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United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 SEP 27 2016 Case Number: F-2016-11410 Mr. Joe Schoffstall Washington Free Beacon 1000 Wilson Blvd., Suite 2600 Arlington, VA 22209 Dear Mr. Schoffstall: This is in response to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated September 12, 2016, concerning correspondence and communication between Russ Feingold during his tenure at the U.S. Department of State and Senators Jon Tester, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Tammy Baldwin, to also include correspondence between Feingold and persons named Mary Irvine and Cole Leystra. Specifically, this letter addresses your appeal of our denial of expeditious processing dated September 22. 2016, filed on your behalf by Hannah Lepow of Covington and Burling, which was received on September 23, 2016, Afier consideration of your request for expedited processing under the Department’s rules governing Freedom of Information Act requests, we have determined that your request does warrant expedited processing, We will notify you as soon as responsive material has been retrieved and reviewed. Should you want to contact us, you may call our FOIA Service Center at (202) 261-8484 or send an email to Please refer to Case Control Number F-2016-11410 in any communic: Sincerely, but Abe foley, , Eric F. Stein, Acting Director Office of Information Programs and Services ce: Hannah Lepow Office of Information Programs and Sonoes Trguiren US. Deparment of State. S42 Phone: 1-202-261-8484 Washington, DC 20522-8100 FAX: 1-202-261-8579 Website: E-mail: FOUAStatus@state, gov

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