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-The 3rd contemporary approach to Leadership.

(The Earliest version of this model was proposed by Victor Vroom and Philip
Yetton and later revised & expanded by Vroom & Arthur Jago.)
-Vroom has developed yet another refinement of the original model.Like the Path
Goal Theory,this approach attempts to prescribed a Leadership Style appropriate
to given situation.It also assumes that the same leader may display different
Leadership Styles. But Vrooms Approach concerns itself w/ only a single aspect of
Leader Behavior; subordinate participation in decision making.
Vrooms decision Three Approach assumes that the degree to which subordinates
should encouraged to participate in decision making depends on the
characteristics of the situation. (In other words, No one decision-making process is
best for all situation.
-After evaluating a variety of problem attributes(Characteristics of the problem or
decision),The leader determines an appropriate decision style that specifies the
amount of subordinate participation.

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