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Highlight development indicators in Malaysia

There have two indicators of development in Malaysia which are in terms of

qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative indicators are simply the values that one can feel
but are difficult to measure quantitatively such as, in terms of education, health and
environment. However, quantitative indicators can be defined as it is easy to measure
quantitatively. For instance, birth rate, industrialization level and total foreign debt

Firstly, example of qualitative indicators is in terms of education. Education can be

defined as the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values,
beliefs, and habits. In addition, the methods of education include storytelling, discussion,
teaching, training, and directed research. Education is important because it gives people the
baseline skills to survive as adults in the world. Furthermore, the education is important for
us to get the future career and others. The education programmes need to increase their
accessibility, strengthen on the delivery system and improve the quality of education.
There are many example of programme that has been implementing by government in
education. Firstly, the supplementary food programmes. This programme aims to help
improve the nutritional level of pupils so that they can focus their attention on teaching and
learning in school. It is expected to ensure the improvement of physical growth, mental health
and general health of the school children in addition to helping them benefit from a balanced
diet. The programme was held on 1976 as part of the Food and Nutrition Practice Plan
organised by the Prime Minister's Department. On 1 March 2007, the rate set by the Ministry
of Education is RM1.80 per day for pupils in Peninsular Malaysia and RM2.05 a day for
pupils in Sabah, the Federal Territory and Sarawak. Nowadays, the rate for Peninsular
Malaysia is RM2.50 and Sabah and Sarawak is RM3.00.
Next example is The School Milk Programme (SMP) runs simultaneously with the
Supplementary Food Scheme. The programme is targeted for poor students whose family
income is below the poverty level. Besides, to ensure students receive a well-balanced diet in
school, the programme is also aimed at increasing the quality of health and nutritional value
of food for primary students for better physical growth, mental health and general well-being.
The SMP also encourages students to consume milk early in their life. In 2006, the MOE
spent RM20.6 million for 556,979 students under this programme. The selection criteria for

students under this programme are primary school students, especially from rural families.
There have some objective to encourage milk drinking habit among primary school students,
to provide milk to selected students from low socio-economic background that are at risk of
malnutrition and to increase the development of community and food industry which involves
the production, processes and supply of milk.
Furthermore, the Textbook Loan Scheme (TBLS) was implemented nationwide since
1975. The scheme covers all levels of education from the primary to the upper secondary
education in government schools. The aim of the scheme is to reduce the financial burden of
parents from the lower income group and to make it easy for every child to get education. In
2008, the MOE has made a provision to give free textbooks to every student because of the
socioeconomic status. Nowadays, the Textbook Division has introduced innovations in
teaching and learning materials by producing CD-ROM alongside the textbooks produced.
The CD-ROMs include texts, graphic illustrations, animation, audio, video, interactive
multimedia and interactive activities which include simulations, computer games and
interactive assessment. The CD-ROMs are also equipped with electronic notebook known as
e-journal as a communication tool. This may ensure them to study hard more because it is
more interesting.
Last but not least, The 3K programme (KESELAMATAN, KESIHATAN DAN
KECERIAAN) which started in 1991 aims to ensure that every school has an established
system for dealing with any issues related to school safety, health and beautification. After 13
years of implementation, beginning 2004, this programme promotes a new concept that
combines the three separate programmes into just one, known as the Initiative to Improve
School Safety, Health and Beautification or the 3K Initiative which includes the Safe School
Programme, Health and Hygiene Programme and School Beautification Programme. This
program also provides the opportunity to any of the selected schools to experience that joy
indeed exists in education. Moreover, this program may also encourage closer relationship
between the schools and their Parent-Teacher Association as well as the local community.
As a conclusion, as we can see government have made so many developments in
terms of education. All these programmes are really helpful to reduce the burden of the
citizen especially during this era which all things are expensive. By having all these
programmes it may encourage students to perform well in their studies and it can help us to
produce the good next generation for our country.

