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‘Congesnent Che 056 THe CORNERSTONE. October 2016 Sindy Sooa-990 Moder Unies hee at Chit ‘Ematmndersceainan nt TE ers ar Be ean ort 080 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 2m sandy onda o | Fee] an (cote a1 credo] wmeonan | | este |) temer anh yor = (parts a i 9 10 i 12 13 14 15 atest Ortnaytion —_| cours | TOBE] caman | coe sey [tate romana —]] 9 | LSE ]) Sem) nee sae | [rae = 16 17 ‘(18 [19 [20 |27_ [22 200 Sunde rani von | gee] om | te — at, | PRR) oe | ce ry Sona 25 [26 |27 [28 [29 cotta an) st] ok Fallon } 30 ee | Don't you just get tired of “all” this talk about money? Is that allthis church and Pastor Brian is interested in? Well, I can tell you for sure money is not on the top of my list, but we are in the ‘midst of what I hope is an edueational time about why it's important to give to your church, why God commands us to give, and then what exactly happens with those gifts. This musings is borrowed heavily from an article written by Kenn Edwards in 2014. You work hard for your money, and you feel like you deserve everything you get. Did you ever stop to think who gave you the power to make money? God did. What about your health? Most of us have been blessed with health so we can go to work every day and bring home a paycheck. Is, God responsible for that toc? Who gave you the intelligence to do your job? God? “The Bible says Its God who gives us the strength, knowledge, and ability to earn a living. "But you shall remember the LORD your God, for itis He who is giving you power to make wealth, ‘that He may confirm His covenant...” (Deuteronomy 8:18, NASB). ‘The church needs money to operate. Just like you need an income to pay your électrie, water and gas bills, the church needs money to pay its bills too. When you give you are helping your local church care for people in your community. That's why your chureh needs your nancial support. What does our church do? Weddings, funerals, Sunday worship, Sunday schoo}, confirma youth programs (Group 3:16 & Good News club), visits to shut in, visits to people who are sick and/or in hospital, marriage counseling, place for Boy Scouts and MOPS to meet, place for our area food pantry, support our youth who choose to go to church camp, scholarships for seniors, money for TC teachers to bry school supplies, sponsoring a Christmas family, helping people in need with emergency money for food/gas/lodging, providing an example in our small community ‘of what God's love is like. And that’s not all folks. None ofthis happens without your support. How much should I give? ‘Throughout the Old Testament we commonly see a reference to the tithe. Some people say in the ‘New Testament, under the «ge of grace, that we should give even more than the 10% tithe of the (Old Testament. ‘The real question is, how much do you want to be blessed? Some people give much more because they know God will bless them for their obedience. I's not a give to receive type of arrangement. tis more like, give and trust God to abundantly pour out His blessings on your family. God will bless you in ways that are far more important than money, but we must walk in obedience to enjoy those blessings. Faithfulness is the key in giving. Isn'tit my money? ‘Some would say, "I's mine. I ean spend my money anyway I want.” Actually, if God is the provider, then we become the manager of everything He has put into our hands. As His servants, ur job i to use those resources wisely. Doing,so will bless our families and provide for God's, Kingdom work too. Yes, money can be a sensitive topie in the church today. Could it be that we feel uncomfortable ‘because we are not walkingin obedience with our giving? Discover the joy of giving. Take a step of faith and watch God work in yout lif. It won't happen. overnight, but you will learr to trust Him as you give. Then you will see those blessings flow ‘through your life. Events in our Church Life October 5~ Group 3:16, Minden, 6-7:30 October 9 - Ham Dinner 11:00 — 1:30 October 11 -MOPS, 6-7:30 October 12 - Good News Club, 4~ 5:00 Octeber 19 ~ Group 3:16, Neola, 