MCB Bank

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for Life



Submitted To:
Ms. Tahira Nisar
Submitted By:


Dawood Taslim Butt

Isma Ishfaq
Jannat Kamran
Rabiya Mohsin
Shamakh Gull
Sheikh M. Saleem

(roll no. 147)

(roll no. 134)
(roll no. 137)
(roll no. 135)
(roll no. 105)
(roll no. 154)

May 17, 2016.







Submitted To:
Ms. Tahira Nisar
Submitted By:


Dawood Taslim Butt

Isma Ishfaq
Jannat Kamran
Rabiya Mohsin
Shamakh Gull
Sheikh M. Saleem

(roll no. 147)

(roll no. 134)
(roll no. 137)
(roll no. 135)
(roll no. 105)
(roll no. 154)

May 17, 2016.




We dedicate this report to our
Parents, Teachers, Friends and MCB
Bank staff because of their
encouragement and guidance we
have been able to complete this
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gratitude to Almighty

Allah for his unlimited graciousness because Words are scarce and
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knowledge is limited to express his majesty. I have the pearls of my eyes to

admire the blessings of the compassionate, the Merciful and the beneficent
Allah who is the entire source of knowledge and wisdom.
Due to his blessings, I become able to contribute this comprehensive
assignment towards the deep ocean of knowledge already exist. Heart is
warm with love and thoughts have turned to the city of knowledge The Holy
Prophet (S.A.W) His saying Learn from Cradle to Grave inspired the
strong desire in me to undertake this course of valuable studies.
I deem it as a great opportunity to offer my heartiest gratitude to my
venerable teacher Miss Tahira Nisar, for her great efforts to make us
understand and to conduct this kind of activities of giving the great
opportunity for learning beyond the existing area of scope.

Pen can do what

the sword cannot
I am thankful to _________________ for his nice co-operation and proper
guidance throughout my internship. I express my heartiest and sincerest
sense of gratitude to all of them for providing me grand exposure to gain
multifarious experience, May Allah The Almighty bless my parents and wellwishers who are the permanent source of prayers for me and my successes
in this world

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This report reveals the Human Resource Management scenario of one
of the leading Banks of Pakistan that is MCB. The report primitively gives an
introduction to MCB by discussing its vision, mission and objectives. Further
it aims to tell how actually the human resource of MCB is managed and
sustained. A brief background of human resource department of the bank is
Then the report proceeds with describing the major functions of the
Human resource department like human resource planning, recruitment,
selection, training and performance appraisal etc. It also discusses all the











advertisement, rewards and incentives etc. Lastly how MCB implements

certain laws relating to human resource like equal employment opportunity.

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report is



visit in






comprehensive report, we have talked about each real part of the bank,
which we watched and saw during our visit. MCB is one of the main banks of
Pakistan consolidated in 1947. MCB Bank Limited (Formerly Muslim
Commercial Bank Limited) has a strong establishment of more than 50 years
in Pakistan, with a system of 1000 branches. MCB was nationalized along
with all other private division banks. Since the privatization of bank, MCB has
implement diverse approaches to make it one of the best banks of Pakistan,
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which included presenting new items and services and expand its operation
by opening new branches in Pakistan. MCB bank is doing the day and night
battle to accomplish its purposes. It tries to control its costs and increases its
efficiency and productivity.
This report covers many important aspects which are basically related
with the Human Resource (HR) department.

During our visit, we learned

about different functions, roles and responsibilities performed by HR as a

whole. We also learned banks coordination with their employees and other









requirements for many kinds of activities and different sort of processes,

especially the requirements of HR documentation for different sort of
activities. This report contain all the information regarding MCB HR planning
and how its done. MCB recruit its employees through advertisement and
then select the best among applicants after testing and taking interviews.
After hiring proper training is given to employee and the employee is
constantly evaluated through performance appraisal.
MCB also give financial and non-financial compensations to its
employee on the basis of performance appraisal evaluation. The bank is
trying its best to take health and safety precautions. Some of the
recommendations include for improving their banking system so they can
get huge success in the field of banks.