Next is in terms of environment. Development without compromising the

environment is a form of development to be achieved any country in the world. However,
talking is easier than doing. Until now development often have priority and the environment
continues to be a victim of development.
Therefore, many researchers agree that the development and preservation of the
environment is difficult to move in arrangement. If so, development without compromising
the environment will be a matter that would be very difficult to achieve. Development
without compromising the environment or better known as sustainable development is
development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the
world's population of the world will come to meet their needs as well. In other words, the
development now should not affect the environment because it is important to make sure the
sustainable of the environment so that we and our descendants will be able to continue to
enjoy this nature.
The pursuit of sustainable development welcomed various countries. Developed
countries lead the effort. This is because the situation in developed countries such as
readiness of law, technology, expertise and community acceptance are ready to support the
sustainable development. The developing countries and backed away a bit late in this case.
But this does not mean the pursuit of sustainable development is neglected.
Meanwhile, Malaysia itself is among the developing countries that are ahead in this
regard. Even before the introduction of the concept of sustainable development, Malaysia has
had its efforts to preserve its own environment, for example by law, campaign, and forest
management and so on. Other than that, Malaysia also implements the concept of garden in
the city as method to preserve the nature and implement a green life environment
Maybe because it's a going concern, Malaysia achieve environmental sustainability is
quite good. If linked views Environmental Sustainability Index (Environmental Sustainability
Index) in 2002, of 142 countries surveyed, Malaysia ranked 68 th. This position is far ahead
of Japan and the United Kingdom, each of which was ranked 78th and 91. However, in 2005,
Malaysia improved its position on the 38th of 146 countries. Malaysia once again left off the
developed countries like the United States (45) and United Kingdom (65).

Moreover, in terms of health. Health can be refers to the ability of mental or physical
condition with the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is important for people to take care
of because without a good health we cannot do our daily activities and of course will make us
feel not well and lead to unproductive days which not good for every person.
Before 1990s, our country had suffered so many diseases and virus issues which lead
to barriers for country to be developed. In 1980s, diseases such as malaria, filariasis, dengue
fever, scrub typhus, a parasitic disease, leprosy, stomach ailments, respiratory infections,
fever, sexually transmitted diseases, cancer has been rising. Other than that, HIV/AIDS and
child mortality were also serious diseases faced by the country during that time. Child
mortality also known as under-5 mortality or child death refers to the death of infants and
children under the age of five or between the ages of one month to four years depending on
the definition. A child's death is emotionally and physically hard on the parents. Many deaths
in the majority of the world go unreported since many poor families cannot afford to register
their babies in the government registry. The same causes and preventative measures that
apply to infant mortality which for children younger than one year old also apply to
understanding child mortality. About half of child deaths occur in Sub-Saharan Africa. The
leading causes of death of children fewer than five is diarrhea, malaria, malnutrition,
pneumonia, preterm birth conditions. Pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria together are the cause
of 3 out of every 10 child deaths before the age of 5 and nearly half of under-five deaths
globally are attributable to malnutrition. Malnutrition refer to is common globally and results
in both short and long term irreversible negative health outcomes including stunted growth
which may also be linked to cognitive development deficits, underweight and wasting. The
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that malnutrition accounts for 54 present of
child mortality worldwide. Another estimate also by WHO states that childhood underweight
is the cause for about 35% of all deaths of children under the age of five years worldwide.
The main causes of malnutrition are unsafe water, inadequate sanitation or insufficient
hygiene, factors related to society and poverty, diseases, maternal factors and gender issues.
After 1990s, Malaysia strives many efforts to overcome this child mortality by foster
many systems and used suitable techniques and methods as well as implements many plans
and establishes health institutions to solve these problems. Malaysia enjoys a comparatively
high standard of health, the result of long-established health and medical services. Child
survival is a field of public health concerned with reducing child mortality. Besides that, child
survival interventions are designed to address the most common causes of child deaths that

