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Vocabulary ood an nk: pres (an coorter odin ask are op Grammar rife Vocabulary Some, aerof (an dog a snp esc of place Grammar Peer imple Yuet Dronouns me, you hm hes, ther {ange Sy whet youte/art ike Vocabulary nor {an do urdersond singe writen and spoken ‘Ssucons Grammar he + ng ant sive Vocabulary acletves or describing ates (an de cxiinwhy ou want io do samething Grammar past of be: attmatve ocala accpstons ‘an derma simple statements abot people fromnistor, Grammar Pst ine equa vers (andor undersand a sine nara of past Grammar esse (indo pet sansone a2 por Gramma: rs your? ‘Vocabulary: xpress: rat good bo afl (an dak for ad gv personal dtl Grammar pal nouns este of tobe ‘ocala: ay mins {amd sy wt a your utease Grammar his, hat, these, those ocular! ctes and ous (anda for and understand prices Grammar there 2 thre erent am, any ocablary: rationales an doa abouts ten town and whereimprtent | places ae Srammar Present Simpl (2: wlth Wh gestions Vocabulary obs and aces {ands star and contin 3 eomerston wth someone you sort know Grammar adverts of eaueney ocala: work tases | (and Sy hom fen ou do someting Grammar have goa ot ocabulag rons and frstre (Cando 2) what ngs you possess Grammar: pst foe: negatives and cuestons Vocabulary yest st 070 (Cando gve sor descpton of past experience Grammar Pst Simple regu verbs Vocabulary: hen names (an eo phe 3 mpl summary of news event Where oe you fom? scones sien fon ays othe week oak or fouist wformation mar possessive lary esa pra os about things od make snp rnsactons ary ttng the tine otal abot general abies mar Present Simple) heshelt do: sues restora book 3 restaurant rer food iresaun anol you. anfCould 2 rouse ide ake 2 snp request ad ask permission nak about mediate an ong tem ls ‘COMMUNICATION Can de vd nd sy phone an dota aout route opie thes ‘anor nave an oxended phone omeraton (an dos as for and he cations ‘an doccnckinto 2 et and Sekt an doa ard ansnr questions Stouts rend andes understand ane ie ‘drestonsina balding an dos ab and ge fomaton ‘Sout peore an doa about shot dys an do ak about pst ana tre olay, page Alourey across ona page 8 ‘he fawers age 9 ony places age 0 Te imterview ae Trecompany ange youre age 23 too yes a age Cucumber snaiees page 5, ‘To the teacher What is Total English? Total Engishs site| general English course for adults and young alts who want to ear communicate Clear goals and objectives Every input lesson begins wth Cando objective to gve Icznera lear senue of where they ae going. These objectives mean the students know why they ar studying ‘hat eson ana how they can seth new angvage he Nene and clerystrctred units alg ake teching and earning tansparent andes foam, Engaging learners’ interests eames nee tobe genuinely engaged in coursebook Content. oa ngishtexts have new and iesh angles bm the opis students eed, nd provi aque, opportunities for personal espane, naan each Total English Stents Book has OVD whieh contlns ih ‘ety of authentic extracts om fm and ‘To the learner Total English has sixlevels Welcome to Total English! Helping learners catch up Learershave busy tes ad attending Engh clases ‘ona regular basis not always possibe students miss letsons the Reference and Review nd practice pages the end of each unt provide a summary othe main ons covres, As, the Tota English Worsbooks have Free-standing CD-ROMs that include self-study ate Iter to present and practi language rom a lesson thelearer has missed Complete package Taal English rovidesa comprehensive range of esources; the Teachers 8008 not ony includes leszony lesson teaching nots, ut also ext potocopable ates and progres tests pls Test Master CD-ROM with extra ‘table ests. The Total ngish website provides Teachers tips, doanosdable worksheets anda Total Engh CEFR Portola document, Iewencefrtongnges ‘Total English Starter Total English Storterhas ten unis. Each Students’ Book unit hasten pages. Numbers and 41 SEB poyou know numbers 0-9 Listen and repeat. Lead-in La Match conversation below oa photo &-D. 2 Good moring. 4s Helio. Alonzo Moreno 8 ood mening 1 Hem Cama Diaz Nieto meet 2 Thank you Ae Nice to meet ou 1. Proto Photo 1 Hina, ‘Hai. m Maria Homann, 8 James, What’ your name? Proto Im Helga Pters. Photo 1» EBD Listen ad check your answers. 2D Listen. Reply to each person. {600d momig. You: Good morning 3 nroduce yourself to other student Hell. Pm Adelina Gara 1: Froid Golovin. Nce to meet you BREW City eats Vocabulary | nnberso-9 1 GD Listen an sepeat ‘D Write the numbers next to the words, Listening fou eit one 90 Lister, coos coectinfomaton ‘tree zero nine a 2 Puno anuner Yr pater sathe fumnfomwew || [om oars) umber. ta woo 329 ele) es 3 a nthe tonto toe wie oom : numbers, ” - say hotel room numbers '5 Workin pats. Read the Howto. box Repeat, $ Room four oh six the conversation in Ex. 4 with your name, | | Hello," Leonardo Gal, 1: Welcome o Bal Hott, Mr Goll, You're 1 Thank you 1 Say the room numbers set oe Grammar | 'mjou'e 6 Complete he Active grammar box wth “mor ‘Active grammar see Reference page 17 "7 Complete the conversations with ’m o'r. 1 Good morning Pm Mateo Aare. 8: Good morning, Me Alvarez. You intoom Heo, Welcome to Hote Lx. ‘Thankyou, Sie lack, ‘You in rom 20, Ms lack ‘0d morning, |__ Mite ing, | alter Mann ice to met you, Thankyou Nice to meet you, Mr Wel L_ Konrad Nowak, 2: Nice to meet yu, to, Me Nowa, wrwrerree 1 Workin pars. Practise the conversations with the information belo, rm Scott Mito Hello, Mr Wilson. You're I room to tree re 1 Scott zon 5 wea Rosa 235 217 2 Jasmine Dudek Marsa Gonzales 409 341 2 Carlos Santos 1 lane Coss 126 736 4 Elsa Ritter Lara Bezmel 908 108 Vocabulary | greetines ered Deni Good Ah estate eee Speaking Student A: you at a receptionist. Tink ofa name for your hoe Find four gust fr your hotel nt er ames bow. Student B: you are aquest. Fin fouraiferent hotels Checkin tothe ote ‘Good evening. Welcome to Hotel Calfomia. 1 Thank you I'm Gere Pow 1k Me Pano You ein 0m 504 Than you 1.2) Airport arrivals CSE W's ste'ss EEEIE wet saore stan aio Vocabulary | letters 1 a OED sent apmaber abedefghijkimn opqdrstuvwxyz ster gain an pet. € Work inpots Sythe aphabet 2 a How do you say the sounds below? Match the letters ofthe alphabet tothe underlined sounds, fey igh) =o i en =2 Jay) 9 = fu wo) @— (a ae) 1» GBD Usten and check your answers 'B Say the fight numbers onthe Arvals boar, ‘te HO three fourseven 8: Det Vocabulary | counties 4 a Matcha ciyonthe ‘rivals board to a country in the box belo get ndie Gemany_ Japan tly Poland the Uk Aosta Brant the US ty Country Det India Srdney Buenos Ares Riodelarero london Besin to Warsaw 1b MD Listen and check your answers. Repeat, Pronunciation 5 Listen again. countthe Syllables for each country. Indias Workin pairs. Say acy. Your partner says county. Ae Tokyo. 8 Joan. © Add more countries tothe box n Bx 48 Lifelong learning ‘vocabulary notebook Write new words in a vocabulary notebook. Show the sylables andthe stress counties ‘Argentina aan Listening and reading 6 9 EBD Look tthe photos and ister. Compete the sentences below 1 He Sunny Deva. He’ from na hesintheux 2 She's Ana Goncalves. She's fom shesin 3 Shes Ncle Redman. Shes fom Be Usten again and check your answers © Workin pais. Read the How to. box. Greet Your partner t airport arrivals, greet someone at airport arrivals Helo Mes Cle.’ Stephen Taylor Woeome 1: Mank you Grammar | he's/she'sit's 7 Complete the Active grammar box with 's from nda from Argentina se Reference ge x7 8 a Complete the sentences with he's, she's or + Hes rom Australia. Russe Crowe) 4 In London. (Guyaeth Paro) 5 from Germany angel eked & in aust. etbourne) 7 om the UK. (thon Hopkins) Workin pals. Make tue or false statements bout cies 2 Syne in Argentina 8: Foe W's in Austra € Tak about people in your class ‘She's lg. She's fom St. Petersburg In Russi. Speaking 9 Match the photos 2 below tothe names inthe os. Tall about the people Prince Willan Thery Henry Condolezza Ree Geele Bindehen She's Gisele Bundchen. She's fom Braz. x ; : S eo @ BES IP Nb (erob ert iacelel here oe you fom? Introduce someone; star conesation Vocabulary | common phrases 4a Match the phrases inthe boxto the pictures 1-6 Sonyl Mike o meet you. sce nkyou. Yerplese: Pardon? b GED Usten and check your answers Listening 3 OD stn. atthe order eH 5 Nice meet you.to0, 2 Listen again. Check your 4a Workin groups of three. Repeat the conversation in E33 F introduce people 1b Read the How to box, 2 GBD Listen. Complete the conversations with a phase from Ex 12 belerelaetientte + Pardon? Introduce ech other — i rt 3 8H Pedo. This Rosana | & Gramuar | questions with be "7 Lookat the Active grammar bos. Match the questions to the answers a © Questions | 2 iter | jou | fonnceus | Ss Imai | or 'm | from the US. ) 500 Reference poge 17 8 capt conton Oumar tont Be tones € wea @)_—__ tot © camp uns and anne 8 5 use compte recension Sere fnay 1) tome Serene (len Whew 0)" atone st semen } tas Pt) At he it nn anctation ee og 9 6 OD ier. Make ses 2 foot tom terion, > ine fon © a Wonipss.tpemeconensten, Speaking 1 eae oom nd? emacs 10 Workin geupsot tne, A Band toe Suen Andie Boe , Str wee Seer Clon, fm fo Sun ast we Set 8 to Find a phone number 1a Match counties -fto the countries inthe table below. 1b GHD ster. complete the cating codes inthe table below. © Read the How to. box Repeat the counties and county rumbers. say phone numbers Ss daub ve (GHD Listen and complete the dtais below 1 Listen again. Put the Sentences in the core order C1 Aewnereisitr (61 CeThe numbers: double. {2} Acbitector enquiries [1 AeThank you [1 Bethe Lamden Hote, please. 1 Betsin Rome, itty Workin pats. Take tums to acts the conversations in Ex. 2 withthe information eon 2 HOTEL Hote alm WHERE: taut, Trkey PHONE NUMBER. 20902 29 6347 (0.9491 366 219 WHERE: Shang china 00 86.21503 299 Numbers 0-9 Verb to be lattirmative 0 [=e 2 oe ° 2 we ; a 3 thee tom 4 Tour 1 You ‘re 5 ie | re 5 ml we oma s4 wes 7 eat eT | sents 8 ci 9 vie rT | stmt ‘Telephone numbers: Contractions = 'm/tou'e/Me'sShe's t's ‘BE oo Ee Contractions = informal English The full form = am/You are is/She ists 59 double nine The flo = formal Ents 020 8922 7255 cl-tw-oh Where are you from? signin double wo ‘ever-ondoube ve ° Were are | you Letters a-z wees | te | poms abedefghijklim | tees | ste hereis | nNopqrstuvwxyz ‘These letters have the same vowel sound: Whereis? = Where's? Where are = Where fev ign) a hj k ‘Addin + country Where ae you rom In Russla?— Moscow reltw=b e de g pty Where is he from in the UK?~ London eiten-flmnsxz Jul Gv) = ty Key vocabulary Common pases Joo) Gea) = 0 ‘Good morning! aternoon/evening/ ight. Sorry! J two) = UW Excuse me, Nice to meet you./Niceto mest you, too. No, thank you. Thank you. Yes, please Jes (aro counties ‘Argentina Australia Braal China France Germany Greece india tly. Japan Mexico" Poland Russia. Spain the UK theUS Turkey Rewrite the sentences with contractions. 4 1 Alam Mogaie May Be You are room fm Mooaie Moy. 8 2 Aslam Ruby Tuesday, Be You aren rom a a co 3. Lam Peggy Sue, You aren room 32, a a Complete with 'm or You're + Aste. Welcome to Hotel alifomia Thankyou. Don Henley. & Invoom 32, Mr Henley, 2 tee, Bl. rm Ms Tune. ‘A: elcome to Nutbush Hote. Ms Tune in oom 68. Thankyou. 2 AsHelo, Welcome tothe Kell Hote Be Thankyou. _Tina Cassa. 4: __invoom ans, Me casioy. 4 Atel, Helo. _ ohn Densmore, ‘A: Welcome to Hoel Marzo, Mr Densmore Wheres he/she from? 1 Prince Chases: He's fom the UK 2 Madonna: the Us 3 Champagne; France {Diego maradona rset. 5 Sushi Tapa 6 Caudle Seite: Germany 7 Pet Bran, © Sonia Gandhi nda 9 Kyle Minogue: Austral, 29 Rockand role the us. Complete the dialogues. Wit one word in each wp. 1 At, Beto. Theis ek Helo, cy Nee to meet you, Nice to meet you, to, 8:2) areyou om? ©) fom Plan, B: Were are youttom (@) __ Poland? tm fom Krakow. Whee @) you 3B: fom Spain Chere ae you 6). Bern fom Salamanca, 2D: Good morning, Edvard Good mening, iy, In spain? D:This@) Francesa, Helo, Fancesca Im Edvard, Nice to Fe Nice to meet you, to, E-where@) you om? tm from Tain, fy Whee are (6) E:tmfrom Gs) _u. Fe her are you fom Gx) E:(2)__ from Bist the uk? Wit the phrases rom the box below inthe correct place. Good aneroon. Thank you. Pardon? Yes. please Nice lomeet you, to. + Coe 2 ArNceto meet ou ‘Tn fom ami, in Turkey 2 rom min Turkey Good atemoon. 5. Ar Welcome to Abbey Road Hote, 8 ‘Look at photo A above, Complete the gaps 1-6 below with the words fram the bo. father son wife brother a Match the objects 11 nthe photos withthe wards the box. phone email address address wail phone compe passport fistname website phone number sumame photo 1b GD Listen and check your answers. Repet. Undertine the min mol ade Workin pats ‘Student A: point an object in Photos B-. ‘Student 8: ay the word 2.1 My family Listening 41a Lookatthe hots of Sabrina and herfamily. How re thea, HD Listen and repeat. Drople related Sabina’ Wie a name eto each word Blom Dotwnty i tenona a moter =Sofe te sn dorhity 3 hytvee tater 2 daughter stony 49 farine € brother = i husban softy, s6mtysi Gosiny 67 siatyseven 1) EBD Listen and check your answers 7oseventy 74 seventy fur {© Usten again, Wit the corect ages next tothe names nthe Socighty 88 eightyelght care soninety 99 ninetynine 1b Workin pais, Write a umber. Your partner says kay 8 tventyseve © Looktthe How to bos. How old ae the peopl in Vocabulary | numbers 1-99 2 9 EHD Listen and repeat, the photos? Close your books. Say numbers 20, talk about age How lds he/she? Tare She! ovntyone | Grammar | who .2:my 6 A. Complete te Active grammar box with he and she Complete these sentences fr Sabrina Carts mr bots, arekis Sofas Sori Toms James iy ater iy brother ny sister Who's Marek? He's my fae. 2 He's my brotes Shes my moter 2 Shes my sister 20 Reference page 27 5 compete these dialogues 2 He's my husbae 1 Write questions for Sabrina’ answers 7 Shes my daughter. Pronunciation 79 GBD Listen. cite the conect number. 