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Attittide Norkooo Sirior Mickey Rogers John Waterman Kate Fuscoe Barbara Garside Luke Prodromou Attittide Workbook Starter Mickey Rogers John Waterman Kate Fuscoe Barbara Garside Luke Prodromou Poae eere a nvoue proctce, 4 Instructions in the book Word order Helo / goodbye = R Conversations ‘entivng a Mozting and greeting conversation i 6 (Ordering @ conversation _dentiving names The alphabet Matching sentences and from speling L responses Introductions ‘dentiying speling and punctuation errors & Numbers 0-10 Matching questions and What's your phone ‘my, your, hi, her G answers number? L Word search: numbers Completing a conversation 40 V Finding the extra word 10. be am, are, is) @ Word order Counties L Counties Ordering 2 conversation Contractions with be 12. Nationalies V be, counties and natonalties Word stress be (negative statements) @ Word seer: counties and nationals v 14 Information questions @ Numbers 11=100 ‘Numbers 11-100 v Completing a ‘be (information questions) @ regstraion fon 16 Jobs V Completing @ conversation What do you do? Word stress aan s Word search: jobs v 18 Yes/No questions and Wort order Personal information shor answers {G Ordering @ conversation Understanding short Od-one-out v conversations re £20 be (sinquar and plural Subject pronouns Understanding forms) @ Eror corection questions L Personality adectves = -V 22 Adjectives V Word order What are they ike? Finding the extra word Adoctves L be fal forms) 24 Personal possessions -V Word dictation Lk. Plral endings this / these / that / those @ Singur or pura? Word search: personal possessions v 26 Adjectives ¥_ Word order Opinions c Noun + 5 G Sentence competion Odd-one-out v 28 Word order wih its + time ty times R Word stress Time v Time L 20. Events and places V_ Completing a conversation Ordering a conversation R Preposttons at /on /in G Times L Word search: events and places v 82 where + be @ Word order Dictation L Ene comection A postcard R Completing a conversation 34 Places V Sentence completion Where's the market? L Sentence stress Prepositions ofplace @ Interpreting aman 38 there is/are Finding the extra word = Placesinacty =k Places v Myhometown OR 38 1s/ Are there? @ Word order ‘Ae there any Yes/No questions rmusoums? L Word search: places fom Ditation Ez Unt v Unit 7 tcon. ‘Con you? Unit 9 Entertainment Sconce fiction? Page Grammar and Language practice Reading and Pronunciation Vocabulary Listening Lesson 40. Abts V Word order Special abilities L can/cant - Abiities Word search: abittes —V_ Error recognition Lesson 2 42 Part-time jobs V Word order ‘Ajob interview R ‘part-time job Shoe answers wth can ‘Abities L ‘and can't 6 Lesson 3 44 Instructions ¥ Word order Instructions L. Sentence stress imperative! Imperatives 6 Lesson 1 46 Family v ‘Anna's family Word stross Farnily have / has and ‘My family: t relationships ‘short answers G Lesson 2 48 Appearance V. Word order Descriptions L ‘Appearance be or have G {s or have / has 6 Lesson 3 50 Subject pronouns / Questions (My family. . ‘Your family, G Ordering a conversation ‘our family Possessive adjectives 6 Wordsearch: words fom Unit 8, lesson 3 v Lesson 1 82 Routines V Finding the extra werd A.nornal school day ‘Atypical day Word order My day L "Lesson 2 54 Activities Speling the days of Do you? Word order in sim the week L present questions Atypical week at Simple present questions college R and short answers ‘The tie of day and atvties L Lesson 3 58 Simple present, negative Word order 'An interview on health: dont eat sentences 6 mea! Negative sentences Heath v Word search: words rom Unit 9, lassen 3 v 58. Simple present, 3d person Word order Jenny Bonnett singuiar G Matching sentences “The chid actor, Jenna Matching questions and Boyd a 60 Colocations V Ordering words ’n ordinary weekend Frequoncy adverts «G@_ Matching questions and answers 62 Categories V. Matching sentences ‘Things! tke and tke + noun Error comection don't ike L Word search: words om Unit 10, lesson 3 v 664 Kinds of movies and ‘Simple present with ike The movies R Do you lke TV programs V Frdingthe extra word Movies and TV Programs | ke a Lesson 2 66 Information questions Word order ‘Spelling words L Musi with what, who, when, Matching questions and Musi R and where & anowors Mo and my music Lk Lesson 3 68 Free tme activities V_ Word order Vike staying at home Free time ‘Question forms wth o/s s Wor search: free time activites v Lesson 1 70 Present progressive —@ Ordering an e-mail Present progressive Busy day Spelling of verb+-ing =@ Lesson 2 72 Questions withthe present Odd-one-out What are you doing? Lk Lote for a date G@ Ordering a conversation Present progressve @ Present progressive short answers 6 Lesson 3 74 Vacation actitios VW Word order the beach Simple present / ‘Ordering a postcard present progressive |G A postcard Word search: words fom Unit 12, lesson 3 v @: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 1 Hi, _ Kathy. a tm b hello = ¢ Sam 2 Sonia, is Mary. a this b goodbye c¢ is 3 _, Karen, a Sam b I'm © Goodbye 4 __,I'm Ann, a This b Hello ¢ Goodbye 5 this is Linda. a I'm b Bob © this Listen and circle the letter of the conversation you hear. Conversation 1 Conversation 3 a A Hello, Mark. B Hi, Joe. a A Paul, this is Bob. B Hi, Bob. b A Goodbye, Mark. B Bye, Joe. b AHi, I'm Paul. B I'm Bob. Conversation 2 Conversation 4 a AHi, I'm Greg. B Hello, I'm Sally. a AHi, Jane. B Hi, Lee. b AHello, Grog. B Hi, Sally. b A Bye, Jane. B Goodbye, Lee. Match the words or phrases with the pictures. Look at the picture. Repeat. ® Complete the conversation. Read. oeowe Listen, Introductions HINT: Look for ‘names in the sentences, This can help you understand the order of the conversation. 1. Language practice: ordering a conversation 4 Pronunciation: the alphabet 2. Language practice: matching sentences and 5 Ustening: identfying names from speling responses 6 Language practice: identifying speling 3. Language practice: introductions «and punctuation errors Number the sentences to put the conversation in the correct order. T'm Amanda Evans. Nice to meet you, too. a Nice to meet you, Amanda. Hello, I'm Greg Barton. What's your name? _ Match the sentences and responses. 1 Nice to meet you. a PEARSON, 2 This is Carrie Martin. b Goodbye, Kate. 3 How do you spell Pearson? ¢ I'm Susan Brown. 4 What's your name? d_ Nice to meet you, too. 5 Byo, Mary. Nice to meet you, Carrie. I'm Laura Hayes. Circle the correct word. What's / How’s your name? How do you name / spell Warren? Nice / I'm to meet you. Hello, / Goodbye, I'm John Mason. What's you / your name? What / How do you spell Suzanne? nx ‘Meetings and greetings @ 4 Listen and circle the letter you hear. a £ Ss ee 3 Zz c £ + hat iat RS 5 k h j Listen and circle the name you hear. 1 a Jenson b Jones © Hanson 2 a Forbes b Soares © Sears 3 a Rowen b Lowell ¢ Warren 4 a Masters b Martin © Maxwell 5 a Allen b Ansel © Enders 6 a Parks b Barker © Bams 7 a Eisen b Isaak © Ellis 8 a Burton b Vining © Vinton 6 Circle the incorrect word in each sentence. Then write the correct spelling or punctuation. ‘Wat's your name? How do you spel Joe? Naice to meet you. Im Cindy Davis. Goodby, Simon. Nice to meet you, to. TUT essences His and her 1 Language practice: matching questions and answers § Vocabulary: numbers 0-10 2 Language practice: completing a conversation 6 Grammar: my, your, his, her ‘3 Language practice: finding the extra word 7 Word search: numbers 0-10 4 Listening: What's your phone number? Match the questions and answers. 