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This topic include various factors...a) caries risk
assessement and evulation..b) removal of caries
and placement of restorations...c) to prevent the
new lesions forming..d) to treat lesions suffiently
in early process and arrested by non operative


Caries management by risk assessement includes
a methodology of identifying the cause of disease
through different risk factors.and managing those
risk factors through different treatment plans..Risk
assessment should be done as early as
possible.the most important risk factor for caries is
a lack of oral hygiene. Some of the those risk
factors are age, new lesion, tooth enamel
abnormalities, altered saliva and
production,insuffient and inappropiate
exposure of flouride,hypomineralized
molar ,deep pits and fissure, medical
conditions, dietary intake of sugar.

Patients at high risk for dental caries and those at

very high risk have uncontrolled carious infection.
The difference between patients at high and very
high risk is the number of active cavitated lesions
present at examination.

The prevention of dental caries is a complex
activity..its proper implentation depends upon the
proper preventive measures.Preventive strategies
and the process of providing education about the
carious process are more complex for patients at
high risk compared with those at lower
risk.Reducing or eliminating the use of bacteria.
Increasing the mineral content of saliva like
calcium and fluoride are more active in
The recall interval is 3 to 12 months and depends
on the rate of caries progression and modifying
factors present.
A. chlorohexidine
B. fluoride tooth
c. use of xylitol gum sealents

It is based on reducing the pathogen population
size and increasing the resistance of the tooth to
cariogenic attach. The carcinogenicity of caries can
be controlled by ending the food supply, ending the
habitat, using anti-microbial therapy and stopping
succession. the treatment regime is observed by
the patient`s caries status. If the patient is at high
risk for caries development, treatment should
consist of restorative procedures and of the
preventive measures. The procedures are as

Treatment can help prevent the tooth damage from

leading to cavities.
Non operative treatment.
Operative treatment.

Non operative treatment:

This involve those procedures which do not

interfere with the anatomical structure of tooth.
This involves :
Efficient tooth brushing technique
Antimicrobial mouthwash
Topical fluoride
Xylitol chewing gum.
OTC fluoride rinses.

Operative treatment:
This involve those procedures which interfere with
tooth`s anatomy. This involves:
infected tooth structure removal
Pits and fissure sealants.
lastly, medicated the pulp..
After the initial phase of restorative and preventive
treatment, the patient should be placed on a strict
recall schedule.

follow up care
THE shortest recall between oral health reviews
should be 3 months.

good oral hygiene and instruction

Evaluate restoration and sealant
Assess progress of incipient caries
regular dental appointments

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