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Safe and


Fire Prevention


Fire Prevention Diagram

For Further Information (/eng/Topics/Fire/#for)

The safest way to deal with fire is to prevent it.

Under Section 19 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
(the 2005 Act
every employer shall identify hazards, assess risks and have a written risk assessment
including any unusual or other risks. To comply with Section 19, employers are required to
carry out risk assessments

and to record these in the Safety Statement. A fire safetyrisk assessment

should be conducted. Fire prevention should form part of this.

A fire safety risk assessment

should include
Fire Prevention


Fire Detection and Warning


Emergency Escape and Fire Fighting


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Fire Prevention
The Fire Prevention Triangle - Heat, Oxygen and Fuel

A fire needs three elements - heat, oxygen and fuel. Without heat, oxygen and fuel a fire will not start or
fire is to remove one or more of heat, oxygen or fuel. The risk assessment
should include detail on all three elements to minimise the risk of a fire starting/ spreading.

A fire prevention strategy and a fire risk assessment

should include detail and a full consideration of all of the issues - including issues arising from
heat, oxygen and fuel. Advice on these three elements follows. This advice is not exhaustive
and is given in no particular order.
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Heat can be generated by work processes and is an essential part of some processes such as
cooking. This heat must be controlled and kept away from fuel unless carefully controlled. Heat
generated as a by-product of a process must be dealt with properly.

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Heat Safeguards
Ensure employees are aware of their responsibility to report dangers
Control sources of ignition

Have chimneys inspected and cleaned regularly

Treat independent building uses, such as an office over a shop as separate purpose groups and therefore
each other
Ensure cooking food is always attended

Use the Electricity Supply Board's Safety webpage (

Have regard to relevant Authority Safety Alerts (/eng/Topics/Safety_Alerts/), e.g. Mobile Phone "
(/eng/Safety_Alerts/2011/Mobile_phone_XP-EX-1_Safety_Alert/), Filling LPG Cylinders

Use the Code of Practice For Avoiding Danger From Underground Services

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Provide no-smoking signs at appropriate locations

Ensure smoking area(s) are away from flammable materials

Arrange for cigarettes and matches to be disposed of safely and away from
other combustible rubbish
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Plant and Equipment

Plant and equipment which is not properly maintained can cause fires.

Ensure all work equipment protects against catching fire or overheating

Ensure proper housekeeping, such as preventing ventilation points on machinery becoming

clogged with dust or other materials - causing overheating
Have electrical equipment serviced regularly by a competent person to prevent sparks and
Properly clean and maintain heat producing equipment such as burners, heat exchangers,
boilers (inspected and tested yearly), ovens, stoves, and fryers. Require storage of
flammables away from this equipment.

Use a planned maintenance programme to properly maintain plant and equipment. Review
your programme if you already have one.
A planned maintenance programme should deal with

frictional heat (caused by loose drive belts, bearings which are not properly lubricated or
other moving parts)
electrical malfunction

flammable materials used in contact with hot surfaces

leaking valves or flanges which allow seepage of flammable liquids or gases

static sparks (perhaps due to inadequate electrical earthing)

Portable Heaters

Do not use portable heaters unnecessarily.

They should have emergency tip-over switches, and thermostatic limiting controls.
Turn them off if people leave the room or are going to sleep
Ensure they are 1M away from anything that can burn
Do not use them to dry clothes

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Hot Work

Hot work often arises from construction and/ or maintenance activities. Hot work
is work that might generate sufficient heat, sparks or flame to cause a fire. Hot
work includes welding, flame cutting, soldering, brazing, grinding and other
equipment incorporating a flame, e.g. tar boilers, etc. Hot work can be very
dangerous and stringent controls must be in place.
Identify all hot work

