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In 1968, black civil rights leader Martin Luther King

was shot and killed by an assassin2 in Memphis,
Tennessee. King had struggled for the rights of
African-Americans since the early 1950's. He was a
powerful public speaker and an inspiring leader of
the civil rights movement. James Earl Ray was
convicted3 of murdering King, though to this day
many people, including King's family, believe Ray
did not act alone. Every year, on the third Monday
of January, Martin Luther King Day is a public
holiday in the USA.
1 Synonim dengan murdered (pembunuhan)
2 Pembunuh bayaran
3 Dinyatakan bersalah


In 1961, Russia beat

the U.S.A. in the race to

get2 the first man into space, winning the so-called

"space race". The spacecraft3 Vostok (East) was
launched from the Baikonur launch pad in
Kazakhstan in what was then part of Soviet central
Asia4. Major Gagarin orbited the Earth for 108
minutes travelling at more than 17,000 miles per
hour (27,000 kilometres per hour) before returning
safely to Earth.
1 Mengalahkan
2 Dalam perlombaan mendapatkan
3 Pesawat luar angkasa
4 Yang mana pada saat itu merupakan bagian dari kekuasaan Uni Soviet di Asia


In 1961, a force of 1,400 Cuban exiles2 from the

USA landed at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba with the aim
of overthrowing3 Fidel Castro's government. The
insurgents4 landed with American support from the
sea and air but were defeated5 by Cuban forces in
just 3 days. More than 100 of the insurgents died
in the attack, and 1,189 were taken prisoner6. The

1 Menghalau
2 Warga kuba di pengasingan
3 Menggantikan/mengkudeta
4 Pemberontak
5 Dikalahkan
6 Ditawan/dipenjarakan

failed invasion proved an embarrassment7 for the

US government after their involvement was

1 Bukti yang memalukan

2 Keterlibatannya terungkap

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