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Research Title

1.0 Introduction


2.0 Annotated Bibliography


3.0 Methodology


4.0 Limitation of study


5.0 Summary






The views of Taylors University Lakeside Campus students on

implementation of the dislike button on Facebook.

Ho Yeou Shen 0307929
Chua Shiyi 0311831
Poh Tzy Wing 0312389
Chung Shammi 0319286
Carmen Lim Kar Wen 0319205
Ching Shu Ann 0319579


1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
Social media is widely used nowadays in this technological era. Young adults hook up with
social media for more than 4 hours daily (Bicen & Cavus, 2011). Facebook is one of the most
prevalent social media as it has approximately millions of active users up to today. Facebook
has been used as a social media platform to like and share posts among friends. It has created
a massive impact in the users lifestyles. Facebook has become a communicative platform for
users to communicate among each other (Hendricks & Noor Al-Deen, 2012). Slowly, it has
become a daily routine to log in to Facebook to check and update their account. In Facebook,
like button is implemented to allow the users to click on the like button for their favorite
posts. Definitely, when users receive likes, it boosts their confidence level as other users
favor their posts. Like button could also be taken as users agreeing to the post. Instagram is
the rank the third most used social media in the States (Salomon, 2013). Instagram allows
users to post photos to their own account. It encourages users to either like or comment on
the pictures uploaded by others. With these two functions, Instagram has aid in the learning
process of students. Similarly, tweets which are retweeted have the effect of sharing the
certain post to other followers. Users retweet certain tweets that they find interesting or
attractive (Huberman, et al., 2008).
On the other hand, if dislike button is implemented, it causes different impression on
users as well. Tertiary education students are the majority users of social media. In YouTube,
flagging is alike to dislike button. Users who are not keen to what they see will flag the video.
Flagging follows up by hateful comment affects users who share the videos emotionally
(Lange, G. 2007). Dislike button has the similar effects as to flagging. This research looks

into the views of Taylors University Lakeside Campus students on the implementation of
the dislike button in Facebook. Researchers are to find out how dislike button on Facebook
can have an impact on Taylors University Lakeside Campus students. This research
contributes in analyzing situations on how students response with a dislike button on
The dislike button on Facebook is a way on how students express themselves towards a
post uploaded on Facebook. Social media are driven for a positive use and to minimize the
negative side. The main focus of this study is to find out whether the dislike button affects
the emotions of Taylors University Lakeside Campus students. The positive side of the
dislike button is encouraging people to voice out their opinion and thoughts towards a post.
With this button, the students will be more aware in using Facebook to avoid getting the
dislike button from others. This encourages students to use Facebook wisely as compared to
posting up posts which are inappropriate.
However, the dislike button would affect the emotions of the students in Taylors
University Lakeside Campus. This will discourage them to post or share things on social
media. Peer pressure will also influence others to dislike a post even though they do not
know the content of the post. With the dislike button, it slows down the growth of
participants in social media as they will think twice before posting or sharing things on
Facebook. This research is done to get to know how the students response to the dislike
button on Facebook. It is to find out whether they would dislike a post uploaded by people
they know and how would the student feel if their post has dislikes by their peers. The
existing like button in Facebook has given much attention to many of the students in Taylors
University Lakeside Campus. It builds their confidence level when others like their post that


they share. Thus, this research would want to find out their perception of the dislike button
on Facebook. The following objectives will be the focus of this research:

1.2 Research Objectives

To examine how the dislike button on Facebook would affect Taylors University
Lakeside Campus students emotions

To investigate how Facebook Dislike button affects the relationship of Taylors

University Lakeside Campus students.

