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Ling Yii Fei

How to study smart ?

Good morning I bid to Mr.Denis and my fellow friends. I am indeed
honoured to present a speech on how to study smart. I hope all of you
can lend me your ears as a sign of respect. Of course, all of you can
take down notes for your personal reference. Do bear in mind to excel,
success requires effort and sacrifice.
In order to learn more effectively, we should pay attention while
teacher is teaching. Dont chat away with friends or stay idle when
teacher is teaching or show lacklustre attitude. We must ask questions
if we fail to make head or tail of the teachers lesson. We can write
down the important points emphasised by the teacher.
From my point of view, we must choose a front seat in class in
order to get a better focus and concentration while the lesson is being
carried out. We can pay attention more easily because we feel afraid to
be reprimanded by teachers. Additionally, writing down all the
information given by teachers on the board will make our revision
easier and less tedious.
Next, we can ask for an extra class or clarification so that we can
perform better in our academic. Teachers are always kind-hearted and
willing to help. They will never refuse our requests. Apart from that, we
can study in groups because the atmosphere will become more
conducive for learning. Our friends who score good results can share
their tips with us.
We should never study at the eleventh hour or waiting for the
examination to knock at our door. We must make an effort to study
because last-minute revision may backfire us. Discipline and
commitment are the keys to success. We can make a time table to plan
our daily routine neatly. We must study at least five hours daily to
remember all is taught by teachers and burning the midnight oil should
never be our last resort.
Last but not least, we must get sufficient sleep so that we can
concentrate better in class or during the exam.
That is all for my talk. Thank you very much for your kind


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