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Finite Element Analysis of Underground Storage Tank

Subjected to External Loadings

Si-Chung Jong1, Kim Yeow Tshai1*

of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia

Campus, Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia
*Corresponding authors phone: +603 8924 8614
Date Received: 27th June 2014
Date Revised: 14th July 2014
Date Accepted: 17th July 2014

and 1.8 22 m in length. The features and thickness of UST must be designed to withstand
external loadings and weight of its fluid content. Once installed with all piping fixed, on-site
measurement becomes a major challenge and performance monitoring data are scarcely
available. Finite element analysis (FEA) on the other hand provides a rapid and reliable route to
predict the effects of complex loadings on deformation stress and strain behaviour of solid
structure. In this paper, 3D computer aided design (CAD) of a full-scale, half-symmetry, UST
model is analysed within two FEA programs, namely ANSYS and ABAQUS. The underground
environment is converted into boundary inputs and a chopped-strand-mat composite UST is
subjected to a series of coupled static structural loadings. The simulated deformation and vonMises stress are obtained to evaluate the most destructing conditions. Two series of analyses
were performed, with and without restraining rope. The results provide an insight into the
behaviour of UST system subjected to a predefined set of prescribed loadings. From the
perspective of these FEA packages, the simulation and analytical data broadly agreed among one
Keywords: Underground storage tank; finite element analysis; chopped strand mat

Corrosion and leakage have long been the major causes of tank failure with traditional
steel UST. A faulty UST may be losing its chemical contents into surrounding soil for years
without any indication of seepage until nearby water wells or streams are contaminated. Since
2010, increasing incident of sudden and rapid corrosion in UST components, in particular sump
pumps, risers, submersible turbine pumps and ventilation pipes was reported in at least nine
different US states [1]. Sowards and Mansfield conducted gravimetric analysis on the corrosion of
copper and carbon steel alloys underground fuel storage tank systems exposed to ethanol and
acetic acid environment observed that steel corrodes at an order of magnitude faster than copper.
The results revealed that once localized corrosion attack begins, the damage can occur at
significantly higher rates than might be predicted with a general corrosion-rate model [2].
Advancement in fibre reinforced polymer composites (FRPC) has seen its implementation
in the construction of UST. Although corrosion can be prevented with FRPC, tank failures may
still occurs as a result of improper installation, poor piping connection, degree of monitoring and
inspection, operating extremes, mechanical damage over time and various soil conditions [3, 4].
The major challenge in investigating the behaviour and performance of UST is that it is
relatively impossible to collect information of a buried UST without digging out (uninstall from)
and bury in (reinstall to) underground environment. Repetition of the un-install and
reinstallation sequences would often soften the soil and jeopardize the foundation support of the
UST and piping. In this paper, the effects of a number of scenarios coupling the soil species, level

Si-Chung Jong and Kim Yeow Tshai

of fuel content and buoyancy on rigidity of UST were investigated with the aid of finite element

Composite UST
UST constructed on polymer based chopped strand mat fibre reinforced composite was
chosen in the current study. Owing to the random orientation of chopped glass strands, a
homogenous and isotropic mechanical property is assumed within the model. The input data, as
obtained from a local composite UST supplier in Malaysia was used to define the mechanical
properties of the chopped strand mat FRPC, as depicted in Table 1.
Table 1. Mechanical properties of the composite UST.
Youngs modulus, E
Poissons ratio,
Shear modulus, G

8.069 109 Pa
2.979 109 Pa
48 kg/m3


FEA Model
The CAD geometry of a 3D half symmetry model of the UST is first constructed within
ANSYS Workbench 12 and subsequently imported into ABAQUS for analysis. The designed
features of the UST, include a riser, tank body, tank covers and reinforcement ribs were captured
within the model. The tank model is similar to a capsule, with a cylindrical body and two semi
ellipsoid cover at both ends, as shown in Figure 1. The cylindrical riser connects the tank to the
ground surface, serve as a transfer channel for the fluid content while ribs are added for
reinforcement of the hoop strength. The top surface of the riser is fully constrained as it is bolted
to the cylindrical fixture above ground and symmetry boundary condition was applied on the
symmetrical plane of the model.
In the installation of UST, restraining straps/ropes are frequently tied over the tank body
to counteract buoyancy and distribute part of the deformation stresses. A total of four restraining
straps were wrapped on specified ribs, the second ribs from both sides and 2 ribs beside the
centre ribs. These straps are attached to the tank and contact took off at 30 from the centre
horizontal axis, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Half symmetry model of the UST.