1.3 Research Questions

1. What are the impacts on Taylors University Lakeside Campus students when they gets a
lot of dislikes on FB?

2. How are the relationships of students Taylors University Lakeside Campus affected by
the dislike button on Facebook?

3. What are Taylors University Lakeside Campus students view and perception on the use
of dislike button?


2.0 Annotated Bibliography

2.1 Gray, J. & Murray, S., 2015, Hidden: Studying media dislike and its meaning,[online]
Retrieved date: 21 April 2015, Available at:
The authors describe how audience responses towards media dislike. The relationship between
audience and media can be defined through the article. The perception of the audience towards
media depends on the culture norm. Besides, the objective of the article is to find out the
responses of the dislike media by audience. In this research, qualitative method was used.
Interviews were done with 35 English-speaking adults across the States. Through this article,
dislike in media is cause by several factors which are the content of the media, highlight of
individuals in media and human interest towards media. The significance of the media varies
from one another. Thus, the content of the media affects how audiences perceive media and why
they dislike the media. The main focus of the individual of media influences the audience. This
explains why they dislike media as the character of the media is not eye-catching. Media which
loses the attention of audience will cause them to stay away from them. For instance, audience
will choose to switch off the television if they are not interested in certain programs. Lastly, the
article concludes on how media can still influence the culture in a society and be the priority of
audiences. The main limitation would be that audience will not be able to turn away or utter
media. The representatives are analyzed based on the reachable audience and their preference.
Dislike is seen as a wide network system. Thus, dislike media is unable to evade. The article is
relevant to my thesis as it shows how media dislike is unavoidable and it is part of the norm.


Hence, it will affect not just the audience, but the other individuals who are involve in the media
dislike. (287 words)
2.2 Kate, C. and Tarleton.G., 2014.New Media and Society, What is a flag for? Social media
reporting tools and the vocabulary of complaint, Retrieved date: 27 April 2015, Available at:
This article examines the purposes of flag that appeared at most of the popular social media sites.
Flag is use to report offensive content at social media sites such as YouTube, Twitter and
Facebook. The authors research focuses on the two main general purposes for social media site
operators. First, flag provides a functional mechanism for addressing the challenging task of
regulating such broad and changing collections of content. Secondly, flagging offers a strong
rhetorical legitimation for sites when they decide either to remove or to maintainthe contentious
content, so that they can state to be protecting the rights of their user and expressed their wishes.
Thus, the author provides a strong theoretical perspective on the usefulness of the flagging just
like the usefulness if we implement dislike button on Facebook. It is actually the same function
between flagging and dislike button but dislike button is more straightforward than flagging
because the one who posted the status can actually know who give them the dislike button.
However, the main limitation of the article is this research uses the providers point that appeared
in this research to assume all the people think the same is very inappropriate. This case study
(known as ethnography) was based on observation and document review and the sample size of
this research is six case studies. So, this article is useful for this current research because the
information is up-to-date and from a reliable source and the purpose of this research is also quite
similar to my research topic. (254 words)

2.3 Gerlitz, C. and Helmond, A.,2013, The like economy: Social buttons and the data-intensive
web. New Media & Society, [online] Retrieved date: 29 April 2015, Available at:
The paper examines the growth of Facebook from a medium-specific platform into the web and
focus on the part of social buttons and their increasing implementation. Besides to investigate
how the multiple processes of interchange are enabled and how Facebook retreat its relation to
the web, they inquire into the specific ecology of the Like economy. They allow the instant
transformation of user engagement into numbers on button counters, which can be traded and
multiplied but also function as tracking devices. Facebooks Like button allow the multiple data
flows between various actors, giving to a concurrent de- and re-centralisation of the web. A click
on the Like button create new forms of connectivity between network and server, transforms
users spontaneous responses to web content into connections. It provides a one-click shortcut to
express a multiplicity of affective responses such as understanding, agreement, excitement,
compassion, but also ironic and parodist liking. This paper focuses on the implementation and
technical substructure of such buttons to conceptualise them as part of a so-called Like
economy. The research came out with a twofold analysis of the Like economy by looking at
data flows and mainly quantitative method. The limitation of the paper is that they did not have
any specific sample groups for experiment or survey, but only collecting comments from
reviewers and also colleagues who helped them on empirical research. This article is useful for
the research topic because it talks about the capacity of the Like button to intensify user
engagement by exposing numbers on the Like counter which could evoke further interactions
between users. (263 word)