1 What's your name? a BRIAN 2 What's your e-mail address? b My name is Cliff, 3° What's her name? © (240) 651-3842 4 How do you spell Brian? d_ Ortega 5 What's his phone number? e 6 f ‘What's his last name? Her name is Jenny Smith. Complete the conversation with words and phrases from the box. firstname you phone number what's your Hi, What's () last name, please? Halley. How do (2) spell Halley? H-A-L-L-E-Y. ‘Thanks. And what's your (3) Dave. What's your (4) 2 (301) 482-3071. Okay. And (5) your e-mail address? Sree eee be Circle the extra word in each sentence. My I name is David. What's is your name? T'm my Laura. This is name Bill. My e-mail phone address is Nice I'm to meet you. Listen to the conversations and write the missing numbers. 1 (212)6__1-__40 2 (612)__ 81-7 3 (9____)6__4__ 64 a 5 (7) 45__ lk i pete na ane at ed ae eee eee mai a 5 Write words to complete the table. 5 5 0 pero 6 1 7 2 8 a 9 4 10 6 Look at the pictures and read the conversations. Choose the correct word. ® for males ind her for A. Excuse me. What's my / your name? A What's his / her e-mail address? B_['mBill Jones. B_, A What's his / her name? A’ What's your / his phone number? B_ Steve Jennings. B_ My/ Her phone number is (512) 408-9763. 7 Do the word search. The theme is numbers 0-10. 4HN40 GERD <~ex< ZSevSBcCoHe << >rvy8semzenx Sa Ben Affleck is na Hayek is Shania Twain is Michael Schumacher is, @Q: HINT: Romember the difference in syllable stross in words like thirteen and thirty Naren) 1. Grammar: information questions 2 Listening: numbers 11-100 3. Vocabulary: numbers 11-100 4 Reading: completing a registration form 5 Grammar: be linformation questions) 6 Vocabulary: numbers 11-100 Circle the correct question word. 1. Where / What are you from? 2 What / How old are you? 3 What / How is your name? How / Where is Sharon from? 5 How / Where old is he? * Listen and circle the number you hear. 10 Write the correct spelling for each number. fifteen. 15 a1 ee ene = 15 14 14 24 19 29 10 Za, 3 71 50 84 30 3 80 59 id 32. 15 75 eu 722 8 35 9 59 10 68 tgs 34 90 69 72 52 50 79 HINT: Look at the answers to the questions to help you know which ‘words to use in the questions. Read the conversation. Write the missing information to complete the registration form. A B A B A B A B A B A B Good morning. What's your name, please? Karl Werner. And how do you spell your last name? WERNER, Werner ... Okay, thanks. Where are you from, Karl? I'm from Germany. How old are you? I'm 19. ‘And what's your phone number here? It’s 867-9731 Okay, thenks, Karl. Welcome to the International School. ‘Thanks. A THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL WES REGISTRATION Fist name Telephone number Complete the questions. 1 A ___ishis___? B Kevin. 2 A ____areyou 2 B_ New York. 3 A ____old___ sho? B She's 22. aa is___ name? B_ My name is Barbara, 5 A Where David__ B Spain. 6 A How ____you? B I'm2i. Read the math problems and write the correct answers. Write the full word, not the number (e.g. fourteen, not 14). ‘twenty-four fourteen thirty-seven + fifteen = ninety-two + four = __ cightoon x three ten x seven = sixty-five - forty-one fifty-five + thirty-three = one hundred + twenty-five = eVoukenn Personal information a fee racy 1. Vocabulary: jobs 4 Language practice: completing a conversation 2 Pronunciation: word stress 5 Listening: What do you do? 3 Grammar: a/ an 6 Word search: jobs 1 Match the pictures with the correct jobs. 1 doctor = ___ 4 actor 2 secretary 5 nurse 3 vet (@) 2 Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Then listen to check. HINT: 1 (doctor) doc / tor 8 (pilot) pi / lot Intwo-syllable 2 (dentist) den / tist 6 (designer) de / sign / er ‘words, the stross enormally on 3 (Server) serv / er 7 (engineer) en / gi / neer the first syllable, 4 (actor) ac / tor 8 (secretary) sec / re / tar / y 3 Write a or an in each blank. ata 1 designer 5 actor Rememberto 2 pilot 6 nurse ‘use an before f 3 engineer 7 architect vowel sounds. 7 ——— 4 secretary 8 vet nx What do you do? 4 — Complete the conversation. A’ Hi, my (1)__is Larry. B I'm Susan, (2)__to meet you. A. Nice to meet you, (3)__. Where are you (a)__? B lms) San Francisco. And you? A Miami, What (6) you (7)__, Susan? B I'm(s) doctor, A. Really? B Yes.(9)____ do you(0)_? A rm (a1) engineer. Listen to six short conversations about jobs. Match the pictures with the conversations. ® © Conversation 1 Conversation 4 Conversation 2 Conversation 5 Conversation 3 6 Do the word search. The theme is jobs. Is he ade 1. Language practice: word order 4 Language practice: ordering a conversation 2 Grammar: yes / no questions and short answers 5 Listening: understanding short conversations 3. Reading: personal information 6 Vocabulary: odd-one-out Order the words to make sentences. my / friend / is / This /. / Bill an / Is / he / architect /? isn't /./No, / he Jan / engineer / He's engineer, / Are / an /?/ you / too T'm/./ No, / not eukene Complete the questions and answers. Use contractions where possible. AQ) you a teacher? A ©) your friend Robert B No, I'm (2) Pm ” —— actor? (3) designer. B_ No, he (8) (9) a A @ she from Houston? apace ae is A. Are (10) from New Zealand? ea B Yes, 1(11) Read the texts. Circle the correct answer for each question. This is Brandon Maria Olivetti is Williams. He's from Rome, Italy. from Atlanta, She's 32. Maria Is, Georgia. He's an an architect with actor with, Carlton Universal Studios Construction in in Los Angeles. New York. Brandon Is 28. 1 Is Brandon an architect? 5 Is Maria an actress? a Yes,heis. b No, he isn’t, a Yes, she is. b No, she isn’t. 2. Ishe from the United States? 6 Is she an architect? a Yes,heis. b No, he isn’t. a Yes,she is. b No, she isn’t. 3 Is Maria from Germany? 7 Is Brandon an actor? a Yes,sheis. b No, she isn’t. a Yes, he is. b No, he isn’t. 4 Is Carlton Construction in Los Angeles? 8 Is Maria 26? a Yes, itis. b No, it isn’t. a Yes, she is b No, she isn't. “What do you do? Number the sentences to put the conversation in order. No, she isn’t. She's a doctor. _ Is she a nurse? ___ No, he isn’t, He’s an engineer, A doctor? Really? _ ‘Yes. And this is her boyfriend, Robert, ___ ‘This is a picture of my friend Laura, ___ Is he a doctor, too? __ opp ep wp Listen to five conversations. Choose the conversation you hear. Conversation 1 a A. Are you a student here? B_ Yes, Tam. b_ A. Are you an engineer? B Yes, 1am. Conversation 2 a A. Ishe your friend Joe? B_ Yes, he is. b A Is your friend Joe a pilot? B_ Yes, he is. Conversation 3 aA. Are you Irish? B_ No, I'm not. b A Are youa pilot? B_ No, I'm not. Conversation 4 a A Issheavet? B_ No, she isn't. b A Isheavet? B_ No, he isn’t. Conversation 5 a A Is Marya server? B_ Yes, she is. b A Is Marya server? B_ No, she isn't. Circle the word that is different in each list. 1 doctor teacher engineer company 2 student Bob John Paul 3° South Africa Barbara Japan Germany 4 is am are do 5 am aren’t is are 6 name job yes age amelie 1. Language practice: subject pronouns 4 Language practice: error correction 2 Grammar: be (singular and plural forms) 5 Vocabulary: personality adjectives 3 Listening: understanding questions 1 Write the correct subject pronoun in each blank. 