Dentifying Environmental Services

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dentifying environmental services, valuing them, and facilitating the development of local institutions

e to adopt improved land and forest management practices.

ch as improved and higher yields of coffee in Sumberjaya
demonstrated some new ideasto improve the livelihoods of the upland poor. AtSumberjaya, where land
tenure rights have been alongstanding issue

Carbon sequestration is a global environmental the long run, the aim is to have community
institutions that are fully aware of their responsibility to
preserve their natural resources while generating enough income to sustain themselves.

are supporting communities by helping them form water users associations along the main rivers flowing
from the mountain. Members of the associations plant trees and vegetative ground cover to protect
riverbeds and natural springs, and monitor the pollution levels of the rivers

Management isworking on improving adaptation while ensuring that the impact of climate change will not
be exacerbated by ecosystem degradation, unsustainable use of natural resources and population

n the forest, there are more fires and a lower rate of vegetation regeneration. Wild animals are migrating
downstream in search of water and food, worsening the human-wildlife conflict. Farmers in the region are
finding that the decline in water availability, poor crops and less forage is having consistently negative
impact on their food security,
income, employment and health.
e use ofnatural resources in the project area, with special emphasis on two protected areas Mt. Kenya
NationalPark and Mt. Kenya National Reserve and their buffer zones. The project intends to contribute
to climate change mitigation by conserving carbon stocks in forests and enhancing carbon sequestration,
while also maintaining biodiversity

e. Ecosystem-based management offers a valuable yet under-utilized approach for climate

change adaptation, complementing traditional actions such as infrastructure development.
This approach, known as Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), uses biodiversity and
ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people and
communities adapt to the negative effects of climate change at local, national, regional and
global levels.

by keeping carbon locked up in forests

Shifting Cultvation

Resliience of ecosystem of the region is broken down and

e United Nations campaign is called, tend to see all kinds of slash-andburn agriculture as a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG)

Shifting cultivation, which is still prevalent in the uplands of eastern Bangladesh, contributes
significantly to forest loss and is the main cause of land degradation
ey Questions: Climate-resilient livelihoods in waterprojects

Has water infrastructure been designed taking into

Key Questions: Climate-resilient livelihoods

inagriculture projects

Are the crop and livestock types being promoted by

account potential changes in water availability due to
climate change?
the project appropriate in the context of future
Has water infrastructure been designed to be
climate projections for the target area?

Are the agricultural practices promoted sustainable in

sufficiently resilient towards potential impacts from
climate change, such as soil erosion caused by floods
the context of climate change?

Does the project support integration of adaptation

or excessive rainfall?
Have project activities taken into account that
into planning for land use management?

Do project activities build capacity of stakeholders to

demand for water may change as a result of climate

Does the project support integration of adaptation

access and use weather and climate information for

agricultural planning and risk management?
Will the project develop local capacity on longer-

into planning for water resource management?

Does the project build capacity of stakeholders to

monitor water resources and adapt water resource

management strategies to changing conditions?
Will the project develop local capacity on longer-

term adaptation beyond immediate coping

Have project resources been allocated for such

monitoring efforts?
Do project activities promote efficient use of

term adaptation beyond immediate coping

Have project resources been allocated for such

monitoring efforts?
Do project activities promote efficient use of water

resources for agriculture such as land, water and

Does the project incorporate diversification to off-

resources e.g. through reuse, recycling and rationing

so that supplies are able to withstand fluctuations in
recharge (i.e. resulting from changes in rainfall)?

farm livelihoods strategies that may be less sensitive

to climate hazards?

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