Comment Bank List: Moranbah East State School

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Moranbah East State School

Comment Bank List

Group Description: General

Category Description: Behaviour

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XBEA1 {Name} consistently displays an extremely high standard of behaviour.
XBEA2 {Name} always follows school and classroom rules and maintains an excellent standard of behaviour.
XBEA3 {Name} is a hard working and conscientious student who has made excellent progress in all areas.
XBEC1 {Name} displays acceptable behaviour and usually follows school and classroom rules.
XBEC2 {Name} has made an effort to contain {Her,His} exuberant spirit and conform to the standards
required in the classroom.
XBEC3 {Name} tries to make appropriate choices and maintain a good standard of behaviour.
XBED1 At times {Name} finds it difficult to settle down to a quiet routine.
XBED2 {Name} sometimes tries to make appropriate choices and maintain a good standard of behaviour.
XBEE1 {Name} is unable to make suitable choices independently.
XCOA1 {She,He} is self-motivated and capable of independent work.
XCOA2 {Name} shows an enthusiastic approach to all aspects of {Her,His} work.
XCOA3 {Name} has a positive attitude and shows independence in {Her,His} work.
XCOB1 {Name} is always enthusiastic and eager to attempt new challenges.
XCOB2 {Name} is able to carry out simple tasks independently.
XCOB3 {Name} shows confidence by attacking new work eagerly and can be relied on to carry out most tasks
XCOB4 {Name} uses {Her,His} time constructively and is very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
XCOB5 {Name} takes a keen interest in all areas and is a most agreeable and willing worker.
XCOC1 {Name} shows quiet confidence by always attempting difficult work.
XCOC2 {Name} shows confidence when interacting with others.
XCOC3 {Name} sometimes shows confidence when attempting new work and is able to carry out most tasks
XCOC4 {Name} has confidence in {Her,His} own ability when faced with new challenges.
XCOC5 {Name}'s confidence has improved remarkably and {She,He} is more willing to ask for assistance
when {She,He} experiences difficulty.
XCOD1 {Name} started the year quietly and was reluctant to become involved in classroom discussions, but
{She,He} has gradually gained in confidence to contribute as the year has progressed.
XCOD2 {Name} needs encouragement to develop confidence when interacting with others.
XCOD3 {Name} is not always eager to attempt new work and needs help to develop the confidence to use
{Her,His} own initiative when required.
XCOE1 {Name} lacks confidence to attempt many activities and often seeks reassurance.
XCOE2 {Name} needs help to develop the confidence to use {Her,His} own initiative when required.
XGAA1 {Name} always follows school rules and maintains a cooperative manner at all times.
XGAA2 {Name} is a courteous and very well mannered member of the class.
XGAA3 {Name} displays exemplary behaviour and a cooperative manner at all times.
XGAA4 {Name} has a responsible attitude and often acts on {Her,His} own initiative to assist classmates.
XGAA5 {Name} shows respect for other students' ideas and opinions.
XGAB1 {Name} displays a high standard of behaviour and is respectful towards {Her,His} teachers and peers.
XGAB2 {Name} interacts effectively in the classroom environment and is able to make responsible choices
with {Her,His} behaviour.
XGAB3 {Name} is a well liked member of the class and willingly cooperates with others.

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XGAC1 {Name} has displayed a co-operative attitude this semester.
XGAC2 {Name} shows tolerance of others and follows class and school rules.
XGAC3 {Name} is a cooperative group worker who displays excellent leadership skills.
XGAD1 {Name} is developing the skills necessary to work within a group.
XGAD2 {Name} needs to show more tolerance as {She,He} is often in conflict with other children.
XGAD3 {Name} sometimes demonstrates acceptable behaviour and an ability to cooperate with {Her,His}
teachers and peers.
XGAD4 {Name} sometimes distracts others and allows {Her,Him}self to be distracted during class.
XGAD5 {Name} is usually considerate of others.
XORA1 {Name} is a self-motivated learner who has well-developed organisational skills.
XORA2 {Name} is very organised and always has {Her,His} equipment ready.
XORA3 {Name} gets started on class work immediately and always uses {Her,His} time constructively.
XORA4 {Name} is an extremely self motivated and independent worker who always produces quality work.
XORB1 During all classroom activities {Name} listens attentively and follows instructions.
XORB2 {Name} takes an active part in class discussions and listens attentively most of the time.
XORB3 {Name} is an organised student and usually has {Her,His} equipment ready.
XORB4 {Name} usually completes set tasks on time.
XORB5 {Name} is an organised student and usually has {Her,His} equipment ready.
XORC1 {Name} is generally able to manage {Her,His} time to produce quality work.
XORC2 {Name} is able to demonstrate initiative when required.
XORD1 {Name} needs encouragement to listen to information and make appropriate responses.
XORD2 {Name} recognises the need to develop better time management and organisational skills.
XORD3 {Name} experiences difficulty following directions and requires encouragement to ask for assistance
when {She,He} is unsure.
XORD4 At times {Name} can be enthusiastic but needs to be more organised with {Her,His} work and take
more pride in its presentation.
XORD5 {Name} would benefit from being more organised as {She,He} sometimes needs to be reminded to
have {Her,His} equipment ready.
XORD6 {Name} sometimes completes set tasks on time.
XPEA1 {Name} persists at tasks and corrects mistakes to improve {Her,His} work.
XPEB1 {Name} tries hard to tackle challenges {She,He} is faced with.
XPEB2 {Name} listens to instructions and works hard to complete set tasks.
XPEB3 {Name} persists at tasks and usually corrects mistakes to improve {Her,His} work.
XPEC5 {Name} usually tries hard to complete required activities in most subject areas.
XPED1 {Name} lacks concentration at times and does not often put as much effort into {Her,His} work as
XPED2 {Name} often requires encouragement to complete set tasks and activities.
XPED3 With encouragement, {Name} is able to apply {Her,Him}self to most set tasks.
XPED4 {Name} needs encouragement to persist when trying something new.
XPED5 At times {Name} is reluctant to start {Her,His} work and often needs encouragement to finish tasks.
XPED6 {Name} is reluctant to correct mistakes to improve {Her,His} work.
XPED7 {Name} needs reminders to apply {Her,Him}self to the task at hand and complete set work.
XPEE1 {Name} always requires encouragement to complete work.
XREA1 {Name} always exercises self control and accepts the consequences of {Her,His} actions.
XREA2 {Name} is usually a resilient student and remains calm during difficult situations.
XREC1 {Name} usually exercises self control and accepts the consequences of {Her,His} actions.
XRED1 {Name} sometimes exercises self control and accepts the consequences of {Her,His} actions.
XRED2 {Name} needs encouragement to show more resilience when faced with difficult situations.

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XRED3 {Name} is starting to make appropriate choices in class and accept the consequences of {Her,His}

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: General

Category Description: General

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ZAT1 {Name} has a positive attitude and shows independence in {Her,His} work.
ZAT2 {Name} is to be commended on {Her,His} outstanding results this semester and the mature and
responsible attitude that {She,He} displays at all times.
ZCOO {Name} is a cooperative class member.
ZEF1 {Name} always applies maximum effort in every subject area and takes great pride in {Her,His}
ZEF2 {Name}'s effort, attitude and courteous nature throughout the semester are to be commended.
ZEN2 {Name} works enthusiastically and to capacity in most subject areas.
ZEN3 {Name} works enthusiastically and to capacity at all times.
ZEN4 {Name} displays an enthusiastic approach in all subject areas.
ZEN5 {Name} is always enthusiastic and ready to give assistance anytime it is asked of {Her,Him}.
ZEN6 {Name} is a most agreeable and willing worker who shows interest and enthusiasm for all class
ZENE {Name} needs to approach tasks more enthusiastically to achieve {Her,His} full potential.
ZHA1 {Name} is a happy, friendly student and a great role model for {Her,His} classmates.
ZHE1 {Name} is always willing to please and enjoys helping others.
ZMA1 {Name} is a kind and caring student who is always courteous and well mannered.
ZMA2 {She,He} is very responsible and has excellent manners.
ZMA3 {Name} is a courteous student and well liked by {Her,His} peers.
ZWO4 {Name} is a highly motivated student who has performed well this semester.
ZWO5 {Name} is a quiet and cooperative student who works to the best of {Her,His} ability at all times.
ZWO6 {Name} is a quiet, cooperative and reliable student who has performed well this semester.
ZWO7 {Name} has shown great commitment to {Her,His} studies this semester.
ZWOCO1 {Name} is a willing and conscientious worker who applies {Her,Him}self well to most set tasks.
ZWOCO2 {She,He} is a conscientious student who completes {Her,His} work both quickly and quietly to the
best of {Her,His} ability.
ZWOCO3 {Name} is a very conscientious student who works diligently in all areas.
ZWOCO4 {Name} is a hard working and conscientious student who has made steady progress this year.
ZWORE {Name} takes great responsibility for {Her,His} work and learning.
ZZ01 {Name} has been a pleasure to teach and I wish {Her,Him} every success for the future.
ZZEN I have enjoyed teaching {Name} and wish {Her,Him} well for the future.
ZZHO1 {She,He} completes and submits {Her,His} homework on a regular basis and should be congratulated
for {Her,His} effort.
ZZHU1 {Name} displays a great sense of humour and a positive attitude towards all aspects of {Her,His}
ZZHU2 {Name} has an excellent attitude and a sense of humour we all enjoy.
ZZPL7 {Name} is an absolute delight to teach and I have been very pleased with {Her,His} cooperative
nature this semester.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:01:55 PM User: pbain5

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: Key Learning Areas

Category Description: English

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HWA1 {Name} always produces handwriting of a very high standard.
HWA2 {Name} takes great pride in {Her,His} bookwork and always produces excellent handwriting.
HWB2 {Name} takes pride in the presentation of {Her,His} work and {Her,His} handwriting is neat and legible
at all times.
HWC1 {Name} writes neatly and forms all letters correctly.
HWC2 {Name} forms letters correctly and is capable of neat work.
HWD1 {Name} needs to take more care presenting {Her,His} work but tries hard to produce uniform and neat
HWD2 {Name} needs to take care to produce neat handwriting and requires practise to form letters correctly.
HWD3 {Name} rushes to complete {Her,His} writing, resulting in untidy work.
HWD4 {Name} continues to show improvement in size, spacing and development of letters, but more control
is needed to keep {Her,His} handwriting on the line.
HWE1 {Name} needs encouragement to develop a more legible style of writing.
LEPAA1 {Name} is creating structured texts that use paragraphs to increase the cohesion of {Her,His} writing.
LEPAB1 In writing activities, {Name} can organise and paragraph {Her,His} ideas and thoughts effectively.
LEPAC1 In writing activities {Name} can organise {Her,His} ideas and thoughts into simple sentences.
LEPAC2 {Name} is writing structured texts and is beginning to use paragraphs to increase the cohesion of
{Her,His} writing.
LEPAC3 {Name} is an independent writer who can create and revise multi-paragraph compositions.
LEPAC4 {Name} organised {Her,His} writing into paragraphs and used some editing knowledge to correct
{Her,His} mistakes.
LEPAD1 {Name} needs encouragement to use paragraphs more consistently.
LEPAD2 {Name} required teacher guidance to organise {Her,His} writing into paragraphs and to correct
{Her,His} mistakes.
LEPUA1 {Name} uses punctuation efficiently in {Her,His} writing, including the use of speech marks.
LEPUA2 {Name} effectively uses full stops, capital letters, question marks, exclamation marks and quotation
marks in {Her,His} daily writing.
LEPUA3 {Name} always uses punctuation correctly when completing writing tasks.
LEPUA4 {Name} consistently uses capital letters and full stops to form a sentence.
LEPUB1 {Name} uses commas and question marks confidently and consistently.
LEPUC1 {Name} writes simple sentences with correct punctuation.
LEPUC2 {Name} generally uses capital letters and full stops correctly in{Her,His} writing.
LEPUC3 {Name} is usually able to use punctuation successfully, but needs encouragement to correctly use
speech marks.
LEPUD1 {Name} needs help to use simple punctuation marks appropriately.
LEPUD2 {Name} needs encouragement to use capital letters and full-stops consistently in {Her,His} writing.
LESEA1 {Name} excels in writing and is able to successfully use compound sentences and conjunctions to
add interest to {Her,His} work.
LESEB1 {Name} is using a combination of complex and descriptive sentences.
LESEB2 {She,He} consistently uses complex sentences, accurately applying punctuation and using interesting
LESEC1 {Name} is using a combination of basic and complex sentences.

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LESEC2 {Name} writes a variety of familiar texts using a range of sentence structures and various sentence
LESEC3 {She,He} is more readily writing complex sentences with varied vocabulary.
LESEC4 {She,He} writes coherent compound sentences and is developing the confidence to elaborate on
{Her,His} ideas and vary {Her,His} word choice.
LESED1 {She,He} can construct simple sentences and is developing more confidence to elaborate on
{Her,His} ideas.
LESED2 {Name} attempts written tasks but needs assistance to develop {Her,His} ideas. {She,He} uses only
simple sentences and needs teacher input to add interest to {Her,His} writing to engage the reader.
LESEE1 {Name} needs encouragement to use a wider variety of sentence structures.
LESEE3 {Name} is a very reluctant writer and needs encouragement to put {Her,His} thoughts and ideas into
LESPC1 {Name}'s spelling and punctuation skills have improved.
LEVOA1 {Name} organises {Her,His} writing well and uses an extensive vocabulary.
LEVOC1 {Name} is beginning to experiment with appropriate word choices to suit {Her,His} purpose for writing.
LNEXA6 {Name} independently wrote a detailed explanation, logically sequencing {Her,His} ideas using well
constructed paragraphs.
LNEXC6 {Name} wrote an explanation, sequencing {Her,His} ideas using adequately constructed paragraphs.
LNEXD6 {Name} was able to write a brief explanation but required scaffolding to sequence {Her,His} ideas in a
logical order.
LNGEC1 {Name} willingly attempts familiar forms of writing including letters, invitations, recipes and recounts.
LNGEC2 {Name} is able to write a variety of genres (recounts, letters, narratives & reports) demonstrating
satisfactory sentence formation, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
LNGENC {Name} is aware that different text types are used for different purposes.
LNNA1A {Name} wrote an imaginative narrative that included a creative title, detailed introduction,
complication and resolution.
LNNA1B {Name} wrote an interesting narrative that included a relevant title, introduction, complication and
LNNA1C {Name} wrote an interesting narrative that included a title, basic introduction, complication and
LNNA1D {Name} had difficulty writing a narrative demonstrating the correct structure.
LNNA1E {Name} has difficulty reading {Her,His} work back.
LNNAA1 {Name} completed a very detailed story plan and followed it precisely when writing {Her,His} draft.
{She,He} wrote an in-depth introduction describing the characters and setting. {Name} made it very
evident to the reader what the problem was that the main character faced and why it was a
LNNAA2 {Name} wrote an excellent narrative, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of its generic
LNNAB1 {Name} wrote an imaginative story that was interesting to read.
LNNAB2 When writing a narrative, {Name} is able to organise {Her,His} ideas effectively, using the correct
structure. {She,He} competently builds upon character and setting throughout the narrative.
LNNAC1 {Name}'s stories are well written, and contain interesting and original ideas.
LNNAC2 Parts of {Her,His} story were imaginative and interesting to read.
LNNAC3 When writing a narrative, {Name} is able to organise {Her,His} ideas satisfactorily, using the correct
structure. {She,He} adequately builds upon character and setting throughout the narrative.
LNNAD1 When writing a narrative, {Name} requires support to organise {Her,His} ideas and elaborate on
character and setting.
LNNAD2 {Name} completed a partial story plan but did not follow this when writing {Her,His} draft.
LNNAD3 {Name} finds it very difficult to write an imaginative story.
LNPEA1 {Name} wrote an excellent persuasive essay and it was evident {She,He} researched {Her,His}
subject thoroughly before writing.
LNPEA2 {Name} has produced a well written persuasive text, with correct structure and punctuation.

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LNPEB1 {Name} has written a satisfactory persuasive text, with correct structure and punctuation.
LNPEB2 {Name} has effectively researched information to support {Her,His} stance when writing {Her,His}
persuasive essay.
LNPEC1 {Name} effectively researched {Her,His} topic to produce a well rounded argument to support the
stance {She,He} took in {Her,His} persuasive essay.
LNPEC2 {Name} produced a sound persuasive essay but {Her,His} conclusion did not effectively summarise
{Her,His} points.
LNPEC3 {Name} made a good attempt at expressing an argument in the form of a persuasive essay.
LNPED1 {Name} showed little evidence of the research that was needed to properly influence {Her,His}
intended audience by {Her,His} argument.
LNPED2 {Name} had some difficulty planning and writing {Her,His} persuasive essay. {She,He} was unable to
construct {Her,His} opinions into paragraphs and did not fully understand what was required of
LNUNE1 {Name}'s persuasive essay lacked the conclusion it needed to effectively support {Her,His} ideas.
RV1D {Name} is gaining in confidence when reading aloud. {She,He} relies heavily on picture cues but is
beginning to look at the initial sounds to help decode unknown words.
RVA01 {Name} independently and consistently uses a wide variety of strategies such as sounding out, using
picture cues, re-reading, reading on and self-correcting to decode unknown words.
RVA02 {Name} is an independent reader who consistently uses a wide variety of strategies, including reading
on and re-reading, to decode text.
RVA03 {Name} reads with fluency and expression. {She,He} uses a variety of strategies including sounding
out, prediction, picture cues and re-reading to decode unknown words and corrects errors as
{She,He} reads.
RVA04 {Name} reads with confidence and exceptional fluency when reading texts at {Her,His} level.
RVA05 {Name} is an independent and extremely capable reader who consistently uses a wide variety of
strategies, including rereading, to decode a text. {She,He} reads fluently with excellent expression,
taking notice of all punctuation in the text.
RVA06 {Name} is an independent and extremely capable reader who consistently uses a wide variety of
strategies to decode a text.
RVB01 {Name} reads with fluency and some expression. {She,He} uses strategies including sounding out,
picture cues and re-reading to decode unknown words and corrects errors as {She,He} reads.
RVB02 {Name} reads with confidence and fluency when reading texts at {Her,His} level.
RVB03 In reading activities {Name} uses a variety of strategies such as reading-on, re-reading, predicting
and sounding out difficult words, to decode text.
RVB04 {Name} capably uses decoding strategies such as re-reading and reading on to decode text.
RVB06 {Name} has developed a thorough bank of sight words which aids {Her,His} fluency when reading.
RVB07 When reading {Name} uses a variety of strategies to identify unknown words.
RVB08 {Name} understands the text {She,He} reads and makes connections between {Her,His} prior
knowledge and the text subject matter.
RVC01 {Name} uses some strategies such as sounding out, using picture cues, re-reading, reading on and
self-correcting to decode unknown words.
RVC02 {Name} is becoming a confident reader who reads texts at {Her,His} level with some fluency.
RVC03 {She,He} competently makes meaning from text and is able to evaluate and reflect on the subject
RVC04 {Name} is developing confidence when reading and has sound recall and comprehension of text
{She,He} has read and listened to.
RVCOA {Name} is an independent and confident reader who has excellent recall and comprehension of text
{She,He} has read and listened to.
RVCOA1 {Name} demonstrates excellent comprehension skills through {Her,His} accurate and detailed
responses to related tasks.
RVCOB {Name} demonstrates good reading skills and is able to comprehend the texts {She,He} reads.
RVCOB1 {Name} demonstrates excellent comprehension skills through {Her,His} accurate and detailed
responses to related tasks.

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RVCOC {She,He} demonstrates satisfactory comprehension skills through {Her,His} responses to related
RVCOD {Name} has difficulty comprehending texts {She,He} reads and relies on teacher input when
completing related response activities.
RVCOD1 {She,He} is comprehending at a text level but requires discussion to clarify meaning.
RVCOD2 {Name} requires support to successfully comprehend a text.
RVD01 {Name} is a reluctant reader who has difficulty selecting books on {Her,His} own.
RVD02 {Name} strives to decipher words, but needs to read more for meaning than pronunciation.
RVD03 {Name} is developing the skills to read independently, however, {She,He} still requires teacher
support to decode texts.
RVD04 {Name} is developing the reading strategies of re-reading and reading on to interpret text.
RVD05 {Name} is a hesitant reader but is trying hard to improve.
RVD06 {Name} requires support to apply strategies, including reading on, re-reading and using visual cues,
to decode text.
RVD07 {Name} is still developing the confidence and skills needed to read fluently when reading texts at
{Her,His} level.
RVD08 {Name} is gaining in confidence as a reader as {She,He} begins to accurately apply strategies,
including reading on and re-reading, to decode text.
RVE01 {Name} finds it difficult to use decoding skills such as sounding out, re-reading, reading on and self-
correcting when reading unfamiliar texts.
RVE02 {She,He} has a limited knowledge of reading strategies and requires teacher support to read simple
RVEDB1 {Name} effectively proof-reads and edits {Her,His} everyday writing.
RVEDC1 {She,He} re-reads {Her,His} written work to ensure it makes sense.
RVFLB1 {She,He} reads fluently with excellent expression, taking notice of all punctuation in the text.
RVFLC1 {She,He} is building {Her,His} bank of sight words to aid fluency.
RVFLD1 {Her,His} fluency and expression should continue to improve if {She,He} correctly attends to
punctuation within the text and practises reading daily.
RVFLE1 {Name} is an emergent reader who needs regular practice to develop {Her,His} fluency and
RVGD1 {She,He} needs encouragement to show an interest in reading.
RVPUA {Name} is a fluent and expressive reader when {She,He} attends correctly to punctuation within the
RVPUB {Name} reads with expression, taking notice of punctuation within the text.
RVPUC {Name}'s fluency will continue to improve if {She,He} correctly attends to punctuation within the text.
RVPUD Teacher modelling is required to demonstrate fluency, expression and the reading of punctuation in a
RVRGC1 {Name} enjoys discussing stories read in reading groups and is gaining in confidence when reading
RVSEB {Name} independently sequences events and recalls the main ideas of a story.
RVSEC {Name} capably sequences events and recalls the main ideas of a story.
RVSED {Name} needs assistance to sequence events and identify the main ideas of a story.
RVSEE {Name} finds it very difficult to sequence events and identify the main ideas of a story.
RVSWA {Name} has an excellent bank of sight words to assist {Her,His} reading.
RVSWB {Name} has a good bank of sight words to assist {Her,His} reading.
RVSWC1 {Name} has a sound sight word vocabulary and is able to identify words in isolation and in context.
RVSWC2 {Name} has a satisfactory bank of sight words to assist {Her,His} reading.
RVSWD1 {Name} has an increasing bank of sight words, however, {She,He} needs encouragement to use
reading strategies to identify unknown words.
RVSWD2 {Name} has a limited sight vocabulary and needs to develop {Her,His} letter/sound skills to aid in
word recognition.

