Zoom in Science-8: Formative Assessment-1

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(Based on Chapters 1-5)

Time allowed : 40 minutes

Max. Marks : 20

A. Multiple Choice Questions:


Tick (3) the correct option.

The conversion of nitrate salt which is present in the soil to free
nitrogen gas is called:

a. Nitrogen assimilation

b. Nitrogen fixation

c. Denitrification

d. Hybridisation

2. The organisms which break down dead plant and animal bodies
into simpler substances are:

a. Saprotrophs

b. Autotrophs

c. Decomposers

d. Parasite

3. Teflon is prepared by polymerisation of :

a. Polyvinyl chloride

c. Formaldehyde

b. Tetraflouroethene

d. Polystyrene

4. The property of metals by which they can be beaten into sheets

with a hammer without breaking is called:

a. Ductility

b. Sonority

c. Malleability

d. Density

5. Coal on burning produces :

a. Carbon dioxide gas

b. Nitrogen gas

c. Hydrogen gas

d. Sulphur dioxide gas

Rachna Sagar Pvt. Ltd.

B. Fill in the blanks :


Honeybees provide us honey and __________.
__________ is a thermosetting polymer which is used for making unbreakable
kitchen utensils.
__________ metal is a poor conductor of electricity.
__________ organisms show the characteristics of both living and non-living
The process of burning of a fuel is called __________.

C. How will you differentiate between a spoilt egg and a healthy egg?

D. Write the disadvantages of synthetic fibres.

E. What is food preservation? What are the advantages of preserving food?

F. a. What is the calorific value of a fuel?

b. In an experiment, 3.5 kg of a fuel was completely burnt. The heat produced
was measured to be 1,40,000 kJ. Calculate the calorific value of the fuel.

Rachna Sagar Pvt. Ltd.

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