1 He's my bathe Hes a8) 30 2 Carls my sister. Shes a) 146) 40 4 She's Hele. She's) 8) Bo ‘A Who's he? Hes___ father, 4 tysorsa) 5 8) 50 5 Hes my husband. He's) 68) 6o » Roberts) 178) 70 LUsten again and repeat. wits Speaking Ba West of ive names fom your Family or te shar 8) __ my moth. ne 1 Explain to your partner who the people on > the ist are, 1 Who's Martin? He's my bother He's twenty-seven years od Lifelong learning Ae Whos rote re Use English in cass as much as possible. Use a a English to talk about your fail, yuri, ee. oA Iemakes Engish more memorable ‘Sophie's my daughter. Shes nineteen & soK fend. 2.2 What's your phone number? EI] Whar'syur.? * aslo anc gn personal ets Listening 1 18 GBD Usten and tick the comect adresses, 8 sp Princes Street, Edinburgh 6p Princes Stet, anburgh 2-8 21 Globe Rood Landon a1Globe Road, London 4a Boulevard de Cc Pais 3 Bo Boulevard de Clichy, Pais 4 46 Lower Abbey Sree, Dubin 26 Lower Abbey Stet Dublin 5-8 37 Brook Street, Boston 3 ro Brook Street, Boston ooooooooos 1 Say the addresses in x13, ‘& EHD The young man in the photo is Ben Usten and complete the information o- below 2 Name: Ban 6 bs. Ars Phone number oie phone number Years old Kings __, Argel London, 1 Listen again and check your answers. Vocabulary | expressions Ba Match an expression (ret, good, OK, ba, ‘ful to ach person. Sees 1b BBD Listen to the auctions. What do the judges say about each singer? Complete column below Hens | {© What do you think ofthe singers? Complete Column 2 above and compare witha partner 2: Ben's owl 8 Yes he's af Tes OK A Tens great! 4 Tak about other singers you know, ‘te March Carey's ret. 1: Merah Cory? She's O& Grammar | Who's your..2 4a Complete the questions inthe Active ‘grammar bo with one ofthese words. umber your mame phone yoor__? cess? your number? your mobile phone 1b Match the question inthe Active grammar boxto the pictures below 20 Reference page 27 5a. ite questions fom the Active grammar onto these answers, Ws 04 85263. ‘Paton Road, New ark my mobil numbers 0170 8910105 wrererer Stephanie Bown, 1b Work in pais. Ask and answer the questions Inthe Active grammar bos Speaking 6 & GHD Listen and wite the conet names and addresses, Simon ao, ome 1 Lookatthe How to box and complete the dlalogue. ‘ask for spelling Ss julon coms, tow do you tha pease? "7 a Choose one person below. Find the Information for that person on page 19 and complete the table for your person, 1 Roleplay Talk to other students and complete the table below forthe other people ae "arose Prone umber Wvobie all, Whats your name? 18: Fm Hons Melo ‘eHow do you spel tho, please? Reading and listening 1a Lookatthe profiles where do the people come fom? ‘anada_jpan Germany +9 20 Ge=EEe 3) im Frieda Lan. Ima iedai@teachomet rm from Munich. im 82 years ol, os ») Holo. My name's Tom Mackintosh 'm 24 years ol trom Toronto, tom@mactnios com Brfecctipta ©) My name's Junura Nakamura, from Kyoto. Im 18. i Ima eer junursimalp 1) GD Listen and choose the information from the box about each person. 2 a Look atthe How to box How do you say ‘the eral addresses nthe profiles? 8 say email addresses jotnsmithéemalicon oh dot sith at emal dot om 1) Exchange emell addresses with a partner 1: What's youremall address? Irs henrlqueoo@vistaco, 2: How do you spel that? Henrique: = EW. ‘lose your books and talk about the people in bean ‘ed ang sro Germany She's Vocabulary | jobs 4. & Match the words inthe box tothe pictures ‘ccoutant_ acer engineer teacher Bist student» manager sales asistat polis officer doctor 1b GMD Usten and check your answers. Grammar 1 | fn 5 Complete the Active grammar box with a or an Active grammar (doctor ‘en eccountont pole oer ctor see Reference poge 27 6 8 ERD Usten and complete + es 3 Hes > She'san Shes 1 We the jobs from Ex, 4a nthe cect place in the abl. —7 J ‘© Work in pls. What jobs do your friends and family do? My sister's teacher Grammar 2 | hisher Complete the Active grammar box with his, he's her or She's. Active grammar © vas ts rome? ‘war's joo? name's Mara. War's —_ job? a sadent 00 Reference page 27 Complete the dialogues with he, she, he's She's, his or her 1: What’ his name? 8: (2) __name’s Martin. @)__my Wheres) _ from? © frome uk hats @ phone number? W039 3990399. Whos @) __? @ __1uoy 6) _my sists, Whats Go) job? (69___anac. Whats (2) __acaress? Its 19 Wilson Road, lasgon Speaking Work with partner Ask about his/her best fend se Who's your bes end? Heroes Nina Ae What’ er job? 8 She's Writing 10 a Wite personal prof for emaliendsne Myre’. I'm from rm years old and ma — 'b Exchange information with your partner. Then tell the clas abou your partner. is name's Sebostion. He's om. ‘Match the word inthe Box tothe pictures ra ©O ciy_ocor fim website 1b Workin pis. Choose a word fom the box and talk about the picture 2 a Think ofthe other examples for each word in tx, ‘Actor: Al Pain, Sala Hayek 1 Test your partner. 3 wite questions. whos |” aly? \ book restaurant? PAM ECO D4 Workin pats. Ask questions rom Bx 3. Use ‘ret, good, OK, bo or awful your answers. 2% Who's your fovourte singer? ido She's ret ‘Ask thre classmates the questions fom x 3, Wit the answers nthe table belon ell your partner about your tree classmates, 2 Reference Questions Wo sor people ho ibe? ho Rachel? (o's your best lend? hts for hogs. hors he sumame? hots hs phone number? Whats youremall adress? Who's .2 and What's informal Enlish Who is-.24nd What i..?= formal writen English Me Tormey teacher Remember these questions with How .2 How do you spl that, plese? How olor you? How old is ese? Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its My you his, her and its are possessive adjectives. Possessve adjectives shaw auership, Pronoun Youre 32. | Yoursstris 2 Heleasinger| Poul ihe Shee great. | HerCD great Articles: a/an Use a and an before single nouns She's teacer (2+ consonant sound 12n- vowel sound ‘nema edaress, on actor on engineer Numbers 10-99 se font st yeah sie a waht so nee | 99 aie Family mother father sister brother wife husband daughter son Personal detaiis firstname. sumame phone number mobilephone umber address femal adress Adjectives seat good OK bad awful Jobs faccountant actor artist doctor engineer ‘manager police officer” sales assistant, teacher PUT Natvarni mesa ter stot 4 Look atthe family te, Complete the 4 Complete the conversation with questions fom | sentences, fe, 1 avila’ my daughter 1: (0 What's our nome 2 Kart:_—___mother. abr: Cadet it, 2 Jas brother. a 4 Adele: son, Gabe wits == 5 father x) 7 ‘abies na 7 Sister ww) —__t i a (abi: Carin Wales. w@___? Gabriel: 70 ge Steet, Falster, Cr. xO? (Gabriel 09 48583053 330. 5 Write the questions. Davis ‘Adele = i + AWihor’s her fist name? 8: Helen, 2 Write questions foreach answer in Ex. DR? Beshessy, + Who's? 5 2 A? Bi She's amanage ee 4 A? B: She's rom Austral, 9 Sey ey 5 ALL? woe so 8 6 A? Biheaa 7 ke? Bites a pole ofcer. 3 _ Rearrange the words to make questions, 8 AL? Biles fom weand, 4 adress. your Whats What's vouradess? © Choose the correct word 2 phone Whats number your 1 Sine six~ elevenfwelveAhiteen a 2 She's adoctortctar/area. a pane your Whats 3. Whats your possport/phonefderess? —_? {Hes an teocerccountontstudent 4 ae How you old 5 Who's your faourte singerAestawanity? —_? {Whats your enailphone numberomputer ‘5 you Where from are umber 6 spell How please that, you do Lead-i La Match a word inthe box toa picture RD. _ 1 checke wads own conan rw asnpe pure for {6 KBD Listen to the words above and repeat. Mark the stress with the words above, 2 The Hermitage ‘Sugar Loaf in Bra alo 1b Make alist of ther tourist attractions ‘The Prado Gallery n Madi Discuss with a partne, hc’s your fvounte ours cat yin tis cy | 3.1) We're in Istanbul Vocabulary | adjectives 1a Lookatthe map. Matcha ety onthe mapto 2 photo below 1 Which aeecive is corect? eT ders Tower Tukey ED ly Brandt House Gemany i ol/moder, ‘The Bugtheate Inaustale oe Peopeln Romania is big/sma ah Spaghet uncon in the Uk is ben Talk about thee tous attractions in your country. The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao bec cont OHtaas Coed Reading Ba Rebecca and Steven are onthe West to East coach tou Read the emai Whois inthe phot inthe mall? How ar you? Stoven ands te. We're a ‘The atachnent 2 po of Magen and Zara 1 wie tre (or ase 1 Steven and Rebeca are in tanbu, The er Palce Hols OK 2 Magda snd ack arefomtutey. Undrtne al the alecves inthe emai Grammar 1 | fo bewith we and they 4 Lookat the email on page 30 agsin, Complete ‘the Active grammar box below & 2 AI forvone. ny fend, z ‘a ater ny moter agallene ny fiends. initrd ‘rom Turkey. 9|0/0 © olo/o | see Reference page 37, ‘5 Complete the sentences. Use contractions. ‘hey from Moscon 2 You fom rae 2, Wein Buenos Aes 4 moe 5 She__my daughter, © inte phat, 7 They_—_inthe gallery 8 He great Grammar 2 | ourand their Complete the Active grammar box below. Active grammar Shelsmyfiend. Your house moder. ache is hw. ‘Her motheris grea, ts coptalis Moai ur photos ore beau Tend “daughterisin the car “andrea see Reference page 37, "7 Complete the sentences with our or thet, — ave and megan Adora) id an fri ae in Poland Ben: ends and toy arin the Uk 1 Maga Ther surname is Mors 2 Lares stesso moder 3 Rebecca cris bout. am Tacepck 0 8 Girlethe corect word ‘they were Ebooks? They el Ther beaut, ‘Were /Ourin Bain WereOur students eye Ther photos are seat. They el Ther tom Romani, ere is weefourear? They Ther inthe pote Pronunciation 9 a EHD Listen, wre te sentences Use {they're thee 1D Repeat the sentences Writing 110 & Workin pairs. You and your partner are on holiday. Choose a destination from the map on age 3. Complete the deals + Myparreris (ane) 2 Wearein—— ace) ts (asec 3 Outfends ae ana (ames) 4 Our hotels Game) is Cadet) Look atthe Wing bank on page 126. Then write an emalltoa fend about your holiay. Been Bat yew bela ceeeaecL yh Lieto ag EE ra rors erate oto be FETT Sy wtatsn our stee Vocabulary | holiday things 1a Matcha word inthe bor toa number in the pictures. Tamera book skit palofshoes suave pairoftouses MP3 player” top_map_ backpack 1b EBD Listen and check your answers. Mark theses and repeat, suitcase Listening 2 ED Listen. match converston toa suitcase AC, Grammar 1 | plu nouns 8 Listen again to conversation 3. Complete the Activ grammar box ERE ETI Active grammar ] ‘one book | boots atop tops ‘nepoirofshoes | Fvepleey. - ommeennmemme psa 1b Usten again, Whatisin each suitcase? Complete the lists belon Conversation: a camera, two books Conversation 2a backpack Conversation 32 pao wousers © _Usten and check your answers Pronunciation 4 9 GED Listen How isthe "pronounced: [2/0 nl? five nape seven ops thre cameras to pas of shoes four books ght pals of wouses steaks Listen again and check jour answers Repeat Lifelong learning Record pronunciation In your vocabulary notebooks, record important pronunciation, lov! hl palo shoes Speaking 5a Workin pats. Describe a suitase fom Ex. 2 ‘Your partner guesses the sulease a a's inthe suitcase? Two skits «pair of shoes, tee books. 1b Wirk in pls, Cover one ofthe suitcases Remember whats init ‘© Whats in your suitcase when you 0.08 holiday? Tell your partner. Listening 6 (€8D Lister, Answer the questions. 1b Listen again. Complete the phases fom the Grammar 2 | the verb to be negative "7 Complete the grammar box with aren't isnt Active grammar 2 ° ° 1b Complete the conversations with ‘m not, ‘Ae Hell Bob. This my wif. Two kets to New York, ease. Pmt Bb, Bil You__eahteen years 0, you're eight Aad she youre, ar [me ‘ Isthis your backpack, Mr Robson? : L__ Mr Robsn, tm Me Clark, And ry Backpacks his backoack 2 True () orfase (O? 1 [net fam nd | mis es From isc fear an I good singer Gerenod | mentyone 8-25 ene ers ie | my brother be - £9 | ena We Twrevod red see Reference page 37 Choose the erect answer, areas You arent in oom 232 som nat my camera, em noise favourite iy. 1b Work in pars. Wit sentences using the Information fom Ex. 92 We're fom this. Our teacher iso fom this ty Speaking 110 Workin ais Continue the conversation in fx, 6a between Mr Boyle and Ms les palroftrousers [skirt top par of trousers MPs player camera I Boyle: 0K, on MP3 ple. Ms Mites: tint an MPs ployer sa camera, 3 Tourist inform: ese questions with 0 be 2 ot ort iomaton Vocabulary | days ofthe week 1 GBD Listen and repeat the days ofthe week. Monday Twesdey Wednesday Thursday day" Saturdoy. Sunday 1b Workin pals. Say a day. Your partner says the nextday Thursday Friday The Whitechapel Art Gallery {furs atscton in tondon {es near Oxird Steet. Is open fm Monday to Sun tsb ands i! Reading 2 Workin pats. Say the adresses, phone umbers and email adresses inthe text, ' Look at the underlined word inthe tex. heck them ina dtonay. € Read the tests. Choose the correct wor in the sentences below + The ritsh Museum G39 closed on Sundays. 2 Thewhiteehapel at Galery 3 Hampton Court Palace 01 pen on Sunday. 46 The Bish Museum in tondon 5 The Whitechapel Art Gallery open on Nondays {Hampton Court alc is intondon Listening 3 ED User, maten a conversation +3 toa tourist tration inthe tet 1» Read the How to. box then ten again and ‘complete the phrases below with here, there and Here's use here and there ies er GO eres ama, eX Conversation x + Is[beep] near here? 2s about ko fom 2 —__amap. Weare anditis_ 5 Yesitis—_amap.Weare__anditis Grammar | Yes/so questions with to be 4a Compare the @ and @ forms below {© Phe British Museum ein London @ ts the sritsh museum in London? Db Look at tapescript 38 on page 245 Undertn all the example of questions with be © Complete the Active grammar box wth Active grammar ©! An] yur tear | vs youre No yur ©: —|y00 |fromnay? | Yes,f0m @: Joe |yourtvtner | es, hehe she |yoursister? | No, hehe near the lle? | Yes we a. see Reference page 37 ‘5a Complete the questions and answers. Ae you fom Chia? 2 __tecathoa? 2 she yoursister? Yesshe 6 the museum closed today? 7 they tom the uk? 1b Rearrange the words to make a question. Then vita short answer. ‘elsitopen today? Yess, 2 theUK Is fom she A ac & 2 ves, & Reading and speaking © Workin pas Student A eth text below about aod ‘nd answer your partners question. Ak or Information about the Luv, Student B: ok at page 19. Read the text about sk for iflomation about Hares, 3/ Communication 1a Lookat the words in the box. Check the meaning of new word na dictionary. Skit small suitcase book food ol bad beautiful ugly hot cold backpack food nice camera modem big map fal arent new fre 1b Put the words in the corect column {© Which words fellow very: nouns or adjectives? (GBD stem and read the conversation below, Answer the questions. + WhereisSar? gis Marakesh hot? 2 leahe Casablanca? 