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RVSWD3 {Name} tries hard but {Her,His} reading is hindered by a limited sight word vocabulary.
RVSWE1 {Name} has a limited bank of sight words and requires regular practice to increase {Her,His} recall
RVVOA1 When reading, {Name} demonstrates well developed word attack skills and an extensive vocabulary.
RVVOA2 {Name} has an excellent sight word vocabulary and is able to identify all sight words in isolation and
in context.
RVVOB1 {Name} has a very good sight word vocabulary and is able to identify all sight words in isolation and
in context.
RVVOD1 {Name} needs a lot of repetition and practise in order to retain a satisfactory reading vocabulary.
RVVOD2 {Name} is developing a basic sight word vocabulary but is still confusing words which look alike.
RVVOE1 Extensive repetition and practise is needed for {Name} to develop {Her,His} reading vocabulary.
SLA01 {Name} is a conscientious listener who regularly and effectively takes part in class discussions with
confidence, purpose and clarity.
SLA02 {Name} easily comprehends visual and aural information and communicates effectively, {Her,His}
thoughts, ideas and feelings to an audience.
SLA03 {Name} speaks fluently and confidently and is able to talk about a variety of topics using an extended
SLA04 During all lessons and activities {Name} listens with interest and sustained concentration.
SLA06 {Name} makes sensible and relevant contributions to classroom discussions.
SLB01 {Name} exhibits great listening skills and consistently gives others the respect they deserve.
SLB02 {Name} contributes effectively to class discussions.
SLB04 During all classroom activities {Name} listens attentively and follows instructions carefully.
SLC01 {Name} is usually an attentive listener who sometimes takes part in class discussions.
SLC02 {Name} is an attentive and courteous listener, however {She,He} lacks the confidence to actively
participate in class discussions.
SLC03 {Name} enjoys participating in conversations and expresses {Her,His} ideas clearly.
SLC04 {Name} readily contributes to class discussions.
SLD01 {Name} is hesitant when speaking in front of a group.
SLD02 {Name} needs assistance comprehending visual and aural information and has difficulty expressing
{Her,His} thoughts, ideas and feelings to an audience.
SLD03 {Name} needs to practise speaking clearly and audibly to hold the interest of the audience.
SLD04 {Name} is developing confidence to speak in front of {Her,His} peers.
SLD05 {Name}'s confidence is improving when speaking to an audience of {Her,His} peers.
SLD07 {Name} finds it difficult to comprehend and follow instructions.
SLE01 {Name} often becomes distracted during class discussions and needs to further develop {Her,His}
listening skills.
SLE02 {Name} is a very reluctant speaker. {She,He} becomes very nervous during oral presentations or
discussions and finds it difficult to express {Her,Him}self.
SLE03 {Name} sometimes contributes to discussions and only listens intermittently.
SLEYB1 {She,He} effectively uses eye-contact to maintain the attention of {Her,His} audience.
SLEYD1 {Name} attempts to maintain the attention of the audience but only uses limited eye contact.
SLEYD2 {Name} attempts to maintain the attention of the audience but only uses limited eye contact.
SLINB {Name} always listens carefully and can follow multiple instructions correctly.
SLINC {Name} can follow one or two simple instructions simultaneously.
SLIND {Name} is beginning to listen more carefully to instructions and follow these with occasional
SLINE {Name} requires teacher support to follow simple instructions.
SLPRA {Name} was well prepared for {Her,His} speaking task.
SLSP6A When participating in oral presentations and class discussions, {Name} speaks confidently with
appropriate volume, clarity and projection.
SLSP6D {Name} is developing confidence to participate in oral presentations and class discussions.
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SLSPA1 {Name} speaks confidently using appropriate volume and clarity.
SLSPC1 {Name} is able to adjust the volume of {Her,His} voice accordingly depending on the audience and
SLSPC2 {Name} spoke quietly and only made eye contact with the audience occasionally throughout {Her,His}
SLSPD1 {Name} has difficulty adjusting the volume of {Her,His} voice to suit the situation.
SLSPD2 {She,He} speaks quietly and hesitantly and needs encouragement to express (Her,His} opinions and
SLSPE1 {Name} lacks confidence when speaking in front of {Her,His} peers and needs help to put {Her,His}
thoughts into sentences.
SP3E {Name} is becoming more aware of the need to use a clear voice if {Her,His} message is to be heard
and understood.
SV5A {Name} is a conscientious listener who regularly and effectively takes part in class discussions,
speaking fluently and with confidence.
SV5B {Name} is a good listener who regularly and effectively takes part in class discussions, speaking well
and with confidence.
SV5D {Name} would benefit from being more attentive during class discussions and participating more in
WDEDA1 {Name} consistently uses sound proof-reading and editing skills when completing a writing task.
WDEDA2 {Name} consistently demonstrates editing skills such as underlining misspelt words and inserting and
deleting words to clarify meaning.
WDEDA3 {Name} takes time to plan and organise {Her,His} writing and has demonstrated excellent editing
WDEDA4 In daily writing, {Name} demonstrates excellent editing skills, including the use of speech marks and
WDEDB1 {Name} re-reads {Her,His} written work to ensure it makes sense.
WDEDB2 {Name} is able to edit {Her,His} own writing without teacher direction.
WDEDC1 {Name} sometimes re-reads {Her,His} written work to ensure it makes sense.
WDEDC2 {Name} is able to edit {Her,His} own writing with minimal teacher direction.
WDEDC3 {Name} edits most of {Her,His} own writing and is using capital letters and full stops to mark a
sentence more readily.
WDEDC4 In daily writing {Name} correctly uses capital letters and full stops.
WDEDC5 {Name} is able to independently edit {Her,His} written work using an editing guide.
WDEDC6 {Name} has made some attempt to edit {Her,His} work by underlining misspelt words and correctly
applying punctuation.
WDEDD1 {Name} needs teacher direction and support to attempt familiar forms of writing and is unable to edit
{Her,His} own work.
WDEDD2 {Name} needs assistance to edit {Her,His} work.
WDEDD3 {Name} requires constant reminders and assistance to edit {Her,His} own writing to include
WDEDD4 {Name} requires support to successfully proof-read and edit {Her,His} everyday writing.
WDEDE1 {Name} is unable to edit {Her,His} own writing and does not know when to use capital letters or full
stops to mark a sentence.
WDEDE2 {Name} relies on others to edit {Her,His} writing to ensure it makes sense and includes correct
WDSPA1 {Name} achieves excellent weekly spelling test results and consistently applies {Her,His} knowledge
of spelling rules and strategies to {Her,His} everyday writing.
WDSPA2 {Name} consistently uses correct spelling in {Her,His} writing and achieves fantastic results on
spelling tests.
WDSPB1 {Name} is able to apply existing knowledge of spelling patterns to unfamiliar words.
WDSPB2 {Name} regularly uses correct spelling in {Her,His} writing and achieves good results on spelling
WDSPB3 {Name} is able to spell frequently used words confidently.
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WDSPC1 {Name} usually demonstrates the correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation.
WDSPC2 {Name} competently transfers spelling list words and sounds to {Her,His} writing.
WDSPD1 {Name} needs encouragement to apply {Her,His} knowledge of spelling rules when attempting to
spell less frequently used words.
WDWRA1 {Name} is a confident writer, who independently completes writing tasks.
WDWRA2 {Name} is an independent worker who demonstrates confidence in {Her,His} ability as a writer.
WDWRB1 {Name} competently applies punctuation and effectively proof-reads and edits {Her,His} everyday
WDWRC1 {Name} completes writing tasks that meet year level expectations.
WDWRD1 {Name} is developing in confidence to complete writing tasks.
WEWRC1 {Name} is correctly using punctuation more consistently and demonstrates sound proof-reading and
editing skills when completing {Her,His} everyday writing.
WR2B {She,He} is beginning to experiment with word choices to suit different purposes.
WR2E {She,He} needs encouragement to re-read {Her,His} written work and has difficulty understanding
that print carries a constant message.
WRA01 {Name} is an independent worker who demonstrates confidence in {Her,His} ability as a writer.
WRA02 {Name} consistently uses correct punctuation and grammar and edits {Her,His} writing without
WRA03 {Name} is an independent writer who quickly settles into writing tasks.
WRA04 In daily writing, {Name} demonstrates a thorough understanding of grammar and punctuation.
WRA05 {Name} consistently demonstrates the correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation in {Her,His}
written work.
WRA06 {Name} has an excellent control over the mechanics of writing and is able to express {Her,His} ideas
WRB01 {Name} uses correct punctuation and grammar and edits {Her,His} writing when requested.
WRB02 {Name}'s written work is interesting and well-constructed with good attention to punctuation and
grammar. {She,He} uses an extensive vocabulary.
WRD01 {Name}'s written pieces are often unclear and difficult to follow.
WRD02 {Name} lacks confidence when required to complete a writing task.
WRD03 During writing activities, {Name} needs motivation and supervision to complete most tasks.
WRD04 {Name} is reluctant to extend {Her,His} ideas beyond brief statements.
WRE01 In writing activities, {Name} often needs assistance to express {Her,His} ideas clearly.

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: Key Learning Areas

Category Description: HPE

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BD1 {Name} enthusiastically participated in weekly bush dance lessons.
BD2 {Name} required encouragement to participate in weekly bush dance lessons.
BDA {Name} demonstrated accurate recall of dance steps and excellent co-ordination and timing during
bush dance lessons.
BDB {She,He} demonstrated accurate recall of dance steps and very good co-ordination and timing when
practising the three bushdances.
BDC {Name} needed teacher direction to maintain {Her,His} concentration in order to learn the required
steps during bush dance lessons.
BDD {Name} required teacher and peer assistance to accurately recall steps to bush dances.
BSA {Name} consistently demonstrates a range of ball skills with correct technique, accuracy and speed.
{She,He} is able to apply these skills in various game situations.
BSB {Name} demonstrates a range of ball skills with correct technique, accuracy and speed. {She,He} is
able to apply these skills in various game situations.
BSC {Name}'s technique, accuracy and speed when demonstrating ball skills is improving. {She,He} is
able to apply these skills in various game situations.
DEA {Name} was highly motivated and focused when creating {Her,His} aerobic routine.
DEB {Name} maintained a consistent focus when creating {Her,His} aerobic routine.
DEC {Name} was usually focused on the task of creating {Her,His} aerobic routine.
DED {Name} lacked focus when creating {Her,His} aerobic routine.
DMA The movements were always performed correctly, were logically sequenced, and the routine showed
smooth transitions. During the performance {She,He} was very energetic and made minimal
DMB The movements were often performed correctly, were sequenced well, and the routine showed
smooth transitions. During the performance {She,He} was energetic and made only a few mistakes.
DMC The movements were sometimes performed correctly and the routine showed satisfactory transitions.
During the performance {She,He} was sometimes energetic and made several mistakes.
DMD The movements and transitions were not well executed. During the performance {She,He} used a
limited amount of energy and made mistakes that distracted from the quality of {Her,His} routine.
EFA {Name} has displayed a high level of enthusiasm and supports the rights and feelings of others during
team and group games.
EFC {Name} is aware of the rights and feelings of others during team and group games.
SWIM0 {Name} did not participate in swimming lessons.
SWIM1 {Name} was nervous at the beginning of swimming lessons but has gained more confidence.
{She,He} has achieved level 1 Swim and Survive skills.
SWIM2 {Name} has gained a lot of confidence in swimming and worked hard to demonstrate level 2 Swim
and Survive skills.
SWIM3 {Name} has gained a lot of confidence in swimming and worked hard to demonstrate level 3 Swim
and Survive skills.
SWIM4 {Name} has demonstrated level 4 Swim and Survive skills during swimming lessons. {She,He} has
worked hard to improve {Her,His} swimming skills and has developed some effective strokes.
SWIM5 {Name} has demonstrated level 5 Swim and Survive skills during swimming lessons. {She,He} has
worked hard to improve {Her,His} swimming skills and developed some effective strokes.
SWIM6 {Name} has demonstrated level 6 Swim and Survive skills during swimming lessons. {She,He}
worked hard to improve {Her,His} swimming skills and has developed some effective strokes and
survival skills.
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SWIM7 {Name} has demonstrated level 7 Swim and Survive skills.

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Group Description: Key Learning Areas

Category Description: Mathematics

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CDDA5A {Name} is able to accurately collect and record data.
CDDA5B {She,He} is able to adequately collect and display data.
CDDA5C {She,He} is able to satisfactorily collect and display data.
CDDA5D {She,He} is able to collect and display data with teacher assistance.
CDDA5E {She,He} is unable to adequately collect and display data.
CDDA6A {She,He} needs support when calculating the mean, mode and median of number sets.
CDGR1A {She,He} can read and record tally marks for all numbers to ten. {Name} likes to create class picture
graphs and always interprets them accurately.
CDGR1B {She,He} can read and record tally marks for most numbers to ten. {Name} likes to create class
picture graphs and can interpret them accurately most of the time.
CDGR1C {She,He} can read and record tally marks for numbers to five. {Name} likes to create class picture
graphs and can interpret them accurately some of the time.
CDGR1D {She,He} can read and record tally marks for some numbers to five. {Name} likes to create class
picture graphs but has difficulty interpreting them accurately.
CDGR1E {She,He} requires support to read and record tally marks for numbers to five. {Name} likes to create
class picture graphs but requires support to interpret them accurately.
CDGR2B {She,He} can accurately read and create bar graphs and line graphs, and pie charts.
CDGR2E {Name} is beginning to interpret basic information displayed on graphs and tables.
CDGR3A {Name} can independently and accurately read and interpret a wide range of information displayed on
CDGR3B {Name} can accurately read and interpret most information displayed on graphs.
CDGR3C {Name} can accurately read and interpret some information displayed on graphs.
CDGR3D With assistance, {Name} reads and interprets some information displayed on graphs.
CDGR5A {Name} competently reads and interprets information from a variety of graph types.
CDGR5B {Name} is able to read and interpret information from a variety of graph types.
CDGR5C {Name} is able to read and interpret information from a bar graph.
CDGR5D {Name} has difficulty reading and interpreting graphs.
CDGR6A {Name} competently and independently reads and interprets information from a variety of graphs
including bar, line and picture graphs.
CDGR6B {Name} reads and interprets information from a variety of graphs including bar, line and picture
CDGR6C {Name} reads and interprets information from most graphs including bar, line and picture graphs.
CDPR1B {She,He} has an excellent ability to make probability predictions and uses the appropriate language
when describing chance events.
CDPR1C {She,He} has a sound ability to make probability predictions and uses the appropriate language when
describing chance events.
CDPR1D {She,He} has difficulty making probability predictions and needs reminders to use the correct
language when describing chance events.
CDPR1E {She,He} needs support to make predictions and is only beginning to use the correct language when
describing chance events.
CDPR3A {Name} is consistently able to identify the possibility of the occurrence of everyday events using the
terms likely, unlikely and impossible.
CDPR3B {Name} is able to identify the possibility of the occurrence of everyday events using the terms likely,
unlikely and impossible.
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CDPR3C {Name} is often able to identify the possibility of the occurrence of everyday events using the terms
likely, unlikely and impossible.
CDPR3D {Name} can occasionally able to identify the possibility of the occurrence of everyday events using
the terms likely, unlikely and impossible.
CDPR3E {Name} is not able to identify the possibility of the occurrence of everyday events using the terms
likely, unlikely and impossible.
CDPR4A {Name} can identify and classify events according to the likelihood of occurrence. {She,He} can
independently collect and organise data to create a range of different graphs and correctly interpret
the results.
CDPR4B {Name} can identify and classify events according to the likelihood of occurrence. {She,He} can
collect and organise data to create a range of different graphs and correctly interpret the results.
CDPR4C {Name} can identify and classify events according to the likelihood of occurrence. {She,He} can
collect and organise data to create a simple graph and make basic inferences from the results.
CDPR4D {Name} is beginning to identify the difference between likely and unlikely occurring events. With
assistance {She,He} can collect and organise data to create a simple graph.
CDPR6A {Name} independently makes sensible probability predictions. {She,He} confidently and accurately
computes and explains the mean, mode and median of data sets.
CDPR6B {Name} is able to make sensible probability predictions. {She,He} accurately computes and explains
the mean, mode and median of data sets.
CDPR6C {Name} is able to make probability predictions. {She,He} computes and explains the mean, mode and
median of data sets.
CDPR6D {Name} has difficulty making probability predictions. {She,He} is beginning to compute and explain
the mean, mode and median of data sets.
ME246B {Name} is confident equating both 24 and 12 hour time.
ME246D {Name} is becoming more confident equating 24 and 12 hour time.
MEAN6A {Name} can measure and identify acute, right, obtuse, straight, and reflex angles. {She,He} can
independently solve missing angle problems.
MEAN6C {Name} can measure and identify acute, right, obtuse, straight, and reflex angles. {She,He} can solve
missing angle problems.
MEAN6D With support, {Name} can measure and identify acute, right, obtuse, straight, and reflex angles.
{She,He} has difficulty solving missing angle problems.
MEAND {Name} can identify obvious right angles within {Her,His} environment and is developing knowledge
of angles that are greater than and less than 90 degrees.
MEARSH {Name} can confidently in calculate the area of regular shapes.
MECA3A {She,He} has demonstrated an extensive knowledge of concepts relating to time including days,
dates, months and seasons.
MECA3B {She,He} has demonstrated a comprehensive knowledge of concepts relating to time including days,
dates, months and seasons.
MECA3C {Name} has demonstrated a sound knowledge of concepts relating to time including days, dates,
months and seasons.
MECA3D {Name} needs support to identify days, dates, months and seasons.
MECA3E With support, {Name} can locate days and months on a calendar.
MECA4A {Name} can interpret many components of a calendar including days and dates.
MECA4B {Name} can interpret various components of a calendar including days and dates. {She,He} is able to
consistently identify and sequence both days of the week and months of the year.
MECA4C {Name} can use a calendar to locate dates. {She,He} is able to identify and sequence both days of
the week and months of the year.
MECA4D {Name} can identify some aspects of a calendar including days and dates. {She,He} is still learning
the days of the week and months of the year.
MECA4E {Name} can identify basic aspects of a calendar. {She,He} requires help to identify days of the week
and months of the year.
MECA5A {Name} very capably reads calendars and timetables and can record information on these.
MECA5B {Name} capably reads calendars and timetables and can record information on these.

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MECA5C {Name} can read most calendars and timetables and record information on these.
MECA5D {Name} has a basic understanding of time but needs support when reading calendars and timetables.
MELE1A {She,He} consistently and accurately measures length using informal measurements.
MELE1B {She,He} accurately measures length using informal measurements most of the time.
MELE1C {She,He} accurately measures length using informal measurements some of the time.
MELE1D {She,He} enjoys measuring length using informal measurements but rarely measures with accuracy.
MELE3B {Name} confidently measures length using a ruler.
MELE3C {Name} can use informal units to measure the length and weight of various objects.
MELE5A {Name} is able to accurately identify when to use centimetres and metres when measuring the length
of different objects.
MELE5C {Name} is able to identify when to use centimetres and metres when measuring the length of different
MELE5D {Name} requires some teacher assistance to identify when to use centimetres and metres when
measuring the length of different objects.
MELE5E {Name} is unable to identify when to use centimetres and metres when measuring the length of
different objects.
MELE6D {Name} has a basic understanding of length measurements but needs support when converting
between centimetres, metres and kilometres.
MEME1A {Name} consistently and independently uses the appropriate units of measurement and equipment.
MEME1E {Name} has difficulty measuring using the appropriate units and, often requiring support to
accomplish tasks.
MEME5A {Name} very capably converts between centimetres, metres and kilometres.
MEME5B {Name} capably converts between centimetres, metres and kilometres.
MEMEC2 {Name} has a sound understanding of measurement and usually measures accurately using
appropriate units and equipment.
MEPE5A {She,He} has demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of perimeter and how to calculate these
MEPE5C {She,He} has demonstrated a good understanding of perimeter and how to calculate these
MEPE5D {Name} is still developing an awareness of perimeter and how to calculate these measurements.
MEPE6A {She,He} can precisely measure the perimeter of complex 2D shapes.
MEPE6B {She,He} can correctly measure the perimeter of basic 2D shapes.
MEPE6C {She,He} can measure the perimeter of basic 2D shapes.
MEPE6E {She,He} is unable to measure the perimeter of basic 2D shapes without considerable teacher
METI1A {Name} consistently and accurately measures mass using informal measurements. {She,He}
accurately reads and records o'clock times in (digital/analogue/word form).
METI1B {Name} accurately measures mass using informal measurements. {She,He} reads and records
o'clock times in digital, analogue and word form.
METI1C {Name} accurately measures mass using informal measurements some of the time. {She,He} reads
and records o'clock times in (digital/analogue/word) form.
METI1D {Name} enjoys measuring mass using informal measurements but rarely measures with accuracy.
{She,He} attempts to read and record o'clock times in (digital/analogue/word) form.
METI1E {Name} requires support to measure mass using informal measurements and read and record o'clock
METI3A {Name} can confidently and accurately read and record o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to
METI3B {Name} can accurately read and record o'clock, half past and quarter past times.
METI3C {Name} can accurately read and record o'clock and half past times. {Name} is learning to recognise
quarter past and quarter to times.
METI3D {Name} is still learning to read o'clock and half past times.
METI3E {Name} has experienced difficulty reading times on a clock.

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METI4A {Name} can accurately tell the time in both analogue and digital format.
METI4B {Name} can tell the time in both analogue and digital format.
METI4C {Name} can usually tell the time in both analogue and digital format.
METI4D {Name} has trouble telling the time in both analogue and digital format.
METI4E {Name} experiences considerable difficulty telling the time in both analogue and digital format.
METI5D With support, {Name} can read and record o'clock times on digital and analogue clocks.
METI6A {Name} can confidently and accurately read, record and calculate o'clock, half past and 5 minute
interval times on both digital and analogue clocks.
METI6B {Name} can accurately read, record and calculate o'clock, half past and 5 minute interval times on
both digital and analogue clocks.
METI6C {Name} can read, record and calculate o'clock, half past and 5 minute interval times on both digital
and analogue clocks.
METI6D {Name} recalls some basic time facts, such as the number of minutes in an hour.
METI6E {Name} is unable to recall basic time facts, such as the number of minutes in an hour.
METI7A {She,He} independently and accurately calculates time durations by adding/subtracting hours and
METI7B {She,He} accurately calculates time durations by adding/subtracting hours and minutes.
METI7D {Name} is developing {Her,His} ability to complete addition and subtraction of hours and minutes.
METW5A {Name} independently and accurately converts 12 hour time to 24 hour time.
METW5B {Name} confidently converts 12 hour time to 24 hour time.
METW5C {Name} is able to convert 12 hour time to 24 hour time.
METW5D {Name} has experienced difficulty converting 12 hour time to 24 hour time.
MEUN3A {Name} consistently and accurately identifies the correct unit of measurement, including centimetres,
metres, kilograms and Litres, to measure objects.
MEUN3B {Name} accurately identifies the correct unit of measurement, including centimetres, metres,
kilograms and Litres, to measure objects.
MEUN3C {Name} identifies the correct unit of measurement, including centimetres, metres, kilograms and
Litres to measure objects.
MEUN3D {Name} sometimes identifies the correct unit of measurement, including centimetres, metres,
kilograms and Litres, to measure objects.
NAOR2A {Name} can consistently identify objects in a sequence using ordinal numbers. {She,He} can read and
write two digit ordinal numbers in digit and word form.
NU1A {Name} has an excellent understanding of all numbers from 0 to 20. {She,He} can read and write
numbers in digit and word form and can represent them using pictures or concrete materials. {Name}
has demonstrated an excellent understanding of the more or less concept.
NU1B {Name} has an excellent understanding of all numbers from 0 to 10 and is beginning to learn
numbers to 20. {She,He} can read and write all numbers from 0 to 10 in digit and word form and can
represent them using pictures or concrete materials. {Name} has demonstrated an understanding of
the more or less concept.
NU1C {Name} has a good understanding of all numbers from 0 to 10. {She,He} can read and write all
numbers in digit form and most in word form. {Name} can represent numbers using pictures or
concrete materials and has demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of the more or less concept.
NU1D {Name} is developing understanding of numbers from 0 to 10. {She,He} can read and write most
numbers in digit form and some numbers in word form. {Name} can represent most numbers using
pictures or concrete materials and is developing an understanding of the more or less concept.
NU1E {Name} has limited understanding of numbers from 0 to 10. {She,He} requires support to read and
write numbers in digit and word form. {Name} can represent some numbers using pictures or
concrete materials but requires support to demonstrate the more or less concept.
NU2A {Name} uses concrete materials to demonstrate {Her,His} comprehensive understanding of a number
value and the odd and even concept. {Name} easily reads and writes numbers in digit and word form.
{She,He} independently matches and explains the links between concrete, pictorial, verbal and
symbolic representations of a given number.

