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The Missaukee Sentinel

Your Missaukee County News Source

Friday, July 15, 2016 Vol. XXVI, Issue 36



2016 Missaukee Sentinel All Rights Reserved

Board continues to address

county budget shortfall
by Amy Helsel

LAKE CITY After facing a budget shortfall of about

$450,000 last year, county commissioners and departments have
done a lot of work to get the deficit
down to just over $207,000 for the
2017 fiscal year.
During last weeks finance
meeting, Administrator Precia
Garland presented several options
to cut costs and increase revenue
that could potentially cut the deficit to around $81,000.
Garland did say that money
is available in the fund balance
to cover another year of deficit
spending but noted that its not a
good practice.

Included in the proposed budget

is the elimination of snowmobile
patrol and cutting marine patrol to
five days from seven. The county
also adjusted the administration
fees paid to the county from departments from special funds.
At Tuesdays commissioners
meeting Garland outlined six areas
they board is looking at to further
reduce expenses. They included:
- Administration fees for department with special funds, like
Commission on Aging and the
Parks Department. The fees are
for services that the county provides to those departments. The
current fees they are looking
at would bring in an additional
$68,000 to the general fund.

Increasing the employee contribution to the MERS pension

from 2 to 5 percent for elected
officials and non-union sheriff department employees. That would
bring a savings of $11,780
Increasing employee contributions toward health insurance premiums by 25 percent. This would
save the county just under $5,000.
Reduce the hours of the assistant janitor from 40 hours to 24
hours saving $13,000.
Having the library pay their
utilities and asking them to pay a
portion of their water bill, saving
$10,000 - $12,000.
Changing from a contribut-

see BUDGET on page 4-B

Brother and sister Lauren, left, (7th grade) and Piper (2nd
grade) are putting together a sound activator switch during the
Makerspace project. (photo by Mike Kniffen)

Makerspace unveiled

Walking for a cure

Teams gathered for the opening lap of the annual Relay For Life Friday evening. A few rain showers
at the beginning of the event, but the skies cleared after a while. During the event cancer survivors
and caregivers were honored with a reception. See more photos on page 9-A. (photo by Amy Helsel)

McBAIN Last week Northern Michigan Christian School

unveiled its all new Makerspace.
Makerspace is a hands-on learning environment where students
are encouraged to create, design,
experiment, build and invent as
they deeply engage in science,
engineering and tinkering.
The Comet Makerspace is
a place to generate, fabricate,
collaborate, and innovate. We
encourage creative thinking and
thinking outside of the box, but
we also want students to consider projects and ideas that make

Gods world a better place. A

critical question should be how we
can serve and worship God while
caring for people and making
the world a better place, states
the grants author, Mrs. Shelly
Innovation and problem solving are necessary skills for learning in the 21st century. As educators, we need to create opportunities to teach these skills. It is no
longer about giving students a
problem and helping them find the
see COMET on page 3-A


The Missaukee Sentinel Friday, July 15, 2016

John R. Robinson: Pioneer Missaukee minister

This is part of a series of articles
featuring the early history of the
county that has been appearing
in the paper. Information for this
article was gleaned from a history of Missaukee County written
by Lake City native and Florida
resident Richard Robinson, the
brother of Pat Bierens and a direct descendant of early pioneer
Edward Robinson
by Mike Dunn
LAKE CITY The water of
this lake is almost as tranquil as
the atmosphere over our head.
That quote regarding Muskrat
Lake (later called Lake Missaukee) came from a U.S. government surveyor named Brink, who
was probably the first white man
to set foot in Missaukee County.
He issued his report in 1873 with
the above quote about the lake and
he also extolled the sugar timber
(maple trees) and agricultural land
of the county.
Brink also noted, though, that
there were numerous swamps
in the county and streams all
choked with beaver dams backing

the water all over the lowlands

and making travel (by horse and
carriage) difficult.
Brink did not elaborate on the
abundance of lumber in the county
but that was what drew a number
of early settlers to the land. The
first logging camp in the county
dates way back to 1865, the final
year of the Civil War, on the bank
of the Clam River below what
today is known as Vogel Center.
It was built by a man identified as
W. Windson.
Neither Windson nor his employees lived permanently in the
county. In December of 1867,
Washington Richardson and his
family became the first permanent
settlers in Missaukee, as we have
noted in past articles, and he was
followed quickly by John and
Barbara Vogel and daughter Dora
in Clam Union Township in April
of 1868 and by Daniel Reeder and
family a little later in the spring
of 1868. Reeder later founded
Lake City.
Agnes Vogel was born to John
and Barbara on June 20, 1869,
see PIONEER on page 5-A

Arthur Big Pa Robinson, the grandnephew of famed Michigan pioneer Rix Robinson and son
of Ethan Robinson, is seen at right in this photo. He is the second of six generations of Robinsons in
Lake City and, as you can tell, he was truly a big man. (courtesy of Pat Bierens)

The Lake Missaukee Swim program staff Sarah Yonkman, left, director/instructor/lifeguard, Katie
Boyer, lifeguard/ instructor assistant and Ethan Blaszak, lifeguard/instructor assistant.

Sign up for swim lessons

LAKE CITY Learn to swim,
build skills, learn to respect and
swim safely in fresh water areas.
That is the mission of the Lake
Missaukee Community Swim
The first session is underway,
but theres still time to sign up
for the second session that runs
Aug. 8-19.
Pick up registration forms and
sign up at the Lake City Area
Chamber of Commerce located
on Main Street in Lake City. They

are open Monday through Friday,

9 a.m. 3 p.m., to pick up an application.
Registration forms are also
available at the Missaukee County
Park office and at the swim site
in the Missaukee County Park.
(All swimmers families get into
the park free during our swim
The two-week sessions are held
in the afternoon, Monday Frisee SWIM on page 5-A

Friday, July 15, 2016 The Missaukee Sentinel


City of Lake City receives positive audit

by Mike Dunn

LAKE CITY The Lake City

Council received a good report
once again on Monday from the
annual audit.
Certified Public Accountant Scott
Hunter from Baird, Cotter and
Bishop of Cadillac reviewed the
audit with the council and credited
the city with adhering to healthy
financial practices. The general
fund was down $46,000 but Hunter
noted the decrease was due mainly
to the outlay of $200,000 by the city
to finance the remodeling and upgrading of the municipal building,
a project that was started in the fall.
Hunter said contributions of
$50,000 from the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and
$10,000 from the Lake City Area
Fire Department helped offset the
costs of the construction project
and benefited the city. Hunter said
the general fund only being down
$46,000 was encouraging under
the circumstances.
Mayor Brad Seger commended

treasurer Susan Rogers and city

superintendent Ray Vasser for
keeping a close eye on the books.
The audit was approved unanimously by the council.
During public comments, the
council heard from Susan Schwager
of the county planning commission
who came as a friend of transportation to provide information about
the upcoming millage for public
transportation. [See separate story.]
Also during public comments, a
retired couple addressed the council
regarding fireworks being set off
within city limits. The couple, who
wished to remain anonymous, said
a neighbor nearby sets off big and
loud fireworks on his property during the Greatest Fourth celebration
each summer and the debris being
shot into the air carries over to
their property and creates potential
The couple reported that falling
debris hits on their metal roof and
has caused burn holes in the tarp
covering their boat. Last year, falling debris hit their granddaughter

in the face.
The couple said they have talked
with the neighbor but have not
had the cooperation they hoped.
The couple asked if the council
would consider limiting the time
when the fireworks are permitted.
At present, a city ordinance allows
for fireworks five days before and
five days after the Fourth and other
I like fireworks, but from a safe
distance, the gentleman said.
Vasser told the couple the fireworks being used by their neighbor
may be illegal given the description,
and encouraged them to contact the
sheriffs department if it happens
Council member Kathy Ostrander said she recently became
aware of some grants the city may
be eligible for that would help with
funding for things such as the swim
program and the creation of a disc
golf course in the city. The deadline
for filing the application, though, is
July 31.
The council agreed to call a spe-

cial meeting to look into the grants

and possibly hire a grant writer to
help file the application on time.
Council member Carolyn Redman said the creation of a disc golf
course in the city has been in the
works for a while and would make
a nice addition for the city.