6-7:30 weather, please check the Web Site. Facebook. E-mails will be sent, or gqclieck your local radio and _television stations. October Scripture Readings October 2—Lementations 1:1-16, Lamentations 3:19-26 or Psalm 137 or Hoabaklenk 1-4, 2:1-4, Psalm 37:1-9, 2 Timothy 1:1-14, Luke 1735-10 October 9- Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7, Psalm 66:1-12 or 2 Kings $:1-3, 7-156, Psalm 111, 2 Timothy 2:8-15, Luke 17:11-19 October 16 ~ Jeremish 31:27-34, Psalm 119:97-104 or Genesis 32:22-31, Psalm 121, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, Luke 18:1-8 October 23 — Joel 223-32, Psalm 65 or Sirach 35:12-17 o Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22, Psalm 841-7, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18, Luke 18:9-14 October 30 ~ Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-146 of Isaiah 1:10-18, alm 32:1-7, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 October Usher List November Usher List October 2.2016 N 1 Amy Andersen, Kyle & Sara Amold,, Richard & Vivian Dau, Carolyn Siebels ‘Tom & Michelle Nelson October 9.2016 Novem Ellie Brazeal, Sydney Murley David Storjohann, Carroll Olsen October 16,2016 Novernber 20, 2016 Jerry & Amanda Murley ‘Dave Fischer & Mona McDonald otaher 25,2016 ove yan oder Tin Decor Rock tbe 20,2016 Richard & Allison Maassen Dinner Roll Lettuce Salad ZZ Baked Potato Desserts Green Beans ay anne October 9, 2016 11:30 - 1:00 Minden United Church of Christ Parking Lot Fundraiser - Freewill Donation Sa It's time to start thinking of items you wish to donate to the Annual He) Church Sale ‘ November 20, 2016 Tn an effort to keep the church family informed of our church finances, here is some information about how our finances look to date compared to last year. Income Borrowed Expenses 2015 $46,797 $7,700 $74,282 2016 Souzu $13,500 $69,086 Good news: income up almost $5,000 from last year, and that truly is fantastiot Expenses are down, but that is a little deceiving because last year the repair of the bellow tower and narthex were included in expenses. Ifyou take those repairs out the ‘expenses are about the same or a little more. ‘The church has borrowed more because ‘we started the year with approximately $2754 to the good from the church sale as ‘compared to starting 2015 with $6382. Boiled down: Giving up, expenses up, we've borrowed more because we started with less and the summer giving was way down this year. We need to continue to be conscious and prayerful about our giving to the church, ‘As you can see trends are both good and bad so let’s be purposeful and consistent in our support ‘Minden UCC Church Board Church Photo Directory ‘The dates and times for photos to be taken for the church directory will be November 13th 5 from 2:30 - 7:00 and November 14th from 4:00 - 9:00 | | Sign up sheets and more information will be coming soon. | Why | chose this ChUrCh....whie starting fariy we went t Oakland for church because thats wherelgrew up. Itwas ok but tthe kindof people or sermons realy wanted. My neighbor that babysat my kis suggested Minden. My husband grew up inthis church. why not. The best decison of my fe. 1 asjust aback pew mother with 3 ite ones. trying to get something cut of the sermon, Forte mos part, dnt but knew keeping with it wastop pity in my fe. Aste ids went o Sunday choo! and vacation ible School found myself. Arla Danker and Eine Olsen asked tobe on the bond adit was the best thing that happened to me. {became more iwohed inthe busine f the church Knowing the business of the church was so important to me.I’ not ust giving when you ee ike It,because found out the sl sil come in, {found that had to tthe that made sense tothe business part ofthe church. Sometes thin that's net the way Gad wanted our tithing tobe like, But what this church has given me... needed to give me back tothe church, Cleaning the church, cooking meals for others, being a mentor, caching Sunday school and vacation Bible schoo, being a Sunday schoo! ‘superintendent, planting flowers, sal coating the driveway, panting inside and out of the church with the kids or with other adults was