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Should be cleared by ISG

Inception IA is equivalent of
roadmap for interventions with IA

Inception IA sets out preparatory work under taken/future workplan / data needs, etc.


Test the initial ideas with stakeholders

New Inception IAs published throughout the year

Inception IA published online for feedback

The former Impact Assessment Board is replaced by a new Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB)

3 external + 3 internal/ Chair, DG level/ Up to 3 assistants/SG secretariat

RSB is tasked with the independent quality assessment of:

all impact assessments/ major retrospective evaluations and major fitness checks

RSB may also offer advice on the Better Regulation policy and guidelines

Lecture 20- Better


How does it work?

Chart Slide 37
Draft IA submitted to RSB for scrutiny

At least 4 weeks before RSB meeting + ISG minute/ RSB examines and provides opinion and suggestions
to lead DG/ Lead DG responds/ Possibility of resubmission request (about 40% of cases)

Regulatory Scrunity Board

Interservice Consultation

IA Report must be revised on the basis of RSB recommendations before ISC launch/ Accompanies proposal
into ISC/ Possibility of unfavourable opinion due to insufficient compliance with RSB opinion

IA Report accompanies draft proposal to the College of Commissioners

Transmitted to other Institutions
What happens next?

The adopted Act + IA is put on website for an additional 8 weeks period for stakeholder feedback
=> EP appraisal
IA Process not the same as IA Report
IA Report summarises IA work =>30-40 pages (SWD)

The IA Report

Executive summary => 2 pg. (translated)

Accessible, reader-friendly documents in layman language
Aid for decision-makers (College, EP, Council, etc.)

also when initiative is aborted

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