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NU2B {She,He} uses concrete materials to demonstrate a good understanding of a number value and the
odd and even concept. {Name} reads and writes numbers in digit and word form. {Name} matches
and explains the links between concrete, pictorial, verbal, and symbolic representations of a given
NU2C {She,He} uses concrete materials to demonstrate {Her,His} understanding of a number value and the
odd and even concept. {Name} usually reads and writes numbers in digit and word form. {Name}
matches and explains the links between concrete, pictorial, verbal, and symbolic representations of a
given number.
NU2D {Name} experiences difficulty using concrete materials to demonstrate {Her,His} understanding of a
number value and the odd and even concept. {Name} sometimes reads and writes numbers in digit
and word form. {She,He} can on occasion match and explain the links between concrete, pictorial,
verbal and symbolic representations of a given number.
NU2E {She,He} needs assistance to use concrete materials to demonstrate any understanding of a number
value and the odd and even concept. {Name} is working on reading and writing digit and word
numerals. {She,He} needs assistance to match and explain the links between concrete, pictorial,
verbal and symbolic representations of a given number.
NU3A {Name} can confidently identify, compare and order whole numbers beyond 99. {She,He} can easily
differentiate between odd and even numbers. {Name} displays an outstanding knowledge of place
value when adding and subtracting two digit numbers.
NU3B {Name} can confidently identify, compare and order whole numbers beyond 99. {She,He} can easily
differentiate between odd and even numbers. {Name} displays a broad knowledge of place value
when adding and subtracting two digit numbers.
NU3C {Name} can count, read and write numbers forwards and backwards to 99. {She,He} is able to
differentiate between odd and even numbers. {Name} displays a sound knowledge of place value
when adding and subtracting two digit numbers.
NU3D {Name} is continuing to develop {Her,His} counting, reading and writing of numbers, both forwards
and backwards to 99. {She,He} is learning to differentiate between odd and even numbers. {Name}
displays an emerging knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting two digit numbers.
NU3E {Name} needs support to develop {Her,His} counting, reading and writing of numbers to 99. {She,He}
is learning to differentiate between odd and even numbers more consistently. {Name} uses concrete
materials to demonstrate some knowledge of place value.
NU993E {Name} can count, read and write some numbers to 99.
NUAD5C {She,He} is able to complete four digit addition and subtraction with regrouping with minimal errors.
NUAD5D {She,He} is able to complete four digit addition and subtraction with regrouping but sometimes makes
simple mistakes.
NUAD5E {She,He} requires extensive support to complete four digit addition and subtraction with regrouping.
NUAL3A {She,He} independently uses a range of strategies and known number facts to identify and solve
multiplication and division problems.
NUAL7A {Name} is able to calculate complex addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems using a
variety of strategies.
NUAL7B {Name} uses a range of computation strategies and number facts to solve addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division problems.
NUAL7C {Name} has a sound ability to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems using a
variety of strategies.
NUAL7D {She,He} is beginning to attempt addition, subtraction, multiplication and division computations to
solve simple problems.
NUAL7E {She,He} is still developing basic number fact skills to assist in addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division problems.
NUALD {Name} needs support and further opportunities to develop {Her,His} multiplication and division skills.
NUCA2A {Name} can confidently use a calculator to solve one and two digit addition and subtraction
NUCA2B {Name} can readily use a calculator to solve one and two digit addition and subtraction operations.
NUCA2C {Name} can use a calculator to solve one and two digit addition and subtraction operations.
NUCA2D {Name} can sometimes use a calculator to solve one and two digit addition and subtraction

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NUCA2E {Name} cannot yet use a calculator to solve one and two digit addition and subtraction operations.
NUDE7A {Name} has shown a particular strength in finding and using equivalent fractions, percentages and
decimals. {She,He} can confidently complete decimal number problems using the four operations.
NUDE7B {Name} accurately uses equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. {She,He} can accurately
complete decimal number problems using the four operations.
NUDE7C {Name} competently uses equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. {She,He} can accurately
complete decimal number problems using the four operations.
NUDE7D {Name} has difficulty using fractions, decimals and percentages and needs support to complete
decimal number operations.
NUDI3A {Name} has demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the division concept by independently
and accurately sharing objects evenly into groups and using the division symbol correctly.
NUDI3B {Name} has demonstrated a good understanding of the division concept by accurately sharing objects
evenly into groups and using the division symbol correctly.
NUDI3C {Name} has demonstrated a sound understanding of the division concept by sharing objects evenly
into groups and using the division symbol correctly.
NUDI3D {Name} is developing {Her,His} understanding of the division concept and with support can share
objects evenly into groups.
NUDI3E {Name} requires teacher support to share objects evenly into groups to demonstrate {Her,His}
understanding of the division concept.
NUFR4A {She,He} competently identifies and recalls basic fractions.
NUFR4B {She,He} accurately identifies and recalls basic fractions.
NUFRC {She,He} identifies and recalls basic fractions.
NUFRD {Name} needs support when working with basic fractions.
NUFRE {Name} has much difficulty understanding fractions, decimals and percentages. {She,He} needs
support to understand decimal place value and complete basic decimal algorithms.
NULAC2 {Name} identifies and compares numbers using mathematical language such as most/least,
larger/smaller, largest/smallest, before/after and odd/even.
NULAE2 {Name} needs teacher support to identify and compare numbers using mathematical language such
as most/least, larger/smaller, largest/smallest, before/after and odd/even.
NUM1A {Name} has demonstrated an excellent understanding of all numbers from 0-20 and is beginning to
learn numbers to 100. {She,He} can read and write all numbers in digit and word form. {Name}
consistently calculates, explains and records addition and subtraction situations using numbers to 10.
{She,He} identifies and orders all coins and notes from least to greatest value.
NUM1B {Name} has demonstrated an excellent understanding of all numbers from 0-20 and can read and
write all numbers in digit and word form. {She,He} accurately calculates, explains and records
addition and subtraction situations using numbers to 10. {Name} identifies and can order all coins and
notes from least to greatest value.
NUM1C {Name} has a good understanding of all numbers from 0-20 and can read and write all numbers in
digit form and most in word form. {She,He} calculates, explains and records addition and subtraction
situations using numbers to 10. {Name} identifies coins to $2 and can order them from least to
greatest value.
NUM1D {Name} has a good understanding of all numbers from 0-10 and is beginning to learn numbers to 20.
{She,He} can read and write all numbers to 10 in digit form and most in word form. {Name} attempts
to calculate, explain and record addition situations using numbers to 10. {She,He} can identify some
coins to $2.
NUM1E {Name} is still developing an understanding of all numbers from 0-10. {She,He} requires support to
read and write numbers in digit and word form. {Name} needs assistance to use concrete materials to
solve simple addition situations. {She,He} requires support to identify coins to $2.
NUMDA {Name} can independently explain the relationship between multiplication and division.
NUMDB {Name} can accurately explain the relationship between multiplication and division.
NUMDC {Name} can satisfactorily explain the relationship between multiplication and division.
NUMDD {Name} has difficulty explaining the relationship between multiplication and division.
NUMDE {Name} is unable to explain the relationship between multiplication and division.

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NUMO2A {Name} can readily identify and name all notes to $20. {She,He} readily calculates many equivalent
values of coins to $1, and notes to $20. {Name} is able to confidently record money in either cents or
whole dollars. {She,He} competently identifies whether or not there is adequate money available for
the purchase of various ticketed items.
NUMO2B {Name} can identify and name notes to $20. {She,He} is able to calculate a number of equivalent
values of coins to $1, and notes to $20. {Name} is able to record money in either cents or whole
dollars. {She,He} identifies whether or not there is adequate money available for the purchase of
various ticketed items.
NUMO2C {Name} can identify and name most notes to $20. {She,He} is able to calculate some equivalent
values of coins to $1, and notes to $20. On most occasions {Name} is able to record money in either
cents or whole dollars and identify whether or not there is adequate money available for the purchase
of various ticketed items.
NUMO2D {Name} can identify and name some notes to $20. {She,He} is able to calculate some equivalent
values of coins to $1, with assistance, and notes to $20. {Name} is able to record money in either
cents or whole dollars on most occasions with teacher assistance. {She,He} is occasionally able to
identify whether or not there is adequate money available for the purchase of various ticketed items.
NUMO2E {Name} cannot yet identify and name the notes to $20. {She,He} is unable to calculate equivalent
values of coins to $1, and notes to $20. {Name} is not yet able to record money in either cents or
whole dollars. {She,He} is not yet able to identify whether or not there is adequate money available
for the purchase of various ticketed items.
NUMO3A {Name} can precisely calculate a given amount of mixed coins and work out the amount of change
required in transactions.
NUMO3B {Name} can generally calculate a given amount of mixed coins and work out the amount of change
required in transactions.
NUMO3C {Name} can calculate a given amount of mixed coins and work out the amount of change required in
simple transactions.
NUMO3D With support, {Name} can calculate a given amount of mixed coins but finds it difficult to work out the
amount of change required in simple transactions.
NUMO3E {Name} finds it difficult to count money without assistance.
NUMO4A {Name} can consistently and confidently count money, give change and solve problems involving
NUMO4B {Name} can count money, give change and solve most problems involving money.
NUMO4C {Name} can usually work out change and solve most problems involving money.
NUMO4D {Name} can identify all Australian currency, however experiences difficulties calculating amounts of
NUMO4E {Name} cannot accurately count money and has difficulty solving problems involving money.
NUMU4A {Name} can independently and accurately solve simple two digit by one digit multiplication operations.
NUMU4B {Name} can accurately solve simple two digit by one digit multiplication operations.
NUMU4C {Name} can solve simple two digit by one digit multiplication operations.
NUNF2A {Name} is able to mentally calculate all basic addition facts. {She,He} can calculate and record two-
digit addition without renaming. {Name} can create {Her,His} own 'take-away' problems using
mathematical language. {She,He} can explicitly explain the effect of subtracting zero from a number.
NUNF2B {Name} is able to mentally calculate almost all basic addition facts. {She,He} can calculate and record
two-digit addition without renaming. {Name} can create {Her,His} own 'take-away' problems using
mostly mathematical language. {She,He} can explain in detail the effect of subtracting zero from a
NUNF2C {Name} is able to mentally calculate some basic addition facts. {She,He} can calculate and record two
-digit addition without renaming with some assistance. {Name} can create {Her,His} own 'take-away'
problems using a small amount of mathematical language. {She,He} can explain the effect of
subtracting zero from a number.
NUNF2D {Name} is able to mentally calculate some basic addition facts. {She,He} can calculate and record two
-digit addition without renaming with teacher assistance. {Name} can create {Her,His} own 'take-
away' problems using a limited mathematical language. {She,He} can sometimes explain the effect of
subtracting zero from a number.

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NUNF2E {Name} is able to mentally calculate a few basic addition facts. {She,He} can partially calculate and
record two-digit addition without renaming. {Name} is beginning to create {Her,His} own 'take-away'
problems using mathematical language. {She,He} cannot explain the effect of subtracting zero from a
NUNF3A {Name} can quickly and accurately complete all number facts involving addition, subtraction and
NUNF3B {Name} can quickly and accurately complete most number facts involving addition, subtraction and
NUNF3C {Name} can accurately complete number facts involving addition, subtraction and multiplication.
NUNF3D {Name} can accurately complete some basic number facts involving addition, subtraction and
NUNF3E {Name} can complete a few basic number facts involving addition, subtraction and multiplication.
NUNF4B {Name} can identify and solve multiplication and division problems using a range of strategies and
known number facts.
NUNF4C {Name} can identify and solve simple multiplication and division problems using a range of strategies
and known number facts.
NUNF5D {Her,His} ability to recall number facts is gradually improving.
NUNF5E {Name} is still developing basic number fact knowledge and skills.
NUOP5A {Name} independently identifies and describes whole numbers, simple and decimal fractions and
uses a wide range of strategies, involving the four operations, to solve problems.
NUOP5B {Name} capably identifies and describes whole numbers, simple and decimal fractions and uses a
range of strategies, involving the four operations, to solve problems.
NUOP5C {Name} identifies and describes whole numbers, simple and decimal fractions and uses strategies,
involving the four operations, to solve problems.
NUOP5D {Name} has difficulty understanding whole numbers, simple and decimal fractions and uses limited
strategies, involving the four operations, to solve problems.
NUOP5E {Name} demonstrates little understanding of whole numbers, simple and decimal fractions and is
unable to use strategies, involving the four operations, to solve problems.
NUOR2B {Name} can identify objects in a sequence using ordinal numbers. {She,He} can read and write two
digit ordinal numbers in digit and word form.
NUOR2C {Name} has difficulty matching items according to their ordinal number position. {She,He} can read
and write most two digit ordinal numbers in digit and word form.
NUOR2D {Name} has difficulty matching items using ordinal position. {She,He} can read and write a limited
number of two digit ordinal numbers in digit and word form.
NUOR2E {Name} is unable to match items that are counted with ordinal numbers to identify position. {She,He}
is learning to write two digit ordinal numbers in digit and word form.
NUPV2A {Name} can represent and explain the value of each digit in a number. {She,He} records and
identifies numbers which are one more/less and 10 more/less than another number. {Name} has an
excellent awareness of regrouping tens and ones using bundling materials and can consistently
explain the renaming of tens and ones.
NUPV2B {Name} can regularly represent and explain the value of each digit in a number. {She,He} frequently
records and identifies numbers which are one more/less than and 10 more/less than another number.
{Name} has a good awareness of regrouping tens and ones using bundling materials and can
consistently explain the renaming of tens and ones.
NUPV2C {Name} can generally represent and explain the value of each digit in a number. {She,He} usually
records and identifies numbers which are one more/less than and 10 more/less than another number.
{Name} has a sound awareness of regrouping tens and ones using bundling materials and can
reliably explain the renaming of tens and ones.
NUPV2D {Name} can at times represent and explain the value of each digit in a number. {She,He} infrequently
records and identifies numbers which are one more/less and 10 more/less than another number.
{Name} attempts regrouping tens and ones using bundling materials and tries to explain the renaming
of tens and ones.

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NUPV2E {Name} is still working towards representing and explaining the value of each digit in a number.
{She,He} is aiming to record and identify numbers which are one more/less than another number and
10 more/less than another number. {Name} is still developing an awareness of regrouping tens and
ones using bundling materials and is yet to explain the renaming of tens and ones.
NUPV3A {Name} displays outstanding knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting two digit
numbers with and without regrouping.
NUPV3B {Name} displays a good knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting two digit numbers
with and without regrouping.
NUPV3C {Name} displays a sound knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting two digit numbers
and can regroup when completing addition sums.
NUPV3D {Name} displays some knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting two digit numbers but
finds regrouping difficult.
NUPV3E {Name} displays some knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting two digit numbers
without any regrouping but needs support to demonstrate this.
NUPV4A {Name} can confidently count, read and write numbers forwards and backwards to 999 and beyond.
{Name} displays an outstanding knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting three digit
numbers with regrouping.
NUPV4B {Name} can accurately count, read and write numbers forwards and backwards to 999. {Name}
displays a good knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting three digit numbers with
NUPV4C {Name} can count, read and write numbers forwards and backwards to 999. {Name} displays a sound
knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting three digit numbers with regrouping.
NUPV4D {Name} is continuing to develop the ability to count, read and write numbers forwards and backwards
to 999. {She,He} displays some knowledge of place value when adding and subtracting three digit
numbers however often has difficulty calculating algorithms which require regrouping.
NUPV4E {Name} requires support whilst counting, reading and writing numbers forwards and backwards to 99.
NUPV5A {Name} has an excellent understanding of place value of numbers to 9999, including decimal
fractions to hundredths.
NUPV5B {Name} has a very good understanding of place value of numbers to 9999, including decimal
fractions to hundredths. {She,He} confidently completes all four operations.
NUPV5C {Name} has a sound understanding of place value of numbers to 9999, including decimal fractions to
hundredths. {She,He} can complete all four operations.
NUPV7A {Name} has an excellent understanding of whole numbers to 100 000 and can successfully order,
compare and locate large numbers on a number line.
NUPV7B {Name} has a comprehensive understanding of whole numbers to 100 000 and can successfully
order, compare and locate large numbers on a number line.
NUPV7C {Name} has a sound understanding of whole numbers to 100 000 and can successfully order,
compare and locate large numbers on a number line.
NUPV7D {Name} is developing an understanding of whole numbers to 100 000 and with assistance attempts to
order, compare and locate large numbers on a number line.
NUPV7E {Name} has not yet developed an understanding of whole numbers to 100 000 and even with
assistance has little success ordering, comparing and locating large numbers on a number line.
NUTH3A {Name} can confidently and accurately count, read and write numbers to 999.
NUTH3B {Name} can accurately count, read and write numbers to 999.
NUTH3C {Name} can accurately count, read and write most numbers to 999.
NUTH3D {Name} can count, read and write some numbers to 999.
NUVP5D {Name} has experienced difficulty understanding place value of numbers to 9999 including decimal
fractions to hundredths. {She,He} requires assistance to complete all four operations.
PAAL7A {She,He} has a thorough understanding of mathematical patterns and structure when solving
algebraic equations.
PAAL7B {She,He} has a very good understanding of mathematical patterns and structure when solving
algebraic equations.
PAAL7C {She,He} has a sound understanding of mathematical patterns and structure when solving algebraic

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PAAL7D {She,He} is still developing an understanding of mathematical patterns and structure when solving
algebraic equations.
PAAL7E {She,He} requires assistance when attempting to solve mathematical patterns and algebraic
PAGLA {Name} is able to distinguish between the greater than and less than symbols and correctly uses
them when solving problems. {She,He} always uses a variety of basic mental strategies to calculate
missing terms.
PAGLB {Name} is able to distinguish between the greater than and less than symbols and correctly uses
them most of the time when solving problems. {She,He} uses many basic mental strategies to
calculate missing terms.
PAGLC {Name} is able to distinguish between the greater than and less than symbols and can correctly use
them some of the time. {She,He} uses basic mental strategies to calculate missing terms.
PAGLD {Name} is able to distinguish between the greater than and less than symbols with some assistance,
however {She,He} often uses them incorrectly. {She,He} attempts to use basic mental strategies to
calculate missing terms.
PAGLE {Name} is unable to distinguish between the greater than and less than symbols and therefore uses
them incorrectly when solving problems.
PAPA1A {Name} can create, continue and explain the repeated elements of any given pattern.
PAPA1B {Name} can create and continue any given pattern. {She,He} can explain the repeated elements of
simple patterns.
PAPA1C {Name} can create and continue simple patterns but has difficulty explaining the repeated elements.
PAPA1D {Name} can continue simple patterns but cannot create {Her,His} own. {Name} has difficulty
identifying the repeated elements of patterns.
PAPA1E {Name} requires support to continue simple patterns and identify the repeated elements.
PAPA2A {Name} confidently recognises and completes both number and pictorial patterns. {She,He} readily
identifies a number of objects in various formats.
PAPA2B {Name} easily recognises and completes both number and pictorial patterns. {She,He} assertively
identifies a number of objects in various formats.
PAPA2C {Name} recognises and completes both number and pictorial patterns. {She,He} usually identifies a
number of objects in various formats.
PAPA2D With teacher support {Name} recognises and completes both number and pictorial patterns. {She,He}
sometimes identifies a number of objects in various formats.
PAPA2E {Name} has difficulty recognising and completing both number and pictorial patterns. {She,He} is
unable to assertively identify a number of objects in various formats.
PAPA3A {Name} can create and continue complex number patterns and identify the rule being used.
PAPA3B {Name} can create and continue difficult number patterns and identify the rule being used.
PAPA3C {Name} can create and continue number patterns and identify the rule being used.
PAPA3D {Name} can create and continue simple number patterns and attempts to identify the rule being used.
PAPA4B {Name} can continue both simple and complex number patterns.
PAPA4C {Name} can continue both simple and complex number patterns and identify the rule being used.
PAPA4D With assistance, {Name} can identify and continue simple number patterns.
PAPA5A {Name} can independently identify, continue and create patterns involving all four operations.
PAPA5B {Name} can identify, continue and create patterns involving all four operations.
PAPA5C {Name} can identify, continue and create patterns.
PAPA5D {Name} has difficulty identifying, continuing and creating patterns.
PAPA6D {Name} requires support to create and continue simple number patterns and experiences difficulty
identifying the rule being used.
PSA {She,He} displays exceptional problem solving skills.
PSB {She,He} consistently demonstrates an organised approach to solving problems.
PSC {She,He} displays good problem solving skills.
PSD {Name} needs further opportunities to develop a more systematic approach to problem solving.

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SS2D3A {Name} can easily recognise and name two dimensional shapes. {She,He} competently identifies
properties, such as edges and corners, of various shapes.
SS2D3C {Name} can recognise and name 2 dimensional shapes. {She,He} is able to identify properties, such
as edges and corners, of simple shapes.
SS2D3D {Name} can recognise and name some simple 2 dimensional shapes. {She,He} is able to identify
some properties, such as edges, of simple shapes.
SS2D3E {Name} is unable to recognise and name simple 2 dimensional shapes. With support {She,He} can
identify some properties such as edges and corners.
SS3D6A {Name} can independently recognise, name and describe 3 dimensional shapes.
SS3D6B {Name} can recognise, name and describe 3 dimensional shapes.
SS3D6C {Name} can recognise and name 3 dimensional shapes.
SS3D6D {Name} can recognise and name some 3 dimensional shapes.
SS3D6E {Name} requires support to recognise 3 dimensional shapes.
SS3D7A {Name} can recognise all 3D shapes, including prisms and pyramids with different 2D faces. {She,He}
can confidently identify and name edges, vertices and faces. {Name} is able to independently
construct nets and identify shapes from different views.
SS3D7B {Name} can recognise most 3D shapes, including prisms and pyramids with different 2D faces.
{She,He} can identify and name edges, vertices and faces. {Name} is able to construct nets and
identify shapes from different views.
SS3D7C {Name} can recognise some 3D shapes, including prisms and pyramids with different 2D faces.
{She,He} can usually identify and name edges, vertices and faces. On most occasions {Name} is able
to construct nets and identify shapes from different views.
SS3D7D With support {Name} can recognise 3D shapes, including prisms and pyramids with different 2D
faces. {She,He} has difficulty identifying and naming edges, vertices and faces. {Name} can
sometimes construct nets and identify shapes from different views.
SS3DA {Name} is able to classify and compare all 3D shapes. {She,He} can accurately and consistently
identify faces, edges and vertices of 3D shapes.
SS3DB {Name} is able to classify and compare most 3D shapes. {She,He} can accurately identify faces,
edges and vertices of 3D shapes.
SS3DC {Name} is able to identify and compare most 3D shapes. {She,He} can recall some attributes of
different 3D shapes.
SS3DD {Name} is able to identify and compare some 3D shapes. With teacher assistance {She,He} can
recall some attributes of 3D shapes.
SS3DE {Name} is unable to identify and compare any 3D shapes. {She,He} cannot recall attributes of 3D
shapes without teacher assistance.
SSANA {Name} always correctly identifies right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles.
SSANB {Name} can correctly identify right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles correctly.
SSANC {Name} can identify right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles.
SSAND {Name} can identify right angles, but often confuses obtuse and acute angles.
SSANE {Name} can identify right angles with teacher assistance, but often confuses obtuse and acute
SSCOD {Name} is becoming more confident using grid references to read and plot locations on a grid.
SSMA2A {Name} has an excellent understanding of the language of location using words such as over, under,
left and right. {She,He} can effortlessly use these terms to interpret and follow directions on simple
maps. {Name} can easily differentiate between clockwise and anti-clockwise and understands the
concepts of a full turn, half turn, and quarter turn.
SSMA2B {Name} has a good understanding of the language of location using words such as over, under, left
and right. {She,He} can use these terms to interpret and follow directions on simple maps. {Name}
can mostly differentiate between clockwise and anti-clockwise and understands the concepts of a full
turn, half turn, and quarter turn.
SSMA2C {Name} has a satisfactory understanding of the language of location using words such as over,
under, left and right. {She,He} can generally use these terms to interpret and follow directions on
simple maps. {Name} can sometimes differentiate between clockwise and anti-clockwise and
understands the concepts of a full turn, half turn, and quarter turn.

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SSMA2D {Name} has a limited understanding of the language of location using words such as over, under, left
and right. {She,He} has difficulty using these terms to interpret and follow directions on simple maps.
{Name} can rarely differentiate between clockwise and anti-clockwise and understands the concepts
of a full turn, half turn, and quarter turn.
SSMA2E {Name} has a very limited understanding the language of location using words such as over, under,
left and right. {She,He} requires assistance to use these terms to interpret and follow directions on
simple maps. {Name} cannot differentiate between clockwise and anti-clockwise and understands the
concepts of a full turn, half turn, and quarter turn.
SSMA3A {She,He} has an excellent understanding of the language of location needed to interpret and follow
directions on maps.
SSMA3B {She,He} has a very good understanding of the language of location needed to interpret and follow
directions on maps.
SSMA3C {She,He} has a sound understanding of the language of location needed to interpret and follow
directions on maps.
SSMA3D {She,He} finds it difficult to interpret and follow directions on maps.
SSMA3E {She,He} cannot interpret and follow directions on maps without assistance.
SSS1A {Name} sorted, named and identified all 2D and 3D shapes studied this year.
SSS1B {Name} sorted, named and identified most 2D and 3D shapes studied this year.
SSS1C {Name} sorted, named and identified some 2D and 3D shapes studied this year.
SSS1D {Name} had difficulty sorting, naming, and identifying 2D and 3D shapes studied this year.
SSSH1A {Name} can name a variety of 2D shapes and can identify the number of corners and sides of each
SSSH1B {Name} can name several 2D shapes and can identify the number of corners and sides of most
SSSH1C {Name} can name the basic 2D shapes and can identify the number of corners and sides of these
SSSH1D {Name} can name few 2D shapes and has difficulty identifying the number of corners and sides of
these shapes.
SSSH1E {Name} requires support to name basic 2D shapes and has difficulty identifying the number of
corners and sides of these shapes.
SSSH2A {She,He} can recognise and name simple 2D and 3D shapes and discuss their basic attributes using
the terms face, corner, edge and side.
SSSH2B {She,He} can recognise and name most simple 2D and 3D shapes and discuss their basic attributes
using the terms face, corner, edge and side.
SSSH2C {She,He} can recognise and name many simple 2D and 3D shapes and discuss their basic attributes
using the terms face, corner, edge and side.
SSSH2D {Name} can recognise and name a few simple 2D and 3D shapes and with assistance can discuss
their basic attributes using the terms face, corner, edge and side.
SSSH2E {Name} can recognise and name a limited number of simple 2D and 3D shapes but has difficulty
discussing their basic attributes using the terms face, corner, edge and side.
SSSH3A {Name} can correctly recognise, name and describe a wide range of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
SSSH3B {Name} can correctly recognise, name and describe a variety of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
SSSH3C {Name} can correctly recognise and name some 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
SSSH3D {Name} can recognise and name a few 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
SSSH3E {Name} requires support to name 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
SSSH5A {Name} can independently identify and compare properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
SSSH5C {Name} can identify and compare properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
SSSH5D {Name} has difficulty identifying and comparing properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
SSSH6 {Name} capably manipulates shapes using the terms tessellation, rotation and reflection.

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SSSH6C {Name} can recognise all 3D shapes, including prisms and pyramids with different 2D faces. {She,He}
can recall the properties of 3D shapes using the terms, edges, vertices and faces. {She,He} is able to
construct nets and identify shapes from different views.

