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Chapter Thirteen
1. Music has been regarded as an important component of political life in China
d. for more than 3000 years
2. Thezhengis best described as
b. a board zither chordophone
3. Thekotois
c. an instrument that is used in only some forms of gagaku music
4. The koto is a traditional instrument
b. but is nonetheless sometimes used in contemporary Japanese popular music
5. The earliest forms of the zheng are believed to date from the
a. Qin dynasty (3rdcentury BCE)
6.Gua-zou,or glissando, is an important technique on the zheng and is best described as
c. rapid ascending or descending sweeps across the strings
7. The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius
b. claimed that music could be used in aid of establishing a good and moral society
8. The zheng was played in ensembles and became an important womens instrument during the
________ dynasty. The emperor Xuanzong was an important figure in this development.
b. Tang
9. During the Ming dynasty, the zheng
d. A and B, but not C
10. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Beijing Opera in the traditional style?
d. socialist propaganda themes
11. During the communist era, Beijing opera
b. was revised to serve as a vehicle of state propaganda




12. Each regional style of zheng music has its own regional character, or
a. yun
13. During the Republican era of Chinese history (1912-1949),
d. all of the above
14. During the Republican era, Liu Tianhua argued that traditional Chinese music should
b. be modernized with Western elements
15. Lou Shuhuas Return of the Fishing Boats diered from earlier solo zheng pieces because it
a. broke away from thebabanform
16. Aer 1949, Mao Zedongs communist agenda for music called for
b. collection of and research on folk and minority musical traditions
17. The influence of pianistic style in zheng music led to
b. the development of more technically demanding pieces
18. During the years of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976),
a. the oppression of ethnic minorities such as the Uighurs and Tibetans escalated
19. The Chinese musician Cui Jian is famous for
d. B and C, but not A
20. Tibetan Buddhist chant (gy-ke) features
c. manipulation of the voice to produce multiple tones (multiphonics)
21. The communist governments policy for the arts aer 1979
a. resulted in more creative freedom for musicians and composers
22. Ethnic minorities in China such as Uighurs and Tibetans
b. are oen critical of the appropriation of their music and other forms of cultural expression by
agents of mainstream Chinese culture
23. A Uighurmuqam
d. B and C, but not A
24. In Music for the Muqam, Uighur musical influences are evident in
d. all of the above
25. Hot Thursday, by Bei Bei He and Shawn Lee,
c. features improvisations on the zheng within a musical context that also includes elements of jazz,
rock, and funk


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