1A Where are from? B I'm from China, 2 Als Annaa student? B Yes, is, 3 Robert is Canadian. ’s from Toronto. 4 A What's your last name? B ’s Simpson. 5 A Are you students? B Yes, are. 6 A Where are Kathy and Steve from? B ‘re from Atlanta. 7 AAre you Jim Curtis? B Yes, am. 2 Complete the conversation with words from the box. Then read the questions and check True or False. Are is you They're We're we you're I'm Sam _ Hii, I'm Sam Davidson. What are your names? Renata (1) Renata and Cristina Santos. Sam Where are (2) from? Renata Brazil. And you? Sam (3) from Chicago. (4) you students? Renata Yes, (5) are, I'm a medical student and Cristina (6) an art student. Sam —So(7) really creative, right, Cristina? Cristina. Uh, yes, I think so. Oh, look, Renata, Curt and Alan! Sam Curt and Alan? Cristina Yes. (8)___our boyfriends. Sam Oh, no! ‘True False 1 Sam is friendly. Qo 0a 2 Renata and Cristina are Brazilian. () ) 3 Sam is American. aa 4 Renata is a doctor. 060 5 Renata and Cristina are students. () () 6 Cristina isn’t creative. aa x 3 | ‘What do you do? @) 2 Listen to the questions and circle the correct answer for each one. Question 1 a Yes, Tam Db Yes, we are. Question 2 a I'm 22. I'm fine, thanks. Question 3a Yes, Lam. Yes, they are. Question 4 a We're 25. ‘They're 25. Question 5 a Yes, Tam Yos, wo are. Question 6 a We're from Russia. ‘They're from Russia. Question 7a No. We're Paul and Jane. No. We're teachers. ceeeees Question 8a We're from Florida. They're in Florida, 4 Circle the incorrect word in each sentence. Then write the correct sentence. Gee. 1 They’s from Los Angeles. Seeemberonly 2 We are student. sane wor eo in 3 They're funs. seeentence 4 How olds are they? a 5. Where be they from? 6 George Simmons are a good teacher. 5 Look at the pictures and circle the correct personality adjective. creative / friendly / serious fun / friendly / serious fun / shy / serious creative / fun / shy rE What do you do’ ou ata 1 Language practice: word order 4 Language practice: finding the extra word 2 Vocabulary: adjectives 5 Listening: adjectives 3. Reading: What are they like? 6 Longuage pradiice: be (all forms) Order the words to make sentences. from / and Kathy / Seattle / Janet / . / are from / Where / you / and Sarah /? / are = Mike /?/ Are / doctors / and Tania and romantic /. / creative / is / Brad analytical /?/ Are / you and Joan / aren't / Paul / . / married both / We / are / . / accountants students. They're / They're / not teachers / eveueene Match the adjectives and pictures. 1 romantic 5. intelligent 2 married 6 imaginative 3° analytical __ 7 creative = 4 impatient __ 8 identical People and things Read the text and complete the table. Pauline, Renee, and Sylvia are friends. They're students at UCLA in Los Angeles. Pauline is from Orlando, Renee is from Chicago, and Sylvia is from Tucson. Pauline is 18, Sylvia is 19, and Renee is 20, Renee is very creative, She's an art student, Sylvia is shy. She's a math student and she's very intelligent. Pauline is very friendly. She's a design student. Circle the extra word in each sentence. ‘Are Susan and John an engineers? ‘My hometown is a New York. We're both are imaginative. Leo isn’t a friendly. ‘Mary and Martina is are teachers, A ls Mike from ‘Texas? B Yes, he is from. ‘A Are the Smiths American? B No, they aren't not. Sophie is married, but I'm am not married. evoanene Listen to the conversations. Circle the adjectives you hear. Conversation1 ——a_friendly b imaginative romantic Conversation2 a romantic b practical © creative Conversation3 a impatient b intelligent c creative Conversation 4 a_friendly b romantic © analytical Conversation 5 a imaginative b impatient intelligent Complete the paragraph with the words from the box. Use each word only once. Susie and Peter Martin are both designers in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They're from Los Angeles, and (1) married. Susie (2) 27 and Poter is 26. They're both friendly and fun, but they're different, too. “Susie is the creative one!” says Peter. “(3) very imaginative.” Susie says, “Yes, (4) creative, but Poter is practical and analytical. ) both romantic!” Susie and Peter (6) happy in Santa Fe. (7) a beautiful and historical city. Sera ary HINT: Use it’s or they're in answers to~ questions with this, these, that, those. 1. Vocabulary: personal possessions 4 Listening: singular or plural? 2 Uistening: word dictation 5 Pronunciation: plural endings 3. Grammar: this / these / that / those 6 Word search: personal possessions Look at the picture. Write the correct number next to each item. watch cD wallet briefcase purse pen picture book calculator backpack glasses cellphone Listen and write the words you hear. Bene eyo Read the questions and answers and look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. Use contractions where possible. 5 awallet. a briefcase. What's _tAcs_in English? What's? B B B B B B calculators. Listen and check the correct picture letter for each item. AB A OB pictire1 =<): .O Pitrea Q O Biureayc Dd Piers QQ O Picture 3 ao Picture 6 fe} @ 5__ Check the correct pronunciation of the plural ending for each word. ‘Then listen to check. Al Aad books: wallets calculators kisses pens students pictures purses eeveusene watches Ooooooooo Ooooooo0cos Ooooocoeoco 6 Do the word search. The theme is personal possessions. lemony 1. Vocabulary: adjectives 4 Listening: opinions 2 Grammar: noun + ‘s 5 Language practice: sentence completion 3. Language practice: word order 6 Vocabulary: odd-one-out Order the letters to make adjectives. oo/e/1 i/m/h/b/le/o clifnle m/r/n/tlo/a/e/i ic/ou/r/d/l/s/ifu i/qu/u/nle elistidly/rin/1 ti/in/n/e/er/t/s/g eVouneenwe Read the sentences and look at the ’s. Is it a contraction of is or is it a possessive? Check the correct box. Contraction of is Possessive 1 Mary's watch is cool. Qa Qa 2 That's my notebook, Qa Qa 3 Susie's intelligent and fun. () Q 4 Those are Mark's pens. Qa Qa 5 Paula’s glasses are nice. Qa Q 6 That's horrible music. Q Q 7 Bob's very friendly. a a 8 This is Sally's backpack. () Q Order the words to make sentences. nice / is /. / car / Simon’s are / Those / pictures. / Mary's unique / Elton John’s / are /. / glasses and nice / . / Cindy / interesting / is collphone. / This / Kate's / is «J and George / both / friendly / Liam / are / fun and really / Bob's / . / CDs / are / cool and books. / Those / pens / Michael's / are eveueenen People and things Listen to the conversations. Then underline the correct opinion. Conversation 1 Man _ interesting / ridiculous / cool Woman ridiculous / romantic / unique Conversation 2 Woman cool / ridiculous / unique Man —_ horrible | nice / cool Conversation 3 Woman — intelligent / impatient / interesting Man coo! / interesting / nice Conversation 4 Man —_ horrible / cool / interesting Woman — interesting / unique horrible Conversation 5 Woman ridiculous / nice / horrible Man —_ cool / interesting / nice Choose the correct word. Kim | Kim's glasses are nice. Those | That are my glasses. ‘These are my pen / pens. That's my / cellphone. Elton John’s songs is / are famous. That's | Those are Steve's watch. That | These is a nice CD. esoubone Tom / Tom's is very friendly. Circle the word that is different in each list. 1 this these they those 2 it they we this 3 unique student cool nice 4 calculator backpacks books pens 5 famous unusual cool musician 6 nice students books pens People and things @ A question of time 1. Grammar: word order with it's + time 2 Vocabulary: time 3. Reading: city mes Order the words to make sentences. 