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The month of

All about Ramadan


Fasting .................................................................................................................................. 3


Proofs for the obligation to Fast ..................................................................................... 3


The Virtues of Fasting ....................................................................................................... 4


Preparing for Ramadan ..................................................................................................... 5


Fasting is obligatory upon ................................................................................................. 6


Excuses for not fasting in Ramadan ............................................................................... 7


Important matters during fasting for Muslim women ............................................... 10


The intention to fast ........................................................................................................ 11


Actions that break the fast and require a person to make it up ................................ 12


Some matters that do not invalidate the fast ............................................................... 15


Tarawih, Laylatul-Qadr, Itikaf, Zakatul-Fitr and Eidul-Fitr ..................................... 18

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Withholding from something specified, during a
specified time which is from the true fajr until
sunset, with a specific intention

Proofs for the obligation to Fast


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O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed upon you
as it was obligated upon those before you so that
you may attain Taqwa. [AlBaqarah: 183]


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From the hadith of Jibril: He said: O Muhammad,

tell me about Islam. So he said: Islam is to testify
that there is no deity worthy of worship except
Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah and that you establish the prayer, give the
Zakat, Fast the month of Ramadan and that you
perform Hajj if you are able to. [Reported by

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The Virtues of Fasting

Sahl (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: In Paradise there is a gate called
al-Rayyaan, through which those who used to fast will enter on the Day
of Resurrection, and no one but they will enter it. It will be said,
Where are those who fasted? They will get up, and none will enter it
but them. When they have entered, it will be locked, and no one else
will enter. (al-Bukhari, 1763; Muslim, 1947).
It was narrated from Abu Salamah that Abu Hurayrah said: The
Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, his previous
sins will be forgiven. (Narrated by al-Bukhari, al-Iman, 37).
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him)
said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) said: Allah says: Every deed of the son of Adam is for him,
except for fasting; it is for Me and I shall reward for it. Fasting is a
shield and when one of you is fasting he avoid sexual relations with his
wife and quarrelling. If somebody should fight or quarrel with him, he
should say, I am fasting. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, the
unpleasant smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is
better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. The fasting person
will have two moments of joy: one when he breaks his fast, and the
other when he meets his Lord; then he will be pleased because of his
fasting .(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1771)
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him)
that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates
of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained up. (Narrated by alBukhari, 3035; Muslim 1793)

Medical and spiritual benefits

Taqwa: Fear of Allah and realization of His blessings upon us.

Empathy and sympathy with the poor who do not have food or
drink and of those who cannot get married or cannot be with their
Overcoming the Shaytan and decreasing his influence upon us.

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Preparing for Ramadan

Many people miss out the reward of fasting. They just abstain from
eating and drinking, but do not change any of their bad habits:
watching unlawful television programmes, listening to music,
backbiting, gossiping, and other sins.
There are a number of ways by which to prepare for Ramadan:
1. Repent to Allah you dont know if you will definitely come to
fast in Ramadan this year or not.
2. Make dua to Allah. It was narrated from some of the salaf that
they used to pray to Allah for six months that they would live
until Ramadan, then they would pray for five months
afterwards that He would accept it from them.
3. Try to complete any obligatory fasts that you have to make up.
It was narrated that Abu Salamah said: I heard Aaishah (may
Allah be pleased with her) say: I would owe fasts from the
previous Ramadan and I would not be able to make them up
except in Shaban . [Agreed upon]
4. Try to get things that will distract you out of the way before
Ramadan, so you can concentrate more on acts of worship
during Ramadan.
5. Learn the rulings about fasting so you can worship Allah with
6. Fast some of the month of Shaban: Aaishah (may Allah be
pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) used to fast until we said: He
will not break his fast, and he used not to fast until we said: He
will not fast. And I never saw the Messenger of Allah (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) complete a month of
fasting except Ramadan, and I never saw him fast more in any
month than in Shaban. [Agreed upon]
7. Read lots of Quran
8. Try to set yourself a timetable and resolution for Ramadan.
Prepare your house with beneficial books and lectures that you
can read / listen to in Ramadan.

