Jaspersoft PreClass Actions Onsite0814

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Pre-Class Actions: Ensure you do the following prior to class start

Testing the
Remote Lab

Get Java

Run a lab environment connection test from the location and computer
you will use to attend training.
To ensure you can perform the course lab work, you MUST run a
connectivity test prior to course start here:
Click Configure Automatically
The test will automatically detect the correct settings and prompt
you to download the connection software
If the tests run successfully, you can save the settings
You will receive an access code at class start from your instructor
Technical requirements are below
Mac specific instructions are below
Having trouble? Try to run the test again, carefully following each
step. Still having trouble? Please contact ReadyTech support:
get-support@readytech.com +1 (510) 289-8992
Action: Email js-university@tibco.com to confirm you successfully
tested or if you experience ongoing problems.
Install the latest version of java www.java.com
Pentium II or better
128 MB memory
Internet connection
Screen size 1024 x 768
Supported Operating Systems
Windows 7/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Mac OS X
Supported Internet Browsers
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
Firefox 1.5 or higher
Safari 2.0 or higher
Opera 9.0 or higher
Konqueror 2.0 or higher

Connecting to the remote lab from a Mac

Local Machine Requirements:

Java 5.0 or higher (available from www.java.com)

CoRD (available from cord.sourceforge.net or hostedtraining.com)

Setting up your lab connection:


Go to xxx.hostedtraining.com, where xxx is the name of your training provider.


**To connect you will need CoRD.**

If you do not already have it installed you can
click on the Downloads link in the top right
corner, then download CoRD and install.
Then click Access to return.


Click on Configure Automatically.

Next click Download Java Plug-In. Then Run when the

Java window appears.



On step three click Save Settings.

ReadyTech Mac Connection Guide

Jan 2013

Enter your access code and click

Submit. The first time you enter your
access code you will need to activate
your system by entering your first and
last name and checking the
agreement box.



Click the green connect button.

A pop-up window will open letting you know
the channel is connected. Highlight the address and use commandc to copy.

Open CoRD (found in

Applications) and paste in the address, then click



Enter in the username and password provided by your instructor

and click OK.

You are now connected to your remote system


ReadyTech Support is available 24/7/365. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at getsupport@readytech.com
ReadyTech Mac Connection Guide

Jan 2013

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