Only allow hot work if no satisfactory alternative

Ensure relevant contractors are aware of hot work procedures and controls
Use a hot work permit system including
fire-resistant protective clothing
clear responsibility

logging and audit processes

routine checking and supervision

item to be worked on removed to safe area

remove or protect combustible or flammable materials

prevent, suppress and control sparks
prevent, suppress and control heat

provision of and training on suitable fire-fighting equipment

provision of a separate person to fire-watch and use fire-fighting equipment the fire
particular precautions for special risks, e.g. confined space
leave workplace clean and safe

final check of area at least 60 minutes after completed job and certainly prior to premises
being vacated

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Electrical safety
All electrical equipment and installations designed, constructed, installed, maintained,
protected, and used to prevent danger
Get a qualified electrical contractor to carry out installation and repairs to electrical
equipment and fittings

Maintain proper pest control to avoid rodent damage to electric wiring and equipment

Check electrical equipment and remove defective equipment

Ensure electrical cords are in good condition

Plug appliances and lights into separate electrical outlets

Avoid using extension cords. If you require an outlet in an area where

there is none, have one installed by a qualified electrician.

Use extension cords safety - not under carpets or across walking areas
Use only one device per outlet

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Deliberately started fires pose very significant risks to all types of workplace.

The possibility of arson should be considered as a component of your risk assessment

and it is one that you can do much to control. The majority of deliberately started fires occur in
areas with a known history of vandalism or fire-setting. Typically, local youths light the fires
outside the premises as an act of vandalism, using materials found nearby. Appropriate
security measures, including the protection of stored materials and the efficient and prompt
removal of rubbish, can therefore do much to alleviate this particular problem.
You should therefore seek advice from the local Garda or the fire authority who will involve the
other agencies as appropriate. Occasionally, arson attacks in the workplace are committed by
employees or ex-employees. Employers and other workers should be aware of this potential
threat and be alert for early signs, such as a series of unexplained small fires. Again, the Garda
or the local fire authority can provide further useful guidance.
Provide adequate security: exterior/interior lighting, intrusion alarms, guard service, wellsecured access openings
Prevent access by unauthorised personnel

Keep flammables properly stored and secured


Oxygen gas is used

in welding, flame cutting and other similar processes

for helping people with breathing difficulties

in hyperbaric chambers as a medical treatment

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in decompression chambers

for food preservation and packaging

in steelworks and chemical plants

The air we breathe contains about 21% oxygen. Pure oxygen at high pressure, such as from a
cylinder, can react violently with common materials such as oil and grease. Other materials
may catch fire spontaneously. Nearly all materials including textiles, rubber and even metals
will burn vigorously in oxygen.

With even a small increase in the oxygen level in the air to 24%, it becomes easier to start a fire,
which will then burn hotter and more fiercely than in normal air. It may be almost impossible to
put the fire out. A leaking valve or hose in a poorly ventilated room or confined space can
quickly increase the oxygen concentration to a dangerous level.
The main causes of fires and explosions when using oxygen are
oxygen enrichment from leaking equipment

use of materials not compatible with oxygen

use of oxygen in equipment not designed for oxygen service

incorrect or careless operation of oxygen equipment

(Information from HSE UK - Take care with oxygen - Fire and explosion hazards in the use of
oxygen ( - 8 pages)

Oxygen Safeguards

Ensure employees are aware of their responsibility to report dangers


See safeguards in the Code of Practice for Working in Confined Spaces

Oxygen should never be used to sweeten the air in a confined space
Where oxygen is used,

follow safety advice from the supplier

follow the safeguards on the safety data sheet

keep the safety data sheet
readily available

Be aware of the dangers of oxygen if in doubt, ask

Prevent oxygen enrichment by ensuring that equipment is leak-tight and in good working
Check that ventilation is adequate

Always use oxygen cylinders and equipment carefully and correctly

Always open oxygen cylinder valves slowly

Do not smoke where oxygen is being used

Never use replacement parts which have not been specifically approved for oxygen service
Never use oxygen equipment above the pressures certified by the manufacturer
Never use oil or grease to lubricate oxygen equipment