In other news:
Council member Lew Beaver
said the concrete extending out
from the end of John Street at the
lake should be addressed pretty
soon. Beaver, a retired concrete
contractor, suggested the city look
into constructing a steel wall at the
site. Vasser agreed the city should
do something about the matter before winter.
Vasser said the next scheduled
meeting of the DDA is Tuesday,

Sept. 3 at the city office. Even

though the DDA has been officially
disbanded, the DDA members are
continuing to meet to discuss ways
to apply the remaining funds in the
DDA coffers. The funds must be
used to improve the city park or the
lakefront or both.
The council voted unanimously
with one abstention to give the
city the authority to add bank fees
and collection costs to tax bills for
nonsufficient check bank charges.
Councilman Beaver abstained.
City resident Craig Ardis said
during public comments at the
end of the meeting that he was
very pleased with the success of
the fourth-grade swim program at
the Cadillac YMCA last February
and he hoped the program would

Transportation millage on ballot

by Mike Dunn
LAKE CITY County residents will have the opportunity to
vote on a transportation millage
on the Aug. 2 ballot.
The proposed .36 millage, if
approved, would provide two vehicles and one medical Healthway
Express Bus to service county
residents in an on-demand basis
on Monday through Friday from 6
a.m. to 6 p.m. The millage would
finance four years of service.
We feel this would be a real
asset to Missaukee County, said
Susan Schwager, a member of the
county planning commission who
has worked with others behind
the scenes for the past three years
to iron out the millage proposal.
Theres a great need for public
transportation here, especially in
the rural areas of the county. This
would help a lot of people.
Schwager spoke at Mondays
Lake City Council meeting as a
friend of transportation and has
also been speaking at different
township meetings as well.

Schwager explained that the

service would be available to
folks right where they live and
when they need it. The requested
vehicle would come to their
residence, pick them up and take
them where they needed to go in
Missaukee, Wexford or Grand
Traverse county.
This would benefit seniors who
are unable to drive, folks with disabilities, and young people who
dont own a vehicle and may need
transportation to and from their place
of employment, among others.
The public transportation could
be used for a variety of purposes,
Schwager noted, including keeping
doctor appointments, visiting friends
and family, getting to the grocery
store or the pharmacy, transportation
to and from after-school programs
or day care programs, or just to get
away for a while.
It helps people to be independent and have a reliable source of
transportation at a very low cost,
Schwager said.
The money that would be raised
from the millage represents about

35 percent of the total cost for the

Missaukee public transportation.
The lions share of the cost (55
percent) would come from state
and federal funding that is already
in place, and the other 10 percent
would come from the fare box.
Schwager said the CadillacWexford Transportation Authority (CWTA) is already capturing
state and federal dollars that can
be used for public transportation
in Missaukee. A portion of the
money that county residents are
spending on gas and on vehicle
registration is earmarked for this
type of service in Missaukee.
Those who designed the millage
were mindful of keeping the fare
very reasonable, Schwager said.
The fare each way is expected to
range from $1.50 to $3, depending
on the destination, and is offered
on a sliding scale for seniors, those
with disabilities and students.
The .36 millage represents
about $18 per year for county residents who own a $100,000 home
with a taxable value of $50,000.

Shelly Jenema, second from left, works with some of the students
at the Makerspace project. (photo by Mike Kniffen)

continued from page 1-A

right answer. Innovation requires

students to choose a problem then
search and create a solution.
This teaching shifts the focus
from teacher-centered learning
to student-centered learning. Student-centered learning provides
students an environment rich with
possibilities where innovation
and problem solving are student
driven. This shift in pedagogy is
being defined by the term makerspace. A seemingly simple idea
that creates an environment that
allows students to develop these
21st century skills, says Jenema.
The Makerspace Playbook de-

fines the concept in this way:

Makerspaces serve as gathering
points where communities of new
and experienced makers connect to
work on real and personally meaningful projects, informed by helpful
mentors and expertise, using new
technologies and traditional tools.
Last week Mrs. Jenema was
on hand, along with students of
varying ages to answer questions
and demonstrate the makerspace.
The purchase of the Makerspace
was made possible by a grant
from the Missaukee Area Community Foundation, a geographic
component of the Cadillac Area
Community Foundation.


The Missaukee Sentinel Friday, July 15, 2016

Few contested races in August primary

by Amy Helsel
MISSAUKEE Though many
seats will be on the November
ballot, few are being contested in
the August Primary.
At the county level only the
County Clerk & Register of Deeds
is being contested. Current Clerk
Jessica Nielsen, who was appointed when Carolyn Flore retired and
Rebecca Reinink are both running
on the Republican Ticket.
There are five contested township races on the ballot. In Bloomfield Township there are two

continued from page 1-A

ing employer to a reimbursing

employer for Unemployment
Insurance, estimated to save just
over $14,000.
Garland also presented two
potential revenue increases that
the board has discussed. One is
a Headlee Override to be put on
the November 2016 ballot. If approved by voters it would bring
the county tax rate back up to
the full 5 percent and bring in an
estimated $58,400 in revenue. The
second source of revenue is a 911
Local Surcharge. The board of
commissioners, by resolution can
put a $0.42 monthly surcharge on
all cell phones billed in the county.
That would bring in an estimated
During the finance meeting last
week there was a lot of discussion
on where to make cuts and how

trustee seats open and three vying

for them. Tim Bridson, Dennis
Powell and Jim Stauffer are all
running as Republicans.
In Butterfield Township Gary
Gladu, Jr. and Michael Rockey are
running for Supervisor and Helen
Brimmer, Alice Chrispell and Jan
Hose are running for two trustee seats.
All are running as Republicans.
Lake Township has Robert Hall
and Tom Michalak running for
Supervisor, both Republicans.
Two are running for a trustee
seat in Pioneer Township. Dale
Grim and Eric Wickstrom are both

much the county wants to close

the gap this year. Garland noted
that during the budget process
everyone has stepped up and they
were able to cut the deficit from
$450,000 in 2016 to $207,000
for 2017.
Commissioner Pam Niebrzydowski acknowledged they still
have some tough decisions to
make. We have to quit writing
in the black and write in the red.
The board will continue to work
on the final proposed budget and
plans to have a Public Hearing on
the budget Aug. 9.
Also during Tuesdays meeting
Garland told the commissioners
that the Health Department has
given them three years notice they
plan to end their intergovernmental agreement with the Commission on Aging and the County. She
said she asked for four years so

running as Republicans.
Candidate questionnaires were
sent to all candidates in contested
races and will appear in upcoming issues.
At the state level four Democrats and two Republicans are
running for the 103rd Representative seat that will be vacant with
Representative Bruce Rendon
term limiting out. Robyn Pillinger
Daniels, Brad Richards, Tim
Schaiberger and Jordan Stancil
are running as Democrats. Daire
Rendon and Vijay Kumar are on
the Republican Ticket.

they could complete the current

millage collections and work on
a plan for the future.
Once that agreement ends Garland said they have three options:
Look for another partner to keep
it as an intergovernmental agreement as it is now; make the COA a
department of the County; or have
the COA become a non-profit organization and the county would
contract with them for senior
services. She said she would keep
the board up to date as they get
more information.
Sheriff Jim Bosscher reported to
the board that the 4th of July was
relatively routine and a fairly safe
weekend overall. He also said the
new ambulance they are purchasing should be delivered Friday.
That is being funded in part by the
McBain TIFA along with a grant
from the USDA.