1 ?/is/it/ time / What 2 ./o' clock / one / It’s 3. time /?/ What / Paris / is / in / it 4 thirty / morning / It’s / four / the / in / 5 time /?/ is / What / now / it 6 afternoon / in / It’s / forty-five / ./ two / the 7 o'clock / night /. / at/ It's / eight 8 in/ fifteen /../ the / It's / six / evening 4 Vocabulary: time 5. Pronunciation: word stress 6 Listening: time Complete the times. Don’t use capital letters or periods. 1 3:00 three __ o'clock 2 12:45 twelve 3 8:15 fifteen 4 10:08 oh Choose the correct answer. It’s nine / ten o'clock in Sydney. It’s two / five o'clock in Cairo. It’s three / four o’clock in San Francisco. It’s seven / nine o'clock in Rio de Janeiro. eens Time and place 6 i 8 11:28 eleven 5:50 five 9:20 7:30 seven It’s twelve / one o'clock in Rome. It’s five / six o'clock in Mexico City. It’s five / seven o’clock in Bangkok. It’s seven / nine o'clock in Toronto. @Ma ® > Write the times. Use this format: 0:00. 1. six fifty 65D. 5 three thirty-five 2. eleven ten es. 6 four fifteen aot 3 one thirty = 7 eighttwenty = ___ 4 nine forty-five ___ 8 ten oh five — Listen and underline the stressed syllables. The number of stresses in each time is in parentheses. (seven thirty — two stresses) sov / on / thir / ty (two fifteen — two stresses) two / fi / teon (ten twenty — two stresses) ten / twon / ty (eight oh five ~ two stresses) eight / oh / five (six fifty ~ two stresses) six / fif/ ty (eleven forty — two stresses) o / Ie / ven / for / ty (five ten — two stresses) five / ten (three forty-five three stresses) three / for / ty / five eveunena Listen to each conversation and check the correct time. @a 12 Oa 9 os . d 6 @a 8 Cy) 6 Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4 Conversation 5 oOoooco> ooooco* Time and place Tela a Relne Riot =tg 1. Vocabulary: events and places 4 Language practice: completing a conversation 2 Reading: ordering a conversation 5 Grammar: prepositions at/ on/ in 3 Listening: times 6 Word search: events and places 1 Match the events and places. movie stadium wedding baseball game movie theater church auditorium, aeoe 2 Number the sentences to put the conversation in the correct order. ane Ann The Cineplex - that’s on Pine Street. What time is it now? Read all of the Mike It’s six fifteen. _ sentences before Ann What time is the movie, Mike? ‘you start to ‘ = canallietinner® Mike Yeah, eight twenty is fine. See you later. es Ann Eight forty, okay. And where is it? begins with a quate: Mike It’s at the Cineplex Theater. Okay. See you at the theater at about eight twenty? Mike It’s at eight forty. tions. Write a time from the box next to each event. @ 5 Listen to the conv the movie the wedding the soccer game the concert English class eakene the movie bso Sumi Time and place 4 — Complete the conversation with the words from the box. Use each word once only. Ken Where's the movie, Roy? Roy Uh, let's see ... War of the Worlds. Here it is. (1) ___’s at the Center Theater. Ken The Center Theater? (2)__ is it? Roy It's (3)__ Clark Street. Ken And what (4) _ is the movie? Roy It's (5)__ six thirty or nine fifteen. Ken _ Nine fifteen, okay? Roy Sure. See you at the theater at nine o’clock. Ken Yeah, see (6) ___ later. 5 Circle the correct word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 Do the word search. The theme is events and places. The auditorium is at / on Park Street. The concert is at / on six o'clock. My English class is at / on the Albert Language Institute. The institute is at / on Washington Boulevard. The movie is at / on the North Mall Theater. ‘The wedding is at / on ten thirty in the morning. Paris is at / in France. I play soccer at / in the afternoon. OTT ge) Geography expert 1 Language practice: word order 4 Reading: a postcard j 2 Grammar: where + be 5 Language practice: error correction } 3 Listening: dictation 6 Language practice: completing a conversation 1 Order the words to make sentences. is / Nile / Where / the / River? think /./1/in/ Asia / it’s Fin / Africa / It’s and Spain /? / Where are / France Europe / in / They're /. in / Colombia / . /is / America / South eerene 2 Complete the questions and answers. Do not use contractions. ‘Whore (1) Brazil and Chile? @_ are in South America. ‘Where (3) the River Thames? (4)____ is in Great Britain. ()____ Mount St. Helen? 16) in the United States. @ the Himalayas? ‘They (8) in Asia. Ce eo a 3 Listen and write the missing words to complete the sentences. France Europe. is Peru? Asia and Europe are . Canada and the U.S. North America. India in eueenwe Peru and Brazil? aia ‘Time and place 4 Read the postcard. Check True or False for each sentence. eae 5 ») LIND eo Dear Peter, a ' vacation &t the Grand Canyon in a “The canyon is incredible and the f Colorado River is beantiful. Right sow ' it's seven o'clock in the evening And the colors in the canyon are Fantastic. (it's two o'clock in the morning for you 4 in London!) Arizona is interesting. | it's really different from England: See yor soon, Tack Jack is in London, ‘The Colorado River is in Arizona. ‘The time difference between Arizona and London is seven hours. Peter is in London. oOooooo ? oOooooo : al 2 3 4 Jack isn’t happy in Arizona. 5 6 Arizona is very similar to England. 5 Circle the incorrect word in each sentence. Then write the correct sentence. qu: 1 Where is the Rocky Mountains? Read the 2 Italy is on Europe. —— ate 9 The Ganges River are in Asia. elp you identify 4 Where is an Atacama Desert? eo 5 Mexico and Venezuela is in America, = __ 6 A Is Canada in North America? B Yes, it’ 6 — Complete the conversation with words from the box. Use each word only once. ‘Tim Hi, Jonny. Jenny Hi, Tim. Shhh. (1)__ is my favorite TV show ~ World Geography. Listen. Presenter Okay, question number one. Where (2) ___ Mount Vesuvius? Tim I think (3) ____in Greece. Jenny No, it (4) _. It's in Italy. Contestant 1 Mount Vesuvius is in Italy. Presenter Correct. Contestant 2, where (5) _ the Alps? Contestant 2 Uh, (6)__ in (7) __ United States. Presenter No, sorry. Tho Alps are (8) _ Europe. Now for a commercial E Time and place unis 30 | Doce RM Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answer. 1 Jimmy Bennett is... aa student b ataxidriver — ¢ an actor 2° He lives in... a Colorado b California © Texas 3° He has a. blond hair b_ brown hair © red hair 4 He has. a green eyes b browneyes blue eyes 5 He can play .. a thetrumpet —-b_ the guitar the violin 6 His favorite music is.... a pop b hard rock © jazz 6 Write the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the text. Jenna Boyd (1)____(be) a famous young actress. She is from Texas and now she (2)____ live) in Los Angeles, California. Her mom's name is Debbie and her father’s name (3) (be) Mike. Jenna (4)__ (not have) any sisters but she (5)___ (have) one brother, Cayden. They (6)___ (have) a dog, Tippy. Jenna {7)_____ (go) to school in Los Angeles and she is a good student. She is interested in sports and she (8)____(be) an excellent ice skater. She can ride a horse and swim. She is interested in movies and she (9)__ (like) the movie The Incredibles. Ordinary lives 1. Vocabulary: collocation 4 Language practice: ordering words 2. Grommar: frequency adverbs 5. Language practice: matching questions and answers. 