Stocks For Aam Investor 18 Sep 16

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8 weekend LIFE


Stocks for the

Aam Investor

with low liquidity would be suitable. Also here

you have time in your favour you can plan
your investment over a long horizon. Say, you
begin earning at age thirty and expect to be
back in the pavilion by sixty; then you have an
ample time to nurture your investment for a
bountiful harvest.

Kitchen Pharmacy

Cumin seeds
Intake of 4-6 gm powdered roasted
cumin seeds along with yogurt or
diluted yogurt (lassi) gives immediate
relief in diarrhea.
An equal quantity of roasted cumin
and fennel seed powder (in a dose of
one teaspoon, 3-4 times a day) is useful in diarrhea which is followed by
colic pain.
Boil 5-7 gm of cumin seeds in 400 ml
of water until it is reduced to onefourth the volume. It is useful in
intestinal worm infestation when
taken twice daily.
In urinary diseases and leucorrhea,
boil 3-4 gm of cumin seeds in water,
strain the solution and take it with
crystal sugar.
Fenugreek seeds
Soak one teaspoon of fenugreek
seeds in a cup of water overnight,
next morning drink the water and
chew the seeds. This is useful in diabetes and debility due to diabetes,
Vata diseases and cardiac diseases.
Store the powder prepared from an
equal quantity of fenugreek, turmeric
and dry ginger in a bottle. Use one
teaspoon of this powder along with
warm water or milk in arthritis,
inflammation and Vata disorders.
This preparation is very useful for
chronic arthritis, if taken regularly for
a long time.
Regular intake of sprouted fenugreek
seeds is also beneficial in arthritis
and diabetes.

Decoction prepared from roasted

and ground fenugreek mixed with
small quantity of ginger during
autumn is useful in common cold
and cough.
Tying finely ground mustard paste
over any inflammation, reduces the
In headache apply ground mustard
over the forehead.
Application of ground mustard
mixed with vinegar is useful in many
dermatological diseases such as ringworm, pruritus, itching and so on.
Thymol or carom seeds
In addiction to alcohol, boil 1/2 kg of
thymol seeds in 4 liters of water until
reduced to 2 liters. Strain it and store.
Use one cup of this drink before
meals regularly. It also protects the
liver and reduces the desire for alcohol.
For common cold and other stomach
diseases, take 2-3 gm of lightly roasted ajawayana twice daily along with
hot water or milk.
To prevent post partum (after delivery) diseases, boil 10 gm of
ajawayana in 1 liter of water until
reduced to one-fourth. Strain and
drink it twice daily.

Application of 10 gm of fine
ajawayana powder mixed with half
lemon juice, 5 gm of alum powder
and buttermilk over the scalp helps
to get rid of lice.
In pyorrhea, halitosis (foul breath)
and tooth diseases, massage the
gums regularly with a mixture of
turmeric, salt and a small quantity of
mustard oil.
Intake of one teaspoon of turmeric
powder with a glass of milk enhances
immunity, helps in the prevention of
common cold and cough. It also
relieves body ache and pain due to
Half a teaspoon of parched turmeric
powder along with honey is useful in
hoarseness of the voice and cough.
Sprinkling of turmeric powder over
cuts or burns checks bleeding and
also prevents blister formation.
Wrap hot thick wheat flour bread
(capati) smeared with mustard oil

Last is your dream to move up the income

scale. You may not move up the job scale as you
would like to. But you can definitely create a
second income from your investment, which
gives you an opportunity to enjoy a better quality of life: a house with a garden, a car in place
of a bike, an occasional foreign jaunt. It is here

and turmeric powder in cases of

sprain. It relieves swelling and pain.
In blemishes and boils, apply face
pack made of turmeric powder, sandalwood powder and margosa leaves.
This also enhances the healthy glow
of the skin.
Soak 1 piece of chopped garlic in
water overnight. Take it on an empty
stomach in the morning to reduce
cholesterol, for cardiac diseases and
for osteoarthritis.
Cook 50 gm of crushed garlic with
mustard oil, sesame oil or olive oil
and then strain. Its external application is good in reducing inflammation and pain. It is a very good remedy.
External application of garlic oil (3
drops) is also very useful for earache.
In an oxygen deficient environment,
wear a piece of garlic around the
neck as a charm. It provides relief.
Take a small quantity of ginger along
with 3-4 morsels of food to enhance
appetite. Ginger taken just after
meals helps in easy digestion of food.
Two teaspoons of ginger juice mixed
with a small quantity of honey is useful in common cold and cough.
Keeping a piece of ginger between
the teeth is useful in toothache
caused due to cold or sinusitis.
Chewing a piece of roasted ginger is
useful for suppressing cough.
Dry ginger powder (2-3 gm) mixed
with 1/2 or 1 gm of cinnamon powder taken along with milk or water
helps to reduce pain due to angina. It
also strengthens the heart and balances the digestive system.
Drinking ginger juice mixed with
lemon juice cures indigestion, as well
as increases the appetite.
Boil 5 gm of crushed ginger in two
glasses of water and add lemon and
honey to it. Taking it on an empty
stomach in the morning reduces
For pimples apply lemon juice mixed
with honey on the face.
In metrorrhagia (excessive bleeding)
and hemorrhoids (piles), take one
cup of lukewarm milk in which the
juice of half a lemon has been added,
before the milk curdles, early in the
morning on an empty stomach. It
acts as a haemostyptic and is a quick
remedy. Continue its use for 3-4 days,
but if the patient does not get relief,
consult a physician.
10 ml lemon juice mixed with 20 ml
onion juice and a small quantity of
honey is useful in liver diseases, dyspepsia and indigestion.
(Excerpted from the book A Practical
Approach To The Science Of Ayurveda: A
Comprehensive Guide For
Healthy Living authored by
Acharya Balkrishna)