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: Key Learning Areas

Category Description: Science

Comment Code Comment Text

EB00 Students worked scientifically to develop a better understanding of the changes in the environment in
which they live.
EBENA {Name} was able to classify and compare renewable and non-renewable energy sources and clearly
explain how they are used for different purposes. {She,He} produced a poster that identified
significant advantages of two renewable energy sources and justified why they are better for the
EBENB {Name} was able to classify and compare renewable and non-renewable energy sources and explain
how they are used for different purposes. {She,He} produced a poster that identified the advantages
of two renewable energy sources and justified why they are better for the environment.
EBENC {Name} was able to classify and compare renewable and non-renewable energy sources and explain
some of the different purposes. {She,He} produced a poster that identified some advantages of two
renewable energy sources and justified why they are better for the environment.
EBEND With teacher guidance {Name} was able to compare renewable and non-renewable energy sources
and recognise some of the different purposes. {She,He} produced a poster that identified the
characteristics of two renewable energy sources but needed assistance to justify why they are better
for the environment.
EBES5A {Name} very clearly recognized that the Earth's surface is constantly changing as a result of natural
and man made activity by accurately identifying the cause and effect of these phenomena.
EBES5B {Name} clearly recognized that the Earth's surface is constantly changing as a result of natural and
man made activity by identifying the cause and effect of these phenomena.
EBES5C {Name} recognized that the Earth's surface is constantly changing as a result of natural and man
made activity by identifying some of the causes and effects of these phenomena.
EBES5D {Name} had difficulty recognizing that the Earth's surface is constantly changing as a result of natural
and man made activity and was unable to identify the cause and effect of these phenomena.
ECDG3A {Name} drew a detailed diagram illustrating how solar energy is used to provide electricity for different
applications around the home.
ECDG3C {Name} drew a satisfactory diagram illustrating how solar energy is used to provide electricity for
different applications around the home.
ECDG3D {Name} was unable to draw a diagram illustrating how solar energy is used to provide electricity for
different applications around the home.
ECDI3A {Name} wrote a detailed description and correctly labelled a diagram to demonstrate {Her,His}
understanding that pushes and pulls affect the motion of objects.
ECDI3C {Name} wrote a satisfactory description and labelled a diagram to demonstrate {Her,His}
understanding that pushes and pulls affect the motion of objects.
ECDI3D {Name} had difficulty writing a description and labeling a diagram to demonstrate {Her,His}
understanding that pushes and pulls affect the motion of objects.
ECEN3A {Name} demonstrated a comprehensive understanding that different forms of energy have different
applications by accurately matching energy types, including electricity, light, heat, movement and
sound, to an appropriate use.
ECEN3D {Name} demonstrated a limited understanding that different forms of energy have different
applications as {She,He} required teacher support to match energy types, including electricity, light,
heat, movement and sound, to an appropriate use.
ECENA {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions and scientific lessons to examine and
evaluate a variety of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. {Name} independently and
accurately identified the advantages and disadvantages of a chosen renewable energy source and
made accurate comparisons to other sources.

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ECENB {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions, and scientific lessons to examine and
evaluate a variety of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. {Name} identified the
advantages and disadvantages of a chosen renewable energy source and made accurate
comparisons to other sources.
ECENC {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions, and scientific lessons to examine and
evaluate a variety of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. {Name} competently identified
the advantages and disadvantages of a chosen renewable energy source and made satisfactory
comparisons to other sources.
ECEND {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions, and scientific lessons to examine and
evaluate a variety of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. {Name} identified some
advantages and disadvantages of a chosen renewable energy source and made some comparisons
to other sources.
ECFL1A During the unit 'Flying High', students investigated modes of flight including kites, planes, parachutes,
hot air balloons and helicopters. {Name} wrote an accurate explanation of all modes of flight.
{She,He} correctly labelled diagrams to identify lift, drag, gravity and thrust.
ECFL1B During the unit 'Flying High', students investigated modes of flight including kites, planes, parachutes,
hot air balloons and helicopters. {Name} wrote an accurate explanation of several modes of flight.
{She,He} labelled correctly diagrams to identify lift, drag, gravity or thrust.
ECFL1C During the unit 'Flying High', students investigated modes of flight including kites, planes, parachutes,
hot air balloons and helicopters. {Name} wrote an accurate explanation of some modes of flight.
{She,He} attempted to label diagrams to identify lift, drag, gravity or thrust.
ECFL1D During the unit 'Flying High', students investigated modes of flight including kites, planes, parachutes,
hot air balloons and helicopters. {Name} wrote an explanation of a mode of flight.
ECFL1E During the unit 'Flying High', students investigated modes of flight including kites, planes, parachutes,
hot air balloons and helicopters. {Name} required support to explain modes of flight.
ECFM1A {Name} created a flying machine and used {Her,His} extensive understanding of flight to explain how
their machine could fly.
ECFM1B {Name} created a flying machine and used {Her,His} thorough understanding of flight to explain how
their machine could fly.
ECFM1C {Name} created a flying machine and used {Her,His} understanding of flight to explain how their
machine could fly.
ECFM1D {Name} created a flying machine and attempted to explain how their machine could fly.
ECFM1E {Name} created a flying machine and required support to explain how their machine could fly.
ECTO3 In the unit 'Toys on the Move', students investigated forces, simple machines, magnets and different
types of energy.
ECTS5A In the unit "Thrills and Spills," students explored forces and motion. By clearly labelling a diagram of a
roller coaster {Name} demonstrated an excellent understanding of the concept that different sized
forces affect the shape and motion of an object.
ECTS5B In the unit "Thrills and Spills," students explored forces and motion. By correctly labelling a diagram of
a roller coaster {Name} demonstrated a thorough understanding of the concept that different sized
forces affect the shape and motion of an object.
ECTS5C In the unit "Thrills and Spills," students explored forces and motion. By correctly labelling a diagram of
a roller coaster {Name} demonstrated an understanding of the concept that different sized forces
affect the shape and motion of an object.
ECTS5D In the unit "Thrills and Spills," students explored forces and motion. By labelling a simple diagram of a
roller coaster {Name} demonstrated a basic understanding of the concept that different sized forces
affect the shape and motion of an object.
ECTS5E In the unit "Thrills and Spills," students explored forces and motion. {Name} required assistance to
label a simple diagram of a roller coaster to demonstrate {Her,His} understanding of the concept that
different sized forces affect the shape and motion of an object.
ECWCA {Name} was able to accurately explain the processes involved in the Water Cycle, correctly using all
of the associated terminology.
ECWCB {Name} was able to explain the processes involved in the Water Cycle, correctly using some of the
associated terminology.
ECWCC {Name} was able to explain the processes involved in the Water Cycle, correctly using a limited
amount of the associated terminology.

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ECWCC1 {She,He} drew a detailed diagram of the Water Cycle which was correctly labelled.
ECWCD {Name} was unable to explain the processes involved in the Water Cycle, only using a limited amount
of the associated terminology.
ECWCD1 {She,He} drew a diagram of the Water Cycle but it was incorrectly labelled.
EX4A Students presented a science experiment to the class. {Name} followed the correct genre of a
science experiment and could scientifically explain in detail why the results occurred.
EX4B Students presented a science experiment to the class. {Name} followed the correct genre of a
science experiment and could scientifically explain why the results occurred.
EX4C Students presented a science experiment to the class. {Name} followed the correct genre of a
science experiment but required support to scientifically explain why the results occurred.
EX4D Students presented a science experiment to the class. {Name} had difficulty following the correct
genre of a science experiment and was unable to explain why the results occurred.
EXEXP {Name} gives appropriate explanations for experiment outcomes.
EXPA {Name} demonstrated a very high scientific understanding of concepts during science experiments
and through written explanations.
EXPB {Name} demonstrated a high scientific understanding of concepts during science experiments and
through written explanations.
EXPC {Name} demonstrated a satisfactory scientific understanding during science experiments and through
written explanations.
EXPD {Name} required assistance to demonstrate scientific understanding of concepts during science
experiments and through written explanations.
EXPE {Name} was unable to demonstrate scientific understanding of concepts during science experiments
and through written explanations.
FA5A {Name} demonstrated an excellent understanding of flight and aerodynamics by applying {Her,His}
knowledge of lift, thrust and drag to construct a bottle rocket that successfully launched and travelled
some distance.
FA5B {Name} demonstrated a good understanding of flight and aerodynamics by applying {Her,His}
knowledge of lift, thrust and drag to construct a bottle rocket that successfully launched.
FA5C {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of flight and aerodynamics by applying {Her,His}
knowledge of lift, thrust and drag to construct a bottle rocket.
FA5D {Name} demonstrated a limited knowledge of flight concepts presented. {She,He} needs to apply
{Her,Him}self in order to improve {Her,His} level of understanding.
FE3A1 {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions and scientific lessons to develop
{Her,His} knowledge and understanding of forces and energy within the environment. In addition to
naming objects that produce light, sound and heat, {Name} was also able to identify secondary
energy products. {She,He} demonstrated a very comprehensive knowledge of how mechanical,
kinetic and electrical energy affect the environment.
FE3A2 {Name} can explain in detail the effect of the push and pull force on a number of objects as well as
differentiate between sliding and rolling when experimenting with a ramp.

FE3B1 {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions and scientific lessons to develop
{Her,His} knowledge and understanding of forces and energy within the environment. {Name} readily
named objects that produce light, sound and heat and identified secondary energy products.
{She,He} demonstrated a comprehensive knowledge of how mechanical, kinetic and electrical energy
affect the environment.
FE3B2 {Name} can explain the effect of the push and pull force on a number of objects as well as
differentiate between sliding and rolling when experimenting with a ramp.
FE3C1 {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions and scientific lessons to develop
{Her,His} knowledge and understanding of forces and energy within the environment. {Name}
displayed a sound understanding of objects that produce light, sound and heat. {She,He} also
demonstrated knowledge of how mechanical, kinetic and electrical energy affect the environment.
FE3C2 With assistance, {Name} can explain the effect of the push and pull force on a number of objects as
well as differentiate between sliding and rolling when experimenting with a ramp.

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FE3D1 {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions and scientific lessons to develop
{Her,His} knowledge and understanding of forces and energy within the environment. {Name} is
developing an understanding of objects that produce light, sound and heat. {She,He} is continuing to
build {Her,His} knowledge of how mechanical, kinetic and electrical energy affect the environment.
FE3E1 {Name} has participated in various experiments, discussions and scientific lessons to develop
{Her,His} knowledge and understanding of forces and energy within the environment.
FE3E2 With teacher assistance, {Name} can demonstrate some understanding of objects that produce light,
sound and heat. {She,He} demonstrated basic knowledge of how mechanical, kinetic and electrical
energy affect the environment. With support, {Name} can identify the push and pull force on a number
of objects as well as differentiate between objects that slide and roll on a ramp.
LLAN2 The 'Animals Around The World' unit required students to develop an awareness of how different
animals have adapted to survive in different environments. Students researched the features of
animals, including how they feed, move, what they are covered in and if they use camouflage.
LLAN2A {Name} accurately identified the features of penguins and giraffes and explained in extensive detail
how each feature helps them live in their natural environment. {She,He} was able to apply {Her,His}
knowledge of the adaptations to create a newly discovered animal that could survive in the Antarctic.
LLAN2B {Name} accurately identified the features of penguins and giraffes and explained in detail how each
feature helps them live in their natural environment. {She,He} was able to apply {Her,His} knowledge
of the adaptations to create a newly discovered animal that could survive in the Antarctic.
LLAN2C {Name} accurately identified some of the features of penguins and giraffes and explained how each
feature helps them live in their natural environment. {She,He} was able to apply most of {Her,His}
knowledge of the adaptations to create a newly discovered animal that could survive in the Antarctic.
LLAN2D {Name} identified a limited number of the features of penguins and giraffes and explained with
assistance how each feature helps them live in their natural environment. {She,He} was able to apply
a restricted knowledge of the adaptations to create a newly discovered animal that could survive in
the Antarctic.
LLAN2E {Name} with extensive teacher assistance identified a very limited number of the features of penguins
and giraffes and was unable to explain how each feature helps them live in their natural environment.
{She,He} was unable to apply {Her,His} knowledge of the adaptations to create a newly discovered
animal that could survive in the Antarctic.
LLDA4A In the unit 'Deadly Australians', students explored the defence mechanisms of Australian animals and
their environments. {Name} clearly distinguished all similarities and differences between two of these
animals. {She,He} accurately labelled all major features of both chosen animals and could accurately
describe the functions of these features. {Name} correctly described in detail the habitats of each
animal and completed a highly complex food web consisting of secondary sources.
LLDA4B In the unit 'Deadly Australians', students explored the defence mechanisms of Australian animals and
their environments. {Name} clearly distinguished most similarities and differences between two of
these animals. {She,He} was able to accurately label most major features of both chosen animals and
could describe the functions of these features. {Name} correctly described in detail the habitats of
each animal and completed a complex food web consisting of secondary sources.
LLDA4C In the unit 'Deadly Australians', students explored the defence mechanisms of Australian animals and
their environments. {Name} distinguished some similarities and differences between two of these
animals. {She,He} was able to accurately label the major features of both chosen animals and could
describe the functions of some of these features. {Name} correctly described the habitats of each
animal and completed a basic food web consisting of secondary sources.
LLDA4D In the unit 'Deadly Australians', students explored the defence mechanisms of Australian animals and
their environments. {Name} distinguished limited similarities and differences between two of these
animals. {She,He} was able to label some features of both chosen animals and attempted to describe
the functions of some of these features. {Name} has a limited understanding of each chosen animal's
LLDA4E In the unit 'Deadly Australians', students explored the defence mechanisms of Australian animals and
the environments in which they live. {Name} was unable to distinguish between the two animals.
(She,He} inaccurately labelled the features and incorrectly defined the functions. {She,He} was
unable to complete a basic food web. {Name} attempted to describe each animal's habitat.
LLDL1A In the unit 'Diversity of Life', students investigated cells, animal classification and adaptation, and food
chains. {Name} demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the differences between plant and
animal cells in a detailed comparative report.

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LLDL1B In the unit 'Diversity of Life', students investigated cells, animal classification and adaptation, and food
chains. {Name} demonstrated an excellent understanding of the differences between plant and
animal cells in a detailed comparative report.
LLDL1C In the unit 'Diversity of Life', students investigated cells, animal classification and adaptation, and food
chains. {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of the differences between plant and animal
cells in a comparative report.
LLDL1D In the unit 'Diversity of Life', students investigated cells, animal classification and adaptation, and food
chains. With support {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of the differences between plant
and animal cells in a comparative report.
LLDL2A {She,He} constructed an extensive flowchart that incorporated the five 'Living' kingdoms, including
many subdivisions and classified many examples of animals within each subdivision.
LLDL2B {She,He} constructed a flowchart that incorporated the five 'Living' kingdoms, including many
subdivisions and classified several examples of animals within each subdivision.
LLDL2C {She,He} constructed a flowchart that incorporated the five 'Living' kingdoms, including many
subdivisions and classified some examples of animals within each subdivision.
LLDL2D {She,He} constructed a flowchart that incorporated the five 'Living' kingdoms, including some
LLDL3A In a short answer test {Name} was able to independently and accurately construct and interpret food
chains that occur within different ecosystems.
LLDL3B In a short answer test {Name} was able to accurately construct and interpret food chains that occur
within different ecosystems.
LLDL3C In a short answer test {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of food chains that occur within
different ecosystems.
LLDL3D In a short answer test {Name} demonstrated some understanding of food chains that occur within
different ecosystems.
LLLC3B {Name} has demonstrated a very high level of understanding of life-cycles by well writing detailed
explanations, correctly ordering the stages and providing extra information for the life-cycle of a ****.
LLLC4B {Name} has demonstrated a high level of understanding of life-cycles by writing detailed explanations,
correctly ordering the stages and providing some extra information for the life-cycle of a ***.
LLLCC {Name} has demonstrated a sound level of understanding of life-cycles by writing detailed
explanations and correctly ordering the life-cycle stages of a ***.
LLLCD {Name} has required assistance to understand the life-cycle, to write an explanation and to correctly
order the life-cycle stages of a ***.
LLOC1A {Name} enjoyed learning about the ocean and created a poster about the coral reef. {Her,His} poster
contained detailed and interesting information about what the coral reef looks like, animals that live
there and ways of caring for this natural environment. {Name} can accurately classify all living and
non-living things in the ocean.
LLOC1B {Name} enjoyed learning about the ocean and created a poster about the coral reef. {Her,His} poster
contained detailed information about what the coral reef looks like, animals that live there and ways of
caring for this natural environment. {Name} can classify many living and non-living things in the
LLOC1C {Name} enjoyed learning about the ocean and created a poster about the coral reef. {Her,His} poster
contained information about what the coral reef looks like, animals that live there and ways of caring
for this natural environment. {Name} can classify some living and non-living things in the ocean.
LLOC1D {Name} enjoyed learning about the ocean and created a poster about the coral reef. {Her,His} poster
contained some information about what the coral reef looks like, animals that live in there or ways of
caring for this natural environment. {Name} found it difficult to classify living and non-living things in
the ocean.
LLOC1E {Name} enjoyed learning about the ocean and created a poster about the coral reef. {Her,His}
required support to present information in a poster that contained facts about what the coral reef
looks like, animals that live there and ways of caring for this natural environment. {Name} requires
support to classify living and non-living things in the ocean.
LLWA2A In the unit 'A World Full of Animals', students investigated the features and characteristics of animals
from around the world. In a quiz {Name} recalled numerous facts about different animals including
their physical features, habitat, diet, forms of protection and methods of reproduction.

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LLWA2B In the unit "A World Full of Animals', students investigated the features and characteristics of animals
from around the world. In a quiz {Name} recalled several facts about different animals including their
physical features, habitat, diet and forms of protection.
LLWA2C In the unit 'A World Full of Animals', students investigated the features and characteristics of animals
from around the world. In a quiz {Name} recalled some facts about different animals including their
physical features, habitat and diet.
LLWA2D In the unit 'A World Full of Animals', students investigated the features and characteristics of animals
from around the world. In a quiz {Name} recalled simple facts about different animals including their
physical features and diet.
LLWA2E In the unit 'A World Full of Animals', students investigated the features and characteristics of animals
from around the world. In a quiz {Name} required additional support to recall simple facts about
different animals including their physical features.
LLWB2A {She,He} confidently contributed many relevant ideas and worked collaboratively and enthusiastically
during scientific learning experiences.
LLWB2B {She,He} confidently contributed relevant ideas and worked collaboratively during scientific learning
LLWB2C {She,He} worked collaboratively during scientific learning experiences.
LPA {Name} confidently uses language and processes associated with science.
LPD {Name} finds some of the language used in science challenging to understand and use.
LPE {Name} finds most of the language used in science challenging to understand and use.
NPA {Name} readily grasped the concept that materials can be changed by mixing them together or by
manipulating their properties.
NPB {Name} has grasped the concept that materials can be changed by mixing them together or by
manipulating their properties.
NPC {Name} has a satisfactory understanding of the concept that materials can be changed by mixing
them together or by manipulating their properties.
NPD {Name} has a basic understanding of the concept that materials can be changed by mixing them
together or by manipulating their properties.
NPE {Name} has a limited understanding of the concept that materials can be changed by mixing them
together or by manipulating their properties.
NPM3A {Name} has demonstrated an accurate and deep understanding of natural and processed materials in
relation to packaging. After investigating a variety of materials, using a series of fair tests, {She,He}
independently selected appropriate materials based on the data gathered to construct a package that
effectively met design criteria.
NPM3B {Name} has demonstrated a thorough understanding of natural and processed materials in relation to
packaging. After investigating a variety of materials, using a series of fair tests, {She,He} selected
appropriate materials based on the data gathered to construct a package that met design criteria.
NPM3C {Name} has demonstrated a sound understanding of natural and processed materials in relation to
packaging. After investigating a small selection of materials, using a series of fair tests, {She,He}
selected some appropriate materials based on the data gathered to construct a package that met
design criteria.
NPM3D {Name} required support to develop an understanding of natural and processed materials in relation
to packaging. After investigating a selection of materials, using a series of fair tests, {She,He} had
difficulty selecting appropriate materials based on the data gathered to construct a package that met
design criteria.
NPMC2A When conducting experiments {She,He} was able to identify if and how a material had changed and
give an educated reason for how it happened.
NPMC2B When conducting experiments {She,He} was able to identify if and how a material had changed and
give an appropriate reason for how it happened.
NPMC2C When conducting experiments {She,He} was able to identify if and how a material had changed and
give a simple reason for how it happened.
NPMC2D When conducting experiments {She,He} was able to identify if and how a material had changed
although was unable to give a reason for how it happened.
NPMC2E When conducting experiments {She,He} was not able to identify how a material had changed or give
a reason for how it happened.

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NPMC7A In the unit 'Mini Chef', students conducted experiments to show the difference between chemical and
physical changes. {Name} demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of physical and chemical
changes that occur in food by independently and logically comparing two recipes and making
accurate generalisations.
NPMC7B In the unit 'Mini Chef', students conducted experiments to show the difference between chemical and
physical changes. {Name} demonstrated a thorough understanding of physical and chemical changes
that occur in food by logically comparing two recipes and making accurate generalisations.
NPMC7C In the unit 'Mini Chef', students conducted experiments to show the difference between chemical and
physical changes. {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of physical and chemical changes
that occur in food by comparing two recipes and making some accurate generalisations.
NPMC7D In the unit 'Mini Chef', students conducted experiments to show the difference between chemical and
physical changes. {Name} had difficulty identifying the physical and chemical changes that occur in
food and needed assistance to make generalisations when comparing two recipes.
NPMP2A {Name} very competently sorted materials into categories based on observable properties.
NPMP2B {Name} capably sorted materials into categories based on observable properties.
NPMP2C {Name} satisfactorily sorted materials into basic categories based on observable properties.
NPMP2D {Name} was able to sort some of the materials into basic categories based on observable properties.
NPMP2E {Name} was not able to sort materials into basic categories based on observable properties.
NPMW4A In the unit 'Material World', students explored the concept that properties, changes and uses of
different materials are related.{Name} was able to specifically identify what materials best suit
different conditions and clearly explain why the properties of a material make it suitable for a
particular purpose. {She,He} made many accurate predictions about how different materials would
react when affected by processes of change and correctly recorded all of {Her,His} findings in a
science journal
NPMW4B In the unit 'Material World', students explored the concept that properties, changes and uses of
different materials are related. {Name} was able to correctly identify what materials best suit different
conditions and explain why the properties of a material make it suitable for a particular purpose.
{She,He} made accurate predictions about how different materials would react when affected by
processes of change and correctly recorded the majority of {Her,His} findings in a science journal.
NPMW4C In the unit 'Material World', students explored the concept that properties, changes and uses of
different materials are related.{Name} was able to identify what materials best suit different conditions
and explain why the properties of a material make it suitable for a particular purpose. {She,He} made
some accurate predictions about how different materials would react when affected by processes of
change and correctly recorded several of {Her,His} findings in a science journal.
NPMW4D In the unit 'Material World', students explored the concept that properties, changes and uses of
different materials are related.{Name} experienced difficulty identifying what materials best suit
different conditions and required assistance to explain why the properties of a material made it
suitable for a particular purpose.
NPMW4E {She,He} attempted to make predictions about how different materials would react when affected by
processes of change and with support recorded a few of {Her,His} findings in a science journal.
NPPC6A In the unit 'Mini Chef' students investigated the physical and chemical changes that occur in food
during the cooking process. {Name} demonstrated a comprehensive understanding that chemical
changes are permanent while physical changes are reversible through {Her,His} accurate
observations and precise written explanation.
NPPC6B In the unit 'Mini Chef' students investigated the physical and chemical changes that occur in food
during the cooking process. {Name} demonstrated an excellent understanding that chemical changes
are permanent while physical changes are reversible through {Her,His} accurate observations and
coherent written explanation.
NPPC6C In the unit 'Mini Chef' students investigated the physical and chemical changes that occur in food
during the cooking process. {Name} demonstrated a good understanding that chemical changes are
permanent while physical changes are reversible through {Her,His} relevent observations and
competently written explanation.
NPPC6D In the unit 'Mini Chef' students investigated the physical and chemical changes that occur in food
during the cooking process. {Name} demonstrated some understanding that chemical changes are
permanent while physical changes are reversible through {Her,His} observations and written

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OBA {She,He} participates with interest, making appropriate observations and works collaboratively during
scientific learning experiences.
OBB {She,He} participates, making appropriate observations and works collaboratively during scientific
learning experience
OBC {She,He} participates, making observations and works collaboratively during scientific learning
OBD {She,He} participates in scientific learning experiences, and attempts to make observations.
OBE {She,He} participates in scientific learning experiences, but requires support when making
OBRD {She,He} reluctantly participates in scientific learning experiences, and attempts to make
PRA {She,He} is keen to offer predictions that are both accurate and realistic.
PRB {She,He} offers predictions that are both accurate and realistic.
PRC {She,He} offers predictions that are accurate.
PRD {She,He} offers predictions that are inappropriate and unrealistic.
PRE {She,He} finds making predictions challenging.
SAA {She,He} always cooperates with classmates and follows safety procedures while conducting
SB1 {Name} listens to, observes and actively participates in discussions and science experiments.
{She,He} cooperates with classmates and follows procedure in regard to safety. {She,He} sometimes
gives possible ideas and/or reasons for experiment outcomes.
STIB Students investigated a variety of materials and different shapes to determine which objects would
float or sink. {Name} effectively selected and used appropriate materials to construct a vessel that
floated without taking on any water.
STIC Students investigated a variety of materials and different shapes to determine which objects would
float or sink. {Name} selected and used appropriate materials to construct a vessel that floated
STID Students investigated a variety of materials and different shapes to determine which objects would
float or sink. {Name} selected and used some appropriate materials to construct a vessel that floated
for a short time.
STIE Students investigated a variety of materials and different shapes to determine which objects would
float or sink. {Name} had difficulty selecting materials that showed an understanding of floating and
sinking and consequently their vessel did not float when tested.
WC2 {Name} can recognise different weather conditions and can identify various parts of the water cycle.
WOW In the unit 'Weather in Our World', students investigated weather, focusing on climate, seasons,
forecasting, weather tools and the water cycle.
WOWB {Name} completed an accurate record of weather patterns over a number of weeks. {She,He} could
accurately describe changes in weather conditions including the time and location.
WOWC1 {Name} completed a record of weather patterns over a number of weeks. {She,He} could
satisfactorily describe changes in weather conditions including the time and location.
WOWC2 {Name} was able to record weather patterns using appropriate symbols. {She,He} accurately
associated these symbols with appropriate weather words and matched clothing and actions to
weather conditions.
WOWD1 {Name} was unable to complete an accurate record of weather patterns over a number of weeks.
{She,He} had difficulty describing changes in weather conditions including the time and location.
WOWD2 {Name} had difficulty recording weather patterns using appropriate symbols. {She,He} required
teacher support to associate these symbols with appropriate weather words and match clothing and
actions to weather conditions.