so important then and now. and stil gives me a sine of belonging and boeing. ‘What would have done f did't have this church??? ell you would have been a lost sul. very lost, \Withthe pastors that have heen here.allof them gave me since of being. Wit hat kind of feeling you know youre in the right place. Why do I continue to be part ofthis church physically, emotional, and financially? Because kxow it sight for me and my soul when I walk through the doors of Minden United Church of Christ. want this church to be around for many, many years. My husband and kids ‘arew up here. basicaly grew up here nmy adult years. | will continue to gve to my church tothe best ‘of my ability unt tant give anymore ove where | have landed and wil tay. love where this church has come from and where itis going. am so00o happy tobe here.what about your? sn rau | Fm clean! —— ech ep Narr Sebel te heer | Se a ar wes onlin en “There's one entry which thou hast nce made, Satan,” | Tse dotinint stories | nine erie ek at shy Tier Se ee eee ote ieee You'rx nxxexd! van hgh my awe an ded works sic wl” seapt front lay Th many ci) ila ie woke! ply. Tetra hata bys | work goat, bat jst onx xy noe wodking mals 3 hngx | Berner ‘Sects our chuth ems cc ay pews — not | allt lay people work You enya en yours," Wal, Ta jase oe soda aot oa th church Bc ic as alc big difienxbsea chat ob ‘ftv, nah dx ate pattie rey psn, 6, dh ecu oa ant say mamas ay sper nd yt esl Tm ay so nth ceagegation, and im add vy mach~ | Puzzje! Unscramble each et of ets to | ‘spel ie name ofa cunt 4. onuRonns 8 miexRMe erred yf Kama suman g ‘ursconporr 2 pumpig'9 eReuY & Sem ‘dongs esha euneg areas Lee Kettrg te iniging nkof gel Bess capsid dese gare tas Sha Witte al Zinc ncn ‘A Men tees CBee Bok Cue POL 25 HURL ASA ye AE Y BY Special dates + Word Canenonon und, Oe 2, 2016 ‘Reformation Sua, Oa 30, 2016 ‘Retain Duy, clr 3, 2078 aes a em ie soit wo) Subscribers can dawnload these ietivites fram.nor wessite www, “Néivsletter... Wer” ACTIVITIES PAGE VOLUME 38, RUMBER 10 FRIENDSHIP \Ahll uN ere ‘besa ed What you need: ‘Paper and a *Setsoes * Cardboard + Alumingm el Tape Acrylic pine (ed es ae oa Attend hat you do 1, Traces palmsied heart inthe center ofthe paper Gat out the heart to use asaencl, 2, Cover the cardboard with foil Tape the hearescenil, in che enter 3, Fillin the heart "bole" with ed paine Let dy Remove stencil 4, Cover your hand with Blue pang and make a hand: print o one side ofthe hace. Cover your friend's hand with green paineand have him or her make 3 hrandprine co the acher side of the heare, Let dy 5, Write "FRIENDS" at the top. 6. Onthe back, tape eine tomakes hanger rotor) sage eam ten tiardernedo rks tnt OSM ee corse es Coen 1. Better than; thymes with crater: _ 2. Opposite of hate: _ 3. Opposite of yes: 4.Throe minus two: .Not____but that; hymes with hiss: —_ 6. To place something down tymes with say: __ 7. Opposite of up: 8. Opposite of death 9. Bost buds: for one's SOHN 15:18, NIV AN FST wot -9puRS poy ap so sop foo} any an0 OU oT AAI, ML otra MINDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Balance a Bank August 1.2016 Income: Envelopes & Lowe Oferins ‘Sundry Schoo {Lm from Bank Fin Renal “Tanfe fiom VBS. ee Cream Social Ccofte Hour Misestnneoust Fun Days Funerals Welling Tata home Expenses: ‘OOWM Salaries ‘Travel Expose ‘cas for Fun Daye Supplies for Fun ays ‘Minden Lite League Worship Suppies Socal Security — Pastor Worship Supp lies ~ Care Posse Office Supplies Copier CcostdianSuppis vas. ‘Chir ‘Grounds Parsonage Clustian Ea, Deparment Diet: Soe Sex= Meare Workman's Cony. ‘Transfer to Bldg Fan Miscellaneous Tosa Expenses Balance in Bank August, 2016 ‘Receipt and Expenses for tbe Month of Angst 8 190700 170 1ser.00 240 299.00 32000 406118 1ma9 125.00 moa 100.00 429 e673 s992 367 si70 23.8 45.00 s uso s97310 353.8466 8 495224 THE CORNERSTONE ‘NON-PROFIT ORG, U,S. Postage PAID MINDEN, TOWA Porait #7 Nine etch + ap. Return Service Requested | Mailed September 26, 2016 Spirit! Lovet FORGIVE! "KEEP THE SPIRIT" "BE YOURSELF" Le] : He’s everywher p= oe se ae Boge

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