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Fasting is obligatory upon...

Conditions for
the fast to be

1. Islam
2. Puberty
3. Sanity
4. Residency
5. Ability
6. Free of excuse

As for the:

Disbeliever: Fasting is not obligatory on him but he will be

punished if he does not accept Islam and start fasting.

Pre-puberty: Not obligatory but recommended if they are able to.

Insane: Nothing of Islam is obligatory on them except Zakat.

Non-resident: Allowed to break his fast, however must make up for

it in other than Ramadan.

Unable: Such as the sick, old etc.

Those who have a valid excuse: such as menstruating or post

partum bleeding should make up for it later on.

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Excuses for not fasting in Ramadan

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So whoever from you is sick or travelling, then the numbers should be
made up from other days. As for those who find it difficult, then they
should feed a poor person (for every day). [AlBaqarah: 184]

Those who have a temporary excuse

These are people who have a temporary excuse from fasting in

Temporarily sick person:

This is of three levels:

If fasting will not affect his illness at all, he must still fast. An
example of this is a person who has a light cold, for example,
and fasting will not affect that at all.

If fasting will affect the person's illness or is difficult for him

but it will not harm him then it is disliked (makruh) for him
to fast and it is desired that he does not fast.

If fasting is going to harm the person, such as a person who

suffers from severe diabetes, then he is not allowed to fast as it
is not permissible to do things that will harm oneself. The
Prophet said, There should be no harm nor
reciprocating harm.

Traveller: Likewise the person who is travelling has the option to

fast or not and there are a number of situations:
1. If it will not be difficult for him and will be quite easy for him
to fast: in this case it is better for him to fast based on the fact
that the Prophet did this. Abu Darda' said, We
were with the Prophet on an extremely hot day
in Ramadan such that one of us would put his hand on his head
because of the severity of the heat. None among us were
fasting but the Messenger of Allah and
'Abdullah ibn Rawahah. 1 So the Prophet
fasted as it was easy upon him, because he would choose that
which is easier upon himself. Also, it is better because he would
have completed his fasts quicker without having to be indebted
by having to make up the fasts later. Also, he gets to fast during
1 Agreed upon

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Ramadan which is a virtuous and blessed month. Because of

these reasons it is better for the one who finds fasting easy
during travelling to fast. However, if he does not wish to fast,
he still has the option not to. This is the opinion of Imam AlShafi'i.
2. If fasting will be difficult for him but will not harm him; in
other words, it is easier for him not to fast while travelling: in
this case, it is better for him to break the fast and make it up
later on, after Ramadan. This is because Allah has given a
concession to travellers and they should accept that.
3. If the fasting will harm him or will be extremely difficult upon
him: in this case it is not permissible for the traveller to fast and
he should break his fast and make up for it after Ramadan. The
proof of this is that when the people complained to the
Prophet that fasting was difficult for them and
that they were waiting to see what he does. He
then called for a container of water after 'Asr while he was on
his camel. He took the container and drank the water while the
people were watching him. Then it was said to him that some
people are still fasting. He replied ,They are the sinners; they
are the sinners.2 So the Prophet called them
sinners for fasting when it was very difficult for them.
When does a person become a traveller?
When a person has left the boundaries of his town.

Can he break his fast if he is leaving later that day?

Does he have to start fasting when he arrives back home later

in the day?

Jobs that require travelling: Eg: pilots, captains of ships, truck

and bus drivers can take advantage of the concession during
travelling in their jobs.

2 Muslim

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is the ruling if someone

travels primarily so that

he/she doesnt have to fast in


Menstruating women and women in post-childbirth bleeding

It is haram for them to fast in Ramadan.
If a menstruating woman becomes pure in the middle of the
day, then she doesn't need to fast for the rest of the day, but
should make up for it later on.

