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STAKE?) : : = pee esr Energy level = rae ieee ; BE InCY TN Lines coun 8h). a vlan) ee eh anaes a goooce Re 7 No Cole A hha? sea becuse # 1 fe ne is nL sea] wells Cdetembie the de uany of Ue ae Fal 5pe n7a-7e2 | ss Le “st r Ny aeooen specs"? wounength t oN were a : Woveleageh A Fanny gig (neal) en K RRM ym 2 xs a ee e Perey x 397) Fequnry 84 % clean kk creited care DR wu an a ea ae a GUNA, released equegy , ap hequny ova | yf % cause the vin spect Lan kage RST vant fete begat fo ee _ math, K sa ma ener A\ J Mes [Interval clover aod Le } closer until 4 They ft ce continuous cre How 40 Convet 6-63 x10 Js to eae of, BA 9X10 BK! boast, oan? "3 910324 gin entry and woe +0 ai He different enuegy teh 3.490 Sut It prepa quantum ro sstable “energy revel / oreit Hee rer o enact frepercy 2, 16) aie eo>-pni Baier eames res an 5 fo im Grund state=stable CHRIS LAU Fateeva beticen the ay Ter ae ont pa eee aes verb evel gett meummsocenscommy «Photon Detain amnt of eneqyy dlocer aad clow! 1.4. Formation of hydrogenspectrum 2% eecton transition Cause the ting spectaw 1987 0 er hh votags pee! trough a corp wb ii hyper gee al peonre Pen se reap Cis RFT aE ter asa Sims pee ce fe (2) When this ight is viewed through a prism, itis composed of a umber of _spectwrn_/ Group of tines. wr ‘each with a particular WOveIengih OF freq veacy ghey Sope arin the vibe rexion ie E"Baamer _ series) ¥ ‘others are inthe ultraviolet region (ie fa eu Fae mara (eosin ote) serena est soe Eee re yr («Wen hyérogen stoma ae heated in he dscherge tube, the sltonsin the __Gaund state absor> 18 /\\ acy ae! pay co eds Cre (NLC ec crea cote (v) THe electrons in the ced state at notable. These electrons eur o 2 fet ener ve AUG | which is more stable with emission of energy in the form of photons. with cerinin feequency| OC wav NS" | ‘The wavelengths / frequencies of the photons are seen as specific Vines in the hydrogen spectrum (vi) The wavelength of a line in the spectrum can be determined by the Rydberg’s equation Ar is _lowerrenceayy Tevel ng 1S Waite erogy tae | Gs > , 1 qqsiit-1) = Sa . Ye 1026x1071 2425x1085 [Given Ry = 1.097 x 10" m"'; 6 = velocity of light = 3.0% oxihe * Unit for frequency is Hz or sand wavelength is m ora. (vil The photon or the energy emitted is the difference of energy between the two energy levels concerned Which can be calculated by Planck's equation AEShE e.g photon of the 4° ine 5 ries = aE= - wanes aan ag vaio (1-3) ] vue « Imel ske~ [n= 665 71085 5 0r355% 10d me's; ‘n= 1 for Lyman series ; n; = 2for Balmer series ; 1 = higher E level than. SA ie amsatie ca ee eet 4 \' nergy et eae aaah ab 3 " i ab Yt ne) wy Ws et = enc fer frm ict #9 «ght * Hydrogen | spectrum nH, \——__} what ae lt als veoweteagth y fom ht ah igh a Gu! dstrete fs This proves that the electron of () The hydrogen spectrum consists of hydrogen atom occupies certain reve! ‘or the energy of electron is quantised Chave Certain Iyed amount) \ Jy The tines become __CIOSEr_as the freauency increases. This is because the energy difference between the subsequent energy levels becomes __l05@r_ as the energy increases. (ISIGRATEEHIEE the lines have frequencies that fll in ultavioiet (its produced by electronic transitions from __h levels to 7 z i ; B si d g i i g i 8 ; Energy level diagram: Ae alice conn a Hydrogen Ot STE Lt UL mesetength Vy doom ult 40 ach iydrogen spectrum “increases from 1c Foright aac (iP ssasame: cates cy emane ' Inston enryisctrdas the iviowvin trea cequred_to_ remove | mot ot eltaang tom 1 moi of gatedvi! arom 40 