The Missaukee Sentinel

Editorial email:

STAFF: Amy Helsel, Publisher/Editor; Mike Dunn, Sports/Staff Writer; Mike Kniffen, Photography/Staff Writer;
Julia Cavanagh, Graphic Design; Loretta Kitchen, Office; Jill Thomas, Advertising.
DEADLINES: Deadline for all editorial material, classified ads, subscriptions, display advertising and payment for
classified ads is 5 p.m. on Tuesday prior to each Friday publication. Anything coming into the office Wednesday morning
will be published on a space-available basis only. Office hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Phone (231) 839-5400,
Fax (231) 839-5500, editorial: ads:
THE MISSAUKEE SENTINEL is entered at the Post Office (USPS-006384) in Lake City, MI 49651 as second class
mail. Published 52 times a year, on Friday, Drawer O, 130 N. Main Street, Lake City, MI 49651-0915. Periodical Postage
Rate paid at Lake City, Michigan. We reserve the right to edit or reject all solicited and unsolicited editorial material, and
is not liable for the safe return of photos or editorial material; and reserves the right to refuse any advertising deemed
inappropriate for its readership. 2016 Missaukee Review, Inc.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $24 in Missaukee County; $27 out-of-county within Michigan; $30 outside Michigan;
$24 for Military or civilian APO/FPO addresses, email: POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to The Missaukee Sentinel, P.O. Box O, Lake City, MI 49651-0915.

Also on the August ballot, both

Lake City and McBain Schools
have their Operating Millages on
the ballot. This is for the schools
to continue to levy the statutory
rate of not to exceed 18 mills.
Voters will also vote on the renewal of the Ambulance Service
and 911 millage and the renewal
of the Public Safety.

Voters in Missaukee County

will also be asked to decide if they
wish to support a Public Transportation Millage of .36 mils. This is
a new millage request that would
provide dedicated Public Transportation in Missaukee County
through a contract with Wexford
County Transportation Authority.
See related story on page 3-A.

Public Forum

Reader supports Reinink

Dear Editor:

I write this letter to the Editor as

an expression of my support for
Rebecca Reinink for Missaukee
County Clerk/Register of Deeds
for several reasons:
I have known Rebecca for a
number of years and admire her
willingness and ability to help
and take charge. Her character
is above reproach and her ethics
Rebecca Reinink is a leader and
knows how to get things done. She
is an extremely hard worker as

well as giving with her time. She

is a leader within the Chamber of
Commerce; she has recently taken
over Good Morning Lake City
and has served on the advisory
board for the leadership program
in Cadillac.
Change in the Courthouse is
Please vote August 2 for Rebecca Reinink, for Missaukee
County Clerk/Register of Deeds.
Thank you.
Jim Wallington
Lake City

Relay For Life meant

to be a community event

Dear Editor:

Friday, July 8, was the Missaukee County Relay For Life event.
Thats right, the MISSAUKEE
COUNTY Relay For Life event. I
found myself saddened by the lack
of support from the community.
Have people given up home for
a cure for this horrendous disease?
Have they lost interest? Is Relay
For Life not trending?
Not to take away from those in
attendance, but it was painfully
obvious that MANY were missing.
Im sure the weather may have
deterred some, but I couldnt help
notice that Main Street in Lake
City was lined with parked cars
and the line at the Tasty Treat was
out onto the sidewalk. People were
out and about, despite the weather.
I have attended this event in
McBain and in Lake City, and I
have to say, something is very
wrong when the people The

Clam divide a communitys fight

against cancer!
What has happened to all the
teams? There was such a camaraderie and friendly competition,
all striving to the same goal. What
has happened to our communitys,
churchs and congregations support? Can anyone answer these
questions? I for one would be
interested to know.
It is going to take more than
a handful of people. Its going
to take all of us willing to stand
and work TOGETHER to raise
the money for research and DEMAND A CURE!
I find it hard to imagine if there
is even one person that has not
had their life touched by cancer.
If there is, that person is certainly
unique and isolated.
Just saying.
Gloria Foster,
Lake City

Friday, July 15, 2016 The Missaukee Sentinel

continued from page 2-A

Lively Irish Dancin

The Northern Lights Irish Dancers under the supervision of

Gina Dewey put on a spectacular show on Sunday afternoon
in the city park as part of the Celebrate America program
sponsored by the Clam River Prayer Project. The dancers displayed disciplined choreography and amazing body control as
they performed several numbers for the appreciative audience.
(photo by Mike Dunn)

Community Calendar
a.m. Missaukee County EMS Bldg.,
First Street, Lake City. Contact, (231) 920-9201.
Lake City EAGLES, 2 miles east of
Lake City on M-55, FISH or SHRIMP
basket from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Missaukee County RECYCLING CENTER 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 6240 W. Sanborn
Rd., Lake City, 839-7193.
Walton Junction Sportsmans Club,
BREAKFAST, 7-11 a.m., 11207 E.
County Line Rd, Fife Lake.
Lake City EAGLES, 2 miles east of
Lake City on M-55, coney dogs & FREE
POOL all day.
Lake City UMC invites you for WORSHIP at 10:30 at the CITY PARK
lead the music.
Lake City EAGLES, 2 miles east of
Lake City on M-55, BURGER NIGHT
5:30-7:30 p.m.
MERRITT Golden Agers, 5833 E. Lotan
Rd., DANCE 6-9 p.m.

ALANON meeting, St. Stephen Church,
506 E. Union, Lake City, 10 a.m.
AA MEETING 8 p.m., United Methodist
Church, 301 John St., Lake City.
City of Lake City CURBSIDE RECYCLING is today. Dont forget to put out
your recyclables, no glass.
Missaukee County RECYCLING CENTER , 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; 6240 W. Sanborn
Rd., Lake City, 839-7193.
AA MEETING HOW at Noon, United
Methodist Church, 301 John St., Lake City.
Lake City EAGLES, 2 miles east of
Lake City on M-55, FREE POOL all day!
TOPS #MI 1631 Lake City, weight loss
support group, every Thursday, 9-11
a.m. Evangelical Presbyterian Church,
MUSIC IN THE PARK, 7-9 p.m.,
downtown Lake City Free Stage, Donny
Stroup, Musician Impersonator.
MERRITT Golden Agers, 5833 E. Lotan
Rd., JAM 10 a.m.; LUNCH noon, call
Sue (231) 328-2102.

and became the first non-Native

American child born in the county.
Other early settlers in Missaukee were young farmers and
soldiers returning from the Civil
War who came looking for a place
to make their home after thengovernor Henry P. Baldwin ceded
the northern part of the state as
homestead property.
The first saw and shingle mill was
built by Pearly, Palmer and Co. in
Falmouth (then known as Pinhook)
in the winter of 1871-72. The first
mill and hotel were also erected at
Pinhook and the first store in the
county was opened at Pinhook by
John Koopman in 1869. The first
road built in the county was in the
fall of 1867 and it extended from the
Watson farm to Pinhook.
The first school was started in
Vogel Center in 1872 with Rev.
John J. Quick as the teacher. He
had three students: Orvilla and
John Reeder and Ida May Pillen.
In 1886, a school was opened in
Owens (which would later become
McBain) in a small building located south of town. Mrs. George
Hughston was the teacher. Her
husband owned and operated the
first store in Owens.
Vogel Center organized a church
congregation at the same time the
school opened in 1872. Probably
Rev. Quick served as the pastor.
It was in 1874 that John Rix
Robinson, the son of the famed
Michigan pioneer Rix Robinson
and his Native American wife Misso Quot-o-Quay, a member of the
Mackinaw tribe, came to Missaukee
County. He was a licensed Methodist Episcopal minister assigned to
what was known as the Petoskey

continued from page 2-A

day and are a half hour each for

beginners, 45 min. intermediate/
advanced. They are open to all
children age 4-17 and they are
assigned a general skill level with
parent input on form and class
time will be determined based
upon skill level.
The cost is $25 for the first
child in a family and $20 each
additional child. Scholarships are
available. For questions or information call new director, Sarah at
(517) 282-6281.