occur, which include diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, and neonatal conditions. Plus, the portion
of children under the age of 5 alone, an estimated 9.2 million children die each year mostly
from such preventable causes. The child survival strategies and interventions are in line with
the fourth Millennium Development Goal which focused on reducing child mortality by 2/3
of children under five before the year 2015. Many countries are now devoted to the child
survival interventions as a way of reducing the child mortality. In ACP countries European
commission (EC) is intervening to with funds and technical capacity to assist the ACP
countries reinforce their immunization services through a project called EU-PRIME which
was a baby of cotonuo agreement. The overall aim of the project is to reduce the impact and
incidence of vaccines preventable diseases (VPDs) in countries of intervention. In addition,
Malaysia also adopted UNICEF. UNICEF is the United Nations Childrens Fund. Around the
world, we use our expertise to meet the challenges facing children and those who care for
them. Our history of more than 60 years gives us a profound understanding of development
and how important children are to progress. The Convention on the Rights of the Child guide
us in all that we do for children. In Malaysia, UNICEF has been working with the
Government and people since 1954 to create lasting solutions that give children the best start
in life and help them realize their full potential. UNICEF is proud to have been part of
Malaysias journey to improve health, nutrition, water and sanitation, formal and non-formal
education, as well as welfare services for children in rural as well as poor urban areas.
In conclusion, development indicators in Malaysia in term of qualitative indicator can
be elaborated by quality of health in Malaysia before 1990s and after 1990s. The
developments or changes can be seen by the establishment of UNICEF and adopted of The
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


In terms of birth rate in Malaysia as we can see the population in July 2010, was

estimated to be 28,334,000, which makes it the 41st most populated country in the world. Of
these, 5.72 million Malaysians live in East Malaysia and 22.5 million live in Peninsular
Malaysia. Malaysia population is projected to increase by 462 867 people and reach for 31
035 333 in the beginning of 2017. The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the
number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 368 704. Nowadays, the total
population from Malays and Bumiputeras were 67.4%, Chinese 24.6%, and the Indians 7.3%
of the total population.
Life expectancy at birth is one of the most important demographic indicators. It shows
the number of years a new-born infant would live assuming that birth and death rates will
remain at the same level during the whole lifetime. According to Utusan Online, it stated that
in 2010 where the total life expectancy (both sexes) at birth for Malaysia is 73.8 years. For
the life expectancy at birth for male is 71.9 years. Female life expectancy at birth is 77 years.
The population of people in Malaysia are increasing time to time because of the
government program or policies that have been implementing. As we all know, all
government program and policy can really make change in our society. Based on that, there
have several policy or programs that have been implemented by government to achieve their
goals in terms of birth population in Malaysia.
Firstly, the government have urged the Malaysian to make more babies. Nowadays,
the government has called on Malaysians to reverse the trend of declining population growth
by having more children, following the projected in the countrys birth-rate once it hits
developed nation status in five years time. To encourage working couples in the civil service
to have more children, Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri
Rohani Abdul Karim said that government have various programmes to raise awareness (on
the need to boost the fertility rate), including explaining that the ideal family size is between
three and four children. To achieve it, the federal government has giving more than doubled
paternity leave to seven days, extended maternity leave to 90 days and allows flexible
working hours so parents have more time with their children, among other things.
Furthermore, the minister also added that Putrajaya is considering various options such as the
baby bonus scheme offered in Singapore and monthly allowances given to each child as
practiced by Sweden.

Secondly, the reasons that increasing of the birth rate in Malaysia is the government
have provided health care for the citizen. As a human, we need a very good health care to stay
healthy. However, it cannot be reach if we not have support from our government because as
we all know not everyone in this world have too many money to get the medical at hospital or
clinic. Plus, the price of the hospital nowadays is really expensive. Based on that, when
people are sick they might will have increasing of the rate of death people. That why our
government have really take serious on health care for citizen.
One good example is when government has introduced 1Care for 1Malaysia, in 2009,
with the intention of reform based on the principle use according to need, pay according to
ability, but little progress towards its implementation has been made. The Malaysian society
places importance on the expansion and development of healthcare, putting 5% of the
government social sector development budget into public healthcare. This means that it has
been increase of more than 47% over the previous figure. This has meant that an overall
increase of more than RM 2 billion. With a rising population, the Government wishes to
improve in many areas including the renovation of existing hospitals, building and provide
new hospitals, increase the number of polyclinics, and improvements in training and of the
telehealth. By doing all of these, it may also attract more foreign to investment to our country
As a conclusion, as we can see the population of Malaysia is increasing and it is a
good things because that is what the government want to achieve. When we have more
population we can reduce the adoption of the foreign people to work here. In our opinion, the
government must make more program, activity or policy that can encourage people to giving
more birth for our country.

