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Age of Exploration/Age of Colonization Study Guide

Part I Directions: Fill in the blanks with the word that completes the
1. _________________________ is the transfer of ownership of goods or services from one
person to another.
2. One of the most famous examples of trading occurred on the
3. Europeans went searching for new routes because trading on the Silk Road became
way too ___________________________________.
4. _________________ is the motive for explorers which expresses their desire to find gold,
and receive riches from their King.
5. Explorers wanted to spread their religion to newly discovered people groups around
the world, this motive is expressed by the word: ____________________.
6. _________________ is the motive for explorers that expressed their desire to be from the
most powerful country in the world and to be remembered for their accomplishments.
7. To ___________________________ means to plot a course.
8. A __________________________ will show you in which cardinal direction you are headed.
9. An _________________________ uses the sun and stars help you navigate by finding your
10. A new ship that emerged during the Age 9of Exploration was the
______________________, which is known for its innovative triangular sails.
11. _________________________________ was the movement of people, goods, diseases,
animals, technology and cultures were moved between the Old World and the New
12. Triangular Trade is the system in which _________________________,
______________________, and _______________________________ were traded between Europe,
Africa, and America.

13. ___________________________ was the theory that the most powerful country has the
most gold and they export more than they import.
14. To ___________________ is to sell goods produced in your country to other countries.
15. To ___________________ is to buy goods from another country that cannot be produced
in your country.

Part II Directions: Use the word bank to match the explorers to

their description.
Christopher Columbus
Francisco Pizarro

Ponce de Leon

Prince Henry the Navigator


John Cabot

Henry Hudson
Ferdinand Magellan

Jacque Cartier


16. __________________________ was the patron of explorers who started a School of

17. __________________________ was the explorer who thought that he had discovered a
new route to India, but had really landed in the Caribbean.
18. __________________________ was the Portuguese explorer who discovered an ocean
route around Africa to India.
19. _______________________ was the first explorer to circumnavigate the Earth.
20. _______________________ was the explorer who discovered Florida which he was
searching for the Fountain of Youth
21. ______________________ is the explorer who is known for conquering the Incas
22. _____________________ was the explorer who searched for the Northwest Passage,
instead finding three rivers (including the Hudson River).
23. ______________________ was the explorer who discovered Newfoundland (Canada), but
was lost at sea.
24. _____________________ was the explorer who destroyed the Aztec Empire.

25. ____________________ was the French explorer who explored Newfoundland and
established a fort near Quebec.

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