Figure 2. The attached strap layout.

In practice, the restraining straps are much stiffer than the UST and hence were defined
as rigid body within the model. The interaction properties between the strap and ribs were
defined as tangential surface to surface contact without slip. The UST model was meshed with
20,804 continuum 3D tetrahedral elements. The overall element size used in the meshing is
around 150 200 mm. A higher mesh density was applied at the connection between riser and
tank body, a location where stress concentration is expected. Figure 3 depicted the tetrahedral
meshed model of the UST.


Finite Element Analysis of Underground Storage Tank Subjected to External Loadings

Figure 3. Tetrahedral mesh density of the UST.

Three significant types of loading were considered within the simulation, namely the top,
bottom and internal loads. The top load is due to weight of soil acting downward upon the tanks
upper surface, defined as the product of the soil volume and soil density, i.e. 297.6 kN for
concrete soil, as shown in Figure 4. Bottom load arises due to the buoyancy force of underground
water within the soil, lifting the tanks bottom surface upwards [5]. Calculation was performed
based on the Pascals theorem, i.e. 154.7 kN for a fully submerged tank [6, 7]. The internal
loading arises from the weight of fluid content within the UST itself, acted downwards upon the
inner surface, i.e. 109.6 kN for a full tank filled with fuel.

Figure 4. UST with applied top load.

The loadings were assumed to be steady within the static structural analysis and three
output variables were extracted: (i) the von-Mises stress which takes into consideration of all the
3 components of principal stresses and derives a maximum value upon yield strength formula,
(ii) the total deformation to investigate the magnitude and direction of tank motion, and (iii) the
total strain for evaluation of the internal stretches on the tank body.


This section depicts the simulated results as obtained from ANSYS Workbench 12 and
ABAQUS 6.92.

ANSYS Workbench 12
Table 2 showed the maximum and minimum von-Mises stress, total deformation and
total strain from the requested output of ANSYS Workbench 12 while Figures 5 to 7 revealed the
respective contour plots.


Si-Chung Jong and Kim Yeow Tshai

Table 2. Output request of ANSYS.

von-Mises stress (Pa)


1.4794 108

Total deformation (m)

von-Mises strain

2.4236 10-6

1.1834 10-2

Figure 5. von-Mises stress in ANSYS.

Figure 6. Total deformation in ANSYS.

Figure 7. von-Mises strain in ANSYS.


ABAQUS 6.9-2
The maximum and minimum von-Mises stress, total deformation and total strain output
generated from ABAQUS is showed in Table 3.


Finite Element Analysis of Underground Storage Tank Subjected to External Loadings

Table 3. Output request of ABAQUS.

von-Mises stress (Pa)


1.3867 108

Total deformation (m)

von-Mises strain

5.5496 10-6

2.1982 10-2

The strap is modeled within ABAQUS and assembled onto the appointed ribs. As
expected there is zero strain and deformation on the straps as they are defined as rigid body
within the model. The von-Mises stress on the UST with strap reinforcement is depicted in Table
4 while Figure 8 showed the corresponding contour plot. It can be observed that the UST
experienced a much lower stresses with restraining straps installed.
Table 4. von-Mises stress of the UST with restraining straps installed.
Minimum Maximum
von-Mises stress (Pa) 6048
7.4813 107

Figure 8. von-Mises stress with restraining straps installed (ABAQUS).

All results demonstrated that the maximum stress and strain occur at the edge
connecting to the riser and tank body, e.g. at region of highest stress concentration. Elements at
the outer wall experienced tensile deformations while inner wall elements experienced
compressive deformations, causing the element a change of shape and hence the resulting
maximum stress and strain. The ribs nearer to the maximum stress region showed higher stress
and acted as reinforcement to share partial of the load. Although the surface region affected is
wide, the stress level remains very low and insignificant. The end region that is furthest to the
riser experience greater deformation than the adjacent end, most like a rotation with center at
the intersection of riser and tank bodys central axes. The tank shape was maintains without any
distortion or shear during the deflection. The computed von-Mises stress without restraining
straps is around 139 148 MPa and the maximum stress reduced to 74.8 MPa with the straps
The computed outputs are compared through a root mean square analysis, Equation 1,
and the results are showed in Table 5. It can be observed that the simulated results agreed well
in term of von-Mises stress and total deformation. The equivalent strain showed a relatively
larger percentage difference owing to the small strain magnitude experienced by the UST under
the prescribed loadings, whereby a small variation in the computed strain give rise to a large
percentage difference in the RMS calculation, e.g. a 1.2% strain in ANSYS and a 2.2% strain in
ABAQUS produced some 46% RMS error.