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Table of Contents
Abstract Summary
Executive Summary
Vision statement
Mission statement
Human Resource Department:
Origin and History:
Duties, Roles and Responsibilities:
Organization career management:
HR Planning:
Qualitative Needs:
Quantitative Needs:
Job Analysis:
Job Advertisement:
Recruitment and Selection:
Sourcing the qualified human resource:
Review candidates and develop short list:


Job related:


Puzzle questions:


On-the-job Training:

Off-the-job Training:

Apprenticeship Training:

Effective lectures:

MCBS Employee Development Recognized by Global

Accountancy Body:
Performance Appraisals:
Employee Compensation:
Rewards and Incentives:
Employee Safety and Health:
National level:

Corporate Social responsibility

Bank for life

Investing in people

Education for all

Human rights


Welfare Scheme

Occupational safety and health:

Precautions for safety and Health:
Equal Employment Opportunity and Bona Fide Occupational
Transfer & Posting Unit:

Short Term Transfers:

Permanent Transfers:

Employee Separation Unit:

Retention Decision:

Exit Interviews:

Internal Monitoring Unit:

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ):

Muslim Commercial Bank limited is one of the main banks in Pakistan,
eminent for giving quality keeping money administrations, innovative
improvement and expert administration. Today, the Bank is reputed as a
sound financial institution with the highest market capitalization 21.4% (as at
31st December, 2014). MCB Bank Limited is one of only a handful couple of
foundations in Pakistan that is perceived and exchanged the worldwide
business sector as its GDRs (Global Depository Receipts) are listed on the
London Stock Exchange - Professional Securities Market
The bank was set up with a perspective to give banking facilities to the
business group of the South Asia. The bank was nationalized in 1974. At the
point when privatization approach was reported in 1990, MCB was the first to
be privatized upon recommendations of World Bank. After privatization, the
development in each division of the bank has been watched.
Today MCB Bank offers wide range of trade products assisting to your
business needs in affordable & appropriate ways. These products are offered
through a wide network of branches. MCB is in its more than 50 years of
operation. It has a system of more than 1,000 branches everywhere throughout the
nation with business foundations in Sri Lanka and Bahrain. MCB has an edge over
other neighborhood banks, as it was the initially privatized bank. The State Bank of
Pakistan has limited the quantity of branches that can be opened by foreign banks,
favorable position that MCB underwrites in view of its broad branch system. The
Bank gives 24 hour saving money accommodation with the biggest ATM system in
Pakistan covering 27 urban communities with more than 151 ATM areas.

Vision statement of MCB is:

Every day, we will help make something happen

Mission statement of MCB is:

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We are a team of committed professionals, providing

innovative and efficient financial solutions to create and
nurture long-term relationships with our customers. In doing
so, we ensure that our shareholders can invest with
confidence in us.

Core-values of MCB are:

Customer care
Team work

Human Resource Department:

Human resource management is in charge of the human resource
measurement of the association. It is in charge of hiring able individuals,
preparing them to perform at high exertion levels, and giving system to
guarantee that these workers keep up their beneficial connection with the
At The MCB Ltd. since individuals are the way to its prosperity, the
Human Resource Department (HRD) champions the significance of the
individual while thinking deliberately. HR encourages the formation of a
situation in which individuals have the way to continually advance in making
progress toward persistent change for the advantage of all partners.
More particularly the HRD adds to the business technique through:

Competency based HR systems

Policy and Procedures

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Developing Capabilities

Performance Management

Transparent and Open communication

Reward and Recognition

Employee Satisfaction


Human resource management department office works for the

advancement of the representatives. It improves their abilities, preparing






compensation, staff credits are fundamental elements of this division.

Origin and History:

Human Resource Department of MCB is a highly organized and well
established organization root backs to the era of Indo-Pak. The department
was created in 1947 in order to manage and coordinate the issues,
problems, and all aspects regarding human resources. When conflicts and
problems of employees were not being managed, it was the time when
organization were moving from the concept and theory of personnel
management to HR management. MCB also found it the need of time to
manage its biggest asset The employees efficiently and effectively to meet
organizational goals. The Human Resource department aims to prove itself
very promising for enhancing and retaining its employee talent. Human
Resource department lead MCB to the new heights of success and fame by
implementing the function of recruitment, selection, training, appraisal in the
most optimum way. MCB currently has well established and structured

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system of Human Resource department which are continuous dealing with

crucial matter on regular basis.

