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Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME101 Introduction to ME

Bilkent University


Midterm Exam 1
October 27, 2010
(Please study the following figure carefully. It applies to all three problems.)

Dental Drill

Dental Bur



Figure 1: Dental drill and a detailed view of its rotating tip (dental bur).

Problem 1
If not properly cooled, the dental bur can heat up considerably during operation due to friction
at the bur-tooth contact interface. In this case, a temperature difference of can be measured
between the two ends of the bur. The temperature gradient across the bur is defined as g = /L.
The second law of thermodynamics states that a quantity E, which is related to a concept called
entropy and has dimensions of energy per unit time per unit length, is necessarily positive:

>0 .
o R


Here, A = D2 /4 is the cross-sectional area, o is the room temperature in Kelvins and R is the
thermal resistivity of the bur material. Based on this information, answer the following:
(a) Using the underlined description of E, express its dimensions in base SI units.
(b) Using the result of (a) and the expression (), determine the dimensions of R in base SI units.
(c) If R has a value of 0.012 in the units determined from (b), convert this value to .
[Note: 1 R = 9/5 K, 0.3048 m = 1 ft , 1 hr = 3,600 s, 1 BTU = 1,055 J.]

Midterm 1


Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME101 Introduction to ME

Bilkent University


Problem 2
During a drilling operation, a force F of magnitude F = 5 N (direction as shown in Figure 1) is
exerted to one end (point P) of the dental bur due to its contact with tooth. The weight of the
drill is W = 3 N. Additionally, a = 4 cm, b = 5 cm and = 40 (see Figure 1). The dentist needs
to apply a force R and a moment N at point o so that the drill remains in static equilibrium.
(a) If R = Rx i + Ry j with respect to a suitable basis set, determine Rx and Ry .
(b) Determine N . [Note: The moment components method reads Mo = ro,x Fy ro,y Fx .]

Problem 3
The material from which the dental bur is manufactured is tungsten carbide. This material has
a Youngs modulus of E = 410 GPa and a Poissons ratio of = 0.24. The length of the bur is
L = 0.9 cm and its diameter is D = 2.1 mm (see Figure 1). For material testing purposes, the bur
is subjected to a tensile force of F = 150 N. Find:
(a) the stress in the bur,
(b) the strain in the bur,
(c) the change L in the length of the bur,
(d) the change D in the diameter of the bur.

Midterm 1


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