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| Houston Symphony Chorus in Concert LZ, Houston Father’s Day, June 19, 2016 | 4pm Symphony St. Luke’s United eet Church P Chorus Houston Symphony Chorus in Concert Houston Symphony Chorus—Betsy Cook Weber, conductor Crista Miller, organ Chant | Ofthe Father's Love Begotten, DVORAK | Te Deum (Te Deum), Chant J.8. BACH | Kyrie (Mass in F Major, BWV 233) HASSLER | Gloria (Missa Dixit Maria ad angelum) Chase Gaines, bass MOZART | Credoin unum Deum (Mass in C Minor, K. 427) DURUFLE | Sanctus (Requiem) HAYDN | Donanobis pacem (Mass in D minor/Lord Nelson Mass) PAULUS | The Road Home Melissa Medina, soprano INTERMISSION BERNSTEIN | Missa Brevis Kyrie Gloria Sanctus | Benedictus | Agnus Dei/Dona nobis pacem Sean Jackson, counter-tenor art. ALICE PARKER — Goin’ to Boston Rebekah Bridges, soprano Chelsea Berner, alto Raul Enriquez, tenor Christopher Kersten, bass ‘Shenandoah JAMES ERB Alex Schaaf, bass arr, PARKER/SHAW | Seeing Nellie Home art. MACK WILBERG Old Joe Clark DVORAK | TeDeum Dignare Domine Benedicamus patrem ‘Vanessa Winslow, soprano ‘Yen-Kuei (Peter) Tu, bass Se, Metholist UNITED ‘he fi sin Parte ‘ef ea xe Pode ‘Ti Arif sen Sony "tetas mp fe sn Shy symphony Chorus This concert is made possible in part by funding from the Houston Symphony Chorus Endowment Fund. CHORUS TASK FORCE ‘The newly formed Houston Symphony Chorus Task Force, chaired by Miles, ‘Smith, is charged with finding ways to help raise the profle of the Houston ‘Symphony Chotus, to further promote the Houston Symphony Chorus both within the Houston Symphony family and in the Houston community, and to work on ways to enhance the choral experience for Houston Symphony Chorus members. Miles Smith, chair Helen Shaffer Nancy Bratic (Chorus member) ‘Megan Henry (Chorus member) Viviana Denechaud Gabriel Rio Betsy Cook Weber (Chorus director) Are you a fine singer? Auditions take place in August! For more information, please visit \wonw.houstonsymphony.org/chorus BIOGRAPHIES Betsy Cook Weber | director of the Houston Symphony Chorus Dr.Betsy Cook Weberis Professor of Musicand Director of Choral Studiesatthe University of Houston's Moores Schoolof Musicandisalso {internationally activeasaconduetor, clinician, adjudicator andlecturer.In2013, Betsy became” the13thpersonand rstwomantoreceivethe ‘Texas Choral Director Association's coveted Texas CChoirmaster Award Sheiseditorofthe Betsy ‘Cook Weber choral series with Alliance Music Publishing. Choirsunder Betsy'sdirection, including ‘the Moores School Concert Chorale,havebeen featured at multiplestateand:national conventions. Internationally, Choralehas won prizesand received acclaim atprestigious competitions in Wales, France and Germany. ‘Betsy has prepared singers for Da Camera of Houston and for early music orchestras ARS Lyrica Houston and Mercury She preparessingers for touring shows, including Josh Groban, NBC's Clash of the Choirs, Telemundo’s Latin Grammy, Star Wars:In Concert and Andrea Bocelli, Before joining the University of Houston, Betsy taught vocal music, K-12,in ppublicschools. Prieto her appointments Houston Symphony Chorus Director, she served from 199001997 as Assistant and, later, Associate Director ofthe Chorus, ‘She holds degrees from the University of North Texas, Westminster Choir College (Princeton, NJ) and the University of Houston, Crista Miller | organ Crista Milleris the Director of Music and Organist at Houston's Co-Cathedtral ofthe Sacred Heart, ‘here sheled the Organ Committee responsible for Pasis Opus 19 pipe organ. She leads growing music ‘organization; directs the Schola Cantorum, Cor Jesu. ‘and children's choirs and oversees the concer series. ‘Asolo organist, Dr Miller has performed in France, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Denmark, ‘Sweden, and Canada, and in20 states ofthe USA and is an award-winner in international and national playing competitions (Odense; Fort Wayne; San Antonio; semi-finalist in AGO National Young Artists’ Competition in Organ Playing). Her 2014-16 Individual Artist Grant from the Houston Arts Alliance and the City of Houston created three organ and visual arts programs, leading toa recording with Acis Productions: her double-CD