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: Key Learning Areas

Category Description: SOSE

Comment Code Comment Text

CIA3A {She,He} could independently distinguish between the traditional indigenous cultures of Australia and
Australian culture today.
CIA3C {She,He} could distinguish between the traditional indigenous cultures of Australia and Australian
culture today.
CIA3D {She,He} had difficulty distinguishing between the traditional indigenous cultures of Australia and
Australian culture today.
CIA3S Students studied customs and traditions belonging to the cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people. {Name} was able to satisfactorily identify symbols and rituals belonging to these
CIA3U Students studied customs and traditions belonging to the cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people. {Name} was unable to identify symbols and rituals belonging to these groups.
CIAB1A {Name} compared {Her,His} way of life to that of a traditional aborigine. {She,He} accurately sorted
pictures of housing, entertainment and food gathering specific to each lifestyle. {She,He} wrote a
detailed comparison identifying the similarities and differences between the two lifestyles.
CIAB1B {Name} compared {Her,His} way of life to that of a traditional aborigine. {She,He} accurately sorted
pictures of housing, entertainment and food gathering specific to each lifestyle. {She,He} wrote a
comparison identifying the similarities and differences between the two lifestyles.
CIAB1C {Name} compared {Her,His} way of life to that of a traditional aborigine. {She,He} sorted pictures of
housing, entertainment and food gathering specific to each lifestyle. {She,He} wrote a comparison
identifying the similarities and differences between the two lifestyles.
CIAB1D {Name} compared {Her,His} way of life to that of a traditional aborigine. {She,He} sorted some
pictures of housing, entertainment and food gathering specific to each lifestyle. {She,He} attempted to
write a comparison identifying the similarities and differences between the two lifestyles.
CIAB1E {Name} compared {Her,His} way of life to that of a traditional aborigine. {She,He} required assistance
to sort pictures of housing, entertainment and food gathering specific to each lifestyle.
CIAZA In the 'Spirit of ANZAC' unit students investigated how the commemoration of Anzac Day has evolved
over time to reflect public sentiment. {Name} individually evaluated historical images and identified a
variety of symbols that reflect the ANZAC qualities of mateship, courage and commitment. {Name}
chose highly appropriate symbols to create {Her,His} own ANZAC image.
CIAZA2 {Name} demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the meaning and relevance of ANZAC Day
by independently justifying {Her,His} choice of symbols.
CIAZB In the 'Spirit of ANZAC' unit students investigated how the commemoration of Anzac Day has evolved
over time to reflect public sentiment. {Name} evaluated historical images and identified a variety of
symbols that reflect the ANZAC qualities of mateship, courage and commitment. {Name} chose highly
appropriate symbols to create {Her,His} own ANZAC image.
CIAZB2 {Name} demonstrated a thorough understanding of the meaning and relevance of ANZAC Day by
justifying {Her,His} choice of symbols.
CIAZC In the 'Spirit of ANZAC' unit students investigated how the commemoration of Anzac Day has evolved
over time to reflect public sentiment. {Name} evaluated historical images and identified a variety of
symbols that reflect the ANZAC qualities of mateship, courage and commitment. {Name} chose
appropriate symbols to create {Her,His} own ANZAC image.
CIAZC2 {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of the meaning and relevance of ANZAC Day by
justifying {Her,His} choice of symbols.
CIAZD In the 'Spirit of ANZAC' unit students investigated how the commemoration of Anzac Day has evolved
over time to reflect public sentiment. With some assistance {Name} evaluated historical images and
identified some symbols that reflect the ANZAC qualities of mateship, courage and commitment.
{Name} chose some appropriate symbols to create {Her,His} own ANZAC image.

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CIAZD2 {Name} demonstrated some understanding of the meaning and relevance of ANZAC Day and with
assistance justified {Her,His} choice of symbols.
CIAZE In the 'Spirit of ANZAC' unit students investigated how the commemoration of Anzac Day has evolved
over time to reflect public sentiment. With assistance {Name} evaluated historical images and
identified a few symbols that reflect the ANZAC qualities of mateship, courage and commitment.
{Name} had difficulty choosing symbols to create {Her,His} own ANZAC image.
CIAZE2 {She,He} demonstrated limited understanding of the meaning and relevance of ANZAC Day.
CIC3A Students explored a variety of familiar celebrations and compared how classmates and people from
across Australia and around the world celebrate special days. {Name} identified and explained in
great detail the significance of a particular celebration held in our multi-cultural society.
CIC3B Students explored a variety of familiar celebrations and compared how classmates and people from
across Australia and around the world celebrate special days. {Name} identified and explained in
some detail the significance of a particular celebration held in our multi-cultural society.
CIC3C Students explored a variety of familiar celebrations and compared how classmates and people from
across Australia and around the world celebrate special days. {Name} identified and explained in
detail the significance of a particular celebration held in our multi-cultural society.
CIC3D Students explored a variety of familiar celebrations and compared how classmates and people from
across Australia and around the world celebrate special days. {Name} needed assistance to explain
the significance of a particular celebration held in our multi-cultural society.
CIC3E Students explored a variety of familiar celebrations and compared how classmates and people from
across Australia and around the world celebrate special days. {Name} was unable to explain the
significance of a particular celebration held in our multi-cultural society.
CICA3A {Name} designed a flag that was highly symbolic of the local community, considering historical
events, indigenous groups and community values.
CICA3C {Name} designed a flag that was symbolic of the local community, considering historical events,
indigenous groups and community values.
CICA3D {Name} had difficulty designing a flag that was symbolic of the local community, considering historical
events, indigenous groups and community values.
CICB3A {Name} demonstrated {Her,His} extensive knowledge of the contributions of individuals and groups to
the local community by accurately matching past and present identities to landmarks, facilities and
streets named after them.
CICB3C {Name} demonstrated {Her,His} knowledge of the contributions of individuals and groups to the local
community by accurately matching past and present identities to landmarks, facilities and streets
named after them.
CICB3D {Name} had difficulty demonstrating {Her,His} knowledge of the contributions of individuals and
groups to the local community by matching past and present identities to landmarks, facilities and
streets named after them.
CICC3 In the unit 'Connecting to our Community', students identified significant changes that have occurred
in the local community and the contributions of individuals and groups by investigating stories,
artefacts and symbols.
CIDT3A In the Dreamtime unit {Name} learnt about traditional Aboriginal lifestyle and culture. {She,He}
actively participated in weekly lessons and demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of
Aboriginal food sources when compiling {Her,His} Aboriginal menu.
CIDT3B In the Dreamtime unit {Name} learnt about traditional Aboriginal lifestyle and culture. {She,He} keenly
participated in weekly lessons and demonstrated a good understanding of Aboriginal food sources
when compiling {Her,His} Aboriginal menu.
CIDT3C In the Dreamtime unit {Name} learnt about traditional Aboriginal lifestyle and culture. {She,He}
participated in weekly lessons and demonstrated a sound understanding of Aboriginal food sources
when compiling {Her,His} Aboriginal menu.
CIME1A Students learnt about themselves, their classmates and families in the unit 'All About Me'. {Name}
sequenced, named and identified attributes for the six age groups. {She,He} recalled personal
information including {Her,His} full name, address, phone number and birthday.
CIME1B Students learnt about themselves, each other and families in the unit 'All About Me'. {Name}
sequenced, named and identified attributes for most of the six age groups. {She,He} recalled
personal information including {Her,His) full name, address, phone number and birthday.

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CIME1C Students learnt about themselves, each other and families in the unit 'All About Me'. {Name}
sequenced and named most of the six age groups. {She,He} recalled personal information including
{Her,His} full name, address, phone number and birthday.
CIME1D Students learnt about themselves, each other and families in the unit 'All About Me'. {Name}
sequenced the six age groups but was unable to name all of them. {She,He} recalled personal
information including {Her,HIs} full name, address, phone number and birthday.
CIME1E Students learnt about themselves, each other and families in the unit 'All About Me'. {Name} required
support to sequence and name the six age groups. {She,He} recalled personal information including
{Her,His} full name, address, phone number and birthday.
CIPC7 In the unit 'Popular Culture', students determined how Australian values and beliefs have been
influenced by international popular culture over time. They identified major events and iconic features
of each decade from the 1950s through to the 1980s.
CIPC7A {Name} has developed an excellent understanding of how popular culture has influenced Australian
societal beliefs and values, and is able to confidently identify how these have changed over time.
{She,He} is able to confidently identify material and non-material aspects of each decade and
evaluated major historical, social and technological events and advances over the course of the
1950s through to 1980s.
CIPC7B {Name} has developed a good understanding of how popular culture has influenced Australian
societal beliefs and values, and is able to clearly identify how these have changed over time.
{She,He} has identified material and non-material aspects of each decade and evaluated major
historical, social and technological events and advances over the course of the 1950s through to
CIPC7C {Name} has developed a sound understanding of how popular culture has influenced Australian
societal beliefs and values, and is able to identify how some of these have changed over time.
{She,He} has identified many material and non-material aspects of each decade and evaluated major
historical, social and technological events and advances over the course of the 1950s through to
CIPC7D {Name} aquired some knowledge on how popular culture has influenced Australian societal beliefs
and values, and is able to identify how some of these have changed over time. {She,He} had difficulty
identifying material and non-material aspects of each decade and needed assistance evaluating
major historical, social and technological events and advances over the course of the 1950s through
to 1980s.
CIWA5A As part of the 'We Are Australian' unit, students explored the Australian identity. {Name} created a
poster and wrote an essay explaining {Her,His} own understanding of what it means to be an
Australian. {Name} was able to very effectively collect, organise and independently evaluate
information from a wide variety of sources to justify {Her,His} conclusions.
CIWA5B As part of the 'We Are Australian' unit, students explored the Australian identity. {Name} created a
poster and wrote an essay explaining {Her,His} own understanding of what it means to be an
Australian. {Name} was able to effectively collect, organise and evaluate information from a wide
variety of sources to justify {Her,His} conclusions.
CIWA5C As part of the 'We Are Australia' unit, students explored the Australian identity. {Name} created a
poster and wrote an essay explaining {Her,His} own understanding of what it means to be an
Australian. {Name} was able to collect, organise and evaluate information from provided sources to
justify {Her,His} conclusions.
CIWA5D As part of the 'We Are Australian' unit, students explored the Australian identity. {Name} created a
poster and wrote an essay explaining {Her,His} own understanding of what it means to be an
Australian. {Name} found it difficult to collect, organise and evaluate information from provided
sources to justify {Her,His} conclusions.
CIWA5E As part of the 'We Are Australian' unit, students explored the Australian identity. {Name} created a
poster and wrote an essay explaining {Her,His} own understanding of what it means to be an
Australian. {Name} was unable to collect, organise and evaluate information from provided sources to
justify {Her,His} conclusions.
CP4A {Name} collected accurate and relevant information while researching ***** and displayed {Her,His}
findings in a detailed information poster.
CP4B {Name} collected accurate and relevant information while researching ***** and displayed {Her,His}
findings in an information report.
CP4D {Name} required support to collect information while researching ***** and assistance to display
{Her,His} findings in an information report.

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GOSA {Name} effectively gathers, organises and summarises information.
GOSB {Name} appropriately gathers, organises and summarises information.
GOSC {Name} gathers, organises and summarises information.
GOSE {Name} required constant support to gather, organise and summarise information.
PEC5A1 In the unit "Our Classroom Community," students explored the roles and responsibilities of local
government members. {Name} demonstrated an excellent understanding of the role of each council
member involved in the decision-making process.
PEC5A2 When considering the construction of a multi-purpose building on the school grounds, {She,He}
worked very effectively within a group to collect and organise information gathered from surveys.
{Name} independently evaluated information gathered to determine the different perspectives and
opinions of community members.
PEC5B1 In the unit "Our Classroom Community," students explored the roles and responsibilities of local
government members. {Name} demonstrated a thorough understanding of the role of each council
member involved in the decision-making process.
PEC5B2 When considering the construction of a multi-purpose building on the school grounds, {She,He}
worked effectively within a group to collect and organise information gathered from surveys. {Name}
independently evaluated information gathered to determine the different perspectives and opinions of
community members.
PEC5C1 In the unit "Our Classroom Community," students explored the roles and responsibilities of local
government members. {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of the role of each council
member involved in the decision-making process.
PEC5C2 When considering the construction of a multi-purpose building on the school grounds, {She,He}
worked within a group to collect and organise information gathered from surveys. {Name} evaluated
information gathered to determine the different perspectives and opinions of community members.
PEC5D1 As a part of the unit "Our Classroom Community," students explored the roles and responsibilities of
local government members. {Name} demonstrated a basic understanding of the role of each council
member involved in the decision-making process.
PEC5D2 When considering the construction of a multi-purpose building on the school grounds, {She,He}
worked within a group to collect and organise information gathered from surveys. {Name} required
assistance to evaluate information gathered to determine the different perspectives and opinions of
community members.
PEC5E1 In the unit "Our Classroom Community," students explored the roles and responsibilities of local
government members. {Name} needed teacher support to understand the role of each council
member involved in the decision-making process.
PEC5E2 When considering the construction of a multi-purpose building on the school grounds, {She,He}
needed guidance to work within a group to collect and organise information gathered from surveys.
{Name} required assistance to evaluate some information gathered to determine the different
perspectives and opinions of community members.
PEDD7A In the unit 'Discovering Democracy' students explored the institutions, principles and values
underpinning Australia's representative democracy. {Name} demonstrated a comprehensive
knowledge of the political parties, levels of government and the role of the High Court by including
relevant information in a concise, independently written report.
PEDD7B In the unit 'Discovering Democracy' students explored the institutions, principles and values
underpinning Australia's representative democracy. {Name} demonstrated a thorough knowledge of
the political parties, levels of government and the role of the High Court by including relevant
information in an independently written report.
PEDD7C In the unit 'Discovering Democracy' students explored the institutions, principles and values
underpinning Australia's representative democracy. {Name} demonstrated a sound knowledge of the
political parties, levels of government and the role of the High Court by including relevant information
in a written report.
PEDD7D In the unit 'Discovering Democracy' students explored the institutions, principles and values
underpinning Australia's representative democracy. {Name} demonstrated a limited knowledge of the
political parties, levels of government and the role of the High Court by only including a few relevant
facts in a written report.

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PEDD7E In the unit 'Discovering Democracy' students explored the institutions, principles and values
underpinning Australia's representative democracy. {Name} relied upon teacher assistance to explain
the political parties, levels of government and the role of the High Court and to include this
information in a written report.
PEGO6A During the unit 'Leadership Matters', students studied local, state and national systems of
Government in Australia. Students demonstrated their knowledge through a short answer test.
{Name} investigated key terms and dates of representative democracy and in detail identified the
rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens and the process of elections. {She,He} displayed a
comprehensive knowledge of Australia's legal system by effectively describing the process in which
laws are made.
PEGO6B During the 'Leadership Matters' unit students studied local, state and national systems of Government
in Australia. Students were required to demonstrate their knowledge through a short answer test.
{Name} investigated key terms and dates of representative democracy and accurately identified the
rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens and the process of elections. {She,He} displayed
thorough knowledge of Australia's legal system by clearly describing the process in which laws are
PEGO6C Throughout the 'Leadership Matters' unit, students studied local, state and national systems of
Government in Australia. Students demonstrated their knowledge through a short answer test.
{Name} investigated key terms and dates of representative democracy and was able to identify the
rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens and the process of elections. {She,He} displayed a
satisfactory knowledge of Australia's legal system by describing the process in which laws are made.
PEGO6D Throughout the 'Leadership Matters' unit students studied local, state and national systems of
Government in Australia. Students were required to demonstrate their knowledge through a short
answer test. {Name} investigated key terms and dates of representative democracy and was
informed of the rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens and the process of elections. {She,He}
is developing an awareness of Australia's legal system by describing the process in which laws are
PEOC1A {Name} identified various occupations within the Moranbah Community. {She,He} accurately drew
and labelled the uniforms and tools essential for each occupation. {Name} wrote a detailed
description of each occupation, correctly identifying their role and responsibility in the community.
PEOC1B {Name} identified several occupations within the Moranbah Community. {She,He} drew and labelled
the uniforms and some tools essential for each occupation. {Name} wrote a description of each
occupation, identifying their role and responsibility in the community.
PEOC1C {Name} identified some occupations within the Moranbah Community. {She,He} drew and labelled the
uniforms and some tools essential for each occupation. {Name} wrote a brief description of each
occupation, identifying their role and responsibility in the community.
PEOC1D {Name} identified an occupation within the Moranbah Community. {She,He} drew and labelled the
uniform for the occupation and attempted to write a brief description of the occupation, identifying
their role and responsibility in the community.
PEOC1E {Name} required support to identify an occupation within the Moranbah Community. {She,He}
attempted to draw and label the uniform for the occupation. {Name} required support to write a brief
description of the occupation, identifying their role and responsibility in the community.
PEOT2 In the unit 'Our Town Rules!,' students explored the democratic decision making systems that help
people live and work together in communities. Students also investigated the roles and
responsibilities of people in leadership positions in our school community.
PEOT2A {Name} demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the roles and responsibilities of school
personnel through {Her,His} accurate recall of facts in a test situation. {She,He} drew well-reasoned
conclusions about the potential impact on the workforce if a particular school employee was removed.
{Name} could independently explain, using relevant examples, how {Her,His} actions influence others
ability to do their job.
PEOT2B {Name} demonstrated a thorough understanding of the roles and responsibilities of school personnel
through {Her,His} mostly accurate recall of facts in a test situation. {She,He} drew rational
conclusions about the potential impact on the workforce if a particular school employee was removed.
{Name} could explain, using relevant examples, how {Her,His} actions influence others ability to do
their job.
PEOT2C {Name} demonstrated an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of school personnel through
{Her,His} sound recall of facts in a test situation. {She,He} drew conclusions about the potential
impact on the workforce if a particular school employee was removed. {Name} could explain how
{Her,His} actions influence others ability to do their job.
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PEOT2D {Name} had difficulty demonstrating an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of school
personnel in a test situation. {She,He} had difficulty drawing conclusions about the potential impact
on the workforce if a particular school employee was removed. {Name} had difficulty explaining how
{Her,His} actions influence others ability to do their job.
PEOT2E {Name} required support to demonstrate an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of school
personnel in a test situation. {She,He} had difficulty drawing conclusions about the potential impact
on the workforce if a particular school employee was removed. {Name} required support to explain
how {Her,His} actions influence others ability to do their job.
PEPC1A {Name} accurately sequenced the bread making process from farm to the bakery shelf and precisely
explained each step involved in the process.
PEPC1B {Name} accurately sequenced the bread making process from farm to the bakery shelf and explained
most steps involved in the process.
PEPC1C {Name} accurately sequenced the bread making process from farm to the bakery shelf and explained
some steps involved in the process.
PEPC1D {Name} attempted to sequence the bread making process from farm to the bakery shelf but required
some assistance to explain the steps involved in the process.
PEPC1E {Name} required support to sequence the bread making process from farm to the bakery shelf.
PERR2A In the unit 'Buckle Up We Are On The Move', students were involved in a variety of both theoretical
and practical situations, which asked them to call upon their knowledge of rules in our local
community. {Name} demonstrated an extensive understanding of the road rules needed to ride a
bike to school by including relevant facts in their brochure. {She,He} also showed an excellent
knowledge of both traffic and warning signs.
PERR2B In the unit 'Buckle Up We Are On The Move', students were involved in a variety of both theoretical
and practical situations, which asked them to call upon their knowledge of rules in our local
community. {Name} was able to demonstrate a good understanding of the road rules needed to ride
a bike to school by including relevant facts in their brochure. {She,He} also showed an established
knowledge of both traffic and warning signs.
PERR2C In the unit 'Buckle Up We Are On The Move', students were involved in a variety of both theoretical
and practical situations, which asked them to call upon their knowledge of rules in our local
community. {Name} demonstrated a satifactory understanding of the road rules needed to ride a bike
to school by including some relevant facts in a brochure. {She,He} also showed a sound knowledge
of both traffic and warning signs.
PERR2D In the unit 'Buckle Up We Are On The Move' unit, students were involved in a variety of both
theoretical and practical situations, which asked them to call upon their knowledge of rules in our
local community. {Name} demonstrated a limited understanding of the road rules needed to ride a
bike to school by including only a few relevant facts in a brochure. {She,He} also showed a partial
knowledge of both traffic and warning signs.
PSEI3A During the unit 'Sustainability Superheroes', students learnt how to make their home more energy-
efficient. {Name} created a model of an energy-efficient house that demonstrated an extensive
knowledge of solar panels, water saving techniques and energy-efficient lighting. When interviewed
{She,He} was able to explain in great detail how each technique used in {Her,His} model worked to
reduce energy consumption.
PSEI3B During the unit 'Sustainability Superheroes', students learnt how to make their home more energy-
efficient. {Name} created a model of an energy-efficient house that demonstrated a thorough
knowledge of solar panels, water saving techniques and energy-efficient lighting. When interviewed
{She,He} was able to explain in detail how each technique used in {Her,His} model worked to reduce
energy consumption.
PSEI3C During the unit 'Sustainability Superheroes', students learnt how to make their home more energy-
efficient. {Name} created a model of an energy-efficient house that demonstrated a sound knowledge
of solar panels, water saving techniques and energy-efficient lighting. When interviewed {She,He}
was able to explain in some detail how each technique used in {Her,His} model worked to reduce
energy consumption.
PSEI3D During the unit 'Sustainability Superheroes', students learnt how to make their home more energy-
efficient. {Name} created a model of an energy-efficient house that demonstrated a limited knowledge
of solar panels, water saving techniques and energy-efficient lighting. When interviewed {She,He}
required teacher assistance to explain how each technique used in {Her,His} model worked to reduce
energy consumption.