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Human Resource

Unit Head



No of



Unit Head


Unit Heads











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Duties, Roles and Responsibilities:

The duties and roles perform by the HR department of MCB are as

The department tries to create a positive environment in the bank by

involving employees in productive activities.

Identifies hiring need, builds up the position depiction, Recruitment Plan,

authoritative outline and other enlistment related records.

Prepare the expected set of responsibilities and guarantees legitimate

strategies for survey and approval are met.

Posts recruitment on selected job boards
Monitors staff recruitment activity and guarantees governmental policy

regarding minorities in society are taken inside the association

Acts as an independent advisor for employees in tough situations.
Facilitates different divisions in accomplishing the objectives or standards

as laid out in the HR arrangements of the association.

It is duty of HR department to make sure that all employees are treated

Motivate the employees. Encourages them on their efforts and punish /

advise them on their poor performance

HR department make sure that employees skills and abilities are fully

utilized and are flourishing. No one is static

Make sure all the facilities are provided to employees and proper health

and safety measures are taken.

A healthy, happy, motivating, positive environment is created which is
monitored at all time by HR department. Any conflict or problem among
the personnel of the bank is resolved in co-ordination with administration
by HR department.

A proficiently run HR office can furnish an association with structure
and the capacity to address business issues through dealing with your
organization's most important assets - its representatives/employee. In MCB
various functions are performed by HR department which are:
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Organization career management

HR planning
Job analysis
Job advertisement
Recruitment and selection
Performance appraisals
Compensations, rewards and incentives
Health and safety measures

Organization career management:

In employment context carrier planning is a continuous process
assessing your present way of life, preferences/despises, interests, abilities,
dream work, present employment, carrier way and improving redresses and
enhancements to plan for future steps and to make your carrier even
Carrier planning is imperative since it is firmly identified with an
individual's self-idea, personality and fulfillment with carrier and life. In the









accomplices in carrier management. According to a view:

A job is just an opportunity to learn new skills that u can
then peddle elsewhere in the market place

HR Planning:
MCB is consistent in conducting the human resource planning. The
human resource department clearly identifies the internal demand of human
resource and then matches the internal supply of human resource with it.
Excess demand is met by adding new employees to the organization and
decisions are also taken for the excess supply. The human resource
department of MCB broadly considers two factors in Human Resource
Planning, qualitative needs and quantitative needs.

Qualitative Needs:
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This includes that how MCB decides what skills, qualities, abilities,
talents and expertise their employees must have to make the organization
highly competitive in national and global market.

Quantitative Needs:
This includes MCB to take decisions in numbers about how many
employees are required to pursue their operation efficiently and effectively.
MCB deals with the excess demand for human resource by recruiting
additional staff. Sometimes even extra tasks and duties are also allocated to
the existing employees. This bring different advantages for MCB. Firstly they
are able to utilize their existing workforce in the most optimum way.
Secondly new tasks provide variety of work to the employees so they get
motivated. Thirdly this helps them in appraising the workers.
The excess, which is usually a very rare case for the organization, is
dealt by golden hand shake which is the wisest way.
MCB is also concerned about maintaining a skills inventory and
managing it on regular basis. The skills inventory is maintained separately
for each employee. All the details relating to the employee e.g. productivity,
training sessions, rewards, promotions etc. This information is updated with
time. This helps human resource department in forecasting the qualitative
and quantitative needs of the organization. Forecasting of net requirements if
human resource is also done through other ways like taking opinions of the
experts, benchmarking (keeping a close eye on the competitors) etc.
Then the human resource department devise appropriate plans to
meet the net requirements of the organizations. These plans are then
transferred to top management who further contemplate on the plans and
then approve or disapprove these.

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Job Analysis:
Job analysis is a pivotal task that the human resource department of
the organization conducts. Job analysis are conducted by the human
resource department of MCB at different times like:

When a branch is newly set by the bank. So different jobs are then

analysed at that time.

Growth of branches also demanded an effective job analysis.
When employees are to be hired or recruited.
When the jobs of the existing employees to be redesigned to provide
them a wide variety of tasks.
Any job in MCB is analyzed on the bass of three factors duties and

tasks, code of conduct and specifications of the person. The tasks are the
major work that the worker has to perform. These vary from jobs to jobs and
designations to designations. Some occasional duties are also assigned to
very high posts so that some uncertain situations can be managed
Code of conduct is also devised which is applicable to the entire
organization and all members at all levels are bound to follow this. This is to
maintain a disciplined and sophisticated environment. Then he qualities,
experience and qualifications of the concerned person are also analyzed that
must be present to do the job.