gives guidelines
to take better

Home Remedies from the

Store dry coriander powder mixed
with 4 parts of crystal sugar in a bottle. Take one teaspoon twice daily
along with water in acidity. It also
acts as a diuretic.
In metrorrhagia and excessive heat in
the body, boil 3-4 gm coriander seeds
in 400 ml of water until it is reduced
to 100 ml. Strain it, mix with honey
and drink.
Soak 2-3 gm of crushed coriander in
400 ml of water. Strain it and mix
with a small quantity of honey. Taken
frequently at certain intervals, this is
useful for hyper-emesis during pregnancy and also in emesis in children.
It also reduces restlessness and stops
This remedy is also useful for diarrhea associated with bleeding
External application of 4-5 gm fine
powder of dry coriander and some
coriander leaves is useful for clearing
up acne and blemishes. It also
increases facial glow and complexion
when applied as a face pack.
Regular intake of 2-3 gm of coriander
powder along with cold water is useful for reducing excessive libido.


hould a common investor bet her savings

on equity shares? I know, that question is
as dicey as the equity investment itself ! I
have had many occasions when I have been
faced with that question, and had to respond to
it and to be contradicted; but I cannot still find
the perfect answer to it. For it does not have
one! Like anything else, there are two sides to
it; perhaps more than two. So this is a humble
attempt to give the topic a sincere pradakshinna, with a hope that it will help some aam investor to take a better investment decision.
To start with, who is an aam investor? It
would be wrong to give a number definition
like, say, one whose income is between X and Y.
I would rather put it this way: an aam investor
is one who saves and invests to meet her basic
goals in life. So, I would keep out those who invest because they do not know what else to do
with their unspent income; also I would exclude those who invest to create wealth for
their next twenty five generations. I would definitely keep out those who can hardly save after paying for their daily bread. I suppose that
gives you a fairly workable definition of an
aam investor.
Now the investment. As I said, an aam investor is one who saves and invests to meet her
basic goals in life. The basic investment goals
are four: to provide for the future planned requirements like childrens education; to provide for unforeseen emergencies; to provide
for their own old age; and, to provide for a modest improvement in quality of life. Now the investment that would suit each of these goals is
likely to have different attributes. If we consider that any investment has three basic attributes return, risk and liquidity, then the
investment suitable for each of the goals needs
to have a different return-risk-liquidity profile.
Investment for planned future expenses
needs to yield a modest return with corresponding risk, but need not be very liquid. A
high return investment would make it possible
for you to create a large corpus for future in a
short time; but that would entail a high risk.
Obviously you are not going to let your childrens future depend on the ebbs and tides of
the security market. You can compromise on
liquidity here as these needs are not likely to
arise out of the blues you know more or less
when your daughter is likely finish her school,
and so on.
The investment to provide for unforeseen
emergencies too requires a similar profile investment, except for liquidity. Unforeseen
means you cannot know when the need may
arise. The third is investing for your own old
age. Here, you know the quantum of needs and
the time horizon with a fair certainty. So,
again, modest return, modest risk investment


second: providing for the unforeseen emergencies. Investing for foreseen future expenses can
include equity investment if your horizon is
more than five years longer the horizon (that
is earlier that you start investing), greater can
be the equity component. But if your horizon
is less than five years, equity will be strict
Let us suppose your child is two, you will
need the money probably when she turns seventeen. So you have clear fifteen years to grow
your kitty. In such a horizon, equity can definitely deliver you decent returns in excess of
15%, I would say, close to 20%. At 15%, your investment doubles in about five years; so, in fifteen years, 100 turns into 800. But do not go all
out for equity. I would suggest, for the first five
years keep it at equity, for the next five years
at equity, and for the last five years at equity. Also do not be over-aggressive in choosing
stocks; pick well established companies, delivering steady profits.
The same logic works for your pension cor-