5 fthehotel ie? 5 letarakesn beautiful? & ls the food nice? touis: He Sara: Hi ous Sra {ls Hi, Sara. How ae you and Pau? Sara: Were ire, thanks Ard you? {ul Fine, hans, Where ae you? {iss Ar you in Casablanca? Sara: No, arent, Were Maa oui Is tbesua? Sara:_Yes, is. i's very beaut oui sith? Sara: Yes, Ris. very hot louis Is yournoel nice? Sara: No, itis I very smal and er ol ovis: On dats the food nce? Sara Yes, i'very ne. Ae Mum and Daé OK? Louis: Ves they ae. Theyre ie Sara: OK see you on Fd. Louis: See you on id. Bye sare: 5 18 Workin ais. Read and repeat the conversation change parnes. Look a the words belo Remember he conversation, Hel, ns How? Fine you? Where 2 Moroco Casablanca? Marakesh beautiful? Yee hot? ves food nee? Yes. Mum and Dad? fine aay Friday Bye ye ‘a wate anew conversation, Use new people, new places and other adectives. Flavia: Mi ster Foi, ' Practise your conversation with a partner BAT W sete) Possessive adjectives ° Pronoun Possessive adjective 1 | man) Fon fom New York |My wifes rom Rome. You | "eter You’ in istanbul |Your he In ttonbt He's Mr Hanson. She | °509) From Try. She's ysister_|Herdaughteris tree 1's nota big hotel its roms are smal er ae rome. f ° le {_| mroromad| tssities Days of the week i iow [eert | reonaea i fen | entrar eetdys Mondo Tes Wenesiay, Thurs ' Te lee rte iy : Se, mie the weekend: Saturay. Sunday We) erent Use on + days of the week Her birthday is on ene Novae aol ee Use the nstend He party isthe ween cena Innba Adjectives ott moder ig smal bet e Short answers great good OK bad onful open closed sin)t pureed?) Ys you ae Meer Fs bt canon fe ne tenure ell | | oun ver tobe + atetve tent mnot ttsmoder. Theyre grt is The | your brother? | i iad he/shejit Noun + verb to be (sa/an) + adjective + noun | te |yorsi? | s asoy | Shesegendiacer Is ablg mane it | open? bse at ee wooabola ‘Are we | near the lake? | Yes, we are. xy v ae Tout atractons * Nase neato apalace_amuseum Fey andor | sta 2 tater ‘saepanen Sore amore, Holy tines bectped lok cara map estes’ not ant Ios player oof shes MeretoreThy' ot are also pase pavertoiet top iit suse They're nota home 3\ Review and practice Complete the sentences in the purl. 4 + fons my tien Sally and Pou oe mynd to. 2 aos rom Manchest. Teves nd lacke to, 2 savour carisa Bw —__is a8 t00, 44 min room in The Rado ote, We Inthe Rado Hott, 00, 5 heb amaecountat. They. 2countats, 09. 6 Tis fey favourite, Tiss i,t Complete the sentences with we're, ou, they're or thei. ‘Alan and Oi are ) ou ends. (2) from ireland and (3) readers, Michelle aa are trom Seailand. a) octors. (5) house sin Glasgow. @ house sin Dublin Right now ()_—_—onhotiday in real, (@) on liayin France. Complete the negative sentences with aword from the box arent not ist You | Ste ) em not is Cater Fm Ms Carter. open today ts open tomer, You ___a god singer. rt fom the Uk You __twenty.on.Youte twenty thee vt from Germany. ‘You__my end She my sister. she's my mum, avert intoom 324, You in 0m 325 im Pater tom. Aooscosne Rearange the words to make questions 1 near galley the we Ae Aree aacthe gale? 2 museum Is open the ’ 2 aly they fom Ave 2 4 She your Is fend 5 fewe the near lke ts 6 deparment stores Ave today open the 7 we Ae YorkHotel inthe Wile short answers for each question in Ex 1 Oiesweon 5 W) 2 WON tisn, 6 2 OES ee a Complete the dilogues with he pals of words he box. (/ Wedneseay/Thursday museum/galery Mo pleyerisuese cathedral palace gist 2 Where's your Ms paver? Wes insure 2 Ishishouse 2 No, tis 3 iit ‘oa No, itis es 4 Is Tote Modem a 2 No, itis. sa 5 Islampton Courta 2 No, iis sa 1 fi | Vocabulary | food and drink 4.1/Can I have an espresso, please? 1 Look atthe photos blow. Match the pictures 1-6 withthe words in the box below. a lack ter cafee ahi coffee ‘cappuccino an ced cles ah espresso Dainstantcffee 1» HD Uisten and check your answers. Match ‘cafe to these counties Spain, tly, the UR, the US, Grece {© What coe is popular in your country? ‘8 Complete these sentences for you with one ofthecaffees (ont use afm : is my favour, > samt 'b Workin pois Read your sentences to your Espresso sy four 2 Label he food and tink +6 nthe pictures ‘AC witha phrase from the box below Bcupoftes 1b EBD Listen. Matcha picture AC to conversation 1, 4 2 Listen to the thre conversations again ‘Complete the phrases below with he words in the box. 1 chicken salaa 2 3 —-mineral water fa orange le 5 pieceot cake Check your answers in apescit 43 on age 16. Repeat the conversations in pais, Wo, Wank you es, please Can have -? 8 a Read the How to. box. Close your books. Write a conversation ina coe shop. see Reference page 47 ‘Complete the conversations with the words/ phrases inthe Active grammar box Forder food in a caté 2 Hel can help you? Assistant Customer 5.4) ized colle, please? Cant ou, Certainty Aning 2) > Sere onthe ese ‘ontig se? ‘es, lease.) Sal chicken sala, 00? M4 tank you/ (Large cappuccino, please? aorite a Se eatin No.6) Take ono please. cena ise? 'b Read the conversations in pis. plas Pronunciation 1b Read your conversation tthe cas. 7 ED Uisten and repeat Cant fk ai! Canthavea aerate v9) Cant have small cofee haar be—¥9 “ako fe 410 Workin pais. Look at the menu Student A: you are an assistant ina coffee shop. Student B: you are a eustomer. Order food an ink Grammar | con hove.2 1 EBD Listen, cicle the coc pricesin each {5 Lookat the Atv grammar bos Matcha coe ate mao «tuo : phrase on he et phase on the right 5 phe phe coe babii b $190 «$199 q Active grammar 4 ees. bean e402 Canthove a rage ies, se? $260 toe 66x Cantnavean_ | cheese sand please? Workin pas. Saya le. Your partner Canine to | ed cate, place? wes the pc. rainy opting eet ; Cenainiy/Sure Anyihingss?_ | Speaking 6 Vocabulary | prices 8 a Complete the char. neti Five | es) his that these, thse understand rcs Reading 2 a Chooses mate or shop nyour cout. 1. Workinpais. Make alist offamous markets" the questions rom Ex 1b Wie noes Riou 1b Wik in pis Talk about your maket or hop. 1 Read the text. Matcha question inthe boxto Whereis?” B Isla Tokyo, the information 6 Vocabulary | ciothes and colours Tei? Where ith Whats on ae Vinatisie | 3 @ GBD Listen. Matcha colourt- tothe ed clothes 21. DPoriokel, Heaket | a 30 : Chatheel | rree\ 9 cot —— een tolee "Yes, ts. I's wey bi Its two kilometers from end 9 pink 'n) Fshirt pt open on wes sony en en Sunde Moser ngs, gs, aut hia hing Anes ol ches ad fon! popu © Markthe sentences tee (1 or false (9. 1 Portobello Markets in Nata a, 2 snot small o cea a © Workin pairs. What clothes and colours are e Inyour classroom? 4 Foodisonsle inthe markt. Listening and speaking Grammar | this tht these, those A. Lookatthe Howto box Pint tothe things In Complete the Active grammar box with tht, the picture Below Tak about the pies these or those talle about prices 1 How muchisi? 8 four pounds i 1X How muchorethey? 8 Theyre spounds 5 a EBD ister, tow muchis/are a the bive a hat) the Beautiful esses, othe yellow skit, the white shirts, e) the orange shits? Db Usten again. Complete the questions. Check your answersintapescrpt 4.7 on page 24. 2 Hom much ate beaut esses? 3. How much is yellow skirt? 20 Reference page 47 7 ookat the picture in &x 5, Complete the ‘vestions with this, thet, these o those. 1 How much are those white shirts? 2 How mach are orange shits? 3 How much are resses? {How much are bass? 5 How much is ble at 6 How muchis black ha? Speaking thatnose ‘i 8 irkin pas Stet A ok at the peture in x5 We prices forthe clothes and bags the itr, Stent B: ask forthe pices ofthe clothes and bags inthe pictur in 5 Writing 9 write paragraph about your favourite shop ‘ormarket from Ex 23, se the text about Portobello market 0 help you You can star ke this My favour shophnarket isa. Vocabulary | ineguar plurals 1 Look t the photos 9d, Whereis each hota? Photos =a supemrtet 1 Matcha description below to each phot. aman, awoman and cil 2 aman. aworan and her baby in shop 3. aman and wo women 4s people ina shap ‘2 Complete the chat of iregular plurals below. naar pla ‘re person ‘wo people 1 Look at the photos on page sop. What in each photo? + photoA-twomen 2 photo B- 3 photo 4 photo 0 5 photo. photo ‘h. Se} e Reading and listening 3 ‘GBD Usten. Match each conversation toa photo Conversation photo Conversation 2 photo Conversation 3~ photo Conversation 4~ photo ston again. Complete the gaps inthe conversations, + Cant have tee) kets o Bristol, lee “wo adults and one cid? Shee or return? 2: Return pease. ‘That’ forty-two thirty pleas. Thank you. @—youare. 2 Gan help you? B: Yes, please. Can havea packet of aspirin, pease? Twenty four)? iment our, please te That'sone frying) _ Thank 3. A Can!) __twotickets or 8: That's teen pounds ninety please s pay by crete? 4 Grammar | possessive ’s 6 a Match the things below to people inthe hota. 1 Complete sentences 3 4 and nthe Active 4A Tiry-one pounds and seven pence, ‘somma bo B: Hore (7) __are ‘Thank you Enter your PM (@)_—_ Active grammar Use ‘sto show possesion. 18 Wotkin pairs. Repeat the conversations 1 Theyre ack loam tka 12. She's Shula's ba | details 2 " | 1: Can hoe okt London, plo oe | 1 Single arcu? ‘Cover the conversations in Ex. 3b. Complete 80 Reference poge 47 ‘the pases inthe How box 7 Rewrite the sentences with the name +s + WShispasspr. Kevin) survive in town Its Kevin's passport Brat pease? E Shes? 2 Tey'eher shoes. sl) Sn ciclo 3 This his email adees. Catan) Grama} ‘pease? Or oe tpi plese. 4s Watcher adress? Adee) kei 5 eyo he brother? (eres) 6 Thatis his suas. dane) 1b Workin pais. Close your books. Wite anew - conversation na shop ora station, Speaking i a ee 8 a. Each student gives something tothe teacher (eg. a bag, penci Check that you know the names fr each thing. 1b Guess who each thing belongs to, Is that Anna's bag? 8: No isn't. Helen's bos. Excuse me, where is the ..? ae ‘market, Ee oak ‘ | - of 3 | 2 ; ¢ ' : a 2 Lookat the How to box Ask questions about te map sak where something is Ie bane mes ° Bs. 1m son. | don't koow. Myo Os foi et ou 1 Workin ple. Ask quests abou your map. or rer hes yout tain Sioen Ao at pose Student B: oo at page 10, t Pap stotouoete an Ihave cappuccino, apiece of cake, on orange je, pose? {90 mineral waters, Goran Sure Use Con have 740 ask for things in Shops cafes tran stations, et this/thatitheselthose ts these Ve 2 & | Ss a i Singer | this tha [these those Pusat How much ae those shits? ‘re these books free? That hats great! This jumpers beaut, Possessive 's Use sto show possession, Thats Herbie's passport. Marys yln’s daughter Those are ody tikes Clore and Emmo are Damien's doughters Be careful not to confuse possessive (8 In ody's tickets) with contraction fs = is. Irregular noun plurals Regular plurals = noun +s Some nouns are iregulain the lua chit cen woman = women ‘mon men person ~ people (ther nega plurals Words ending n-s-5h- musi colours + famous people + ca * sie of day + places foods tke = alan ood don’ lie = sled bb Tellyour partner. "ketal foo. don ke salad. € Ask your partner questions with your tings! people rom Bx 43 Do you ike tan food? Grammar 2 | ie, you, hin, her, tus, them 5a Matcha sentence a-ftoa picture 1-6, » Doyorrtteme? ' 1B RD Listen and check {© Complete the chart with the words in tai from Ex 52. ‘SUBIECTPRONGUN | OB)ECTPRONOUN—) ter 1 Workin pars Student okt eft belo Stuer okt het on page 2 1 Geen 5 Instance 2 fngsajole 6 ian ily 3 eal besches "Caton 4 epurmentsons 7 ol {ead your to your pre Your pate says Telon ike objet pronoun. | fs Tonle tor ite in 1 fend the Howto bx | say when you don't understand 1 Salma Hook? Sony2Pardonhos Sei Hayek? 1 She onactr Bh, yes ike ee © Say_ore people and things to your partes Your partner says keane ke + object pronoun Speaking 7a write eight new questions. Use: Do yout. Who's Wht your favourite? 0 6o-second interview with your partner Use your questions fam & 7a, 6.2 Making friends ESET] Preset spl (2 wethey, Wh questions A Star ad comin onveration ith someone you da kaw Vocabulary | jobs and activities 1a Match the pictures aft the jobs in the box. architect sales rep. designer the buller i'¢ 1b wate a verb fom the box below in each gap + What do architects 20? hay design bling, fer example houses and 2 What do sales reps do? ‘They —__ things, or example computers ane books What do designers do? They thing. for example clothes and They __ articles, for example newspaper They food, for example Chinese fod and shops (© HB Listen and check, 2 a Addanother example foreach answer above Aska question rom Ex 1b, Your partner ives the answer, 8 Listening Ba EHD Listen. Match ds rom Ex tothe Deaplein the phot, D Listen agin, Mark the sentences tue (FoF false Sharon and Pat 1 They vein ean 2 Theyate on business 3 They design shops and ofcebulngs Catherine and Anthony 4 Theyare on holy. | 6 Tey ate sales eps Grammar 1 | present sinple (@) westhey 4a Complete the Active grammar box wth door don't eR Active grammar Qi Weitey | desion | ouses. ©: Wertney Tie [in Coned, | ©: bo | wethey computer? | Yes, wethey__./No, wey 20 Reference page 67 Are the sentences below true fr you? Write e507 no (N) next fo the sentences 1 like American fis. 4.1 e nea this choo 2 ihe naan feos. 5 ‘ke football. 2 Tike rsh mas Bein tondon © Workin pais. Make sentences about you and your partner We dont ike American fs. Reading 8 a Read the magaine ate. Complete the etait bbe NGrammar 2 | wh- questions 1B Complete the Active grammar box with Who, vinator Where Active grammar What | 60 | you | ao? a | you | woke? % [you aowite| do | you | work for? See Reference page 67 Write questions fom the Active grammar box for cach ansmer Blow 2B: workin Pais r ak > B sk? 6k? 8: a 2 oC 1 Read the article again. Write Clarissa (0, on Matin or not lars /Martin(N) net to each adjective Below, "7 Workin pais Read the How to. box. ASK your + ch M3 ineligent 5 youngatheat partner questions fom the Active grammar Dos 2 young 4 poor show interest Speaking e Wtdoyoudo? Workin rou offouras two pis 0: ma buldertestner sles pt. sunt and ead your etal on pen. dese ee? Yor sein aes tne comeraton wih theater plc Ask question ihe this ere are you fom? What do you do? 6.3 Daily routines BEET Peso Simple) hehe fal about he otnes poopie you know Vocabulary | verbs of outie 1a Read the sentences, Wie the coret Underlined vr phrase under each picture. 