Job Advertisement:
A vacancy cannot be filled until or unless capable, talented and eligible
people are not aware of it. MCB believes in consistently making its existing
and potential employees aware of job vacancy.
As this is internet oriented era, so MCB ensures its job
advertisement on internet as well on etc. Beside this MCB advertise
in newspaper like The News and The Jang. Costing of advertisement are

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kept confidential and are not told to people outside the organization. Cost is
very crucial for MCB which they would not let revealed.
On Internet, Job advertisement are also placed on employee portal so
that current employees can know about promotional opportunities. It gathers
a large pool of candidates to choose the best for their organization. Jobs
advertisements are followed by pool of candidates, applying for job and MCB
filtering the best of them by conducting test.

Recruitment and Selection:

Recruitment and selection process is a standout amongst the most
crucial HR function, which has an extraordinary effect on the income
development and the net revenues of an organization. This require careful
planning from start to end. MCB, one of the finest bank of Pakistan, has very
defined and ordered procedure for recruiting and selecting employees. As
MCB believes that if hiring is done carefully than the efficiency and
effectiveness of the bank increases. The MCB attracts the most qualified pool
of candidate and selects the best among them. Recruitment and selection is
done in different steps that are as follow:


Review applicants and develop short list






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Sourcing the qualified human resource:

The first step in recruitment and selection is to decide whether the
employee that will fill the particular job vacancy will be selected inside or
outside the organization. There are two sources of candidate are:

MCB uses both sources to fill the job vacancy. Common strategies MCB

uses are advertising, marketing at selected schools and organizations,

managing employee referral programs or fill the vacancy by promoting the
existing employees. The advertisement as explained above are done through
newspaper, internet and different portals. Than according to the job
description and job specification the potential candidate apply and thus, the
pool of candidates is generated.

Review candidates and develop short list:

Once the position has been posted, candidates apply on the web.
Candidates Competitors finish an electronic application structure form. In
the wake of prescreening selection board short rundown the applicants who
are viewed as most appropriate for the employment at introductory level on
the premise of their resume/CVS. Once in a while primarily interviews are led
to figure out if the candidate's aptitudes, capacities and job preferences
coordinate the available job vacancy. This interview helps MCB to screen out
uninterested and unqualified applicants. This whole process is done by HR
department. Thus, the applicants are screened and a short list of potential,
interested applicants is prepared which are further tested to recruit the best
among better, as MCB believes
People are at the heart of our success

In this procedure short listed candidates are called for test and
interview as indicated by the nature of applied jobs. Organizational
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performance depends to a limited extent on subordinates having the right

abilities and traits. Keep in perspective this point MCB tries its level best to
hire exceptionally talented and reasonable worker for every employment. For
this different testing like aptitude test and computer proficiency test are
conducted. In MCB if the applicant is fresh graduate or have no working
experience than a special test is conducted for management training post
(MTO). The merit list is formulated and only the applicants who have fulfilled
the requirement of the particular job are than selected for interviewing.

First of all the applicants who have passed the tests are than
considered for interview. In MCB the first short listed applicants are
interviewed by HR manager. The HR manager judges if the applicants can
perform the job efficiently. The applicants interests and abilities are judged.
His information regarding the organization and the job for which he has
applied is reviewed. The applicants expectations about the salary and
organization are asked. If the HR manager finds the applicant qualified for
the job than the manager informs about the organization expectation from
the employee and the salary package they can offer. After few days the
background checks are done on the applicants and references are checked. If
all of this turns smooth than the general manager of the organization invite
the applicant to give him a final decision. In this interview mostly the final
salary packages are discussed and if the applicant agrees on their terms
than he is hired. Mostly in MCB the GM decision is considered final but if the
post is higher the CEO may also conduct the interview. Proper structured
interviews are conducted by MCB.
The questions asked during the interview are:

A series of employment related inquiries that emphasis on how the

candidate would carry on in a given condition.

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Job related:
A progression of employment related inquiries that focuses on important

past occupation related practices. These sort of inquiries are asked from
those applicants who have past experience of employment.

