Trigonometry Question Bank For IITJEE

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a (Q) @ (4) (3) (©) TI BANK If 2see? a —secta-2cosecta +eosecta 1 1 1 1 OR wz Os WG If the roots of the quadratic equation x2 44x-+B~=0 are tan30? and tan15? then the value of A-B = @)1 (b)-1 ()2 (@3 if 4=SS and x= tan A-+eot(—A) then @xrs0 x<0 ©x=0 @x20 0<4, BX ip tm A=T/, wn B= | BF it {> wn B= then the value of A + B= @> wF Ot x 6 OF 7/,, then range of cosx.cos y is @[-L 1] [21] © [-# 7 | If AAI (94) (3) (93) (F4) in + cosB = 0 then range of angle A is + then tan*e = (1) {2+,]2+,]2+2cos— 1 1 (a) ze (b) 1 Oz (d) V3 (8) cof 524) Se (a) f6+/3-—J2-2 (b) 24./2-J6- 3 (©) ¥6+/2-J3-2 @) J6-24+ f3-J2 (9) The number of solutions of cos.x+cos2x+cos3x=0, xe[0, 27] 8 (a4 (b) 5 ©) 6 (7 (10) If K [sin18" + cos36") = 5 then K = 5 ora m8 4 ws sinx _cosx _tanx AE. 05% _ SNE QQ La then i. OM aay = ck 1+bk of!) ote!) ob (12) I cosx=1-2sim?32, cp are the value of x between 0" and 360° with a < f° then @ 180) 2009p =) F109 gy Ba? (13) The minimum value of 125tan2@ + 5eot20 is (a) 5 (b) 25 (©) 125 (a) 50 (14) If A= costa + sin20, VOER then A lies in the interval [3 B (a) [1,21 \z! © lig lsin? x cos? 1 2 2 os" x sin" x I lihen A= as) |-10 1202 (a) 0 ©) 12c0s? x-10sin?x (4) 12c0s? x 6) AB— tan B< —— O wl 1 sind 1 then A lies in interval (a) [2,4] (b) [3,4] (©) (1, 4] (4) (0, 4] (4) es) (26) (27) (28) 29) If sin(120° —@) = sin(1209- py and O — bya=p (a=forarp-% @a+pno If cosO+secO=2 then cos”? 0 +see™* O = ow oa 2 @o wr exsrmenoyors ten (E22) (a) tan23f (b) tan? 4 (6) tan? 34, (a) cot? If 4co12@-16cota +15 < 0 and @ER then cota lies in the interval OFA) (0%) (5) w(K) 4 cos 5 cog 1 082% +00s4F + cost +cos = e & 7 7 @! (b) -1 o% w-% m 2452) Wx=acos0sn?0, y=asin eos? 9 and ane, Qe[0.22)) i independent of @ <[0.2.] then .. (@) 4m=5n(b) 4n-Sm_—(e) me (@) mn=20 (30) GB) (32) (G3) (34) (35). The root of the equation 2sin?0+sin? 20 = If tand—tanB =m, cot B—cotA=n then 1an(d+B) —o~ o @ + =a mn mn men mn am @ It sinxcosy=Z and 2cotx=3coty then sin (x+y) = L 5 1 5 Oe OF OF WK If ¢=tani0”, then tan70°= (©) Ix (@) 2x 2x fa) a=ee If 4=3sin’@ +3sin@.cos@+7.c0s°, then A lies in the interval (@ [2,2] w[% 3 (©) (0,10) «@) [-%4, %] UF cos(a'+ ft) =, sin (a = O (+1 @ 5 (44) (45) (46) (a7) 1B = cos A= cosB =>, 0<.4,8 <=, -B= if and 4 <3, then A-B @} wf oF We 3 5 * > Icosa = 5, cosp = 5. 0> then sin ( 64 1 3 2 @) ) oe ©) oe @ If the roots of the quadratic equation 4x°—4x+1=00s°@ is @ and pf then a+ B= a) cos 4 (b) sin? wt @) 2eos' 94 Vs scot!7 + cobs = cot”! +0t71 3+ cot 3 @F mF OF we (as) oF, OF (49) tan20°+4sin20° a e © = 4 > OF WF (50) The number of values of @ in the interval 0, 2°] satisfying the equation tan 20 tan (a4 (b) 5 6 (a7 (51) The solution of the equation tan30+cot0=0 is * @ {as +e «| (b) {kr kez} * x © {emendte } @ {andre } (52) tand-+abeo.d=a+b then tand = (aa (yb ()aorb oF (53) The number of values of @ in the interval (0, Sx] satisfying the equation Ts $0 is (3 (4 5 6 sin?0-cos (54) (55) (56) (37) (58) it A ABC, = and Ap is Median of 4 ABC then AD? = a+? BP sbere? a? +ab+b? a sacte? oF oF ot? ote Right circular cone has a height 40 cm and its semi vertical angle is 45° then radias of its bave circle is 4003 oy 2 The angle of depression for two consecutive km stones on a horizontal road observed froma plane are q and f respectively and if the height of the plane is / then # = (a) 40 cm (b) 80 om © (4) 20 em tana ~ tan pb tana tan pb tana + tan fi tuna tan @ “tanetanp =) tna-tanp =) “tanatang Tana +tanp The angle of elevation and angle of depression of top of the flag observing from the top and bottom of tower of 100 m height are tan’ and