How To Write A Curriculum Vitae Resume For Pilots

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s1s016 CCuricuum Vitae and Resume Example for Plois-Laiest Pilot Jobs How to wri Resume for Pilots A strong Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the key to getting an interview with a certain aviation company. Recruiters usually don't spend more than. 15-30 seconds viewing your CV. A Curriculum Vitae is the surmmaty of your experience and qualifications and should only be one page long. It is imperative that the most relevant information a reeriter is looking for, is retrievable within the blink af an eye, 1. The Header In this section you will provide information such as your name, phone number, address, and e-mail. Some aviation companies in Furope like to see nice photo of you in the header section. Make sure your e-mail contains your full ‘name and does not come across as unprofessional. Also make sure your phone has an answering machine, so thatthe recruiter can Ieave a message if necessary, 2. Flight Time Break down the flight time and cleaty indicate your total flight time on the top = of this section, Make sure thatthe column with your hours are nicely aligned, BS Ws not at all recommended to write dowa specific flight times such as solo time, a total of landings or dual received, If you are applying for a company that is looking for personne! fora specific type of aireraft they are operating, then write down the total time you have flown on that airerafl. Be aware that ‘you CV should only be one page long, so dont be too specific. 3. License & Ratings List the certificates and ratings that are relevant tothe jab you are applying for ‘An example may be IAR-FCL ATPL, of FAA ATP. Also, do include type ratings issued on license. Make sure thatthe requirements listed by he airline are mentioned in your qualifications section, 4, Employment History List all your previous work experience as a pilot. The key isto Keep it short and easy to ead. Don't be too specific inthis section and refrain from iluding non-flying work experience If you have no experience in aviation and this is your first application to an airline, then just write down your last work experience. List the highest education level you have achieved. If you have any college degrees, lst all the degrees obtained and universities you attended. The reeruiter isnot interested in information about your high school education, ot specific classes you attended 6. Personal Details Inform the recruiter about yourself, your marta status as well as the passport you hold, what your personal interests are and what you like to do in your free time, 7. References ‘This section is optional and we recommend you to only list it if you have space to spare, List two to three individuals that are related to aviation, for instance a Chief Pilot, a Captain or a Flight Instructor. List their e-mail address as well as their phone numbers, in ease the airline ‘wants to contact them, Subscribe and maximise your chances of getting an interview! ta tesigbs comisteypagetdeickim-vio-example il te s1s016 CCuricuum Vitae and Resume Example for Plois-Laiest Pilot Jobs How to subseribel 11- Create an account as a job seker and Login. [2- Select one ofthe ? options below |3- Proceed with the payment through paypal. Login at our website and click on subscription (pad subscription) and access lke CF templates. ypageicrriculum- vitae example him!

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