1 startwork at haf past seven inthe mori 2 I don'thave a shower every day 2 laksa everyday 4 | aetunatelevenolock (dont watehTy 6 at fat 008 for beset 1 fish ok at nine oc, abe ey, 1 change the sentences in &x 1a to make ‘then true or you, Tell your partnes. + I getypat hf past seven every dy. Reading 2 Workin pics. Look atthe photos above {Guess who says the sentences in Ex. think Adam sys sentence 1b Read the text. Check your answers, ine em beat an cry dy She dae sf foo. ant doce’ tc Franks my other an be 0 ite hart cal verynallipns feeder bess nary day, van hase hawt ery day aber amy aaah S's las ip- Se arte erk et hal pot ere in mae ed ch foshes wor ct nine sclack nthe xeing la ie mucin. Be te upc lesen lad inthe marin 1 Wo acne iligent bie BH elem hand ave ‘Answer the questions with Yes; he/she does No he/she doesn’t 1 Does Frank havea shower evry day? 1, he doesnt, Does Adam get up at elght clock? oes Elaine et fet food? Does Roberta start work at ha pst seven? Does Fanket fastfood fr breakfast? Does Elaine waten V2 Speaking 5a Complete each sentence below with the name of fiend amity member. + Isa best end 4 Hove Grammar | Present Simple 6) he/sheft 1b Make notes about each ‘3 Lookat the ext again and complete the Active grammar box. person above, What does he/she do? (eg. - nets a teacher) Active gramma + Whataelectves describe He/Shest ‘start. work at half past seven. Mariber (a. she’s youre, ish work otnine cock 3000 eres fs | ashow ny day. ‘intelligent. He's a sales see Reference page 67 gets up a 4a Complete the text with aver in the correc form. Listening te moriny 3 @) Treat aun agr- sl) the song? Wite mre nes 0 wo rnd might ie @ verb ba | -Writin, ‘Db Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the ‘on page 128. 2 they here? work now. a letesreretttetter tater 1. Lookat the words the box Tick (/) the words you know. book DVD MPs player te bag lowers suitcase travel ron saucepans wall CD. cookery book candles pen 1b Match nine words in the box to the pictures on the website MMos © 9 20 Gini AUTEN TCE TT eeu ‘Occupation? [Renae ued Company? [ Newstime Magazine Work long hours? Maries? Have children? Travel a lot? Can cook? Watch a tot of ims? Usten to a tot cof musie? 2 HD Listento parts ofthe conversation What Db Find anew partner, isthe problem? Studeat A lose your book Thnk ofa Fiend Studat Bok a the rdaricepreset chart on Ba Lookat the website above, check the new age 83. Ask questions rom our chart Find a words na dtionary. oo present for Stents fen RD Listen to part 2 ofthe conversation, Complete the website for Jose's rend, Nisha Lifelong learning Write yes 0) orn Revie, review and review again {© Look atthe findanicepesent chart on page Seen eee as: 119, What are the thee presents for Nisha? ae eps mt ines Se wnat thet fon lesson leak at grammat and vocabulary from 4-8 Workin pairs. add wo questions and four sar eile presents othe char. Cp skosious le pe Present Simple ° you | wor 5 sn muni Se | | neormy brates Ith he, she andi, a tothe vb ° vow a See | dear | ME | cae rey ea fe Fem 1 | ces a you write | ne oe Tw ae Bey _| wate "ee outed. iets fej Nol heise doesnt Wat do you design? here do you lve? Who do you Ike? For verbs ending in-ch sh, ss and-0,add-esto the ver with he, she and: He/She watches Hove is inegular: Hehe has ’ ave breaks. vou goto work We Irish work eon They | watch ™ ve os Dreatest. Ste | goesto work a Finishes work er Object pronouns ‘Object pronouns are the object oa verb. They come after the ver. ‘houhe/Shettivetbey | —mejou hiner stem Do youtheme? Vike a eke bm He ies her She esi, ——Thoylteus ke them, Key vocabulary Adjectives tall short ugly rich not intelligent oor happy sed. fat thin” yourg fold good-looking ineigent Jobs and activities architects design bullalgs builders build bulding designers design things ‘hes cook food reporters wrt articles sles reps sel things Verbs of outing setup goto bed have breakfast have ashower startwork finish work vwaten TV eat salad Use no very to make negative descriptions more pit: ‘She's nat very nteliget Theyre nt very ch Complete the conversation with ike, don't like a Bo you tke. (9 Boyoutte American music? 3B: No, Laon. But) British musi 1 Really (3) _ Coldplay 8: Tey'e Ok but heyre not my favour |) ___aiohead and Goriise (6) aciohead, but 6) Oasis anda, 3B: Yes, U2 are grat but they aren't Brith They is, ‘How. (7) _trish musie—Uz, Gemma Heyes ete @)_—_— Bruce Springsteen? B: Yes, do He's great '% Hes American ~$0 you the American muse Complete each sentence or question with an ‘objet pronoun: me, you hi, hei us oF them, 4 She's realy ne, Oo you ke he? 2 dort ke this programme, Oo you the 2 Bland Jem are my ends dont tke 4 eal tke him but don think ees 5 Youare grea! think he kes Hes my fiend 7 Welike them but d they ke Complete each question with What, Where or Wo, Where do you tne? Inthe centre o Giasgom, 2 &___coyouwork ior? 2B: Asma sofware conpany. 3 At doyouder Br ima snes ep, do you se? 8: selcompuer satwar, 5A dayou wok? in Edinburgh, o you design? 4 Putthe ver in brackets into the correct form problem. Hs names Oscar (2) gsi 1 hon every ay. He)" ave a shone He ()_— ean ean athe (©) wate) 7 fr otros hours: Then he (6)__ eta 7 work at stout wo ocak nth acon He ©) wont nance “he (©) won) tom tome, He (9) tinah) wor at aout sc ‘ick, Tate t our our he (00)__ (gaye a toe och ata | Wit complete sentences. 1 Unot ie Fench ood {net rch fod, 2% She/getup/at clock 5. They/startwork/eay? 4 Thomas ot etal 5 ClarafwatchTVjevery day? {Poland rita for Newsnag. 7 Where/Loraine/ive? 1 Joandlan/nct goto bedi Match a verb 1-8 to a word or phase ah, 1 cook a ashoner 2 match Inanoffice 3 fish ev 4 have workatootlck 5 designe tobed late 6 © tian fod 7 wok masmallhouse Beh shoes Kee ee ear roe CEE] iperatves Listening and vocabulary 1a Lookatthe pictures above, Who are the People? Where are they? 1 RD Listen. Answer the questions 1 Winatisthe mais name? 2 Whatls te woman’ ame? 2, Whatls the boy's ame? € Listen again. mite a conversation number reat to each phrase below. Phrase Conversation 2 Please sit down Hod te tine please, © Beauiet, 4 Tumof your mobile phone, fF Lookat pe a, © Come, Matcha phrase a-g above toa picture -7 below ia Grammar | imperatives 2 Writea ver fom Ex sein the Active grammar Active grammar ©! be quit at page as © dom in Dow ——— down | Use plese to make an imperative pole Plese be uit. Please con ok at ny ‘3 Putaword/ptrase rom each box into the correct gap. (Gone tats ak Oe) ur English class (0 Donte at (@)__exgishnclass (2) your mobile phone. iow Pease (6)__late and) _ alley ‘And please (7) —__ sandwich old for lune.) Than! “choca! (2 Workin pais. stn. Match an fnnouncement/ imperative toa place a-e below 1 hospital shop ¢ aiport ¢ estauant ‘ste imperatives fora) How to ear English and b) Howto succeed at work Learn English 1 Spe0k English every doy. eaking 6 a Read the How make a business phone call Hella Parkside Schoo an 5peak to Ws Fisher, please? Hold tetine, please Helo, Alice Fiber ello, Ms Fisher My nome’ Joke Prkec/ ts ote Use for eope you on 1b Work in groups of thee. Practise phone calls, Use the names elon 1 Company = K Desians sulWsker B= PA C= Keen 2 Company = Bod Builders ‘X= Ange Romana B= PA 3 Company = Renzo Roger rchtects A=Helen Davis 8 = PR Lifelong learning “ry your English in the veal world ‘Sometimes i's a good ida to try your Engh inthe real worl. For example, phone a hotel inthe UK and ack for pices ‘What other examples can you thnk of? Reading "7 Read the tex. Answer the questions, 1 What tine does Tm stat work? 2 What does Tn da between 8a, and 2 Where does Tim have lunch? 4+ What goes Tm do between 330 pon ond épm? 5 What time does Ti ish work? 6 When does Tim have aonghoiday? Tim Clarke -sicccrerinno ux {get at quarter to seven in he ering {havea show hae Droafast and goto ‘tool ar work at gt o'ece lock at students books and Prepare lessons {each fom nine ofc thal pat eve, "have anc amy classroom -asandich [nthe ateroon each fom ha pst one ‘ohalfpast tre, Ater schoo, teach football ox worn my elseroom. to ome a sito'ock and Ihave dinner ‘Afr diner Lok at sient boots and repare lessons. nah wor at half past. ‘ine in the evening. Teachers work aot but we ave long bold in ly" and gua. "for belo with month lok at x Vocabulary | months 8 a UD Read the months and sten. Mark the lanway February March ap May Juve uy gust September October November december 1 LUsten again and repeat {Look atthe calendar pictures ofthe UK on age 1, Guess the month, ‘Wik in pls. Complete he sentences wth ‘months Explain your reasons. + Myfavounte months. 2 Ident he ‘My forourte months une. t's nt cold and t's not very bot ‘Say howafen you do something Vocabulary | work phrases | What jobs can you remember? Wea lis 2 Look at these work phases, Match eath have meetings work outdoors travel abroad work fem home callcutomers "sve presentations fake workhome help people answer the pone write reports {© Think of oe jo foreach wrk phrase. Listening 2 a GED Lstentothe Whats yourjob?game “ky 0) ar no (Na the table elon WHAT'S YOUR JOB? es | ontece oe eee | [seed | Eas | J Neocon D Listen again. Complete the conversation below with the words ang phrases inthe box. inays usually often sometines ‘otofen not svally” neve! He 06 ohn. re you ead? 1: Yes, mays ready lave the game, Hs Good. ets tar Do you work am ome? ro, work trom home Hs bo you have meetings? J: Yes but ae 1: Yes,1___ pve presentations Hs Do youcllestomers? Ie No, dont have customers, 1: Yes; 1.1___ write the four reports Do you take work home? No not Do you tavel abroad? Noy trave abroad. ' F J: Yes; quite answer the phone, 4s Do you work ausie? Ie Yes very He D9 you halo people? 1 Yes J: p,m not. Me On What she? Grammar | adverbs of frequency Writing Look at the conversation in Ex. 2 again 7a Read the notes 1-3 below Match each one Complete the Active grammar bos. toapieure ae ‘Active grammar deg Goes Can gn enemy phon ti) 100% abs foroond [have a mecting at | usually ‘io eecks Then, ‘ten Gey & Woiren Tin gt home fodey. Can you cll ime? Thave tome 4uestons for you. ‘any thonks, Pio at often/nt usally 2 eth tbe + aver of requeney 1 ready ove this game 2) adverb of equency + verb 1 tives ar four reports 2 week | don esa take work home see Reference page 77, Helle tiny | Can you come tomy office at octeck? | A 0 Comect the mistakes. cay | 1 ark never from home aw never mor fom home, —— —— 2 She often does travel abroa, 3 take usualy work hme. 5 We wate somaties reports inthe evening. 17. don give often presentations. Wie sentences about yout daily routines. Use a phrase fom the bor and an adver of 1b Rea the How to. box Then ook at the st Frequency. Below and write a request note to Benita ‘setup gotobed startwork fnishwork trate TV" have a shower ave (omething fo breakfast/lunch/ diner write a request note Stat: Hello Joy Request: Con you + request Finish: ThonksMony tanks, + your usualy ge pat sven o'clock Pronunciation 5 a HD Usten. wite the sentences, ' LUsten agai, Repeat the sentences. aaa i al Seninge Speaking oy © Workinpairs mail 8 Berta ~ come fo my fe at Todak Stent A choose job, femora morning? Student 8: 2k questions, Guess Student jo. '7.3, Would you like a coffee? FRE oul he eleame 2 stot jour pce of work Ce a aT } Listening i | ven 1 a FT write and say dates +3) Mrs King’s visit and and ar. zndiaty the secondot ly Asthlansny teenth anvary 2 Michele welcomes Mr Rogers and his colleague tothe office, Workin groups of thre. Act out the converstion, Michele: Hele, Me Rogers. My name's see Reference poge 77 Vocabulary | ordinat numbers 5a Write date in numbers. Your partner says B&D took tthe calendar agin, Listen and the date repeat the ordinal numbers. 206 1b Workin pis took atthe ordinal numbers the went of September | ‘hart on pase 77 Say the ordinal numbers. Askand ans, | 1 When iyourbithdy? rammar | would like {aD Read and listen tothe conversation, Complete the wos. Michelle lease, come Sit own, What would out) rik? Tea? Cafe? Mr Rogers ike cole please ‘Ms Khan Ti (2) a cup ea please Michelle: Would yu he ik and sugar? Me Rogers No, thankyou. ‘Ms Khan ik, m0 593, please Michelle: (6) Youle sist? Me Rogers Ys, please Ms Khan: No, @ You Listen again and check. € Read the conversation loud in groups of three. ‘Complete the Active grammar box with would ord, Active grammar vould tke +2008 {© : What would you the (odin ea? you the a cafe/a biscuit? ‘explease. Noythank ou, O:1__ite | aaapottes (a= would) | anorange jie ‘Would you like? an like — are polite. Doyou want? and want. re normal see Reference page 77, Complete the conversations with phrases rom the Active grammar bo. 1s Whor would you eto dink eo coffee, please aeupotteat tres) — sani, please biscuit? a) a coteet twa wane eietelrieleieetelaie Listening and vocabulary 9a Match he words below tothe pictues. Soup frit vegetables main courses 1b GMD Ustento Michele, Mr Rogers and Ms Xan. Complete 2-4 on the map ofthe staf Speaking 10 Workin pis ‘Student B: welcome Student Ato your fee (fer drinks) snacks, 2 Helo Mrs Cpt. My name is Ut Osman. 8: cet meet you, My Osman te Peose, cme in ‘7 Communication Take the lift to the third floor Workin pairs. Tak about the eitferent lors of the bilng A: Wht flor re the soles epson? They're 0n the thi oor. 2 a Who sys the phrases below, the receptionist (or the visto ()? ow do you spel that? Whats your name please? “ae the itt the hid fos, Thankyou You're welcome Do you have an appointment? 