Never use oxygen in equipment which is not designed for oxygen service

Operators of locations storing large amounts of oxidising substances have duties

under the Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances Regulations
(COMAH Regulations

(Some information from HSE UK - Take care with oxygen - Fire and explosion hazards in the use
of oxygen ( - 8 pages)

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Workplaces in which large amounts of flammable materials are displayed, stored or used can
present a greater hazard than those where the amount kept is small.
In relation to fire, fuel consists of flammable material. Flammable material is material that
burns readily in a normal atmosphere. Flammable materials include flammable liquids (e.g.
petrol), flammable gasses (e.g. propane and butane) and flammable solids (e.g. charcoal,
paper). It is important to identify all flammable materials that are in your workplace so that
proper controls can be put in place.

Great care is required in the storage, handling and use of flammable materials. Safety Data
may provide detailed advice.

Fuel Safeguards

Ensure employees are aware of their responsibility to report dangers


Follow the Authoritys advice on LPG (/eng/Topics/Liquid_Petroleum_Gas_LPG_/)

Follow the Authoritys advice on explosive atmospheres

(/eng/Topics/ATEX_and_Electrical_Apparatus/) and use the Guide to the Safety, Health and
Welfare at Work (General Application)Regulations2007 - Part 8:Explosive Atmospheres

Use the Code of Practice For Avoiding Danger From Underground Services
Use Bord Gis Networks safety webpage ( including
Dial Before You Dig (

Ensure furnishings and fittings in places of assembly comply with the Code of Practice for
Fire Safety of Furnishings and Fittings in Places of Assembly
Permit no timber lining on ceiling, corridor walls/ ceilings or stairways (only exception is Class
0 MDF)
Take care if placing notice boards in escape corridors/ routes as any paper on the board
could be fuel in the event of a fire

Where there is a possibility of the presence of flammable gas/ vapour, conduct a full risk
assessment and consider the need for gas detection equipment

Where gas detection equipment is needed, ensure it is properly installed, maintained and

Operators of locations storing larger amounts of

( substances with flammable
or explosive properties have duties
under the COMAH Regulations
(Note that the highly flammable liquid threshold is 10 tonnes, while Hydrogen and Acetylene
are both at 5 tonnes.)
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Flammable materials
Identify all flammable materials so that proper controls can be put in place
Identify use of substances with flammable vapours (e.g. some adhesives)

Reduce quantities of flammable materials to the smallest amount necessary for running the
business and keep away from escape routes
Replace highly flammable materials with less flammable ones

Store remaining stocks of highly flammable materials properly outside, in a separate

building, or separated from the main workplace by fire-resisting construction

Provide clearly marked separate storage for flammable chemicals, gas cylinders, and waste
Train employees on safe storage, handling and use of flammable materials

Keep stocks of office stationery and supplies and flammable cleaners' materials in separate
cupboards or stores. They should be fire-resisting with a fire door if they open onto a
corridor or stairway escape route
Catering and hospitality premises (/eng/Your_Industry/Catering_and_Hospitality/) see
relevant sections of Safe Hospitality
(/eng/Publications_and_Forms/Publications/Retail/Safe_Hospitality.html), e.g. sections 1.13
LPG/ Gas Safety, 1.15 Fire Safety, 6.11 Flamb Lamps

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a webpage on combustible dust
( with tabs, beginning with
information for users unfamiliar with combustible dust
( hazards

See our information sheet on home heating oil

(2 pages), and our information sheets on storage of hazardous chemicals in Warehouses and
Drum Stores

(4 pages) and Laboratories
(4 pages)

Work on Gas Mains

See the press release "Construction firm fined 40,000 after workers sustain serious burn injuries"
and the UK article PPE saved worker from more ( burn injuries (
This is highly specialised work and a detailed risk assessment must be conducted
Detailed work instructions must be put in place