Indian Circuit. He came to Lake

City on a fishing trip and, while
here, preached a sermon in the
courthouse. It was the first sermon
ever preached in Lake City. John R.
Robinson also performed the first
official Christian wedding in Lake
City on the shores of Muskrat Lake
(later Lake Missaukee).
John R. Robinson lived under
the shadow of his famous and
larger-than-life father Rix Robinson for many years. John was the
only child of Rix and his Native
American wife. He was born March
5, 1826 and worked for his dad in
his early years. He knew the Indian
languages fluently and frequently
served as an interpreter on behalf
of the government.
He did not join the military during
the Civil War (his dad prevented
it) but he did serve effectively as
a recruiter for the Union. It was
sometime during the war that John
Rix Robinson was converted to the
Christian faith, through the efforts
of the Revs. Lee and Boynton,
revival preachers of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Pentwater.
By all accounts, John Rix was a
completely changed man from the
time of his conversion.
He served as a circuit rider in
northern Michigan for a number of
years and that is what brought him
originally to Lake City in 1874. He
and his wife Lucy, with whom he
had five children, labored tirelessly
as an evangelist and missionary in
the north country until Johns death
in 1897.
Johns cousin Ethan Rix Robinson, the son of uncle Edward
Robinson, the brother of Rix, later
moved from Isabella County to
Lake City with his family, though
the year of the move is not certain.
Ethan turned out to be the first of
several generations that can be
traced to the Robinson family in
Lake City.
Ethan was born in November of
1822 in Cayuga County in New
York State and lived until January
of 1905. When he was still a toddler,
he moved with his parents Edward
and Mary Hoag Robinson to the
Grand Rapids area at the behest of
Edwards brother Rix.
Ethan grew up in the Isabella
County area and, when he was 23,
married Elizabeth in the summer of
1846. They had two children, James
and Eliza, before Elizabeth passed


away in 1865. Ethan then married

Sabrina Chapel in 1851 and they
were blessed with 11 children.
Somewhere along the way, Ethan
and Sabrina moved to Lake City,
apparently where a majority of
their children were born. They had
a son named Arthur, the eighth
of the clan, and he was the greatgrandfather of Pat Bierens of Lake
City. Arthur was blessed to live a
long life, dying in 1965 at the ripe
old age of 97! Arthur was born on
August 18, 1870 and lived until
May 25, 1968, just a few months
shy of his 98th birthday.
Pat, who is retired from the county equalization department but still
serves on the board of the ArdisMissaukee Library, remembers
Arthur very well from her growing
up years. The family affectionately
called him Big Pa. He owned a
farm on Beeler Road to the west of
Arthur had a son named Jim, who
was Pats grandfather, and Jims son
Merlin was Pats dad. Pat and her
siblings, brother Richard and sisters
Violet and Evelyn, all of whom are
still alive, grew up in what was then
known as Sandstown (located east
of the intersection of Kalkaska Street
and M-66). Their grandfather Jim
Robinson was the first to settle there
as a farmer some years before. Merlin operated a 30-acre farm when Pat
and her siblings were growing up.
Violet, Evelyn and Pat still live
in Lake City. Brother Richard has
moved to Port Richey, though he
has written a very detailed account
of the history of Missaukee County,
including a lot of information about
Lake City. Much of the information
in this article and recent articles
has been gleaned from Richards
In the next installment of this
series, we will include a list of
firsts for Missaukee County and
a look at the history of Jennings.

Please note: the deadline for
the submission of Letters to the
Editor on issues for the Aug. 2
election is Tuesday, July 19.


The Missaukee Sentinel Friday, July 15, 2016

Gordon C. Dennis
Gordon C. Dennis passed away
on Monday, June 20, 2016, surrounded by his devoted family.
He was 84.
Gordon was born Oct. 23, 1931,
in Fife Lake, the son of the late
Floyd and Pearl (Mockerman)
Dennis. He married Mary Lou
Beckwith on Aug. 26, 1955, in
He was a veteran serving our
country in the U.S. Army during
the Korean Conflict.
Gordon was known as Big
Papa or Grandpa Gordon to
many. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, gardening, his Harleys, going to Canada and his dog Heidi.
He owned his own sawmill and
enjoyed building.
Gordon attended the Garfield
Country Church.
Survivors include his children,
Donna (Tim) Helsel of South
Boardman, Bonnie (Keith Truax)


nis, Janel (John) Barnes, Lloyd

(Mandy Ernsks) Dennis, Tiffany
(Devin Collins) Kenyon; 12 great
grandchildren; and a sister Gladys
Dennis of Winter Park, Florida.
Preceding Gordon in death,
besides his parents, was his wife,
Mary Lou; grandsons, Amos
Dennis and Tyler Kenyon; and
siblings, Grover Dennis, Tresa
Dennis and Clell Dennis.

Kenyon of Lake City and Eugene (Hope Wright) Dennis of

Fife Lake; grandchildren Sarah
(Dan) Adams, Melissa (Levi)
Swartzendruber, Travis (Lesley
Telfar) Kenyon, Sam (Jodi) Den-

Funeral services were June 24 at

the Wolfe-ONeill Funeral Home
in Kalkaska. Pastor Kim Hough
Burial was at the Garfield Township Cemetery with military honors provided by Kalkaska VFW
Psot 8684.
Memorials may be given to
Springfield Township Park, 3983
Lund Rd., Fife Lake, MI 49633.
Arrangements were made by
the Wolfe-ONeill Funeral Home.

Cheryl Jessie Taylor

Cheryl Jessie Taylor of Lake
City passed away on Sunday, July
10, 2016, at her home. She was 65.

Cheryl Jessie Taylor

She was born Aug. 20, 1950,

to John W. and Gloria (McNary)
Taylor in Highland Park, MI.
Cheryl enjoyed animals, especially buffalo and her cats.
Also reading and watching T.V.,
enjoyed the movies, Zombies,
The Walking Dead, The Color
Purple and the pop star musician
You could also easily recognize

Lake City Feed & Seed

3066 W. Houghton Lake Rd., Lake City
(231) 878-1196 Hours: Mon-Sat. 9-6; Sun. CLOSED

We are now carrying Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Light Warrior

and Happy Frog soils. Introducing Promix HP and HP+CC
grow mediums as well as hydroponic supplies and
nutrients including Fox Farm, General Hydroponics,
Humboldt Country and Advanced Nutrients liquid
fertilizers. Organic fertilizer such as Earth Worm castings,
Epson Salt, Azomite and more weekly.


Cheryl by her purple attire and her

flaming red hair.
She loved to knit and belonged
to a Tuesday Night Knitting group
at the Horizon Book store. She
started the Prayer Shawl Ministry
at Harbor View in Cadillac, and
was a member of the Saint Marys
Episcopal Church in Cadillac.
Cheryl had two very close
friends, Creola Beasley, who
had a loving and overwhelming
influence on her life, and Nancy
Schade who was her loving caregiver.
She also loved spending time
with her friends and enjoyed being
around people.
Survived by a sister, Colleen
Glime; and a close friend, Creola
Cheryl was preceded in death
by her parents.
A Memorial Service will be
held Saturday at 11 a.m., July
30 at the Saint Marys Episcopal
Church, 815 Lincoln St., Cadillac.
An online obituary may be
viewed and condolences offered
by visiting www.youngfuneral.

Lorena F. Hall
Lorena F. Hall of Merritt passed
away on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at
her home. She was 89.
She was born on April 20, 1927,
to Raleigh Arthur and Edna (Jones)
in Midland, Michigan.
Lorena enjoyed crocheting, sewing, baking, camping. She liked
flowers, canning, and was a great
home maker. She was also a part of
the Monroe Oil Company in Midland, Michigan for over 15 years.
She is survived by her children
Mary Lou (Gary) Light of Billings, Montana, Betty Lee Bangert
of Merritt, Michigan, Terry Lynn
Hall of Webster, Minnesota, Robert
Beckley (Denise) Hall of Lake City,
Michigan; grandchildren Theresa
Lynn Shacklett, Christopher Beckley Light, David Lee Bangert,
Casey Richard Bangert, Tracy
Lee Barlage, Rachell Elizabeth
Janssen, Richard John Janssen Jr.,
Kevin Beckley Hall, Wade Arthur
Hall, and Jacob Beckley Hall; great
grandchildren Jennifer Shacklett, Katherin Shacklett, Michael
Shacklett, Ezekiel Light, Quinley
Light, Jorden Bangert, Jade Taylor