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PSEI3E During the unit 'Sustainability Superheroes', students learnt how to make their home more energy-
efficient. {Name} created a model of an energy-efficient house that demonstrated a limited knowledge
of solar panels, water saving techniques and energy-efficient lighting. When interviewed {She,He}was
unable to explain how each technique used in {Her,His} model worked to reduce energy
PSENA {Name} can state in complex detail the consequences of our actions upon the environment.
PSENB {Name} can state in detail the consequences of our actions upon the environment.
PSENB1 {Name} successfully demonstrates ways to conserve and protect {Her,His} environment.
PSENC {She,He} states the consequences of our actions upon the environment.
PSENC1 {Name} identified ways to conserve and protect {Her,His} environment.
PSEND1 {Name} had difficulty grasping environmental topics studied this semester.
PSME3 {Name} is able to locate and identify all of the Earth's continents and oceans. {She,He} can name all
of Australia's states and territories, and all of the capital cities.
PSMG3S {Name} can use alpha-numeric grid references to locate places on a simple map.
PSMG3U {Name} has difficulty using alphanumeric grid references to locate places on a simple map.
SUR4A In the unit 'Survivor', {Name} precisely identified ways {She,He} could adapt to the environmental
conditions of a particular region. {She,He} succinctly identified how factors such as the landscape,
climate, plants and animals of a region influence the choice of housing, transport, clothing and diet.
{Name} efficiently collected, organised and evaluated information to include in an audition tape that
showcased {Her,His} understanding of the region {She,He} studied.
SUR4B In the unit 'Survivor', {Name} accurately identified ways {She,He} could adapt to the environmental
conditions of a particular region. {She,He} concisely identified how factors such as the landscape,
climate, plants and animals of a region influence the choice of housing, transport, clothing and diet.
{Name} capably collected, organised and evaluated information to include in an audition tape that
showcased {Her,His} understanding of the region {She,He} studied.
SUR4C In the unit 'Survivor', {Name} identified ways {She,He} could adapt to the environmental conditions of
a particular region. {She,He} identified how factors such as the landscape, climate, plants and
animals of a region influence the choice of housing, transport, clothing and diet. {Name} collected,
organised and evaluated information to include in an audition tape that showcased {Her,His}
understanding of the region {She,He} studied.
SUR4D In the unit 'Survivor', {Name} attempted to identify ways {She,He} could adapt to the environmental
conditions of a particular region. With assistance {She,He} identified how factors such as the
landscape, climate, plants and animals of a region influence the choice of housing, transport, clothing
and diet. {Name} required support to collect, organise and evaluate information to include in an
audition tape that presented facts about the region {She,He} studied.
SURN4A {Name} also wrote a narrative that effectively communicated the decisions {She,He} would make to
adapt to the conditions {She,He} would face if a contestant on the show 'Survivor'.
SURN4B {Name} also wrote a narrative that successfully communicated the decisions {She,He} would make to
adapt to the conditions {She,He} would face if a contestant on the show 'Survivor'.
SURN4C {Name} also wrote a narrative that communicated the decisions {She,He} would make to adapt to the
conditions {She,He} would face if a contestant on the show 'Survivor'.
SURN4D {Name} also attempted to write a narrative that communicated the decisions {She,He} would make to
adapt to the conditions {She,He} would face if a contestant on the show 'Survivor'.
TCANZA {Name} identified the qualities the original Anzacs embodied and why the 'Spirit of Anzac' continues
to have meaning and relevance for people today. {She,He} evaluated information and images that
focused on mateship, commitment and courage. {Name} independently demonstrated {Her,His}
comprehensive understanding of these qualities through {Her,His} insightful poetry analysis and
digger's letter home.
TCANZB {Name} identified the qualities the original Anzacs embodied and why the 'Spirit of Anzac' continues
to have meaning and relevance for people today. {She,He} evaluated information and images that
focused on mateship, commitment and courage. {Name} independently demonstrated {Her,His}
thorough understanding of these qualities through {Her,His} effective poetry analysis and digger's
letter home.
TCANZC {Name} identified the qualities the original Anzacs embodied and why the 'Spirit of Anzac' continues
to have meaning and relevance for people today. {She,He} evaluated information and images that
focused on mateship, commitment and courage. {Name} demonstrated {Her,His} satisfactory
understanding of these qualities through {Her,His} poetry analysis and digger's letter home.
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TCANZD {Name} identified the qualities the original Anzacs embodied and why the 'Spirit of Anzac' continues
to have meaning and relevance for people today. {She,He} evaluated information and images that
focused on mateship, commitment and courage. {Name} relied on teacher support to demonstrate
{Her,His} limited understanding of these qualities. With assistance, {Name} completed a simple
poetry analysis and digger's letter home.
TCEX4A During the unit 'Welcome Stranger' students studied the expeditions of Burke and Wills, Eyre and
Leichhardt. {Name} could identify the discoveries made by each explorer and accurately recall all
facts relevant to the explorer and the expedition. After evaluating a range of evidence sources,
including recounts, journal entries and images, {Name} was able to clearly and accurately justify
{Her,His} opinion of whether each expedition was a success or failure.
TCEX4B During the unit 'Welcome Stranger' students studied the expeditions of Burke and Wills, Eyre and
Leichhardt. {Name} could identify the discoveries made by each explorer and recall most facts
relevant to the explorer and the expedition. After evaluating a range of evidence sources, including
recounts, journal entries and images, {Name} was able to correctly justify {Her,His} opinion of
whether each expedition was a success or failure.
TCEX4C During the unit 'Welcome Stranger' students studied the expeditions of Burke and Wills, Eyre and
Leichhardt. {Name} could identify the discoveries made by each explorer and recall some facts
relevant to the explorer and the expedition. After evaluating a range of evidence sources, including
recounts, journal entries and images, {Name} was able to justify {Her,His} opinion of whether each
expedition was a success or failure.
TCEX4D During the unit 'Welcome Stranger' students studied the expeditions of Burke and Wills, Eyre and
Leichhardt. {Name} attempted to identify the discoveries made by each explorer and recall some
facts relevant to the explorer and the expedition. After evaluating a range of evidence sources,
including recounts, journal entries and images, {Name} was unable to justify {Her,His} opinion of
whether each expedition was a success or failure.
TCEX4E During the unit 'Welcome Stranger' students studied the expeditions of Burke and Wills, Eyre and
Leichhardt. {Name} did not attempt to identify the discoveries made by each explorer or recall any
facts relevant to the explorer and the expedition. After evaluating a range of evidence sources,
including recounts, journal entries and images with teacher assistance, {Name} was unable to justify
{Her,His} opinion of whether each expedition was a success or failure.
WCA {Name} designed an extremely informative and influential community poster to recommend
appropriate ways in which water can be conserved. {Her,His} poster was highly visually appealing,
with an extremely well planned layout and appropriate hand-drawn pictures. {Name} utilised elements
such as an extremely well planned layout, appropriate hand-drawn pictures and was highly appealing
visually in order to portray {Her,His} message to the audience.
WCB {Name} designed a highly informative and powerful community poster to recommend ways in which
water can be conserved. {Her,His} poster was visually appealing, with a well planned layout and
appropriate hand-drawn pictures. {Name} considered elements such as a well planned layout,
appropriate hand-drawn pictures and high visual appeal in order to portray {Her,His} message to the
WCC {Name} designed an informative community poster to recommend ways in which water can be
conserved. {Her,His} poster was visually appealing, with a satisfactory layout and pictures.
WCD {Name} constructed a community poster to recommend ways in which water could be conserved.
{Name} attempted to use elements of layout, pictures and visual appeal to portray {Her,His} message
to the audience.
WCE {Name} struggled to design a community poster to recommend ways in which water could be
conserved. {Name} failed to use the elements of layout, pictures and visual appeal to portray
{Her,His} message to the audience.

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: Key Learning Areas

Category Description: Technology

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AAWA As part of the 'Animals Around The World' unit, students designed and constructed a newly
discovered animal from Antarctica. {Name}'s design illustrated {Her,His} knowledge of adaptations
the animal needed to survive in the Antarctic environment. {She,He} used appropriate materials to
very effectively represent parts of the animal and effort and care in the construction were evident in
the final product.
AAWB As part of the 'Animals Around The World' unit, students designed and constructed a newly
discovered animal from Antarctica. {Name}'s design illustrated {Her,His} knowledge of adaptations
the animal needed to survive in the Antarctic environment. {She,He} used appropriate materials to
effectively represent parts of the animal and effort and care in the construction were evident in the
final product.
AAWC As part of the 'Animals Around The World' unit, students designed and constructed a newly
discovered animal from Antarctica. {Name}'s design illustrated {Her,His} knowledge of adaptations
the animal needed to survive in the Antarctic environment. {She,He} mostly used appropriate
materials to represent parts of the animal and some effort and care in the construction were evident
in the final product.
AAWD As part of the 'Animals Around The World' unit, students designed and constructed a newly
discovered animal from Antarctica. {Name}'s design illustrated {Her,His} knowledge of adaptations
the animal needed to survive in the Antarctic environment. {She,He} used some appropriate materials
to represent parts of the animal and some effort and care in the construction were evident in the final
AAWE As part of the 'Animals Around The World' unit, students designed and constructed a newly
discovered animal from Antarctica. {Name}'s design illustrated {Her,His} knowledge of adaptations
the animal needed to survive in the Antarctic environment. {She,He} used inappropriate materials to
represent parts of the animal and little effort and care was taken in the construction of the final
AMA {Name} independently researched traditional Aboriginal words and symbols. {She,He} followed the
design, make and appraise process to produce an excellent menu that included culturally appropriate
images and information.
AMB {Name} independently researched traditional Aboriginal words and symbols. {She,He} followed the
design, make and appraise process to produce a satisfactory menu that included culturally
appropriate images .
AMC {Name} researched traditional Aboriginal words and symbols. {She,He} followed the design, make
and appraise process to produce a sound menu that included culturally appropriate images.
AMD {Name} needed support to conduct research on traditional Aboriginal words and symbols. {She,He}
required assistance to follow the design process to produce a menu that included culturally
appropriate images.
BOATA {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to construct a boat. {She,He} chose highly
appropriate materials that allowed the boat to float while holding 20 marbles. {Name} could effectively
explain the choices of materials and construction techniques {She,He} made to produce {Her,His}
BOATC {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to construct a boat. {She,He} chose some
appropriate materials that allowed the boat to float. {Name} could explain some of the choices of
materials and construction techniques made to produce {Her,His} boat.
BOATD {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to construct a boat. {She,He} did not chose
appropriate materials to allow the boat to float. {Name} attempted to explain some of the choices of
materials and construction techniques made to produce {Her,His} boat.
BOATE {Name} required support to follow the design, make and appraise process to construct a boat.
{She,He} experienced difficulty in choosing materials to allow the boat to float. {Name} could not
explain the choices of materials and construction techniques made to produce {Her,His} boat.

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BR5A {Name} bottle rocket was very well designed and constructed. {She,He} chose highly appropriate
materials and incorporated useful aerodynamic and scientific techniques to achieve flight. {Her,His}
diary indicated an effective and positive input into the team's completion of the task.
BR5B {Name} bottle rocket was well designed and constructed. {She,He} chose appropriate materials and
used aerodynamic and scientific techniques to achieve flight. {Her,His} diary indicated an effective
input into the team's completion of the task.
BR5C {Name} chose some suitable materials to construct a bottle rocket. {She,He} employed some
scientific techniques to achieve flight. {Her,His} diary indicates some input into the team's completion
of the task.
BR5D {Name} constructed a bottle rocket using a few techniques to achieve flight. {Her,His} diary indicates
little input into the team's completion of the task.
DCPA7A {Name} independently designed packaging for a loaf of bread. {She,He} selected materials that
closely matched the requirements of the design challenge and was able to plan, manage and reflect
upon the design process using highly relevant and explicit terminology.
DCPA7B {Name} independently designed packaging for a loaf of bread. {She,He} selected materials that
closely matched the requirements of the design challenge and was able to plan, manage and reflect
upon the design process using relevant terminology.
DCPA7C {Name} designed packaging for a loaf of bread. {She,He} selected materials that matched the
requirements of the design challenge and was able to plan, manage and reflect upon the design
process using appropriate terminology.
DCPA7D {Name} relied upon teacher assistance to design packaging for a loaf of bread. {She,He} selected
some appropriate materials and with support was able to plan and manage the design process,
meeting some of the requirements of the design challenge.
DCPA7E {Name} relied upon teacher support to design packaging for a loaf of bread. With help {She,He}
selected some materials but met very few of the design challenge requirements.
DETR In the unit 'Our Town Rules!', students created a fictional town and were required to design a flag that
represented the community. Students investigated the purpose and symbolism of flags and the
principles of good flag design.
DETRA {Name} independently planned and designed a creative flag to represent {Her,His} town. {Her,His}
design used meaningful symbolism and {She,He} was able to state clearly reasons for believing that
{Her,His} flag met the design challenge.
DETRB {Name} planned and designed a creative flag to represent{Her,His} town. {Her,His} design used
significant symbolism and {She,He} was able to state reasons for believing that {Her,His} flag met the
design challenge.
DETRC {Name} planned and designed a flag to represent {Her,His} town. {Her,His} design used symbolism
and {She,He}was able to state some reasons for believing that {Her,His} flag met the design
DETRD {Name} had difficulty planning and designing a flag to represent {Her,His} town. {Her,His} design
used limited symbolism and {She,He}had difficulty stating reasons for believing that{Her,His} flag met
the design challenge.
DETRE {Name} needed support when planning and designing a flag to represent {Her,His} town. {Her,His}
design used basic symbolism and {She,He} needed support when stating reasons for believing that
{Her,His} flag met the design challenge.
DTGA {Name} was able to design and create {Her,His} computer game using Gamemaker software to a
very high standard. {She,He} was able to effectively program {Her,His} game so that the character
could be controlled to overcome obstacles and complete multiple levels through to a final screen.
DTGB {Name} competently designed and created a computer game using Gamemaker software to a high
standard. {She,He} was able to effectively program {Her,His} game so that the character could be
controlled to overcome obstacles and complete increasingly difficult levels through to a final screen.
DTGC {Name} was able to effectively create a computer game using Gamemaker software. {She,He} was
able to effectively program {Her,His} game so that the character could be controlled to overcome
some obstacles and complete varying multiple levels through to a final screen.
DTGD {Name} had difficulty but was able to create a simple computer game using Gamemaker software.
With support, {She,He} was able to program {Her,His} game so that the character could be controlled
to overcome some obstacles and complete a few varying levels.

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EGGA {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to build a container that would prevent an
egg from breaking when dropped from a distance of three metres. In {Her,His} response to the design
challenge {She,He} chose highly appropriate materials that allowed the container to keep the egg
intact. {Name} concisely and effectively explained the reasons for {Her,His} choices of materials used
to produce {Her,His} container.
EGGB {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to build a container that would prevent an
egg from breaking when dropped from a distance of three metres. In {Her,His} response to the design
challenge {She,He} chose appropriate materials that allowed the container to keep the egg intact.
{Name} effectively explained the reasons for {Her,His} choices of materials used to produce {Her,His}
EGGC {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to build a container that would prevent an
egg from breaking when dropped from a distance of three metres. In {Her,His} response to the design
challenge {She,He} chose some appropriate materials that allowed the container to keep the egg
intact. {Name} explained the reasons for {Her,His} choices of materials used to produce {Her,His}
EGGD {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to build a container that would prevent an
egg from breaking when dropped from a distance of three metres. In {Her,His} response to the design
challenge {She,He} required support to choose materials that allowed the container to keep the egg
intact. With assistance, {Name} attempted to explain the reasons for {Her,His} choices of materials
used to produce {Her,His} container.
ENA As part of our 'Sustainable Energy' unit {Name} worked well as part of a group to design and make a
model that very effectively demonstrated a renewable energy source. {She,He} insightfully
communicated the details of {Her,His}group's design and was able to independently justify the choice
of materials used to construct the model.
ENB As part of our 'Sustainable Energy' unit {Name} worked well as part of a group to design and make a
model that very effectively demonstrated a renewable energy source. {She,He} Thoroughly
communicated the details of {Her,His} group's design and was able to independently justify the choice
of materials used to construct the model.
ENC As part of our 'Sustainable Energy' unit {Name} worked well as part of a group to design and make a
model that effectively demonstrated a renewable energy source. {She,He} communicated the details
of {Her,His} group's design and was able to independently justify the choice of materials used to
construct the model.
END As part of our 'Sustainable Energy' unit {Name} worked as part of a group to design and make a
model that demonstrated a renewable energy source. With support, {She,He} communicated some of
the details of {Her,His} group's design and was able to justify the choice of materials used to
construct the model.
FM1A {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to construct a flying machine. {She,He}
chose highly appropriate materials that demonstrated an extensive understanding of flight. {Name}
could easily and effectively explain the reasons for {Her,His} choice of materials to produce {Her,His}
flying machine.
FM1B {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to construct a flying machine. {She,He}
chose appropriate materials that demonstrated a thorough understanding of flight. {Name} could
effectively explain the reasons for {Her,His} choice of materials to produce {Her,His} flying machine.
FM1C {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to construct a flying machine. {She,He}
chose some appropriate materials that demonstrated a sound understanding of flight. {Name} could
explain the reasons for {Her,His} choice of materials to produce {Her,His} flying machine.
FM1D {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to construct a flying machine. {She,He} did
not choose appropriate materials to demonstrate an understanding of flight. {Name} attempted to
explain some choices made to produce {Her,His} flying machine.
FT1A As part of our fairytale unit {Name} created a sock puppet using highly appropriate materials to
represent the distinguishing features of a fairytale character. {Her,His} puppet showed creativity and
FT1B As part of our fairytale unit {Name} created a sock puppet using appropriate materials to represent
the distinguishing features of a fairytale character.
FT1C As part of our fairytale unit {Name} created a sock puppet using appropriate materials to represent a
chosen fairytale character.
FT1D As part of our fairytale unit {Name} attempted to create a sock puppet. {She,He} required constant
teacher direction to choose materials and complete {Her,His} puppet.

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FT1E As part of our fairytale unit {Name} required constant assistance while attempting to create {Her,His}
sock puppet.
HECL4A {Name} created a highly suitable piece of [sports wear or work] wear for [Nike or Bisley] that
thoroughly catered for the specific needs of the company. {She,He} successfully evaluated the
product {She,He} designed, based on its strength, durability, practicality and safety requirements.
HECL4B {Name} created a suitable piece of [sports wear or work wear] for [Nike or Bisley] that mostly catered
for the specific needs of the company. {She,He} evaluated the product {She,He} designed, based on
its **strength, durability, practicality and safety requirements**.
HECL4C {Name} created a suitable piece of [sports wear or work wear] for [Nike or Bisley] that catered for the
some of the needs of the company. {She,He} evaluated the product {She,He} designed, based on its
**strength, durability, practicality and safety requirements**.
HECL4D {Name} required support to create a piece of [sports wear or work wear] for [Nike or Bisley] that
catered for the specific needs of the company. {She,He} evaluated the product with assistance,
based on its **strength, durability, practicality and safety requirements**.
IMAN7A {Name} independently used ICT tools and techniques to create an ANZAC Day image. {Name} was
able to plan, manage and reflect upon the design process using appropriate and explicit terminology.
IMAN7B {Name} independently used ICT tools and techniques to create an ANZAC Day image. {Name} was
able to plan, manage and reflect upon the design process using appropriate terminology.
IMAN7C {Name} used ICT tools and techniques to create an ANZAC Day image. {Name} was able to plan,
manage and reflect upon the design process using appropriate terminology.
IMAN7D {Name} used ICT tools and techniques to create an ANZAC Day image. With teacher help {Name}
was able to plan, manage and reflect upon the design process using some appropriate terminology.
IMAN7E {Name} relied upon teacher assistance to use ICT tools and techniques to create an ANZAC Day
image. With teacher help {Name} was able to plan and manage the design process. {She,He} had
difficulty using appropriate terminology when asked to reflect on the design process.
IMCL4D With assistance {Name} designed a piece of clothing that catered to the needs and wants of a
clothing label. {She,He} attempted to evaluate the product {She,He} designed and identified its
strengths and effectiveness.
IMS7A As part of the 'Australian Tour' unit, students designed and constructed a slide-show advertisement
using Microsoft PhotoStory software to promote a tour of various Australian landmarks. {Name}
displayed a very high level of confidence in {Her,His} own skills and created a presentation that
exceeded the design requirements with appealing choices of background, font and layout.
IMS7B As part of the 'Australian Tour' unit, students designed and constructed a slide-show advertisement
using Microsoft PhotoStory software to promote a tour of various Australian landmarks. {Name}
displayed a high level of confidence in {Her,His} own skills and created a presentation that
successfully met design requirements with appropriate choices of background, font and layout.
IMS7C As part of the 'Australian Tour' unit, students designed and constructed a narrated slide-show
advertisement using Microsoft PhotoStory software to promote a tour of various Australian
landmarks. {Name} displayed confidence in {Her,His} own design skills and created a presentation
that met design requirements with good choices of background, font and layout that didn't detract
from the text.
IMS7D As part of the 'Australian Tour' unit, students designed and constructed a narrated slide-show
advertisement using Microsoft PhotoStory software to promote a tour of various Australian
landmarks. With support, {Name} designed and created a presentation to meet design requirements.
IMTM3A As part of the 'Sustainability Superheroes' unit students were asked to design and build a model of an
energy-efficient home. {Name} worked effectively in a group to accurately design, make and appraise
a model. {She,He} demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of construction techniques and an
inventive use of materials. {Name} effectively evaluated {Her,His} model by identifying several
aspects of what worked well, what did not and ways to improve {Her,His} design.
IMTM3B As part of the 'Sustainability Superheroes' unit students were asked to design and build a model of an
energy-efficient home. {Name} worked effectively in a group to accurately design, make and appraise
a model. {She,He} demonstrated an appropriate understanding of construction techniques and an
inventive use of materials. {Name} was able to evaluate {Her,His} model by identifying a number of
aspects of what worked well, what did not and ways to improve {Her,His} design.

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IMTM3C As part of the 'Sustainability Superheroes' unit student were asked to design and build a model of an
energy-efficient home. {Name} worked effectively in a group to accurately design, make and appraise
a model. {She,He} demonstrated a sound understanding of construction techniques and an inventive
use of materials. {Name} evaluated {Her,His} model by identifying some aspects of what worked well,
what did not and ways to improve {Her,His} design.
IMTM3D As part of the 'Sustainability Superheroes' unit student were asked to design and build a model of an
energy-efficient home. {Name} worked effectively in a group to accurately design, make and appraise
a model. {She,He} demonstrated a limited level of understanding of construction techniques and an
inventive use of materials. {Name} evaluated {Her,His} model by identifying a few aspects of what
worked well, what did not and ways to improve {Her,His} design.
IMTM3E As part of the 'Sustainability Superheroes' unit student were asked to design and build a model of an
energy-efficient home. {Name} worked effectively in a group to accurately design, make and appraise
a model. {She,He} needed teacher assistance to demonstrate an understanding of construction
techniques and appropriate use of materials. {Name} was unable to evaluate{Her,His} model by
identifying what worked well, what did not and ways to improve {Her,His} design.
L3A {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to complete a PowerPoint of a *** life cycle.
{Name} planned {Her,His} design using a highly organised and labeled outline of {Her,His}
presentation. {She,He} displayed a high level of confidence in {Her,His} own design skills throughout
the entire project.
L3B {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to complete a PowerPoint of a *** life cycle.
{Name} planned {Her,His} design using an organised and labeled outline of {Her,His} presentation.
{She,He} displayed confidence in {Her,His} own design skills throughout the entire project.
L3C {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to complete a PowerPoint of a *** life cycle.
{Name} planned {Her,His} design using a satisfactory outline of {Her,His} presentation. {She,He}
began to display confidence in {Her,His} own design skills towards the end of the project.
L3D {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to complete a PowerPoint of a *** life cycle.
With assistance {Name} planned {Her,His} design using an outline of {Her,His} presentation.
{She,He} began to display design skills towards the end of the project.
L3E {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to complete a PowerPoint of a *** life cycle.
With substantial assistance an outline of {Her,His} presentation was prepared. {She,He} displayed
little design skill while completing the project.
MAP2A As part of the study of our community {Name} has applied {Her,His} knowledge of Moranbah when
creating a map of a new town using the design, make and appraise process. {Name} has designed
and created a town of {Her,His} choice that exceeded design requirements. {She,He} labeled all
features on their map.
MAP2B As part of the study of our community {Name} has applied {Her,His} knowledge of Moranbah when
creating a map of a new town using the design, make and appraise process. {Name} has designed
and created a town of {Her,His} choice that successfully met design requirements. {She,He} labeled
most features on their map.
MAP2C As part of the study of our community {Name} has applied {Her,His} knowledge of Moranbah when
creating a map of a new town using the design, make and appraise process. {Name} has designed
and created a town of {Her,His} choice that met most design requirements. {She,He} labeled some of
the features on {Her,His} map.
MAP2D As part of the study of our community {Name} has applied {Her,His} knowledge of Moranbah when
creating a map of a new town using the design, make and appraise process. {Name} has designed
and created a town of {Her,His} choice that met some design requirements. {She,He} labeled some of
the features on {Her,His} map.
MAP2E As part of the study of our community {Name} has applied {Her,His} knowledge of Moranbah when
creating a map of a new town using the design, make and appraise process. {Name} has designed
and created a town of {Her,His} choice that met few design requirements. {She,He} has attempted to
use some labels.
MP4A {Name} worked effectively in a group to plan, design and create a model of a *****. {She,He} was
able to reflect deeply upon decisions made and compare {Her,His} model to a photographic image.
MP4B {Name} worked cooperatively in a group to plan, design and create a model of a *****. {She,He} was
able to reflect upon decisions made and compare {Her,His} model to a photographic image.
MP4C {Name} required assistance to work cooperatively in a group to plan, design and create a model of a
*****. {She,He} was able to reflect upon some of the decisions made and attempted to compare
{Her,His} model to a photographic image.