that your investment can take the leap risk I

mean. For this is not a life n death situation;
this is a dream. If it turns into reality, fine; if it
does not, just a wake up!
Now, where does stock investment feature? I
believe that equity shares can be part of all
these categories of investment, except for the

pus: moderate return with moderate risk, and

low liquidity. But here you have a log horizon
almost double; so you can really let the time
work wonders for you. You can start with 100%
equity (first five years) and slowly taper off to
0% (last five years). But here do not be over-aggressive in choosing stocks; stock market kicks
are not for the aam investor; except in small
doses: that is for the last category of investment.
In this last category providing for the
dream you can let your urge free. Remember,
this is a gamble. Invest by supposing that you
have lost the money. Do not ever regret losing
it. Toss the coin: if you win, you win big; if you
lose, you lose the coin. But tailor this game to
your own temperament. Do not play someone
elses game.


.C. is a nice 32 years old man

who has a lot of friends. But he
avoids helping his friends if
they get injured. This is because
whenever he sees blood, he gets
such a tremendous fear that he
simply faints. He avoids blood
tests himself and does not accompany family members or friends to
path labs.
B.L. is 50 years old. But his superstitious fears dominate his life and
restrict his work and enjoyment.
If I make the fourth phone call of
the day to any person, then that
person may suffer from some
calamity. If I wear a black shirt,
something bad will happen to me.
If I get an ungodly thought while
doing religious rituals, God will
punish me. And so on.
There are many students who
have such a tremendous fear of
faring poorly in exams, that the
fear actually disturbs their studies.
The fear of making a silly mistake
on stage and the subsequent possible ridicule, prevent many people from going on stage.
What can be done to overcome
such fears? How to prevent such
phobias from dampening the happiness and performance? If we
understand the fears and phobias,
we can deal with them better.
All such fears of different things
have two components: [1] the
emotion of fear [2] the belief that
there is something terrible. We
need to change both these parts if
we want to successfully remove the
The belief that something terrible is going to happen is the starting point of all such fears. In the
examples mentioned above, there
are such beliefs. Blood flowing
from a wound is a TERRIBLE
event is the belief. The INTENSE
fear is the emotion attached to it.
If people laugh at my possible
mistake on stage, it is a TERRIBLE
event is the belief. The INTENSE
fear is the emotion attached to it.
So we need to attack both these
The first thing to do is to examine
whether the fear is realistic or
unrealistic. For example, if you
watch a horror movie that shows
ghosts and then you start feeling
afraid of sleeping in your bed at
night, it is an unrealistic fear. If
some of your family members have
had heart problems and then you

How to

fears and
The belief that something
terrible is going to happen
is the starting point of
all such fears, writes
get the fear of getting a heart
attack, it is a realistic fear. However, if you have got your heart thoroughly checked and the doctor
says that the heart is absolutely
fine and yet you have fear of getting a heart attack, then it is an
unrealistic fear.
The way to tackle the unrealistic
fear is to kick it out of the mind.
Thinking and brooding about it,
serves no purpose. The mind has a
tendency to keep replaying emotional thoughts. So getting rid of
unwanted, unrealistic beliefs may
not be very simple. But, you may



have to play a table tennis match:

you get rid of the thought > it is
replayed again after some time >
again you remove it from the mind
and so on. Eventually you will
surely succeed.
The way to tackle realistic fears is
to take appropriate precautions.
Suppose, you have the fear of getting cancer. Then take steps: avoid
cancer-causing things such as
tobacco, get yourself checked to
see if you have cancer and then
follow a healthy lifestyle. Many
times I find people who have
tremendous fears (such as this),
but do not take any steps. Then
they continue to languish in their
Sometimes, the situation is realistic, but it is terribalised by the
intense emotion! For example,
consider the fear of doing poorly
in exams. If a student, who has not
studied well, gets this fear, it can
be considered realistic! But if the
student says that doing poorly in
an exam is a TERRIBLE event and
if s/he thinks of suicide, then it is
terribalisation in action. It is an
unrealistic assessment of a realistic
situation leading to intense fear.
The rational way of thinking about
such a situation is: Ok, so, this an
unpleasant possibility. But even if I
fare poorly, it is not the end of the
world. First, I will put in the best
possible efforts now. And, even if
the result is not good, I can try
again. Or there are so many alternative options that can be tried.
The second target for removing
the fear is the emotion of fear itself.
Calming the emotions is very specific skill that can be learnt with
practice. Suppose, you very anxious
now. The goal should be become
calm in the next few minutes. There
are many Relaxation Techniques
that can be learnt and practised for
this purpose.
So, fear is useful if it motivates you
into action. But if it only demoralises you, it is time to get rid of it.

WRITE TO: Ketan Tanna, Feature Editor, Free Press Journal, Free Press House, First Floor, 215, Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 21.
Telephone: 022-22874566. E-mail: features@ Reg. No. MCS/048/2015-17; RNI No. 46955/88.
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