3. Vocabulary: collocations 6 Listening: an ordinary weekend Circle the word in each list that does not go with the verb. 1 play a soccer b ahorse © thepiano — d_video games 2 ride a abicycle b amotoreycle ¢ a taxi d ahorse 3 90 a toschool b_ toa movie © to work father 4 do a. tennis b exercise © housework d_ homework 5 eathave a breakfast bunch © water dinner Match the sentences to the correct frequency of the action. 1 Inver have breakfast in the morning. a 40% 2 Tusually do my homework at night. b 100% 3 Loften get up early. © 60% 4 Lalways see my friends on the weekend. a 80% 5. [sometimes play tennis on Sunday. e 0% Complete the sentences using the correct form of a verb from the box. You will need to use some of the verbs more than once. go eat do ride play We normally ____ lunch at one o'clock. My dad never housework! Tusually to the movies with my friends. My brother always __ video games at night. She her horse on the weekends. My parents sometimes to bed at one or two o'clock. My sister normally her motorcycle to college. ‘They normally exercise in the morning. eVoukene 4 Order the words to make sentences. 1 house on / always / parents’ /. / have / lunch / We / at / our / Sunday 2 soccer / They /. / on / usually / play / Saturday 3 shopping / Monday and / usually / Friday /. / go / on / morning / I 4 on/./ She / sees / her / normally / friends / Saturday 5 never / coffee / My /. / drinks / mom 6 on/late/./ often / up / He / gets / Sunday 7 does / My / dad / housework. / sometimes 8 I/ fruit and / always / vegetables / eat / . 5 Match the questions and answers. What time does he get up? a Yes, Iplay sports on the weekend. Where does she live? b- Tusually have lunch at one or two o'clock. What do they do? © They are English teachers. Where does your brother work? d= He works in a Chinese restaurant in the center of town. ‘What does she do in her free time? e Do you do regular exercise? f Do they play video games? 8 ‘What time do you have lunch? sh She soes friends, goes to movies, and reads. ‘She lives in Toronto, Canada. No, they don’t. He normally gets up at eight o'clock. eNveuanone Listen to the conversation about a normal weekend for Martha. Check the correct answer to complete the sentences. Usually/ Always Normally Often Sometimes Never Q Qa 4 On Friday night she _ a ‘goes to a dance club. 2 On Saturday morning she () goes shopping. 3 On Saturday afternoon she plays tennis or swims. 4 On Saturday eveningshe__-«) sees friends. 5 OnSunday momningshe _ relaxes. 6 On Sunday evening she _ Q ‘goes to bed late. Te Sa ees oooocoono ooooo Compatibility 1. Vocabulary: categories 4 Language practice: eror correction 2 Grammar: /ike + noun 5. Listening: things | like and don't like 3. Language practice: matching sentences 6 Word search: words from Unit 10, lesson 3 Write the correct category from the box next to each word list. sports food music movies pets vacations dogs cats birds action horror romantic rap reggae electronic rock fast sushi vegetarian pizza surfing swimming soccer aerobics the beach the mountains big cities eueene Write sentences to complete the table. Use the examples to help you. ‘Subject. I/ You / We / They He / She / It Affirmative You like sports. (1) He Negative (2) You (3) He Yes/No questions @ Lees he like sports Information questions What kend of sports do you like? (5) What Match the questions and answers. 1 Do you like pets? a Yes, they do. Their favorite group is U2. 2 What kind of music do you like? b Yes, Ido. I don’t eat meat. 3. Do you like vegetarian food? © Wo like salsa, reggae, and rock. We don't like rap. 4 Do Harold and Jane like reggae? We like beach vacations. 5 Does she like dogs? No, they don't. 6 Do your mom and dad like electronic rock? fT like dogs, but I don’t like cats. 7 Does Bob like horror movies? g Yes, she does. She has three! 8 What kind of vacations do you like? h No, he doesn’t. He likes action movies. 4 Read the conversation. Look at the errors in bold and write the correct words. Sam What kind of movies do you (1) likes? Molly _ [like action movies. My favorite actor is, Johnny Depp ~ I really like him. Brian, my roommate, (2) don’t like action movies. He (3) like horror movies, but I don’t. ‘We always go to the movies on Friday night and we normally see romantic movies = we never see horror or action mo Sam And what kind of food (4) does you like? Molly We (5) likes Oriental food, especially Chinese. Sam And do you like Japanese food? Molly Yes, I (6) don't, but Brian (7) don’t. Sam And can you cook? Molly Ican’t. Brian can cook. He (8) like Italian and French food. po 2 6 3 7 4 a @ 5 _ Listen to an interview with a man in the street about things he likes and doesn’t like. For each sentence check True or False. True False He likes pets. Ho likes romantic movies. His favorite music is reggae. He likes fast food. He doesn't like sports. eoe ene oooooo oooooo His favorite kind of vacation is in the mountains. 6 Do the word search. The theme is words from Unit 10, lesson 3. Dene ceecuccsients 1. Vocabulary: kinds of movies and TV programs 4 Language practice: finding the extra word 2 Vocabulary: kinds of movies and TV programs 5 Reading: the movies 3 Language practice: simple present with like 6 Listening: movies and TV programs | like 1 Match the words and phrases and the pictures. Vee 1 action movies 4 animation 2 horror movies 5 comedy 3. science fiction 6 documentary 2 Read the list of movies and TV programs. Choose a word or phrase from the box to describe each list comedy reality TV action movies documentaries soap operas animation science fiction horror movies 1 Frankenstein Halloween Night of Horror 2 The Fantastic Four Lord of the Rings Saving Private Ryan Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 The Incredibles FindingNemo Shrek The Lion King 4 Big Brother I'ma Celebrity: Get Me Out of Here! American Idol Survivor 5 Friends Desperate Housewives Dawson’s Creek Hill Street Blues 6 Supervolcano Hollywood: The Real Story Worlds Apart: Morocco DNA: The Future 7 Star Wars 2001-A Space Odyssey Alien The Matrix 8 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory _ Pirates of the Caribbean Home Alone Corpse Bride Austin Powers ni Entertainment Complete the conversation with the words from the box. Conversation 1 Lydia (1) you like horror movies? Ella Yes, 1(2) Do you (3) horror movies? Lydia No, 1(4) -1(6) science fiction and action movies. Conversation 2 Rachel 1 don't (6) horror movies. Do you? Kevin (7) , Ido, What kind of movies (8) you like? Rachel 1(9) animation and comedy. Kevin 1 like animation, but I (10) like comedy. Circle the extra word in each sentence. Do you like the action movies? Do you like you soap operas? She do likes documentaries. Do you like of horror movies? like me comedy and animation. Do they like the science fiction? 5 6 My parents they like comedy. 