fan 1 mot_of neta roncsttf) Hiponeees AH= IE Del =ioncation eneegy ote int Equation of the ionization energy of hydrogen fer fn © Rl eines hrm sy dogen Tae meena raed Sreseei (oa) SAAN ener & pce 4 See eal) = Chy (l-a3 2 | woah) 1 =, SRA Tacos Tran =H bet hu = 2.241055" Fe Sau = €(3) rat oie Pear =C (Ru) = Henan To pace TEE Inox Boon = Fear) ze F waseength nusiber ty He ts pint) ha aye, teat Pome Pare elke One a = 1313 KTmor! TE=hfmex (7h waren of ns Gin sf orb te om z “ke = FRuC mag) AERO 4A Balror sues the foes have frequencies that fallin VisiLIe region (@) Itis produced by electronic transitions from fageee ‘energy levels to (i) The radiation has eHES, ‘energy than that of Lyman series. es Energy level diagram ‘ i caver Hydrogen spectrum Frequency vane oy (Th wear eset sen by ema: Fm (em, ) Rat A= By (ram) {Wate the maximum number of amission nes posse fr #hykogen atom wth lectonic energy levels of n= 1,n=2, ond Exercise: mes? 21 3 types ru) 2 2a) The gure beow shows Neg) + © an? = 1" IE ‘Second IE = Minimum energy required when 1 mole of electron are removed from 1 mole of unipositive tons to form ‘mole of gaseous dipositive fons under standard consitions. (Uk It gee RAY eg Na() > Na) + e AHS 2 IE i ‘ 2-8 > YRatF PEG at ut ot BlacworlAB), Guth Hats 1s CaM Successn? used fo determine electronic configuration valence electronic configuration onisaiior “used to determine the ng of the element which lead to the poston ofthe ‘element in the Periodic Table by the first large jump’ in the suceessive ionization energies. How 9 _deteanine tuctatiue “oniation eNtegy) 7 = GFAph of fogs IE ve fo. Of electrons removed "¥.d successive [ES Of magnesium: 736( 1%), 1450, 7740, 10590 When elec 4714 4$280 +2760 ee oof electrons hss invalance shell ‘78° ne) “The no. of valence electrons = 2 inner sbelt 0 ‘a°@1 | So, the element isin Group 2 Ist aad, 2nd e- een ed oe iA Exercise: a Valea@ shel 4. The graph below shows the varation of the ist seven ionization energies ofan element n the Periodic Table ‘Whats the valence electronic Configuration of the element? de neo" de bloc element (4ranstton) duol merease gaceesiVe nero tong ation fitn ~1E BLAS, best gf)) 2. The successive ionization energies, in kd mol, of an element nthe Periodic Table are given below. 940 (a), « 7080, 3060, 4140, 7090. 7870 $6000.19 600 MA oe Wena ee Group | 6 oa oe hres ‘ajmeaning | Region/area in space around the nucleus where there isa high probably to find electrons a (sorbital ar piencal) 232 oe (iyporbital ( dumb -be shope ) Alo x i SN 25 NGI This wadcotes the 644 electan CY Clwe Au the nucleus (In tare ode: ee read The successive Tons ation Energy inceases becaute the species produced has an ever increasing ae fatron ences reno 40n S or 2kecron 8 ore moe eye Rend PY the nucteus Completely fired oybite) | i | | $e Re be i v nN | BR ge poratty Free! | orbtay self ~ fled oprtal- sues doit! 5 cakes shat iw one lng sat ‘c) Types & ‘Each energy level in an atom consists of sub-shelis/orbitals designated by the letters s, p, d and umber of Principal ‘Number of sub- | Types of orbitals | Total number of | Maximum number Sutsbels | quantum shels, orbitals of elections orbitals in the Number, (en) (=n’) (=2n*) ‘energy level 7 Q] 1s 1K) 2 Siege z 2 2.2 4x2 3 one 3s, 3p, 38 axa 6 7s, fp, 43, a 16 X2| 32 Wt ost] a ma AGpauii's pecrpe t Te - = RBES iow by P thed ES ool et etcrees flupthe 100s _“” Sher rile tt. /Elecons se {) fused, <4€2) filed into orbital in sequence, staring with oftital of lowest eneray to orbital with higher energy. tp cata aac pe tun3d | SESE ite 2) enna le}! = states that each otal can hol ony 2 electrons with _OPPOS! fom Ys fr ft spins oror (seme spiq wilt repel each of her) z Nuad an orbital can hold a maximum of two bectrons, with opposite spins “| \ watb fog t 1S? 25? 