An interview in which the interviewer looks to make the candidate

uncomfortable with once in a while impolite inquiries that as far as anyone

knows to spot touchy candidates and those with low or high stess resistance.
These sorts of questions are asked according to high designation of

Puzzle questions:
Recruiters for technical and finance job use inquiries to stance issues

requiring novel answers for perceive how applicants think under pressure.

After all the procedure the best candidates as indicated by MCBs
selection boards are chosen. The candidates, who are finally chose, are
offered appointments as probationary/trail officers, in the wake of marking
the accompanying bonds:

Banks Secrecy Bond

Banks Security Bond

Service Agreement Bond

Soon after final selection and before beginning of training procedure
orientation is directed for chose representatives. In orientation new
representatives are furnished with fundamental foundation data about the
MCB, the essential substance of fruitful orientation are:

Information on employee benefits

Personnel policies
The daily routine
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Company organization and operations

Safety measures and regulations
Mostly in MCB the members from different staff gather in a conference

room and the new recruits are introduced to each other. A refreshment is
given, rules and regulations are discussed. A very friendly, professional and
warm welcome is given.

Immediately after hiring in MCB the employee is hired on prohibition
period and given pre-training. Length of pre-administrations training period is
of six months. In such a training operational practice and many other
banking related basic information courses are taught.
MCB uses different method of training according to the job for which
employee is hired. Different method of training used by MCB are:

On-the-job Training
Off-the-job Training
Apprenticeship Training
Effective lectures

On-the-job Training:
MCB provides on-the-job Training where someone who knows how to do

a task shows another how to perform it. Methods used by MCB for on-the-job
Training are:

Coaching or understudy

Job rotation

Special assignments

Off-the-job Training:
Employee training/preparing at a site far from the real workplace is off-









pretending and recreation.

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Apprenticeship Training:
A sorted out system by which employees get to be talented through a

combination of classroom direction and on-the-job training. It is actually

blend of OJT and lectures conveyed to employees. It may be for both levels
of administrative and new recruits. In this technique worker is first given the
lecture about his/her occupation and after that usage of address in practical
field is watched.

Effective lectures:
Class room training is done. Professionals deliver the lectures and

motivate employees. The employee is informed about the challenges it face

and how to handle those stress. . These lectures are delivered to new
employees as well as senior level employees and managerial level too.

MCBS Employee Development

Accountancy Body:




ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), the world's

biggest and quickest developing proficient universal bookkeeping body, has
perceived Muslim Commercial Bank for qualifying as an "ACCA Platinum
Level Approved Employer" under student improvement plan. This status
recognizes the elevated requirements of preparing and improvement which
MCB give to its workers.

Performance Appraisals:
MCB besides setting standards, also make it sure that its employees
are meeting their standards for this they conduct appraisals on annual basis
to evaluate their employees and to keep their standard. MCB basically make
use of three methods to conduct these appraisals which are:


Forced-choice rating

Multi-rater assessment
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These methods provide a criteria to MCB to know about the

performance of employees as well as let the employees know about the level
at which they are standing in comparison with other employees who set
standard for the others by their outstanding performance.
MCB follows a policy that they announce at the start of each year their
increment for the employees who will fall at grade A, B and so on. Obviously
the performers who got grade A will have more increment than others.
MCB regard this system as a motivation for employees.

is Pakistans
on a
Employee Compensation:

Compensation means is whatever the employee is receiving from its

organization in return of their tough services either it is environment, salary,

benefit etc. Compensation includes wages, salary, incentives and benefits.
Workers of MCB are qualified for the compensation of the evaluation to which
they are delegated. The Executive Board will decide the different sizes of pay
for the workers. Aside from essential pay rates they are offered numerous
different benefits and incentives which are as follows:
MCB is giving allowances of utility to employees. . Utility allowances
can be small or large. The utilities for which a recompense is given to
employees incorporate power, normal gas, water, sewer and waste
accumulation. MCB is also giving medical allowances to employees as per
needed by them. MCB is also giving overtime allowances to employees for
extra work. Education allowances is also providing by MCB for the children of
employees. Education allowance is only for officers. They also provide house
rent allowance and insurance facility to employees like life insurance and
disability insurance. MCB is also giving bonuses as well as increment to their
employees that is additional compensation give to an employees above their
normal wage.

