_-0175_| 30fe | 40.29.02 around single core wire, asuper Size Qty Unper Tesiien wire that ean be bend to.3 seater degree than ordinary twist roa | 10 | aozo.or | 40.30.08 we was | 10 | 40.3002 | 40.30.04 ‘Tooth Coloured Wires Nitinol Spool ste ay | Upper | Lower \ \ sore so | aoan.or | 40.31.05 5 016 030 | 40.34.06 Serene © size ay | Goee Ni amor so | 40.31.03 | 401.07 ou oS haze Nitiore x22 10 | aoaioe | 4031.08 . o16 25, 0.320 on 35 | wo3203 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 S3IdIM 1) ELAS Peon TOMERICS Elastomerie Chain oonnre soi sane & are BooTeT__s9a2 oT so Basa wa Sher Tooter —suaroy seam worse sar re SOLOS 50a OF Soo ‘Soar ena sea Eric Latex-Free Ligature Ties Moulded ition sono, | Ror soar we Boxe Cor Tre Detrrik soos rutin somata rn coy 500416 “Mu Gomur SOOKTT Gar —_—sooAtE Peed Intra Oral Elastics Force eeior ee ow cote a Sovee om ° se0o | 50.05.08 some | tt Om) wan . ane | oe ° vom [sma row em) Om nese - teen | ster 7 vom | ares Extra Oral Elastics @ a ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 m m > a a Ss = m 2 a a = =) S a = ELASTOMERICS ) Eran TOR Sele reat ae fm Nh sty easter res, Fah meals 518 lng te Me, Ka for reatons ane rotors \ Tae tae ay eee \ char meh sat n GES Sg S nti sty. Mery and ay to Ka S om & | ee B a ee ee s a Mca ed Sump tong pee: ach ke ans and alas ae Se oy ae i har sar won sano \S Rete Cha sotae.——_sn.01 Rime toe need Th pr as and eng pring an eee ad soa pry ‘ese ope separa pesto oa am te saree mata Rapa ro econ peas ped Cae ay ate oy ase te 10m sta tow sasone Rr SCE OLEATE Ly Sie Sep oer srs ud ns wich een esr rset see ah 10 seer sc ie ay sce fe 100 son ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Lea “Gurins are devices attached to the orthodontic wires with the Gurins Key ‘which wil permit the application of forces iretly in the arch , size ay code 022 fixed or adjustable) 10 60.01.01 Tipe Size ay code Right 022 fixes or adjustable) 10 60.01.02 Left _|.0r2 fixed or adjustable | 10 60.01.03 Type size ay Code Right 022 Fixes or adjustable 5 60.01.04 Left OR fixed or adjustable | 05 60.01.05 a. it is a hexagonal key to fix the Gurins screw. ‘Materia ay ode _— > O22 fined or adjustable} of 60.01.06 Use Length Tube Torque Offset. ty Code, lle 3,5mm - 10 60.01.07 wth 2 Hoh a melts 3,5mm - 10 60.01.08 & 6 veh ok? ORDER NOW | International +91 9846008283 ACCESSORIES 40 Auxiliaries ‘improving rotation, traction & retraction movements Ser [© Lingual Buttons is available in bondable or weldable form. This can be used for elastic and ligature wire retention, A i Convex for =e & = GcreKee 10 60.01.11 = pail myn mde ices a pounnanms Closed D0ef .20nn(.008) ‘cnn (32) Compression. HAAR | + spoot ren [et lyre | oon @25nm956) f ‘sam at} (LLC | | tapont tek aon ‘Open 2008f oO 0.01.14 oO 60.01.15 Closed 25096 o 60.01.16 Orthox Series = Open 2009 180mm spot | 60.01.17 a cioed | 250 mm | eae 2mm | eaon.9 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Lea Lingual Retainers 3-3 Direct bonding, Suitable thickness and hardness, easy to use 2pcsipk Sze] semm [40mm [eam | am | aémm code | 60.01.20 | so.or.21 | eo.0r.2 | 60.01.23 | 60.01.24 Ea ‘code | 60.01.25 | 0.01.26 | €0.01.27 | 60.01.28 | 60.01.29 Universal Lingual Retainers Direct bonding, universal, flexible according to clinical operation 2pcs/ok sae Zomm Tamm ‘code 0.01.30 Boots ‘The flux can be used for — welging, Improving metal Siver ser smade by _. lnin and allow 2 uniform rnen toxic materia biisterfree meld and easy foruse « Size ay code size ay code 20m 0 60.01.32 am or 60.01.33 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 