NDMC at 75: Soaring High..Bringing Peace To Asia and The Rest of The World

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I am a Notre Damean!
I am a peacemaker!
I am a believer by heart that peace can happen anytime, anyplace!
And I am called to bring peace to Asia and the rest of the world!

To our distinguished members of the board of judges, to my competent contenders, to

all our keen visitors, and to all peace-loving Notre Dameans, good morning!

Peace is a practice of faith and an essential component of the Christian way of life. It
is a struggle and a challenge. For the past 75 vibrant years in Catholic Education, Notre
Dame of Midsayap College is a living witness on how God keeps truth alive in a
changing world by bringing peace to Asia and the rest of the world! With its longstanding mission of peace and social justice, NDMC has shown its competence in
educating the youth. It has created a climate characterized by a strong sense of
community and caring, where order and discipline exist, where duty, responsibility and
commitment are taken seriously and where parents and families are partners in this

As a community of believers, NDMC is blessed with many gifts. Two of the most
vital gifts that have been evident for 75 years now are first, the remarkable commitment
to Catholic Education and second, the building of culture of peace. As we look to our
contemporary time, there is an urgent need to bring these two gifts together in a
strengthened commitment to Catholic Education.

NDMC has staunchly supported and recognized the crucial role of Catholic

Education for its authentic search for the truth through learning the doctrines, praying and
serving others. Through its education, we are taught not to hate, we are raised as leaders
who act with wisdom and compassion, we are challenged to build loving and living
catholic community with a renewed spirit of growth and finally, we are called to establish
a true and lasting culture of peace.

On the other hand, NDMC has used a holistic approach to empower the community
of believers in the spirituality and practices of active peacemaking in their daily lives.
Developing every Notre Damean as productive citizen and peace worker is a starting
point for developing a culture of peace. We are imbibed with knowledge, values, skills
and behaviors conducive to fostering harmony and social justice. We uphold the values of
respect, understanding, and nonviolence. We are called to bring vibrancy and creativity to
peace building efforts.

My dear fellow peacemakers, the core of peace building is educating people toward
becoming peace agents, and the greatest resource for building a culture of peace are the
people themselves, for it is through them the peaceful relationships are created. Yes,
fellow peacemakers, these two vital gifts have been strengthened by Notre Dame of
Midsayap College.

In this time of widespread violence and diminished respect for human life and
dignity, the Gospel of life and the biblical call to peace need to be proclaimed and shared
with new spirit and new fervor! As we are fully equipped with these two vital gifts, we
are fibers of NDMC and we are challenged to be part of its call to bring peace in Asia and
the rest of the world.

Bring the messsageof peace into the diverse world of contemporary human with
meaningful experiences including authentic living inculturated faith in Jesus and His

church. Bringing peace to the world through you and me is about setting an example,
being the goodness, the light and the caring that the world always needs more of. Radiate
a caring attitude. Smile at others and bring brightness into their lives. Share genuine
goodwill and kind spirit to those you meet and to those you spend time with. Our
determination to care and to bring a happy spirit into others will encourage greater peace
around us.

My dear fellow peacemakers, believe that peace can happen anytime, anyplace. Love
the idea of living in harmony more than the idea of living in chaos. Spend time each day
visualizing how your own life will be different when peace grows in all your
relationships. Imagine your community cooperating and thriving. Imagine our country no
longer in conflict with others. Believe that a peaceful world is our destiny. Let us inspire
our fellow Notre Dameans in Asia and all over the world to find ways to work for peace.

I am a Notre Damean! We are Notre Dameans!

I am a peacemaker! We are all peacemakers!
We are believers by heart that peace can happen anytime, anyplace.
And we are called to bring peace to Asia and the rest of the world!


It was a warm summer day and Alice was getting bored sitting beside her sister, who
had her nose buried in a book. Suddenly, a little White Rabbit with pink eyes ran in front
of her shouting, Oh dear, oh dear, Im late.
The rabbit pulled a watch out of his pocket to check the time. He shook his head,
then disappeared down a rabbits hole. I must find out why hes such hurry! cried Alice.
Filled with curiosity, she ran to the rabbits hole and peeped through the entrance.
The hole dropped suddenly and Alice fell. When will I ever reach the bottom of this
dreadful hole? she shouted, while falling helplessly downwards.
Finally she landed in a long narrow hallway with doors of many sizes. On a threelegged table, Alice found a tiny gold key and a green bottle that said DRINK ME.
This key must fit one of the doors, she said.
Its the one behind the table, she cried, but Im too big to fit through such a little
door. Maybe the potion in that bottle will help me, she decided. And she drank it.
Alice began to shrink until she was no bigger than a doll. She opened the door and
quickly ran through it. What a splendid garden! she exclaimed. Why, Im no bigger
than the insects that crawl on these flowers.
But the excitement soon wore off. Alice grew bored with her tiny size. I want to be
big again, she shouted. Her shouts startled the white rabbit, which ran past her again.
Mistaking her for his maid, he ordered, Go to my cottage and fetch my gloves and fan.
Alice was confused by the rabbits behavior. Maybe Ill find something at the
cottage to help me, she said hopefully.
A piece of chocolate cake was kept on a table by the doorway. Next to the cake was a
note that read EAT ME. Im so hungry, Alice said as she ate the cake. I feel strange.
Oh no! Ive grown larger than this house! she cried.
Get out of my way! Youre blocking the door! shouted the white rabbit. Alice
managed to pick up his fan. Immediately, she began to shrink.
Oh, Ill never get back to the right size, Alice cried. She went looking for help.

Soon, she saw a green caterpillar dressed in a pink jacket. He was sitting on the top of a
large mushroom, smoking a bubble pipe. One side makes you big, the other side makes
you small, he said to Alice before slithering away.
One side of what? Alice called after him.
The mushroom, silly, he answered.
Alice ate a piece of the mushroom. Thank goodness, Im growing! she cried, But
which way do I go?
That path leads to the Mad Hatter. The other way leads to Lae March Hare, said a
voice. Alice turned to find a smiling Cheshire Cat in a tree. Ill see you later at the
Queens croquet game, he said before disappearing.
Alice walked down a path, How lovely! A tee party, she thought.
Theres no room for you! shouted the Mad Hatter. You may stay if you answer my
riddle. Alice smiled. She loved riddles.
After several riddles, Alice became confused. Every time I answer, you ask a
question, she told the Mad Hatter.
We dont know any answers, he giggled. This is a waste of time, scolded Alice.
The others ignored her. They were trying to wake the Dormouse.
Alice continued her walk. She found herself in the middle of a field where the Queen
of Hearts was playing croquet. Her guards and gardeners were shaped like cards. One
gardener had planted white roses by mistake and then painted them red, Off with their
heads! shrieked the Queen. I hate white roses! Have you ever played croquet? the
Queen asked Alice.
Yes, Alice timidly answered. But Ive never used a flamingo or a hedgedog.

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