tarr* + respectively then the height of flag = @50m (40m (20m (230m There is a bridge of the length h on a valley. The angle of depression of a temple lying in a valley from two ends of a bridge are q and then the height of the bridge from top of the temple = htanectan B htana tan tanatan B I(tane +tan B) © tana—tanf ) tnattang ©) tana—wnf) ~ tancetanp (59) The house of height h covers an angle 90° at the window of an opposite side house. IF the height of the window is b then distance between two houses is bch (a) Sii-By (b) Joi=5) (©) SiG) (@) (oD) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) 2 1Ssin4 x +10cos4 x =6 then tan? x= 1 M% wy o% w% IF tan$=coseersinx then tan?-¥4 = (a) 541 (b) 5-1 (©) 5-2) VB 42 If tana +cot f= tan B then tan(p—a (@) ana (b) cota () tan) cor ff cos(x @ cosx+y) = cotxcoty= al att (a) on (b) a (©) a-1 (d) a+ 3sin20 if eae then tan@= _ ee @ 5 3 5 Ifa, b, ¢ the sides of A, ABC are in A.P. and a is the smallest side then cosA equals (a) BS (o) o% 3 (a) None of these sin (sin 4) = @4 (>) 4-2" ()n-4 (dd (67) (68) (69) (70) 2 ial 1 o» Speaks if tan!2x+tan~!3x=4 then its solution is 1 1 1 {a) { i (b) fe i © {a 4 sin™!(sin 2) + sin~ (sin 4) + sin~!(sin6) = {a) x-12 (b)0 () 12 @) 12-7 If 4sin'x-+3cos'x = 2x, then x = 1 1 (1 O-1 OF @-5 cot aoe 13 sin 3 -sao-13] = a 4 {a) J (b) 3 (©) 23d) 2 7 43r+ (a) tan nt -4 (b) tan Mn 2)—% 1 (c) tan \(n+2)+ tan wy -S (a) tan™ ne (72) sin~"(sin10)= (a) 10 (b) 32-10 (©) 10-37 (d) 27-10 wf} (73) (74) (75) (76) aD (78) (79) Tithe lengths of the sides are I,sin.x,cos. in a triangle ABC then the greatest value ‘of the angle in 4 ABC is (0 > ord wes The number of solution of the equation J3 sin x+cos.x=4 is xre(0,2] (1 (2 ©o @3 If 3cosx+4sinx=K has a possible solution then number of values of integral K is (a3 (b) 5 © @it Which of the following equation has no solution (a) 4sind +3cos0=1 —(b) coseed sec =1 (©) sindcoso = 4 @ cosecd—sec0 = cosec0 secO The mumber of values of @ in the interval (0, 4 x ] satisfying the equation 2sin? @—cos20=0 (a4 (8 ©2 6 If tan(cot x) = cot(tan.x) then cosec2x= (@ ns) %, nez () Qnt%, nee nant ie az, SOF nes @™, If A.ABC, a2, b=3 and sinA = MF wt ©F we (80) If sina +eosa = reos(a+0),-5, <0<0, then = @%~ (81) ogeot!” +togeot2° +log cot" +... oF @F (@o 1 oF @F (82) Y3cosec20°-sec20°= @4 I (2 @4 0 0 (83) oe[my alae } Saas 1 ot OF OF OF aR (84) If 2+12cos0-16cos'@-= A, then A lies in the interval is (9 [2-1] (2,1) © L621 (@) £2. 6] (85) cos™!(cos8) = (a8 (b) 8-27 (©) z-8 (d) 22-8 (86) If cos! x—sin (a) ae & (©) J2-1 @) J%+1 (87) If sin'x-cos'x <0 then 1 1 MIST wb) -ter O15 Oo @F tan! 1 5 tan! 2 = 4 9 Let (3 Len lf4 Lent -1(8 oe) op) es—'G) omg) vies? -1 1p |-%o then x = 3 4 10 6 mls) mri) m2) om(s) tan" (tan4)—tan~"(tan (6) + cos! (cos10) = (a) 16 (b) « © a (a) 52-12 sin or eoxtan™ sp] = 42 241 — =, O4 aa; Oy © Tea OP a (98) If AABC, AML BC and AB=8 em BC= Il emand mzg AABC is (a) 28 (er (b) 33.70(em)? (©) 38(em)? (4) 43.70.em? (99) The angle of depression of the top and bottom of a tower observed from top of a lighthouse of 300 meter height are 30" and 60° respectively then the height of the tower (a) 300 meter (b) 100 m (ce) 200 m (d) 50m (100) The angle of elevation of a parachute measured from a point at a height 60 m from the surface of a lake is 30° and the angle of depression of reflection of parachute ‘seen in the lake from the same point is 60°. Then height of the parachute from the surface of a lake is 0" then area of (a) 120m (b) 60m. {(c) 90m (d) 150m (101) If A= sin? sin3 sinS then (aa>0 (b) A=0 (aco @Az0 F tan-!/_t £ tan (+) (102) Eee = m Bees Hae Z @y OF — Ett ZG tanta y-4

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