The pregnant and breast feeding woman

According to the the majority of the scholars of Islam, these
women are similar to those who have a temporary lack of ability to
fast in Ramadan. As a result, they should make up for the fast when

Miscellaneous categories of temporary excuse

Those who are fighting.
Those who are deeply in need. Eg: chasing after a thief or lost
animal or a doctor performing a long and serious operation etc..

Those who have a permanent excuse

Those who have a permanent excuse:
The old and fragile or the terminally sick person (analogy upon the old
and fragile), who may never recover from his sickness, must feed a
poor person for every day that they do not fast. If they die before the
people have been fed, then the money for feeding the poor must be
taken out before his inheritance is distributed.
This is because they cannot make up their fasts as they do not expect to
be cured from their illness or 'cured' from their old age. Therefore, they
should feed a poor person for every fast that is missed. It has been
reported that when Anas got old and he was over 100 years
old he would not fast but, instead, on the first night of Ramadan got
together thirty poor people and fed them dinner.3
This shows it is permissible to feed all thirty poor people in one go,
either at the beginning of Ramadan or the end.

3 Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah; authenticated by Al-Albani

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Important matters during fasting for Muslim women

Major issues in making up previous fasts:

If a person comes upon the fasts of Shawwal, the day of Arafat,

day of Muharram etc.. whilst there are still days to be made up it
is recommended to make up the obligatory fasts first.

Pregnant and breast feeding women who end up delaying fasts

years on end fast when able.

Excuses to not fast:

1. Menstruation
o Blood at the time of period is menstrual blood and
has its own particular characteristics.
o Period pain is considered sickness and breaking fast is
Defective bleeding:
o It is blood that comes in other than times of period and
it has its own characteristics.
o The ruling: Must fast.
When in doubt:
o If blood comes at the times of period don't fast.
o If blood comes in times of other than the period fast
unless the blood is too much.
2. Child birth or Miscarriage

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The intention to fast

Intention is obligatory for every ibadah. Intention is confined to

the heart not tongue.

The timing of intentions during fasting depends on the type of

a. In obligatory fasts such as the fasts of Ramadan or qada or
kafarrah or oath: the safest opinion is that the intention needs
to be present from the night before fajr.

There is no fast for the one who did not make his fast from the
night. [Abu Dawud (No. 2454) and others]
b. In supererogatory fasts: the intention can be made at anytime
before the end of the fasting period as long as no food had
been eaten from the morning. This is based on the hadith in
Sahih Muslim that the Prophet intended to
fast in the middle of the day when there was no food to eat.
This is the opinion of the Hanbali madhab and later Shafi
opinion as against the Hanafi madhab and earlier Shafi opinion
that the intention can be made only up to mid day as a

If one gets up for suhur, or merely intends to, that is sufficient

as an intention for the fast. The intention is in the heart and
one should not utter it with the tongue.

Since the intention is integral to fasting - the fast is broken if

the intention is broken

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Actions that break the fast and require a person to make it

up later
There are 3 general conditions that must be met before we consider the
fast to have been broken:
1. Having knowledge of that which breaks the fast.
2. Possessing desire and intent to do that which breaks the fast.
3. Absence of coercion, i.e. doing it wilfully.

Fast nullifiers
First and Second: Eating and Drinking
If a person breaks his fast by eating or drinking due to a valid reason,
such as an illness or travelling for example, he only needs to make up
his fast (without any extra expiation). There would be no sin on him in
that case. However, if he breaks his fast by eating and drinking without
a valid excuse, he has fallen in a great sin. Nonetheless, he should still
make up those fasts.
If anything reaches the stomach via the nose, this is like eating or
drinking .
Hence the Prophet said: Snuff up water deeply into the
nose (when doing wudoo), except when you are fasting. Narrated by
al-Tirmidhi,788. If water reaching the stomach via the nose did not
invalidate the fast, the Prophet would not have told
those who are fasting not to snuff up water deeply into the nose.
Anything that is similar to eating and drinking also breaks the fast. This
1- Transfusion of blood to one who is fasting such as if he
bleeds heavily and is given a blood transfusion. This invalidates
the fast because blood is formed from food and drink.
2- Receiving via a needle (as in the case of a drip) nourishing
substances which take the place of food and drink, because this
is the same as food and drink. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin, Majalis
Shahr Ramadan, p/ 70.
With regard to injections which do not replace food and drink, rather
they are administered for the purpose of medical treatment such as
penicillin or insulin or are given to energize the body, or for the
purpose of vaccinations, these do not affect the fast, whether they are
intravenous or intramuscular (injected into a vein or a muscle). Fatawa
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Muhammad ibn Ibraahim, 4/189. But to be on the safe side, these