Barlage, Kaleb Hall, Genevieve

Hall, Jaxson Hall, Kambria Hall,
Angelica Hall, Hayden Hall, and
Paxton Hall.
She is preceded in death by husband, Melvin Beckley Hall, Agnes
Tomlinson, Raleigh Clifford Arthur,
Lloyd Arthur, and Myrtle Henske.
A brunch will be offered at the
Merritt-Butterfield Methodist
Church Friday, July 15 at 11 a.m.
with the funeral service following at
1 p.m. at the Young Funeral Home.
A graveside service will follow at
the Midland Memorial Gardens.
An online obituary may be
viewed and condolences offered by

John Tribley III

John Tribley III of Lake City
passed away, Wednesday, July 6,
2016, at his home. He was 61.
John was born April 5, 1955,
in Owosso to John Jr. and Betty
(Sprague) Tribley.
He married Dorothy Jean (Jarrad) Aug. 31, 1974, in Morrice,
Michigan. They were married 41
years and had 4 children, Shannon,
John IV, Tony and Luke.
John worked for Harvestore
for 33 years and the past 10 years
for Pirahna Hose as an extruder.
He loved the outdoors which included deer hunting, fishing and
of course his family, friends, and
John is survived by his wife
Dorothy; children, Shannon (Jay)
Fouts, John IV (Tiah) Tribley, Anthony (Janelle) Tribley.
John was preceded in death by
his parents, John Jr. and Betty; one
brother, Thomas; and a son Luke
Matthew Tribley in 1986.
A Memorial Service was July
9, at the Young Funeral Home in
Lake City with Chaplain James

Martin and Reverend Mr. Frank

Kopasz officiating.
Burial will take place in the Lake
City Cemetery.
Memorial Contributions may be
directed to the American Cancer
Society or of ones own choice.
An online obituary may be
viewed and condolences offered by

Friday, July 15, 2016 The Missaukee Sentinel


2016 Greatest Fourth wrap up

Battle of the Bands
First Place $700 The Blue
Second Place $200 S. Martin
Third Place $100 Scott Jogwick
Junior Ages 5-12
First Place Lydia Bissonette;
Cash Prize plus Trophy
Second Place Mia Kuzala;
Cash Prize plus Trophy
Third Place Isabella Somerville; Cash Prize plus Trophy
Rising Star Award Ben Ostrander
Junior Ages 13-17
First Place MaKenzie Hamilton; Cash Prize plus Trophy
Second Place Justin McKenzie; Cash Prize plus Trophy
Third Place Logan Creger;
Cash Prize plus Trophy
Rising Star Award Addison
First Place Coleman Clark;

$700 plus Trophy

Second Place Amber Howey;
$200 plus Trophy
Third Place Bob Burton; $100
plus Trophy
Grand Parade Winners
Best Theme:First Place Tasty
Second Place: Home Acres Airport
Best Business: First PlaceNewells Evergreen Nursery.
Second Place: A & L Trading Post
Most Humorous: First PlaceGreen Needle Plantation. Second
Place: Round Lake
Best Youth Group: First PlaceMichigan High School Rodeo.
Second Place: Missaukee County
Boy Scouts
Most Unique: First Place- Hopkins Creek Donkey Farm
Second Place: Houghston Cow
Camp Rodeo
Best Church: First Place- Life
House Assembly of God. Second
Place: Lake City Christian Re-

formed Church
Antique Division: First PlaceGreat Lakes Antique Tractor
Club. Second Place: Jeremy
Best Performing Group: First
Place Patriots Choir. Second
Place: McBain Band
Most Patriotic American
Legion. Second Place: Paul Bunyon Mini 500 Patrol
Honorable Mention 98.5 UPS
Childrens Day Winners
Valerie Peckham, age 9 from Fort
Lauderdale, FL, Girls 20 Bike
Jonas Stiling, age 7 from Grand
Rapids, MI, Boys 20 Bike
Baylee Richards age 2 from
McBain, MI, Girls Scooter
Jake Kregear, age 5 from Lake
City, MI, Boys Scooter
Riley Fowler, age 2 from Lake
City, MI, Girls 10 Bike
Jase Doan, age 1 from Lake
City, MI, Boys 10 Bike
110 children entered the raffle

Above: First place in the Antique Division of the Grand Parade

winners was the Great Lakes Antique Tractor Club. Below: A&L
came in second place for Best Business. (photos by Mike Dunn)

Senior News

LC Senior Strawberry Festival big hit

Taco Meat, with Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cheese, Sour Cream,
Salsa, and Soft Tortilla, Apple.
Lemon Pepper Chicken, Baked
Potato, Carrots, Mandarin Oranges, Roll, Pudding.
Hamburger w/Bun, Baked
Beans, Coleslaw, Banana
Reservations must be made the
day before, call the Senior Center, 839-4351 Tues., 11-3, Wed.
10-2, Thurs. 10-3, and Fri. 10-2.

We also had our business meeting Tuesday during which we

discussed the success of our
Strawberry Festival event.
Special mention was made of
the generous donations of Mary
Jean and Lois.
Thank you ladies very much
your donations put us over the
top. Also, during the meeting we
decided to have KFC cater our
dinner outing for July on Sunday,
July 24, at 2 p.m.
If you wish to attend you must

sign up at the Center so we know

how much food to order. After the
meeting we played card bingo and
Bea was the big winner.
Way to go Bea. Congratulations! We are all very happy for
Hope everyone is being careful
during this very hot weather and
not overdoing it.
Remember, the work will still
be there when it cools down a little
or just work in the early morning
cooler temperatures. Take care,
keep cool, and be happy.

Fresh Flowers
for any Occasion

Silks, Potted Plants, Gifts

Downtown Lake City
839-4607 (800) 321-4607
Reg. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30; Sat. 9-1

The Landing, Inc.

901 N. Al Moses Road, Lake City
(231) 839-7269
A Higher Level of Service

Owners Tony Montague & Rick Morris

invite you to stop in for all your service needs
on watercraft, boats, snowmobiles.

Marine & |



The Lunch Bunch


Al Moses

LAKE CITY Tuesday, July

12 there were 22 people at our
Center for our potluck luncheon.
Of these 22 were Carol Kelsey's
son-in-law, and grandson.
We were very happy to share
our meal with them and hope they
come again.
It was a very good meal with
quite a variety of delicious food




The Missaukee Sentinel Friday, July 15, 2016






KS :'












photos by Mike Kniffen

Friday, July 15, 2016 The Missaukee Sentinel


Relay For Life

photos by Amy Helsel



10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Non GMO, Chemical & Synthetic Free
Vegetables, Meats, Baked Goods,
Jams, Honey, Maple Syrup,
Free Range Eggs and more!
Blueberries & Raspberries in season
Always looking for more vendors June to October

Learn, Love, Give.... Real Food

We accept all Credit Cards, EBT, WIC, Project Fresh, & Senior Fresh
3234 S. LaChance Rd., Lake City 884-LOVE

Art Fair: Friday 1-7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. -5 p.m.

Taste of Cadillac: Fri. Noon- 9 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Music & Entertainment Throughout the Event



The Missaukee Sentinel Friday, July 15, 2016

Farm News

Thank you to all who walked, ran &

volunteered to make the
Rehoboth Ramble 5K such a great day!
A special thank you to our sponsors:
Rehoboth Reformed Church
The Bosscher Dairy
of Lucas
The Twisted Cow
VanDrie Home Furnishings
Fill the Gap Physical Therapy
Schepers & Hofstra Accounting
LC Materials of McBain
Schepers Insurance Agency
Cadillac Orthopedics
B&D Classic Sewn

Michigan agricultural prices

LANSING Prices received by
Michigan farmers for the full month
of May 2016 are in.
Some Michigan highlights were:
May corn, at $3.75 per bushel,
increased $0.04 from April and
increased $0.17 from last year;
May soybeans, at $9.72 per bushel,
increased $0.60 from last month
and increased $0.11 from last year;
May wheat, at $5.53 per bushel,

increased $0.26 from April and

decreased $0.36 from last year;
May milk, at $13.50 per cwt., decreased $0.50 from last month, and
decreased $2.50 from last year.
The May Prices Received Index
(Agricultural Production), at 94.9,
increased 2.0 percent from April
At 90.7, the Crop Production
Index increased 5.0 percent. The

Livestock Production Index, at

97.9, increased 0.1 percent. Producers received higher prices for hogs,
broilers, dry beans, and lettuce
but lower prices for cattle, milk,
strawberries, and market eggs.
Compared with a year earlier, the
Prices Received Index is down 12
percent, the Crop Production Index
see PRICES on page 11-A


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Friday, July 15, 2016 The Missaukee Sentinel


continued from page 10-A

up 0.4 percent, and the Livestock

Production Index down 20 percent.
In addition to prices, the indexes
are influenced by the monthly mix

of commodities producers market.

