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Children Bible Overview 15 15/07/07


Teachers to read bible scripture: <Gen 24>

Children to memorize bible scripture: <Gen 24:51>

Last Sunday, we saw how God tested Abraham in order to bless him. God knew that
Abraham loved Him wholeheartedly such that he even sacrificed his only son, Isaac to Him.
So God greatly blessed Abraham.

After that, when Isaac grew up, in order to find a wife who knew God for Isaac (at
that time, there was no woman who knew God at where Abraham was staying),
Abraham called his old servant to him, and instructed him to go to where he used to
live, to find Isaac a wife. When the servant reached a place near his old home, he
rested next to a well. Just when he was praying to God, a beautiful and kind girl
happened to pass by to get water. She saw him and offered water to him and his
camel. This girl was called Rebekah, a close relative of Abraham, and also the wife
whom the Lord Jehovah had prepared for Isaac. Rebekah’s family knew that this was
prepared by God and hence blessed Rebekah, and allowed her to go with the
servant and be married to Isaac.

1. Why did God arrange Isaac and Rebekah to be married?

1) Because Isaac was loved by God, and Rebekah was also loved by God. [In
other words, Isaac and Rebekah both loved God]. For those who love God,
God also prepares the best, the best wife, the best father, mother, friends,
2) Because they were both loved by God, the Lord prepared the most beautiful
plan for them: made them bless many people, called them to know God; and
also let them give birth to a son whom God loved, and passed on God’s
blessings to their son.
3) Lastly, God prepared the two of them together as they were most suitable for
each other. When they were together, they could help each other and served
God together well. Therefore, in areas where Isaac was lacking, Rebekah
helped him; and in areas in which Rebekah was weak, Isaac helped her.
* Educate: Therefore, the husband/ wife whom God prepares for us in future
will surely be someone who knows God (Jesus).

2. The best is what God prepared, not what we find on our own
1) First understand, what God has prepared is the best for us. We only need to
trust God wholeheartedly and follow God’s guidance, God will give us the
best in His timing (like how the old servant met Rebekah)
2) However, if we are anxious, what we find on our own may not be the best.
3) Chat with the children: Have they ever seen God’s best provision? Or have
they experienced times when they pursue what they want with impatience
and eventually did not get the best. [Teachers to think of different examples
from different angles to teach the children on this area]
3. When two blessed people are together, God will bless them even more
1) God prepared Rebekah for Isaac because they could help and remind each
other. Therefore, they would not be easily deceived by Satan and could also
serve God better.
2) Therefore, today, let us also find our “spiritual buddy” in this Sunday school
class (the “spiritual good friend” whom God has prepared for me, to always
help me to rely on God). [Ask them to write 2-3 names]
3) After that, let us ponder together on how we can serve God together in future,
and lead a lot of other friends to come to know the Lord Jesus. [Based your
activity on this. Let them do their activity with those they named]

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