1b GHD Listen and check your answers, What do left and ight mean? 8 Listen again. Match the places 1-4 below tothe letters a-d onthe Noor lan 1 Pavick Swinton oe 2 Mata Hafner ofc 4 Lorda Rome offce 4 a Workinpaies, Student A: you are the receptions. Thnk of th name of someone who wot inthe bullng Witet onthe oar pan Tel your parte he name, ‘Student: you are ast. iste tothe name Student Atel yu. You have ‘meeting wth this person, Act ou the comes. Good moming, Good morning havea meting with 1 Finda new partner and repeat, Wabi 33 1c) Imperatives Affirmative imperatives sit doan, oid the ne te que (Please) tum off your mode phone. sen tothe conversation look ot poge 2. Negative imperatives font down dont ur of your moti phone. {fort look at 9098 32 dont come Use Please to make the Imperative more ple (Pease) Adverbs of frequency 10% aways eval ten oh never Adverbs of equency come ater the verb to be. ‘She's always ate Theyre never happy. Frm someties ot work Pal pas 5 Adverbs of frequency come before other verbs ‘nau onsner the phone. He doesn’t often ave presentations. We don’t usual eo desses. You can also use every + dy/weck see him every do. We got London every year Would you like ...? I'd like .. Use would ket offer o09/ernkto guests What wou you tie? What would you tke to drink? oul you thea coffee? Yes, plese, thank ou Use he . to say what you want rhe ocup of, pease. ke a strter pease Ordinal numbers [Se phe ra mt y Tdeenit | wentint | TS thiteeth 25 enti UME cc 25 try ts) (thst |W steorh 26 worth “th seveth | seventh 17 tent aren Sh eth) honth 125 wench | Sth sith {8 tort 29 twet-ith oth | 20 ewaith 30a Dates Wing dates My holo is fom ast August ost September. Saying dates "My boidy irom the twenty first of August. Note: Americans put the month before the day when they wite and sy dates. Woiten: he meting ion flys Spoken: the meeting 00 Jl the 2th Key vocabulary Workplaces ofce" factory. shop hospital universy School restaurant call centre Months January February March April May. June July-August September October November December Work phrases ‘workfromhome have meetings five presentations work outdoors fallcustomers. write reports. take work home travel abroad anewer the phone Food smacks drinks starters soup vegetables Imaincourses slag desserts fut 1 Mab STs abel oy eters tere Putthe wordsintothe conect ondertomake Imperatives. + down Please sit Plese sit down, 2 your phone moble Tun of 3 late dont Pease be 4 the Hold please 5 at look 50 page Please Tate get ot 5 Undertioe the correct word 4 | nevertinayséen wavel abroad ~| do the 2 They dont sometinesbRenever ie 3 |sometineseverhsualy ge up late. et up attack every day 4 eneverftoesn' usualy often akes work home. He's a manager anche has et ot wrk 5 Rebecatsa cook She abvystoesntofen/ 6 ‘usualy ook Chinese fod. She does he {6 Tom and Kevin are god sles reps. They alaaysheverdometines stent thelr Put the word in bold inthe conect place. 1 Francis werk rom home. always francs atmos worsfom home, 2 Thave meetings on Mondays. often 3 She doesn't watehTVin the evening, usualy 4 Heise for work, never 5 She sings inthe shower, sometimes home inthe evenings, usualy 17. Sles eps dort wark rom hone. often 8 ‘Her Boiends are ich, always Matcha question 15 0 reply a-, What woul you the to eat? What woul you tke to ink? Would you the a coe? Would you the some biscuits? Would you the milk and sugar? 2 I thea mineral ates please 1 No thank youd ke them, © Pike a chicken sad please 4 ik no supa pleas, Yes. please ‘Ada one wordt each ine ofthe dialogue. + Asta Buns omen Please ston 2 B:Thank you, Mr Simpson. This M Sith, 3 Atel, Mr Sith ie meet you 4 GiNice to meet, too, 5 A: Would you Ike cfee? Yes, please. Blac, sugar please Co thnk ‘Achat would youto eat? ke a pec chocolate cake. pease. 10 Cit some fut pease, Complete each phase or ist with another word March, At Moy take work ue ue eallcene September, Octobe, work rom afactory ith sith, 12 nineteenth went, —_ eee ene ac 8.1)/I don't like walking ESP the + ings wont ove = EEE olan you want todo someting Speaking {Look tthe hotels below. Say the phone numbers and email. aadeeses, 1b what can yousee inthe photos? 6 Read the How to. box What leisure acti can you d at each hotel? H talk about things to do Use Yu can or We cata about thing to on lace (ee: hott youn You can play goat the ongstone Hate, We can go sihsesng in Por 2 Do you know any good hotels? What can you do there? "ike The Polace Hotel in View. You can sai, You cn ply teas Tel: 0991 722 3781 ee | TEL 0689 559221 "ewmtetrohotel@metromaiicom (yt) (Rare blonsgahotal@netmaiicouk Listening Ba ED Listen. hats Gary and Annie's problem? HD Listen. Complete the + Gay wats to goto the 2 fale wants gotothe 3 They both want to goto the © Listen again. Make ais of the leisure atte hat you hese ly tt Grammar | kes jng:want+infnitve Vocabulary | acjecives 4 Complete the Active grammar box with want or 7 Matcha word in the box oa situation below, lke, Check tapescript 83 on page 149 fr help. boring. evcking aificalt iteesing ry fun e357 © 1 togosigmsecing © don't want topioy gol © 1 playing gor. Bao cen thse | se Reference poge 97 1 Tisisreay ting. 2 Tistsvery | 5 a choose the conet fom ofthe ver to oe Complete the sentences My 1 kein uo 99 ou ith ends Gay does he Gc wath AN | 0 you want pling py tenis « | We ike goingta go sightseeing. She dest want eating outa eat out Do they Ike ployingto play chess? | dont he swimming go swimming. {Marin wants eazingjo read now. , Complete the conversations. Put the ver in brackets int the comet fom, 3 hiss 4 hiss | 2 Canyousin?| 5 Thsis very 6 Tisisreaty_—_ 1 Yes, ean but dort ke sing i. Tite ott 1 What do you tink ofthe leisure acts on ‘Footbal? Can you play otal? page 797 Tel your partner. 1 No, but tke (2) (ate) ton. {hi paying ches ici 6 oyou want) _ (ay ot? 2 nothanis. dove (payigot Speaking’ Uke 6) fora alk 8 choose ahote fom Ex. for next weekend |E Where do you want (6) Gor? arene lu fF Tothe beach. want (7) (swimming ‘Tmt to goto the Mew Meta Hate 1 Where our bie? going sighsecng. I's excig 1 sathome, But dont want). 5: Ion’ ke gong slgtselng t's bring. (as) svirming | othe @) (eo) want to goto the Blue Ses Hotel swimming want Go) go) for wal Writing © Workin pats. ook at the sure acts on pave 79. Answer these questions. 8 a Lookatthe iting bank on page 29. 1 What do youth ding? 'b White an emzilto one of the hotels in Ex. 2 What dort youth ding? Ask or more information. 3 What do you want todo this evening? How much sa double oom? {What do you want todo this Saturday and ise dxble rom evalebe fo Setrtey 29th Sunday? and Sundoy 30h next month? 8.2) We've got a small garden. N ware EN [iter ‘Vocabulary | rooms and furniture Listening | 1a tookatthe house. where do you 3 GBD Listen. which things | a cook —B walthV¢ haveashoner from Ex xb do you hear? 4 gotobed e parkyourcar F play fatal a tisten again, Answer the You cookin he itch. auestins. Match the words below tothe teters ap inthe peur + Wiens asters ‘washing machine basin coffee able safa_biowle bed 2 What does Pau ister the i char lamp cooker ‘wari tet. hing? | 3 What things om 6x2 has she got? (© ED Listen and check. Repeat. 45 What things fom Ee. 28 ast he got? 2 a Make lit, Look at o's suggestion for 2 What can you fad ina hate room ‘a wedding present on page 2 You buya new house What seven things do you buy Rt? 42,00 you tink it's 2 good 1 aes? 1 Compare with your pares. i What is a good wedding © Workin pals. what things in your house do you ke? What resent In your county? things dont you tke? ke my bath 15 don't ike my television. sod Gramuar | have got/hos got 4a Lookattapescript 85 on page up. Underline examples of have got and hes got 1 Complete the Active grammar box wth hove oches. sateen tomo, 20105500 | geo. ast got | houiwenbey a6 | a bigete? TreBkesegar | a” mal? Ie Yes, joule ey Yes hehe — i No. ifjouvetbey — Wt. No, he/she — see Reference page 87 5a Askyour partner questions with the words in Ext, Have you got an armchair? 8 Yes, shave 've go two armchas In my ving room and ve got one ormchr in my bedroom. 1b Complete the texts with "ve, "shaven" tor hasn't ive wth my wile naa hose We (alt gota tarcam, 9 tng ar cen ae tetcom We 2) gets ‘Sra gegen = both Bu 1B) ota poe WA | hy tec) era car Sree | rst ee day 1} got ao bet a | Linen my ters tous, Soe) 02 lu team sd to tong or, Shel — gota TV inher barr, ‘She waithes Vin bed. But she 19) | ta1V inthe ng oom Se 1) | ‘gota sofa anda big armchair in he bing | She) __ gata cotarin na ian Tat ele ekg. She Ina. gotamicowowe oe. te 4 oust hem Pronunciation. 6 8 GHD Listen and check your ansmers. 1 How do you pronounce I've, we've and she's) Read the texts in x 5b aloud Speaking "7 Find e new pare. Tak about your house, fat ‘or beaioom ‘My fami es got hous. que bp ve got ‘small bedroom. 've goto TV and acomputerin ‘ny bedroom but havent 90 Reading {8 Dothe Technology quiz on page m ‘Ask your partner the questions and write his/her answers in your notebook. 2: Have you got o cameraphone? 8 Ho havent but want ve 9 a Whatisyour score and whats your Partner score? =a points 8 1 Read your profile below. point C= points € Workin pairs. Is your profile true for you and your partner? Write a tre profile for you. Reading 1 Workin pats, Discuss 1 Do yout out alt? 2 Whatls your vou restaurant? ‘4 Work n groups of tree. Read about the top three restaurants inthe word ‘Student A: Read abou The Far Duck on page Student: Read abou £1 ul on page 13. Student: Rod about French county page so. Tell your partners abou your restaurant € Discuss. Which restaurant inthe article do You want to gato? Listening 3 8 GHD Usten to Mark and Ada, Which restaurant do they watt goto? 4 Sinatra's % Wasabi ¢ Carito's 1 Listen again. Put the question inthe oder You hear them Where’ tht? Q What food do they serve at Wesobi? How about inner nest Fide? a Hon big ise? a What about corto? a Which restaurant do you want to goto? 4a Read the How to box, make suggestions hat ebow dinners mek? ood ea Fes 1b Work n pats. Suggest lca restaurant to ‘oto this evening Gramuar | question words ‘5 Match the questions inthe Active grammar box to the answers below, Active grammar Where [5 Whereis Corto’s? Whe | Whos Gordon? what [3 What does she do? Wat + [4 What food does be tke? ich» [5 Which restaurant do you the noun |” the new one or the od ane? Hows [6 How alishe? adjective 2) He kes Spanish food, I's ner my house. 0 Shesa cel He one mete niet. ke Taste of nda. 1) He's my end See Reference page 87 © Compete the sentences with a question word from the Active grammar box How richie se? 2 cate do you wantto goto? 3 frit do you ke? 4 éoyoutve? 5 __Isthe waiter? 6 Ss yourname? 7 soodaklng ise? 8 sofa doyou ike = this on or that one? 7 Askyour partner questions 2: How tal are you? Listening 8 a GED Listen, Alda books a table at Carlitos ‘restaurant What time Is her booking? 2 Listen agin. Complete the How to. box ook a table at a restaurant Customer: 1 __ to booka table or Foy any people? © Workin pals. Student A phone Cato restaurant, Sook ‘Student 8: you work at Corto restaurant ‘ase the hore. Vocabulary | food © Match the underned words in the men to the pcre Menu — carLitro’s — starters 2] Seafoo cocktail ‘Fil soup Green salad Main COURSES ‘Roast Bsf* ‘Roast cichen* amb chops * Vegarable pasta wich poaras orice [B) Desserts hectare cake hss a ics 1B HD Listen and check. © Workin pais. ay what food you ke/dont Tike fom the menu 4 Choose your favourite starter, main course tnd dessert fom the menu Tel the class My fovounte stra is fish soup, Ike lb chops forthemain course and ce ream for desert 10 GD Listen. What do Mark and Alda choose from the menu? 1b Workin groups of tree. took at tapescript Bao.on page 150 Red the conversation aloud but change the food. Water Ave you ready 0 order? Mark; Yes. lke o green soo, please Speaking 11. Workin groups of te. Student A: you are the water at Set and Pepper Students Band C: you ate customer at Slt ond Pepper restaurant, ook athe men on PEE 34 Enter the restaurant an oder your meal ‘Good evening, Do you have a reservation? Yes, e do. My nome Res 8/Commu: Addresses 1 & Workin pis. tok atthe people and their _Ask yur partner question to complete the fats. what have they got in thelefats? other four addresses, 14a: He's gota lot of books nhs lt, Student A: Has Mr Coe got aot of books in hie 1b What does each person like doing? Tell your ft partner Student B: No, he hast Has Ms A Weer 166: kes plying gle ee PORTANT! 2 Workin pairs 1 Ask s/No questions. Student A ook at page Complete our ofthe aderesses blow. Dot show your pater + Ask one question. Then your partner asks one Student B: oo at page 4, Complete four ofthe ‘question. Ten you ask another question, and adresses below. Dor shom your partes, sen, sesh Wer ee. ome HY [art mer wine EW K (pup ee 3 like + -ing; want + infinitive hen a verb follows fie, itis usualy inthe gerund form Gg) ke eating ou ‘When a verb fllows wont, inintve form to ver Is aways inthe Have got ave got means hve. Ive gt sponsor Ihevea sports ca ave gots ery common in Biish English, Ris nat Common in Amecan Eglsh © tou | nave 04 900 co payer Sie hover raat copier They __ a brother. on yu moar hose 990 © he | coat © vive | Hrouterhey ony cousins? @ Hos | he/shestt a ‘es houneterboe Yes feo 1. hou hey bvet Na hee han’ Question words + Use where for places Where are you om? Where do you lve? + Use who for people, Who are you? Who do you ply tennis ith? You can also use who to ask abou the company someone works for Who do you work for? 1 Use hat or things a's your nome? Wha do you do? You can puta noun ately ater wha. What tine do you getup? What musi do you tike? 4 Use hich For things. When there I choice nich aonary have you got? Which ohn ennon song is your foourte? + Use how + adjective for amounts How talis he? aw old re you? ‘Note these questions: How much 2 (ole) ew many cars have you gt? (quantity) ow often do you go out requency) Making suggestions Use What about..20r How about 2+ noun to make Sugestions What about the new stuart on Clerk Steet? om bout olen Conwl hs sormer? You cn alto use Wha about.20% How about. ng What bout oing fora walk tisfernon? How about eating ou tonight? Key vocabulary Leisure activites socjling go sightseeing go swimming goforawalk doesercise eat out Play tennis read a book play football watch TV play chess goto the theatre Adjectives boring exching dificult easy fun Interesting Rooms and frit living oom: coffee table lamp bedroom: bed wardrobe window Sofa armehaie kitchen: cooker sink washing machine fidge bathroom: bath toilet garages car bicycle Feed seafood fish beef lamb pasta rice potatoes chocolate cheese chicken basin RE, ais 3 Complete the conversation with the word in brackets, A Do you want ogo} 0 fim this afternoon? Theres a good fm on TV. Do you want @ wath) 12 Nott dort ke @)_ (watch) Vin the shernoon, (0. wel ike @)__(6win and shot today. Do you want ©) ctice (go) Siring can swim and do’ want) __ (0) verse. want) (eo siehseeng and then eat out this vein Good idea. want). (ake some hots with my new camera Complete the email withthe correct form of house whon yu st London (1) ego) {hee badoome 9 you can ayn one a er, ® ‘See you ent ee 2) av) ig bs and an sei (©) atsevion bat (2) fan ensure betoom, Can you sive) ryt jone (you abit? Un)acartat (ty hasan) on Write questions and answers using hove got and the words in Bracket, 1 Astle vou sister oto washin chine (jou sterwashing machine) Bes, she has.) ererererer youlean (Wo) 2 your parents) (%o) 2 Uames/bath) (ves) 2 hey/nen email address) (vo) 2 (shegood dictionary) ves) Correct he mistakes 5 Which restaurant are you ke? Which o you do? Are you an accountant? Where you do ve? ow inteligent se i hie tie st ‘Wha do work or ou? ‘There are