Accounting and Management Control 2015

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Masters Programme in

Accounting & Management control

Master of Science with a major in Business Administration, specialisation in Accounting and Management
Control (track 1) or Accounting and Auditing (track 2)
1 year, full time, 60 ECTS credits
School of Economics and Management
Lund campus
Application deadline: 15 January 2015
Programme start: August 2015

ELECTIVES (7.5 CREDITS EACH): Corporate Governance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Financial Reporting; Strategic
Cost Management. This programme/ track ends with a degree project in Accounting & Auditing (15 credits).

Career prospects
After graduation you will be able to work in fields such as
financial accounting, public sector accounting, consultancy,
and management control.

Programme overview
The Masters Programme in Accounting and Management
Control targets students who want to work as financial accountants or controllers. Students interested in auditing are
also given the opportunity to elect courses in this field.
When applying to this programme you elect either the
Management Control Track or the Auditing Track. You must
submit a statement of purpose in your application package
in which you select which track you are applying to. Students
following this programme will obtain advanced knowledge

Admission requirements and how to apply

An undergraduate degree (BA/BSc) with at least 90 credits
(ECTS) in business administration, including at least 15 ECTS
credits in accounting at the intermediate level. It is recommended that students also have done some coursework in
business law (and tax law in particular). English 6/English
course B. See for details on English
proficiency levels.

and understanding of the main theoretical and applied concepts in financial accounting, management accounting and
management control as well as in auditing at an advanced
level. The programme offers high quality teaching informed
by theoretical and empirical research and taught primarily
by research-active staff. The taught part of the programme
is allocated 45 credits and the remaining 15 credits are dedicated to the degree project, a thesis, which should represent
an original piece of research and writing.

The Lund learning model

The School of Economics and Management adopts a student-centred approach to teaching and learning. The aim is
to increase students capacity for advanced problem solving,
resulting in better decision-making abilities. Our courses are
based on state-of-the-art research in each particular field,
and we encourage students to improve their skills in terms
of both critical thinking and practical application.

Programme modules/courses
MANAGEMENT CONTROL TRACK, COMPULSORY (7.5 CREDITS EACH): International Accounting; Management Accounting and Control; Management Control in Different Contexts;
Strategic Cost Management; Accounting, Regulations and
Actors; Accounting Information Systems. This programme/
track ends with a degree project in Accounting & Management Control (15 credits).).
AUDITING TRACK, COMPULSORY (7.5 CREDITS EACH): International Accounting; International Auditing; Accounting,
Regulations and Actors; Accounting Information Systems.

What students say

Some of the students within the program are writing
their thesis in collaboration with different audit firms,
which is a great way to network with people from the
industry. The big four auditors Deloitte, Ernst & Young,
KPMGH and PwC all are involved in Lund University
offering guest lectures every now and then.
Alexander Chiem, from Sweden

About the School of Economics and Management

1. Go to and find the programme.

The activities within Lund University School of Economics and

Click on Apply and follow the instructions for the online ap-

Management cover research and education in business admin-

plication form on the Swedish national application website.

istration, business law, economic history, economics, informat-

2. Send your supporting documents (for details on document

ics, and statistics, as well as research policy. About 4 100 stu-

requirements, see

dents and 400 researchers, teachers and other staff members

- Cover sheet

study and work at the School.

- Certificates and diplomas from previous studies at an

internationally recognised higher education institution

The School of Economics and Management provides a well-

(university or university college)

profiled, research-based education that is international and

- Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each se

multidisciplinary in nature and helps equip our students to

mester (including course list)

hold key positions in industry and society in an increasingly

- Proof of English language skills

globalised world. Our students can choose from a wide range

- Statement of purpose (see instructions on www.lusem.

of specialist subjects and attend lectures by some of our best purpose)

researchers, international guest professors, and business lead-

- We encourage applicants to submit results from GMAT

ers from a broad spectrum of sectors and organisations.

and/ or GRE tests. GMAT code, School of Economics and

Management, Lund University: 8VR-PL-07. Lund
University does not have a GRE code. You are welcome

About Lund University

Lund University was founded in 1666 and for a number of

to send a certified copy of your GRE test result directly

years has been ranked among the worlds top 100 univer-

to University Admissions in Sweden.

sities. The University has 47 700 students and 7 500 staff

- Proof that you meet the specific admission requirements

based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malm. We are united in

- Copy of the page in your passport with your personal data

our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world

and photograph, or some other identification document

and the human condition.

(EU/EEA citizens may need to send a certified passport


Lund is Swedens most attractive study destination. The Uni-

3. Make sure to check the country specific requirements on

versity offers one of the broadest ranges of programmes before sending your docments.

and courses in Scandinavia, based on cross-disciplinary and

4. Pay the application fee (when applicable).

cutting-edge research. The compact university campus encourages networking and creates the conditions for scien-


tific breakthroughs and innovations. The University has a

Selection is based on academic qualifications and statement

clear international profile, with partner universities in over

of purpose.

50 countries.


Funding of SEK 5 billion a year goes to research at eight fac-

There are no tuition fees for EU/EEA citizens. For non-EU/ EEA

ulties, which gives us one of Swedens strongest and broad-

citizens the tuition fee for this programme is SEK 120 000 per

est ranges of research activity. Over 30 of our research fields

year. For details on tuition fees and scholarships, see

are world-leading, according to independent evaluations.

Programme webpage:
Programme coordinator:
Martin Andersson,

Disclaimer: Changes may have been made since the printing of this fact sheet. Please see for any updates.


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