Increased monthly movement of
cattle, hay, sweet corn, and broilers offset the decreased marketing
of soybeans, dry beans, calves, and

Im looking for some recipes for stuffed green peppers. Paul

from Jennings
Mary from Pewamo received her recipe for Potato Casserole
from a co-worker, years ago. Melinda from Clarksville has made
her Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes for years. They are always a hit.
Carol from Adrian sent in her recipe for Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole. Please stop by my blog, Food, Fun and More for a visit at Send recipes and requests to The
Recipe Exchange, PO Box 16, Addison, MI 49220 or by email at
1 pkg (2 lbs) frozen hash
1 medium onion, diced
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 c grated cheddar cheese
1 small container (1 cup) sour
1 t salt
1 t pepper
1/2 c crushed cornflakes,
1 T butter optional
DIRECTIONS: Mix hash brown, onion, cheddar cheese, chicken
soup, sour cream, salt and pepper together. Put into a greased baking dish. Optional to top with 1/2 cup of crushed cornflakes mixed
with 1 tablespoon butter. Bake for 1 hour and fifteen minutes at
350 degrees. Cover until served.
1/2 c chopped onion
1 10 1/2 oz can cream of celery
3 oz cream cheese, cut
into cubes
4 c frozen southern-style hash
1/3 c cheddar cheese, shredded browns
DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease a 1 quart
casserole dish. Saut onion in a skillet until tender. Stir in celery
soup and cream cheese. Stir constantly until cream cheese has
melted and sauce is smooth. Remove from heat. Place a layer of
frozen hash browns in the casserole dish. Alternate layers of hash
browns and sauce, ending with a layer of sauce. Cover and bake for
45 minutes, until sauce is bubbly and hash browns tender. Remove
from oven and sprinkle with cheddar cheese.



July 21

The Secret
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Wallseal Sprayed Cellulose

New & Existing Homes
Mobile & Modular
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Insulation Removal

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Fri. & Sat. 6:45 & 9 PM

(231) 775-0428

All Other Nights


Basement Insulation
A simple GREEN way to
insulate your basement


Northern Auto
4055 W. Rosted Rd.
Frank Rosted, Owner

Having a hard time getting your car fixed?

Tired of buying parts that didnt fix your car?
We have technicians extensively trained to diagnose
your driveability problems.
Stop guessing, call us

(231) 839-6296

Lake City

Jennings Rd.

Open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Of course, we also do basic repairs: brakes,

tires, oil changes, and much more!

Kelly Rd.


DIRECTIONS: Mix hash browns, butter, chicken soup, sour

cream, milk and cheddar cheese together. Put in a 9 x 13 inch dish.
Sprinkle the top with crushed potato chips. Bake at 350 degrees
45 50 minutes. Enjoy!


HOUGHTON LAKE 989-366-9226

Rosted Rd.

McGee Rd.


32 oz frozen diced hash
1/2 c (1 stick) butter, melted
browns, thawed
8 oz sour cream
Diced onions, if desired
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 c milk
10 oz grated cheddar cheese
Crushed potato chips

The Food Commodities Index,
at 99.0, increased 2.4 percent from
the previous month but is down 14
percent from May 2015.

Celebrating 50 Years!

by Lynn Eckerle
Dear Lynn,


Kelly Rd.


The Missaukee Sentinel Friday, July 15, 2016

Justified to be in outdoor concert at Lake City EPC

LAKE CITY It is with great
excitement that the Lake City
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
will host the inspirational gospel
music of Justified Quartet from

10559 W. Watergate Rd. (M-55)

Cadillac (231) 779-7777
Call for free transportation
Dr. Jayson Godsey, Pastor

the Flint, Michigan, area in an

outdoor concert on Sunday, July
17, at 6 p.m.
The concert will be held at the
Outdoor Concert Pavilion on the

Womans Bible Study:

Tuesday, 10 a.m.
Mens Fellowship Breakfast:
Second Saturday, 9 a.m.
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Evening Service 6 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m.


United Methodist Church
4509 E. Moorestown Road
229-4700 or 328-4598
Pastor Jeff Schrock
Worship: 9:15 a.m.
Adult Sunday School: 8:15
Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.

Reformed Church
7310 E. Finkle Rd., Falmouth
Church: (231) 328-4931 or
(231) 328-4432
Pastor Jerry Wheeler

Aetna Christian
Reformed Church
3459 S. 8 Mile Road
Office: (231) 826-4171

Rehoboth Reformed
8372 S. Lucas Rd., Lucas
(231) 775-7943
Pastor Adam Grill

Worship Service: 9:30 am

Sunday: 7:00 pm
Lucas Christian
Reformed Church
The Beacon on the Hill
10479 S. Lucas Road
Pastor Todd Kuperus
(231) 825-2331
Sunday Service:
9:30 am and 6 pm
Lake City
Christian Reformed
1657 S. Morey Rd.,
Lake City ~ 839-4978
Pastor Mical Pugh
Sunday Services: 9 & 11 am
Lake City
Assembly of God
680 N. Morey Rd.,
Lake City ~ (231) 839-2415
Pastor Carol Jackson
Sunday Service:
10:30 am & 6 pm
Wednesday: 7 pm

Sunday School: 9:15 am

Worship: 10:30 am

Sun. Services: 9:30 am

Sunday School: 11 am

grounds north of the main church

building. There is no admission
charge and a free-will offering
will be taken for the benefit of
Justified. You may enjoy the concert from your vehicle or bring a
lawn chair or blanket.
Justified is a relatively new
quartet who has been together
since November 2011.These four
gentlemen have either sang or
played with other gospel quartets
over the past 20 years, and have
now come together to spread the
word through song and music.
Singing with the blending of
Community Church
696 S. LaChance Road
Jennings (231) 775-5989
Pastor Karl Rewa
Sunday School: 9:15 am
Worship: 10:30 am
United Methodist Church
428 S. Merritt Rd., Merritt
(231) 328-4598
Pastor Jeff Shrock
Sunday Worship: 11 am
Sunday School: 9:30 am
Classes for all ages
(Nursery Available)

Missaukee Area
Church Directory

their voices, as well as their

hearts, are Tim Caldwell, Mark
Jacoby, Carl Ledford and Dave
Potts. The keyboard artist is Dave
Caldwell. Collectively, these men

see CONCERT on page 15-A

Two five day clubs at CBC

LAKE CITY Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) and Child Evangelism Fellowship are partnering up to host two five day clubs July
18-22. There will be Bible lessons, songs, games, prizes, and a snack
each day for boys and girls ages 5-12.
The first club meets at the church, 980 N Morey Rd., and runs from 1112:30 p.m. all week. The second club meets near the park at 6176 Fisher
St. and runs from 1-2:30 p.m. all week. All volunteers had a background
check and parents are welcomed to stay. Join us at either location!
Lake City
Free Methodist Church
Corner of Mitchell
and Canal St.
Pastor Mike Dunn
Christian Ed Hour: 9:45 am
Worship Service: 11 am
Midweek Service:
Wednesday, 6 pm

Vogel Center Christian

Reformed Church
1789 E. Stoney Corners Road
Vogel Center
(231) 825-2053
Sunday Service: 10 a.m.