to am youtike? ‘Where your brother e? Wht armchair do Write a question for each answer. What ce you do? Ima teaches, Shes one mate ity the ke alan food and chinese fos. "ke this ae tale, That cote tables sal ven bon in Portugal ‘Shes my fend Complete the questions and sentences wth word or phrase from the box. 1» Canthave apiece of ‘reads fun idge potatoes estout Chocolate” garden How paying chess boring Do you watto eat out tonight? Do you ee with our lends? She abook every week or ke this game. ke tiays. Theyre always Is thee any feodin the 7 ‘you playfootballin your about that new restaurant on Can Sree Doyou want rie or chops? with your lamb cake, please? " 4 hts o | awh il Hii; rh Reading 1 @ a ‘Look atthe undetined words inthe ets Check their meanings in aetonary. Read the texts. Matcha text toa photo He was singe and an actor. He was bom on th Janu 39350 -Msisipp ls pres were very pos He was a factny-worket, then aaiver Hs est Song was That Al Right He was ‘The King of Rock nd Rol Famous quote: "When | was ach, ades a enemen, Las 2 eeomer ‘She was an actor ana princess. She was bom on 11h November, 1929 n Philadephia. Her parents were very leh he was a model lanathen an actor: He fist lm wae Fourteen Hours iss. Her famous quot: (about Rowers) lak other an they talk oe le was an actor a fir He was bon on 27th November, ‘940 San Fania Hs oreats were om Hong Kon. They ren ich His father as sige His st fim ws Ete the Dragon We was shot and hn but he was wry tonsa ey feat Famous quote: "Dot thik Foe” “Sh wa apnea aha Fashion a She wad ae on ta, {963 n Sandringham. Mer parents wore en. She wast good ‘Student at stool but she masa good plans. Her wedding wasn ‘t PaulsCathedalin Londo. Het husband was Pine Chas The fe together wasnt Rapp. Famous quote: "There were thee of usin his manage © Complete the sentences with names from the photos — eee born inthe 5 and wore ihe wives/ husbands of 4 ose your books. Work in pats What can you remember about he people Inthe tents? Bruce Lee was brn n San | pas of tobe: afmative ‘Complete the Active grammar box wth wos You ere asnge ie ‘appx She bom ng, we wee Singers They fe 1B GERD Listen and ene see Reference poge 97 3 Complete the sentences with was or were + Coco Chanel was fasion designe. 2 Myhusband andi cll cee workers from 001 to 2004 3 Colonel Tom Parker _ Evi Presey’s 4 ce Chan and Oprah Wifey bom in 1954 ‘anita otha now 7 |e good plans at schoo 1b Whos your favourite 2th-century ico? Tell your parer about the person 4. a Read the Howto box. tall about childhood When i ci, ia 09000 singer 1 White two tue sentences and one false | Sentence about you and yout family. Read your sentences o your partner. Your Partner guesses re o fale 1: When ny fatber was young, he meson ator Fa. he No fs trae! Listening and vocabulary 5 HD Listentothe radio game show. Guess the person, 1 Look at page 10. Check your answer. fe Lsten again. Wit true (1) or false (. sparen wre ja and Aled Ne was famous for his msi He was om London He was marist Yoko On in his wert. Ga Read the texts below, Check any new words inyouricionary. Then compete the texts vith 4 preposition from the box. on for with in to of to at Se was bom ina in New York She was good (@)__ horse-riding aed alto. She was maried lobe F kennedy. the President) the US, © and then to Astale Onassis, a Grek businessman, Bite Htday was born )_—_therthof at, ‘515,in Philadelphia. She wna fameus ()—_her ‘musi She was ends (0) the jars usin LesiarYoun, He second husband was slr (@)__her first husband. “hey were bad men and Bll Hoty was unhappy. Saya word in bla fom the texts. Your partner says the preposition. sinter. siilerto "7a Think ofa famous person trom history. Wie ‘sentences about him/her, 'b ead your sentences to your partner Your partner guesses the perso. 9.2|My first, my last ... FEPEEIG] pst of ob: nates nd questions KEIM sve str cesciption ofa past experience Talk about the games. Use the phrases below now how play. don’t how to ply. 1's ifcuteasyboring/ exctingfan/iteresing Gramuaar | past of be: negatives and ‘questions 3 Lookat the daloge rom bx 2 and complete at the te amor ox wih es as a Listening were Jasmine: a sh good teacher Cito she wan poster: bt Isabel: Vee you hes feourte student? 2 & EHD Uistento cristo, isabella and Jasmine playing 2 game called My st, my last Inthe tame you can't answer questions wth yes or no. What does Isabela talk about? D Listen again. circle the comet words for Cistof and jasmine belo Active grammar © :1___ was nod | a good stude cnistor's rmsr TEACHER Yeager | pprasccl | 1 Wernae ns is (Tid wershet—_| mrteces"f 2 She as but ys pes ol emai, | ved son 2 Shea good terme: | nny cn 1 Herfovoute student was Francoise Cito © Ewes! good student? aaah SS, lease 1 linet wa nove yas aga ud Where were your books? Wino was your favourite teacher? 2 Itwas on a Geek Spans island 2 lasmine was with her paretsa end. 4 There were castls/Seoua beaches. onthe sand. see Reference page 97 had ‘Complete the sentences with was, wasn, were or 2 Las vry uit a schoo 0 2 Myfistear__ ver butitwastin. 0) 23. Who ___your fends at 44 wnat your favouite subject ascot? mig. - teacher at school. 0) 7 ——_youlate is house? Workin pais. Ask and answer the questions My Test teacher Ex 2b. Pronunciation 5 a ERD Liston. Markthe 1 Iwasa good student 2 Iwas very integer 2 Was she a good teacher? 46 Who was your best fend? 1 How is wos/wasn't pronounced in each sentence? 6 a EHD Listen. wie the Sentences, Mark the stress D Howie wereAveren't pronounced in each sentence? "7 Workin pats. Ask and answer ‘the questions in iy lst log, Ex. 2b Vocabulary | yesterday, lst, ogo Ba Look at tapescript 95 on page 150, Undertine the examples of 290 and last. 1 Complete the time expressions with 290 or lst 4 yesterday moning/iternaon/eveing Speaking a When were these pas experiences? Tell your partner, + Yeuriat mein restaurant + Youre job + Yourlastfim atthe cinema Yours emai My frst dy ot schoo was taeny-0 years ope 1 Askyour partner questions with Where were you..?and atime 2 Where were you yesterday 10 a Workin groups ofthe. Remember the rules for My fst, my last, 1 Play My fst, my last on page 15, Writing 111. Write a paragraph about your fist teacher or your last lida. You can start kets: Myst teocher wes.» Shee wes. Myles hold was (be month 290 twas | s| EECA Copel Chas GST Cinco vou 2 Contos 7 ake a sinleequest and ask permission Vocabulary | housework Reading 1 Match phrase in thebox a Look tthe text Undetine phases from bx a toapicure baton ‘oid ‘eeu eure ETC | Stor citcoue te ae Seve on 200m hye s,m 9 tone ‘eect homo ted nou your ob the? Settee che se iat oo yor we der lean the battvoom wash he ashes irona shit o you ke doing housework? Jet cortne enemy eit ivy bering dt he wing te des, But the acum he hase se acre Really? Set Ys ey, What was your job before? Ae as 2 sae fe. ood es fe, awa apy. Buy een ae my Do you want to get another job? Jt es, tt Biya ry re ‘ery one Tey wat the lt | Seager Sooner : Workin smal groups. Discuss, ‘Ne there alot of househusbands in your country? Who usualy looks ater young hire in you county? Fe say, They want thei dad not stranger Do you agree? ning {GBD steno four events ines week 1 Listen again. Who are the people the pictures? Wit the questions you bear Begining with How? 5 a Read the How to box ask about an experience How wos: your wsotendou eek our doytou hgh oe OC Isr ver oad. ym ots. 1b Workin smal groups. Ask questions with Howwes 2 Ae How as your weekend? 1: Iewes fin, thank. (was at home on Sunday Grammar | can/tould you Cankould..? 6 Look at apescipt 99 on page x50. Complete these sentences, ‘unt Sally: Could you cary my suas? Bly: Cani___chocaatefor sinner? Karen; Canon he V? Fiend: Could you thei? ‘b Complete the Active grammar bax with /r you. : cn ‘se your telephone? have a coe? s,m No, eat Gn | —J conv my bags? outs ‘Som eat. Active grammar | Yes of oe | see Reference pages? "7 Askyour partner questions. ‘+ use your pen + spaliyourname + openthe window ‘+ useyourmobie phore © look at yourbook 1 pve me your ema adress Yes ofcourse + seme: Speaking 8 a Tick(¢) the things below you have go. ross the tings you havent got. agooddicionary ——_acamera Swashingmachine acer an MP3 player computer 1B Matcha thing above toa phrase below. listen to music MP3 player take photo ofme ana my ends drive met the tain station read my emails a yourhouse tomy aunary hop me with these new English words © Find six people to help you wth the equests In 80. Use Con ihou or Could Yj, Can read my emai at your house? Sony you cn’. havea"t gota computer: Could youtoteo photo of me? 1 Yes of course ve got digital camera 9 Communication Lt School days Lt ial ail! 1 Matcha subject inthe box toa picture 1-6 ‘maths languages. science music art sport 206-8? | caer ; Lifelong learning | [2] Hello Bonjour Listening skills | Yola Guten Tag When youltenin English, don't try to understand every 1» BD Listen and repect. word I ery stessul and | {¢Complete the sentences witha subject above. es usualy not possible | © en mrad rgd see bono (stressed) words and ty 2 When was at school, as bad at onde praey understand 2 GMD Listen and complete the chat for Louise Ba Completethechartin My school days Ex. 28 for you. ‘School name: Willan Mors High School 2 Make sentences Tell your nee: partner Yeas: _ Tas very good at maths. Soodibad schoo 8: Realy? was (as g00d ‘ody studs ot muse | Good a Bed at 4 Workin groups. Close your books and talk about your shoal dae, Listen again, Check your answers. a UBT 33a pele -3 wou | were | teacher bom nig. Be ag | Mn B00d we | wre | teachers They | ware | born in 96 O21 | wasnt (es nod You | weren't | teacher (ere 20) | om inp He very god. Ste es roo We werent Gere not) teoches Fomine. (erro) @: wos | Were | yoo") teacher? ee | bom insoss? es |i | verrgooe? ere they | domin 63? © Who was your manage? Wot wer tel obs? Were wes your Schoo? Which shop wes your fovourte? How ols were you 3990? Asking permission on} | calyou this evening, please? Could | speck to Ms Mesh, please? se your computer please? ‘ck question please? ‘g0home ey pease? Yes, you con ure No, you can’. sory You can Use Can and Could Ito ask permission. Can and Could t have the same mearing Could lia bit more polite formal, Making requests Can you | collme thieving, pleose? Could you | ansner the phone please? Yes, ofcourse Sure can't cat ov ofa Use Can you and Could youto make a request. Can you and Could you have the same mesring but Could you's bit more poite/forma Time expressions Yesterday Yesterday. yesterday evening yesterday afternoon Yesterday moving Last tastright_ lst week lastmonth last year Ago five months ago. eight years ago two days ago aweek ogo Key vocabulary Adjectives and prepositions borin Pris)" born on (rd October) ood at (enn J dancing) bad at ootbatd rmaried to (rnce Chates) the President of @ussia) Similar o (ny brother) famous fr (hs books) fiends with he kin) Housework do thelaunéry_ vacuum the house ook inner clean the bathroom wash the dishes ran shit 1 Complete the text with was or were and guess 4 the famous person. ho am ‘ama singer wth avery famous bar.) was bor on 26th uly 949, nthe UK. My father end my grander 2) teaches. My mther trom australia) a Student atthe London School of Economies but onl for ‘two years. ery Hall ané Blanes Morena de Macias (my wives Pan i lok ana Satisfaction (6) two of my ban’ famous sores. 2 Write sentences with was’ vas or werent/ were, sin the examples. + Galyatefeary) Sally wos tlote She was eat 2 ly parets/athome/in a estaran) Myporents weren't home, They wer oo ‘estou, 2 (atthe theate/atthe cinema) 44 an/bor in 1981/bom in 3979) 5 (Wa goed Fn/very bring) 6 (Weert poo 7 ou/my best end/a god ene) 6 {8 (Keryand Marin Bogan Cal) | 3 Complete the dialogue with was, wasn, were 1: (@ Were you at work last wek? B: No.1) A @)__youon haidaye 8: Yes,1(@)__.1(._on hatiday with Ely. We @) ai her paents house the south of Face, (7) tree? 3: 1) ___ beast Her parents) there sowe se) sone, 9 Review and practice Rearrange the word to make questions. Then mate them to an answer 2. 4 bom? When you were When were you bore?= ¢ 2 was Who manager? your 3 school? your Where was 4 fist What your job? was 5 weekend? your was How Ios calceie worker, teas great, thanks. In 966 Hername was Ms Dickson twas on Peak See, opposite the hospital, Choose the cmect word in each sentence Can soul ete te? Could fou open the door? Ym busy. an jou hep you? Could fou havea cup ofa please? an fou tl me your name, pease? ould ou pass me the mk, please? Can fou give me £s forthe bs? ould ou steno you new CO? ‘Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 1 Where were you yesterdoylstoo nigh 2 Are you sll fon your mother or your father? 2 Who washeskeansties the laundry in your house? 1 Is she maried with@o/f you bother? as om holiday in Colombia sie months yesterdayfosne ‘What was she famous ontofor? Where were you yesterdayAastgoatemoon? anyou noshrciumsrn the heuse ody? es ends ofthfo Mark Her te Are you good onto tennis? 10.1, The story ofthe Mona Lisa EEE Pot Simpler regulr eb ndesiand a simple raat of pat evens Speaking 1 Work pais. Look atthe painting. Answer the ‘questions. 2 Who are your favourite artis? 