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UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NET BUREAU Code No. : 14 Subject : PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS Note: There will be two question papers, Paper ~ II and Paper - Ill ( Parts - A & B ). Paper ~ II will cover 50 Objective Type Questions ( Multiple choice, Matching type, True / False, Assertion-Reasoning type ) carrying 100 marks. Paper - III will have two Parts - A and B ; Paper ~ III (A) will have 10 Short Essay Type questions (300 words ) carrying 16 marks each. In it there will be one question with internal choice from each unit ( ie. 10 questions from 10 units ; Total marks will be 160 }. Paper ~ III (B) will be compulsory and there will be one question from each of the Electives. The candidate will attempt only one question ( one elective only in 800 words ) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of Paper ~ II will be 200. PAPER ~ II 1. Theory of Public Administration Public Administration — Meaning, Nature and Scope, Public and Private Administration, New Public Administration, New Public Management. Administrative Thinkers — Kautilya, Woodrow Wilson, Gulick and Urwick. Max Weber, F. W. Taylor, Henri Fayol, M. P. Follet, Elton Mayo, C.I. Barnard, Herbert Simon, D. H. McGregor, Abraham Maslow, Herzberg, Chris Argyris and Fred Riggs. Theories — Classical, Human Relations, Bureaucratic, Public Choice and Principal Agent relationship. Approaches to the study of Public Administration — Scientific Management, Behavioural Systems, Structural-Functional, Decision-making, Public Policy and Marxian. Organisation — Bases of Organisation, Formal and Informal, Principles of Organisation — Hierarchy, Span of Control, Unity of Command, Delegation, Decentralisation and Coordination ; Line-Staff Agencies. Leadership, Motivation and Communication. 14 14 Comparative Public Administration Comparative Public Administration — Nature and Scope. ‘Theories and Models of Comparative Public Administration — Contributions of Fred Riggs, Montgomery and Ferrel Heady. ‘A comparative Study of the Administration, Institutions and Processes in UK. U.S.A., and India. Various Control Mechanisms over Administration in U.K. U.S.A. and India. Citizen and Administration — Machinery for redressal of citizen's grievances in U.K., U.S.A. and India. Development Administration Development Administration — Meaning, Nature and Scope, Concept of Development Administration ; Development Administration and ‘Traditional ‘Administration ; Characteristics of Administration in Developed and Developing Countries. Public and Private Sectors and their Administration. Planning — Projects and Plan Formulation, Plan Implementation and Evaluation. Bureaucracy and Development Administration — Role of Bureaucracy in Plan Formulation and its Implementation. Development Administration — Interactions among Bureaucrats, Politicians, Technocrats, Social Scientists, Educationists and Journalists. People’s Participation in Development. International Aid and Technical Assistance programmes — IMF, IBRD, WTO. Indian Administration ‘Administrative Legacies at the time of Independence — Civil Services ; District and Revenue Administration. Organisation of Government at the Central level — Organisation of Secretariat, Ministries and Departments, Cabinet Secretariat, P.M.O. Organisation of Government at the State level — Secretariat, Role of Chief Secretary, Organisation of Ministries, Departments and Directorates. Personnel Administration — Classification of Services, Recruitment. Recruitment Agencies — U.P.S.C. and State Public Service Commissions, ‘Training, Promotion, Discipline, Morale, Staff Associations, Employer- Employee Relations. Financial Administration — Budget, Enactment of Budget, Finance Ministry and its Role, Audit and Accounts,. Comptroller and Auditor-General. i Plans — Five-Year Plans, Formulation of Plans, Planning Commission, National Development Council, Plan Implementation. 2 6. 