Next, in terms of industrialization level. Generally, industrial activities consider as

manufacturing, construction, mining, quarrying and services. Industry limited in the sense
that refers to the manufacturing industry. However, it is difficult to give a precise definition
of the term because there are industrial economists equal with the manufacturing industry and
there are also those who debate the two terms are different despite having the same meaning.
Industry is not only connected to the development of manufacturing, but infrastructure such
as electricity and transport are indispensable in helping the development of the industrial
sector. The definition of the concept of industrial show has a wider scope than manufacturing,
but manufacturing is only one of the arms of industry. Manufacturing refers specifically to
the processing of raw materials or installing certain components to produce finished or semifinished goods. It is easy to understand activities that put more emphasis on the production of
consumer goods.
Furthermore, in the level of industrialization in Malaysia, for the period of time of the
50s and 60s, the country's industrialization program underway in an effort to diversify the
country's economy, which at the time was very dependent on rubber and tin industry. Given
the price of the two trade good is not stable; the government has established an
industrialization program to causing a more fast economic development and stable. Industrial
development policy at the time was concentrated on industries that import substitution
pattern. Since the 70s, the government in addition to modify the economy has focused more
rapid development of the industry to meet the needs of the job and the New Economic Policy
(NEP). In this case, the focusing was on industries and export-oriented industries that use a
lot of labour. Beginning in the 80's, the country's industrialization program suffered another
heavy industrial development through the promotion. It aims to strengthen the country's
industrial base and increase people's skills in the field of higher technology.
The method implements aims to speed up the process of industrialization. The
government plays a direct role in the planning, implementation, financing and managing
heavy industries as the private sector cannot afford to spend or risk in handling projects not
only involve huge capital, but also only able to return in time long. Despite the overall growth
of the industry in the years 60s, 70s and early 80s were satisfactory but a lot of problems and
weaknesses still exist in this sector. For example, the growth of the export sector is not very
satisfactory when compared with the domestic sector.

The most focusing aspect that is focusing in the Malaysia is in the development of the
manufacturing sector that has be a major fillip to the growth of the Malaysian economy.
During the Seventh Malaysia Plan (RMK-7), various measures have been enforced by the
Government to consolidate and strengthen the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector.
Although the sector was affected by the economic downturn but external and domestic
demand, which increased in the period 1999-2000 have contributed to the wider recovery in
the manufacturing sector. During the Eighth Malaysia Plan (8MP), the emphasis will be on
developing new competitive advantages based on information and communication
technology (ICT) as well as increased productivity that will enable the sector to continue to
grow. Industrial development will be supported by research and development (R & D) is
more viable for the industry to improve on existing as well as introduce new products more
competitive in the market. Implementation of the Small and Medium Industry Development
(SMIDP) are expected to contribute to the creation of small and medium industries are
resilient and competitive, which will strengthen linkages between industry and the economy.
In addition, promoting the products and markets will be intensified to maintain and increase
exports in the global market.

Next example is foreign debt. Foreign debt is an outstanding loan that one country
owes to another country or institutions within that country. Foreign debt also includes due
payments to international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The
debt may be comprised of fees for goods and services or outstanding credit due to a negative
balance of trade. Total foreign debt can be a combination of short-term and long-term
liabilities. In other words, it similar like make a loan. The portion of a country's debt that was
borrowed from foreign lenders including commercial banks, governments or international
financial institutions. These loans, including interest, must usually be paid in the currency in
which the loan was made. In order to earn the needed currency, the borrowing country may
sell and export goods to the lender's country. A debt crisis can occur if a country with a weak
economy is not able to repay external debt due to the inability to produce and sell goods and
make a profitable return. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is one of the agencies that
keep track of the country's external debt. Moreover, The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
is an international organization created for the purpose of standardizing global financial
relations and exchange rates. The IMF generally monitors the global economy, and its core
goal is to economically strengthen its member countries.
Before 1990s, Malaysia was faced an unforgettable memories in 1969 due to riots
happened. The 13 May 1969 incident is the Sino-Malay sectarian violence in Kuala Lumpur
but then part of the state of Selangor. This tragedy very give a big impact to Malaysia as the
racial issues rose. Since there are much destruction occurred due to the chaos and riot, many
building and infrastructure destroyed. Furthermore, these riots were because of the 1969
Malaysian general election when opposition parties made gain at the expense of the ruling
coalition Alliance Party. In addition, these will lead to economic recession and also will
create unsound relationship between races in the country. Plus, as we all know, Malaysia
before independent had been colonized by many colonial powers such as France, Japan,
British and other powerful countries. Since that era, Malaya faced many financial problems
because of the power of Malay Ruler became reduced, so they cannot collected or involved in
any financial management such as collecting taxes.
After 1990s, Malaysia initiated many efforts to overcome financial problems. In
addition, many establishments and programs had been implemented by government either
national or international. Basically, if internal state financial aids of country are not enough,
Malaysia tends to borrow from external borrowing and this can lead to foreign debt.
Borrowing from external country can be seen in some establishment of association or in other