7 8 ewe ‘Yes, I like it action movies. Number the sentences to put the conversation in the correct order. Really! And what kind of movies do you like? ___ My favorite? The Amityville Horror. Really! I don’t like horror movies. And what's your favorite movie? _ Yes, I do. There’s a good movie theater in the neighborhood. Do you go to the movies? Iplay sports and see friends, What do you do on the weekend? _/ Sper er ep Horror movies. Listen to Paul talking about the movies and TV programs he likes. Check Yes, he does or No, he doesn’t. ‘Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Does he like soap operas? Does he like documentaries? Does he like science fiction? Does he like action movies? Does he like horror movies? Does he like comedy? Does he like reality TV? Does he like animation? Oooooocodo Oooooooo exseoanenn IST 1 Ustening: spelling words 4 Language practice: matching questions and answers 2 Language practice: word order 5 Reading: music 3. Grammar: information questions with 6 Listening: me and my music What, who, when, and where Listen and write the words you hear. eseoueene Order the words to make sentences. Each sentence is part of a conversation. like /?/ Do / country / you / music, 1/tervible / No, / think / 1 / don’t / it’s /. about / music /? / And how / world great! / it / Yes, I/ it’s / love /. / I think favorite / your /? / And who / singer / is French / Manu Chao / singer /. / The eae ene Complete the questions with the words from the box. a are they? ‘They are my brothers and sisters. 2 is he from? He's from Canada. 3 is the concert? It’s at eight o'clock. 4 is your favorite singer? ‘My favorite singer is Mariah Carey. 5 is the movie theater? It’s in the center of town. 6 is your favorite song? Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan. 7 do you normally do exercise? I usually do exercise on the weekend. 8 does she do? She's a dentist. Match the questions and answers. 1 Who is Manu Chao? a He plays world music. 2 Where is he from? b He's singer and he plays the guitar. 3 What languages does he sing in? © Punk, reggae, ska, rock, Flamenco, Rai, 4 What kind of music does he play? salsa, and rap. 5 What are his musical influences? Ho sings in Fronch, Spanish, English, Portuguese, and Arabic. @ He's from Paris, France. Read the text about this person and music. Complete the text with the words from the box. Use each word only once. @ is important to me, I like reggae, rock, and world music. My favorite music is (2) and my favorite (8) __ is Mare Anthony. I "play the (4) ____ and the piano and I can ye Tsing in a (6) ______ at college ‘with three friends. I love music. 1(7)___ to it when I go to college and at home in the evening. I sometimes go to (8) ___ on the weekend. Listen to the conversation about Sarah’s interest in music. Underline the correct answer. 1 Sarah likes ... hip-hop and pop b_ hip-hop and salsa 2. Sarah's favorite music is a reggae b rap 3 Sarah’s favorite singer is a Gregory Isaacs b Bob Marley 4 Sarah's favorite songis.... a “NoWomanNoCry” —b__“Sister, Sister” 5 Sarah plays ... a the guitar D the piano 6 Sarah... a can sing b can’t sing 7 Sarah... a sometimes goes to b never goes to concerts concerts Cra 1. Vocabulary: free time activities 4 Language practice: word order 2 Vocabulary: free time activities 5. Reading: | like staying at home 3. Grammar: question forms with like / kes 6 Word search: free time activities Match the verbs with words to make phrases. 1 swimming a the Internet 2 going b tothe radio 3. visiting © with my friends 4 cooking Italian food 5 watching out with friends 6 doing £ aerobics 7 surfing g at the pool 8 listening h aDVvD 9 shopping i my family Read the list of free time activities. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. 1. There's a fantastic swimming pool in my neighborhood. I like there on weekends. 2 Llike on Saturdays. We go to the park, concerts, and movie theaters. I don’t live with my mom, dad, brother, and sister. I like on Sundays to have lunch, Tove music. I like in the car when I drive to work. I'ma history student. I like for information for my history projects. My family loves food. I like _, especially Chinese food. Llike with my friends. We normally go to the two malls on King Street. My children like animation. We like on Saturday evenings. Regular exercise is important for me. [like on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening. ee veue Make the sentences into questions. Write the questions. Use the subject in parentheses to form the question. He likes cooking Korean food. (he) ees he ike cooking Korean. ford? like playing computer games. (you) She likes going out with her friends. (she) ‘They like visiting their family. (they) You like swimming. (you) He likes shopping with his friends. (he) Wo like doing aerobics. (you) She likes listoning to the radio. (she) ese ukewe See 4 Order the words to make sentences. eVoueewe reading / he / Does / ? / like like / . / exercise / She / doesn’t / doing !/ don't / They / cooking / like sports / ? / like / you / Do / playing computers / He / using /. / like / doesn’t homework /! / don’t / like / They / doing Does / ? / sister / shopping / your / like playing / like / computer / We /.. / games 5 Read the conversation between a young man and woman. Circle the correct answers to complete the conversation. Woman So, (1) does / are / do you like going out? No, I (2) do / doesn’t / don’t. like staying at home. Oh! And what (3) does / do / is you like doing? Watching TV and DVDs. I often play computer games with my brother. ‘That's interesting. And ... er .. do you (4) like / likes / doesn’t like cooking? Me! (8) Do / Does / aim I like cooking? No, but my brother (6) is / does / do! What (7) do / is / does he cook? He (8) like / does / likes cooking fast food. Fast food? Yes, he (9) is / likes / like hamburgers and hot dogs. Really! That's interesting, Ca 1 Grammar: present progressive 4 Listening: present progressive 2. Grammar: speling of verb + -ing ‘5 Grammar: present progressive ‘3 Grammar: present progressive 6 Language practice: ordering an e-mail Write the correct form of the verb be to complete the sentences. 1 1___ having lunch. 2 You doing housework. 3 He surfing the Internet. 4 She playing computer games. 5 The telephone ___ ringing. 6 We____ watching a movie. 7 You____ doing homework. 8 They playing soccer. Write the correct form of the verb + -ing to complete the table. ‘Vorb ‘Verb + -ing watch @ do. (2) go (a) study @ play 6) have © write @ take (a) dance (9) shop (10) swim a) get (22) Write the correct present progressive form of the verbs from the box to complete the sentences. Use each verb only once. listen surf read dance take watch sleep cook 1 Mysister___— a book. 2 Two people ______ salsa. 3 My mom to music. 4 Myclassmate the Internet. 5 Mybrotherandsister TV. 6 My dad pizza. 7 We an exam. 8 Thedog inthe yard. f 70 uirt Doing things a 4 Listen to eight extracts. What are the people doing? Match the extracts and the actions. Extract 1 a The students are taking an exam. Extract 2 b The boys are playing soccer. Extract 3 © I'm doing housework Extract 4 The telephone’s ringing. Extract 5 She's listening to music, Extract 6 f He's sleeping. Extract 7 Thoy're having lunch. Extract 8 h_ We're swimming. 5 Match the sentence beginnings and the sentence endings. 41 She's shopping a to music. 2 They're swimming b video games. 3 My brother's playing c atthe mall. 4 My sister and her friends are having d_ anexam at college. 5 My mom's doing © Spanish lessons. 6 My dad's doing exercise fat the beach, 7 My friends are taking g atthe gym. 8 T'mlistening h_ housework. 