injections may be given at night.
Kidney dialysis, in which blood is extracted, cleaned and then returned
to the body with the additional of chemical substances such as sugars
and salts etc. is regarded as invalidating the fast. Fatawa al-Lajnah alDaimah, 10/19
Third: Intentionally vomiting
This is based on the hadith as narrated by Abu Hurayrah: Whoever
intentionally vomits must make up [his fast] and whoever was
overcome by vomit does not have to make it up.4
Therefore, if vomit comes out without his choice, there is no harm in
that and his fast is not broken. However, if he intentionally vomits his
fast is broken, whether he intended to vomit by putting his fingers in
his throat, by looking at something horrible in order to induce vomit,
smelling something horrible in order to vomit or any other means of
intentionally vomiting.
Fourth: Cupping
This is one of the individual opinions of Imam Ahmad where he
differed from the other three Imams: he said that the one who is
cupping and the one who is getting cupped both break their fasts by
doing that. This is based on a hadith which says: The one who cups
and the one who is cupped have both broken their fasts.
Other scholars differed and said that cupping does not break the fast of
either the one who is cupping nor of the one who has got cupped.
They argue that many scholars have made this hadith weak and they say
that there are other narrations that indicate that cupping does not break
one's fast. In Bukhari it is narrated that the Prophet got
cupped while he was fasting and he got cupped while he was in the
state of ihram.
There is a long difference of opinion on this matter and the stronger of
the two views seems to be that cupping does not break the fast.
However, in either case, one should avoid it. Allah knows best.
Fifth: Ejaculation by touching
The majority of scholars say that if a man touches or kisses his wife out
of desire and that leads to him ejaculating, then this breaks the fast.
Likewise, if a person ejaculates himself forcefully, this also breaks the
fast. This is the opinion of the huge majority of scholars. They also say
that if a person looks at something intentionally and that makes him
ejaculate, then this breaks his fast.

4 Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Al-Tirmidhi; authenticated by Al-Albani

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However, if a person has a wet dream or ejaculates without any control

his fast is not broken.
Sixthly: Sexual intercourse
This is the sixth and final matter that breaks one fast. However, the
difference is that if someone had intercourse during a day of Ramadan
they would not only have to make up the fast, but also expiate for that
act. The expiation is to free a slave. If one cannot do that, then he must
fast two consecutive months. And if he cannot do that, he must feed
sixty poor people.
This expiation is upon both husband and wife if they both did the act
voluntarily. If, however, one party was forced (or forgot that it was
Ramadan) then there is no sin on that party and they would not have to
expiate. However, the sin and expiation remain on the other party.
This is based on the story of the companion that came to the Prophet
and said: O Rasulullah, I am destroyed! I fell upon (slept)
with my wife in Ramadan. So the Messenger said: Can you free a slave?
He said: No, He asked again: Then can you fast two months
consecutively. He replied: No. So the Messenger asked: Can you feed
60 poor people? He said: No and then he said down. Thereafter a
basket of dates was given to the Messenger and the Messenger said: Go
and give this in charity. Thereafter the companion replied: Is there
anyone between these mountains more needy than me? So the Prophet
laughed until his molar teeth showed and said: Go and
give this to your family. [Reported by AlBukhari (No. 1937, No. 6709),
Muslim (No. 1111) and others]
Seventhly: Menstruation or post-natal bleeding
The Prophet said: Is it not the case that when she
gets her period, she does not pray or fast? [Bukhari]
When a woman sees the blood of her period or nifas, her fast becomes
invalid even if that is a few seconds before sunset .
If a woman feels that her period has started but no blood comes out
until after sunset, her fast is still valid .
If the bleeding of a woman who is menstruating or in nifas ceases at
night and she has the intention of fasting, then dawn comes before she
does ghusl, her fast is valid by the consensus of the scholars.
A woman should avoid taking medicine that prevents her monthly
cycle but should accept what Allah has decreed for her: to abstain from
fasting during her period and to make up those days later. This is what
the mothers of the believers and the women of the sahabah used to do.
If a woman does take pills, however, and her period stops as a result,
she can fast and her fast is acceptable.