2.4 Tong,S.,et al.,2008, Too Much of a Good Thing? The Relationship Between Number of
Friends and Interpersonal Impressions on Facebook. Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, [online] Retrieved date: 29 April 2015Available at:
The article examines the relationship between friends and interpersonal impression on Facebook.
The researchers have conducted thorough investigation on the relationship between the number
of friends a Facebook profile featured and observers ratings of attractiveness and extraversion.
In particular, how individuals can and do form impressions of others through various computermediated-communication sites. Moreover, the article also focuses on how these information
about self on Facebook profile would affect impressions and also how friends wall postings
would affect judgement of profile owners. For instance, the participants would be directed to a
Facebook mock-up, randomly redirect participants to view the stimulus material to form and
impression of the owner of the profile and then address questionnaire items. Finally, the authors
have concluded there is a curvilinear effect between sociometric popularity and social
attractiveness. This results also facilitate that too large of friend connections increases doubts
about Facebook users popularity and attractiveness. The main limitation of the article is that the
survey sample was restricted to 153 undergraduate students. Therefore, this article is useful for
the research topic, as it shows how peoples impression is affected by the popularity of the
Facebook users. Popularity is also determined by the number of likes on users post, so if
Facebook unlike were to be implement, it would affect interpersonal impressions. (214 words)


2.5 Park, N. & Lee, S.,2014, College Students' Motivations for Facebook Use and
Psychological Outcomes, [online] Retrieved date 20 April 2015, Available at
This article examines the motivations for using Facebook among college students and the
psychological outcome. Facebook has become an essential platform for communication and
human relationships. Thus, the authors research focuses on why and how people use Facebook,
and the way Facebook are influencing individuals and their psychological outcomes. In
particular, these researches are to find out why college students rely upon Facebook for their
communication and relationship maintenance and users psychological consequences by
conducting online survey in a large public university. In this article, the authors claimed that the
Facebook features (eg. Like, comment, poking) will create the desirable image of the self to
others, where users can increase psychological comfort and attain relational goals. However, the
authors also measured that these features will also bring the negative maintenance behaviour in
relationship, where the number of like or the negative comments will cause psychologically
uncomfortable. There are several limitations to this study. First, although this study is based
upon cross-sectional survey, the findings from the path analytic method with causal implications
are not interpreted with some reservations. Second, this research was only conducted in one of
the large university and only one-fifth of students participated the survey questionnaire.
Nonetheless, this research ascertained the psychological impact of Facebook features among
college students and the views of negative comments. Thus, this article is relevant to the current
research as the similar response might also come into sight if Facebook implement the dislike
button. (242 words)
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3.0 Proposed Methodology

In order to ensure the current research is reliable, valid, systematic and objective, methodology
triangulation is applied to provide the valuable insights for the study. Triangulation involves the
combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies as a powerful way to strengthen the
research design (Yeasmin & Rahman, 2012). By combining multiple methods, the researchers
believe it can help to overcome the weakness and the challenges that come from single method.
With the two sources complement and verify one another, it can also reduce the intrinsic biases
which will provides richer and more comprehensive information (Holtzhausen, 2001).
According to Hussein (2009), quantitative approach used to control for bias so that
instances, facts and phenomena can be understood in an objective way. Quantitative study is a
very effective method for gathering data, especially for large groups of people and because
quantitative approach is efficient, it is also less expensive. On the other hand, qualitative design
strives to understand the perspective of respondents by looking at first-hand experience to
provide useful data for the study. One of the advantages of qualitative research paradigm is
generating the large and rich amount of data. For instance, the respondents are free to answer any
way they would like as they are not constrained to a pre-determined set of responses as seen on a
survey. This can help researchers in developing hypotheses for quantitative investigations as
qualitative analysis results in rich data that gives an in-depth picture and useful for exploring
how and why questions.