14 Centre-State Relations — Legislative, Administrative and Financial, Finance Commission. Control over Administration — Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control, ‘Transparency, Accountability and Administrative Responsiveness. District Administration — Organisation of District Administration, Role of District Collector in Development, Local Government — Rural and Urban, Panchayati Raj Institutions and their Role in Development. Citizen and Administration — Lokpal and Lokayukta. Delegated Legislation and Administrative Adjudication. Administrative Reforms in India since Independence. Research Methodology Types of Research Identification of Problem and Preparation of Research Design. Research Methods in Social Sciences. Hypothesis. ‘Sampling — Various Sampling Procedures. Tools of Data Collection — Questionnaire, Interview, Content Analysis. Processing of Data. Measures of Central Tendency — Mean, Mode and Median. Report Writing. Social and Economic Administration : Meaning, Nature and Scope of Social Welfare and Social Justice. Central Social Welfare Board and State Social Welfare Boards. Major Social Sectors — Health and Education. Industrial Policy Resolutions and Growth of Public Sector in India. Public Sector — Features, Problems of Management, Accountability and Autonomy. New Economic Policy — Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. Local Governments — Rural and Urban Meaning, Nature and Scope of Local Governments Major Features and Structure of Local Government in U.K., U.S.A., France and India 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments in India Functions and Role of Local Governments in India State-Local Relations in India PAPER - III (A) (CORE GROUP ) Unit -2 Public Administration — Meaning, Nature and Scope, Public and Private ‘Administration, New Public Administration, New Public Management. Unit ~ 1 Organisation — Bases of Organisation — Formal and Informal, Principles of Organisation, Hierarchy, Span of Control, Unity of Command, Delegation, Decentralisation, Co-ordination and Line & Staff Agencies. Unit ~ I ‘Administrative Thinkers — Kautilya, Woodrow Wilson, Luther Gullick and Lyndall Urwick, Max Weber, F. W. Taylor, Henry Fayol, MP. Follet, Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, Herbert Simon, D.H. McGregor, Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg and Chris Argyris. Unit - IV Theories and Models of Comparative Public Administration — Contributions of Fred Riggs, Montgomery and Ferrel Heady. ‘A Comparative Study of the Administration, Institutions and Processes in U.K., U.S.A. and India. Unit -V Development Administration — Meaning, Nature and Scope, Concept of Development Administration, Development Administration and Traditional ‘Administration, Characteristics of Administration in Developed and Developing Countries. Bureaucracy and Development Administration. Unit ~ VI Indian Administration — Organisation of the Union Government — Central Secretariat, Ministries and Departments, Cabinet Secretariat, P.M.O. Organisation of the State Government — Secretariat, Role of Chief Secretary, Organisation of Departments and Directorates. Unit - Vi Personnel Administration — Classification of Services, Recruitment, Recruitment Agencies — U.P.S.C. and State Public Service Commissions, Training, Promotion, Discipline, Morale, Staff Associations, Employer- Employee Relations. Financial Administration — Budget — Meaning, Preparation and Enactrment, Finance Ministry and its Role, Audit and Accounts, Comptroller and Auditor- General. Unit - VOI Research Methodology — Research Methods in Social Sciences. ‘Types of Research, Sampling, Tools of Data Collection. Unit - xX Structure of District Administration, Role of District Collector, Local Government — Rural and Urban : Structure, Functions and Role, Finances ; State-Local Relations. Unit - Xx Social and Economic Administration — The Concept of Social Welfare, Social Justices and Social Change. The Concepts of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation — The New Economic Policy. Role of Voluntary and Non-governmental Agencies in Socio-economic Development. PAPER - III (B) (ELECTIVE / OPTIONAL ) Elective -I Public Policy — Meaning, Types and Significance. Approaches to Public Policy. Institutional Arrangements for Policy-making. Policy-making Process, Policy Implementation, Policy Education, Policy Monitoring and Evaluation. Policy Analysis. Elective - II Concepts of Social Welfare, Social Justice and Social Change. Organisational Structure for Social Justice Administration — Central Social Welfare Board, State Social Welfare Boards, Role of N.G.O.s and Voluntary Organisations, State Departments of Social Welfare and the Union Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Reservation Policy. Major Social Sectors — Health and Education. 