words, international financial assistance. One of the famous organization is International

Monetary Fund(IMF). IMF is an international organization created for the purpose of
standardizing global financial relations and exchange rates. The IMF generally monitors the
global economy, and its core goal is to economically strengthen its member countries.
Besides that, Malaysia also borrowed from Japan. Japan is one of the rich countries with the
advancement of economic activities. This is because, Japan strict and serious in their career,
as we can see they very discipline and punctual in perform their duties. So, by the act of
Japan, Malaysia believes that Japan is secured country in term of economic or financial as
they are developing country. In addition, debt is important for Malaysia to be developed. For
example, we use the money for develop our country by improve the system of education,
health, security and others. As we can see, Malaysia has been implemented programs in
education by Minister of Education to improve the education system in Malaysia which is
PT3. This is because they believes that by changes from PMR to PT3 can produce a new
generation with the confident to be more spontaneous in front of people, for example PT3 is
the new system that instruct the students to make presentation in front of the class and this
can improve their confident level as well as good communications.
In conclusion, foreign debt is very important for our country to be developed. This is
because external debt plays major role in shaping the economic activity of any country. By
borrowing money from other country, we also can encourage the GDP rate the country.
Besides that, with the foreign borrowing, we can use that money for the sustainable
development in various aspects such as politic, economic and social. In Malaysia, the
sustainable development can be seen from the establishment of UTC (Urban Transformation
Centre). UTC is one of the initiatives and efforts that government provided. But we also need
to be aware, even we can borrow money, we also need to control from become exceeded. The
best rate of debt must below than 50%. But, based on the analysis, Malaysia reached 54% of
total foreign debt in 2013, which is no good and Malaysia needs to make a solution on how to
reduce these problem.


Elaborate three perspectives of development as purported by development


There have three perspective of development as purported by development scholars.

Firstly, the perspective is the conservative perspective. According to the Adam Smith and
Ricardo they suggest that in general man is in need of positive (such as pay rise) and negative
(such as the anxiety of being fired) incentives to become more productive. There have several
countries that have implement this perspective system. One of the examples of the country is
United State.
Conservatives perspective gives priority to the capitalist system. Capitalist system is the
open competition and maximization of profit. Open competition here means that their citizen
can easily enter to business and they have no involvement from the government. The
government not have right on their business. That is the reasons they can easily get maximum
profit from their business. However, the effect of capitalist system is there will be a huge gap
between the rich and poor people. When there have huge gap, they will arise also problem of
discrimination that will lead to class struggle between the Bourgeoisie (rich people) and the
Proletariat (poor people). In addition, in capitalist system they belief that those who hard
working will gain the benefit and those who lazy will gain nothing. That why as we can see
in United State all their people are working so hard in their life because they dont want to get
lose in anything.
In this conservative perspective, the entire decision making is based on individual, family,
or company in respond to create equilibrium and harmonies market. Like we have mention
before, these perspective systems have no involvement from the government and they need to
make their decision and work on their business by themselves. For example, in United State
they usually will take insurance for themselves, their child or company because they wants to
protect them because the government will not help them if something happen. For example, if
something bad happen in their business they still can related on the insurance.
Moreover, this conservative perspective also belief that social change will only happen
when individual wants to change. There have no way that the social change can change by
itself except if the individual want to change it. That means, if they want to get benefit such
as money they need to work hard by themselves because no one will help them except
themselves. Moreover, if they lazy to do so, they might will gain nothing in their life. In
addition, conservative perspective belief that when the country have good national