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3.1 Research Method

3.1.1 Depth-interview
According to Fontana & Fray (2000), interviews allow the researchers access through words to
an individuals constructed reality and interpretation of respondents own experience. Thus, the
primary source of data collection is planned to carry out by conducting 8 questions of semistructured interviews (appendix 1.1) with the respondents. The semi-structured interview
questions provides free discussion for the participants about their individual opinion as to the
implementation of Facebook dislike button as well as the impacts of personal emotions and
relationships. In additions, the questions focus on the way respondents use Facebook and their
interaction with their family and friends on Facebook. The key of benefit for in-depth interview
is to allow the researchers have a chance to follow-up on questions and probe for meaning. By
allowing interviewer to explain or help clarify the questions, it can increase the likelihood of
useful information and provide opportunity to explore topics in depth. Since Facebook have not
implement the dislike button, hypothetical questions are set in the interview. Respondents will be
told that all answers should be based on their own opinions and there are no right or wrong
answers for the questions. At the end of the interview, respondents will be thanked and given a
RM10 voucher in exchanging any food and beverage at Tiffin. Vouchers are sponsored by
Taylors University and no other costs needed.
3.1.2 Survey
Researchers will use questionnaire (appendix 1.2) as their mean of collecting data as it is simple
and easily distributed and less time consumed in data gathering as data from close ended items
are easy to tabulate. The terms are comprehensive and direct to avoid confusion. Answers from

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the respondents are kept confidential. Respondents will be told to answer the questionnaire of
total 15 questions by checking the box which correspond to their most appropriate answer. The
15 questions are divided into 2 part.
The first part of the questionnaire includes 7 items which are about the respondents
demographic background and basic information regarding their use of Facebook. The second
part is about respondents views and perceptions on the implementation of dislike button on
Facebook and how they think the dislike button would affect them. This part has 8 items.
The two parts of the questionnaire are closed-ended questions. Descriptive interpretation and
scale is used in the second part of the questionnaire. Likert scale will be used in interpreting the
responses of the respondents. (Refer to figure 1). A juice redemption voucher will be given upon
completion of the questionnaire.

Verbal Interpretation

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree
Figure 1: Likert scale

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3.2 Respondent of the study

3.2.1 Depth-interview
Because of the exploratory nature of the study and the need for investigating in depth rather than
in quantity, the selection of respondents are not randomly pick. Thence, purposive samples are
applied in the depth-interview. The main goal of using this sampling is to focus on particular
characteristics of the population that are of interest, which will assists and enable the researchers
to find out the answer of the research questions. Besides, purposive sampling has the potential in
gather large amounts of information and it ensuring that respondents are able to provide specific
and valuable insights for the study. Respondent are selected based on the targeted population and
chosen sample size is eight respondents. From the chosen sample size, the researchers will apply
the quota samples in order to improves the representation of particular strata within the
population and ensuring that respondents are all equally been selected as well as not overrepresented. According to Sebai (2014), male and female has totally opposite of interest, where
female are more sensitive towards their feeling and emotion. On the other hand, male are more
sensitive in visual suspect. Thence, the researchers will obtain a proportional quota sample of 4
male students and 4 female students from the eight respondents. In order to enrich the data of
research, the researchers will also set a quota of 50% local students and 50% international
students for the sample. Therefore, there will be 2 male students from local, 2 male students from
international, 2 female students from local and 2 female students from international to take part
in the depth-interview. However, these eight respondents must meet the criteria of the current
research in order to conduct the in-depth interview. Since the objectives of current research are to
investigate personal emotions and impact of relationship (friendship, romantic relationship and
kinship) if Facebook implement the dislike button, the criteria for the respondents in current
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research will be; (i) he or she must be a student at Taylors University, (ii) he or she must possess
a Facebook account and actively used, (iii) he or she must have at least a close-friend, have a
partner (couple) and have family member that are using Facebook. The criteria remains focused
on collecting data to ensure that current research questions can be answered based on their own
3.2.2 Survey
As a large number of respondents is not needed for the current research, but not randomly picked.
In order to obtain equal amount of respondents answers from evert strata, a probability
sampling- stratified samples is used. Stratified sampling focuses on the breadth of information
generated and produces a smaller error of estimation. Besides, the result may be particularly true
if the measurements within strata are very homogenous.
The targeted population for the current research is students from Taylors University Lakeside
Campus. The study focused particularly to 10% of the total population, which is 1300 students.
Stratified sampling is to divide the whole population into non-overlapping subgroups and the
size of the sample is taken in proportion to the size of each subgroups. The researchers will
define the strata from population which will be based on different faculties from Taylors
University Lakeside Campus. There are total of 15 faculties in Taylors University Lakeside
Campus which include:
1. Taylors Business School
2. Taylors Law School
3. The Design School
4. School of Engineering
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5. School of Communication
6. School of Biosciences
7. School of Computing and IT
8. School of Pharmacy
9. School of Architecture, Building, Design
10. School of Medicine
11. School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts
12. Centre for Languages
13. School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
14. School of Education
15. American Degree Transfer Program
Hence, 87 students from each school will be needed for the survey.