Bonjour and Willkommen: A Franco-German Debut is available June 2016. Dr. Miller isa frequent conference presenter. Publications of her research ‘on Middle Eastern elements in Naji Hakim’s musie appear in the 2014 book ‘Mystic Modern: The Music, Thought, and Legacy of Charles Tournemire and in December 2015's ORGAN; Journal furdie Orgel CCrista enrned the Doctorate of Musical Arts (DMA) in organ performance from the Fastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, and the Master of ‘Music from the University of Houston's Moores School of Music. Houston Symphony Chorus ‘The Houston Symphony Chorus, theofficial choral unit ofthe Houston Symphony, consists of highly skilled and talented volunteer sing havehad the opportunity to learn and per choral-orchestral masterwork under thé nthe world’s gr batonsof Andrés Orozeo-Estrada, Michael Krajewski, Hans Graf, Robert Sha Roger Wagner, Mitch Miller, Peter Schrier, Helmut Rillingand CHORUS ROSTER Betsy Cook Weber | AnnaDiemer et cane Benjamin May Andrea Greath Janet Menste fevinIF po Rehearsal Conductors Steve Dukes Dana Dupont andy Eckman Deborah Edwin Paul Ehrsam Raul Enriquez Wilton Adame Melissa Bailey Adame Bob Alban Joe Anzsldua ‘Justin Becker Chris Fair Nicholas Berkley Tan Fetterey Chelsea Berner Joseph S. Frybert Randy Boatright Mary Gahr Cris Bocanegra Chase Gaines Ryan Bogner ‘Thyaao Galvio Harvey Bongers Katura Gilmore Jonathan Bordelon Robert Gomez Bruce Boyle esther Goodwin ‘Naney Shelton Bratic Hannah Gronseth ‘Rebekah Bridges ‘Thita Mischa Brinkmeyer Will Hailey Patricia Bumpus Julia Hall James. Carazola Susan Hall ‘Tatiana Chavanelle Barl Harper Bill Cheadle ‘Sennifer Harris Nancy Christopherson L.Scott Hassett Sarah Wilson Clarke Matthew Henderson Jessica Colmenares Mogan Henry John Colson George Howe +, Over the years, singers in thishhistoricensemble Nicholas MeGegan, among many others.U Director Emeritus Ch European concert tours performing with orchestras in Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Hungary, Austein, England and Mexico, The Houst phony Chorus itions by appointment and welcomes inquiries from interested singers. Please emailus at anna diomer@ Inder the leadership o ales Hausmann, the Chorus made several ScottHolshouser | Tony Sessions Accompanist LibrarlaxyStage Manager lian Hughes Douglas Rodenberger Sylvia Hysong Carolyn Rogan Sean Jackson Stephen James Donna Lyn Jerz Christopher Kersten Nobuhide Kobori David Schoen Gary callin ‘Tony Sessions Kat Kunz Brian Smith Brian K. Lessinger KarlaSosa Joyce Lewis Katie Spanos Pamela Magnuson Dewell Springer Lisa Marut-Shriver MarkStandridge QweiMassingill Sam Stongler Ken Mathews Cecilia Sun Ben May Solin Swindle ‘Melissa Medina Suzanne Thacker Saleel Menon Yen-Kuel (Peter) Ta Sanet Menzie Paul Van Dorn ‘SeottMermelstein Jeanna Villanueva ‘Jim Moore ‘Mary Voigt Theresa Olin Heidi Walton Janvin Overstreet-Goode Jenny Warkentin Jennifer Paulson Brady Weldon. Lauren rice Kat White Greg Railsback Lance Wileax Jessica Rangel Lee Williams Linda Renner Kaye Windel-Garza Lurie Reynolds Vanessa Winslow ey TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS Ofthe Father's Love Begotten (chant) Of the Father's love begotten, ere the words began to be, he is Alpha and Omega, he the source, the ending he, ofthe things that are, that have been, ‘and that future years shall see evermore and evermore! Let the heights of heaven adore him; angel hosts his praises sing, Powers, dominions, bow before him, and extol our Gad and king, ' let no tongue on earth be silent, ‘every wice in concert ring, evermore and evermore! DVORAK — Te Deum Te Deum laudamus, ‘To God we praise, Te Dominurn canfitemur ‘We acknowledge thee to be the Lord. Te aetemum Patrem omnis tera veneratur, To thee, Father all the earth worships, Tibi omnes Angeli, To thee all Anges, the heavens ofthe universe Tibi coeli et universae potestates all the Cherubim and Seraphim unceasingly proclaim: Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim incessabil voce proclamant: Holy, holy, holy Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus Lord God of Hosts! ‘Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth! Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory Pleni sunt coel et terra majestate giorae tuae, The glorious choir of the Apostles, Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus. the wonderful company of Prophets, Te prophetarum laudabiis numerus the white-robed army of Martyrs, praise Thee. Te Martyrum candidatus laucat exercitus Holy Church throughout the world doth acknowledge Thee: Te per orbem terarum sancta conftetur Ecclesia the Father of infinite majesty, Patremn immensae majesttis, Thy adored, true and only Son; Venerandum verum et unicurm Fiium Sanctum ‘and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter quogue Paracitum Spirit, BACH AND BERNSTEIN — Kyrie Aye eteison Lord have mercy, Christe eleison Christ have mercy, Kyrie eleison, Lord have mercy. HASSLER AND BERNSTEIN — Gloria Gloria in excelsis Deo. Glory to God in the highest, £ in tera pax hominibus bone votuntatis. ‘And on earth peace to people of good wil Laudamus te. We praise you, Benedicimus te. Wwe bless you, Adorarmus te Wwe adore you, Glorfeamus te. we glority you, Gratias agimus tbi propter magnam goriam tuam, we give you thanks for your great glory, Domine Deus, Lord God, heavenly King, Rex coelests, 0 God, almighty Father. Deus Pater omnipotens. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Domine Fit unigenite Lord God, Lam of God, Son ofthe Father, Jesu Christe Domine Deus, YoU take away the sins ofthe work, ‘Agnus Dei, Flus Pati hhave mercy on us; CONTINUED — Please urn page aviety CONTINUED. Gloria Gui tolis peccata mundi, Miserere nobis. Qui to's peccata mundi, ‘Suscipe deprecationem nostram. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, Miserere nobis Quoniam tu solus sanctus. Tu solus Dominus. Tu solus Alissimus, Jesu Christe, Cum Saneto Spirit, In gloria Dei Patis. Amen MOZART — Credo (redo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotenter, factorem cool et terae, vsibiium omniam et invisibiium. tin unum Dominum, Jesum Christur, ium Dei unigeritum, et ex Pate natum ante omnia saecula ‘Deum de Deo, Lumen de Lumine, ‘Deum verum de Deo vera, «genitum non factum, consubstantialem Patri per quem omnia facta sunt. (Qui propter nos homines et propter nastram salutem descend de cael EL incamatus est de Spinty Sancto ex Maria Vigine, et homo factus est. Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Ponto Pilato passus, ef sepultus est, cet esurrent ferta die, secundum Scriptura, et ascend in caelum, sedet ad dexteram Pati riterum venturus est cum gloria, judlcare vivos et mortuos, Ccuus regi non eri ris; tin Spirit Sanctum, Dominum et vivficantem, ‘qui ex Patre Filoque procedt Qui cum Patre et Fio simul adoratur et congtonficatur {qui locutus est per prophets. Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam. Confitear unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum, Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et lam venturi saecul. Amen. you take away the sins ofthe world, receive our prayer, you are seated atthe right hand of the Father, hhave mercy on us. \ For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Sprit, (on the glory of Gad the Father. Amen, | believe in one God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible ‘And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, ‘Only begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all words. Gad of God, ight of ight, Very God of very God. Begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father: by whom all things were made. ‘Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. ‘And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost ofthe Virgin Mary {And was made man. ‘And was crucified also for us under Pontius Plate: suffered, and was buried ‘And the thi day He rose again according to the scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sitteth atthe right hand of the Father ‘And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead: His kingdom shall have no end, ‘And (I believe in) the Holy Ghost, Lord and giver of fe: ‘Who proceedeth from the Father and Son. ‘Who with the Father and Son together is worshipped and glorified: ‘Who spake by the Prophets ‘And in one holy catholic and apostolic church | acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sin. ‘And | ook forthe resurrection of the dead ‘And the life ofthe world to come, Amen, DURUFLE AND BERNSTEIN — Sanctus Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth Peni sunt coe et tera gio ua Hosanna in excelsis. HAYDN AND BERNSTEIN — Dona nobis Dona nobis pacer, ‘Agnus Dei, dona nobis pacem. PAULUS — The Road Home Tell me where isthe road I can call my own, ‘That | eft, that | lost, so long ago? Al these years | have wandered, oh when will | know There's a way, there's a road that will lead me home? After wind, after rin, when the dark is done, As | wake from a dream in the gold of day, ‘Through the ar there's a caling from far away, ‘There's a woice | can hear that wil lead me home. Rise up, follow me, Come away is the call, ‘ith the ove in your heart as the only song; There is no such beauty 2s where you belong, Rise up, follow me, | will ead you home. arr. ERB — Shenandoah 0 Shenando, | long to see you, And hear your roling river, (0 Shenando, | long to see you, "Way, we're bound away, ‘Across the wide Missouri, Hong to see your smiling valley, ‘And hear your roling river, ‘ong to see your smiling valley, "Way, we're bound away, ‘Across the wide Missourl “Tis sev'n long years since last | see you, ‘And hear your rolling rive, "Tis sevin long years since last | see you, "Way, we're bound away, Across the wide Missourl Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth ae full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest Grant us peace, Lamb of God, grant us peace. arr. PARKER — Goin’ To Boston. Goodbye, gals, 'm goin’ to Boston Early in the morn’ \Wior't we look purty inthe ballroom Early in the mornin’ ‘Saddle up, gals, an let's go with ‘em Early in the mornin Get out the way, you'l get run over, Early in the mornin’ Right and left will make it beter, Early in the momin! ‘Swing your partner all the way to Boston, Early in the mornin’ Goodbye, gals, It's early in the mornin’ Goodbye! arr. PARKER/SHAW — Seeing Nellie Home Inthe sky the bright stars gittered, (On the bank the pale moon shone; ‘And ‘twas from Aunt Dinah’s quiting party | was seeing Nelle home. (On my arm a soft hand rested light 2s ocean foam; ‘And ‘twas from Aunt Dinas quilting party I was seeing elie home. There's no place lke home. (On my lips a whisper trembled, ‘Tremibled til it dared to come, ‘And ‘twas from Aunt Dinat’s quilting party | was seeing Netie home. On my life new hopes were dawning ‘And those hopes have lived and grown, ‘And ‘twas from Aunt Dinah’s quilting party | saw my darling Nelie home. arr, WILBERG — Old Joe Clark Round and round, Old Joe Clark, round and round | say, Round and round Old Joe Clark, | ain't got long to stay. ‘Old Joe Clark, he had a mule, name was Morgan Brovin, Every tooth in that mule's head was sixteen inches round, id Joe Clark, he had a cow, she was muley born, Took a buzzard fity years to fly from ham to hor. (Old Joe Clark, he had a cat, would not sing or pray. Stuck her head in that of jar, washed her sins away. ld Joe Clark, he had 2 dog, blind as he could be. Ran a red bug ‘ound a stump, bear up yonder tree Old Joe Clark, he had 2 house, sixteen stores high, ‘And every story in that house was fled with chicken pie, | won't go to Old Joe's house, Il tll the reason why, PE ‘cause | can't get ‘round his garden spot for tearing down the rye, Fare you well, Old Joe Clark, fare you well | say, swingin, Fare you well, Old Joe Clark, | ain't got long to stay. Hooray! DVORAK — Dignare Domine {CDignare, Domine, ale isto sine peccato nos custodtri Refrain: Miserere nosti, Domine! Fiat misericorcia tua, Domine ‘super nas quemadimodum speravimus in te Inte, Domine, sperav- non confundar in aeterum. Benedicamus Patrem et Fllum cum sancto spirit Refrain: Alleluiah! Laudemus et super exatemus cum in saecula, Alletyjaht! Vouchsafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this day without sin Refrain: Have mercy on us, O Lord! Let thy mercy, Lord, be upon us, as we have hoped in thee. In thee, © Lord, have | trusted: let me nat be confounded forever. Let us bless the Father and the Son together withthe Holy Spirit, Refrain: Allejaht Let us praise and exalt him for ever. Allelujaht

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