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ENAE 414: Homework 1

Due: 12 February 2015 at 10:45 am

Question #1 [14 pts]

The temperature in a 10 10 m room with a heater in a corner (located at (x = 10, y = 10, z = 0))
is given by T (x, y, t) = 24 sin(t/8) + (x2 + y 2 )/20 + 60 where T is temperature in Fahrenheit and
t is the number of hours after 9 am. Assume that T 6= T (z). A very light, uniform breeze passes
through the room, u = ui + vj where u = 1 m/hr and v = 3 m/hr. Find:
(a) The local derivative of the temperature. What does this represent?
(b) The substantial derivative of the temperature. What does this represent?

Question #2 [24 pts]

For each of the following velocity fields, determine if the flow is (i) 2-D or 3-D, (ii) steady or
unsteady, (iii) incompressible or compressible, and (iv) irrotational or rotational.
(a) u = 10x, v = 2y
(b) Vr = U cos + /2r, V = U sin (Note the use of cylindrical coordinates. Assume is
a constant)

(c) u = 2xyzi + xj yz 2 k
The velocity field given in (b) is for flow over a semi-infinite body, constructed by the superposition of a uniform flow and a source. See Figure 3.22 on p. 248.

Question #3 [14 pts]

Find the equations of the streamlines for the following velocity fields, then sketch the streamlines.
You may assume c is a constant.
(a) u = cx/(x3 + y 3 ), v = cy/(x3 + y 3 )
(b) Vr = 0, V = cr

Question #4 [28 pts]

A two-dimensional flow has a streamfunction = Axy where A is a constant.
(a) Show that the flow is incompressible, determine if it is irrotational, and find the velocity
(b) Plot sufficient streamlines to determine the flow pattern. Also plot the equipotentials.
(c) Identify two practical situations where such a flow would occur.
(d) Show that the isobars (curves of constant pressure) are circles with centers at the origin.

Question #5 [20 pts]

A uniform flow Uo passing over an infinitely long porous plate (located at y = 0) with a uniform suction velocity Vo has a velocity field described by u = Uo (1 eyVo / ), v = Vo . Find the
streamfunction for this flow. A sketch of some streamlines is shown below.




porous wall with suction

Note: This figure was generated in Matlab using the following values:
Uo = 10 m/s
Vo = 2 m/s
= 1.51 105 m2 /s (air)
Psi = 0:3e-5:5e-4;
axis([0 1e-4 0 2e-5])

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