Si-Chung Jong and Kim Yeow Tshai

Root Mean Square Error

x1 x2 2



Table 5. RMS error of computed outputs


von-Mises Stress (%)


Total Deformation (%)


Equivalent Strain (%)


Effects of Varying Submerged Level

Figure 9. Different fuel and submerge level.

The results, as obtained from ANSYS Workbench 12, plotted against height of fuel or
height of submerged tank are showed in Figures 10 to 15. It can be observed that the second and
third quarters revealed a larger gradient as the volume changes in these regions are greater
when it approaches the center of the cylindrical cross-section tank.

Figure 10. von-Mises stress on varying fuel


Figure 11. von-Mises stress on varying

bouancy force.

Figure 12. Deformation on varying fuel


Figure 13. Deformation on varying bouancy



Finite Element Analysis of Underground Storage Tank Subjected to External Loadings

Figure 14. von-Mises strain on varying fuel


Figure 15. von-Mises strain on varying

bouancy force.


Effect of Loadings on von-Mises Stress

It can be observed that the stress level is proportional to the top and internal loadings but
inversely proportional to the bottom load. Relationships of deformation and strain seem to
behave in a similar pattern. The most destructing condition (highest von-Mises stress) occurs
under the full load and not submerged conditions, giving 240 MPa, 0.2 m in total deformation
and 3% nominal strain. On the other hand, the least destructing scenario was achieved when the
UST is fully submerged without fuel, giving 83 MPa, 0.06 m and 1% respectively.

Thick Wall Cylinder Calculation

A cylindrical tank possesses axial, a, circumferential, c, and radial, r, stresses when
pressure is applied both inwardly, Pi, and outwardly, Po, as showed in Equations 2 to 4.

P r

i i

P r

ro ri

Po ro 2

ro 2 ri 2

P r

i i

Po ro 2

i i

Po ro 2

ro 2 ri 2


ri 2 Po Pi

r 2 ro 2 ri 2

ri 2 Po Pi

r 2 ro 2 ri 2



where ro and ri are the outer and inner radius respectively, Po is defined as top load over area of
element and Pi is defined as internal loading over area of element.
The tetrahedral elements assigned on the tank have a size ranging from 150 200 mm.
The position where maximum stress occurs is affected by the top and internal loadings, which is
situated at the neck joining the riser and the tank body.
The position of interest is the outer wall surface, at r = 1.22 m, where the three
component of stresses (axial a, circumferential c, and radial r) are calculated, as depicted
Axial stress, a
= -100.39 MPa
Circumferential stress, c
= -186.50 MPa
Radial stress, r
= -14.29 MPa
The von-Mises stress, vm, can then be calculated through Equation 5.


1 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 2

vm = 149.13 MPa



Si-Chung Jong and Kim Yeow Tshai

Deformation, x, can be obtained through Hookes Law (Equation 6) as showed below.



x 0


x = 0.1375 m
where x0 is the initial undeformed geometry and E is the Youngs modulus.
It can be observed that the calculated von-Mises stress and deformation of 149.13 MPa
and 0.1375 m, respectively are within a 10% tolerance to the simulated maximum stress and

The computed range of maximum von-Mises stress was 139 148 MPa, maximum
deformation was 0.121 0.138 m and maximum strain was 1.18 2.20%. The maximum stress
and strain occurred at region where riser connects to the tank body. The tank deforms in a
rotating manner under the combined load concerned. Restraining straps was found capable to
strengthen the UST, reducing the maximum von-Mises stress to 74.8 MPa. The most destructing
condition was observed to occur under full fuel load and not submerged conditions, giving 240
MPa, 0.2 m in total deformation and 3% nominal strain.
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