Prosper Christian
Northland Community
Reformed Church
8 Mile & Prosper Rd, Falmouth 5855 S. Morey Road, McBain
(231) 826-4427
Pastor Dirk Koetje
(231) 825-0100
Sunday Services:
Pastor David Smith
9:30 am and 6 pm
Sunday School: 10:45 am
Sunday Worship:9:30 a.m.
Chapel Hill Wesleyan
19504 70th Ave., Marion
(231) 942-3602
Pastor Steve Boven
Sunday School: 10 am
Worship Service: 11 am

Lake City
United Methodist Church
John & Pine St., Lake City
839-2123 Pastor Jean Smith
Barrier Free
Church School, all ages: 9:15
Sunday Worship: 10:30
Bible Study: Wed. 1:30, Sun. 6:30

St. Stephen Catholic Church

506 Union Street, Lake City
(231) 839-2121
Rev. Bryan Medlin
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday Afternoon: 4:00 pm
Sunday Morning: 11:30 am
Manton St. Theresa Church
Sunday Mass at 9:30 am

Highland Christian
Reformed Church
9034 23 Mile Rd., Marion
(231) 825-2171
Pastor Keith Mannes
Morning worship: 9:30 am
Sunday School: 10:34 am
Evening Worship: 6 pm

Calvary Baptist Church

980 N. Morey Rd.,
Lake City ~ (231) 839-2212
Pastor Brian Algie

Presbyterian Church
5804 W. Houghton Lake Rd.,
Lake City ~ (231) 839-2948
Rev. Don VanDyke, pastor
Sunday School: 9:45 am
Worship: 11:00 am
Childrens Church: 11:15 am

Clam River
6637 S. Main St.,
Pastor Mike Sherf
(231) 826-3315

Sunday Services:
11 am & 6 pm

share the love of Christ through

the medium of gospel music.
Their ministry travels have

Worship Service: 10 a.m.

First Presbyterian
148 S. Huron St., Lake City
(231) 839-2267
Pastor Jan Jasperse
Sunday Service: 10 am
Sunday School during
worship service
St. John
Lutheran Church (ELCA)
3815 S. Morey Rd., Lake City
(231) 839-2477
Rev. Rosanne Anderson
Sunday School 9:15 am
Morning Worship: 10:30 am
Worship ReWired Wed 6:30
Lake City Seventh-Day
Adventist Church
Russell and Canal Streets,
Lake City ~ (231) 839-2535
Pastor Pat Milligan
Worship Service: 9:30 am
Sabbath School: 10:45 am
Wednesday Prayer: 7:00 pm

Friday, July 15, 2016 The Missaukee Sentinel



Maximizing your savings doesnt have to feel like heavy lifting

by Gerald Wernette, CPA
Depending on your goals and the
reasons behind them, pumping up
your basic investments and maximizing your savings doesnt have
to feel like heavy lifting.
Before you can think about
investing, though, its important to
have a handle on three important aspects of financial wellbeing. These

are: paying off short-term debt,

establishing an emergency fund and
developing a budget.
Having a mortgage, student loan
debt or a car payment should not
impede investing. If you dont
have a handle on short-term debt
however, you should make this your
first priority before you think about
investing. Getting rid of short-term
debt, especially high-interest credit

card balances, can help you avoid

interest rates as high as 24 percent.
Not having an emergency cash
fund can derail the best-laid investment plans. If youre working to
save towards your retirement but
the refrigerator blows up, it may
be tempting to put the cost of those
repairs on your credit card balance
or even take out a short-term loan.
An emergency fund will help you

manage an unexpected home repair

or bill without blowing your budget
or forcing you to dip into lines of
Developing a realistic budget is
the last step to ensure you are in
the best position to start investing.
After you write down your bills,
longer-term loan payments and
expenses, youll have a clear idea
of how much money you need to

live and if you have room to start

saving purposefully.

Options for investing

Finally, its time to stand back
and look at your opportunities for
saving and investing. Its important
to consider your goals. Do you have
extra money youd like to set aside
see SAVE on page 15-A

Business Directory
Longs Hearing Health
Dianne L. State Farm Insurance Crawford
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The Missaukee Sentinel Friday, July 15, 2016

Health News

Nederhood earns gerontological nursing certificate

LAKE CITY Esther E. Nederhood, RN, C-AL, CDP, CALD,
owner of Belle Oakes Living Center, Bella Rose Rehabilitation and
Aquatic Center and Lake 2 Lake
Transport has been awarded board
certification in gerontological
nursing by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center (ANCC), the
countrys leading agency in nurse
Nederhood prepared for gerontological certification by successfully completing a specialized, online continuing education
training program, AHCA/NCAL
Gero Nurse Prep, a nationally accredited online course, which is
designed for long term care nurses
and aims to improve quality of

care and prepare long term care

RNs for board certification.
Because most RNs have little or
no formal education in gerontology, AHCA/NCAL Gero Nurse
Prep provides RNs with cuttingedge information on how to pre-

vent and manage the many serious

health problems that plague older
adults and diminish their quality
of life, especially those in long
term care facilities.
As with physicians, board certification is the gold standard

by Robert Preidt, HealthDay

Saturday, July 16 10 AM
Wayne & Bev Kula, Owners
1656 Aspen Dr, Kalkaska
Cargo Trailer, ATV, Tools,

Saturday, Aug. 6 10 AM
Donald K. Parker Estate
20270 11 Mile, Leroy
Firearms, Tools, Shop
Saturday, Aug. 20 10 AM
Living Estate of Stena Schepers
206 Sabina St., McBain
Household, Tools
Saturday, Sept. 10 10 AM
Bob & Mary Stark
11649 E. 14 Rd., Manton
Kubota BX2230 Tractor, Beatles
Collectibles, Whole Household
Contact Don Hower 839-2256
or Darin Hower 510-7977
for your auction. 699

tecting the public and ensuring the

highest standard of care for their
The AHCA/NCAL Gerp Nurse
Prep course was specifically designed as a tool long term care
facility administrators could use
to advance the training of their
entire RN staff, thereby assuring
that their RNs provide the highest
quality care and advance the quality initiatives within the facility.

Heat waves: Health threats

Don Hower
Auction Calendar

Saturday, July 30 10 AM
Joan Cranmore &
Charlie Workman, Owners
1849 N. Turnerville Rd.,
Lake City
Household, Antiques, Vehicles

of quality, and recognizes a high

level of knowledge, skill, and
professional achievement in a
specialty area of nursing.
Nederhood was sponsored for
both the AHCA/NCAL Gero
Nurse Prep training program and
the board certifying examination
by Belle Oakes Living Center
facilities with board certified
nursing staff set themselves apart
as ones that are committed to pro-

Esther Nederhood


Missaukee County
Commission on Aging

Heat waves are more than uncomfortable, they can be deadly.

Thats especially true in large
cities. And, seniors, children
and people with chronic health
problems are at higher risk for
heat-related illness and death, according to Dr. Robert Glatter. Hes
an emergency physician at Lenox
Hill Hospital in New York City.
Those who have high blood
pressure, heart disease, diabetes,
kidney disease, as well as those
who suffer with mental illness,
may be at risk for heat-related emergencies, including heat
cramps, heat syncope (fainting),
heat exhaustion, as well as heat
stroke, he said in a hospital news
Various classes of medications
including beta blockers, as well as
diuretics, can impair sweating

ultimately disrupting the bodys

ability to cool itself. Other medications including antihistamines,
as well as antidepressants and
sedatives, may also impair your
ability to sweat, leading to heatrelated illnesses, Glatter said.
But young, healthy people
also need to heed hot and humid
weather, he added.
To beat the heat, drink water
when you feel thirsty, but dont
drink more than necessary. If
youre physically active outdoors
in the heat for more than an hour,
its a good idea to consume sports
drinks, Glatter said.
And watch for signs of heatrelated illness, he added.
A high pulse rate, headache,
dizziness, nausea, as well as
shallow breathing, may be the
initial signs of dehydration that
see HEAT on page 15-A

Two New Programs

Essential Shopping
Free senior transportation available for
essential shopping and medical.
Senior Sidekick
For seniors needing fellowship & fun!
For more information call Shannon
(231) 839-7839, ext. 301