ACCESSORIES Ly Ceramic Coated Mirrors ‘The mirror can autoclave and tolerates temperatures up to 137 degree centigrade, Lingual Buccal P| ‘Adult XL Occlusal Adult Occlusal Child Occlusal J 60.01.34 60.01.35 60.01.36 60.01.37 60.01.38 1 pcfpk A pci 1 pcfpk 1 pclpke A pci “The screws are used in fixed and removable appliances to expand dental arches. They are available in several sizes and models and offer expansions ranging from 7- 13mm. as tm | ot | 60.01.40 owes expansion screw | 9mm | Ot | 60.01.41 timm | ot | 60.01.42 Standard Bipansion Sew | Tamm | of | 60.01.48 S5mm | of | 60.01.48 a onsn So mm) oF 60.0148 Hyrax Palatal Expansion Screw Tm | 01 | 60.0846 om | 01 | ona = e. timm | oF | e0.ora8| mm | 01 | 6001.476 Economy Version timm | or | 60.01.46 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 eS aIS 65mm or 60.01.50 pening ay code am or 60.01.51 Tm sm o coe it, 10 oase ns to eats ‘ a oo ~ ute . ] S C= = | © 0.01.54 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 ACCESSORIES an es fb 9 Recarguer| 10 | (60OLSSA cone | we | ase Aa Fes wed ot an ae ‘ parece = a \et Sw | toms ws = Se ‘ee e. AF, ow | ams — % a ans & We | BS some a 2 “ 4 100 60.01.59 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 @ CED 10 60.01.61 e i This tubes can be used as face bow tubes. ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 ACCESSORIES ety Patient relief wax relieves patient discomfort due to orthodontic appliances and reduces no. of emergency visits. 60.01.66 a 0.01.67 Patient relief wax relieves patient discomfort due to ‘orthodontic appliances and reduces no. of emergency visits. 1 patient set of upper & lower per pack 70.01.25 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Lee Removes interpreximal tooth mas to produce adltionalintra-arch space. May also be used for opening ‘contact points contouring or removing overhanging lings. 1kit Fullkit | ot 60.01.74 1 refils Single | 10 | 60.01.75 Trefills Double | 10 | 60.01.76 it contain ‘hanale and 12 assorted strios Rel Strips avaliable in packs of 10 Impression trays have excellent alginate retention due to base perforation. It can be decontaminated by autoclave or chemical methods. 1 White Q 60.02.13, 2 White @ 60.02.14 3 White a 60.02.15 4 White Q 60.02.16 5 White, a 60.02.17 6 White a 60.02.18 7 WED Q 60.02.19, a White a 60.02.20 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Auxiliaries ot 60.02.21 o 60.02.22 ot 60.02.23 ACCESSORIES Mom | 60.02 | «023 10 nm | O22. 10 som | 002.26 | «0.35 | 10 eo hee fim | e0ona7 | ome | 10 Bon | ome ena 10 45mm 60.02.29, 60.02.38 10 ATeaen 60.02.30 60.02.39 10 ‘Samm 60.02.31 60.02.40 10. ‘35mm 60.02.32, 60.02.41 10 @) 1 kit of 3 numbers oo ORDER NOW wor. | Internationa : +91 9846008263 150m 7 216m 048 small Face bows are made of special high resistant stainless stet, Its mal associated with head gears or neck pads. This product allow “application of Orthodontic or Orthopedic forces. 70.01.01 Medium on 70.01.02 ? Large on 70.01.03 ) | totreathypotonicctip, Lipbumbers canbe used to reinforce anchorage, tomovemolarsand ‘matt 1 70.01.04 Medium o1 70.01.05, Large oO 70.01.06 el ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 EXTRA ORAL 50 Neck pad for Elastics - Low Traction - Smal a1 70.03.07 Say Medium o1 70.01.08 anne 0 70.01.09 Neck pad for safety breakaway: Low Traction QS small o1 70.01.40 This appliances is indicated in the patients with mandible anterior growth. Head gear need a heavy duty stapler for assembling the strap. The stapler fixing method will give proper contouring ofthe