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tower -02


huge atrium
tower -01
tower- 03

LEFT - SIDE VIEW OF blocking tower

title hospital

RIGHT - SIDE VIEW of blocking tower

concept is to create blocks and
zoning in hospital it
functional oriented design .
"function follows form"
each floor is divided into
different zone acoording to their
characterstics .
their is particularly a seggregation of different zones on each
floor with tower blocking

front VIEW of blocking tower

sheet -

submitted to ar.ananya ma'am.

submitted by manisha dhiman.

Zoning: The different areas of a hospital shall be grouped

according to zones as follows.
service, and administrative service. They shall be located near the entrance of the hospital.
radiology. They shall be located near the outer zone.
They shall be located in private areas but accessible to guests.
delivery service, nursery, and intensive care. They shall be segregated from the public areas
but accessible to the outer, second and inner zones
service, maintenance and motor pool service, and mortuary. They shall be located in areas
away from normal traffic.


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