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Rewards and Incentives:

MCB considers its workers as the Human Asset, the most critical
resource of the entire association.

So in order to hold this specific

advantage, MCBs administration completely energizes and rouses their

representatives and these rewards and incentives are not written on realistic
job preview. Different allowances, rewards, incentives and increment etc. are
honored to merit representatives and this also encourages the alternate
workers. MCB gives adequate prizes to representatives as far as anyone is
concerned, aptitudes, capacities and their achievements.
The chief motive of rewards and incentives is to attract, retain and
motivate the employees. With the assistance of these prizes representatives
have expanded resolve, work fulfillment and contribution in authoritative








businesses and specialists appreciate a positive and profitable workplace.

MCB provides two types of rewards and incentives i.e. extrinsic and intrinsic
in nature. Financial incentives rewards laborers for execution and profitability








execution through advantages and opportunities. The list of monetary

(financial) rewards and incentives are given below:

Life Insurance
Disability Insurance
Medical Allowances
Pension Plans
Severance Pay

Profit Sharing

The list of non-monetary (non-financial) rewards and incentives are given

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Job Security
Pick And Drop Facility
Sick Leave/ Vacations

Flex Hours


Employee Safety and Health:

National level:

Corporate Social responsibility

MCB holds and affirmed "corporate social obligation" by the board that

shows banks duty to serve group. The is constantly dynamic in completing

group administration under various projects and fulfilled various activities
and administrations in the zones of instruction , well-being, environment,









association by keeping in perspective the more prominent enthusiasm of its

representatives, clients, and nation as entirety.

Bank for life

It is responsibility to enable every one of our partners with corporate

practices and valuable tasks that help them in seeking after their Goals and
accomplishments. The bank keeps up exceedingly proficient working society
in its associations that incorporate compulsory consistence towards the
improvement of its partners at each level.

Investing in people

Education for all

MCB bank places special emphasis on education and extend maximum

financial support to individuals and school for the promotion of this noble
cause. The bank has been engaged in CARE foundation to supports its
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extensive network of school. Its aim to develop personality and character of

Pakistan futures generation. In this regard, bank has signed an agreement
with LUMS to provide soft loans to undergraduate students.

Human rights
At MCB bank, our central goal is to guarantee the political, instructive,

social and financial nature of privileges of groups. They have upheld different
non-benefit activity that serve for privileges of humankind.

The bank encouraged the ibex golf Club-Sargodha, Pakistan Club and

intuitive Club of Karachi mainland, Jashan e-Bahara celebration and

Ramazan sports affair are held by it.

Welfare Scheme
The bank has cooperated with different NGOs that have help in the

social and limit building issues of the group. The bank in a joint effort with
"Sundas Foundation" has sorted out a blood giving camp at MCB house

Occupational safety and health:

The health and security of staff are the foremost significance to the
bank. The bank guarantees the most extreme health principles are met at all
business, workplaces and branches and urge all representatives to advance
the security of their kindred representatives and clients. An extraordinary
"health and safety" approach has been created. This arrangement goes for
giving a protected and sound workplace the general population working and
going to the bank.

Precautions for safety and Health:

Following are some precautions MCB has taken to ensure health and
safety of its employees:

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Fire extinguisher held at all the branches and offices in case of any fire

Special trained Guards are hired to protect employees and customers in

case of theft.
Special allowance are given to the employees both the travelling and the

daily allowance
Medical and the insurance facility are also given to the employees




and Bona


Occupational Qualification:
MCB bank is equivalent open door supplier. It has never segregated on
the premise of race, sex, age or incapacity. The bank has enlisted an
adequate number of unique individuals at different branches everywhere
throughout the Pakistan. At MCB extraordinary individuals are not segregated
on the premise of their impairments.

At whatever point new openings for work arrive the amount framework is
kept up for every last area of Pakistan. The sub share comprises of various
demographic components like:
Different technological backgrounds
It has a blend of workforce with expanded Ages and experience levels.
In sexual orientations, females additionally have the quantity yet because of
the less female workforce in the business sector the portion level is low for
females. Be that as it may, now, as of late the portion for females has been
expanded to twofold. State Bank is a developing association and requires
representatives qualified impassive particular aptitudes like:

Informational Technology
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Transfer & Posting Unit:

This unit surveys instances of Interdepartmental exchanges according
to arrangements and endorsements. Postings of officers in SBP (BSC) other
national/worldwide foundations on delegation. There are two sorts of moves
in State Bank.