6 Number the lines to put the e-mail in the correct order. sleeping! Bob and the children, They don’t have school. My parents are here, too. They aro__ Hi Yuki, / in America today. It’s July 4" - Independence Day! I'm at home with Write to me. Love, Cecilia___ ‘What are you doing? It’s one o'clock in the afternoon here in San Francisco and __ five o'clock in the morning in ‘Tokyo. You are_ I'm writing to say hello. How are you? It’s a national holiday __ playing with the children in the yard. Bob’s cooking lunch. _ ay Late for a date 1. Language practice: odd-one-out 4 Grammar: present progressive 2 Grammar: questions with the present progressive 5 Grammar: present progressive short answers 3 Listening: What are you doing? 6 Language practice: ordering a conversation 1 Circle the word in each list that does not go with the verb. 1 ride a a motorcycle b ahorse c acat d abicycle 2 cook a dinner b soda ¢ vegetarian food d_ spaghetti 3 play computer games _b the piano swimming soccer 4 read a abook b aweb page © a magazine lunch 5 listento a the radio ‘b_ the teacher ec TV d acD 6 do a ataxi b your homework ¢ exercise housework 7 take a anexam b breakfast ¢ apicture d= a break 8 write a a picture bd ane-mail ¢ a posteard a. alotter 2 Read the sentences. Then write the question form. She's playing tennis. 6 she Hangng tennis? — He's cooking spaghetti. I'm writing an e-mail. You're playing computer games. We're taking a break. ‘They're playing soccer. eae ene Listen to two people talking about what they are doing. Read the sentences and check True or False. ‘True False 1 Carolyn is shopping. ee 2 Carolyn is shopping with Anna, Sylvia, and Rachel. aa 3. Carolyn is having fun. OG 4 Rosie is doing homework. aa 5 Rosie is having fun. ge oOo 4 Read the conversations. Write the correct words to complete the conversations. Use contractions where possible. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 A (1)____ they playing soccer? A (6)___she writing an e-mail? B No, they (2) - B_ No, she (6) ‘A What (3) they doing? A) 's she doing? B They (4)___ playing basketball. B_ She (8) playing a computer game. | 72 Uh Doing things 5 Look at the pictures and write the correct short answers. Use contractions where possible. 1 Are they playing soccer? 2 Are you cooking? 3 Is she riding a bicycle? 4 Are you listening to the teacher? 5 Is he reading a magazine? «6 _—Are they taking an exam? 6 Number the sentences to put the conversation in the correct order. Oh. What are you watching? _ Hi, Oliver. It’s John. What are you doing? Is ita horror movie? Hi, John, I'm watching a DVD. __ Dracula Goes to College. I'm studying for a biology exam. No, it’s a comedy. What are you doing? At the beach 1. Vocabulary: vacation activities 4 Language practice: ordering « postcard 2 Language practice: word order 5 Language practice: a postcard ‘3 Grammar: simple present / present progressive 6 Word search: words from Unit 12, lesson 3 1 Look at the picture. Read the sentences about the picture. For each sentence check True or False. ‘Two people are sunbathing. ‘A person is drinking juice. ‘Two children are running on the beach, ‘Two people are taking a walk. Four people are playing volleyball. ‘A person is reading a book. ‘Two children are eating ice cream. ‘Two people are swimming. eveusenn OOOOOOOO; OBOCOnOCE 2 Order the words to make sentences. 1 playing / The /. / with / children / are / parents / their 2 magazine /!/ not / reading / I'm / a 3 a/mom/ Are/ taking /? / and dad / your / walk 4 cream / My / and sisters / ice / . / eating / brothers / are 8 onthe/?/ you / sunbathing / Are / beach 6 playing / aren't / ./ They / volleyball ee 3 Read the conversations, Circle the correct answer. 1A Is your vacation fun? 5 A Do you like playing volleyball? B Yes. We have / are having a B_ Yes, Ido. I play / am playing on fantastic time! Monday and Friday. 2 A Whereare the children? 6 A. Rebecca, it's Kate. What are you doing? B_ They watch / are watching TV. B_ I study / am studying for an exam. 3 A. Where do you live? 7 A. What does he like doing on weekends? B Live / am living in Chicago. B_ He likes / is liking seeing friends. 4 A What kind of music does she like? 8 A Where's Mom? B_ She likes / is liking pop and rock. B_ She cooks / is cooking dinner. 4 Number the lines of text to put the postcard in the correct order. Hi, Alexandra, we're on vacation in Florida. It's fantastic, We're __ sitting in a beach bar. Ben and Isobel _ having fun. I'm ice cream, And where's Joe? Soe you next week. He's reading a stupid sports magazine! _ Love, Holly __ are swimming, Frances is sitting on the beach and eating _ 5 Circle the correct Hi Sarah, | ( answers to complete 3 ! ? Y'm on vacation in the postcard. How (1) is he / are you! | @) the office / Jamaica with my friends. I'm sitting in © (a) a beach bar / a movie theater and I'm drinking | (a) mango juice / breakfast. My friends are (5) doing "housework / playing volleyball. At home I (6) eat ice cream | do housework all day. In the evening I usually (2) ride a bicycle / watch TV. This vacation is really (8) different / boring! See you soon. Love, Lou 6 Do the word search. The theme is words from Unit 12, lesson 3. Unit 1 1 Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her Use Use to indicate relationships between people or poople and things. What's your name? My name is Sally. Form Question Answer my Your Robert/Sonia. Whats your |. David/Anna. (What is) his ae name's | eonard. ‘her Her Laura, Unit 2 1. Verb be: statements with am, are, is Form ‘Affirmative ‘Negative Tam (I'm) Jam not (I'm not) ‘You are (You're) ‘You are (You not aren't) He is (He's) Brazilian. He is (He — Korean. not isn't) She is (She's) Sheis (She not isn’t) It is (it's) Ttis not (It isn’t) 2. Verb be: information questions Form Question ‘Statement Question vert; be Subject Subject Verb be What is his name? His name is Paul. Where = are you from? I am from Rio. Howold is she? = Shes. 22. Unit 3 1 Aoran Use Use an before nouns that start with a vowel. She's an engineer. He's an architect. Use a before nouns that start with a consonant. He's a student and she’s a teacher. 2 Yes/No questions Form Affirmative Yes/No Affirmative Negative question short short answer answer I'm fun. AmIfun? = Yes,lam, —_No, I'm not. You're fun. Are you fun? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. He's fun. Ishefun? Yes, he is. __ No, he isn't. She's fun. Is she fun? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. It’s fun. Is it fun? ‘Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Unit 4 1. Verb be: all forms Form Affirmative Negatiy Tam (I'm) Tam not (I'm not) aaa You are not (You're) (You aren't) He/She/It is He/She/It is not (He’s/She’s/It’s) (He/She/It isn’t) We are (We're) French. We are not French. (We aren't) ‘You are ‘You are not (You're) (You aren't) ‘They are ‘They are not (They're) (They aren't) 2° This/these/that/those Use Use this/these to identify objects close to you. What is this? Use that/those to identify objects at a distance. What are those? Note: Use it/they to answer about objects. Isa wallet. They're purses. Form Question Answer Singular What's this/that It’s a briefcase. (in English)? Plural What are these/those They're pens. (in English)? 