Conditionals Exercises Type 0,1,2&3

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Mixed Conditionals Exercise Filthe gaps using the verbs in brackets. This exercise fs only forthe brave. twas a request so don't blame me, okay? Some verbs must be in the negative inorder to make sense, 4 tyou fate again for training again today (oe), 1 ‘you playin tomorrow's match, (lt) at ‘al Augustin Thaand (to spend) i the tie ana ‘he money. (lo have) Maybe nex! year 31 ‘angry (tobe) i you my chocolate mousse. (to eat) 4 tryst one person ‘ny birthday (rememben, 1 ‘sad. (to bo) 5 You. sorry (tobe) if you {or your exams, (to revise) B Lecce woe that umbrella inside the house (open) i co you (to be) its bad tac 7 We (Goat) out there no food at home. (tbe) 8 Thohondays ‘great (ob ithe woatnor beter. (t0 bo) at ‘outwith him (o go) even you me. (to pay) 10 thyou conse MM abou the CONC (0 tl), - -»- (to 99) 11 tryou ‘0 much baer (to den), you sotto be) nit you were coming (to know), ‘a cake. (o bake) 13 Tho wor ‘a bottor plac (to be) pottcians toss, vain (18) 14 You. itbetter (to do) you ‘mare te over it (to take) 1s ‘mare about computers (to understand), help you ‘ut (tobe able to) 1 {enough mikfor the weekend (to have) if ‘shopping on Friday. (to 90) 17 Thy... eset cidron (to punish) thoy... oe Bad toports ‘rom school. (io gat) 18 What you odo) if you your house keys? (to lose) 19 What se YOU sn {40.0 f YOU REGMDOU en YOU todinner? (io inv) 20 What they {to do) thoy to class today? (Go come) 21 What type of music they (io play)it trey disco? (to have) Conditional sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. A. Ifthe machine (stop), press this button, 2. Why did't you tll me? you {tol) me, Iwould have helped you. 4. cant understand what he sacs in hor! Wanyone treated me lke that, (be) extremely angry! 4. Ifyou help me with this exercise, 1 do) the same foryou one doy. 5. Ifill hadnt stolen the car, he {not be) in prison now. 6. According te the timetable, if the Wain (leave) on time, we wil arive at 5.30. 7. Let me give you some advice. tf you Temoke) les, you wouldn't feel so tired af {be} fine tomorrow, we will go to the coast 9. tte finda tax, we {get) there before the play starts, 40. Ifyou (invite) me, I would have been able to come. |LL | don’ knew how to play baseball but | am sure that i di, 1 {lay) alot better than anyone in ‘his aul team, 42. If phone you toight, (you / be) in? 413, What bad luck! If Alan had fallon over, be ln) the race 114 Wie have a suggestion to make, How would you feel iF we (offer you the job of assistant manager? 15, We would have visited the Prada Gallery if we (have) time, Conditional Sentences. Complete the sentences below using the corract form ofthe verbs in brackets. A. tfmy parents (be) ae trict as yours, leave) home, 2. Unfortunately, ve (not be able) to 60 sing next week i there (not be) enough snow. at (Go) tothe beach more often ifit {not be) so crowded, butthere’s hardly any room to move. you (not ke) your job, (look) for another one. We were very late because of the traffic. We (Get) there sooner if we (take) the train. 6. iFeouples (ot wont) to get married in church, they (can) ¢0 to aregisty offic nit (60) you, (emake) an appointment today. 3. You have been wotking 50 hard recently. 1 {2sk) your boss for 2 raise if | (be) you. 9. Quickviwe {iiss} our plane ifwe (oot hurt 410. We spent most of our holiday walking in the mountains. We (go) skiing i there Ube) mare snowy, but it was a mild winter Ist yer a. Fem somry, | {lend) you the money it have) ie but ve already spent my pocket money for this week 12. IF Rut, {out) on a helmet, she {oot be injured) inthe sesient 413. fyou (vin) the lottery, wih (you te ist? 114. Why did’t you phone? FT (know) you were coming, (eneet} you atthe airport 45, The machine not work) iit (oot have) enough cil 16. il (eel seks | (not go) on holiday next weekend. 17.153 pity you mised the party. IFyou (come), you (meet) my friends from Hungary. 118, You make such delicious cakes! Wf you (cel them, you (make) a fortune, 19.1F we (ave) some tools, we (be) able to repair the car, but we haven't got any ith 20. Fa balloon {be fied with hot ait, i (ise). 22. Thank you for your help. If you (oot help} me, 1 {not pass) the 22, Wea beautiful house and 1 (buy) iti, (have) the money, but lean’ afford it, 23, Mark isn’t serious athlete I he (train) harder, he (be} quite a good runner. 24, The machine (stop) automaticaly if something (60) wrong. 25, “What Tou / do) if you (ee) @ ghost?” "I (run) alle? 26. You were very rude to alex. f1 (be) you, | {spologie) 27. Ashley is allergic to cheese fhe (eat) cheese, (get) an awiul rash. 28, The radio (not work) the Batteries (oe) fat.

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