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Some matters that do not invalidate the fast 5

Enemas, eye drops, eardrops, tooth extraction and treatment of
injuries do not invalidate the fast if nothing goes down the
Medical tablets that are placed under the tongue to treat asthma
attacks etc, so long as you avoid swallowing any residue.
Insertion of anything into the vagina such as pessaries, or a
speculum, or the doctors fingers for the purpose of medical
Insertion of medical instruments or IUD into the womb.
Anything that enters the urinary tract of a male or female, such
as a catheter tube, or medical scopes, or opaque dyes inserted
for the purpose of x-rays, or medicine.
Fillings, extractions or cleaning of the teeth, whether with a
siwak or toothbrush, so long as you avoid swallowing anything
that reaches the throat.
Rinsing the mouth, gargling, sprays etc. so long as you avoid
swallowing anything that reaches the throat.
Oxygen or anesthetic gases
Anything that may enter the body via absorption through the
skin, such as creams, poultices, etc.
Insertion of a fine tube via the veins for diagnostic imaging or
treatment of the veins of the heart or any part of the body.
Insertion of a scope through the stomach wall to examine the
intestines by means of a surgical operation (laparoscopy).
Taking samples from the liver or any other part of the body, so
long as that is not accompanied by administration of solutions.
Endoscopy, as long as that is not accompanied by
administration of solutions or other substances.
Introduction of any medical instruments or materials to the
brain or spinal column.

Sh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid

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That which is disliked and recommended

That which is
disliked for a
fasting person

That which is
for a fasting

Exaggeration in sniffing water at the time of

making wuduu.

Using strong tasting toothpaste or strong


Taking a swim.

Ibn Mundhir reports Ijma that it is

recommended to eat the Suhur and delay it to
its maximum possible time. Similarly, it is
highly recommended to hurry up in breaking
the fast. There is a tremendous wisdom behind
this legislation.

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Eat the Suhoor for verily there is blessing in it.

[Reported by AlBukhari (No. 1923) and
Muslim (No. 1095)]

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People will not cease to be well, as long as they

hurry up breaking their fast. [Reported by
Ahmed (2/450), AlBukhari (No.1957) and
Muslim (No. 1098)]

To break the fast before praying maghrib and

break the fast upon dates and if not then

To read a lot of Quran and give a lot of


It is wajib to stay away from lying, back-biting,

swearing and cursing and recommended to say
if someone wrongs you: "I am fasting."

To say the following dua upon breaking the


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The thirst has been quenched, the veins wetted
and the reward established inshaAllah.
[Reported by Abu Dawud (No. 2357) and
alHakim (1/422) who authenticated it.]

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Eating whilst
being uncertain
of the night or

Whoever eats with a predominant supposition

that it is still night his fast is still valid.