3.3 Research Locale

3.3.1 Depth-interview
Taylor & Bogdan (1984) mentioned that a place or a setting can affect an interview regardless
the interviewees emotion or even the attitude in sharing their stories. Hence, the in-depth
interview will take place at times and in settings where the respondents feel comfortable to speak.
Students are more likely feel relaxed on Friday and 12pm-2pm is the common break time at
Taylors University. Therefore, the researchers will conduct the in-depth interview in an empty
and quite classroom on 3rd July 2015 and 10th July 2015 at 12pm to 2pm. As the estimated time
for each interview is 30 minutes, consequently the researchers will conduct 4 depth-interview
with 4 respondents independently for each day. Permission to the audio and video record for

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each interview will be sought from each respondent. The non-verbal communication of
respondents will be observed, where field notes will be recorded throughout the interview.
Transcription of the interview will be emailed back to the respondent for verification.
Participants are needed to read and sign the consent form that is given by the researchers.
3.3.2 Survey
Since the respondents will be all from different faculties, researchers will approach to the
lecturer before conducting the study. It will be during weekdays, from Monday to Friday, and
during the lecture time, from 2pm to 6pm. After getting approval from the lecturers, researchers
will then conduct the survey in the lecture theatre by informing them about the purpose of the
study distributing the questionnaire to 86 students in the class. Respondents will be given ample
time to answer the questionnaire to ensure the reliability of data.

3.4 Analytical Method

3.4.1 Depth-interview
From the hypothetical questions, the expected data that will be collected in this samples are; (i)
Respondents view and perception on the use of Facebook dislike button, (ii) Impacts on
personal emotion when gets dislikes from others on Facebook, (iii) Impacts on respondents
relationship by the Facebook dislike button. The analysis of each transcription will follow the
process shown in Figure 2.

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Data collection

Data Reduction

Data Display

Conclusion: Verifying and


Figure 2: Interactive model from Miles & Huberman (1994)

The process of analysing data will involve the coding approaches. Coding is to keep the
researchers grounded in the data and used in conjunction with the research questions. In data
collection, the interview that is recorded in video and audio are transcribe. Every word recorded
is transcribed fully into a table form. The themes and field notes are also included in the
transcription. The themes are identified based on the analysation of the transcription. From the
video, the gesture and body language are also stated in the transcription. The discussion of the
research is done based on the themes identified from the transcription. It is expected that dislike
button in Facebook has an impact in affecting relationships and emotions between family and
friends. All the data collected from respondents is analyse through the patterns of the themes

3.4.2 Survey
After the respondents have completed the questionnaire, researchers will retrieve the
questionnaires and tally the data gathered. The data collected are expected to relate to the
research questions which are based on their level of acceptance on the use of Facebook dislike

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buttons, impacts on personal emotions if their posts were disliked by their acquaintances and
whether they agree that dislike buttons would affect the relationship between family and friends.
The process of data analysing will involve estimating population parameters and standard errors
by using the correct formulas. Data will be presented in tables and charts.

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4.0 Limitation of study

The main limitation of this research is the ability of finding concrete journals regarding
this topic. As the topic for this research is Dislike button in Facebook, it is a challenge in
finding journals because not many past scholars have done research on it. For further research on
this topic, more scholars should research on this issue. Furthermore, social media does not
encourage negativity. Hence, it has become a limitation to the research. Social media focuses
more on the positivity rather than the negativity. It has limits the research of this paper as this
research looks into how dislike button affects ones relationship and emotion.
Other than that, this research uses triangulation which is more time-consuming. The use
of two different methods, qualitative and quantitative, have prolonged the duration of this
research. More time is needed in doing the research. In this research, the respondents have been
limited to only Taylors University students. Students from other universities can be part of the
respondents for further research done on this topic. Moreover, the implementation of dislike
button in Facebook for certain period of time can be down as trials. This can be used to observe
and monitor the usage of dislike button in Facebook if it is implemented.
The limitation of using quantitative method in this research is that respondents might not
be our targeted representation. There is a possibility of misconceptualization. Respondents might
be influence by their peers. The surveys are done together with their peers. Not just that, more
time is needed to collect, arrange and analyze the data for quantitative method. Respondents
might fail to answer all the questions. Hence, this creates missing data during analyzation. For
qualitative method, research requires a higher costs and time to meet up with the respondents for
interview session. Respondents might not be able to answer the question of the interview