strap with head and comfortable to the patients. Polyester, elastic, and plastic ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 CORTHOX- High pull neac gear with chin cap is designed to comfortably fit a variety of patients Hard chin cups require comfort pading because the hare shape does not propery onform to the patients chin. Only sof conforming chin cup can comfortably fit most people. Ortiox head gear has a unicue soft neoprene chins strap. Chin cup component i attached witha snap buckleallowing easy placement and removal of thehead ear materia size ay code Polyester, elastic and plastic Single or 70.01.13 ‘The safety breakaway is spontaneously detached if the force exceed the safety level. Size ay Code ‘matt 1 70.01.16 Medium o1 70.01.17 Large oO 70.01.18 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 = °o 2 E 52 Face Mask - Delaire Gray Protraction Face Mask t on Orange on Cheek Retractor Lip cat 1 60.02.46 Retractor Te? tren 1 60.02.47 Cheek Retractor Photographic ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 ‘This instrument is used for placement and removal of elastic ligatures Size ay Code = cL ot 80.01.01 pS a r me) 80.01.02 y : 20.01.03 pT a1 20.01.04 ‘This instrument allow the correct placement ofthe bracket slots in Felation tothe occlusal or cial ‘ace of the tooth Size Qty Code 3s a oo o | maoues anal 45 3 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 ‘Tet ash SLNA A) ra Zz fray = 4 = a = wa f al 80.01.10 Bo01at ‘Boaz B0.01.13 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 ‘This instrument can scratch band surface and to access the height. o 80.01.16 ‘The positioners are useful forthe patient to replace the intra-oral elastics ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Teds mn Fa = 2) INSTRUMENTS ‘The arm bending isa practical device used to easy bene wires of more diameters upto 1.5mm. This can be used for {ace point palatal splitscrew. ‘Arch cemetery plastic grid screen ‘mension 60x60x mm | Template | or | 80.01.21 {Cephalometric ot | 80.01.22 Ricketts | 01 | 0.01.23 a0.01.198 Corelometer, Ot | £0.01.26 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 ay code e or 20.01.26 er BODOONINONN BT ee CLL a ener ere Classt 60.01.29 lass 204A | 80.01.30 Wax “class 20Wv2 | 80.01.31 Class3 | 80.01.32 1 20.01.33 ‘The turret is useful to form arch wires from rectangular wires. Turret is made of aluminium having an excellent finish Sie ay code. oe or oe ow ar Cy 0.01.34 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 016.017" 018" 017° Slot(5 ).017' 018.019" Slot10)).016" 018" 2002 022" Slot) 017-18" .019" Slot(13 ) .016" 018" (e=: Ls 1 on3e mo pq [E> aS | moras - [4] or | 80.01.40 INSTRUMENTS (es fo | mona 45 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 7 ay cote oO) sao. ‘This can be used for elastic force evaluation mo) eS 1 moon oy | tata | ore Force | Qty Code Orthodontic Tensiometer - Economic oogr-1600e" ora as eee ne nema Stew Driver lade Ge 0.02.02 Product No. Qty cote p- Tania 260m 0140.02.08 are cs Titanium 4.2x6mm_ | 01 | 80.02.04 aad | Titanium 1Sxémm | 01 | 80.02.05 | Titanium 1.865mm | 01 | 80.02.06 om Es Sens ee Scat Seeniver anal wih Blade] 60.03.01 st Screw 57 w0.02 ate Screw 5x5 1003.03 Serew Driver Handle 80.02.01 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 CUTTERS Toll free:18004258545 h US Orthodontics Wire Cutter - Wire cutter- cuts igature wires and 4 pins of any size - maximum cutting J apacty archwires up 00, 96x0.7 90.01.02 Pin & Ligature Cutter Standaré, straight hand-crafted cutter can cut up to 016 diameter Softwires, pins elastics. 