Short Term Transfers

Permanent Transfers

Short Term Transfers:

As State Bank is the development arranged and ability sharing

association. Subsequently it fills the crevices in the diverse branches

regarding the men power they like. On the off chance that in Karachi branch
there are two profoundly concentrated gifted staff's designated and in Multan
there is additionally a need of the same exceptionally talented expert then to
satisfy the association objectives the Administration would incidentally
exchange the individual to the Multan Branch to fill the crevice in short term.

Permanent Transfers:
There are distinctive purposes behind the changeless exchanges.

Generally changeless exchanges are made to hold the workers those are
moving to another city. At times representatives wish to move to better area
as there are more development open doors there. Be that as it may, before
exchanging any worker starting with one area then onto the next the Goals
of the Organization are dependably at the top of the priority list and the HR
is constantly counseled in this matter to lead the need examination in
subjected branch.
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Employee Separation Unit:













employment surveys of active workers. The case is later on submitted to

higher up for endorsement. From the HR viewpoint there are taking after
parts of this unit to perform:

Retention Decisions

Exit Interviews

Retention Decision:
The obligation of this unit is to hold the very gifted representatives.

This unit distinguishes the work forces with very particular abilities and
recognizes it to the Reward Management Division and Internal Monitoring
Unit so it could take legitimate activities to hold them.

Exit Interviews:
Post-employment surveys resemble criticisms to the association. It the

second most imperative stride that Employee Separation Unit takes is to

direct the Exit Interviews and present that meeting to the fundamental HR
Division with the goal that HR could choose whether to prevent that
representative from leaving the occupation or not. In the event that
association needs that representative then it tells the higher administration
or Reward administration Division and Internal Monitoring Unit about the
need of the individual. Once in a while post-employment surveys likewise
change the arrangements of the

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Internal Monitoring Unit:

Complete review of cases got from different Divisions of HRD and
guarantee consistence of SBP approaches and practices. Contact with
interior and outside examiners for smooth execution/finish of review of HRD
additionally falls under the extent of this unit. Making of all the reports and
advance of HR Department is the obligation of this division.
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ):
MCB has bona fide occupational qualification on the different roles of
managers on the basis of qualification, experience and age factor and
particularly on the higher job posts which demands to put right people at the
right job with having the required skills and abilities. They consider it
necessary for the welfare and progress of the organization in this
contemporary world.

It is plainly seen from this report MCB is gaining ground quickly. The
profit of MCB is increasing day by day. MCB has been pronounced seven
times "Euromony Award" and "Asia Money Award" throughout the previous
five years, which is a major accomplishment for Pakistan. In this way, we
have reasoned that MCB has an extremely prosperous present and future,
which is the certification of riches amplification later on. With the
participation of all branch individuals, we have possessed the capacity to
learn and encounter numerous new things identified with the keeping money
segment and the banks workings. At long last, we inferred that MCB is a
decent association for everybody for their profession working. General
working and environment of the bank is exceptionally agreeable and the staff
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is extremely useful and aware of each other and it keeps up an expert

situation. Management of the bank is very strong.
Employees of MCB Shadman Branch work very hard and honestly. Their
atmosphere is very friendly. MCB provides rewards and incentives to
employees who perform well in the organization. Representatives likewise
demonstrate their faithfulness and duty to the association. This branch of
MCB is moderately extensive simply because of the representative's
endeavors and their diligent work. In the end we can say the Muslim
Commercial Bank is one of the best banks of Pakistan.

MCB is one of the leading banks of Pakistan having very efficient HR
department. But as we know every coin has two sides. There are some
weakness which they need to rectify. Thus, some recommendations are as

Performance appraisal method ought to be made straightforward by

utilizing mechanized framework which are associated though out the
branches on net, so overall correlation is simple and no bias is given.

Feedback is really important. The employee should constantly be

evaluated and remarks should be given. The employee should also be
allowed to give his review freely.

HR work force of MCB ought to direct standard open house gatherings to

sort inner issues and clashes. It is the obligation of the HR to guarantee
training and aptitude improvement of workers.

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