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precisely which will limit the research. There might be interviewer bias. Questions asked might
mislead respondents to negativity. Social desirability effect might occur in in-depth interview.
Respondents might provide opinions or views that researcher wants to obtain. There is a
possibility of respondents providing redundant information that affects the accuracy of research.

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5.0 Summary
Although the dislike button has not been launched or implemented by Facebook, but the
suggestion of the dislike button is technically possible. The function of dislike is actually an
existing function on YouTube. Also, the function of Dislike is a similar function of Like
button existing in Facebook platform. Thence, it should not be a new innovation of technology to
implement the function and no much technical problems would be met, which shows the origins
of the proposed research are highly practical in reality.
The proposed study aims to make a substantial and contribution to the view about
Facebook dislike button. It is a comprehensive research that not only the situation analysis can be
conducted, but also students response and perception on social urging new function of Dislike
can be collected. Through the opinions, it will be helpful for the Facebook Company or other
social networking company on what types of communication function can be implement among
the popularity and what types of communication methods are not suitable to be launched. While
the mere fact that the proposed study is being undertaken belies a personal belief towards the
implementation of dislike button on Facebook, where the collected data will determine whether it
is beneficial for the public or it is detrimental. In addition, the study aims to further understand
the assumption of relation impacts such as friendship, kinship and couples if Facebook
implement the dislike button, where this investigation is able to create self-awareness for their
anger management or emotional control and apply critical thinking before the click of dislike

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1.1Semi-structured questions


1. In your opinion, do you think that dislike button is useful on Facebook?

2. Will you follow your friends updates frequently?
3. Do you think that Facebook is important for people nowadays?
4. What kind of contents will cause you to click dislike button? For example, the status
about death, accident, and natural disaster.
5. Will dislike button affect the relationship between family, friends and couples?
6. In your opinion, Will the number of Facebook users be affected (increase/decrease) if
Facebook implement the dislike button? Why?
7. What do you feel when someone dislikes your posts/status by clicking the dislike button?
Will it affect your emotion in the meantime?
8. Do you think Facebook should implement the dislike button? Why?

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The topic of this research is the views of Taylors University Lakeside Campus students on
implementation of the dislike button on Facebook. Please take a few minutes to fill out this
survey questions and share your ideas. All responses will be entirely anonymous.

1. What is your gender?

o Male
o Female
2. Which of the following ranges includes your age?
o 17-21
o 22-30
o 30 or older
3. Which school are you from?
o Taylors Business School
o Taylors Law School
o The Design School
o School of Engineering
o School of Communication
o School of Biosciences
o School of Computing and IT
o School of Pharmacy
o School of Architecture, Building, Design
o School of Medicine
o School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts
o Centre for Languages
o School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
o School of Education

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4. How many hours do you spend on Facebook daily?

o 1- 2 hours
o 3-5 hours
o 5 or more
5. How many friends do you have on Facebook?
o 100-300
o 400-600
o More than 1000
6. Do your family use Facebook?
o Yes
o No
7. Are you in a relationship?
o Yes
o No

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Questions 8 to 15 require to read the scale. Please tick the column that correspondent with
your level of agreement on the following questions.

8. I think Facebook should create a

dislike button.
9. I think dislike button is useful to

Strongly Disagree Neutral




10. I will hit the dislike button if the

posts which update/share by my
family/friends are annoying.

11. I think the use of dislike button

will affect the relationship
between family and friends.

12. My emotion will be affected if my

post/status has been disliked by
others (family/friends).

13. The relationship between me and

family/friends will be affected if
my post/status has been disliked
by them.
14. I will find out the reason if my
post/status was disliked by others.

15. The use of dislike button will

reduce my interest of using

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