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MP4D {Name} required assistance to work cooperatively in a group to plan, design and create a model of a
***** . {She,He} attempted to reflect upon decisions made but was unable to compare {Her,His} model
to a photographic image successfully.
MP4E {Name} had difficulty working in a group to plan, design and create a model of a *****. {She,He} was
unable to reflect upon decisions made to produce the model.
MR3A {Name} was required to design and create a tool for measuring rain. {She,He} was able to confidently
and effectively communicate {Her,His} design ideas and could accurately identify the purpose of
{Her,His} product.
MR3A2 {Name} selected highly appropriate materials, tools and techniques to make {Her,His} product.
{She,He} was able to adequately evaluate {Her,His} product by identifying what worked well, what did
not and ways to improve. It was evident {Name} put a great deal of effort into the design and
construction of {Her,His} product.
MR3B {Name} was required to design and create a tool for measuring rain. {She,He} was able to effectively
communicate {Her,His} design ideas and could accurately identify the purpose of {Her,His} product.
MR3B2 {Name} selected appropriate materials, tools and techniques to make {Her,His} product. {She,He}
was able to adequately evaluate {Her,His} product by identifying what worked well, what did not and
ways to improve. It was evident {Name} put a great deal of effort into the design and construction of
{Her,His} product.
MR3C {Name} was required to design and create a tool for measuring rain. {She,He} was able to
communicate {Her,His} design ideas and could satisfactorily identify the purpose of {Her,His} product.
MR3C2 {Name} selected some appropriate materials, tools and techniques to make {Her,His} product.
{She,He} was able to satisfactorily evaluate {Her,His} product by identifying what worked well, what
did not and ways to improve. It was evident {Name} put some effort into the design and construction
of {Her,His} product.
MR3D {Name} was required to design and create a tool for measuring rain. {She,He} was unable to
communicate {Her,His} design ideas and had difficulty identifying the purpose of {Her,His} product.
MR3D2 {Name} selected some appropriate materials, tools and techniques to make {Her,His} product.
{She,He} had difficulty evaluating {Her,His} product which included identifying what worked well,
what did not and ways to improve. It was evident {Name} put little effort into the design and
construction of {Her,His} product.
PMA {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to produce ainnovative package, to protect
a fragile item. {Name} planned {Her,His} design using a very detailed labelled outline of {Her,His}
product. {She,He} displayed a very high level of confidence in {Her,His} own design skills in response
to the design challenge and has thoroughly understood the impact society has on packaging.
PMB {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to produce an appropriate package to
appropriately protect a fragile item. {Name} planned {Her,His} design using a detailed labelled outline
of {Her,His} product. {She,He} displayed a high level of confidence in {Her,His} own design skills
throughout the entire project and has understood the impact society has on packaging.
PMC {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to produce a satifactory package to protect
a fragile item. {Name} planned {Her,His} design using a labelled outline of {Her,His} product.
{She,He} displayed confidence in {Her,His} own design skills throughout the entire project and has
understood the impact society has on packaging.
PMD {Name} followed the design, make and appraise process to produce a package to appropriately
protect a fragile item. With assistance {Name} planned {Her,His} design using a labelled outline of
{Her,His} product. {She,He} displayed confidence in {Her,His} own design skills throughout the entire
TOY3 {Name} was required to design and create a toy, based on a simple machine, to be used by prep
students. {She,He} was able to confidently and effectively communicate {Her,His} design ideas
through a labelled diagram.
TOY3A {Name} selected highly appropriate materials, tools and techniques to make {Her,His} toy. {She,He}
was able to adequately evaluate {Her,His} toy by identifying what worked well, what did not and ways
to improve the design. It was evident {Name} put a great deal of effort into the design and
construction of {Her,His} toy.
TOY3B {Name} selected appropriate materials, tools and techniques to make {Her,His} toy. {She,He} was
able to adequately evaluate {Her,His} toy by identifying what worked well, what did not and ways to
improve the design. It was evident {Name} put a effort into the design and construction of {Her,His}

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TOY3C {Name} selected some appropriate materials, tools and techniques to make {Her,His} toy. {She,He}
was able to satisfactorily evaluate {Her,His} toy by identifying what worked well, what did not and
ways to improve the design. It was evident {Name} put some effort into the design and construction of
{Her,His} toy.
TOY3D1 {Name} was required to design and create a toy, based on a simple machine, to be used by prep
students.{She,He} was unable to communicate {Her,His} design ideas through a labelled diagram.
TOY3D2 {Name} selected some appropriate materials, tools and techniques to make {Her,His} toy. {She,He}
had difficulty evaluating {Her,His} toy by identifying what worked well, what did not and ways to
improve the design. It was evident {Name} put little effort into the design and construction of {Her,His}
TPA Students were given the task to design a vessel that would float upright using everyday materials.
{Name} accurately designed, made and appraised a pirate ship that demonstrated a comprehensive
understanding of construction techniques and an inventive use of materials. {Name}'s design included
detail of all parts of the ship which were clearly labelled and drawn in proportion.
TPB Students were given the task to design a vessel that would float upright using everyday materials.
{Name} accurately designed, made and appraised a pirate ship that demonstrated a good level of
understanding of construction techniques and a good use of everyday materials. {Name}'s design
included detail of all parts of the ship which were clearly labelled and mostly drawn in proportion.
TPC Students were given the task to design a vessel that would float upright using everyday materials.
{Name} designed, made and appraised a pirate ship that demonstrated a sound level of
understanding of construction techniques and a good use of everyday materials. {Name}'s design
included detail of all parts of the ship which were clearly labelled.
TPD Students were given the task to design a vessel that would float upright using everyday materials.
With assistance {Name} designed, made and appraised a pirate ship that demonstrated limited
understanding of construction techniques. {Name}'s design included some detail of parts of the ship
which were labelled.
TPE Students were given the task to design a vessel that would float upright using everyday materials.
With assistance {Name} designed, made and appraised a pirate ship that demonstrated a very limited
understanding of construction techniques. {Name}'s design included little detail of parts of the ship
and only some of these were labelled.

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: Key Learning Areas

Category Description: The Arts

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6ARTA {Name} studied well known artists such as Van Gough, Picasso and Warhol. {She,He} skillfully
recreated detailed pieces of artwork using the chosen artist's technique.
6ARTB {Name} studied well known artists such as Van Gough, Picasso and Warhol. {She,He} recreated
detailed pieces of artwork, using the chosen artist's technique.
6ARTC {Name} studied well known artists such as Van Gough, Picasso and Warhol. {She,He} competently
recreated pieces of artwork using the chosen artist's technique.
6ARTD {Name} studied well known artists such as Van Gough, Picasso and Warhol. {She,He} needed
guidance to recreate pieces of artwork using the chosen artist's technique.
ARTC2 {She,He} takes care when completing artwork.
ARTD1 {She,He} needs to show more care when completing artwork.
ARTW Students studied and reproduced art work from various countries around the world.
DR2A This semester students explored dramatic elements and learnt that their bodies can be used to
express ideas to a chosen audience. {Name} delivered {Her,His} assigned lines fluently and at the
appropriate time. {She,He} used a clear, audible voice and good expression when speaking. {Name}
used gestures, facial expression and body movement that was appropriate to {Her,His} character.
DR2B This semester students explored dramatic elements and learnt that their bodies can be used to
express ideas to a chosen audience. {Name} delivered {Her,His} assigned lines at the appropriate
time. {She,He} used a clear, audible voice and spoke at an appropriate pace. {Name} used gestures
and facial expression that was appropriate to {Her,His} character.
DR2C This semester students explored dramatic elements and learnt that their bodies can be used to
express ideas to a chosen audience. {Name} used a clear, audible voice and delivered {Her,His}
assigned lines at the appropriate time. {She,He} used facial expression that was appropriate to
{Her,His} character.
DR2D This semester students explored dramatic elements and learnt that their bodies can be used to
express ideas to a chosen audience. {Name} used an audible voice to deliver {Her,His} lines.
{She,He} attempted to portray {Her,His} character using movement.
DR2E This semester students explored dramatic elements and learnt that their bodies can be used to
express ideas to a chosen audience. With support {Name} participated in the dramatic action but
needed additional assistance to deliver {Her,His} lines and portray {Her,His} character.

DRAU4A {Name} starred in an audition video and effectively established a relationship with the audience by
using a combination of movement, posture, gestures, body position and expression when performing.
{She,He} used highly appropriate terminology that showed an understanding that {Her,His} audition
was going to be judged by a panel.
DRAU4B {Name} starred in an audition video and successfully established a relationship with the audience by
using a combination of **(movement, posture, gestures, body position and expression)** when
performing. {She,He} used appropriate terminology that showed an understanding that {Her,His}
audition was going to be judged by a panel.
DRAU4C {Name} starred in an audition video that adequately established a relationship with the audience by
using a combination of **(movement, posture, gestures, body position and expression)** when
performing. {She,He} used some terminology that showed an understanding that {Her,His} audition
was going to be judged by panel.
DRAU4D {Name} starred in an audition video and attempted to establish a relationship with the audience by
using **(movement, posture, gestures, body position and expression)** when performing. {She,He}
had difficulty using terminology that showed an understanding that {Her,His} audition was going to be
judged by panel.

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DRAU4E {Name} starred in an audition video and attempted to establish a relationship with the audience by
using **(movement, posture, gestures, body position and expression)** when performing. With
teacher assistance {She,He} used terminology that showed a basic understanding that {Her,His}
audition was going to be judged by panel.
IMFLA {Name} shows outstanding imagination and flair in a variety of art activities.
IMFLB {Name} shows imagination and flair in a variety of art activities.
IMFLC {Name} shows imagination in a variety of art activities.
IMFLD {Name} shows limited imagination in art activities.
LCA {Name} participated within a group to produce and perform a play to an audience. {She,He} learnt
how to use dramatic conventions, and practised reading lines from a script to appreciate the
importance of expression and clarity.
MEA7A As part of the 'Australian Tour' unit, {Name} used media techniques, including editing and publishing,
to create a promotional slide-show advertisement. {She,He} used eye-catching images, slogans and
jingles for a marketing campaign to target an international audience using appropriate media images
of Australian people and landmarks.
MEA7B As part of the 'Australian Tour' unit, {Name} used media techniques, including editing and publishing,
to create a promotional slide-show advertisement. {She,He} used creative images, slogans and
jingles for a marketing campaign to target an international audience using interesting media images
of Australian people and landmarks.
MEA7C As part of the 'Australian Tour' unit, {Name} used media techniques, including editing and publishing,
to create a promotional slide-show advertisement. {She,He} used appropriate images, slogans and
jingles for a marketing campaign to target an international audience using media images of Australian
people and landmarks.
MEA7D As part of the 'Australian Tour' unit, {Name} used media techniques, including editing and publishing,
to create a promotional slide-show advertisement. With support, {She,He} used images, slogans and
jingles for a marketing campaign to target an international audience using media images of Australian
people and landmarks.
MEIM7A {Name} effectively used ICTs to modify and enhance {Her,His} original digital image to increase the
impact of it on the intended audience.
MEPS7A {Name} demonstrated a clear understanding that representations in media texts have specific
purposes and can be modified to maximise audience impact through {Her,His} primary school years
photo story. {She,He} selected highly appropriate images, music and captions to tell {Her,His} story
MEPS7B {Name} demonstrated a reasonable understanding that representations in media texts have specific
purposes and can be modified to maximise audience impact through {Her,His} primary school years
photo story. {She,He} selected appropriate images, music and captions to tell {Her,His} story
MEPS7C {Name} demonstrated an understanding that representations in media texts have specific purposes
and can be modified to maximise audience impact through {Her,His} primary school years photo
story. {She,He} selected images, music and captions to tell {Her,His} story.
MEPS7D {Name} had difficulty demonstrating an understanding that representations in media texts have
specific purposes and can be modified to maximise audience impact through {Her,His} primary school
years photo story. {She,He} relied upon teacher support to select images, music and captions to tell
{Her,His} story.
MOONA {Name}'s group used the complete lunar transcript to demonstrate a detailed and accurate knowledge
of the moon landing. {Her,His} group's presentation incorporated various media techniques that
contributed a visually and aurally appealing portrayal of the moon landing.
MOONB {Name}'s group used the complete lunar transcript to demonstrate an accurate knowledge of the
moon landing. {Her,His} group's presentation incorporated various media techniques that contributed
to a visually and aurally appealing portrayal of the moon landing.
MOONC {Name}'s group used the lunar transcript to demonstrate some knowledge of the moon landing.
{Her,His} group's presentation incorporated various media techniques that contributed to a portrayal
of the moon landing.
MOOND {Name}'s group used part of the lunar transcript to demonstrate some knowledge of the moon
landing. {Her,His} group's presentation attempted to portray the moon landing.

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PCA {Name} designed a postcard displaying imagery of one of the four seasons. {She,He} used warm or
cool colour schemes effectively to enhance {Her,His} chosen season. {Name} chose highly
appropriate images to reflect the season. {She,He} can accurately position, identify and locate both
primary and secondary colours on the colour wheel.
PCB {Name} designed a postcard displaying imagery of one of the four seasons. {She,He} used warm or
cool colour schemes to enhance {Her,His} chosen season. {Name} chose appropriate images to
reflect the season. {She,He} can position, identify and locate primary and secondary colours on the
colour wheel.
PCC {Name} designed a postcard displaying imagery of one of the four seasons. {She,He} used a warm or
cool colour scheme for {Her,His} chosen season. {Name} chose appropriate images to reflect the
season. {She,He} can construct a colour wheel.
PCD {Name} designed a postcard displaying imagery of one of the four seasons. {She,He} partly
incorporated a warm or cool colour scheme for {Her,His} chosen season. {Name} chose some
appropriate images to reflect the season. {She,He} is developing {Her,His} ability to construct a colour
PCE {Name} designed a postcard displaying imagery of one of the four seasons. {She,He} required
support to use a warm or cool colour scheme for {Her,His} chosen season. With assistance {Name}
was able to choose appropriate images to reflect the season. {She,He} is developing {Her,His} ability
to construct a colour wheel.
PRA2 {She,He} takes great pride in the presentation of {Her,His} artwork.
PRB2 {She,He} takes pride in the presentation of {Her,His} artwork.
STD {Name} has difficulty applying skills and techniques taught but enjoys participating in art activities.
V4A {Name} utilised {Her,His} deep understanding of line, space, shape and colour to produce visually
appealing artwork.
V4B {Name} utilised {Her,His} understanding of line, space, shape and colour to produce visually
appealing artwork.
V4C {Name} produced artwork that required more attention to detail including line, space, shape and
V4D {Name} produced artwork that displayed a limited understanding of line, space, shape and colour.
VAABA {Name} actively participated in weekly visual arts lessons and applied {Her,His} knowledge of colour
and pattern to reproduce examples of traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art.
VAABB {Name} participated in weekly visual arts lessons and applied {Her,His} knowledge of colour and
pattern to reproduce examples of traditional Torres Strait Islander Aboriginal art.
VAABD {Name} took part in weekly visual arts lessons but experienced difficulties when reproducing
examples of traditional Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander art.
VAAC7A {Name} independently analysed and effectively communicated the meaning behind {Her,His} image.
VAANZA {Name} worked creatively to produce a digital still image that represented the Anzac Spirit. {She,He}
used effective symbolism to create a highly emotive image for the intended audience.
VAANZB {Name} worked creatively to produce a digital still image that represented the Anzac Spirit. {She,He}
used effective symbolism to create an emotive image for the intended audience.
VAANZC {Name} worked creatively to produce a digital still image that represented the Anzac Spirit. {She,He}
used some effective symbolism to create an emotive image for the intended audience.
VAANZD {Name} worked creatively to produce a digital still image that represented the Anzac Spirit. {She,He}
used symbols to create an image for the intended audience.
VAANZE {Name} attempted to produce a digital still image that represented the Anzac Spirit. {She,He} was
unsuccessful in creating an image for the intended audience.
VAENA {Name} is able to effectively and independently manipulate materials to represent elements of the
VAENB {Name} is able to independently manipulate materials to represent elements of the environment.
VAENC {Name} is able to manipulate materials to represent elements of the environment.
VAEND {Name} with support attempts to manipulate materials to represent elements of the environment.
VAENE {Name} has a limited ability to manipulate materials to represent elements of the environment.
VAFL1A {Name} enthusiastically participated in weekly visual arts lessons relating to flight. {She,He} produced
a ** piece of artwork that demonstrated a thorough understanding of colour, line, texture and pattern.

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VAFL1B {Name} actively participated in weekly visual arts lessons relating to flight. {She,He} produced a **
piece of artwork that demonstrated a sound understanding of colour, line, texture and pattern.
VAFL1C {Name} actively participated in weekly visual arts lessons relating to flight. {She,He} produced a **
piece of artwork and attempted to apply {Her,His} knowledge of line, colour, texture and pattern.
VAGEN {Name} explored how lines are used to create balance, contrast, space and patterns using a variety
of drawing tools, including charcoal, oil pastels and watercolours.
VAMO In Visual Arts students investigated how to use lines and colours to show movement in drawings and
VAMOB {Name} effectively experimented with line to suggest movement and direction in {Her,His} painting.
VAMOC {She,He} experimented with line to suggest movement and direction in {Her,His} painting.
VAPCA {Name} uses a variety of colours to represent images and is able to confidently mix primary colours to
create secondary colours.
VAPCB {Name} uses appropriate colour to represent images and is able to mix primary colours to create
secondary colours.
VAPCC {Name} uses appropriate colour to represent images and is able to explain what happens when
primary colours are mixed.
VAPCD {Name} uses appropriate colour most of the time to represent images and is aware that primary
colours change when mixed together.
VAPRB {Name} presented {Her,His} artwork with a high degree of neatness and detail.
VAPRC {Name} presented {Her,His} artwork with a satisfactory degree of neatness and detail.
VAPRD {Name}'s artwork lacked the necessary neatness and detail required.
VASKE {Name} has demonstrated a very limited understanding of visual arts skills and techniques.
VAWCCO In Visual Arts {Name} investigated warm and cool colours and different painting techniques. {Name}
demonstrated an effective use of warm and cool colours in {Her,His} well presented, artistic design.
{She,He} readily identified and provided an explanation for {Her,His} colour choices.
VAWCE In Visual Arts {Name} investigated warm and cool colours and different painting techniques. {She,He}
was unable to complete a cool and warm colour design and was unable to provide an explanation for
{Her,His} colour choices.
VIA3A {Name} actively participated in weekly visual arts lessons and very successfully applied {Her,His}
knowledge of colour, line and pattern to create {Her,His} own traditional Aboriginal bark painting.
{Name} was able to critically reflect upon {Her,His} finished product.
VIA3B {Name} actively participated in weekly visual arts lessons and successfully applied {Her,His}
knowledge of colour, line and pattern to create {Her,His} own traditional Aboriginal bark painting.
{Name} was able to critically reflect upon {Her,His} finished product.
VIA3C {Name} participated in weekly visual arts lessons and applied {Her,His} knowledge of colour, line and
pattern to create {Her,His} own traditional Aboriginal bark painting. {Name} was able to critically
reflect upon {Her,His} finished product.
VIA3D {Name} participated in weekly visual arts lessons and applied some of {Her,His} knowledge of colour,
line and pattern to create {Her,His} own traditional Aboriginal bark painting. {Name} was unable to
critically reflect upon {Her,His} finished product.
VIA3E {Name} participated in weekly visual arts lessons but did not complete {Her,His} own traditional
Aboriginal bark painting. {Name} was unable to critically reflect upon {Her,His} finished product as it
was incomplete.

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: Other Learning Areas

Category Description: Instrumental Music

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EA {Name} is a reliable student who always remembers {Her,His} equipment and has an excellent
attendance and practice record.
EB {Name} is a reliable student who often remembers {Her,His} equipment most times and has a very
good attendance and practice record.
EC {Name} is reasonably reliable who regularly remembers {Her,His} equipment regularly and has a fair
attendance and practice record.
ED {Name} is sometimes reliable but has regularly forgotten {Her,His} equipment and {She,He} has a
reasonable attendance and practice record.
EE {Name} has consistently forgotten {Her,His} equipment and has a poor attendance and practice
IA {Name} has an excellent understanding of the instrument and notated music for {Her,His} current
IB {Name} has a good understanding of the instrument and notated music for {Her,His} current level.
IC {Name} has an average understanding of the instrument and notated music for {Her,His} current
ID {Name} is developing an understanding of the instrument and notated music for {Her,His} current
IE {Name} is yet to develop an understanding of the instrument and notated music for {Her,His} current
MIA {Name} plays with enthusiasm and learns {Her,His} music with accuracy.
MIB {Name} is always keen and attentive and competently follows instructions.
MIC {Name}'s tuning and sound is of a good standard and {She,He} has satisfactory demonstrated the
required skills for this level.
MID Singing contributes greatly to the ability to perform musically. I recommend {Name} incorporates
singing into {Her,His} home practice routine.
MIE When {Name} is focused {She,He} reasonably level to performs set tasks and has a sound
understanding of the requirements.
PA {Name} is always well rehearsed and prepared for {Her,His} lessons. {She,He} is confident and
strives to improve {Her,His} skills. {Name} is a valued member of the ensemble.
PB {Name} is always polite and studious. Home practice is mostly performed with confidence.
PC {Name} follows instructions and completes {Her,His} set tasks at home with reasonable results.
PD A consistent routine at home would help {Name} gain confidence and improve accuracy.
PE {Name} needs to apply {Her,Him}self to a consistent home schedule to correct reoccurring mistakes.
RA {Name} has developed an excellent rhythmic understanding and interpretation of articulation and
dynamics. {She,He} has an outstanding melodic perception and awareness of phrasing.
RB {Name} has a good understanding of rhythm and pitch which enables {Her,Him} to show a great
diversity in overall sound production.
RC {Name} reads rhythms and notation with reasonable accuracy and is showing improving skills in
articulation and tone control.
RD {Name} has made gradual progress and is developing an individual understanding of rhythm, pitch
and articulation.
RE {Name} attempts rhythmic patterns with uncertainty. {She,He} needs more familiarisation with staff
reading and scale playing to develop greater confidence during performances.
ST {Name} follows instructions and completes set tasks at home with reasonable results.

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TA {Name} demonstrates an excellent ability to play all techniques and apply these skills in
ensemble/solo performances.
TB {Name} demonstrates a good ability to play all techniques and apply these skills in ensemble/solo
TC {Name} demonstrates an average ability to play all techniques and apply these skills in
ensemble/solo performances.
TD {Name} demonstrates a fair ability to play all techniques and apply these skills in ensemble/solo
TE {Name} struggles to demonstrate techniques and has difficulty applying these skills in ensemble/solo

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Moranbah East State School
Comment Bank List

Group Description: Other Learning Areas

Category Description: Integrated Units

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CDPR5A {Name} very competently describes and predicts a range of possible outcomes that chance events
contain. {She,He} confidently collects and identifies data to support or adjust predictions.
CDPR5B {Name} competently describes and predicts a range of possible outcomes that chance events
contain. {She,He} capably collects and identifies data to support or adjust predictions.
CDPR5C {Name} soundly describes and predicts a range of possible outcomes that chance events contain.
{She,He} collects and identifies data to support or adjust predictions.
MAA1 {Name} can very competently aurally and visually discriminate between the various rhythmic and
melodic elements taught.
MAB1 {Name} can competently aurally and visually discriminate between the various rhythmic and melodic
elements taught.
MAC1 {Name} can satisfactorily aurally and visually discriminate between the various rhythmic and melodic
elements taught.
MAD1 {Name} is not able to aurally and visually discriminate between the various rhythmic and melodic
elements taught, except with assistance
MAE1 {Name} is not able to aurally and visually discriminate between the various rhythmic and melodic
elements taught.
MB7 {Name}'s lack of concentration makes progress difficult in music lessons.
ME5A {Name} very competently estimates, measures, orders and converts length, area, volume, mass, time
and angles, using standard and non-standard units of measure.
ME5B {Name} competently estimates, measures, orders and converts length, area, volume, mass, time and
angles, using standard and non-standard units of measure.
ME5C {Name} soundly estimates, measures, orders and converts length, area, volume, mass, time and
angles, using standard and non-standard units of measure.
ME5D {Name} has difficulty estimating, measuring, ordering and converting length, area, volume, mass,
time and angles, using standard and non-standard units of measure.
ME5E {Name} is unable to estimate, measure, order and convert length, area, volume, mass, time and
angles, using standard and non-standard units of measure.
MRA1 {Name} has demonstrated a comprehensive knowledge and understanding when reading and writing
music using the concepts taught and is able to apply them independently.
MRB1 {Name} has demonstrated a thorough knowledge and understanding when reading and writing music
using the concepts taught and is able to apply them independently in most contexts.
MRC1 {Name} has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge and understanding when reading and writing music
using the concepts taught and is able to apply them with guidance and support.
MRD1 {Name} has demonstrated limited knowledge and understanding when reading and writing music
using the concepts taught and is only able to apply them with significant guidance and support.
MRE1 {Name} has demonstrated very limited knowledge and understanding when reading and writing music
using the concepts taught and finds it very difficult to apply these concepts even with guidance.
MU5A {Name} has a strong understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {her,his} knowledge in all situations, both
practically on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU5B {Name} has a solid understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and reading
the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {her,his} knowledge in most situations, both practically
on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU5C {Name} has a sound understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {her,his} knowledge in some situations, both
practically on the keyboard and theoretically.
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MU5D {Name} has a limited understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} required assistance to demonstrate {her,his} knowledge, both practically
on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU6A {Name} has a strong understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {her,his} knowledge in all situations, both
practically on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU6C {Name} has a sound understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {her,his} knowledge in some situations, both
practically on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU6D {Name} has a limited understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} required assistance to demonstrate {her,his} knowledge, both practically
on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU6E {Name} has little understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and reading
the stave. {She,He} was not able to demonstrate this knowledge practically on the keyboard or in
theoretical situations.
MU7A {Name} has a strong understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {Her,His} knowledge in all situations, both
practically on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU7B {Name} has a solid understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and reading
the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {Her,His} knowledge in most situations, both practically
on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU7C {Name} has a sound understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {Her,His} knowledge in some situations, both
practically on the keyboard and theoretically.
MU7D {Name} has limited understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and reading
the stave. {She,He} required assistance to demonstrate {Her,His} knowledge, both practically on the
keyboard and theoretically.
MU7E {Name} has little understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and reading
the stave. {Her,His} was not able to demonstrate this knowledge practically on the keyboard or in
theoretical situations.
NUPVA {Name} has an excellent understanding of place value to *****
NUPVB {Name} has a good understanding of place value to ****.