5 Elective ~ Il Economic Policy in India since Independence. Concept of Mixed Economy. Industrial Policy Resolutions and Growth of Public Enterprises in India. Public Enterprises — Features, Problems of Management, Accountability and Autonomy. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation, Disinvestment Policy — The New Economic Policy. Elective - IV Local Self-Government — Meaning, Nature and Scope. 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments in India. Organisation and Functions. Finances. State and Local Government Relations. Challenges before the Local Self-Government. Elective - V 14 Concept of Rural Development, Approaches to Rural Development, Community Development, Area Development, Integrated Rural Development, Centralization and Decentralization, Role of Cooperatives. Process of Urbanization, Urban Development Infrastructure, Housing, Water Supply, Sewerage, Environment, Transport. Master Plan, National Capital Region, Development Authorities, Slums. 1, 14 SAMPLE QUESTIONS PAPER - I Which of the following statements about the meaning of Public Administration is correct ? (A) It is an individual effort directed towards the realization of a conisciously laid down objective. (B) According to Pfeifner and Presthus, administration is the organisation and direction of human and material resources to obtain the results which may not be clearly defined. (C) According to John A. Vieg, administration is determined, action taken in pursuit of conscious purpose. (D) Public Administration is not concerned with subject of intellectual istudy and inquiry. Which of the following are the common features of comparative administration and comparative politics as stated by Ferrel Heady and Sybil L.Stokes ? I. Comparative youth of their participants Il. Effort to arrive at concepts and theories that are timely universal Ill, Effort to be inter-disciplinary in #nterests and techniques IV. General commitment to the outlook identified with behaviouralism. Select the correct answer from the codes given below : @ (B) © () 1, and Il, Il and IV I, I, WI and IV I, Il and Iv. in é PAPER - II (A) “the roots of scientific study of Public Administration are traced to the pioneering contribution made by Woodrow Wilson.” Examine. OR “The P.M.O. is the centre of all activities of the Government of India.” Elaborate. “The difference between development and traditional development adrninistration is generally untenable.” Comment. OR “Though public bureaucracy has emerged as the career of the policies and programmes of the Government, it is time to focus attention on its weaknesses and inadequacies in this regard.” Analyse. PAPER - III (B) “Centralizing tendencies in Indian federalism are vividly established in the state-level government relations/hip even to-day.” Discuss. OR feayit : mreaem Yd yeaa ei, wea — den Wea — I(T ATT B) 1 WA-TA — I 4 50 ag-faactt wer ( ag-frnett aes, qafea ae, Wer / sae, HaA-sT aeT +) ei, fara te 100 4M we — aw ASB eT; We — (A) Ay fra wan & 10 WH ( 300 Wei HT) tT ford wets wer 16 sist ar aT | A we yar 8 wr-uH FR arate farmed & ae FT (10 We, 10 Fae a; Ha iF 160 FA) | FeR-Ta— 1 (B) afrard etm, fred hee favat Fa cae ver eh whanet wt Fact We ve ( uH these San 800 wel & ) en eh, fea ste 40 em | we — ‘a stw 200 FA Ll 14 wiwa— dire werent & feet tie wae — ae, apie ait aa, che were Sik fot genes, vais ie were, wan ce wera | yuatr frase — sifera, qed faces, qfes ae site, faq daz, who Teryo Sen, Trt trate Tet Tro tho wre, Wet AH, aio ange aeTE, eae aE, Sto Wao tate, aaren teh, estat, fra