development, active involvement in economic and socio-political domains it will guarantee

for the economic growth. For example, as we have mention before that these perspective has
use the capitalist system where the people is free to join business and that make the country
have so many people that active in business. When they are active in business they need to
pay the cooperate tax to the government and this may give benefit to their government
because it can improve the economics growth of the country. Furthermore, this conservative
system also think that problem of economic growth is due to their own cultural and
environmental predicaments (unpleasant situation). For example, in Africa they have a
drought session and it make hard for them to make an agricultural in their country and that
why their country have a not good economic condition.
Next is the main function of the government is only to safe guard the country in ensuring
that the capitalist system well without any barriers. For example, in 2015, in United State the
military spending is projected to account for 54% of all federal discretionary spending, a total
of $598.5 billion. As we can see they have spent a lot of money in their military expenditure
for secure their country because they think when their country is secure the economic country
will become secure too which means will growth. Moreover, they also belief that when have
any active involvement from government it will only give more problem for them than actual
solving it.
In conclusion, the conservative perspective have their own advantage and disadvantage if
implement in the country. In our opinion, this system is good system to implement in the
country because it is freer for the people to do something without to many procedural or
policy. As we can see, in United State they implement this system in their country and as a
result their country is one of the most successful countries in the world. However, to
implement in Malaysia we dont think it suitable because as we can see a lot of people in
Malaysia are still relay on government in doing something.

Secondly, in the Islam Perspective. According to Islam Ibn Khaldun's perspective, it

is concluded that the economic development of the ideal is capable of meeting the basic
needs of all human beings. On the other hand, the phenomenon of excessive consumption,
moral corruption and greed is an early indicator of economic collapse of civilization
(civilization) .In Ihya 'Ulumiddin, Imam Al-Ghazali writes: "Indeed, the damage caused by
damage to the kings, and the damage caused by damage to the ruling clerics, scholars and
losses caused by the love of wealth and like the mighty; and he that is dominated by worldly
ambition he will not be able to take care of people, especially the government . This refers as
some destruction is causing by the human itself by their greediness of power and wealth.
some of basic need of a human life such as food, shelter ,clothes and else is still no be fully
served and get by a certain people. The financial resources to need to be contribute equally so
the basic needs of the individual can be getting by an all of the individual with the focusing
concept of equality and welfare.
Definition of Imam Al-Ghazali in Ihya Ulumiddin, Imam Al-Ghazali wrote "Indeed, the
damage caused by damage to the kings and the damage caused by damage to the cleric
governments and losses caused by the love of wealth and love seat and anyone controlled by
worldly ambition he will not be able to take care of people, especially kings. So, the
individual has to be keep on the right track based on the guidance of the religious so we could
live in a happily and peacefully environment that has good tolerance between an individual.
The changes in Arab society after the advent of Islam. In Jahiliyah centuries Religion and
belief they were filled with superstition. The dominant religion of idolatry because most of
the ancient religion of this society. There are religions of Christianity and Judaism sky but
was diverted by their clergy for its own sake. In addition, there is the influence of the
Zoroastrian religion of Persia. Among the beliefs that are practiced fortune-telling, thought
good and bad thought animism and magic.
Centuries Islam Belief in Allah Almighty and Allah bears witness that the apostleship of
the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet. Doing things that are commanded and leave the
prohibited things. Practice principles of faith and the pillars of Islam.