3 What are your favourite pinngs? Reading 2 a Lookat rhe Story ofthe Mona Lisa Part 2) Read he text aloud 1b Read again. Complete the information belo. Place (no): The Lou, Pos aise Started paitngs Finished painting: —— Moved to Fance: 5 | Grammar 1 | Past simple atrmative ) regular verbs 8 a Undestne the verbs in The Story ofthe Mona lisa Part 1D Which verbs are inthe Past Simple? | {© How do you make the Past Simple of egular | verbs? ____ Ad -edto make the Past Simple of regular Complete the Active grammar box with the Correct form ofthe ver. Active grammar Present Single | Pst Simple ke te panting, | hed te pain. She stays wither | She with ber ends. rend They stort work ear. |They._ work ear seb A 520 Reference page 107 Complete the texts with a verb fom the boxin the Pat Simple Pope ls 1) wanted ew cling inthe Sistine Chapel. He 2) iehelangela to pint the celing ofthe Sistine Chapel Michelangelo itn s508. he) inst. Marcel Duchamp was a ast, He was born in 2897. He(6)———inPalsandhe hess wth is bots. ny, he (7) ——to NewYork He (8) ina layin New Yr. nage (@) to Argentina, STO Te ryeys ce) eer tema) Fee Past sopra vets ve asmpl summary oa news event ron Read span. Ae these statements true (Tor ading false (A? 1a Who orwhat is inthe news? Wit alist Sa racecnt eter Pa td re 2 Moncton wrsmareseme ED ead ta hab 3 Elan Ronan deer hae on, 1 sia god week ora bad wekor ech 4 ean Roan ves g Deron or 5 Gs comers on Saudoy QO 2 a ead in mogne pueblo. Compete 7 ana lt fund Second teens good bee tho a GBD User adh ¢ tandiis at ousttvee ss, 8 Close your books. what can you remember about the four stories? Good week, bad week | cond 2Litwasa__weok or. actor Forare Cine, &3. He went to Lae ogas lat wak and he met fas ood resturant. Thee cays oer, they pt mari tt Me and Bia om the UR. They Bad teh Yor Cinna an thy found tt gold eins sie the eh. "Th eh na £3.50, 20 | Mes lt, bat te gi can ae 1,000 Sweden, Se won £1¢ millon fon the Eur lotery but she Tost her thet “Nevermind ‘9d Emilia, Thats te! 4 tt mas a week for op saup Git Gs concert was last Fry bat the tele ead Sturdy Ong peopl cme Kahn, Gis sng hots and boven wasnt a god di AY | Past Simple: regular verbs Look at the magazine page in Ex. 28 again dele al the verbs inthe Past Simple, b Complete the Activ grammar box with tke br tok Active grammar ‘Some verbs ar egulr inthe Past Simple (@atonly in afimative sentences) @ioune/ ‘went Par She/werthey |" elotof potas. © Wowie] didn’t 90 to Pos. ‘dant photos: © : bid | /yourhe/| goto Pos? ‘hele? ot of photos? Yes, Wyouhe he re ithey did No, ijouheshe/wethey didnt ShefMertrey alotof Bee Reference page 07 ‘8 Complete the magazine crossword on age 02 wth the Pat Simple ofthe verbs Bolom. Some ae reguay, some ae regula [ACROSS 3 come 5 play 8 see 9 buy s2 finch ig hive is move. 36 g0, DOWN + mect 2 ask 4 ston 6 set 7 Win 10 find assay. 33 lose 1 Complete the text with the ver in brackets, ‘esterday Emana Rotman) found nd her ler ket and (2) — wi) £4 milion, (6) rat fd te tik Elana (Gay. my bother)" come) ‘omy vse fr dinner nd be (6) (ee) Itunder my sofa, Sowe @) —___taathave) dinner athom. (ake him to nce Look at the phrases below. What did/didnt you do last week? Wrte sentences then tell your pares, ‘ake a photo go tea supermarket, ome toclass ate lose something have shor inner nd some money buy some new thes ‘bought some new clothes ast week box. When s nd used? Vocabulary | high numbers 7 a Readthe Howto say high numbers 120 afore hundred 5 nme unde and cen 20 wo hewsand, siohnared and 1 GERD Listen and wie the pices rT wast ale pice isa Jalepace Sale prce — Sale rice — 8 Now write new prices inthe adver. Tell your pariner the prices The DY0 ployer was 179, Now t's 10. Speaking ® & Askiive people How was ast week or you” Make notes. 1) Tellyour partner about the people you talked to fewasa good wek or Dario and Rkke. Dario Started anew jb and Riko went 0 Poi Writing 10 Look at your lst from Ex 2 Choose one person or thing. Write short good week/bad wesk nes story, 10.3 What are you going to do? Canna EIR ck 2but mest and on erm pans Char 4a Wie sentences for your Listening { 1 Askand answer the questions below witha partner | How ws your week? | 2 8 GHB Look atthe photo above and listen, Matcha person nthe Photo other week Blow + anescingweek 2 aninteestng week 3 busy week Ga) | | 1b Listen again, Complete the chart below with notes. [ What happened? | What are s/he lana? Grammar | going to 8 Complete the Active grammar box with 5, not andae.tookat | tapescrpt 0:7 on page 51 help you | | Active grammar ° congo | semi tg fates = ime} | speiato | germane /@ . ‘have. party? : ‘going to ‘See Daniel tonight? @ | wrot__you | do tomorrow? Where he oe stay? see Reference page 107 dnswersto bx 2b 1 ck is going to find anew jo. Look at Nik, Orla and Dani plans fr next week Waite complete sentences, © YWide Torta and) Dani omonow [yet out fete tay |stayar pee leven [ewes | Jordi [ney | ley" far Jvista— |ravea 1 ck's no going to play football tomorow. He's gong toply tems. © Workin pais Ask {questions om the chart in Bea football tomorow? No he sat 4 Tall your partner your Plans fr next week onunciation {4 HD Listen and write the four questions nd answers. 1 tsAre you gong to buy era present? 1b Usten again. How do you pronounce going to? Repeat the questions and answers wth a partner. Speaking what are your plans orth yearnext year? ‘Make noes and then tell your partner. rm going to move tone ft next yar Vocabulary | fue plans "7a Matcha phrase inthe boxtoa picture 1-6 below gett gotounbersty rere Teamto dive start a business 1b Which ofthe phrases dd you/your ends) your fait o inthe pat? Tell your partner de My brother started business thee years age {© Which ofthese things are you going to doin the future? Tell your partes When Fm forty tm gong to stra business. | Inten yar’ tine, going to ete Listening B&G Listen. chariots story abouta fisherman and his grandson. Pl the grandsons phrases nthe comet oder. startabusiness{ ].enoymy ite 1 gofsing 21 goto university J make alotafmoney []. beveh Listen again. The fisherman ass three ‘questions. What are they? 8 _Lookat the prompts in Ex. 8 Can you remember the conversation between the ‘sherman and his grandson? ‘Wha ar you going todo te? "going to goto university. Speaking 10 Imagine. Yu win € miion onthe lottery. What ae you going todo? Make notes and then el your pare. pRolfefesebeotinebte-yoleyey Holiday of a lifetime 1 1 Look athe photos of holidays A-D. Put them in order for you (favourite, 2= second favourite, ee). Compare with partner 'b Think about you avout holiday from your past. Compete the questionnaire below. Who did you go with How long ai you stay? Where i you stay (hte 888, ean \What ld you do in the maring nd aemaon? What a you doin the evening? {Workin pals. Use your notes to tell your holiday stories to your partner. My favour hoiey was In s999. ment to South Aca it my wife and we went ono Safer We toed fortwo weeks and.- 8 Make alist of ees/places you want to goto on holiday. Compare wth yout patne. 'b Imagine You and you partner win a halday of a ifetime, Read the ules belon {© Work n pais Plan your holiday. Choose he destinations and make notes: + where (eg Marakech In Morocco); 2 how long (eg four ays); 3 plans (eg goto the makes, se the Atlas mountains) | ‘he How about Marakech? 1: Yes, good idea, want to go there. Mow long are we gong to stay? Find a new partner. Explain your holiday plans to your new partner. Fist, we've going ofl to Maratech in Morocco, Were gong to sty therefor four dys. We'e gong to see the Alas mountains ond we've {0ing 090 fo the markets Then we're going to fit. BRO st tsa ster -3 irhe Past Simple You He | teed nome She worked | with sister "| stoyed | name ote Trey ‘Tamake the Past imple of regular vetbs, a6 -ed to the end ofthe verb Irregular verbs fe. vw ‘She | bought | anicecor it | hada compter we They ‘Alot of vers ate ieguar inthe Past Simple affirmative; or example: tuy~Bought come—come do~did fat—otefind—found _get-got gve—gave —go-went —have—had rmoke—made read fired fl! soy-sald seesaw speak—spoke eo You el dint tae | to Gti, ‘She |i iste | to the pop stax te aidwtg0. | out We Use dn’ + verb to make the negative. Do not use ‘the post form in the negative, Shedidrtwentiothechema. ‘She didn go tthe cinema oy oe le nine Use Dis + subject + er to make questions. Do nat use the past fm inthe question Pidtncp moved to Hos id hey move to Pas? Going to Use gong to + ver to talk about plans forthe future er im He goingto get ft She's hotgoing rete ic cs ‘get marie Tey ‘re Ooms fe you he taketh bus? 1 he singe ee ‘he they Key vocabulary Verbs + nouns lose yourwallet_steala mobilephone stayin bed winthe lottery find some money rove toa new house break your arm teeta famous person utr plans gett go touniversity Fave children learnto dive retire. start anew business 1 bre} Complete the email wth the verbs inthe box in the Past Simple (rateh take cook werk vist stay play HiFecia, How was your weekend?) worked on Saturday have atat of work at the moment inthe ening. my end (2) der for me and wwe @)—__ aim. that was nic! On Sunday rmoming,(@) —__tenis with my ends end inthe aenoon, my cousin) me, He hes inland, We () at home and) about our ves. He very hap In ean. Hope youre ok Send me an ema soon! era ‘Waite complete sentences inthe Pat Simple. 1 (ay end/starta nen od) ‘Mu iend stated ane ot. 2 (Louisefmove to Ameria?) 3) (potato my bos) 4 (joule hess /th Michele) '5 (Quentin and fcook/ines) {© Petojnot hehe presen) 17. he ais stat/a new panting 904) 8 heyiwanteat ou tonights Find the Past Simple ofthe following verbs in the Word gi ahve she 2 fd & steal. 2 tte 7 go eview and practice © Compete each sentence withthe correct form othe verb in brackets in he Past Simple. 4 How you brek your am? aes) 2 They___alot of money (in) 3 Why the poice_—_ then? fares) 4 |____any cote oda. (nt by) Your mother some bend (go) tothe supermarket fr {6 Mywife___ your ogi th parka hour age (80) 7 Wnat__you__ for inne? ave) 18 They maiediast yer. ge) 5 Write questions to fnd the missing information. 1 Ssgoingtorete Who's gona to retire? 2 Igoingtobuy 2 {Wht are vou goin to buy? 3. Theyre oingto_2 ae 4 Wetegoingto ee? _ atthe cinema 5 2s going to gett = 6 in going to cal 7 Leys going to got0__2 Unversity 5 Tom and Mini are going to mave to? 2 © Match the start of ach sentence 8 to the end ofeach sentence ah + Thepolce offcer a. your les? 2 twas two thousand, B fen euros 3 Hewantsiostat——¢ aneste him, 4 When did tey get chien? 5 Wsfvethousand and ea business 6 How dityoubveak did she poor 7 Which university two hundred © Doyouwantiohve dos maria? esson 2.2 | Ex. 72, page23 ‘Lesson 4.3 | éx.2b, Nan Ti enbe Age: 22 From: ia Adin: te ba | fieesndiaae | Prone conoses — | wien onernse— | Name | | ge 34 y From: Germany | sine: ot | Clapton, London ‘Address: 16 Davis Street, Ealing, London Phone NO: 920 040903 | Phone NE: 020 gi6a 7147 _ Mobile NB: gro 42901 Mobile NO: 07225 ¢aaz29_ Lesson 3.3 | €.6,page35, Student 8 Communication activities Communication 4 | £2 pase 46 Student B i a } : 3 7 5 ' ‘ |. ist cee @... engen ia : AS seshap etebusston these sap Lesson 9.1 | £« 5b. pages “Anse: ona Leon ‘Lesson 8.3 | Ex. 22,pase 84 Student C ‘The Top Restaurants inthe Wort French Laundey isin | California in be US. | Ics the number three restaurant inthe work (esis Magi 208) | ‘There ar 17 tables but | 400 people want 0 book a table every day! Lesson 8.2 | Ex 3c, page 82 A present for Pas sister: money ‘Lesson 6.2 | &x.9, page 63 ‘student A (best [se i ‘a n | Mincover, Canad ‘Work where wl Communication activities m= 7.1 Ex Be, page 71 Seepage 12 for answers Lesson 8.3 | x 2, page 84 Lesson 5.2 | Ex 8, page 53 Student A Student A The Tp Restaurants inthe Wo ‘The Fat Duck Communication 8 | x2, page 86 Student A We Haddon 14 Brooktyn Rood es Wake s4e Brooklyn Rood Miss 2. Sith 1b Brooklyn Rood Me) Hale 142 Brooklyn Road Communication activities Communication 4 | 6. 2b, page 46 Student A 8 ere Stent ing Seat = e ator the burger bar ‘the English school ‘te depariment store he bookshop the newsagent Lesson 6.1 | Ex. 63, page 6: Student 8 1 big cies 2 John Lennon's music 23 Pine Charles andl Camila Pater Boles 5 Ilia Roberts 6 sil cates 7 the countryside ‘Lesson 7.1 | Ex. 8c, page 71 Asner: agi! aJanuary Lesson 8.2 | Ex. 3, page 82 A present for Pau sister: money 20ctober 4 uly Lesson 6.2 | Ex. 9, page 63 Student ¢ Name | Pamela Pice the US, From Live in| Liverpool the UK 7 iliay o busines lidey Jo | designee Do | design bag Won age | ‘Work where ‘i Liverpool lusband | Ron Price (Student D) Student D | [Name [Ron Price | From | the UK [sty oes [toy Ds [ sh ga Work fr [an Engh choo in Livetpoot ‘Work where | in Liverpool —<———— I fe | Pamela Price (Stent C) Communication scsivitoe | jrmunication 6 | Ex 3. page 66 erent chart oo Find anice present mina weklong hou? 10 ee a eel mn on MPS ployer have chen? watch alto ins? ovo Lesson 8.2 | tx. 82, page 83 Lesson 8.3 | x 22, page 84 Read the quiz questions. Tek (/) A 8 or Student 8 ‘A= Yes, have, B= No, but want one. The Top Restaurants in the Wedd (C= No, and dot wanton poe a Have you gota computer? 2 Have you gol dig camera? Have you gota VD payer? 7 Nave you gota ico? Have you gota PS device? > Have you gota CD playerinyour ca] Communication activities Lesson 8.3 | 6x 1, pase 85 Lesson 5.2 | 6.8, page53 ‘Students 8 and ¢ Student 8 Youareahotel guest. Ask questions with there a | eorex arr oy nearer conte che Salt and Pepper ‘Menu STARTERS 1 next tothe gallery ice la 2enext tothe bank Vigblesop [MAIN COURSES Bf and eile with ce lamba Pits Dessers heel eam Prot he and bare Lesson 10.1 | £x.:sb, page so: Communication 8 | Ex. 2, page 86 2 student 8 Mona Lisa fs M.Awood sa Brook Road y HL. coe wb ocie Reas Mas orson Soci ea rO.Pamie eBook Rat MisAteoy te Boatn Rnd Communication activities ysson 9.2 | Ex 10b, page 93 ay iF cs reeked __8 A journey across Canada. pacific | ocean ATCANTIC OCEAN 11 Work in pls, Write some words connected to ‘canada. The Rockies Monte! 2 Lath map tC uk spat 2 ote | See creeenan 4 ach prot pes in 2 cna weoeching {| 5 Which place is you favourite? 1 Maten a phrase 16 n the table to a photo a above. 3 Anotuaine | | agoutpesetor | journev tend | 5 Atoa colleague, Make sentences about the photos. Us the table above A bunch of lowers good present for your new giiend ‘bottle of perfume isn'ta good present fore 1 year boy. 3 Look, the photos below, ad the sentences and then watch the fm, Put the phrases inthe oder that you hea them, steve: Can havea cappuccino, lease? ‘Seve Theyre for my mother Is her bthday ke Nice to meet you, 00 Use: On, Steve theyre lovely. Thank you Steve: How much ae these pink Howes? Mike: Can ela you? Usa: Thsis Stee, my new boys Mike: Are these or your moter 0? 4 Workin pals. Can you remember the conversation in the flower shop? se: Good morig steve: Good morig Steve Yes; please, How much oe these Rowers? 1 Workin ais. Look atthe photographs. Ae they god places fors ho Uhik the Vale ofthe Kings «good pce fra holiday sh the Valley ofthe Kings is amazing » table below Before you watch tefl, match a sentence 19 toa place ac ) NewYork —} @ Murawta in New Zeta 8 Wath theft and check your answers, 4 Workin pars whats your fevourte pl Yorks my fevouste pace for ha ace Fora holiday fom he fim, Give reasons, z' Sarh/ Receptions a Workin pars, Add more ideas tothe te sts below. Use yout Aictionary it you want to Agoodjeb good salary Abed ob Apoor salary ook atthe photos ad the sentences below, Who do you thnk says each sentence: Sarah, Michael, Yer ar Derek? 