unite en tee fra 1 fear — meta free, aRa-aere free, stecmet free, cea am afea-afiarat rary | cis vere & gern & soe — Safe wey, eraerardt sa, STaeeraret sam, drarers-araiers Soa, Polarity aera sonra, ce sift a araret sr 1 area — der & aren, straits a errata de, dea & feera — yea, fram an fran. a, ares St tea, Tee, feria a TA; Wa a eT afrReT 1 Ayes, af a Ta | erie oie wet aeriere cies vere — wef wa a | gerne ete were & feard ait vite — te firs, siete cen thea eet ar arr | re fats, dae ws often ser ad & were, Seas cer virasih a erTT Fer | de fats, dqe ws often cer ara F were H fein ai fate fafeat | anita: 3 weet — te fats, dae wea arti sen aa A oa-ferarad Farr eT aeiatt 1 3. 4 14 ferent WET faera vered — ard, upia a as, faere WEIR St steer; fara sere atte rere were; farafers faareetter Sell Se wares at fester adafre a Prt a4 sk Tra WIT | dren — aftarern ven ater Prato, ater faearrat Ger AEA | stare wa farara were — aise Prato a fiers A stereeret et freer 1 faara were — atacand’, conifer, wactet ferteal, warsenfer, frenfaet ce waant a unerfen fiat | frara 2 ot weenie armory wedi wen Tarte wera SrA — STMT UAT BI, Ao Sho SAS Go, faa sara WSF | srrediter WeTTeTT 1 eadaan 3 aaa weratren ferred — vier dard ; fren sik Uses TET | eR RR TK WER HI Grea — afsaray, tara we faut ar dre, thihtecia afaarery, werriat a arate | WI BRT MER a es — Bisa, Fer aaa st fran, caret, feerif cer freee at TST | atte yet — dari an atin, wel, vet ae are sate, de cites Se are ait we che dar arin, vita, veefe, sae, wise, were we, frate-atert are | fad weret — ae, aoe fraty, fra dares o gaat ofan, crear a cen Tam, fram ua Hereran weer anent — daasta disent , adtsen fini, aise sain, wets farara oftrg, ast ara awe were — fear, verafre cen facia, faa ait 1 area % friar — feud, ariateen atk afer friar, wrefeter, sarees wer werafra deere | faren vere — faen wees ar tes, fren wear a feare Sere yf, earita weet — orion 3 wed, dered os dead att frare FY saat afta anita ten wa — care te eaTTS | weariisa free cen weratre siftroia | ada & Wea wea AF werahrs QIK | 10 5. 6. 7 14 ‘viter wafer wie & BT wren St Tear Te ee WET ( ats) Prater wars faa & ste vefeat aheert fafifa ayer — fafa viata apt at wire Tear a ates dae at fafa — weTact, seacER, frreget ar ara facta Tea sist THAT aaa vals & ads — area, ages ak neater fede Ger arofies ua anfties wera ernie wea sen anf aa — ad, wpfa a aa arate cars sea tS wen Tea Ba Bea aS wae annie aa — cares cen fren ana 4 siete sift—wena wen ardafre ga a free adate da — fatwa, were st anemt, seer sik Tarra ag safes fifa — santero, frsttencr cen feredtere | warita aeatt — uniter a gett waria ware an ad, wef ae aa Fe fea, sage we arte, wie sen a A carta aR wt WE fers cer TAT une 4 73af cen 743f disease ane @ cara aes & eed wer yferar ura 8 aed 3 warts aad & ata wears Wr-wa — WI ( A) [= faa ] ¥aR 1 aie wares — ad, wpfe cer da, che wares wa fret were, sats ches were, sels aie wa | Fag — 0 net — drat & ate, shrantts wen ertrenite, det & fears, vestor, Fria ar a, ante st Gea, Te, as, TH Te ya ws Rh arf | Fag — m1 yerefre frame — sifeea, qed few, eam alee a feisa afte, Aan day, THe Seo Fen, TA Wala, Wie Tho wide, Weed Aah, Bet wa, eee IgG, Slo THe fair, soem ari, trette estert wen firs Tene sang — IV Genes che waren & fear wer wha — tee fra, siete aon thee Set er TET dz fats, dqe wer safer ae ee A cen, densi sen sire a Gea Fer | Fag — Vv fara va — aed, wef ae ao, faere vener st sare, faere wees ReTTTa weren, ferafea ait fersreeter Seif at weretie feretrare 1 steacerdt cen feraerea WEI | Fag — VI anda WIR — ae RRR WER Stes — Gate afer, tora wa fam, tabiseia afar, vercist erates | TS TER wT ae — afrarey, Fer alas St afta, fei aon Feeeral ar aes | 14 12 yas — VE afte vere — dani a aia, vel, rdf free — da che Sar ori ger Tey che tar anim, vite, wate, ages, waa, atari de, fater-artad daa | fda wa — ae — af, Prato an dard, faa dares a gaat afte, Ger wen ae adam, Pras ud verre ater | very — vi ie vet — annie fear 4 she fafiat vie & wy, wise, ae a sitet dae & aT | ya — x fret Ware St deat, fren aeraet we ye, waMta weER — ori a wet: saTT, ord a afte, faa; 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