Next, the Liberalism perspective. Liberalism perceptive is a political philosophy or

worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Whereas classical liberalism emphasizes
the role of liberty, social liberalism stresses the importance of equality. Liberals espouse a
wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they
support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of
religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality
and international cooperation. Besides that, we can see by one of the philosopher which is
Kenyes identify the liberalism as the trust of government to control the level of economic
activities so that they are in line with the national interest.
The liberals put individual and social justice as an end. To achieve social justice,
government needs to regulate laws, policies and programs for the people. In other words,
these sweeping changes in political authority marked the modern transition from absolutism
to constitutional rule. Later waves of modern liberal thought and struggle were strongly
influenced by the need to expand civil rights. In the 1960s and 1970s, the cause of Second
Wave feminism in the United States was advanced in large part by liberal feminist
organizations such as the National Organization for Women. In addition to supporting gender
equality, liberals also have advocated for racial equality in their drive to promote civil rights,
and a global civil rights movement in the 20th century achieved several objectives towards
both goals. As in Malaysia, Malaysia practices democratic country which means the Ruler
power is based on constitutional law. Besides that, as liberals believe that with the
intervention of government, the country can be controlled and will contribute to more
develop in people as well as country. The government will regulate the rules and regulations
and also make it come into reality or applied it. This can be seen with the policies regarding
of gap between rich and poor people which is income tax policies. This is where the high
income people will pay tax more than compared to lower income people because to stabilize
the gap between both. In addition, the government will be able to redistribute the nations
wealth through these progressive taxation systems especially to help poor.
Besides that, the liberals believe government should intervene and readjust the market
mechanism which fails to fulfil consumers demand and basic needs of man caused by
monopolistic control of imperative economic sectors within the nation and the lack of highly
efficient programs. This issue has been raised by Dr Razeen Sally in the Liberalism
Conference; she is the former Chair of IDEAS' Political Economy and Governance
Programme and world class international trade expert. The discussion in Liberalism

Conference is on how liberalism can help avoid billion ringgit scandals involving
Government linked companies including the infamous 1MDB Sovereign Wealth Fund. This
conference will help people to open their mind. Besides that, government also makes many
efforts to improve the economic aspect in Malaysia. For example, introduced the New
Economic Policy (NEP) which to eradicate the poverty rate in Malaysia. Plus, government
also implements many job opportunities like give financial assistance to people to open the
business. When people open the business, this also can increase the country revenue as well
as we can see from local brands by Malaysia will generate more income for country.
In politic religion, Islam is not very support the ideology of liberalism. This is because
when the plural society interacts with each other it will regardless of gender also. When there
is an interaction between genders, it will make them to free from barriers stated in Islam. In
other words, the hukum halal and haram. This group of people also believes that liberalism
is the principle of the distance between man and religion. To solve this problem, the
government needs to give emphasize on the benefits of liberalism to other religion without
ignore the law of religion. For example, implement the programs to open people mind such as
maybe government can establish the association of people that agreed to both religion and
liberalism or Ukhwah. Besides that, to develop the country we need to have the cooperation
and integration between other mechanism and institutions or other agencies as long as it not
breaches the law of religion also.
In conclusion, the liberalism has been practice in Malaysia. The government needs to
interference in control and manage the programs and activities to ensure the sustainable
development of the country. As we can see Malaysia has develop and initiated many
programs either in nation or international. The liberalism perspective has a good and bad
perceptions but it is depends on us on how to practice these perceptive as long as it in the
path of develop and give benefits to people.

As a conclusion, we have discuss in our report is about the highlight development
indicators in Malaysia. Firstly, in qualitative where we have given example on how we can
see the qualitative indicators by education, environment and also health. Moreover, we also
have discussed on quantitative indicator. As an example, we have mention on birth rate, total
foreign debt and also the industrialization level. By answering the question 1, we can now
differentiate the qualitative and quantitative indicator. In our opinion, it is very important to
know the qualitative and quantitative indicator because it is not only to increase our
knowledge about the development but also to ensure that our country always develop in
In answering question 2, we need to gives three perspectives of development as purported
by development scholars. The perspectives that we have given in our report are Conservative
Perspective, Islam Perspective and Liberal Perspective. There have a lot of differences
between all these perspectives that need for us to know. From this knowledge we can know
how the government of other country manage their country development in term of economy,
politic and social. In our opinion, Malaysia suitable to use the Liberal Perspective because the
citizen still need help and guide from the government such as subsidies and more. From these
two question, it give us so much knowledge about the programmes that have been implement
by our government and we hope that our government will provide more programmes and
activities that can help the development of country.

The Liberalism Conference can be retrieved on: : Liberalism V Muslim Society

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