92-2 (electonic conkguration ) (nt: d fe pobisl dA Teint uP of electons oocur inthe orbitals ofthe same energy (rin degenerate orbitals) until they’are all Sint occupied wirh parallel spin. / For Peete OS bree Jar ee eg i arate Theil Fated orblal CB ch y sO 7 BY fal z ° f ab cc Cae © peat Jo hited’ sebital (A ebst PAY) 71 The electrons are fled into removed from —E orbital Wrst as Compared to the 2d — obials (7 a ae 29 + (@) Se: K2S%2pt 3072p!) av" 16225? 2pb as 3pbad? (6) wk =44?22apt TE fae ad'yg earree astaph hey REUG ts - a tia) lagu 3d aad 46 only ee ee —> ¥ aearva 224, ts£40n) va Henk fwwd ana _Corpietedy-fiied cia ste more da en peta ed etal eg: @oN le2202p* Cr: 15.25? ap bag? Spelt a 1s 25? 2pbac? aptad 4s” be din smu Bet tomate half hued fevagy Hild, to anete + more Havie Give the eactronic configuration of (S257 2p 32351 1) ra 12e apt 2 ele. 2s'2pi ae apt i 2. 1225? 2p ‘30 apt adt Nseatee 3 apt ad ait fied Aeon, iy te Fe ee de STR US HIE AG 4) Sre™ at ne Ciron((ity is more stebie be aib-hned Han re y cercise: inte root ate el menmern 29 4... 4248) 2. Witte ocr coniguation of xygo Eq esepron iY ce ote ai ta co etectvon crlgecten. of Oona Ig2. 20 2p sae s Aecading Peay _preapie, the obey with the lowest ergy feel is Eited fed with cane The sequence of fu up wbital is 1828, 2p. Acwding +0 the Pauty ‘S$ Exclusion Principle Gn orbital Can moxmum hold fwo ekaors outl, Opposite spins - The 16 26 and 2P._tontain two electron wit opposibe. spr. Aecordiagy. 40, Mads. cae, the degenaate orblalc must. le tied Singhy walle para) Sfing._belwe pairing vp wok deans. totes Piste, Therefore whale dita the 2Px 2°y, Gnd 2P, orbeals,. elecions are furred Sig Teler nn, occurs ia DPx orbitar 3. An element Z forms the Z* jon with the electron configuration of 1s* 2s* 2p" 3s* 3p® 3d". If the relative atomic mass of Z is given by he expression 2x +3, where xi ts proton number, calculate the rumba of neurons in the nus ofthe alam of lement, Proton wun of Z ctom= 28 umber of meutcons~ S425 E28 3] Ar of Z= 2(28%3 7 54 a 4 Ao tom of lament Zs coon number 5 and ity fuldamenta nchGed Sahin ts nueus Wha she eletonc confgurajon of a fon? no of poten = 5-30. electronic Conkquation as 1S? 272139? ape ads 6. The proton | umber of roman is24 (Q2/1999}a) ‘Wiite the valence electon cotiguation of ae (the chromium stom, 18728? 2p 3s? 3p 6 34° hs! enecroican on 182% 2plae aptad? (toning Bd (0) Sketch the relative energy level ofthe 3d and 4s orbitals in the chromium atom before electrons ar filed, ey 1 1s? 262 2p 3G? aplayiys 3d£4s! i Oraw the energy cagram to show the ling of electrons in the valence oritalsof chromium based on Hund’ re. eT (= ee ee ee (¢).Draw laboles diagrafs Jo llustrate the shapes ofall the oritale inthe chromium atom withthe principle quantum number, wes ss 7 eee ee teas hot 1 DF? acan ust fre head ae ee By pox cae we sot A” WSs eee Oe ben 2s Z 4 ia 2 FG. (2) (9 Sketch the energy level diagram forthe prbilals fan atom fother than hydrogen) withthe principal quantum number of mttos, 7 : = vy = a i peop \ chara tnt x4s x ee be P's Obsta F A q fam sketched above te electronic arrangement of carbon atom in ceumyeca te eleronc aang 0 L : eel GAVE RLS | 4 \ Ground sot qe | ph $ 7. (@) Waters hycide of exygen, The bonding in water molectes i a result ofthe overlapping of the orale of ‘oxygen and hydrogen atoms p (05212009) (0) Whatis meant by ora? Z Deitel 1S region nr—spoce- around nucleus where Ahere is. high pobabuty toad (Bia ibaa dram shor shoes eles of on nap twit quark cuba’ a=3.