Whoever eats with a predominant supposition

that it is day time still his fast is not valid.
As for the one who has a predominant
supposition that the night has come and later
on it is clear that the day light has yet to finish,
then the majority of the scholars of Islam are
of the opinion that they should make it up.
However, the stronger opinion and that of
Umar radiallahu anhu, Ibn Taymiyyah
rahimahullah and others, is that, since it was an
honest mistake (based on the fact that it is the
Shariah itself that commands people to be
quick in breaking the fast) and since Allah has
overlooked the genuine mistakes and
forgetfulness of this ummah - then this is more
worthy of being forgiven. As a result, there is
no qada due in that situation. Also AlBukhari
[No. 1959] reports that a similar incident
happened in the time of Rasulullah and there
were no reports of him having ordered people
to make-up their fasts.

Zaid bin Wahb said: The people broke their

fast in the time of Umar bin AlKhattab
radiallahu anhu. Thereafter, the sun came out
in the clouds. This was awkward upon the
people, so they said: We should make up this
day. So Umar radiallahu anhu said: Why?
Wallahi we never intended any sin! [Authentic,
reported by Ibn Abi Shaibah (3/24)]

The following fasts are disliked:

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Tarawih, Laylatul-Qadr, Itikaf, Zakatul-Fitr and Eidul-Fitr

Tarawih and Qiyamul-Layl

The term: Tarawih and where does it comes from?

Tarawih was initially with Rasulullah in

congregation and then revived by Umar radiallahu anhu.

Its manner: in twos, praying with the Imam until the Imam finishes,
8 rakah is best, but in the manner reported by Rasulullah

Its number: 11 or 21 or 23 or 41

Is it permissible to read from the Mushaf during Tarawih?

It is recommended to recite all of the Quran from the beginning to

the end in order.

Important mistake: Some people pray only 8 with the Imam and
then leave.

The Witr prayer

The manner of Witr prayer 3 or 5 or 7 or 9 or 11 etc.

Permissibility of Dua of Qunut and Khatamul Quran in witr

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Verily we have revealed this (Quran) in the Night of Power. And What
will inform you about the Night of Power. The Night of Power is
better than a thousand months. The Angels and the Ruh descend in it
by the permission of their Lord with all decrees. (All night) there is
peace until dawn. [AlQadr: 1-5]
It is a night when the Angels descend, a night of peace and a night
when the destiny of Mankind for the next year is sent down.
A3ym @"r& . t"# $pF
In it, all matters are ordained. [Ad-Dukhan: 4]
When is Laylatul-Qadr?

There are 46 sayings regarding it. [See Fathul-Bari]

Most authentic hadiths mention 27th Ramadan.

However, the stronger opinion is that it moves around., most

probably in the last 10 days and most probably in the odd nights
and most probable odd night is 27th night.

Its signs:
o Greater signs: The sun comes out without any rays and the
moon is like a half plate of silver [Muslim (No. 762)]. The
weather is neither hot nor cold. There are very few clouds
in the sky and very little wind. [Authentic, Ibn Khuzaimah
(No. 2190-2193)]
o Lesser signs: dogs don't bark, donkeys doesn't bray, cocks
crow a lot.
o It may be that Allah shows it to some people in their

The dua on Laylatul-Qadr:

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O Allah, you are forgiving and generous. You love to forgive, so
forgive me. [Agreed upon]
f|y9$# t#3t Fr&u %t7? u

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And do not fondle them whilst you are in Itikaf in the mosques.
[AlBaqarah: 187]

Rasulullah's Itikaf was in Ramadan and some years in Shawwal

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The Prophet ( )used to perform Itikaf in the last ten days of
Ramadan until he passed away. [Reported by AlBukhari (No. 2026)
and Muslim (No. 1172)]

It is to be done in the masjids and not in homes. According to the

stronger opinion, it is permissible only in those masjids in which
the Jumah is held as is reported from Aishah radiallahu anha.
[Reported by Abu Dawud (No. 2473)]

It is permissible for both men and women. It is permissible for a

women in defective bleeding to perform Itikaf since a wife of the
Prophet s did it whilst in Istihadah (defective
bleeding). It would of course not be permissible for women during
their menstrual periods. [See AlBukhari (No. 2037)]

It is from the Sunnah to fast during Itikaf.

