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Azahrans Awakening

I am Azahran the God of Forged Demons. Use this page as it shall be provided for the
cursing of beings who dare to denounce the writings of Janu Hitikara. Simply take this
page from the Prophecy and burn it as an offering or burn the full book, because you
desire to desecrate the whole Prophecy.
Read aloud my curse or simply do what none should do. Burn the book in malice against
my Lord and you shall fall. This shall be a page cursed to release Hate, Malice and
Destruction upon they who knowingly or ignorantly burn this page. This is an offering to
me, Azahran to create and manifest Hate, Malice and Destruction against you who dare
to act against us.
I am one of the Unholy Nine who act in favor of Janu the God of Faith and Truth. He asked
me to create this page, the most cursed page within his writings, so that any who
destroy it with the intent of working against Janu shall be destroyed by their desires
This page shall exist within this most dangerous Black Book of Power. I am also a Vinori
of ancient blood, one of the original fallen heroes of ancient Vinori Lore. This alone shall
protect the knowledge of the Prophet Janu Hitikara from desecration.
In the name of the unholy gods, the knowledge of this book and all the great works of
the Great Flesh God Janu Hitikara shall live in infamy. In the Names, shall come all that
is within evil. This page alone has the power to open the portal to the forbidden realms of
Kurane forever burning.
Awaken true evil that is who speak through the Great Flesh God himself. I shall mark his
work by the curse itself, the evil power to manifest ones deepest fears. This page alone
holds the keys to self destruction. The Names, those we speak not of, but simply refer to,
are simply that.
This is the single most potent destructive force created by the Great Flesh God.
In the Names, I invoke the curse that manifested the deepest fears of the flesh and
soul, the bond shall be torn. The flesh asunder and the soul taken; this is the path to
absolute evil in the Names. In the Names!

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