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Android Overview and History

Introducing the Android Computing Platform
How Android started
Android Stack
Android Software Stack
Dalvik Virtual Machine/ART
Developing an End-User Application with the Android SDK
SDK Overview,Building Block and Resources
Android PlatForm
Setting Up Your Development Environment
About Android Virtual Device
Structure of Android Application
Application Life Cycle
Hello Android Application
Content Provider
Broadcast Receiver
Understanding Android resources
Basics of Android Intents
Intents and Data URIs
Generic Actions
Using Components to Directly Invoke an Activity
Chacked and Unchacked Exception
Understanding Intent Categories
User Interface and Controls
Text Controls
Button Controls
The ImageView Control
Date and Time Controls
List Control
GridView Control
Spinner Control
Gallery Control
Understanding Adapters
Styles and Themes

The LinearLayout Layout Manager

The TableLayout Layout Manager
The RelativeLayout Layout Manager
The FrameLayout Layout Manager
The GridLayout Layout Manager
Structure of Android menu
Creating a Menu
Working with Menu Groups
Responding to Menu Items
Working with Submenus
Working with Context Menus
Populating a Context Menu
Working with Alternative Menus
Loading Menus Through XML Files
Pop-up Menus
What Is a Fragment
Structure of a Fragment and Lifecycle
When to Use Fragments
Sample Fragment App
FragmentTransactions and the Fragment Back Stack
Fragment Transaction Transitions and Animations
Saving Fragment State
Communications with Fragments
Dialogs and Action Bar
Using Dialogs in Android
Constructing a Dialog Fragment
Embedded Dialogs
DialogFragment Sample Application
Working with Toast
Anatomy of an ActionBar
Tabbed Navigation
Implementing the Tabbed Listener
Action Bar and Menu Interaction

Working with Preferences and Saving State

Exploring the Preferences Framework
Understanding RingtonePreference and
Using PreferenceCategory
Child Preferences
Preferences with Headers
Saving State with Preferences
SQLite Database
Introduction to SQLite Database
SQLiteOpenHelper and working with DB
Working with Cursor
Content Provider
Androids Built-in Providers
Architecture of Content Providers
Structure of Android Content URIs
Structure of Android MIME Types
Reading Data Using URIs
Accessing Predefine Content Provider
Creating a Content Provider
Defining the URI
Inserting Data
Updating Data
Deleting Data
Querying Data
Services ,Threading and Handler
Consuming HTTP Services
Using the AndroidHttpClient
Dealing with Exceptions
Long-Running Services
Local Services
Understanding AIDL Services
Addressing Multithreading Issues
Handler, message and message queue relationship
Using Background Threads (AsyncTask)

The Android Interface Definition Language

Implementing the Remote Service
Writing the AIDL
Implementing the Service
Implementing a Parcel
The Android Interface Definition Language
Registering with the Manifest File
Implementing the Remote Client
Binding to the Remote Service
Web Services
What is web services
How to consume in Android App
BroadCast Receiver and Notifications
What are Broadcast Receivers
Implementing Broadcast Receivers
Accommodating Multiple Receivers
Out-of-Process Receivers
Monitoring Notifications
Long-Running Receiver
Security and Packages Understanding the Android Security Model
Signing Applications for Deployment
Self-Signed Certificate Using the Keytool
Jarsigner Tool
zipalign Tool
Manually Installing Apps
Installing Updates to an Application and Signing
Security and Packages
Understanding Security at the Process Boundary
Declaring and Using Permissions
Using URI Permissions
Translating the Package Name to a Process Name
Listing Installed Packages
Sharing Data Among Packages
Library Projects

Multimedia in Android
Accessing Media Store
Working with Audia and Video player
Playing Background Sounds with AsyncPlayer
About MediaPlayer
Recording Media
Recording Audio Using an Intent
Home Screen Widgets
Architecture of Home Screen Widgets
Life Cycle of a Widget
Creating a Widget
Understanding Widget Configurator
Exploring Maps and Location-based Services
Understanding the Mapping Package
Obtaining a Maps API Key from Google
Adding Markers
Understanding the LocationManager Service
Using the Properties API
Layout animations
Animations for Activity transition
Property Animation API for older Android releases
Supporting Single and Multitouch
Single touch
Multi touch
Gesture detection
Gradle deep di
Building product flavors
Defining custom tasks

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