Actions not permitted during Itikaf include: Visiting the sick,

looking after family matters, visiting people, buying and selling,
kissing and fondling spouse.

Actions that are permitted include: All acts of worship, to move

around the mosque, answering the phone, teaching, going out for
food or a shower and toilet etc.

Is it permissible to put conditions upon your Itikaf?

If one must break his Itikaf qada is not wajib on him but
recommended since the Prophet once broke his
Itikaf in Ramadan and made it up in Shawwal.
[See AlBukhari (No. 2033) and Muslim (No. 1172)]

Tertiary level weekend courses



Zakatul-Fitr is obligatory charity in food items due at the end of


Levied upon all able Muslims: the father for his family, the host for
his guest, the master for the slave, upon those who fasted and those
who didn't fast.

Time of its obligation: Sunset on the last day of Ramadan.

How much: 1 sa' (~2.25kg) of wheat, barley, rice, raisins, dates.

When: 2-3 days before Eid up until the Eid prayers.

To whom: to all poor people who need food.

Can it be given in money? According to the majority of the scholars

(but not the Hanafi madhab) it should not be given in monetary

Can it be given to others who act as an agent for you to give to the
poor? Yes, however the obligation is not fulfilled until it is given to
the poor.

Eid prayer

Do not engage in vain waste of money and time.

Praise Allah from after maghrib on last day of Eid.

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From Ibn Masud, that he used to praise Allah in the following
manner: Allah is great, Allah is great, there is no deity worthy of
worship except Allah, Allah is great, Allah is great and for Him is
all praise. [Reported by Ibn Abi Shaibah]

Eid greetings: May Allah accept from us and from you.

Even females in menstruation are recommended to go out and

witness the congregation, even if they cannot pray.

On Eid day eat 3 dates after fajr, wear best clothes, make sure
zakatul-fitr is given, go in one way and come back thru another,
give a lot of charity.

Tertiary level weekend courses


Week beginning:
Week Ending:







Got up for Fajr on time and prayed Fajr with its Sunnah
Made my morning Dhikr
Prayed all prayers on time and on earliest time possible
Made the recommended Dhikr after every prayer
Prayed all the 13 rakah of Sunnah prayers
Made Qunut/Dua for the Muslim Ummah in a prayer
Made Dua for my parents
Commanded one good
Forbade one evil
Prayed more than 1 fard prayer in a mosque (males)
Read the Tafsir of one verse of the Quran
Read one new Hadeeth and its meaning
Read 1 page of the Quran as a minimum
Made one Muslim smile
Made my parents smile, hugged and kissed them
Did not argue, nor backbite with anyone
Did not harbour ill feelings in my heart against anyone
Did not do anything I was unsure about its permissibility
Tried my best to take care of my body
Gave charity (monetary)
Made Dua for the Prophet (saws)
Make Tawbah and Istighfaar 100 times
Pondered 10 minutes about struggling for this Deen
Did a special deed that is secret between myself and Allah
Gave some of the extra food from Iftar to my neighbours
Made my afternoon Dhikr
Prayed my taraweeh prayers
Prayed the Witr prayer
Read Surah Mulk before going to sleep
Wrote down/updated my will
Pondered about my Death and of the Day of Judgement
Asked Allah for Jannah and refuge from Jahannam (X3)
Went to sleep in a state of Wudu
Went to sleep without ill feelings towards any Muslim


Read Surah Kahf

Took extra care to groom and maintain myself

Attempted to pray Jumah earliest time & best gathering

Made Dua only for Rasulullah (saws)

Pondered 5-10 minutes about the khutbah & its message

Memorized 1 hadeeth of Rasulullah

Fed/Clothed one needy person or gave a gift to one

Made Istikharah about an important matter

Memorized 1 Dua from the Sunnah

Attempted to join the hearts between 2 Muslims

Memorized minimum 1/4 page of the Quran

And Allah is a witness over my all affairs,

Name: _________________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ____________________

Ver 1.3

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