- electrons 7 4 & k > A i | 8a) Sodium -24 isotope is used in medicine to study the blood circulatory system. FA (Q1a/2005) () Write the electronic configuration of sodium-24 isotope. __| Z (How many orbitals of sodium-24 isotope are fully filed?_S (@ Sate atta of sumtin wtcn tinvanossesons 2S 2S Ging DP Nat {State one reason why soci 24 isotope is rarely found in ts natural state. 4) Tt is an Ord WY decay spontnersty » /has short half 4 8 eicheriss of ander ies prepared phosphor fiomuine, | | (ala) (0 Wite the electronic configuration of he phosphirds atom. (1]) IS? 25? 2p'3s Z conaing the alan electors othe phospho atom. 2 yf ca Sieg 3 (Gi State one of the phosphorus atomic oritals that are fled according tofund’s ue). (1) SP “eanstien eas 10. Aneloment x isin Group 9 ahd Pet inthe Periodic Table (6212006) Discuss the application of Aufbau’s principle in the construction of the electronic configuration of X Decordiacy 40. Auf bea’ jac, aectrons. will Au f the lower: enegy ovbita) feck then, fers pans yo itt up Fhe second orbitel ond $0.0 The electronic conliquration of X. is 18? 2622p #3 a pb ad ths? +14.(@) Hues rule, Paul excision principle and Aufbau principe ar used to determine the ground stat electronic configuration of anon a (6272007) {State the rue and principles. [3] Pultay paneiple states that dectwa s fm yp. the Jowert energy orbitals. fects > Powri exctusd tigre Mates thet cach vrbital Con herd only 2 erechons with vpperte spins. SS HURT C ule Sates Haak io’ parindy Up” ob elections "HetOHs q m=t2 (2,-1,0, ll, 29) VAAL eke FAT 1 L019 Ss per SGN Seg 14,{c) ()) State Hund’s rule [1] Huad's rule states thaf no peng. op Of elecirr OLeurs i the grbial of fhe Sarre eneehy nti! Hey are Siagiy acrupied wth paral spn. fc eiecron configurations of copper and Samim inthe ground sates. and comment on af megulartes presen in BoMTGK electron confguratons (4) “Sq DU A (1802012M) (ane) 1892s? apt 3s? 3pt 344! Cuand Cr Gig Saf 36 c Ce > 192.28? 2p 3s? aptzatys! Seavey hey Hal -fucd (34°) and completely. Fille d (3d) oveals. has, greater Stabeity. 3 4st) sn tomot ean ha DNRAPS nado ( Expain how te electron caniguration of obeys Huns ro. [3] The, clean conbgueation of X is 26? 2p3 Hund 'S wle cates that ib tuo Or more abtay S with equal energy ae aventabyy , the orbtal s are each fted With one elecion wth He electrons. howag poratiel spins belure @ second eect, S Abeappore spa is added Eletan in 2p oetalt obey Hodis mie in the @ Drow thelorbtais ofthe Valence shellofX. [3] electronic 000 Kejuret on (rebr2014) 28°2p5- a > z t wie ae 7 | i = ys “NY 45 rs 16. (a) Iron may lose ‘three electrons to form Fe(Il) and Fe(i) ions, respectively. * a a 2p (0) Sate the valence baal of Fe() and Fel) ons. Predict which ion is more stable. Explain your answer, (4 Electronic tonkguration ol Fez 3dbqs? Fe*— 3g fe¥s ads Tron UN) ton ig more table berms 34 orbital ig beth-luted with elveranc. 