Construction and Maintenance (/eng/Your_Industry/Construction/) workers see advice on

planning construction and maintenance activities at, e.g. precautions to avoid
underground services and/or overhead lines
Advice should be sought from the gas supplier as needed
Workers must be properly trained and supervised

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Flammable liquids
Flammable liquids can present a significant risk of fire. Vapours evolved are usually
heavier than air and can travel long distances, so are more likely to reach a source of
ignition. Liquid leaks and dangerous vapours can arise from faulty storage (bulk and
containers), plant and process - design, installation, maintenance or use. Ignition of
the vapours from flammable liquids remains a possibility until the concentration of
the vapour in the air has reduced to a level which will not support combustion.
The quantity of flammable liquids in workrooms should be kept to a minimum, normally no
more than a half-day's or half a shifts supply

Flammable liquids, including empty or part-used containers, should be stored safely. Small
quantities (Tens of Litres) of flammable liquids can be stored in the workroom if in closed
containers in a fire-resisting (e.g. metal), bin or cabinet fitted with means to contain any leaks

Metal Storage for Flammable Chemicals to EN-14470-1

Larger quantities should be stored in a properly designated store, either in the

open air (on well ventilated, impervious ground, away from ignition sources) or
in a suitably constructed storeroom

Where large quantities of flammable liquids are used they should, where
possible, be conveyed by piping them through a closed system. Where a
connection in such a system is frequently uncoupled and remade, a sealed-end
coupling device should be used

Flammable liquids should not be decanted within the store. Decanting should take place in a
well-ventilated area set aside for this purpose, with appropriate facilities to contain and clear
up any spillage
Container lids should always be replaced after use, and no container should ever be opened
in such a way that it cannot be safely resealed
Flammable liquids should be stored and handled in well ventilated conditions. Where
necessary, additional properly designed exhaust ventilation should be provided to reduce
the level of vapour concentration in the air
Containers for Flammable Liquid

Storage containers should be kept covered and proprietary safety containers

with self-closing lids should be used for dispensing and applying small
quantities of flammable liquids

There should be no potential ignition sources in areas where flammable liquids are used or
stored and flammable concentrations of vapour may be present at any time. Any electrical
equipment used in these areas, including fire alarm and emergency lighting systems, needs
to be suitable for use in flammable atmospheres

Petrol Stations (/eng/Your_Industry/Petrol_Stations/) see Wetstock Inventory Control for

Petrol Stations

See our information sheet on home heating oil

(2 pages), and our information sheets on storage of hazardous chemicals in Warehouses and
Drum Stores
(4 pages) and Laboratories
(4 pages)

See our webpage on Chemicals Risk Assessment

for advice on completing a chemical agents risk assessment

Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs)

The use of plastic and composite intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) for liquid storage has
increased. They have a number of advantages over traditional steel drums, in particular;
resistance to corrosion, efficient storage space use and ease of emptying when a valve is fitted.
Plastic IBCs are used for hydrocarbons for: wastes; fuels such as diesel; solvents such as white
spirit; lubricants; edible oils etc.
A number of serious fires in the UK started or spread because of the use plastic IBCs for
combustible liquids. A characteristic of these fires was the rapid release of liquid from IBCs,
inadequacy of bunding and damage caused as a result of the unconfined flow of burning
liquid. This information is from HSE UK's advice on Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs)
( which includes a very helpful video
( The Chemical Business
Association and the Solvent Industry Association in consultation with the HSE UK have
produced Guidance for the storage of liquids in intermediate bulk containers
(1).pdf.aspx) (22 pages)

Plastic components of IBCs are easily ignited. Liquid loss from IBCs can be rapid and
complete. In a fire, all of the liquid in unclad IBCs on level ground is likely to be released
rapidly (in 5-10 minutes) and can produce large spreading pool fires. Ullage explosions
( can be extremely dangerous
for anyone trying to fight the fire. Unless composite IBC design can reduce the rate of liquid
drainage in fires, the potential of fires continues to be very serious.

