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"30 is not the new 20"

by Meg Jay

a. Overview /Summary
Twentysomethings are inclined to have a blase attitude about being in their 20s. They
shrug off this carefree mind-set by claiming that 30 is the new 20. As a society, people
marry later, start a family later and even die later, so taking a relaxed approach to your 20s
may seem justified. But if you let your 20s idly pass you by, you may sabotage your chances
of finding success and happiness later in life. In fact, your 20s are a developmental sweet
spot and the ideal time to prepare yourself for a solid marriage and satisfying career
People experience 80% of lifes most defining moments before they reach the
age of 35. Your first decade in the workforce greatly affects your future earning prospects.
More than half of twentysomethings are dating or cohabiting with their future spouses.
Womens fertility peaks at the age of 28. Additionally, your brain undergoes its final
growth spurt during your 20s, and your personality goes through its most profound changes
during this time. In essence, your 20s host a significant phase of adult development. Alas,
popular culture depicts this decade as an extended adolescence, giving young adults a
pass until they reach their 30s. This leniency has unanchored twentysomethings from a sense
of purpose, setting them adrift and directionless. They date or live with partners they dont
intend to marry, they postpone career decisions, and their rsums stagnate. By the time age
30 rolls around, they feel inordinate pressure to launch a career, get married and start a
family. And many regret the years of procrastination disguised as exploration
II. Body
1.) Why many young adults coast through their 20th
2.) How this attitude damages their chances for future success
3.) What three
actions twentysomethings can take to improve their prospects
a. 20s are a crucial stage of adult development not an extended adolescence
so don't let those precious years idly pass you by in benign neglect.
Nonchalance about your 20s reduces your chances of later success and happiness and
pressures you all at once to launch a career, get married and start a family in your 30s.
c. To reclaim your 20s, take three steps: First, get some identity capital. Take measures
that will put you on the right path to your ultimate career goal. Second, use your weak
ties that is, your loose connections and friends of friends to find new work, love and
life opportunities. Third, pick your family. Mindfully choose the people you date or with
whom you forge friendships rather than killing time with whoever is expedient or available.
III. Conclusion
A. Reveiw
Though the idea that 50 is the new 40 and 40 is the new 30 is gaining popularity,
psychologist Meg Jay warns that 30 is not the new 20. Yet many twentysomethings treat
these years as an extended adolescence. Those who fail to take their careers and
relationships seriously during this defining decade reduce their chances of success
and happiness later in life. It encourages all to take Jay's advice to let people have some

elastic idea about their personalities when they turn into mid 20s.
For me, meg jay's "30 is not the new 20" helps other people to let them know their
personalities and attitude. It's much better suits for women, they should encourage them
to take the advice of meg jay. It guides them about marriage and other personal aspects.
Well it's not only for womens only, it can be helpful to man also. By having a great life
and positive aspects in life.

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