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Lord our God, rule over us in strength, and grant us your light.

Let your Spirit be with us to confirm

what has already taken place in our hearts, so that we have joy and trust even under all the strain
and stress of this life. Shine into the darkness of the world. Shine for all people. May we be shown
more and more clearly what we have been created for. Strengthen our faith for the future, our faith in
everything good, for however hidden the good may be, it must at last come to the light. May we and
all the world bring praise and honor to you. Amen.

Lord our God, we thank you that we may come to you and that our
spirits can reach out for your help and your comfort. May we draw
strength from communion with you, our Father. May we realize more
fully that we are your children, truly your children, who throughout
our pilgrimage are allowed to know you as our refuge and our help.
Remember our world, and grant that many hearts awaken and turn to
you, looking to you in all the fear and need which sweep over many
people in our time. Let your Spirit be revealed to our hearts in quiet,
bringing many experiences from you, O Lord our God, and from your
kingdom. Protect us every day in the many lands throughout the earth.
For the nations are yours; they shall receive life and blessing from you,
and at last your kingdom will be revealed in all the world, to the
eternal glory of your name. Amen.
Lord our God, dear Father in heaven, we thank you. How often you rescue us from
all fear and distress! How often you hear and answer us! Grant that our hearts may
always be eager and joyful because you answer us. There is nothing else for us in
this world; you are our one hope, our only hope. You alone can help our times, help
the nations, help each person. Nothing else matters to us. Lord our God, for the rest
of our life on earth you alone are our help, our comfort, and our strength. Amen.

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