IBC users should be aware of the risks

Risk assessments for IBC storage should be based on the premise that liquid loss will be
rapid and complete
Segregate IBCs and drums to avoid rapid catastrophic failure of drums and associated
fireballs and projectiles

Kerbs and partitions in storage areas may be useful in checking the flow of liquid and spread
of fire
For partitions to be effective, drainage must be carefully controlled

All processes introducing a risk of ignition should be eliminated or tightly controlled

Strict control of readily ignitable material is required

IBC storage areas should be secure to deter casual vandalism

Sites with large stocks of IBCs should consider drainage in the event of fire

If there are sensitive targets nearby, substantial bunding may be required

Manufacturers and re-conditioners should provide clear information on the potential

behaviour of IBCs in fire
Manufacturers should explore improvements in design

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Cleanliness and housekeeping

Avoid accumulations of combustible rubbish and waste and remove at

least daily and store away from the building
Never store flammable or combustible rubbish, even temporarily, in
escape routes, or where it can contact potential sources of heat
Position skips so that a fire will not put any structure at risk

Clean cooking surfaces on a regular basis to prevent grease build-up

In catering, clean ventilation ducts on a regular basis to prevent grease build-up

Flammable or combustible rubbish should not be stored, even as a temporary measure, in

escape routes such as corridors, stairways or lobbies, or where it can come into contact with
potential sources of heat
Parts of the workplace which are not normally occupied, such as basements, store rooms
and any area where a fire could grow unnoticed, should be regularly inspected and cleared
of non-essential flammable materials and substances. You should also protect such areas
against entry by unauthorised people

If the workplace has waste or derelict land nearby, you should keep any undergrowth under
control so that a fire cannot spread through dry grass, for example
There should be no potential ignition sources in areas where flammable liquids are used or
stored and flammable concentrations of vapour may be present at any time. Any electrical
equipment used in these areas, including fire alarm and emergency lighting systems, needs
to be suitable for use in flammable atmospheres
Metal Container for Cloths Contaminated with Flammable Solvents

Rags and cloths which have been used to mop up or apply flammable liquids
should be disposed of in metal containers with well-fitting lids and removed
from the workplace at the end of each shift or working day

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Safety Data Sheets

Safety data sheets

provide useful information on chemicals and handling, storage and emergency measures. A safety
should be provided with any hazardous chemical and includes useful information. Section 2 gives details on
hazards of the chemical and the potential effects and symptoms resulting from use. The information in this
section must be consistent with the information on the label. Section 5 gives specific information on fighting
fire caused by the chemical, including the most suitable extinguishing media and protective equipment. Sec
contains details on how to handle and store the chemical safely. Section 10 contains details of any hazardou
reactions that may occur if the chemical is used under certain conditions. Section 14 contains information
relating to the transportation of the chemical. Section 16 gives any other information relevant to the chemic
e.g. training advice.

Handle material in accordance with the advice on the safety data sheet

Keep safety data sheets

readily available

Keep safety data sheets

safely available in the event of a fire so that the information is available for emergency
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Fire Prevention Diagram

This diagram gives an overview of fire prevention for workplaces

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Accident and Dangerous Occurrence Reporting



ATEX and Electrical Apparatus


Biological Agents
Bullying at Work

Business Licensing and Notification Requirements


Confined Spaces

Employees Duties
EU Presidency

Fire Detection and Warning


Emergency Escape and Fire Fighting

Fire Prevention

First Aid

Health and Safety Myths


Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)


Managing Health and Safety

Manual Handling

Personal Protective Equipment - PPE

Physical Agents
Safety Alerts

Simple Safety

Slips Trips Falls


Sun Protection

Taking Care of Business

Violence at Work
Work at Height

Workplace Stress

Work Related Vehicle Safety

Work Safely

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2016 Health & Safety Authority

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