Windmill Vitamins
Buy 1, Get 1 FREE
Select Vitamins

LC Family Pharmacy
57 N. Morey Rd., Lake City (231) 559-0005


Friday, July 15, 2016 The Missaukee Sentinel

continued from page 13-A

for an extended vacation? Do you

want to save for your childrens
college educations? Are you working toward an early retirement?
Depending on your goals, there
could be unique options to help
you amplify your investment and
maximize your savings.
If you want to save for youre
the education of your children or
grandchildren, a 529 plan may be a
good option. Offered through many
banks and other investment institu-

tions, a 529 plan is tax-deferred and

potentially tax-free. An investor will
never pay tax on earnings that were
generated by the 529 account if they
are used to fund education expenses.
If you are employed and a 401(k)
is available, be sure to take advantage of the investment opportunity.
Your employer may encourage saving by offering a matching contribution. If so, this should be the
first place you start putting your
savings. The moment you make a
deposit into a 401(k), you see an im-

mediate return with the addition of

an employer match. On top of that
bonus, you also get the benefit
of your money being taken out of
your paycheck before youve paid
any taxes on it.
If you dont have the option of
a 401(k), consider an individual
retirement account. IRA contributions may be made before you have
paid income tax or, in the case of
a ROTH IRA, they may be made
after income tax has been paid.
Contributions to an IRA are tax
deductible and, depending on your
income level, may qualify you for
a tax credit as well.
Saving for health care
Health care is one of the biggest
expenses we should plan to face in
retirement. In addition to saving
for retirement income, a relatively
new concept in investing is saving
for those future medical expenses.
If you have a high-deductible

continued from page 14-A
Justified in outdoor concert at the Lake City Evangelical Presbyterian Church Sunday.

continued from page 12-A

taken them throughout the state

of Michigan and beyond. The
message of the music presented
is that which is uplifting and encouraging.
This is a great opportunity to
come out and listen to a wonderful
message in song presented by Justified Quartet. This is an opportunity to experience a beautiful summer evening in northern Michigan
listening to great uplifting music
that honors the Lord Jesus. What
better way could there be to spend

a Sunday evening?
In the event of bad weather,
the Concert will be held in the
air-conditioned Sanctuary of the
Church. Whether indoors or
outdoors, casual and comfortable
dress is appropriate.
Lake City E.P.C. is located on
M-55 mile East of M-66 next
to Fosters Super Market. For
more information, you may call
(231) 839-2948.
Come as you are visitors to
the Lake City area are especially

Wm. J. Donnelly Jr.

may precede heat-related illness,

Glatter said.
An air-conditioned location is
the best place to be on hot and
humid days. If you dont have
air conditioning at home, use a
fan and a spray bottle with cool
water to prevent your body from
overheating, he suggested.

Lube, Oil,
Up to 5 quarts.
Diesel and synthetics extra.
Expires 7/31/16

AC Service $49.95

Attorney at Law

Refrigeration Extra. Note additional charges may apply. If repairs to your system are
required one coupon, per customer. Expires 7/31/16

209 S. Canal St., P.O. Box 363
Lake City, MI By Appointment

health insurance plan, you can also

set up a heath savings account,
or HSA. An HSA has many tax
benefits. The money is deposited
pre-tax, the income on the investment is not taxed and the money
is not taxed when its used to pay
for or reimburse medical expenses
that were incurred after the account
was opened. Contributions to an
HSA are also deductible on your
federal, state, Medicare and Social
Security taxes.
Instead of simply running health
costs through the HSA for the tax
deduction, I recommend contributing to your HSA, then paying out of
pocket for your medical expenses.
In addition to saving for future
healthcare expenses, for younger
savers, time will provide a great
advantage as interest compounds.
If you save your health care receipts, you can turn them in at any
time for reimbursement. At retirement, this could work as a second
retirement and provide an extra pot
of money to pay for living expenses
going forward. At the same time, if
these funds need to be pulled out
to use for items that are not medical expenses, youre just liable for
income taxes.
Approaching investments and
saving in these little, bite-sized
pieces will make the whole problem
of planning for retirement a much
easier load to carry.




Injectable Cholesterol
Lowering Medications
Currently there are two FDAapproved injectable medications
for the treatment of high cholesterol. This class of cholesterol
medication is known as PCSK9
When the PCSK9 protein
binds to a LDL receptor, it
breaks down the LDL receptor.
As a result, less LDL or bad cholesterol receptors are available
to remove cholesterol from the
blood stream. So by blocking the
PCSK9 protein from binding to
the LDL receptors, there will be
more LDL receptors to remove
the bad cholesterol from the
blood stream.
The two FDA-approved medications are Praluent (alirocumab) and Repatha (evolocumab).
These medications are available as a single prefilled pen
or a prefilled syringe. The dose
for Praluent is either 75mg or
150mg once every 2 weeks, and
for Repatha, it is 140mg every 2
weeks or 420mg once a month.
Most common side effects
reported for these medications
were injection site reactions
which include swelling, itching,
pain, and bruising. In addition,
nasopharyngitis and flu-like
symptoms were also reported
with these medications.
The costs of these medications are very expensive when
compared to what is available on
the market for treatment of high
cholesterol. The approximate
cost for a years treatment using
Praluent is $14,500 dollars and
$14,100 dollars for Repatha.

(231) 839-5800
Located within
Fosters Super Market



The Missaukee Sentinel Friday, July 15, 2016

Russ Elliott

Barb Sprik Elliott

Tamara McLeod Helsel

300 Canal, Lake City

MLS 1818445
Great rental history
Charming updates, 4 BR, 2 BA
Potential bed & breakfast


41A N. Morey Rd., Lake City (231) 839-0077

6432 W. Circle, LC

111970 Lucas, McBain

MLS 1812641
Move-in Ready
50 lake access, 3 BR, 2 BA
Two stall garage

7289 White Birch, LC

0 Forest, Lake City

MLS 1818406
4 bed, 3 bath, lrg. wooded lot
60 lakefront, 3300 sq. ft.
Frplc, large 2 car gar, 72 dock

MLS 1818805
80 beautiful treed acres
Great building site or hunting
Minutes from downtown

Did you know?

Total Population (July 2016)
Total Households
Avg. Household Size
Total Housing Units
Owner Occup.
Renter Occup.
Avg. Home Value
Avg. Houshold Income $51,099
Population Growth 2010-2015 -0.4

MLS 1819704
McBain Schools, 4 BR, 2 BA
Country living, beautiful view
Amazing manicured landscape How big is Lake Missaukee?
A) 2,560 acres
212 Main St., Lake City
B) 1,290 acres
C) 1,880 acres
MLS 1818933
5 unit apartment complex
Protable invstmt. opportunity
120 waterfront, downtown

Missaukees Most Accurate Weather


PRICE REDUCED! 3 bdrm, 2
bath condo on Lk. Missaukee
shared frontage, master bdrm
2/bath. Mntnc to association.

2 bdrm home with a 1 car
garage. Walking distance to
Lake Missaukee, downtown,
and all Lake City offers.


4 bdrm, 2 bath well kept home
on 38 acres north east of Lake
City. Huge master suite with
walk in closet, private bath.

Excellent location adjacent
to US 131 bypass in Manton.
29+ acres including a pond.
Motivated seller!


59 beautiful acres bordering
1,000s of acres of state land
and just steps from Manistee


Cozy, rustic cabin on 20 acres
of mixed woods. Great for
hunting as it borders state
land on one side.

5565 W. Houghton Lake Road,

Lake City
Brenda Morrissey, Broker, ABR
Barbara Collisi
(231) 839-4342


Located near Cadillac West
in Cee Jay Estates. Ready
to build your dream home.



1.79 rain, p/c, t-storms
Saturday 1.21 rain, t-storms, cldy
clear, sunny
.01 rain, o/c
.02 rain, clear, sunny
Wednesday .28 rain, thunder, o/c
Thursday .03 rain, clear, sunny

The weather for the Relay For

Life last Friday evening was very
warm and a bit stormy. But this
beautiful double rainbow was very
visible. You could see the whole
thing at one point. The humid
weather has brought a few storms
this week. (photo by Amy Helsel)

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