1 | wor th its of peopl, 2 dont ike the ery tar aa 2 Inver take work home wth me. — 4 | don't the cary morings. —— 5 |make cakes forthe motrng cies beak, —_—_ 6 design books ana book overs, 7 Vansner the phone and greet visitors othe company. Sarah 1 set of people and ike that, Watch the fim and check your answers. Then complete the Information about each person inthe able, f= Michael | Yeri Derek statsworks | Stensworks | Startswork: | Stars work Finishes work: | Finishes wor: | Finishes wats | Fishes work Put the four jobs inorder of preference for you, Show your partner Give reasons, Micha’ jb Is umber one on my stk fod and efnshes ‘work ear | Look at the photos #10, Math a word) pase from the box blow to each phate ‘linbing scuba ding inline skating windsurfing unge jumping parascendng.skateboatiog Complete the sentences below with one lormore of the words/phrases in the box ‘hen ead your sentences to your partner, wont te Workin pals Read the phrases below ‘rom the fim Wich activity do you think they eer 0? “exciog’ Biatracing “que =the colours ar amazing fun bat itis’ alvays e357 very il but very excing "xcng~you can see for miles “heap and easy oleae! ‘yea fur ast and excting as but its bovig Watch the film and check your answers Workin pairs choose atte blow and rite ast. Give reasons. he top fie ext ala atts he top fie elaxing holiday aces he top fie acute for aly weekend The op fire relaxing holidoy acti 1 ing inthe sun Look at the pictures, Mateh each pete to an ences below. Which sentences, Workin pars Look a the potas. Do you know how oly any ofthese games? Can you pay them? Tell your artnet Read the article on bowls then lose your boks, What can you remember about bowls? Tel your partner. ery, voy old game, Thre i famous bowling Sic ener hee re eeerranuneer eet Peat eee Tent ne en err ies Preece ere eon reer Perse ee thers Re erymreecer ier eaon Do's and don'ts 2 Don't touch or Kick the bows during s game. 2 Wear white cots 3. Dow' walk across other ames on the gen, 44 Don't make a noise when someone i bowling, 5 Don't ge angry when you lose 6 Be polit tothe other tea 7 You can take 2 tea-ak nthe mile of the game. 1 Be polite to the referee, 9 Don't shout 40 Dont how your how! onthe ground 134 Be polite to your team-mate 2 Accopt the referee's decision ‘3 Watch the Fm, Which do's and don'ts di they break? Make sentences 1 Tey touched and Kicked the bol rng the game. 4 Workin pales, What actiites ae popular wth al people in your country? Ase tgnetemer-belg Aholiday email Write a subject Foryouremait The fst sentence: Begin the emai ow are you? or ior Helo + name — Than oryour mail Were on hoay a swtzertane. We in Lausanne, Our Rte The Alans Hota Wee goat The Lausanne sa aha beat on Lake Gonava, Tate about the lacs _ Your hoteythe tow, Use ‘antation weet End the ema ‘See youn + day (or Seeyou soon or “Te wo atachments ar phates. Photo 4 is Jason and ma. Wee at Lake Ganeva, Photo 2 basen nur tl ren pain any tachment ‘Writing tip | punctuation = atulltop A.B, etc ~ capital eters vesion mark apostrophe Fall stops + Use afllstop atthe end ofa sentence (ur hotels The Aton Hote, aplaltetters 1+ Usea capital ite at the beginning oa sentence. he tw attachments are photo. + Us capital eters for the names of people, places, ays, months, books ands My favounte uthor is Hemingway. See you on Thora + Usea capt let for the pronoun Crises fe se g Hopeta sce you For yur clase rend, waite Love, orfrom, name, For ater people wit Dest wishes 1+ Use capital letters or counties, nationalities end languages She from Spain. She Spanish commas + Use commas ints, ‘sald ord beaut Te attachment ia photo of tour, Adam and Soh + Usea comma before please an after es and, Whar your name, please? AeCofee? —8:No, thank you Apostrophe ‘+ Use an apostrophe to show a contraction Were on hold > Were on holiday ‘+ Use an aposuophe «sto shom possession, o you te Jasons cr They are Susan's books visitng bank A Hpption | my avoure place for a hoiay My favourite place fora holiday is London, <—E- wher is ts inthe [es the capital ofthe UK and its inthe | marth/southeastest/ South-east of England, There are alot of ‘en of + country museums, shops, resauansand ther tourist Use a eters or ‘usta Poland, Erpreen ere | ‘The British Museum is very popular I's —F- Use adits to very big andthe building is quite old. Ba | seseribe pac: think The Science Museum is London's top | Bop. reat made, Stason en So Kemsng ere | amo ent of London. Te ehibitons re aea! | “The London Eye is anew tourist attraction, — | Talk about octlon:n ——> I's a big wheel. I's onthe River Thames, | on, near net, neat Big Ben, I's expensive bu the views of | London are amazing. | Writing tip | and, but ‘+ Use and before the ast item ina st. + Use bur tojoin two teen (ontasting) There ae aloof museums, shops estowonts and sentences ter our atractons The counysie is Beautiful The Beaches ae owfut The tis Museum Is very bi, very old ond vey = The countryside i beoutifl butte beaches oe popular nfl. He on actor anda tacher Teresa museum inthe town. Theriot ogo > Theresa museum inthe town bat there srt a 1+ Use and ojoin two sia sentences. gate. The countysie is beautiful The Beaches ae great. >The countryside beoufl and he beaches are reat yd ark is ery bp. There ar concen the park ~> tye Pork is very big a there are concerts In the park Writing bank Aletter to a friend Is Wertoeek Rana, estoy f— Wete your address here Write the dat ce et — Rare) ath serhenier 2006 | Ben the eter: Dears name > Deew Fina, Fist paragraph: How Haw ave ye Leng tne ng se! <1 are ouard he you're vil ive Wotan eu hy em aves at Jointwo sentences wth ‘the Mer thsletten ta hin mw cmguter cease Ce fcny md lncoy tree soe ~ hmdetariment sve ie goa a fn very heer Igetur at Teicece mea have, | Uwenktadt but Jeveoy getup a? elec He dak abotieher te sorts werk a 10 flock We Bide wek at each and every c Re Ave you il ele? End the letter — > Meese write and tll me your news | Fordose ends, write | tove,or rom name Fon For other peope write | Besrishes,» ame ‘Writing tip | speting of verbs in the Present Simple with hehe it “we, she anit all -stthe verb. ‘getup ear He gets plate. 1+ Fores ending in consonant + ysremove the and add ies stor work at 9 ook She starts work at 30 ‘cary thebi bags and ny brother cas the sat otdock bags NOTE: For verbs ending in vowel +, as With verbs ending In- would ke some mee infomation bout yur atl Do you nave double oom avasle on Sastday Sr June and Sunday ue? ions? + Has tb hotel got swearing oat? nd the email with ook For formal eters and Fanward your rep ‘mally end with Yours sincerely or Yours [otraty + name see table below), Yours snerly ‘ph Bingham Writing: tip | formal English an informal English ‘These ae the main diferences betwen foal English and informal Enis n writing Informal ‘2g. an emalltoaflend Start wih + His fest ram, NOTE: we douse = Beertiend efit Before you end the emal use: + Seeyousoon ' Speak you soon na i Bestlshes, From, + ve, lle best, ‘When you dn’ know the person very wel end wth Regards, Kind regods, Use contractions 2g. 1m, youre theyre et Use would ke not wont. + Iwoul fie some information obo. stemtsameintomaranateat Formal ‘eg. a business letter Start ih ear + MAbs Mss. + surname. NOTE: When you ont know the person name, tert ear Siror Mado Before you end the ema use * ook forward to your rep ‘bok forward to hearing rom you soon. When you start ith are name, nd th Yours sincere NOTE: When you start with Dea Siror Mado, en Yous fat, ‘a nat use contractions Use Jam, youare hey ete NE ts ous don Pronunciation bank Part 1 | English phonemes Part 2 | sound-speling comtespondences ‘is Usten fam, Spal a "Eater ore seen slew ce be Eres tacher these complete key money rece cee pace an ran pasta nd ct bergen icy! an sion, hosbong Same mother month ‘unin "aoube "yung hot pocket 0p $yper are bon per aught Sal ays rodent | Moor indoor 8 tke tine ind fy tye eaeg Flake nate shave iat tn tought play say" oy hey. ey obey ee Sel Thome phone open cays ecaent * mami Ego te snot cart de rromundiation box Al Part 3 | GED winimal pics Sentence tag: eabigbeg “mop: Thats my mapand my mop. love: Vlove living in London. {hop Thea sap nie i Tether ete Tay Whe mye Teo aot the BxoT oo Ter fetes To Sopher ones Tae eet aie ie (ae Tis ae sim om Sw Shea he show a] et ikw ight: Did lane eat eight cakes? 7 hal tow He: Hi Mow ae you? ih’ __iweek ify: wake”! Iwakeupatsininthe week Pat Paut ball inthe bin. econ and pine i lc Pes of fF Tein pink. i they pay forthe pany? ‘She eps her keys nner ba. Tah year Fah? Tesare This eters about eae i | Re yourmice le? 30: i ‘correct: Did you collect the conect letter? Pronunciation bank Part 4.| GE sylabiestess ‘Words with more than ane sylable have the tres on ane ofthe sabes lable words apd words syale words :@o :0@ Tappy seven ston Taper acess between toy sori paspot tater tun ekind_ Chinese fone sik big young. read lean fend. gest ake hse teach road west website sumame photo design uly expan, awl teacher pire Iistake desert because $ modern Sunday aati words Table words abe words @00 :0@0 :00@ Ini» feourte galley olay: eleven computer cahwdat aernaan engineer lnvoduce beaulful Saturday stor espeso tachment $ magazine hrewsagent medium popular important piano desener oppoite itrview architect: veporter together September hosp ‘omarow eek potato Part 5 | GEM sentence stress and weak Part 6 | GIB questions forms Weoften use weak forms atthe bagning of questions. | Same sales are stessedinasetence. Others ate Ae ps anoney ew ‘weak. Stressed syllables are usually in nouns, verbs. i Ad aeives Weak yas oes test of THEY ay? oa or ter shor vont osu hei (aat ny brother in Asta Dosa witerepons? = died Tiss a beatles ist ovo 4? at Tel house very modern. ee \ The chests net othe Bank, othe Sa [My favourite place for a holiday is Cormwall. ‘Ane ougoing to pet marred? (oj coum tf orf i doe is msc en! ‘aterie worn factong Aceyoussing toca? ie gun ort Pauls ry bathers es deste wnt get uptight ocock, Were vou good student? — fs iy a Were ne atscooltogetie 6c wi cup oft please dyn se bint ii They want got the beach ne ‘Kerry found her bag under the chair. Dic you tik to her bal Ym gsing Buy new cr. rtm geo buy anew lp of shoes [zl 32 apr of trousers fravzah 3.2 i brackets (eek 8. (onthe) Noor Ns) 60, zee (bast experience (prion) 9.2 ay cesses] 81 abit (bul 5.3 ‘shout four years abt f=: oe] 104 shove shos] = broad [sto 7.2 accountant [saonto 33,63 sett xk] 62 stork] 23 Det out the conversation kt ato oases 73 cup oftea kp 2611 73 2d [eal 62 adresses) 2 adult dake 8 6.3 adver nov] 72 advert se] 30.2 afternoon [astonsa) 2 ean (ge, agen 6 = age eu] 22 agree [soa 93 aor (sop 2 Altay el 101 Alot offs ota, 96152 always (se, 72 nd (od, on] 32 and 008 (ol oo om) Bc announcement snasosneal] 74 another example oastor rgezsgell 82 answer fons] 62 antique tik 42 any il 5.2 Anything else ont 5) 4 packet of spr > okie oe earl 43 a pec of eake (22 > tek 31 sppontment fpounonl 7 ‘Avil eel 7.1 architect ket! 62 Ar you ready to order? (a ip fot mo] BS egentina latin 22 sumehat (as) 82 sound oraundl 43 est foes 0 arial oral] #140 arian 33 ast fons 23) ask fo) [ask 22 attachment tenon 3 attractive [oreitn] 918 August fone 7.1 aunt ext} 63 ‘usual [sri] 22 alabe [vet] 8 awful >] 22 babies (bee 9.3 baby eb 43 back ek 19085 backpack (bokeh 99 bad bea 22 Bad lek, (Bed 1K] 92 tag bes] 4.2 Bank tp 4 basic bes) 2 basin [beso] 82 bath 008) 2 beach [inf Un beaut Pvt 3 bed ed 5c bedroom edram, ren) 2 efit] 83 Deane bg) 5.3 behind Ioana 5.2 betow (bo) 6 Beit host 72 best rend es frende] 62 betwoen [in 3.2 Dleyele cht 8 big ts) 3 biker tao} 63 a bu) 83 Diehday Fosse 4 ts Diecut sk 73 Dlackbisk 4.1 Danke binge 5 cb ie (ke 2 oad ta 7.2 ook bk 2 ef 89 bookshop ako) 4a boring bos 8. Box nk] 6 in bracelet (resi 42 Brac bev) 22 break bvei] 20 (0 Dreakis (eh 5 63 Bi rv SY brother rb) 2 Un brown fran) 42 brunch ral 63 bt 2 bude ts} 62 bang (sn 5 basstop bss i busy 103 ‘but, bal sot Bye. bn] Cafe ef 6 in ‘alent hoo] 72 «all centre sen] 7 Un cacorde (hcl 8.2 camera (tener 3.2 cane, tan] 53 Canada hn} 2.9 candle Penal 64 Cane cll you back (hoe Tod hkl 7 an hove an espresso, pease? en ar try on apres pila? an help you? [a a elp Ba an speak to Mr Fyn, please? Thon a spk 9 mn iz] 7th canteen [st 73 capital ep) 9.4 cariba 3 carpark: ps4 lin canythe] 93, —_ ‘ashpont (jp castle hoot 3 0 ‘category xoxo] 6 ‘athearal stl 3 cellag sha] 103 ‘lebate score} 83 care sen} 5 Un century seat 9 Certain /Suresoank 44 ‘change iems] 63 rape poll 63 hat sl 60 heck ek 6 fn ‘heck into a hotel [ek m wo hostel ae cheese if] 89 hf je 82 ‘hems Kemi 4 lin ick ikl 4,83 cata carts chica cata cers cinta cn owen ss creas Suc ‘erates een aca 7 cons cnn ‘oats ‘anaes cs ciara cae cnt ssa cee 73 Sovran Sot cocina connate coornan ee apa Sou Soctonna = cmap — Scots oy ————— pe | Peter cuss come | mre st nt scoters cote tte eoeteoom oats eimera ceeimigs ovine on A-Z Vocabulary list = aught (20 2 i engineer enon} 23 ay ofthe week der > 5 England figinl 5.2 wl 39 English pills ead ol 9 enter tots] 43,833 Decemberfsembo] 7 entrance eatans] 33 department store [dipaannn stem tetera et sooo] SoIgMin ening iv 2 eaten 302 every fev] 63 every year Lev i133 fecing isan) 8 excuse me, se i) 23 expensive itspenin] 9.9 plan spl 72 ‘xpesson ise 9.2 factory kon 7 Un fase foe 22,62 fami (temo) 22 famous een] 53 fashion (raja) 6 esrb ask] 63 description [sepa 53,92 design ea] 62 designer [rai] 62 dessert 73 [sas sc ‘icionary Pakjoonl 6a ferent isco) 62 ict riko 8 ital camer (ant ‘kemo) 82 suse (dees 9 i shes 9.3 ane ea as we fast fast] 63 — con fate 60m foe eae father ons) 2 ir do exerciee chs] Bin February etna, Yj 7. Dont come in, [bot kam feat 92 res fineon fn) 33 ote laundry: fi te 22 inate 99 fighter rats 9 double bee ints te 5a fm ia 2c —_ Grawid) 6s find anal) ream [rim 9 in fine [an] 3c ‘reamer tio} 9.1 Finish hi 6 esses 42 Firstname fst si] 3 in ink dk 4 723 fants 83 dave aan 5.3 fisherman fsne0] 30.3 ver ean} 9 - fetta) ryldel 43 te past sty poset 5 fe exch|igh 61 fat na 82 — aly 83 Aig ind 9.2 ‘xa ist 5 Ui Aight attendant a tendo 9S easy il 82 Moora 605, 7 Eatin or take away? Ls flower ian] 6 Suekawelg2 oad 9 eat out it a] 8 Footbal eam [hot si 6 eight fou) for example or mp] 418 ‘eighteen erin) 23 fox sen) 63 = fignry feu 28 fony toa) 2 ‘leven [sevool 21, feuntain tail 5.2 fell fimel 2p urn nn ‘ensuite im switl sutton ond 2 fendingleodn)s02, tee 33

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