IELTS Writing Task 1

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IELTS Writing Task 1 - General

In Task 1, candidates are asked to respond to a given problem with

a letter requesting information or explaining a situation. It is
suggested that about 20 minutes is spent on Task 1, which
requires candidates to write at least 150 words. Depending on
the task suggested, candidates are assessed on their ability to:
engage in personal correspondence
elicit and provide general factual information
express needs, wants, likes and dislikes
express opinions (views, complaints etc.)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The chart below gives information about Someland's main exports in 2005, 2015, and future
projections for 2025.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Model answer
This bar chart illustrates the performance of Someland's primary exports in 2005 and 2015. It also indicates future
projections for 2025. According to the data, it seems likely that international tourism will become the dominant
industry, although dairy exports will remain strong. In 2005, we can see that tourism was the greatest exports earner
of the three industries, with revenue standing at just over $6 billion.
This figure has increased slightly, so that now, in 2015, it has reached almost $7 billion. It is estimated that
international tourism will continue to grow, so that by 2025, it will be earning around $8 billion for the country. In
2000, dairy exports were worth around $5 billion, but since then there has been a dramatic increase, and sales for
this year are approximately $8 billion. Experts are predicting that exports in this area may fall slightly, so a figure of
$7.5 billion is expected for 2025. Meat products are the third key industry in Someland, but sales have dropped since
2000 and now stand at $3.5 billion. It is expected that sales will continue to decrease in the future.
(187 words)


by: Teacher jhoy

When writing a Task 1 answer, it is important to describe numbers and data in different ways to avoid repetition. You
will be given credit for doing this, as it will show you have a wider range of vocabulary.

When you first see a bar chart, ask yourself the following questions:
1) What do the numbers on the vertical/horizontal axis measures?
2) How is the information grouped on the other axis?
3) What do the different shades of the bars show?
4) When was the data collected?
The answers will give you the essential information for understanding it. Make sure you know which units are being used to measure
2. Comparing and grouping information Summarizing charts always involves making comparisons. Some diagrams also
require comparisons, particularly if you have to describe stages or have more than one piece of visual material. Part of
the task of organizing your answer involves deciding how to categorize or group the information you need to compare.

Example 2 :
The Graph
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph below shows relative price changes for fresh fruits and vegetables, sugars and sweets,
and carbonated drinks between 1978 and 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Read the following model answer. Complete the answer by filling the gaps with a
word from the box below.


temporarily remained







Model answer
The graph shows changes in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets,
and carbonated drinks over a thirty-year .......... in the US between 1979 .......... 2009. The
graph also shows the general .......... in the consumer price index during this time.
While the consumer price index showed a slow and .......... increase from 1979 to 2009,
the same cannot be said for the price of carbonated, or soft drinks. After rising briefly
between 1979 and 1981, they .......... fairly constant until 1999, when the price did begin
to increase slowly.
In contrast, there was a marked difference in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables,
which, despite.......... fluctuations, rose .......... throughout this period. In fact, fresh food
prices only levelled out.......... between 1990 and 1992 and again .......... 2000 to 2001.
However, .......... 2008 the price had increased by more than 300%.

Model with Answer :

The graph shows changes in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets, and carbonated
drinks over a thirty-year period in the US between 1979 and 2009. The graph also shows the
general trend in the consumer price index during this time.
While the consumer price index showed a slow and steady increase from 1979 to 2009, the same cannot
be said for the price of carbonated, or soft drinks. After rising briefly between 1979 and 1981,
they remained fairly constant until 1999, when the price did begin to increase slowly.
In contrast, there was a marked difference in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, which,
despiteperiodic fluctuations, rose steadily throughout this period. In fact, fresh food prices only levelled
out temporarily between 1990 and 1992 and again from 2000 to 2001. However, by 2008 the price had
increased by more than 300%.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You had a good meal in a local restaurant with your family. Write a letter to the newspaper to tell
them about it, describe the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth visiting.
You should write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir,
Model answer
To the Editor,
I am a long standing member of our local community and I am writing a recommendation to other citizens
for one of our fine neighbourhood dining establishments; The Lone Star Caf.
There were many impressive attributes which struck me upon my entrance, such as the dcor and
ambience. I particularly enjoyed the laidback attitude of the place. But for my mind it was the service
along with the size and quality of the portions that was most memorable.
The service was professional yet intimate, and along with the sheer quantity of the dishes served,
motivated me to pass on my recommendation. I enjoyed a steak of mammoth proportions and a giant
fresh, crisp salad accompanied by a selection of appropriately selected seasonal vegetables. The piece
de resistance, however, was the rich Black Forest gateau served as dessert and all for a reasonable
I hope after reading this, potential customers will frequent this diner Bon appetite.
Yours truly
(161 words)

IELTS Writing Task 1 - General


The graphs below show the numbers of male and female workers in
1975 and 1995 in several employment sectors of the republic of
Write a report for a university teacher describing the information shown.
You should write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can

cause tooth decay. (High acid levels are measured by low pH
Describe the information below and discuss the implications for dental health.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You would like to buy some electrical goods at a shop in a nearby town.
Write a letter to the shop and ask if they have the things you want or whether they will be able to
order them. Ask what the prices are and how long they will be able to hold the goods for you.
You should write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir.

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