13degree ‘cutting angle. 90.01.08 Shear Distal End Cutter w/ Hold >, Hardened toal stel inserts are capable SF Festina, aes, ded @ fees and rectangular Up {0 022.028, Wren ot wire itl to mot SS buceal tube 90.01.05 itters & Pliers ‘ono. Series Distal End Cutter Micro-istal End cuter safety hold ex 30.0201 Pin & Ligature Cutter Standard straght handcrafted iter LS Ginette O16 diameter sot wes << bins & elastics, 15 degree cutting ins 90.02.02 Hard Wire Cutter Features extra-strong cutting edges and 215 degree cutting angie. (Cuts wires up to.072".028") — 7. 30.02.03 Hook Crimping Plier Easily crimps archwire hooks in place. aA Stop Plier Ze amie of ang te sto on the archive, For round @ rectangular wires Up ZB io Adams Plier =x, “wo square beaks with parallel opening att mum made on forging with sight lavgeripste, 900. Posterior Band Removing Plier ‘occlusal of the molar and the non Dacded remover tip catches the ledge of the band for Upward oF ‘The padded tip rests on the ‘downward remaval 30.02.12 Ideal for forming square or Fectangular archwires 9002.43 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 _ hh _ How Plier Matching serrated pads assure a firm, positive grip. Rounded tips for patient comfort and safety. (/erdiameterpads) a 9002.14 Bird Beek Plier - Small | popular and versatile pier for working with round wire up to ‘030" Round ane pyramid beaks are ultrasmooth preventing Scaring. (orks withwire upto 030") 90.02.15 Angle How Plier, EA General utility plier with - rounded, serated pads 9002.16 Bird Beak Plier - Lang ‘popular and versatile plier for ‘working with round wire Up to 030" Round and pyrami beaks are _ultrasmooth” preventing scoring (works with wire upto 020") 90.02.17 Weingart Utility Plier Serrated pas hols wires femly at Cenvenient werk angle, Tapered et Silsatatr icine =i S Rounded for "safety. Our most = popularutity pir ee 30.02.20 Ribbon Arch Plier Teal for forming square or rectangular archwires. Beveled ‘edges prevents scaring archwires Keat Buccal Tube Tweezers Simply sie the tweezer tip into the {ube andplace. For amazing contrat and vision, try the Keat buccal tube weezer 90.02.26 Band Cutting Scissor ‘The band cutting scsor usa ted Yor tne eating ofthe Dandmateralforthebands 30102;30 Tweed Loop Forming Plier Convex /_ Concave beak makes recs loops Tip 2 {ee steps 065 06a ‘7S, Onebeakisserated 0 preventwiestppage. 90.02.24 Direct Bond Bracket Remover Replaceable tips wedge between , both edges of the base of the bracket and tooth surface, easy lifting off the bracket. Narrow oF Wide tips, 90.02.23 Seperating Holder . Seperting hdr help to at the a Seperating modules terse Ne 90.0227 ‘Mosquito Hemostat Great for handing small elastic () modies:'the mosquito hemestat features a locking mechanism and finger tops for seat contr Fne th 90.02 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 = = 2 So 3 3 alae 62 Lingual . | 90.02.31 90.02.32 90.02.33 90.02.44 90.02.35 90.02.36 90.02.39 Mathieu with point tip “em 90.02.37 90.02.38 Mathieu with TC Mathieu without TC ‘em “em Heavy wire cutter can cut : hardwires upto 1.5mm 90.02.40 Aluminum Height Gage >_> E 90.02.41 (0.18 stot) 90.02.42 (0.22 stot) “a Serrated tip ensures no spp control Featuringa five sidecangled tp. Lightweight, large handle design for excellent 80.01.06 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 Begg Products &: ste | ume | sm | o swoosos > bse | cemtew | sam | @ | & | sooner Mee ra sege 100 00.01.03 00.01.08 2 125x008 or | 100.01.05, 150x004 or 100.01.06 et 0 05 or 100.01.07 125 00.01.08 ov 125 