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The Deer Thief

Araceli L. Jabal
Characters: main-hunter
Supporting-thief, justice of the peace
Setting: time-one day
Place-on the forest
Brief summary:
A hunter was out hunting one day on the forest and killed a deer. Since it was
very late in the day, he couldnt take the deer home. He skinned it. He hang
it as high as he could on the branch of a tall pine tree. The following day he
returned for his deer, but the deer was gone. He searched the area for
tracks. When he found clues, he went to the justice of peace for help.
The justice of peace asked him if he had any idea as to who stole the deer.
The hunter replied that he had seen the thief and he didnt know who it was,
but he could give an accurate description of the man who stole the deer.
The justice of the peace said if he knows something, tell him what kind of
man he is. The hunter replied that he is shorter than him, he is older, and he
had a yellow bulldog with him. The justice of the peace asked how the hunter
knew all that. The hunter replied that he knew he is shorter than the hunter
because he had to put some logs beneath the tree to reach the deer. The
justice of the peace asked how he knew he is old. Then the hunter replied
because he took short steps, like an old man.
The judge was convinced and granted permission to look for a man fitting
that description. After searching for some time, the hunter and the justice of
the peace arrived at a house. They saw a yellow bulldog. They knocked on
the door and a small, old man appeared. Then they searched his barn and
found the stolen deer. So the hunter, by using his wits, had tracked down the
thief who had stolen his deer.
Lesson/ message: You shall not steal.

The Ugly Duckling

Kristine Arenas
Setting: Countryside
Characters: Mother Duck, 4 Ducklings, Ugly duckling, Farmers, Hunters
Reaction: Do not follow what the four ducklings done to the ugly Ducklings.
Once upon a time, there lived a duck that grew up in the countryside. The
duck had been sitting on her nest watching for her eggs to hatch. From each
egg came a cute duckling that lifted its head and cried. Four ducklings had
come out from their shell but there was still one that would not break. The
mother was tired sitting on the eggs, but she seated again on the nest. One
morning the large egg finally broke. She was Shocked. The mothers heart
melted. She spread her swings and embraced her little one. The
Ugly duckling became the center of jokes of the flock. Mother would fight
other ducks because of him. The saddest part of it was that even his brothers
would tease him. One day Ugly Duckling made a bold decision. A good
farmer took pity of Ugly Duckling. The farmers wife kept him warm and feed
him. And he heard the woman said, If he is fat enough, I will cook him. Ugly
Duckling decided to flee. Ugly Duckling came to a place where he thought he
would be alone only to find out that wild geese were all over the place. For
the nest few week, he lived in peace .. One morning, he was awakened by
the sound of hunters in the area. He fled away as fast as he could. Time
passed by a lot of times the thought of his mother would creep into his mind.
He also yearned for his brothers even if they had done him wrong in the past.
The young bird felt that his wing had been stronger. Now, he could fly higher
and longer. He saw four beautiful swans swimming in the water. He had been
maltreated and had been discriminated because he was ugly. Mother Duck
could not speak a work when a beautiful swan appeared before her. She
would always remember the duckling mother. She cakled with joy as she
embraced him.
Moral Lesson: Character is better than ones physical appearance

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