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Comment Bank List

Group Description: Other Learning Areas

Category Description: Other

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ADA {Name} created a full page magazine advertisement using 'Microsoft Publisher'. {She,He} used the
appropriate tools available within the program to manipulate layout, colours and graphics. {Her,His}
final product was outstanding.
ADB {Name} created a full page magazine advertisement using 'Microsoft Publisher'. {She,He} used the
appropriate tools available within the program to manipulate layout, colours and graphics. {Her,His}
final presentation was of a high standard.
ADC {Name} created a full page magazine advertisement using 'Microsoft Publisher'. {She,He} used the
appropriate tools available within the program to manipulate layout, colours and graphics.
ADD {Name} did not complete an advertisement using 'Microsoft Publisher'.
ANIMA {Name} worked within a group to complete a short animation using 'Microsoft Movie Maker'. {She,He}
completed a colourful and detailed storyboard in 'Paint' and wrote a detailed script for the animation.
{She,He} demonstrated excellent leadership skills within the group environment.
ANIMB {Name} worked within a group to complete a short animation using 'Microsoft Movie Maker'. {She,He}
completed a colourful and detailed storyboard in 'Paint' and wrote a script for the animation. {She,He}
demonstrated good team skills within the group environment.
ANIMC {Name} worked within a group to complete a short animation using 'Microsoft Movie Maker'. {She,He}
completed a storyboard in 'Paint' and wrote a script for the animation. {She,He} was able to work
constructively within the group environment.
ANIMD {Name} had difficulty working within a group to complete a short animation using 'Microsoft Movie
EM5A {Name} has demonstrated excellent skills when using email. {She,He} is acutely aware of {Her,His}
responsibility to use {Her,His} account in a safe and ethical manner. {Name} can add a signature to
{Her,His} email and successfully send an attachment.
EM5B {Name} has demonstrated good skills when using email. {She,He} is aware of {Her,His} responsibility
to use {Her,His} account in a safe and ethical manner. {She,He} can add a signature to {Her,His}
email and successfully send an attachment.
EM5C {Name} has demonstrated adequate skills when using email. {She,He} is aware of {Her,His}
responsibility to use {Her,His} account in a safe and ethical manner.
FGA {Name} made appropriate choices when selecting foods from the five food groups for inclusion in a
healthy lunchbox. {She,He} was able to choose correct proportions from each food group and
{Her,His} overall design was of a very high standard.
FGB {Name} made appropriate choices when selecting foods from the five food groups for inclusion in a
healthy lunchbox. {She,He} was able to choose correct proportions from each food group and
{Her,His} overall design was of a high standard.
FGC {Name} made appropriate choices when selecting foods from the five food groups for inclusion in a
healthy lunchbox. {She,He} was able to choose correct proportions from each food group and
{Her,His} overall design was of a sound standard.
FGD {Name} required guidance to make appropriate choices when selecting foods from the five food
groups for inclusion in a healthy lunchbox. {She,He} was able to choose some correct proportions
from each food group.
FGE {Name} required assistance when selecting foods from the five food groups for inclusion in a healthy
lunchbox. {She,He} failed to incorporate correct proportions from each food group.
G5A {Name} has created a table of sports information and then used it to generate a bar graph
incorporating colour to enhance the overall look. {Her,His} final presentation was of a very high

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H7A {Name} has demonstrated a very comprehensive knowledge and understanding of concepts studied
in Health lessons this term. {She,He} can independently identify practices that improve physical
health and wellbeing. {Name} is able to consistently name and locate major muscle groups of the
human body and match physical activities to target these muscles.
H7B {Name} has demonstrated a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of concepts studied in
Health lessons this term. {She,He} can identify practices that improve physical health and wellbeing.
{Name} is able to name and locate most major muscle groups of the human body and match physical
activities to target these muscles.
H7C {Name} has demonstrated a sound knowledge and understanding of concepts studied in Health
lessons this term. {She,He} can identify practices that improve physical health and wellbeing. {Name}
is able to name and locate some major muscle groups of the human body and match physical
activities to target these muscles.
H7D {Name} has demonstrated an improving knowledge and understanding of concepts studied in Health
lessons this term. {She,He} can identify practices that improve physical health and wellbeing. {Name}
is able to name and locate a few major muscle groups of the human body and match physical
activities to target these muscles.
H7E {Name} has demonstrated a limited knowledge and understanding of concepts studied in Health
lessons this term. {She,He} needed support to identify practices that improve physical health and
wellbeing. {Name} required assistance to name and locate major muscle groups of the human body
and match physical activities to target these muscles.
HP2A After learning about the healthy food pyramid and the different food groups students were asked to
design a healthy meal. {Name} has demonstrated an extensive knowledge of all five food groups by
incorporating appropriate quantities of each group to create a balanced meal.
HP2B After learning about the healthy food pyramid and the different food groups students were asked to
design a healthy meal. {Name} has demonstrated a good knowledge of all five food groups by mostly
incorporating appropriate quantities of each group to create a balanced meal.
HP2C After learning about the healthy food pyramid and the different food groups students were asked to
design a healthy meal. {Name} has demonstrated a sound knowledge of all five food groups by
incorporating some appropriate quantities of each group to create a balanced meal.
HP2D After learning about the healthy food pyramid and the different food groups students were asked to
design a healthy meal. {Name} has demonstrated a limited knowledge of the five food groups by not
incorporating appropriate quantities of each group to create a balanced meal.
HP2E After learning about the healthy food pyramid and the different food groups students were asked to
design a healthy meal. {Name} had difficulty identifying the five food groups or what would be
appropriate quantities to create a balanced meal.
IN6A {Name} independently created a detailed planning web in the program 'Inspiration' based on the topic
[Government]. {She,He} used information found on the internet to create comprehensive notes to be
used in class. {Name} independently chose appropriate graphics and changed lines, shapes and
background features.
IN6B {Name} created a planning web in the program 'Inspiration' based on the topic [Government].
{She,He} used information found on the internet to create notes to be used in class. {Name} chose
graphics and changed lines, shapes and background features.
IN6C {Name} created a planning web in the program 'Inspiration' based on the topic [Government].
{She,He} used information found on the internet to create notes to be used in class. {Name} chose
some graphics and changed some format features such as lines, shapes and background.
IN6D {Name} had difficulty completing a planning web in 'Inspiration'.
M1A {Name} was able to effectively demonstrate {Her,His} understanding of beat, rhythm and the basic
music elements of pitch and tempo. {She,He} was able to apply this knowledge in all situations.
M1B {Name} demonstrated a solid understanding of beat, rhythm and the basic music elements of pitch
and tempo. {She,He} was able to apply this knowledge in the majority of situations.
M1D {Name} demonstrated a limited understanding of beat, rhythm and the basic music elements of pitch
and tempo. {She,He} required assistance in applying this knowledge in different situations.
M2C {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of beat, rhythm and the basic music elements of pitch
and tempo. {She,He} was able to apply this knowledge in some situations.
M2E {Name} was unable to demonstrate an understanding of beat, rhythm and the basic music elements
of pitch and tempo.

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M4A {Name} has an excellent understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {Her,His} knowledge in all situations, both
theoretically and practically on the keyboard.
M4B {Name} has a solid understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and reading
the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {Her,His} knowledge in most situations, both
theoretically and practically on the keyboard.
M4C {Name} has a sound understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} was able to demonstrate {Her,His} knowledge in some situations, both
theoretically and practically on the keyboard.
M4D {Name} has a limited understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and
reading the stave. {She,He} required assistance to demonstrate {Her,His} knowledge, both
theoretically and practically on the keyboard.
M7WA {Name} demonstrated a clear understanding of word setting. {She,He} was able to identify the
accents in word couplets at all times. {Name} was able to assign effective rhythms to each syllable.
M7WB {Name} demonstrated a good understanding of word setting. {She,He} was able to identify accents in
word couplets most of the time. {Name} was able to assign rhythms to each syllable.
M7WC {Name} demonstrated a sound understanding of word setting. {She,He} was able to identify the
accents in word couplets. {Name} was able to assign rhythms to most syllables.
M7WD {Name} demonstrated little understanding of word setting. Even with assistance {She,He} had great
difficulty identifying accents in word couplets. {Name} was unable to assign rhythms to syllables.
MAA {Name} has demonstrated a very comprehensive ability to accurately, both aurally and visually,
recognise the rhythmic and melodic concepts taught.
MAB {Name} has demonstrated a comprehensive ability to accurately aurally and visually recognize the
rhythmic and melodic concepts taught.
MAC {Name} has demonstrated a satisfactory ability to accurately, both aurally and visually, recognise the
rhythmic and melodic concepts taught.
MAD {Name} has demonstrated a limited ability to accurately, both aurally and visually, recognize the
rhythmic and melodic concepts taught.
MAE {Name} has demonstrated a very limited ability to accurately aurally and visually recognize the
rhythmic and melodic concepts taught.
MB10 {Name} has much potential, but poor behaviour choices have limited {Her,His} progress in many skill
areas this semester.
MB11 {Name} refuses to participate in music lessons.
MB12 {Name}'s frequent absences have affected {Her,His} results this semester.
MB8 {Name} has not yet grasped some concepts in music lessons.
MB9 {Name} is easily distracted and in turn distracts others.
MOA1 {Name} can proficiently read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic concepts taught
and is able to consistently demonstrate these skills independently.
MOA2 {Name} can competently and accurately read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic
elements appropriate for this level.
MOB1 {Name} can capably read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic concepts taught and
is able to consistently demonstrate these skills.
MOB2 {Name} can accurately read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic elements
appropriate for this level.
MOC1 {Name} can satisfactorily read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic concepts
MOC2 {Name} can satisfactorily read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic elements
appropriate for this level.
MOD1 With assistance {Name} can read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic concepts
MOD2 {Name} has difficulty reading, writing, performing and creating using rhythmic and melodic elements
appropriate for this level.
MOE1 {Name} is not able to read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic concepts taught.

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MOE2 {Name} is not able to read, write, perform and create using rhythmic and melodic elements
appropriate for this level.
MPA1 {Name} sings confidently with accuracy and musicality at all times.
MPA2 {Name} consistently demonstrates a very highly developed level of skill when playing the recorder
and is able to play independently and in an ensemble with accuracy.
MPA3 {Name} performs with accuracy and musicality and is very confident when demonstrating skills
individually and in an ensemble.
MPB1 {Name} sings confidently and in tune.
MPB2 {Name} demonstrates a highly developed level of skill when playing the recorder and is able to play
independently and in an ensemble.
MPB3 {Name} performs with accuracy and confidence when demonstrating skills individually and in an
MPC1 {Name} demonstrates the ability to sing in tune in a group situation.
MPC2 {Name} demonstrates a satisfactory level of skill when playing the recorder.
MPC3 {Name} demonstrates a satisfactory level of skill when performing.
MPD1 {Name} demonstrates limited skills when playing the recorder.
MPD2 {Name} is able to perform a simple repertoire with assistance.
MPD3 {Name} experiences difficulty when performing.
MPE1 {Name} demonstrates very limited skills when playing the recorder.
MPE2 {Name} demonstrates very limited skills when performing.
MPE3 {Name} refuses to perform.
MPG1 {Name} enjoys playing the recorder.
MPG2 {Name} loves to sing and performs with enthusiasm.
MRA2 {Name} has demonstrated a very comprehensive ability to accurately read and write music using the
rhythmic and melodic concepts taught.
MRB2 {Name} has demonstrated a thorough ability to accurately read and write music using the rhythmic
and melodic concepts taught.
MRC2 {Name} has demonstrated a satisfactory ability to accurately read and write music using the rhythmic
and melodic concepts taught.
MRD2 {Name} has demonstrated a limited ability to accurately read and write music using the rhythmic and
melodic concepts taught.
MRE2 {Name} has demonstrated a very limited ability to accurately read and write music using the rhythmic
and melodic concepts taught.
MU3A {Name} was able to effectively demonstrate effectively {Her,His} understanding of beat, rhythm and
the basic music elements of pitch, tempo and dynamics. {She,He} was able to apply this knowledge
in all situations.
MU3B {Name} demonstrated a solid understanding of beat, rhythm, and the basic music elements of pitch,
tempo and dynamics. {She,He} was able to apply this knowledge in the majority of situations.
MU3D {Name} demonstrated a limited understanding of beat, rhythm, and the basic music elements of pitch,
tempo and dynamics. {She,He} required assistance in applying this knowledge in different situations.
MU3E {Name} was unable to demonstrate an understanding of beat, rhythm, and the basic music elements
of pitch, tempo and dynamics.
MU5E {Name} has little understanding of basic music elements including note values, rhythm and reading
the stave. {She,He} was not able to demonstrate this knowledge practically on the keyboard or in
theoretical situations.
MUB1 {Name} enthusiastically joins in singing games and activities.
MUB2 {Name} has achieved consistent results and demonstrated a positive attitude in all music lessons.
MUB3 {Name} works with interest and enthusiasm in all musical activities.
MUB4 {Name} can work well but {She,He} needs prompting to participate in music lessons.
MUB5 {Name} works to the best of {Her,His} ability at all times.
MUB6 {Name} enjoys participating in music lessons.

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MW1A {Name} created a booklet in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} designed a title page and applied a modified
'Word Art' headline which instantly captured the reader's attention. {Name} placed a creative caption,
incorporating style and colour, on each page. {She,He} inserted a relevant picture on each page
which {She,He} positioned and resized to enhance meaning. {Name} chose an appropriate border
which was visually appealing.
MW1B {Name} created a booklet in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} designed a title page and applied a modified
'Word Art' headline which captured the reader's attention. {Name} placed a caption, incorporating
style and colour, on each page. {She,He} inserted a relevant picture on each page which {She,He}
positioned to enhance meaning. {Name} chose an appropriate border which was visually appealing.
MW1C {Name} created a booklet in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} designed a title page and added a 'Word Art'
headline. {Name} placed a caption, incorporating style and colour, on each page. {She,He} inserted a
picture and added a border on the pages.
MW1D With support, {Name} created a booklet in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} designed a title page and
added a 'Word Art' headline. {Name} placed a caption, incorporating style and colour, on each page.
{She,He} inserted a picture on each page and added a border on the pages.
MW2B {Name} created a colourful picture of an insect in 'Paint' and copied and pasted it into a 'Microsoft
Word' document. {She,He} correctly used text boxes to label all parts of {Her,His} insect.
MW2C {Name} created a picture of an insect, in 'Paint' and copied and pasted it into a 'Microsoft Word'
document. {She,He} used text boxes to label different parts of {Her,His} insect.
MW5A {Name} independently created a colourful and detailed diagram of a rollercoaster in 'Paint' and
inserted it into a 'Microsoft Word' document. {She,He} correctly formatted text boxes and AutoShapes
to label all parts of {Her,His} rollercoaster.
MW5B {Name} created a colourful diagram of a rollercoaster in 'Paint' and inserted it into a 'Microsoft Word'
document. {She,He} correctly formatted text boxes and AutoShapes to label parts of {Her,His}
MW5C {Name} created a diagram of a rollercoaster in 'Paint' and inserted it into a 'Microsoft Word'
document. {She,He} correctly formatted text boxes and AutoShapes to label parts of {Her,His}
MW5D With support, {Name} created a diagram of a rollercoaster in 'Paint' and inserted it into a 'Microsoft
Word' document. {She,He} used text boxes and AutoShapes to label different parts of {Her,His}
OR4A {Name} accurately identified all the instrumental families of The Orchestra, including naming all the
instruments in each section. {She,He} independently labelled a diagram of the arrangement of The
Orchestra, correctly indicating the position of all instruments.
OR4B {Name} accurately identified the majority of the instrumental families of The Orchestra, including
naming most of the instruments in each section. {She,He} labelled a diagram of the arrangement of
The Orchestra, correctly indicating the position of most of the instruments.
OR4C {Name} identified some of the instrumental families of The Orchestra, including naming some of the
instruments in each section. {She,He} labelled a diagram of the arrangement of The Orchestra,
correctly indicating the position of some of the instruments.
OR4D {Name} had difficulty identifying the instrumental families of The Orchestra, including naming the
instruments in each section. {She,He} labelled a diagram of the arrangement of The Orchestra, but
was only able to correctly indicate the position of a few instruments.
OR4E {Name} was unable to identify any of the instrumental families of The Orchestra, or name the
instruments in each section. Even with assistance {She,He} was unable to label a diagram of the
arrangement of The Orchestra to indicate the position of the instruments.
PAINT1 {Name} has been shown how to log onto the computer and open 'Microsoft Paint' to create a picture.
PH7A {Name} completed an exceptional portfolio using 'Microsoft PowerPoint' with photos {She,He} had
taken with accompanying critiques. {She,He} included information about the history of cameras and a
comparison between digital and film photography. {Name} included background colours, custom
animation and slide transitions which complemented the completed portfolio.
PH7B {Name} completed a pleasing portfolio in 'Microsoft PowerPoint' with photos {She,He} had taken with
accompanying critiques. {She,He} included information about the history of cameras and a
comparison between digital and film photography. {Name} also included some features such as
background colours and animations.

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PH7C {Name} completed a satisfactory portfolio in 'Microsoft PowerPoint' with photos {She,He} had taken
with accompanying critique. {She,He} included information about the history of cameras and a
comparison between digital and film photography.
PH7D {Name} did not complete {Her,His} portfolio with photos {She,He} had taken with accompanying
PPT34A {Name} is able to produce an effective slideshow in 'PowerPoint' including features such as
backgrounds, colours and clipart.
PPT34C {Name} is able to produce a simple slideshow in 'PowerPoint' including some features such as
backgrounds, colours and clipart.
PPT4B Using 'Microsoft PowerPoint'. {Name} can create slides, add backgrounds, and insert clip art and text
boxes into {Her,His} presentations. {She,He} can also customise {Her,His} 'PowerPoint' with
animations and slide transitions.
PPT4C Using 'Microsoft PowerPoint' {Name} can create slides, add backgrounds, and insert clip-art and text
boxes into {Her,His} presentations.
PPT5B Using 'Microsoft PowerPoint' {Name} can create slides, add backgrounds, and insert clip art and text
boxes. {She,He} can also customise {Her,His} PowerPoint with animations and slide transitions.
PPT5C Using 'Microsoft PowerPoint' {Name} can create slides, add backgrounds, and insert clip art and text
PS1A {Name} created a digital story about ***** by manipulating a variety of tools in 'Paint' to create a range
of appealing pictures. {She,He} independently imported the pictures into 'Photostory' and added a
variety of text to complement them. {Name} independently recorded {Her,His} voice to complete the
PS1B {Name} created a digital story about ***** by manipulating a variety of tools in 'Paint' to create a range
of pictures. {She,He} imported the pictures into 'Photostory' and added text to complement them.
{Name} recorded {Her,His} voice to complete the story.
PS1C {Name} created a digital story about ****** by manipulating a variety of tools in 'Paint' to create
pictures. With some support {She,He} imported the pictures into 'Photostory' and added text to
complement them. {Name} recorded {Her,His} voice to complete the story.
PS1D {Name} created a digital story about ****** by drawing in 'Paint' to create pictures. With support
{She,He} imported the pictures, into 'Photostory' and added text. With assistance {Name} recorded
{Her,His} voice to complete the story.
PS7A {Name} selected thought provoking and appropriate photos and images to create a digital story about
{Her,His} primary school years. {She,He} independently imported these images into the program
'Photostory' and added a variety of text to complement the pictures. {Name} independently recorded
{Her,His} voice and selected appropriate music to personalise {Her,His} story.
PS7B {Name} selected appropriate photos and images to create a digital story about {Her,His} primary
school years. {She,He} independently imported these images into the program 'Photostory' and
added text to complement the pictures. {Name} recorded {Her,His} voice and selected appropriate
music to personalise {Her,His} story.
PS7C {Name} selected appropriate photos and images to create a digital story about {Her,His} primary
school years. With some support, {She,He} imported these images into the program 'Photostory' and
added some text to complement the pictures. {Name} recorded {Her,His} voice and selected music to
personalise {Her,His} story.
PS7D {Name} did not select appropriate photos and images to complete a digital story about {Her,His}
primary school years.
PUB {Name} has learnt about the simple functions available in Microsoft Publisher such as Clipart, Word
Art and formatting boxes.
PUB2A {Name} created a [Poster/document] in Microsoft Publisher. {She,He} thoughtfully applied a modified
'Word Art' headline which instantly captured the reader's attention. {Name} inserted a photo, which
{She,He} took, and positioned it to enhance meaning. {She,He} added a creative caption,
incorporating style and colour, to the page. {Name} chose an appropriate border which was visually
PUB2B {Name} created a [Poster/document] in 'Microsoft Publisher' by applying a modified 'Word Art'
headline which captured the reader's attention. {Name} inserted a photo, which {She,He} took, and
positioned it to enhance meaning. {She,He} added a caption, incorporating style and colour, to the
page. {Name} chose an appropriate border which was visually appealing.

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PUB2C {Name} created a [Poster/document] in 'Microsoft Publisher' by applying a 'Word Art' headline.
{She,He} inserted a photo, which {She,He} took, and added a border. {Name} placed a caption,
incorporating style and colour, on the page.
PUB2D With support, {Name} created a [Poster/document] in 'Microsoft Publisher' by applying a 'Word Art'
headline. {She,He} inserted a photo, which {She,He} took, and added a border. {Name} placed a
caption, incorporating style and colour, on the page.
PUB3B {Name} used a template in 'Microsoft Publisher' to create a colourful brochure about [******]. {She,He}
used Word Art to insert pictures and change text. {She,He} also added border art and background
colours to the document.
PUB3C {Name} used a template in 'Microsoft Publisher' to create a brochure about [******]. {She,He} used
'Word Art' to insert pictures and change the text within the document.
RH3A {Name} can accurately and consistently remember and write the rhythms of a song. {She,He} can
consistently recognise rhythms that are clapped and represent them using appropriate notations.
RH3AB {Name} can accurately remember and write the majority of rhythms of a song. {She,He} can
recognise rhythms that are clapped and represent them using appropriate notations.
RH3C {Name} can remember and write parts of the rhythms of a song. {She,He} can sometimes recognise
rhythms that are clapped and represent them using appropriate notations.
RH3D {Name} needs assistance remembering and writing the rhythms of a song. {She,He} needs
assistance recognising rhythms that are clapped and represent them using appropriate notations.
RH3E {Name} is unable to remember the rhythms of a song and write them. {She,He} is unable to recognise
rhythms that are clapped or represent them using appropriate notations.
RH4A {Name} can consistently identify rhythms and understands the construction of beats. {She,He} can
identify a canon and effectively hold an individual part in a vocal group.
RH4B {Name} can identify rhythms and understands the construction of beats. {She,He} can identify a
canon and hold an individual part in a vocal group.
RH4C {Name} can sometimes identify rhythms and understands the construction of beats. {She,He} can
identify a canon and hold an individual part for the majority of the time in a vocal group.
RH4D {Name} needs assistance in identifying rhythms and understanding the construction of beats.
{She,He} can identify a canon but has difficulty holding an individual part in a vocal group.
RH4E {Name} is unable to identify rhythms and has difficulty understanding the construction of beats.
{She,He} can identify a canon but is unable to hold an individual part in a vocal group.
RH7A {Name} has demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of concepts taught through {Her,His}
ability to write an effective and flowing composition. {She,He} consistently demonstrated bar
construction, beat and rhythm knowledge, and stave structure for a rhythmic piece.
RH7B {Name} has demonstrated a solid understanding of concepts taught through {Her,His} ability to write
a flowing composition. {She,He} demonstrated bar construction, beat and rhythm knowledge, and
stave structure for a rhythmic piece.
RH7C {Name} has demonstrated a sound understanding of concepts taught through {Her,His} ability to write
a composition. {She,He} demonstrated bar construction, beat and rhythm knowledge, and stave
structure for a rhythmic piece.
RH7D {Name} had difficulty demonstrating {Her,His} understanding of concepts taught when writing
{Her,His} composition. {She,He} needed assistance demonstrating bar construction, beat and rhythm
knowledge, and stave structure for a rhythmic piece.
RH7E {Name} was unable to demonstrate {Her,His} understanding of concepts taught through {Her,His}
inability to write a composition. {She,He} was unable to demonstrate bar construction, beat and
rhythm knowledge, and stave structure for a rhythmic piece.
SW7A Using 'Inspiration', {Name} created a planning web (minimum of 5 areas) with notes, graphics and
other format features. {She,He} then used those notes to create a PowerPoint with hyperlinks using
appropriate colour, graphics and other format tools.
SW7B Using 'Inspiration', {Name} created a planning web (minimum of 5 areas) with notes and graphics.
{She,He} then used those notes to create a PowerPoint with hyperlinks using appropriate colour and
SW7C Using 'Inspiration', {Name} created a planning web (minimum of 4 areas) with notes. {She,He} then
used those notes to create a PowerPoint with hyperlinks.
SW7D {Name} had difficulty completing a planning web using 'Inspiration'. {She,He} was unable to use
information from the planning web to create a PowerPoint.
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WORD1 {Name} has learnt how to change font and text size in 'Microsoft Word'.
WORD2 {Name} has learnt how to change fonts, text size, and insert clipart into {Her,His} work in 'Microsoft
WORDA {Name} is able to create a table in 'Microsoft Word' and independently insert information into it.
{She,He} can change the box and line colour and alter the size and shape of the table. {Name} can
also format other features such as line and page design.
WORDA4 {Name} is able to create a table in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} is able to choose the correct number of
rows and columns and input data into the cells. {Name} is able to independently change the font,
colour and size of the text and format the lines and background of the table.
WORDB {Name} is able to create a table in 'Microsoft Word' and insert information into it. {She,He} can
change the box and line colour and alter the size and shape of the table.
WORDB1 {Name} has learnt to type sentences in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} is able to highlight words and
change the font, colour and size of the text. {Name} can also use the shift button to add capitals to
WORDB2 {Name} is able to create a table in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} is able to choose the correct number of
rows and columns and input data into the cells. {She,He} is able to change the font, colour and size of
the text.
WORDC {Name} is able to create a table in Microsoft Word and insert information into it.
WORDC1 {Name} has learnt to type sentences in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} is able to highlight words and
change the font, colour and size. With support, {She,He} can also use the shift button to add capitals
to words.
WORDC2 {Name} has learnt to type sentences in a 'Microsoft Word' document. {She,He} is able to highlight
words and change the font, colour and size of text. {Name} can also use the shift button to add
capitals to words.
WORDC4 {Name} is able to create a table in 'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} was able to choose the correct number
of rows and columns and input data into the cells.
WORDD4 {Name} had difficulty creating a table in 'Microsoft Word'.
WRDAPA {Name} independently completed a graphic plan of {Her,His} Australian poster using autoshapes in
'Microsoft Word'. {She,He} chose appropriate colours and shapes.
WRDAPB {Name} completed a graphic plan of {Her,His} Australian poster using autoshapes in 'Microsoft Word'.
{She,He} chose appropriate colours and shapes.
WRDAPC {Name} completed a graphic plan of {Her,His} Australian poster using autoshapes in 'Microsoft Word'.
WRDAPD {Name} had difficulty completing a graphic plan of {Her,His} Australian poster in 'Microsoft Word'.

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