3 Possessive 's Use Use 's to indicate possession. That is Sandra's book. Form Name + ’s + noun Grammar summary Unit 5 1 It's +time Use Use It’s + time to ask about and give the time. Form Question What time is it? Answer It’s ten o'clock. 2 Prepositions at, on, in Use at + atime: The party is at eight o'clock. at + night: nine o'clock at night at + place: The party is at Susie's house. on +a street: Susie’s house is on Bryan Avenue. in +a continent or country: China is in Asia Beijing is in China. in + the moning/afternoon/evening: The movie is in the evening 3 Where + be Use Use where + be to ask about location. Form Question Answer Singular Where is (Where's) It's at Grace the wedding? Cathedral. Plural Where aro the They're in Asia, ‘Ural Mountains? Unit 6 1 Prepositions: next to, across from, between, on Use Use to say where a place is. 2 There is/are + there isn’t/aren't Use Use to say that something exists. There's a supermarket. Use to say that something doesn’t exist. There isn’t a bank. Form Affirmative Negative Singular There's (There is) a There isn’t mall on King Street. (is not) a mall. Plural There are two malls ‘There aren't (are on King Street. not) any malls, 3. Yes/No questions and short answers Use Use to ask questions about location. Form Yes/No question Short answers Singular Is there abank Yes, there is./No, near hero? there isn’t. Plural Arothere any Yes, there are./ restaurants? _No, there aren't Unit 7 1 Can/can’t for ability Use Use can and can't to talk about ability Tan dance but I can’t sing. Form Can and can't are the same for all forms. Subject canean’t Base verb 1 swim, ‘You dance. He/She/It can/can't play chess. We speak German, They drive. 2 Yes/No questions and short answers with can Use Use to ask and answer questions about ability. Form Question Answer Can Subject Base verb Yes/No Subject 2% Can youfhe playthe Yes, ‘Whe can, Piano? =~ No, Whe can't. 3 Imperatives: affirmative and negative Use Use for instructions and orders. ‘Open your books, please. Check your answers. Form Affirmative Negative Base verb Don't Work in pairs. Don't Look atthe photos. (Do not) look at the pictures. Unit & 1 Havethas Use Use to talk about family relationships. Form ‘Affirmative Nogative statement statement Thave a brother Tdon’t have any and a sister. children, VYou/We/Ths °Y They havetwo We don’t have children, any aunts, He has two sisters. He doesn't have He/She/tt See She has one aunt. She doesn’t have a sister. YesiNo question Short answer Doyouhave any Yes, Ido. VyowWerthey uidrent ee ve°Y Do they have any No, they don’t. sisters? Does he have any Yes, he does. brothers? Bene Does she havea No, she doosn't. brother? 2 Be vs. have in de Use Use to describe appearance and personality. Jim is tall. He has brown hair. criptions Form be + adjective She is friendly. have + adjective + noun Thave brown hair. 3. Possessive adjectives Use Use to indicate possossion and family relationships. This is Mary and Paul Jefferson, and their son, Mike. That's his dog. Form Singular Plural Subject Possessive Subject _—Possessive pronoun adjective pronoun —_ adjective : my we our you your he his they their she her mmar summa Unit 9 1 Simple present: I, you, we, they Form Subject Verb Object Time Singular V/You go toschool/work at 9. Plural We/You/They go to school/work at 9. 2 Simple present: questions Form Singular Question Auxiliary Subject Verb Answer word word Do you work? Yes, I do./ No, sie T don't. do you work? Iworkon weekends. Plural Do they work? Yes, they do./ No, they don't. eS ia they ‘They work on weekends. 3. Negative statements Form Subject Don't Verb Singular 1/You don't drink coffee. Plural WelYou/They don't eat ‘meat. Unit 10 1 Simple present: 3rd person singular Use Use to talk about permanent situations, routines or facts. Use with subjects he, she, it. He lives in Miami. ‘She gets up at 6:00. The Earth has five continents. Form Yes/No Short answer question Does he/she Yes, he/she does. hhave a dog? No, he/she doesn’t Information Affirmative Negative question Where does He/She works He/She doesn’t he/she work? —inaschool. —_work in a bank. Ree UL 2. Frequency adverbs with the simple present tense Use Use to describe the frequency of habitual actions. Talways get up early. Form subject + frequency adverb + verb 100% 80% 60% 40% 0% always usually/ often sometimes never normally 3 Like + noun Use Use to talk about things people like and don't like. I don't like coffee. Form WYou/WerThey Affirmative Subject + like + noun We like cats. Nogative Subject + don't like I don’t like fast + noun, food. ‘Yes/No ‘Do + subject + like Do they like horror questions = + noun. movies? Information Question word(s) ‘What kind of food question _+ do + subject + like | do you like? ‘He/She Affirmative Subject + likes + noun He likes dogs. Negative Subject + doesn’t like She doesn't like noun cats, Yes/No Does + subject + like Does he like fast question + noun food? Information Question word(s) ‘What kind of music question _ + does + subject + like does she like? Unit 11 1 Wh- questions Use Use what for questions about things and activities. What is that in English? What do you do? Use who for questions about a person’s identity. Who is Russell Crowe? Who is the president of Russia? Use when for questions about time. When is the movie? When do you play tennis? Use where for questions about places. Where is the bank? Where do you study English? 2. Like/doesn’t like + noun or ing verb Use Uso to talk about things you like and don’t like. like sports. I don’t like reading. Form VYou/ like cooking. He/ likes swimming, We! don't. spaghetti. She/It doesn’t the beach. They like like Unit 12 1 Present progressive Use Use to talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking. It’s 12:00. My mother is cooking lunch. Form Verb + Verb + Subject be ing Subject be -ing I am (not) We You are (not) eating, You —_are (not) eating. He! is (not) They She/tt Affirmative contractions: I'm, You're, He's, She's, Its, We're, They're Negative contractions: I'm not, You aren't, He/She/It isn’t, We aren't, They aren’t Questions Question Verb + word — be Subject -ing Answer Information What are you doing? I'm studying. ‘Yes/No Are you studying? Yos, Tam. No, I'm not. Note: No, I'm not. ¥ Yes, Tam. 7 Yes, I'm. ¥ 2. Present progressive vs. simple present Use Use the present progressive to talk about actions in progress. ‘A man is riding a motorcycle on the beach. Use the simple present to talk about habitual actions or facts. Talways ride my motoreycle to work. Attitde Workbook Starter Build Positive Attitude Ensuring that students have a positive attitude to learning is the key to their success. Through a series of high-interest topics, challenges, and reflective activities, Attitude engages students in a learning experience that is both meaningful and relevant to their current reality. Develop with Attitude Attitude introduces a unique focus on the development of study and writing skills, empowering students to become effective learners through awareness-raising activities, learning tips, and follow-up tasks. Communicate with Attitude With solid learning foundations, students will have the confidence to express themselves, reflect who they are, and approach learning with attitude! ISBN 970-6503-66-8 0 9"789706'503664!

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