09 How many pte ctor ae (on Bian aan) (802015 A unpared electont “he —yalnee electonie. conbguration of ton atom ig 2d 64s? Fee Each 3d abtals ave fied siaquy Hl one electron and the 6th utvon is added 40. the frst abital Heme Bure ae” SOC umpowed elec Ay Ape tt (not in syottabuc, but now) mautt Know)) (principal quantum ruber 7 Energy level of the electron and size of orbitals {i subsidiary angular meena acinal 7 ‘Shape of orbials gp, = Pe Se ees t = peas een (il) magnetic quanta rribar Spatial orentatogof te oral O71 C3 4ype? Gorhagenent , 2Px 2Py 4% ) ‘(spin quanta number Spin ofthe elecron fo elecirons Fave the same st ofthese 4 quantum numbers. Eg, 7 cluckvane | orn lock ee I (#5) (e-3) ROL letra wrth swt” 4 Guontumn mumbe (Posts Fxcrsewt Procite’) Way My win S Gu. DThe volente elector is in S octal. Periodic Table ‘Group number = number of valence elections i i Ge aa oriodraribor= naribor of shel energy level orb {nile wih slecrons azar 8 tc erro] wie] G2 torsion Gaoy = Uyied™ _AGFap! Ns?mp? nc ap? neapt nag sept ‘alam = 3 os Tw] 7] fang 1 1 r a a tye we Fe te Pera 2 ap | | oe | we | oe |e ; aan uses | uses | eames | ae pened 3] s# | ae il an Eee Se wo loae | wo feline [oe aa es 3b eee “" 4p - “et a e Perens ee |incerp [iene wteres [eaere || ea st] se | yh acts ates = a ei Go o a 4 a wt | et) | | emioer | ot OS EEE [SSIS Se | tea | apt | beer (cg eee | ng wil ean ase Stara ste! [gost [| cacti ois [ am sete “Transition etement zetement § that form wth, G ane roup 1 2 oe, Period 1 ay 2 9 10 er p ' gor ast 4 s block OE = "_p-block 5 ties Hed me aloes pts 6 ds’ to ds? 7 ‘block Barents ‘Weaning ‘Valence electronic configuration ‘$= Block elements | Elements with the highest - energy e- // valence ‘electron in s orbitals / elements with the s orbital of stands? the highest nis filed. (Group 1 & 2) 'p- Blockelemenis | Elements with the highest- energy ein p orbitals / ‘elements with the p orbitals ofthe highest n are filed (Group 13 to 18) ‘d-blockelemenis | Elements with the highest -energy € in d orbitals 7 5 ‘elements with the d orbitals of the highest n - 1 are d's’ to d's" filed (Group 31012) T=blockelemenis | Elements with the highest- eneray ein f orbitals 7 Lantnanides ang actnwes Clements wih the fori of he highest 2 are itg’det a's) ‘sip! tos" Exercise: 4 Why are the elements Alto Ar clasiied as p-block elements? The valence electrons, oe in P-orbitea! Of tinese “eieanenie 2 nevnce onan cated disse Se 9 Gan ean bp elcome Pete Tave. Peaod 3 Group 15. Tt hos 5 valence electron .and 4 has sels Faved wih arcwons: 3,0) A scientist discovered a new element wi a proton number of 118 and 2 valence electronic coniguration of. up 1 Prod Pred the poston of element Period Table and tate hve physical properties and tree chemical properties and vee chemical poperies oe element. [BJ 200) Period § Grovp |. Tt is solid at room condition | ducite, and is a gest ekerncal conduct: It i 4 strong reducing Ageet TH can ceaer wile cd water to form alkaline cut. Tt con rec with chrome 9es.TA can (a4 vrs gid 40 liberate. ly drogen ges: 4, (b) 18 elements in the Period 4 of the Periodic Table can be classified into the s, p and d-blocks elements, {() Why are the elements Ga to Kr classified as p-block elements? (1) The vounce electron of fase elements are 14 P-vrbital, od fe en parnwaqnrc Suqpared gleqron dimannche > pared slecion 310 Elements x and ¥ are in Ped 4 ofthe Petiode Table. X Xand ¥* ion . 3e valence electrons. Atom X has one npr ‘unpaired el ‘and Y, and expiain your answe nel fede or nome transior! ‘element and Y is ad block element. Atom an] while a Y** ion has three (18/2018) ) X-P bck element — f —d block element: — valence electron — velene elethon in hp orbitey in Ad. oddat X has 3 wulence elector {7*— 3 veyente election 4-5 valraee eecicor beteete thos —one— — Valente electron tonhgusction of ¥ ws 3434s? eee ee FVareace siecrwnic Conhqurciton of YF 1G ad? Eo Mente Xr Croup 3 mith eectrong Lenhiqwabion 8 YC i8 in... Gop S. of stip! Ys Vanodum /V — His Gariun

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