00.01.09 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 bo: x} Begg Products — 8 zg Ss + s.5mm o 10 1100.01.12 ote @ eee @ “ 5.5mm, oO 10 10.01.15 7) ‘ORDER NOW www. | International : +91 9846008283 Begg Products Sze aty CodeT] Code Code] cote rr tono2o1 1000209 t0092.17 1000225 1 20 1 1000202 1000210 t0002.318 100.0226 2 1 1000203 1000211 t0092.18 1000227 2 1 tooo2o4 100.0212 t000220 1000228 2% 1 10.0205 © 1000213 t008221 1000229 . By 1 1000208 © t00.0214 1000222 1000230 1 1 s on0067 to0me15 toons swom2 Pa ® onoats —toome18 t00m2.24 teouese m ro) 400.03.02 700.0303 Brush Holder 00304 Patient Education Software . 1090908 JJ ORTHODONTICS j Basic step of jodontic Cephalometric s00.030% ‘000001 Spot Welder treatment tracing Software ‘00305 100.0308 ng son Cy ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 ADHESIVES 66 SSNS ‘Seale ge Fly, boné hem Cured Resin 10.01.14 Latest Fashion in Jewellery Simple Procose of 10 Minutoe No Deunage ier tooth Easily Removable 10.01.10 woot rio.01.t2 10.01.13 ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 10 REASONS 10, 4 Why You Love Doing Business with JJ Orthodontics Three easy ways to order Phone :1-800-425-8545 (0480-2746353, Fax :0480-2747949 E-mail. Online: www. Mailto :JJ Orthodontics Pvt. Ltd., Vil / 2028, Munipara, Kanjirapilly P.0., Pariyaram village, Chalakudy, Thrissur Dist. Kerala-680721 Orderingis fast. Call 1-800-425-8545 and your call will be answered by a highly trained professional Same-day shipping. We know that you want your order now, so we ship an incredible 98% of our orders on the same day. 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If for any reason you' re not completely satisfied with anything you buy from us, return it within 30 days fora full refund or replacement. Free life-Time Tech support. Our Technical Specialists are always ready to answer your toughest questions-fast! Discount pricing. We offer discounts on many of our products when you buy in larger quantities. ‘Multiple payment options. We accept Cheques/DDs or you can deposit the payment in any of our following bank accounts according to your convenience in the name of JJ Dental Corporation. Allshipments will be delivered against advance payment in our account. JJ will ot entertain any credits. State Bank of India (Bangalore branch) : Alc No. 30125503158 ICICI Bank (Chalakudy branch) : ‘Alc No. 075405000033 South Indian Bank (Chalakudy branch) : ‘A/c No. 0012083000001081 HOFC (Chalakudy branch) ‘A/c No. 0402000000123 Payments can be also made against order delivered by VPP (Postal Service). Free samples. I youwant samples of the products, we will send FREE samples of selected products. No minimum order size. Order as much or as little as you need. From one item to a large quantity, we're happy to handle orders of any size. Contact directly Still you find any problem in our business transactions with you, you may contact our Managing Director directly over phone no. 09846008283 or e-mail to, Bangalore Chennai, Dethi Mumbai 09845599958 09840428100 09891166456 09892081435, Head office J Orthodontics Pvt. Ltd., Vil / 202E, Munipara, Kanjirapilly P.O., Pariyaram village, Chalakudy, Thrissur Dist. Kerala - 680721. Ph.:0480-2746353, TOLL FREE No.: 180-425-8545, Fax : 0480-2747949,, website : www. ORDER NOW | International : +91 9846008283 = = = woo'oyys0 oe = fo} = S a S = eo a SpS8Szp00sl:8e4 1/0) 67 rey Megane Ta kB VII/202 E, Munipara, Chalakudy, Thrissur Dist., Kerala - 680 307, INDIA. Ga OPI LPL a E mail:, Bolt PasloteL to}

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